Dead Rivers (223)


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
The Dead Rivers

The site of the defeat of Touma, Third Flame of the Kumanoi Imperial Forces, is known as the Dead Rivers. It is a point of convergence for many important rivers that run through central Tobusekai and carry liquid rot from the swamp on the Western coast throughout the entirety of the Eastern Continent. Multiple rivers here intersect and carry precious, disgusting resources throughout the surrounding land, and serve as a hunting grounds for the Adherents of Rot. Finally, no matter how you try, reclaiming this land, despite it's important strategic position for any political entity looking to assert dominance in Tobusekai, you cannot claim these lands back from the Basmu.
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Active member
Aug 10, 2011
Trait Points
Coming from:

Hela arrived to the dead rivers, the first stop on her road to take back the Land at which her father owned. This river was an important location for Odin as it allowed them to ambush many travellers and opponents. Many of which would join their ranks in order to have their lives spared, some were too prideful and wished to die an honorable death...poor fools, and a few unlucky souls were used as examples despite pleading.

Hela knew exactly how to take back the river, she would do as Odin had done long ago. After diving into the water, she would use the transfiguration spell to turn her limbs into those of a kraken and then she would emerge from the water and attack nearby fishermen on shore or on boat. Not looking for kills, merely attempting to clear the area so that she can claim it. At the moment she would use the Tani flag as her army was not threatening enough to keep fishermen away.

( Transfiguration ) - Transfiguration

Type: Supplementary / Offensive / Defensive
Rank: D-S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 10 - 40
Damage: 20 - 80
Description: Transfiguration is a field of mahou that deals with changing the form and appearance of an object, animal, or person. Different to other forms of mahou in radical ways, many wizards have difficulty grasping the fundamentals of Transfiguration due to its strict nature, every aspect of the spell must be done correctly for a Transfiguration to be completed. Often requiring firm and decisive wand movements, Transfiguration mahou is (along with charms) almost the signature mahou of the Kisei, as wizards are commonly thought of as making things appear or disappear. The mahou takes the form of a beam of magical energy that ( if it successfully hits the target ) transfigures upon contact. Transfiguration is divided into four main branches/applications:
Transformation - Supplementary ( D - S )
Thought of as the most basic of the four types of Transfiguration, transformation spells focus on deforming the physical features of an object. All Transformation spells are triggered with the spell ( Permuto ). Transformations are divided within 2 types, easily seen based on their applications and targets. The first Basic Transformations, reminiscent of the Transformation and Combination jutsus, are transformations that change the physical properties of a targeted item. This allows the user to change the properties of an item to give it new traits or properties. The user is able to transfigure a solid into a liquid or another solid, a liquid into a solid or into a gas/another liquid, or a gas into a liquid or another gas, all of proportionate size and directed at speeds based on the natural speed of the item manipulated. These items can only be basic items in the sense of they cannot turn something into the properties of an element the user does not have, nor can they change the properties of something created by another Kisei unless with equal or higher power/chakra. Of course, the amount of chakra used must exceed the amount of chakra present in the object being transformed for any change unless the object has no chakra present in it at all ( like a simple chair, stone, pool of water, etc ) in which case it is transformable with a simple D rank application of the spell for small things A for larger things. With an S rank application, the user is able to transfigure his own person and take on temporary enhancements such as using mahou to transfigure his upper body into that of a shark, or his legs into that of a bear, etc, and can only lasts up to 2 turns each usage and can only be used 3 times. The second, Switching greatly resembles general transformation, but with with two main differences: firstly, the features of the two targets are switched simultaneously; secondly, the change in one of the pair is dependent on a change in the other. For example, if the armor on a statue is targeted with the user's clothes, then the two items will be "switched", akin to the outcome of Substitution jutsu. The restriction applied specifically to this type the items must be of comparative size and within mid range of one another. Transformations of any kind can only be used once every 2 turns and cannot target sentient (living) beings besides the user and their own summons. Through Switching, nothing harmful can be switched onto the opponent's body/person. Transfiguration of the terrain spreads out gradually from where the beam strikes, with only A-Rank and above uses being capable of converting the battlefield up to long-range. Transfigurations up to B-Rank can be done without the beam, using only wand movements and incantations. They can can convert a mid-range area at most but cannot be used on anything within short-range of the opponent (e.g. the mid-range area cannot extend to anything within 5 meters of the target). The beam travels slightly faster than a standard wind technique while the beamless usage manifests itself on the target, similar to Switching.

Vanishment: - Defensive ( A )
A purely "A" ranked spell, requiring the use of only a single incantation to vanish almost any object ( Evanesco ). Vanishment is the art of using Mahou to cause objects to go into a state of non being; essentially, making it so that the object does not exist anymore. While called vanishing spells, it should be noted that the title is a bit misleading; while items it makes contact with are “erased”, they do not vanish entirely from existence. When the vanishing spell makes contact, the chakra within it causes it to cause the targeted item to collapse inwards on itself, appearing to fold into space rapidly as it is destroyed. However, this branch of conjuration is unable to be used on objects infused with chakra above A rank. This also isn't capable of being used on the opponent nor any animal or living being. Upon the beam making contact, the item vanishes in a thin mist proportionate to the item vanished, a thinly veiled yet visible mist left behind that doesn’t hinder vision. Usable once every 3 turns. Target is left vanished for 3 turns.
Conjuration - Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary ( D - S )
The most difficult branch of Transfiguration, conjuration deals with the usage of Mahou to create objects from nothing. Conjurations are done with the use of the incantation (Obtestor). With a usage from D-S, the user is able to conjure anything he desires within reason from chairs to swords. However, being the most useful facet of Transfiguration, also leads conjuration to be the most restricted. Nothing within the realms of custom elements, for example, can be summoned. The user could not conjure a "sword that cuts through anything" or an unbreakable shield for example. The Conjured objects are imbued with a measure of mahou, ranging from D-S rank and guided by the user's wand at speeds up to twice as fast as the user's speed. Conjured objects last a maximum of 4 turns before automatically fading away, draining 10 chakra per turn. Additionally, the user is unable to conjure people or sentient/living beings, or anything within short range of the opponent. Additionally, when several items are conjured, the rank of said conjuration is split evenly. S ranked Conjurations can only last 3 turns and be used 3 times in all.
Untransfiguration - Supplementary ( B )
The final branch of Transfiguration magic, and perhaps the second simplest (behind transformation). Untransfiguration deals simply with undoing the effects of a previous Transfiguration, turning something back to its original state, and undoing a conjuration. The amount of magic used in the Untransfiguration is at constant rank of 'B'. Mostly used when students perform a Transfiguration incorrectly, or when the user wishes to return something to its original shape. The incantation used is ( Reparifarge).
Note: S rank applications are usable only by Year 5 Kisei and higher.
Note: After S rank variants have been used, the user cannot use any version S rank and above the next turn.
Note: Only usable by members of the Kisei clan.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard element(s)
  • Deal with a problem in a tactical manner, instead of through direct confrontation
  • Take responsibility for the actions of your Clan and/or its members
Alucard and his pokémon would arrive at an unknown place in the Tobusekai continent they hadn't been to before yet they had been close to it. It was part of the inlands, receiving water from the icy ocean up north which had carved inland rivers that continued streaming towards other paths of the continent. A most certainly strategic place, essentially sitting on the freshwater supply for most of the continent wouldn't be the worst place to setup clan control. However to do that, he needed a party to aid him in his expanding territorial clan. Alucard would therefore head towards the nearest town to check in what the current status was within these lands. Clearly, because the population here seemed very peacful it would seem like they had a really extensive protection since the rest of the Tobusekai was.. Not always friendly. They eventually ended up talking with some locals in the village they arrived in and learned that the landmark was protected by an external faction known as the Oceanborn. However after attempting to ask about said faction he didn't get much information other than they were an old family that had a long tradition of conquering warmongering countries through political and high-end militant processes. Not much more information was there, but atleast Alucard got to know where their seat was in the land and so he and his pokémon would travel towards the center of the country where the Oceanborn seat apparently would be located, but he would order Mega Blaziken to stay in the village as it could endanger any hostilility that the Oceanborn faction might demonstrate upon his arrival. While it wasn't completely noticable, their entire visit in the land felt like it was witnessed by someone, or something. Could be scouts from the Oceanborn militia but they had not yet decided to attack him it would seem. Alucard always had the impression that his presence in the Tobusekai was a.. mixed bag. Surely, he had slain thousands of enemies of the free folk in the continent but.. he also had slain free folk of the continent. His rage throughout the Tobusekai as he had lost Hellsing the first, and only time, had scarred his reputation forever. At a closer thought, walking up towards the Oceanborns stronghold would most likely end up in a war between him and them. If that happened, he would have zero chance in redeeming his soul. No, he would have to use political tactics in order to gain the trust to have a meeting with the Oceanborn family which ultimately could lead to his clan having influence over this important landmark that provided life to many of the other lands of Tobusekai but importantly some of his already claimed ones such as Hellmouth and Selva Oscura. It didn't take long after he summarized his theory before it would be confirmed by an arrows shot towards his head from the surrounding forest around their stronghold. It would seem a scout of the Oceanborn had deemed his presence as hostile and fired a warning shot. Alucard stopped in motion, his natural response would have normally been to slaughter the mortal begging to be sent to hell. However at this point and time, he could not afford losing this oppertunity, instead he looked towards the scout which he could clearly pinpoint with his Tenseigan.


He looked at the kid, hundreds of meters away and swayed his black cloack in a rash motion, only to start to walk back towards the town and tried to arrange for a neutral meeting ground with a spokesperson of the Oceanborn faction. His plan would be to have a mutual agreement with them without having escalate into full blown war. As he returned to the same village again, he would meet up with Blaziken who was waiting for him. He looked at his companion with a determined smile, not revealing his confrontation with the arrow of war that almost pierced through his skull. He then grabbed a table and three large pints of beer along with a parchment and a quill, starting to write a letter to the Oceanborn faction stronghold.

Dear faction of Oceanborn, i write to you in order to set up a neutral-grounded council upon which me and any representative you chose can talk about the future of this land. We come in peace and hope to leave the landmark in peace with a beneficial strategy point that serves not only us two as parties but also the people of the land. I write to you as commander in chief of Hellmouth and Severa Oscura, both of which, with this lands help, can be reshaped into something similar to this. During my expedition throughout the Tobusekai continent, i have had enough encounters of ill-intent that i can personally assure you that the continent isn't getting any "safer" with time. What that means is that, i don't believe a collaboration with our forces and yours could come at a better time than this. Feel free to speak your mind, looking forward to meet your representative.

-Sincerely, D

Alucard wrapped up the parchment and sealed it with his own blood. He then gave it to a local courier and waited for words from the Oceanborn faction stronghold. In the meantime, he would stay the night in the motel he was in but not before he would finish all of his beloved alcohol. The next morning, Alucard woke up to the rather embarrassingly intimidating greeting of the Oceanborn vanguard representative who had been sent out to butter up a deal with him. Alucard gathered his things and went down to greet this.. man even though the hangover was convincing him not to. He would jump on one of the horses the vanguard had brought with them and rode off to a distant hill which had been decorated with a ceremonial style. He sat himself down with his legs and arms crossed, facing the sharp lieutenants gaze through his reinforced steel mask with decorative artwork. The Oceanborn representative sat with his left hand resting on his blade and his right arm placed with a closed fist on the tree-stump that was between them.

..So, you offer us an alliance. We haven't even heard of your clan, let alone any of the battles you've fought that wasn't against humanity you demon. Give me one good reason i shouldn't separate that smug face from the rest of your body.

Alucard removed his glasses and looked into the eyes of the lieutenant. His golden blue tenseigan would make the first impression before he uttered his retort. After a few seconds, he would place his elbows on his knees and lean his head on his two hands joined together.

..I feel like whatever i would say to you, you would't listen. Perhaps a shed of evidence in my claim would be a better start? If you would allow me to reach for my pocket.

The lieutenant nodded ever so slightly now resting both of his hands on the blades he had on his hip. Alucard then brought out one of the eyes of the abomination he had just recently defeated at The Pit. It was massive. The lieutenants reaction was more impressive than Alucard would've imagine.

..You've defeated the.. Abomination? We've lost hundreds of scouts to this.. heathen. How did you do this. Why did you do this, it was never your bussiness.

..Oh but it was. I heard about the legend of Sören just a couple of days ago and in my mind; serving as an eternal weapon for your enemy as you died is the ultimate humiliation. I know this from.. Well that's a different story.

..So you acted in absolution?


..Tell that to the people you've slaughtered in Tobusekai. Tell that to the surviving families that've lost their loved ones, killed by you and you alone.

..I am sure i will. Some day, when i get to meet them. For now my goal hasn't been to confront these people directly but let my actions.. speak for me as i walk the path of self-redemption.

..Hmph, so you admit your mistake and through the war against the Mother Cult you hope to gain the glory of the people that you lost? It just so happens that i.. we, could maybe offer something in that line.

..What do you mean?

..I mean that there's no way our faction will be able to fend off the mother cult on our own. We just might've been able to take on that abomination ourselves if it had walked straight up to our stronghold and we'd known about it. But against the Sea of Life? No. We've been given the offering hands of necromancers of other factions and mages but.. we know it's not a mutual term that they are interested in. Once the threat is gone, they will just turn on us instead.

..I know that feeling.

..Plus i know that if you wanted to, you could've ended our existence soon as our scout fired that arrow. I've never held my breath that long since i saw her fire that arrow from atop our skyward councel tower.

..Let me repeat myself, my intent is not to slaughter more people but to help them throughout this ordeal with divine children falling from the skies, news of the tailed beasts return... People just got peace, they need it to last.

The lieutentant would close his fist and punch the tree-stump with a mighty blast that sent splinters all across the place.

We welcome you to our ranks. What was it called again..?

We are the Hellsing Organisation.

No, we are the Hellsing Organisation. Our castle is yours, your assets are ours. What say you?

Alucard didn't reply with words but with a confident smile on his face. The two of them headed towards the Oceanborn stronghold upon which Alucard would inspect their militias equipment which, while fancy, lacked in any kind of weaponry that could hope to take down the monsters he had encountered through his campaigns through the Tobusekai continent so far. With a couple of days of strategic and intelligence sharing Alucard would suit the militia with basic chakra knowledge and ninjutsu. The Hellsing clan banner would be decorating the stronghold, along with that of the Oceanborn. Symbolising their alliance while the official rule of the landmark would go to Alucards clan. With all of these actions being taken, Alucard would leave the landmark after having officially claimed it and continued his second campaign throughout the continent.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard element(s):
  • Scout potential threats
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The duo had arrived at the geopolitical stronghold of the Dead Rivers. Another revisit to a landmark in the dreaded Tobusekai and on their way here they had noticed fallen undead next to the roads, indicating that there was a potential threat here as well.
If one controlled this landmark, you could potentially put many other civilized landmarks within the continent at drought of goods as this was the majority trading route of goods from the north-west to the east. Alucard would set up a basic camp and would leave his Pokémon behind while he would scout the area for potential threats to the trade route. He had no ambition to start a fight at this moment and would therefore be as discrete as possible and gather as much information about the situation of the landmark as he could. As he had entered the landmark from the west, where the trading routes were practically beginning - Alucard would cloak himself into a vanishing technique that let him spy on enemy enforcements. The technique would manouver his appearance in a way that it erased his scent and shadow but it did not erase sounds or footsteps.

(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a ninja escape technique that allows the user after performing the Tiger hand seal to control how light is reflected around their body with chakra inflections. The technique also erases the user's scent and shadow, and is usable on any terrain, making it ideal not only for covert maneuvers but also offensive strikes. Perceiving the user's position is possible only for ninja who are astute enough to observe minute variations within their surrounding environment, such as distortions of air currents in the immediate vicinity or distinguishing sounds, i.e. footsteps etc. However, the usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision or sensory skills. The Second Tsuchikage, Mū's mastery of this technique helped earn him the moniker "Non-Person" seemingly having neither form nor chakra while the technique was active. Thus, he could not be sensed through traditional means.
Note: Technique lasts a total of 3 turns

He did have a work-around for this drawback though - flying but it was not the best idea to summon a gravity platform of debris either as it would be suspicious to have a floating platform above a target which would be an external force he could not include in his cloaking technique. To conquer these setbacks of the technique, Alucard would use his Shikotsumyaku Kekkei Genkai to let him grow a pair of bone wings that he could use to perform an aerial swipe of the situation from several meters up in the sky.

( Hone Tsubasa ) - Bone Wings
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user grows large bone wings from their back which can be used to fly or to defend. The user can also flap these wings and release bone spikes once per turn. The wings last for 3 turns.

He would set off flying up towards the north-west of the landmark and would spot a few chakra signatures through his Tenseigan dojutsu. Not just that but he could also see other movement where chakra was not present, indicating that it was more undead that had mobilized and that the chakra signatures were from the commanders of the undead army that had started to plaguing the continent for a couple of weeks now. Alucard decided to remain in the air and flew closer towards their unit at a higher altitude to avoid detection at any cost. It would seem like the undead had fortified their positions alongside the north west river sides and destroyed a large portion of goods from the north that needed to be sent to the east. Not only that, but Alucard also witnessed several butchered convoys and destroyed cargo boats on the shores of the rivers. It would seem like these undead had no mercy - let alone their commanders who seemed to have resurrected the deceased traders to join their army instead. It was grave news indeed and it would seem like it was one of their most heavy fortified positions throughout the landmark. It would seem like each riverbed had their own unit of one leader with around 100 undead under their disposal for different assault sweeps, each pawn carrying both ranged weapons in forms of bows as well as swords. Each leader was alive and human-esque with fully readable chakra. This was a good sign as it would come as a huge benefit for him or anybody else who decided to join in with Alucard to take down the heavily guarded landmark. He then noticed something..


Alucard had been up in the air and taken in so much information that he had completely forgotten the time limitations for both of his techniques and would start to descend from the sky. He braced himself as he would land straight into one of the rivers by fortifying his stronger-than-steel skeleton and aimed to land on his legs. On impact they would break but his presence being given to the enemy was of a greater concern for him at this point. He was a hunter in this scenario, not going to give out his position whatsoever. He would lie in the mucky water and use his Triton mask to breathe as he swam deeper into the river and just above the bottom of it to remain hidden.

(Toritonmasuku) - Triton Mask
Type: Tool
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(-5/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The triton mask is an advanced yet tiny mouthpiece that lets the user breathe under water and in other hazardous environments where gases that chokes humans could be a threat. The mask simply converts water into breathable air when used under water, while in other situations store enough oxygen for the user to survive in hazardous instances for one hour before getting too low. Warnings are always given to the user whenever the mask starts to run low on oxygen and will start run the same type of program as when submerged underwater, which is to convert the surrounding gases or liquids into breathable oxygen. Obviously this doesn't work for the most potent poisons but up to B rank it could still be very dependable. The mask will always work underwater though until the device is either broken or faced with enough water pressure that it breaks. The users needs to spend chakra constantly to convert gases into breathable oxygen but not for water.

Note: Can counter poisonous gases or other hazards that affects the users breathing up to B rank at the cost of chakra per turn.
Note: Lets the user breathe under water indefinitely.

He would only swim with his arms at this point as his legs slowly but surely started to heal giving the effects of his Kekkei Genkai. Ultimately, he could continue his scouting mission from underneath the water as well as long as he remained hidden from the undead lurking in the woods next to the rivers. On his journey underneath the water, Alucard would spot several sunken cargo vessels with rotten corpses trapped underneath the debris. It didn't seem like whoever was behind all of this was interested in treasure or atleast not really caring about searching for it, as Alucard would discover gold and coins from un-looted vessels. It would seem like their only goal with the entire operation was to cut off the trading route and starve the kingdoms of goods. Alucard would eventually end up at the very end of the river he had fallen into and was now located at the far east of the landmark about to be swept off into the border. He would halt his movements and decided to lie dormant underneath the water until his legs had completely been restored. He would then casually emerge from the water after it had gone dark and looked around him. He had not been revealed to anyone yet and the undead's grunting sounds would be heard echoing through the dark forests surrounding the shores. There were no chakra signs nearby either, indicating to him that the commanders of this setup were mostly located in the north west of the landmark where he had started his scouting route while their undead pawns stretched all the way down south towards the border. He had all the information he needed now, and would remove his Triton mask from his face as he entered the woods and walked the way back to his Pokémon and their camp. Once back, he would map out the landmark with what intel he had gathered and started to develop a strategic plan on how to best intercept the enemy.

*Mission Complete*


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Came from:

This post starts the a mission for the World Mission Dubbed: “World Mission #5: Control of the Rivers” utilizing the following elements:

  • Eradicate the undead located in the rivers (A – Rank)
  • Destroy/sabotage the undead’s fortification ( A – Rank)

Finally arriving to the Dead Rivers, Mirabelle’s forces would immediately scatter across the terrain. With the enemy now here, she needed to make sure that the undead was handled. As she stepped into a tree nearby, one of the members of the village scouting team arrived to her. Her blue eyes remained fixated a sort of foriftied wall in the eastern direction of the landmark as she squinted, trying to make sense of it.

Naava: Lady Mirabelle, we’ve confirmed that the Undead are here and causing much troubles.

Mira: I noticed…but what’s up with that wall over there? I’ve never seen it before in our travels prior to this crisis…
Naava: According to information we could gather, over that wall is a camp or some sorts. Many of the Undead forces are being held there, reinforcements perhaps.

Mira: That could be troublesome indeed…but we don’t have time to waste. When the others arrive here, namely Chise, let her know that I went on ahead again. I’ll start clearing a path, you all follow me as we raid that camp.

She finished talking to Naava as the girl nodded and disappeared quickly. Mirabelle cracked her knuckles as she prepares for battle. “Let’s call in some air support” she said biting her thumb as she swiped the blood onto the palms of her hands. She proceeds to make several hand seals, as she slams her palm. Alas a giant wyvern immediately appeared directly beneath her as it uproots the tree. Once the creature came into existence, it’s eyes wondered slightly as it finally looked upwards to see Mirabelle on it’s head.

Ignia: You…why did you think you had permission to summon me?!

Mira: Listen, we don’t have time for this…I simply needed anyone of you and you just so happen to get shafted. Less talk, more undead killing.

Ignia: Watch your step, human…one day you’ll lose control over use Wyverns…and you’ll regret it

Ignia warned her but she simply rolled her eyes. As the wyvern took off from the ground and into the air, the swiftly approached the undead army. Many of the spirits and skeletons weren’t aware of her approach until it was too late. She made a sole hand seal, as kneaded her chakra in her stomach until it became superheated enough. As she exhales, a powerful flamethrower of flames was unleashed onto the undead, as she flew over on her wyvern. Ignia didn’t waste any time either, performing the same technique as both of them burned the enemies down into nothing more than ash.

Undead: Shoot them out of the sky!

One of the more sentient undead said, as the others started releasing bursts of energy of some sorts at Mirabelle as Ignia rolled and dodged out of the way. Large boulders being flung as well, she ran off her companion as she kneaded fire chakra into her body once more. “FIRE EMPRESS’ MAJESTY FLAMES!” as she ignited her skin, as she claps and unleashes a powerful fireball that explodes on impact with the ground. Ignia continued to push eastward, unleashing more uniformed flames from his maw, his natural fire breathing as the skeletons are scorched by the flames.

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They left nothing of the skeletons behind but the spirits themselves remained, albeit unconscious. Mirabelle landed onto the ground as she rolled, running at her top speed to keep up with her summon as they both approached the wall. “Allow me…” she said as she jumped forward, forming specific body movements as she turned her to become shrouded in the winds of a giant ape. This ape resembled the legendary monkey king, Sun Wukong, as she controlled it to bash through the walls the constructed. However this wasn’t the end of it, as the wall was only dented slightly.

What the ****…” she said, noting to her wyvern flying over the wall and over the camp. “Burn” he said, unleashing a scorching burst of flames as the enemies scrambled to try and fend off the attack. Mirabelle deactivated her form, swiftly landing on the ground. As she did, she formed two hand seals – as she formed a swamp directly underneath the entire camp, deep enough that it sank the walls swiftly but also some of the creatures in case it(10 Meters Wide, 40 meters deep). While Ignia continued to burn the remaining stragglers.

That should take care of em…” she said but noticed out east there was more camps like this and more walls to handle. “I cant expect to do this alone…but its what I must do for now” she said running as she jumped over the swamp but Ignia caught her as they both headed more eastward to further deal with these undead.

Summoning Technique: Wyrms of Legends (Kuchiyose no jutsu: Densetsu no Hiryu)
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary/Summoning
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage Points: N/a
Description: The technique allows the user to summon Wyrms. The procedure for the summoning is fairly standard, following the same steps as regular summoning technique. In addition to that, the user has the liberty to use tattoo’s as well as incorporate the summoning ritual with other techniques as individuals have demonstrated throughout the series. Wyrms are mature Wyverns, they are capable fighters of different types, natures, colors/appearances, sizes and ranks. Wyrms range anywhere from 1-15m of length and a maximum wingspan of 25m. Each wyrm possesses a natural ability (no chakra cost) as well as a chakra nature, their strength of their abilities is equivalent to their ranks. The user is only capable of summoning wyrms proportional to their own strength, so wyrms by different users would differ in base strengths despite their ranks. In a single use the user can summon a single S-rank, 2 A-rank or 3 B-rank Wyrms. Their types are as follows:

Continental Wyvern: The most common kind of flying, fire-breathing Wyvern. Their natural talent is Fire breathing. In addition to the ability to fly (at speeds of: Users Base speed Lvl. +1), they also have a strong Jaw (Abnormal bite force, equal to wyrm’s rank). Continental Wyverns possess Fire and Wind natures. They can use their natures and natural abilities up to their own ranks. They do not possess the ability to use shape manipulation, so their attacks, chakra based or natural talents, only come in basic forms such as fire balls, streams of fire, gusts and twisters of wind.

Piscine Wyvern: Piscine wyvern are less common amphibious Wyverns. They are majestic creatures with scales that break down light to prism, and wings adept for swimming and flying alike. Their natural talent is the ability to create an electric field. Piscine Wyvern do not possess fire breathing abilities, but they have an electric organ instead which they use to discharge electrical attacks. They can operate in water (speed=Users Base speed Lvl. +1) or in air (speed=Users Base speed Lvl. -1), and possess water and lightning natures. They can use their natures and natural abilities up to their own ranks. They do not possess the ability to use shape manipulation, so their attacks, chakra based or natural talents, only come in basic forms such as lightning bolts, electrical fields around the body, waves and whirlpools of water.

Brute Wyvern: Brute wyvern are an even rarer breed of wyvern that underwent evolution slightly differently. They sports a pair of long, highly developed forelimbs instead of wings. Over the years, their wingspan was reduced to hardened fists. Brutes are agile combatants (speed=Users Base speed Lvl. +2), capable of jumping high and over long range distances. They do not have any natural abilities, but they are capable of using taijutsu (within reason) as well as throw punches up to their own ranks. The can only use earth natures, up to the level of specialists and are capable of using shape manipulation.

Deviants: They are a collective class of Wyverns with odd features. This category encompasse all Wyrms with peculiarties such as two heads each capable of breathing fire or multiple pairs of wings. Deviants are capable of using shape manipulation, and can have the natural abilities or qualities of any of the previous 3 types defined in any combination. They can have any of the 5 basic chakra natures. Deviants are one of a kind (so only one can be summoned at a time), their speed is always [Users Base speed Lvl. +1], they are always S ranked and they can use natural fire breathing or electrical organs twice per battle.

Note: Each Wyrm can have One chakra nature, restricted to the natures the type of Wyvern can have.
-An S rank Wyrm has a chakra reserve of 300, and it can use its Natural Ability(s) up to 3 times per conflict. A rank Wyrms have a reserve of 150 each, and can use their natural skills twice per battle. B rank Wyrms have a reserve of 100 each, and can use their natural skills once per battle. Only a single Deviant (S rank) can be summoned at a time, it can have a reserve of no more than 200. Wyrms stay in battlefield until their chakra reserves allow.
-Each ranked ability natural or chakra based, costs one of the user’s 3 moves per turn though they can be performed simultaneously with the user (unranked use is considered free form).

(Katon: Gōen no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Great Flame Technique x 2
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user does one handseal and inhales while molding a great amount of chakra into their lungs and expelling a large stream of flames from their mouth. The user has control over the concentration of the technique, being able to produce a narrow jet of flames, highly concentrated or one that will widen along its range. The flames are hot enough to quickly evaporate large quantities of water within a relatively short amount of time.

[Katon: Karyū no Kōen 火竜の煌炎] Fire Style: Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame.
Rank: S
Type: Offense-Defense.
Range: Short-Mid.
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80 (-10 damage to user)
Description: The user will channel massive amounts of Fire chakra throughout the arm's, the hand's will then ignite around the skin. The user will then clap those hand's together which causes an explosive reaction destroying everything around him.
►Can only be used once per battle.

(Hachibushu: Chishi-sei no Augus ) - Eight Deva Guardians: Lethality of Augus
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short (With Mid Range Reach)
Chakra: 40 (-15 per turn)
Damage: N/A (80 if used to attack) x 2 = 160
Description: Lethality of Augus is an Eight Deva Guardians technique which pushes the style to its limits. Mainly focusing on the Kinnara sub-style of Eight Deva Guardians, which resolves around full body rotations such as spins, flips, rolls etc. Lethality of Augus initiates with the user rotating their body in nearly any manner giving the technique flexibility in how its used. Once the user rotates their body, they manipulate the currents of air generated by this spinning and shapes it into an primate of choosing, such as an gorilla, orangutan etc. This causes a beast of neutral air to enclose the user at its base forming over the user's body as a shield of incredible size rivaling the size of the Konoha Ryujin technique which the entire style is based off of. This shield is extremely quick to form defending the user from techniques of the same strength. The brute force of this shield can used offensively in close quarter scenarios crushing opponent's under its might and force. Much like Konoha Ryujin, this primate creation can be maintained and sustained at the cost of 15 extra chakra points per turn. This allows the user to control the primate of choice as a giant extension of themselves using its size to reach into Mid range dealing 80 damage if the hit lands. Attacking with the Lethality of Augus costs a move per turn. While maintained, Lethality of Augus still retains its defensive properties but limits the user's offensive options. While encapsulated by Lethality of Augus, the user loses the ability to use Elemental Ninjutsu, however the user still has access to other Eight Deva Guardian and Taijutsu techniques by using the the limbs of Lethality of Augus to swipe through the air to produce the air currents or using its legs or arms to use Taijutsu techniques on the user's command. Lethality of Augus can be used twice per event lasting 4 turns each usage. Once Lethality of Augus is destroyed or deactivated, the user cannot use S rank or higher Eight Deva Guardians techniques for three turns. If not used in maintained usage, this technique can only be used two times per twice per battle with a three turn cool down in between usages.

( Doton: Yomi Numa ) - Earth Style: Swamp of the Underworld
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A - Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 - 50
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will first perform Boar → Tiger and then by changing the surface of an object beneath an enemy into mud and creating a non flammable swamp, the user can sink his enemy into the mud. The adhesive, chakra-infused mud ensnares the enemy's body, making it almost impossible to recover one's strength and escape from the swamp. The size and depth of the created swamp depends on the user's skill and the amount of chakra used, but if the user is an expert in this technique, it will always be possible to make a thick, newer impossible to move in swamp which is extremely effective against a great number of enemies or when having to face gigantic creatures.
Note: A rank use can extend up to mid range and will cause a target to become engulfed after one turn and suffocate after taking 60 damage per turn.
Note: S rank use can extend up to a single landmark in range and will cause a target to become engulfed and suffocate after one taking 80 damage per turn.
Note: Forbidden ranked use can only be used by Earth Specialists and Jiraiya bios. It can used 3 times and is causing targets engulfed to suffocate in a single turn and can be up to 100 meters deep and wide and/or up to two landmarks.

End of Mission.

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
"Wake. It's time to rise."

Neferpitou's eyes shot open, and gleaned only an all-encompassing dark. The air was cold and dry, and Neferpitou first noticed that there seemed to be no drafts of wind or scents. Wherever they were, it appeared that they were sealed in completely. They remained quiet for a moment, closing their eyes once more and tuning their ears to pick up any sounds they could, no matter how slight. They were greeted by a dense silence. They could tell in the recess of their mind that they were utterly alone, and so the thought of calling out to another never surfaced in their conscious. They tried to move, but found their limbs bound by a firm thing that echoed clangs.


They could not move their head very well. Something cold and strong was tightly wrapped around their neck, making it similarly difficult to breathe. It trailed backward, seemingly rising and connected to a surface. Their ankles were forced together rather bluntly by something similar. They realized they were suspended in the air.


Neferpitou scowled, and grinded their teeth together in agitation. They restlessly jostled their body back and forth, and their breathing became sharper and louder. Their heart was starting to race, and their jostling now became violent. They were growling and sneering as they moved, their patience thinning by the second.

"If you want to leave, just leave. Break it."

Neferpitou's frustrations had reached their tipping point. It really was that simple, they realized. They hunkered their body over, leaning their head forward and bringing their arms inward as much as they could. Little by little, they felt themselves able to pull just a bit more. They felt something in the pit of their stomach as their body strained. Their core burned, the muscles tightly wound with as much effort as Neferpitou could muster. And then...


The burning feeling amplified, surging through their body. Their every muscled seemed to feel the same tightness their stomach did. Neferpitou quickly realized what was happening.


What they assumed to be the pain of their efforts was, in fact, their chakra pool racing to life. The energy flourished through their body. They felt strength coursing, and pulled their limbs and head forward once more. The chains snapped easily this time, as though made from fragile timbers, and Neferpitou dropped several meters down onto a floor made of stone. They inhaled and exhaled sharply, and clarity filled their mind. They felt the burning chakra signatures of a group above them.
"You're underground."

Neferpitou's leg muscles tensed in preparation, and they crouched low to the ground. With a small grunt, they leaped upward.

Captain Kashi had been barking orders at his men since sunrise. The fisherman threw and pulled their reels from the deck of the ship, throwing their catch into nearby barrels. The waters were full of life today, as the Captain's sharp instincts had predicted. The rotund and burly man's voice boomed nonstop, more lively than even the river. His mobile crew, disciplined from years of crushing hard work under Captain Kashi's grueling training, pulled nets of fish they had caught from along the river up the walkway and onto the ship.

The men's diligent work came interrupted as the ground began to shake. They glanced around at each other and their surroundings, murmuring in confusion and gradual worry. Earthquakes weren't common to the area. Captain Kashi glanced his eyes at a spot that began to crack, the dirt and rock beginning to jut upward.

"Hey, look over the-"

The ground exploded before Kashi could finish his statement. The sheer power of the shockwave tore through the ship, capsizing it and sending many of the men crashing into the river. Large segments of the earth rained down across the terrain, crushing several of the fisherman and smashing into the ship. Kashi opened his eyes, and found himself lodged under a section of the ship's mast, hurled from the impact of the stone projectiles. He struggled to push the mast off, but to no avail. his right arm and legs were trapped under its diagonal alignment, and he was certain something in his left arm was broken. His breathing dropped to rasping, and he felt something begin to fill his lungs. Through his blurred vision, he caught a glimpse of one final image: the piercing eyes of Neferpitou looking at him from where the earth had been shattered.


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
"Wake. It's time to rise."

Neferpitou's eyes shot open, and gleaned only an all-encompassing dark. The air was cold and dry, and Neferpitou first noticed that there seemed to be no drafts of wind or scents. Wherever they were, it appeared that they were sealed in completely. They remained quiet for a moment, closing their eyes once more and tuning their ears to pick up any sounds they could, no matter how slight. They were greeted by a dense silence. They could tell in the recess of their mind that they were utterly alone, and so the thought of calling out to another never surfaced in their conscious. They tried to move, but found their limbs bound by a firm thing that echoed clangs.


They could not move their head very well. Something cold and strong was tightly wrapped around their neck, making it similarly difficult to breathe. It trailed backward, seemingly rising and connected to a surface. Their ankles were forced together rather bluntly by something similar. They realized they were suspended in the air.


Neferpitou scowled, and grinded their teeth together in agitation. They restlessly jostled their body back and forth, and their breathing became sharper and louder. Their heart was starting to race, and their jostling now became violent. They were growling and sneering as they moved, their patience thinning by the second.

"If you want to leave, just leave. Break it."

Neferpitou's frustrations had reached their tipping point. It really was that simple, they realized. They hunkered their body over, leaning their head forward and bringing their arms inward as much as they could. Little by little, they felt themselves able to pull just a bit more. They felt something in the pit of their stomach as their body strained. Their core burned, the muscles tightly wound with as much effort as Neferpitou could muster. And then...


The burning feeling amplified, surging through their body. Their every muscled seemed to feel the same tightness their stomach did. Neferpitou quickly realized what was happening.


What they assumed to be the pain of their efforts was, in fact, their chakra pool racing to life. The energy flourished through their body. They felt strength coursing, and pulled their limbs and head forward once more. The chains snapped easily this time, as though made from fragile timbers, and Neferpitou dropped several meters down onto a floor made of stone. They inhaled and exhaled sharply, and clarity filled their mind. They felt the burning chakra signatures of a group above them.
"You're underground."

Neferpitou's leg muscles tensed in preparation, and they crouched low to the ground. With a small grunt, they leaped upward.

Captain Kashi had been barking orders at his men since sunrise. The fisherman threw and pulled their reels from the deck of the ship, throwing their catch into nearby barrels. The waters were full of life today, as the Captain's sharp instincts had predicted. The rotund and burly man's voice boomed nonstop, more lively than even the river. His mobile crew, disciplined from years of crushing hard work under Captain Kashi's grueling training, pulled nets of fish they had caught from along the river up the walkway and onto the ship.

The men's diligent work came interrupted as the ground began to shake. They glanced around at each other and their surroundings, murmuring in confusion and gradual worry. Earthquakes weren't common to the area. Captain Kashi glanced his eyes at a spot that began to crack, the dirt and rock beginning to jut upward.

"Hey, look over the-"

The ground exploded before Kashi could finish his statement. The sheer power of the shockwave tore through the ship, capsizing it and sending many of the men crashing into the river. Large segments of the earth rained down across the terrain, crushing several of the fisherman and smashing into the ship. Kashi opened his eyes, and found himself lodged under a section of the ship's mast, hurled from the impact of the stone projectiles. He struggled to push the mast off, but to no avail. his right arm and legs were trapped under its diagonal alignment, and he was certain something in his left arm was broken. His breathing dropped to rasping, and he felt something begin to fill his lungs. Through his blurred vision, he caught a glimpse of one final image: the piercing eyes of Neferpitou looking at him from where the earth had been shattered.
You must be registered for see images

Surveying the area was becoming a dull task, It seemed the undead army was not attempting to capture the river lands like originally believed. The vast river system will serve humanity well to establish trade routes and deliver munitions throughout the battlefronts. Taking in a deep breath of fresh air allowed Hei to calm his nerves. His body posture began to relax before a sudden chill ran down his spine. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as a feeling of unease overtook him. A pause.. a moment of unsure confusion caused Hei's mind to go blank, if only for a moment. Then he felt it. It started small but quickly began to grow. Like a dim candle light erupting into a raging inferno. It was chakra, not only far away but deep below the surface. Was it an undead or something else? The signature was off the charts. Beyond that of Hei himself.​

Hei blitzed over to the area, continuing to feel the chakra grow. Though he was air bound he could feel the fluctuations around him as the earth shook. A sudden explosion in the distance could be seen. Vast amounts of earth and debris ejected into the sky forming a cloud that resembled a volcano eruption. Whatever force was behind it continued to leave a bad taste in Hei's mouth. The chakra.. was foul. Upon reaching the creator Hei could only witness the aftermath. Humans crushed by stone, a broken ship laid along the shoreline. It was pure destruction in it's wake. Flying down Hei stopped at a hover, about 1m from the ground and gazed over at what appeared to be the cause of it all. It's chakra overflowing.​

"Who are you?"

Hei asked attempting to establish some type of communication with the unknown assailant.​
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Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
You must be registered for see images

Surveying the area was becoming a dull task, It seemed the undead army was not attempting to capture the river lands like originally believed. The vast river system will serve humanity well to establish trade routes and deliver munitions throughout the battlefronts. Taking in a deep breath of fresh air allowed Hei to calm his nerves. His body posture began to relax before a sudden chill ran down his spine. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as a feeling of unease overtook him. A pause.. a moment of unsure confusion caused Hei's mind to go blank, if only for a moment. Then he felt it. It started small but quickly began to grow. Like a dim candle light erupting into a raging inferno. It was chakra, not only far away but deep below the surface. Was it an undead or something else? The signature was off the charts. Beyond that of Hei himself.​

Hei blitzed over to the area, continuing to feel the chakra grow. Though he was air bound he could feel the fluctuations around him as the earth shook. A sudden explosion in the distance could be seen. Vast amounts of earth and debris ejected into the sky forming a cloud that resembled a volcano eruption. Whatever force was behind it continued to leave a bad taste in Hei's mouth. The chakra.. was foul. Upon reaching the creator Hei could only witness the aftermath. Humans crushed by stone, a broken ship laid along the shoreline. It was pure destruction in it's wake. Flying down Hei stopped at a hover, about 1m from the ground and gazed over at what appeared to be the cause of it all. It's chakra overflowing.​

"Who are you?"

Hei asked attempting to establish some type of communication with the unknown assailant.​
Neferpitou's ear twitched as they picked up on the feel of another chakra signature. Between its distance and their focus on the fisherman above, Neferpitou had missed the signature that was now rapidly approaching. They glanced around the terrain as the dust settled. This new arrival was good. It appeared as though none of the men on the surface had been powerful enough to survive Neferpitou's arrival, something they had anticipated from the rather miniscule size of their chakra. This one, however, was powerful. Vast in scale and volume, the feel of this signature was also inherently different. It was...familiar. Inhuman.

Neferpitou looked up as Hei entered the area. His appearance was unlike any of the corpses around. The mental images that Neferpitou recognized as "human" was distinct from the stranger's appearance. Neferpitou smiled, giddy from excitement. The unusual feel of his chakra and his unconventional appearance meant that this encounter was bound to be interesting. He inquired for Neferpitou's identity.

"Your name is Neferpitou."

"My name is Neferpitou," they called out playfully. "Where did you come from?"


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
Neferpitou's ear twitched as they picked up on the feel of another chakra signature. Between its distance and their focus on the fisherman above, Neferpitou had missed the signature that was now rapidly approaching. They glanced around the terrain as the dust settled. This new arrival was good. It appeared as though none of the men on the surface had been powerful enough to survive Neferpitou's arrival, something they had anticipated from the rather miniscule size of their chakra. This one, however, was powerful. Vast in scale and volume, the feel of this signature was also inherently different. It was...familiar. Inhuman.

Neferpitou looked up as Hei entered the area. His appearance was unlike any of the corpses around. The mental images that Neferpitou recognized as "human" was distinct from the stranger's appearance. Neferpitou smiled, giddy from excitement. The unusual feel of his chakra and his unconventional appearance meant that this encounter was bound to be interesting. He inquired for Neferpitou's identity.

"Your name is Neferpitou."

"My name is Neferpitou," they called out playfully. "Where did you come from?"
They answered a simple response. Although their name was somewhat unique. It was not a name Hei had ever heard before. "Neferpitou". It was not the name that grabbed Hei's attention. It was there physical response. A play filled attitude after causing such destruction. After taking the lives of people. It was clear their mindset wasn't stable or at the very least psychotic.

"Im from the land of lightning.. what about you?"

Hei asks probing for more information...

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
They answered a simple response. Although their name was somewhat unique. It was not a name Hei had ever heard before. "Neferpitou". It was not the name that grabbed Hei's attention. It was there physical response. A play filled attitude after causing such destruction. After taking the lives of people. It was clear their mindset wasn't stable or at the very least psychotic.

"Im from the land of lightning.. what about you?"

Hei asks probing for more information...
The stranger's answer caught Neferpitou off guard. In part, they had inquired more so with the strange features that the man possessed. What Neferpitou understood of humans didn't include these horns, or his unusual complexion. Perhaps the stranger was indeed human after all? Neferpitou began to suspect the limitations in their understanding of humans. Was there more?

But what truly stumped Neferpitou was the question he returned in kind. Where was Neferpitou from? They rubbed their chin as they thought hard, searching the recesses of their mind for the answer. As with all the knowledge that Neferpitou possessed, they simply knew. There was no source, no beginning, no "previous" in regards to their knowledge. They simply knew what they knew, and knew it well. Neferpitou understood this to be a common trait among living things. "Instinct," it was called.

"You are from the Queen."

"I'm from the Queen," Neferpitou answered; their voice was unwavering, as they simply knew this to be true.


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
The stranger's answer caught Neferpitou off guard. In part, they had inquired more so with the strange features that the man possessed. What Neferpitou understood of humans didn't include these horns, or his unusual complexion. Perhaps the stranger was indeed human after all? Neferpitou began to suspect the limitations in their understanding of humans. Was there more?

But what truly stumped Neferpitou was the question he returned in kind. Where was Neferpitou from? They rubbed their chin as they thought hard, searching the recesses of their mind for the answer. As with all the knowledge that Neferpitou possessed, they simply knew. There was no source, no beginning, no "previous" in regards to their knowledge. They simply knew what they knew, and knew it well. Neferpitou understood this to be a common trait among living things. "Instinct," it was called.

"You are from the Queen."

"I'm from the Queen," Neferpitou answered; their voice was unwavering, as they simply knew this to be true.
The more Hei spoke to Neferpitou the more it worried him. It's state of mind seemed off putting and with such power behind it the potential for damage was immense. Hei couldn't act out on the possibility of further violence. Or rather he wouldn't. For who was he to insert premature justice for the possible actions one might take. Nevertheless Hei couldn't stand by and allow such power to freely walk about without acting as a safeguard. It was time for Hei to be more direct with his questioning.

"I don't mean to come off as being Hostile, but I need to understand the situation we find ourselves in."

Hei says firmly asserting his stance and displaying a general sense of duty.

"What exactly happened here? Why did you cause this? was it intentional? and what is 'the queen?"

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
The more Hei spoke to Neferpitou the more it worried him. It's state of mind seemed off putting and with such power behind it the potential for damage was immense. Hei couldn't act out on the possibility of further violence. Or rather he wouldn't. For who was he to insert premature justice for the possible actions one might take. Nevertheless Hei couldn't stand by and allow such power to freely walk about without acting as a safeguard. It was time for Hei to be more direct with his questioning.

"I don't mean to come off as being Hostile, but I need to understand the situation we find ourselves in."

Hei says firmly asserting his stance and displaying a general sense of duty.

"What exactly happened here? Why did you cause this? was it intentional? and what is 'the queen?"

Neferpitou was genuinely perplexed at the stranger's question. The Queen was long gone, not that any concern would have been spared for the lives of the slain fishermen. The stranger's own concern was similarly baffling to Neferpitou. What had happened here? It was simple.

"Oh, I guess they just weren't strong enough. All's I did was jump up from below."

Neferpitou glanced over at their bodies, continuing to mindlessly rub away at their chin, like a cat dabbing itself with its paws.

"They were probably just regular people. The Queen said that was bound to happen with the peons."


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points

Neferpitou was genuinely perplexed at the stranger's question. The Queen was long gone, not that any concern would have been spared for the lives of the slain fishermen. The stranger's own concern was similarly baffling to Neferpitou. What had happened here? It was simple.

"Oh, I guess they just weren't strong enough. All's I did was jump up from below."

Neferpitou glanced over at their bodies, continuing to mindlessly rub away at their chin, like a cat dabbing itself with its paws.

"They were probably just regular people. The Queen said that was bound to happen with the peons."
It was has Hei feared. "Not strong enough", "regular people", "peons". To cause manslaughter from a simple action and have no regard for the ones killed. To think less of them as regular people as if all people aren't regular. It would place itself above others and disregard any whom it thinks is weak. To hold such power and allow it to be unchecked could not be allowed to happen. It wasn't a question of If more destruction would happen, but rather a question of when. It was clear to Hei that they had to be stopped in order to protect humanity at large.

"You've answered more then enough questions for me. It's clear you are a threat to innocents and so I must end you."

From the feeling of Neferpitou's chakra Hei knew it my be easier said then spoken. However it's possible they don't have full control of their chakra. It would explain the outburst. It's best to test their ability before attempting to neutralize them. Perhaps even gather a chakra sample for research. Hovering 10m away from his opponent, Hei simply waves his hand across a horizontal axis releasing a basic form of wind aimed to slice across Neferpitou's torso.

(Fūton Kihon Jutsu) Wind Release Basic Technique
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20 + 20 + 30 = 70
Description: The user will release basic simple blasts or streams of wind from his limbs or mouth to defend or attack an enemy.

go ahead and make the battle thread with your reply. I'll be sure to post my actives on my next move. (Rinnegna, Tenseigan, Chakra Edible, Flight, etc.)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard re-enters the Tobusekai's dead rivers in hopes of joining the last rebellion against the undead. He would make a small campfire from the north border in which he had crossed.

..Nobody around.. Alucard headed east.

*Leaving Landmark*

Travel itenary:

223 - 228 arriving at 23:10
228 - 232 arriving at 00:10
232 - 237 arriving at 01:10
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Mirabelle while on her Wyvern noticed that much of the allied forces from back in the Last Bastion weren’t around anymore. She looked in every direction, and quite honestly her forces are starting to grow weaker as they are the sole fighters in the area. “This isn’t good…” she said, realizing she needed some supplies. She mounted her dragon, immediately taking to the skies above as she announced for the Tsumigakure forces to fall back, she needed to restock on supplies. “I’ll be heading to the nearest market place, see you all soon back at the Bastion” she said. As she got closer to the borders heading out, she wondered about this sketchy place. “Veskal’s Exchange…hmm…” she though, heading in its direction.



Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from: Here

After defeating his opponent and collecting a sample of their chakra. Hei continues on his mission.

Travel Itinerary: #223 -> #226 -> #227 -> #233 -> #236 -> #237
Departing #223 Dead Rivers at 12:45am (12/19/20)
#226: 1:45am - 2:45am
#227: 2:45am - 3:45am
#233: 3:45am - 4:45am
#236: 4:45am - 5:45am
Arriving at #237 Veskal's Exchange at 5:45am (12/19/20)

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from: Last Bastion

Deciding to take a break from hunting the undead, I decide to make my way to Veskal's Exchange.

-Leaving Landmark-

Travel Itinerary: #223 -> #226 -> #227 -> #233 -> #236 -> #237
Departing #223 Dead Rivers at 04:30 PM (12/21/20)
#226: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
#227: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
#233: 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM
#236: 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Arriving at #237 Veskal's Exchange at 9:30 PM (12/21/20)