Dawnport (264)


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
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Solomon closed his eyes for a moment, "To the Heavens find the Queen. To the South her Twin. To the East the Supreme. And to the West you can find Cosmic Truth. There the Storm God lay dead, his body cannibalized." The cryptic message he repeated was one that was old by now but still held a deep, if mysterious, relevance as the two spoke on the cliffside of Kamiyasumi. "In time its meaning will make sense. But for now...I ask you come with me. The place to which we journey to is extremely dangerous. But there is one condition, Isabella." Solomon paused, standing up; his face maintained his usual somber expression. "You must obey every command without question. If I tell you to run, you must run and save yourself. Your survival is far more of a higher imperative than my own." Solomon's eyes narrowed slightly; this was not a request he would make lightly.
Isabella leaned on her left hand, her feet dangling sweetly over the abyss. The breeze fluttered her scarlet hair and she looked at the standing Solomon with her burgundy eyes in place once again. While her smile was pure as a child, her gaze was steady and strong, devilish even.

I vouch to respect your decisions, Solomon.

She used her left hand to flip upwards, onto a standing position as well. She moved gracefully and beatifully to rise to the same level as Solomon.

Now, let us see where this journey will take us.

*granting permission to Drackos to move my bio if needed*


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Isabella leaned on her left hand, her feet dangling sweetly over the abyss. The breeze fluttered her scarlet hair and she looked at the standing Solomon with her burgundy eyes in place once again. While her smile was pure as a child, her gaze was steady and strong, devilish even.

I vouch to respect your decisions, Solomon.

She used her left hand to flip upwards, onto a standing position as well. She moved gracefully and beatifully to rise to the same level as Solomon.

Now, let us see where this journey will take us.

*granting permission to Drackos to move my bio if needed*
Solomon nodded slightly as he again willed his Satorigan to transport himself, and now Isabella, to the Throne World. "This might feel a little unpleasant," he warned. Suddenly the pair was enveloped in empyreal golden light, and then they were gone.

(Dōjutsu: Sainō Deshi) – Eye Technique: Ars Paulina
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A
Description: The Satorigan is intrinsically connected to a separate reality outside the axis of time known as Ars Paulina, a throne world created through a combination of Solomon’s Authority with Anutu and Yin-Yang Release. Put simply, Solomon carved into the tapestry of reality, the universe, his own dimension with Anutu. Then, using Yin-Yang Release, filled that world with his vision. Ars Paulina is both this parallel dimension, and the Temple contained therein. Seemingly crafted from pristine white marble, and suspended in an infinite sapphire sky with wistful clouds wisping passed, the cornerstone of Ars Paulina is the Throne found at the peak of its Temple. Beyond the clouds is a view of the cosmos itself, illuminating the sky with gentle brilliance. It is a seat of unquestionable Authority, where Solomon can observe space and time with impunity. With the Satorigan, Solomon shifts himself instantly into Ars Paulina. Those within short-range of Solomon are also shifted, brought into the throne world should Solomon will them to come. The act of shifting is accompanied by a golden light. Solomon can either shift and reappear instantly at another location of their choosing, or shift and remain within Ars Paulina.
Note: Can be used five times per battle, once every three turns.
Note: Returning from Ars Paulina does not count as a usage.
Note: Ninja World travel obeys spacetime travel rules.
Note: Requires the Satorigan to be active.
LLM w/ Isabella
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Reactions: Lili-Chwan


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from Keishi (007) | Page 8 | Anime Forum (animebase.me)

Susabi stepped through the portal and ended up on an island. An island that he'd never seen before. It would seem that he landed in this place known as the Outer Lands.

Let's see... Susabi said as his pale irises began to glow white signifying the activation of his Byakugan. He used his enhanced vision to survey the strange lands and the surrounding landmarks.

(Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.

To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.

Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Jonin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Coming from: https://animebase.me/threads/keishi-007.755823/post-22116620

And so with the teleportation completing - Mirabelle arrived at the Beachead teleport gate. She stepped down from it, a bit disoriented at first, but alas she would go into her bag, getting out her book looking tablet, as she originally took the map data she originally gathered, as she started to look into the mapping of the terrain once more. "Hmm..." she wondered for a moment as she headed into the direction of the Foothold.



Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
[Natsu Spawning]

Natsu rubbed his head as he came too, waking slumped against a tree. He rubbed his head which throbbed as he tried to figure out what was going on. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't think. The only thing he remembered was the entire world shaking to its very core, the next thing he knew he was trying to wake. What could of caused that. He pushed himself up a bit, sitting resting against the tree as he saw Happy (his creation) to the side of him coming to his senses too. He pulled felt around for his pouch to take a drink and rested for a minute, trying to bring himself to his sense. It wasn't just that his head was fuzzy, he couldn't remember much of everything. Now in a foreign land he didn't know....


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Natsu wondered around, following his nose as he was looking for food as he came upon the market place. Everything was always better when you did it on a full stomach. He wasn't sure what the hell was going on but he knew one thing for sure, he wanted to head home, back to his lands of water. He hated using public travel, it always made him sick. It was time use that who transport network he'd heard about often found in market places. Him and Happy headed over and used the market place teleportation to head home to the Market place in the land of water.



Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
Mission Start

Build up the town (M01 ESTABLISH DEFENSES (C-RANK))

Panthalassa had indeed been a bit grumpy, and the sight of a chakra creation that was meant to be a child and now teenager just suddenly smoking cigarrettes in a newly formed ninja town was maybe a bit too much. But in the end, all Panthalassa could do was actually laugh.

He supported himself in Barney's shoulder, as he gave out some hearty chuckles. The entirety of a new continent, a new world, was sprawling outwards, and it seemed like only allies were around for the time being. But Barney was right, they needed some places to settle in, cook and rest. Slapping his hands together, after retrieving a bit of blood, Panthalassa brought forth several flies, filled with chitinous spikes.

( Hae Kuchiyose ♆ Corpusgigan bestia ) Fly Summoning ♆ Behemoth Gores
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Corpusgigan bestia, common name Behemoth Gores, are a species of flies with gigantic dimensions and thick and impenetrable exoskeletons. They are summoned in a gargantuan half the size of a average monarch summon. Each of the gigantic flies are around the size of an elephant, and have a very robust and thick skin with spiked protrusions and hideous teeth. Due to their sheer strength, they are noticeably more resilient to damage than normal flies. Any Aburame techniques used through the Behemoth Gore swarm has a +20 damage buffer, essentially increase the overall power of the technique when clashing with ninjutsu and taijutsu. The Behemoth Gores store their eggs within their own gullets. When they're near an uncouth target, they will open their mandible and deposit the eggs directly inside the victim, through a extensible proboscis ( a 3 meter tube-like mouth with a ring of jagged teeth ). The eggs will then have an accelerated growth spur, eccloding into horrible fat maggots with spiked mouths, that will devour and essentially burst through their host, fit to their name. The Behemoth Gores are capable of doing this directly onto other organic substances, the ground and other earthen features or water sources, creating a clot of giant eggs or maggots that will then travel up to mid-range from the point of deposition, before exploding outwards in an eruption of slime and maggots. The main ability of these flies is the ability to compress and decompress, similar to Akimichi. They're gigantic flies that can be compressed up to the size of tiny little flies, 1mm in size. When summoned they can appear in compressed form or original form. The form compression is a passive ability that costs no chakra from the user and require one of the three moves per turn.

Note: Egg deposition can be used by individual Gores up to 3 times, counting as an A rank technique (with no inherent damage buffer), or up to 1 time by the whole swarm, counting as an S rank, throughout their stay in the field.
Note: Can't be manipulated by Forbidden Ranked Aburame Techniques.
Note: Behemoth Gores last 3 in the field.
Note: Pharaoh Scythes' techniques perfomed with Gore chitin will also have the same damage boost.

Let's go friends, it is up to us to build up some huts.

And then, to much of everyone's dismay, the flies engorged to the size of bisons, and started hauling around the materials that Alucard and Lilith had been collecting, while estabilish a perimeter of useable land to create the settlement. The enlarged flies would till and clear the field around them , while also carving out the foundations of several collection centers, where small plazas and huts would be build. But there weren't that many laboring hands at work, so far only Panthalassa, Barney, Lilith and Alucard were there. Even if the job was facilitated by the flies acting essentially as labour mules, the dexterity to actually craft and build would be left to the humans and other things?

So Panthalassa put his back to work, creating a small cottage near the beach, nestled between the cliffside with the Lighthouse at the right, and the port docks at the left. It was a beautiful sand beach, the cliff guarding from the severity of the waves and the tides, and it would stay like that for several centuries if left alone. Still, the tilled arwad would be lifted upwards, creating some separation from the useable beachside to the beginings of the town. He left out a huge plaza, still unpaved, for the main square, and went to the sides to start raising up the housing and public facilities.

Focusing his efforts, he started making the first hut, it would be rudimentary at first, but it should work, a main loft like division where the living space was wide and accomodating, with a small rudimentary kitchen of to the side, with a stone hub for them to light up a fire and cook inside the house. While the building could be expanded further, Panthalassa still didn't have that much need for more space. So at the back of the house, he built a deck, sprawled open to the beachfront, which could be accessed from the living space and the sleeping room, a small toilet area.

In order to have some semplance of running water, Panthalassa had his flies turn into all sort of medium to small sizes, and burrow themselves into the ground. They would drag out some leftover metals and other materials, in order to create rudimentary tubages that would harvest water in the sea and then bring them over to the main plaza. It would not be potable but it would be convenient for cooking and taking bath, and useable after heating it up and removing the salt.

The drainage system would be a bit more bothersome to do, because no one wants to deal with waste, but so far it would be too lightly populated to become that much of a problem. Panthalassa would redirect it somewhere far from the main town, where it could rest in vaults and become fertilizer form when they start agriculture. Otherwise it would just be buried undergound in the forest for the wildlife to enjoy.

( Aburame no Jutsu: Arikui ) Insect Technique: Formicary
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user commands his insects to burrow through the ground, eating through the earth. The insects will follow a grid like formation, until they come upon an enemy or chakra, transmitting this information back to the user, similar to Insect Communication Technique. This technique can be used on it's own or combined with another technique, allowing the second technique to be used through the ground, though at half the speed. The combination usage counts as one technique, where the user spends the chakra required for both. The combination acquires the same power and characteristics of the second technique.

Note: Aburame users for more than 6 months can use the combination at 1/3 of the chakra ( 5 chakra ).
Note: Can't burrow on it's own through active earth techniques. The Combination can burrow with the same rules as S&W.

With all that done, Panthalassa could keep building a few huts and buildings for living spaces, adding them to the network. Though it would be cool to have some drinkable water at a tap...

Mission End
It had been a really long while since Panthalassa was active. He had mostly been lazying around, speaking to one person or another as the settlement he created started to become a hub of activity. Until, one day, he felt the entire earth shake with a vengeance. With no time to even put on some pants, he stumbled out of his hut, as the roof started caving in. He managed to save himself, albeit pantless, but the world around him had changed, especially higher west, where the horizon felt dark and ominous.

He searched around the rubble of his house in order to find a semblance of an outfit, finally pulling out the last piece of clothing from the multiple logs that had crashed down.

Time to do something!

He had gathered around from most travelers that there was more to see here than before, a lot of the world had been explored. He looked at his Fly Swatter GST, and found on the noticeboard the key to upgrading it. It sound sounded like a plan!


Travel log

[01:45] Leaving Beachfront
[02:45] 267
[03:45] 268
[04:45] 271
[05:45] Arriving at Pool of Reflection


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points

A strange journey it was a weird feeling to teleport, at least it was different to being summoned but either way, there was a distinct different smell in the air as she opened her mouth for her first breath in the Outer Lands. As her eyes adjusted, there was quite a sight to behold, around her were temporary wooden building that has been makeshift stalls and housing, adjusted by long earthen walls and effectively fortified defences.

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Mar 10, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from here
As soon as they'd step into the portal on Last Bastion, they'd be stepping out of one on the new continent. The rowdy, gloomy environment of Last Bastion replaced by the tranquil, tropical paradise that was Beachhead. The duo would search the area for a bit, trying to gather any intel they could, but there weren't many people around. Maybe they'd left already or, like these two, wanted to explore this new land.

They'd make their way to the shore and using one of the boats there, would set off in search of answers.
Leaving Landmark​


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Arriving from Here.

For the first time since her return to "active duty," Chise hand finally, at long last managed to make her way to the forefront of the New World's latest crusades: The Outer Lands. It was here at the Beachhead that Humanity had made their pinnacle spearhead station within these unmarked lands, facing off against many tribulations and rigorous tests of will. Steadily, Chise peered one direction, then the other, taking in the territory with baited anticipation before she'd refer to a map she carefully unfolded from her coat, taking note of her current position before marking her destination, then setting out for that direction, eager to arrive.



Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Spawning with Mirabelle Blackthorn~

Time has really slipped away; with no one really adhering to the changes. New Prime Divinities took over, Rifts forming all over the world, the fall of Eanna..it was all too much to take in. The world we once knew, it was abolished by Abzu and reinvented by his children. Humanity, though we survived…we dwindled deeper down into numbers- though in the two years we’ve managed to slowly repopulate the world. “Momma!” a voice can be heard from the halls- a young toddler came speeding through. Without word, the toddler jumped into her mother’s lap. “Mommaaaa!” she was starting to get a little frustrated. “Shh, little one. Mommy is here” she comforted her child.

In the halls, another voice can be heard calling. “Sweetie, where did you go?” it called out, as a man came from the hall way and into the kitchen. Kingsly Blackthorn, husband of Mirabelle. “There you are, you know it’s not nice to hit your sister” he said, coming closer but the toddler feigned and gripped onto her mother more intently. “Ilah, did you hit Kayla? Mirabelle asked, now pulling the toddler away. “N…no…” she lied.

Mira would sigh- looking over to Kingsly. “Where’s Kayla?” she asked, which the other daughter of the Jinchuriki came into the room and with tears in her eyes. “Mommaa!” she shouted while pointing at Ilah, but the other twin growled. “Now listen here you two…” Mirabelle’s mood shifted, as the authority figure within her came out. “If you two don’t calm down…I will properly deal with two…” she said. The twins shivered at their mother’s empty threat. She’d never do it, but alas it usually gets them to behave.

Now, be nice and go play” she released Ilah who nodded and ran off with Kayla. She turned her attention to Kingsly, and smiled. “Those two are quite something” she laughed- as she got out of her chair and met into his embrace. “Well, they are your children…so it makes sense” he smiled and kissed his wife.

Mirabelle after the Cataclysm would have done quite a bit in the past. Fighting remaining Mother Cultists, the new arrival of the Arali, and among other things. After the two year, she would have also married one of the Monks themselves, Kingsley and having twin daughters etc. The family resided in the newly built town of Dawnport, though things aren’t always peachy and fine. She’s made some new allies along the way of couse and fully intends on fighting to make the world a better place once more. “Right…I need to go, there’s reports of a Rift opening the Land of Fire…I’m going to try and see if I can assist them with it. Take care of the children till I get back, ok?” she said kissing Kingsly on his cheek.

Of course, be safe

And with that done, Mirabelle would gear herself up- preparing for the Rift as she collected all her things and left. She would have arrived at the teleporting Gates; with her intention to warp towards Pingshu. With this, she left the Dawnport.

LLM via Teleport Gate to Pingshu.

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:

- Witness the final moments of your ninken (4)

Summary: Following their arduous battle with the Bašmu in the Kaizoku Sea, the Inuzuka helplessly watches as Sif succumbs to the effects of the Scarlet Rot.
Tsuchi Heihō, Badlands of Earth; day of the Cataclysm

You must be registered for see medias

A long time passed following Kōtetsu’s surgery at the hands of the human called the Divine Doctor. Sif had watched as Iskandrous removed a malignant growth that had already formed in his abdomen and set it aside. Now his packbrother was resting somewhere else, as was he. All around him, humans in white garbs move around, while Sirris and Solaire watch over him anxiously. Some of the humans had come to take a look at him numerous times, but eventually, they all shook their heads and went somewhere else. Even the pink-haired human came by at one point before rushing off. Throughout all the commotion, the great grey wolf remained motionless on the clinic floor.

Everything moved at a slower pace now, which was fine since Sif didn’t feel like running or fighting anymore. He was tired. So tired that he didn’t even feel like playing with Solaire as he usually did to annoy him. “Brother?” came Sirris’ soothing voice from somewhere beside him.

His head felt heavy as he struggled to lift it from the floor and look in her direction. He locked eyes with her for a moment and saw the dread and worry painted across her usually unburdened face. ‘Ah,’ he thought to himself. ‘So this is where it ends…’ He could tell from their behavior that he was too far gone. There would be no miracle for him. Though all of them had been inflicted with the poison from the giant serpent they’d fought in the Kaizoku Sea, he didn’t possess the natural healing abilities of his siblings that allowed them to recover after being cured.

He weakly rested his head on the floor.

“I need one of you to look at him!” Solaire yelled at the clinic staff. “Do something!”

At his packbrother’s insistence, two more humans rushed over. One slid a soft pillow under his head while the other softly brushes his matted fur with a heavily gloved hand. Everyone looked so sad, but he didn’t have the strength to cheer them up. He struggled to keep his eyes open as the humans did what they could to make him even slightly more comfortable. Sirris remained quiet for a time, watching helplessly. "Get Kōtetsu…" She said softly, finally breaking her silence.

“What?” Solaire asks, surprised. “but he’s sti-”

“It doesn’t matter!” she yelled again, something out of character for her that showed just how dire the situation was. “He has to be here! Get Kōtetsu right now!”

‘Kōtetsu? Are you here?’ Sif thought to himself as he tried to look around the room. ‘I can’t smell you. Where are you?’ His eyes drift up towards the bright lights in the ceiling, and then his vision fades

The Inuzuka lay motionless, but in his mind, the final scene of his fateful battle played back repeatedly in slow motion. The Inuzuka tore through the Bašmu’s chest, its blood mixing with the once pristine blue waters that were now a bright shade of red due to being contaminated by the Scarlet Rot. Suddenly, he felt a tightness in his chest that made it difficult to breathe, and a muffled cry rang out in his head. ‘..A..e..p…’ Though still submerged, he fought his way to the surface as his body is racked with pain from the backlash of the last technique he deployed.

‘W...k..u…’ the disembodied voice called out again. His hands felt like lead, and it seemed the more he swam the further away the surface seemed to move. Unable to fight his instinct to breathe, Kōtetsu opened his mouth to inhale, and his mouth is filled with contaminated saltwater instead.

“..WAKE UP!” Solare shouted as he pressed down on Kōtetsu’s chest, forcing him awake. He gasped for air and struggled to catch his breath, suddenly pulled from what was simply a bad dream.

“Solaire?” He asked groggily, pushing the large ninken off his chest and sitting up. “What's going on?”

“It’s…It’s Sif. He’s not going to make it.”

The color drained from the Inuzuka’s face. “Wha-?” His voice trailed off as he focused on his enhanced senses. Effortlessly, he picked up the scent of Sirris and Sif coming from across the clinic. He didn’t want to believe it, but the smell of death that filled his nose was all too familiar. Though he was still in pain from the surgery, he pushed himself out of the bed and, leaning on Solaire, made his way out of the room and down the hallway.

The sight of the six-foot-tall giant wolf walking about no longer shocked the clinic staff as they’d been staying there for a number of days, but Kōtetsu could tell they were still a little uneasy. The two made their way into the room where Sif and Sirris were, with the grey wolf laying surrounded by a number of the staff and Sirris standing close by on with her eyes welled up. As he enters the nurses made way for them, and upon reaching Sif he dropped to his knees and cradled the Ninken’s head in his lap. His body shudders as he fights back the tears. “Hey Sif,” he called softly with a forced, shaky smile.

Sif heard Kōtetsu call his name. Something he didn’t think he’d get to hear again. He wasn’t sure if he was dreaming. Maybe he was just imagining it. His nostrils flared and his eyes opened slowly ‘There you are,’ he thought to himself, now much too weak to speak. He could tell his packbrother was sad even though he tried not to show it. Sif didn’t want him to be sad. He knew he was born to protect Kōtetsu. To fight by his side and make him happy. He didn’t want to leave like this. The ninken managed to let out a whimper and wagged his tail slightly.

“Oh Sif,” he called quietly as he buried his head into his silver fur. “Grey wolf. Bright Eyes.” He soothingly recalled the nicknames the Ninken had been referred to when he was a pup. The ninken let out another whimper and wagged his tail a bit more upon hearing the old name his packbrother had called him by over the years.

“You did good Sif,” Kōtetsu praised him. “You did great.” Unable to hold them back, tears streamed down his face. It was an uncommon display of public emotion, of weakness, but he didn’t care. He stopped rubbing the ninken’s head with his hand and instead placed it on his side and begins to gather his medical chakra, forming an aura of greenish chakra that he sent into the Ninken, but it was to no avail.

“We did everything we could,” said one of the clinic’s nurses. “Unfortunately by the time he reached us-”

“I know.” the Inuzuka replied. “He’s in a lot of pain. I think it’s time.”

“Do you want a moment?” asked the nurse.

Kōtetsu waves her away, and the rest of the clinic staff filter outside the room. “Sif, Sif, Sif,” he calls, slowly and repeatedly, and the ninken’s ears perked up slightly. He charged his hand with medical chakra that manifested as an ethereal familiar resembling a snake. “You’re such a good boy. We had a great run together, didn’t we? So many adventures.” He paused and wiped the tears from his eyes. “You’ve done so much for me…”

Sif and Solaire gathered around, touching their muzzles to Sif’s and taking in his scent for the last time. The snake Kōtetsu conjured bit into Sif’s back, injecting chakra into him. He would feel a faint sting, and then his pain melted away.

“I love you Sif,”

Sif never got tired of hearing his packbrother say his name. He’d done what Izuri, Kōtetsu’s mother, had asked. He watched after him so that he had a good life, with a good pack. There were so many ups and down throughout his life. So many goodbyes. So many people. Lying there with his head in his packbrother’s lap, he could feel it happening. He knew he was saying goodbye, but now he wasn’t sad.

All the memories from throughout his life flashed through his mind. He remembered the small cage he was kept in in Chungsu as a pup, and when Kōtetsu had rescued him during the attack from the Nine-Tailes Beast. He remembered going to Zhouhua for the first time and training in the Inuzuka clan’s collaboration techniques. He remembered leaving the forest after years of seclusion to head east, where they fought all kinds of monsters. From a Goddess of Life to undead zombies, and even going to the underworld to fight a Goddess of Death. He’d died twice down there, but this time there was no coming back.

‘I love you all too,’ he thought to himself as he lets out a long breath and closes his eyes for the last time.

Mission Completed​

Techniques used:
( Iryō Ninjutsu: Masui Sejutsu ) - Medical Technique: Secret Anesthesia Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will charge a special chakra into one of his hands manifesting it as an ethereal pure chakra familiar, resembling a snake. It will then bite the patient, injecting chakra into him[/]. This chakra is designed to render a patient unconscious. The effect takes some time to establish and the patient needs to be still for it to be successful but is very useful to perform surgery, suturing wounds, setting bones straight, etc as it effectively sedates the patient and acts as a general anesthesia. While it can be used in battle, its almost impossible to do so because of the time it takes for the sedation to work and the need for the connection to remain intact until it does work.
Note: Lasts 2 turns

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of damage healed, 200 max)
Damage: N/A
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
Note: Can only be used by Medical Ninja.
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

After making landfall, Alucard dismantled his stone platform and landed on the mainland of Dawnport. Here he would remain to catch up with the latest news from this side of the world. Perhaps also making a visit to the marketplace as well as he had a lot of coin to spend.