[Darkcloud Peak] Kokuo, The Five Tails vs Kōtetsu and Strix

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
NPC Intervention

And so, there was only mere silence. The echoes of their voices reached far and wide, as the slumbering demonic entity resided in its domain. Kokou was sound asleep, or at least was until the voices leaked into its ears. “More of them…?” she wondered, as she let out a small sigh. The behemoth of chakra slowly rose from its relaxed posture and wondered closer to the source of the noise, until it immediately encountered the two. A mere human man and woman, but from she can gather these two seemed to be preparing for a battle. The fifth of the great primordial chakra would not take lightly to trespassing so lightly. Kokou was always deemed one of the more peaceful of the nine, but with recent years of humans seeking them out and whispers of her siblings of lower tail count having been caught, she can only assume she was next.

You dare show your fangs against me? YOU WON'T TAKE ME DOWN SO EASILY LIKE YOU DID TO MY SIBLINGS!

She roared, as the terrain began to become filled with an immense steaming fog envelops the domain, a geyser of it erupting directly behind her. As this occurs, her sheer presence was enough to strike fear into them. “Now die” the beast immediately said as she amassed the positive and negative chakra towards its mouth, quickly releasing the completed Tailed Beast Ball directed at the members of the Akatsuki. As they handled the giant mass of chakra hurdling towards them, the beast quickly drew upon it’s powers to quickly release a wave of empowered steam, aimed to cause the opponents to suffer from “Enhanced Heat Stroke”.

The beast would begin to run at its top speed, aimed at closing the distance between the Akatsuki members as a result. “RAAAAAHHH!

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( Gobi chon Hengi no Jutsu ) - Five Tailed Full Transformation Technique (Reference)
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A ( +40 to Boil/Steam Techniques, Water and Fire Techniques)
Description: user borrows chakra from Kukuo before a blinding white layer of chakra and steam envelops them as the Five-Tailed Beast is released into the world. Kukuo primarily resembles a white horse but with a dolphin's head. It has two long horns and two short horns, which are very pointy. The ends of its horns, hooves, and tails are light brown, with some of the same-coloured spots before the brown areas of its horns and hooves. It also has red markings under its dark blue-green eyes. Entering Complete Transformation creates a great deal of energy, producing craters beneath the user and destroying any restraints that might have been placed upon them beforehand while pushing other users back to mid range. While active, Kukou is capable of using Steam Ninjutsu, Water, Fire, and Tailed Beast Techniques. Much like all other Tailed Beast, Kukuo has 80 damage reduction as well as a damage increase to its techniques by +40. Kukuo is extremely agile, having the ability to move at 40 speed. He also has 650 Health and is able to track up to 4 times his speed. When the Five-Tailed Complete Transformation is used, the user gains a separate pool of chakra to draw from. Kukuo's Chakra pool is 3000 Chakra and when roaming free/unsealed, this pool is doubled though this means a Ninja World Mod is controlling it, as well as the user’s Rampage gain per turn, starting at max amounts.
Note: Each use lasts up to 10 turns before the user wakes up. After waking, he cannot make use of any Jinchuriki or Tailed Beast skills above the basic Chakra Shroud state for 5 turns. Can only be activated twice per arc.
Note: The user is capable of summoning Isobu at any stage of mastery; during initial stages, this causes him to release Kukuo in an enraged state, temporarily boosting his power higher than normally but relinquishing all control over him which causes a Ninja World Moderator to then control his actions, gaining a damage boost to a +60 instead of 40. The user is also rendered KO for the remainder of the event. This, however, does not mean he will lose the Bijuu and will retain it the next arc
( Jigoku Kanketsusen ) - Hell’s Geyser (Reference)
Type: Skill
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: When the foul Chakra Beast that is Kukuo is summoned, its natural power causes massive geyser’s of hot steam to erupt, causing a thick but transparent cloud of steam to hang over the battlefield. This Steam is extremely hot and damaging, causing 10 damage per turn to targets within long range of the user. Should a target be within this hot steam for more than 5 turns, they begin to experience Heat Visions, seeing optical illusions that prevents clear sight of targets regardless of tracking abilities. This prevents jutsu based on line of sight as well as triggers the 80% Health System drawbacks after the same amount of time.
Note: This is always active when in the presence of the Five-Tails and cannot be deactivated.
( Attōteki Sonzai ) – Overwhelming Presence (Reference)
Type: Skill
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This landmark is filled with the presence of one of the nine Tailed Beasts. Referred to as Chakra Monsters, the beasts were formed form the Sage of the Six Paths splitting the power of the Ten-Tails hundreds of years ago. Each beast carries with it an overwhelming presence, wielding primordial chakra that itself is stronger than most normal humans. When in the presence of a Tailed Beast, one’s damage is reduced by 30 and their base speed is reduced by a quarter. Overwhelming Presence is negated by the Fallen Star meteorite, its power able to diffuse the chakra of a Tailed Beast. These beasts are more powerful than their lower tiered contemporaries, being able to ignore the powerful suppression abilities of the Sharingan if more than 20% health remain.
Note: This is always active when in the presence of the 5 - 8 Tailed Beasts.
( Bijutsu: Bijudama ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Tailed Beast Ball
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120
Description: The Tailed Beast Ball is the ultimate technique of a tailed beast, which can also be used by a jinchūriki while transformed. Tailed Beast Balls are made from an 8:2 ratio of positive black chakra (+の黒チャクラ, purasu no kuro chakura) and negative white chakra (−の白チャクラ, mainasu no shiro chakura). Users must gather and balance this chakra in their mouths, shape it into a sphere (or a conical shape in the case of the Ten-Tails in its second form), and then fire it at their target. Tailed Beast Balls are very destructive, creating explosions that are visible from far away and that vaporise almost everything in the blast area. The Ten-Tails has further range than other users, capable of firing it in a conical shape that causes a mid range explosion around it when used.
Note: Can only be used 3 times per battle, requiring at least a 2 turn break in between uses. This wait is doubled for the Ten-Tails Jinchuriki.
Note: If 2 or more Jinchuriki collaborate in the creation of a Bijudama, the power of it multiplies by the number of Jinchuriki.

HP: 650
CP: 6000 - 60= 5,940
Base Speed: 40
Base Tracking: 176
Rampage Points Spent: 12 Points Out of 15.

Official Challenge Issued to Kotetsu and Strix by Kokou (NPC). Staring Mid Ranged Away (10 Meters).
(Yōton/Fuuinjutsu: Kokū no Zantō - Sorarisu) Yang Release/Sealing Art: Remnants of the Void - Solaris
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Solaris is a unique Advanced Fuuinjutsu seal placed on the body that incorporates Yang chakra. This seal works by passively siphoning Yang chakra from the user’s body and storing it, with the seal being capable of storing up to 80 chakra in total. Making use of the body’s condition as a trigger this seal will activate whenever the user falls unconscious as a result of an enemy technique. Upon activation it floods the user’s body with the previously stored chakra, purging any invading chakra and healing the body by the amount of chakra stored within the seal and essentially “breathing life” back into the user, allowing them to regain consciousness as the invading chakra is flushed from their system. In addition to resuscitation, the user’s constitution will be temporarily boosted for the following two turns due to the abundant Yang chakra, making them immune to Spiritual techniques with less chakra than that stored in the seal. While this energy heals physical wounds, it does nothing to mitigate the damage done to the spirit, meaning that if the user’s health is depleted through damage done spiritually, this technique will not resuscitate them. Due to the overwhelming amount of Yang energy present within the body, the user will be unable to make use of Yin release, other Spiritual techniques, or elemental techniques for the following two turns. Their speed is also reduced by -3 levels, and they are unable to use techniques above A-rank for the same duration.

- This technique must be placed on the user’s biography.
- This technique can only be used once per battle, with the seal’s activation counting as a move.
- Upon resuscitation, this technique will heal the user up to the amount of chakra stored in the seal, though it cannot recover HP lost from spiritual damage
Supekutoru-Kan | Spectral Sense
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Spectral Sense is a technique usable only by ninken that takes advantage of the ability to sense and track targets through scent. By channeling chakra to their nose a Ninken’s sense of smell is heightened to the point where they become able to visualize scents. Much like synesthesia, this technique enables scents detected by the ninken’s sense of smell to be interpreted visually, with whatever smelt being interpreted as visible colors that will seep and ooze out of techniques and people. This will not be limited to the ninken’s visual range, but will instead exist independently as an experience-able phenomenon that will be interpreted visually - for instance, a ninken will be able to close their eyes yet will still see colors, with scents from behind them interpreted in a way akin to peripheral vision, yet more rear reaching and so on. The stronger or fresher the scent - whether it be a person or technique, the more vivid and bright the color will be. Staler sources of released chakra will take on more bland and faded tones, while those interpreted as dangerous or fatal will take or strong and alarming red, yellow and purple tones. Stronger scents, such as that produced by a ninja performing a technique or an active attack will produce stronger, more block colors, while dormant sources, such as a ninja at rest or passive or dormant techniques will produce more patchy and whispy tones. Elemental affinities and other disciplines of chakra transformation will also have their own distinct colors, even pure physical and spiritual energies, including spiritual beings/entities, will have their own hue.

- This technique can only be used three times per battle/arc.
- Color perception will appear like a filter that overlays onto the normal view of the world.
- Once activated this technique lasts until deactivated, draining -10 chakra per turn from the user.
( Chakura Chikara ) - Chakra Enhanced Strength
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: ( +25 to taijutsu techniques )
Damage points: ( +25 to taijutsu techniques )
Description: A technique that uses the refine chakra control and concentration required in medical ninjutsu to enhance one's strength to monstrous levels. This is done by storing chakra into one's hands or feet and releasing it onto the target with pinpoint timing. With this strength, the user can decimate the ground or even kill opponents with a single strike.
Note: Can only be used by Sakura, Momoshiki, Sarada or Tsunade bios.
Note: Once activated, lasts the entire battle.
(Katai Omori) Leg Weights
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An advanced version of the normal Leg Weights created for those dedicated to their craft, the Advanced Leg Weights increase the stress and weight applied to the user in order to achieve an even higher payoff. When inactive and worn, the user experiences a -3 Speed level drop due to the intense weight slowing him down. However, when released, the user gains a drastic boost to his base running speed (x4) and +35 to all his kick-related moves. Much like the weaker versions, this boost in strength and speed is completely nullified when releasing the EIG or when using any kind of movement speed enhancement technique or weight manipulation technique; they don't add up on each other. Only one of the user's bio can have these weights at any time.
( Katai Omori ) - Leg Weights
Type: Weapon/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (+20 to Kicks, 2x Running Speed)
Description: The Leg Weights used for Special Taijutsu Training with Added Weights are made through the application of a sealing formula to ordinary leg weights. The sealing formula is used to, through the use of chakra, increase the weight of the leg weights to the desired level. The seal can't be applied to anything other than the leg weights and its use is restricted to its original purpose. One can remove the leg weights but the sealing technique in them stays active indefinitely and can't be released. Additionally, the Leg Weights and their unique seal calibration makes them only usable by the ninja to whom they belong. They can't be sealed or stolen.

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The massive beast resembling a white horse with a dolphin's head makes itself known as it approaches the group, the earth rumbling with every step it takes. She roars at them as a massive geyser erupts behind her and starts to fill the area with hot steam. Kōtetsu, Sif, and Strix feel their strength leave them as they weaken in its overwhelming presence. Knowing full well they'd come to capture it, the Tailed Beast makes the first move by releasing a massive projectile in their direction.

"I've got it!" the Inuzuka barks, stepping forward while making use of the calcified essence of the Kulullu to erect a powerful and unique barrier. By infusing it with additional chakra and sacrificing almost half of his health, Kōtetsu manipulates the barrier to form a dome-like shape that closely encases the Five Tail, the geyser behind it, and the incoming Tailed Beast Ball. The sides of the barrier are formed three meters from the bijuu's sides and long-range in height, the attack clashes against its wall. This results in a massive explosion being released that engulfs the Five Tails due to it being trapped in the enclosed space, causing it to suffer from its own attack. Not even the wave of steam released from her furnace could penetrate the barrier, which remained seemingly unharmed from the powerful attack as it also contains the steam from the geyser to stop it from filling the battlefield.

(Saishū Keijō) – Final Shape
Type: Artifact
Rank: A – Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Ancient calcified essence of the Kulullu, the Beast of Sealing; it appears as a solid mass of bone-like frozen matter no larger than the size of a fist. The Final Shape reflects the Kulullu’s mastery over the Sealing Arts, able to manipulate barriers in such a way that allowed it to produce any non-geometric shape it desired. Though as a product that tends more toward the pillar of Life and Chaos, rather than Order and Chakra, it tends to prefer the former in its activation. The artifact confers on its user greater mastery over three barrier techniques: the Four Violet Flames barrier (A), Four Red Yang (S), and the Six Red Yang Formation (F). In order to use Final Shape, one uses it as an infusion of chakra and vitality, depending on the level applied. The infusion changes the inherent mechanics of each barrier type. On a basic level the technique allows the user to shape any of these three barriers to suit their needs, escaping basic geometric formations that they are confined to. That said, they must still be used as traditional barriers. They cannot be shaped into projectiles, formed into armor, or anything that does not confine them to being used as constructs to defend or confine a certain area of the map or landmark. Each barrier is modified to be able to absorb a certain amount of damage akin to a health pool, rather than being broken by a single technique that meets a threshold. When applied to the Violet Flames barrier it allows it to absorb 100 damage before breaking, at the cost of a 30 chakra infusion. The Four Red Yang Formation is afforded the capability to absorb up to 200 points of damage at the cost of a 60 chakra infusion and 20 health points, and its Six Red Yang counterpart can absorb up to 400 points of damage. This comes at the cost of 100 additional chakra infusion and 80 health points. The essence allows the user to overcome the need for multiple partners to use it. Regardless of the rank applied, once the barrier expires the user cannot use Fuuinjutsu above A-Rank for three turns. This Final Shape was issued in Arc 16, and will be sunset at the beginning of Arc 19.
(Musekiyōjin) Six Red Yang Formation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Long
Chakra: 100 (-30 per turn)
Damage: N/A
A stronger, more immense version of (Shisekiyōjin) Four Red Yang Formation, this is a powerful six-point barrier which can be erected to trap whatever confined within the six points similar to its parent technique. Like its parent technique, it requires immense amounts of chakra and requires even more skill to be able to use. When Obito Uchiha used this technique, he used six chakra receivers as the defining points of the barrier and then, channelling his chakra through them, was able to erect it. However, its possible to use the technique with 6 Kage rank ninjas or trough the use of the Massive Shadow Clone technique, albeit with its dangers. Like its smaller counterpart, the barrier is highly malleable, allowing the brunt of four Tailed Beast Balls to go upwards without being destroyed in the process. The barrier is impossible to overpower or destroy by force and to escape one needs to possess Space Time techniques or to be able to fly high enough to exit through the top (which is high enough to dwarf any being seen so far in the manga). However, if only one point of the barrier is negated, destroyed or disturbed, the barrier will disperse.
Note: Can only be successfully used once
Note: Obito Uchiha bios which have become the Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails can use this technique through the use of Chakra Transmitting Rods which will enable them to trigger the barrier, sustain it remotely and still be able to use other techniques at the same time.
Strix nods as the Inuzuka erects his barrier. She was concerned that it wouldn't be enough to contain the explosion but kept her thoughts to herself as he was putting the lives of himself and his ninken on the line. After all, in the event that he failed she could simply shift into the spiritual plane to escape the attack. Not one to be shown up, she bites her thumb to draw blood and makes the necessary handseals before slamming her hand to the ground. Venusaur, a squat, quadruped Panimal with bumpy, bluish-green skin appears in a puff of smoke beneath her. "Flank it!" She yells.

Kōtetsu glances at her from the corner of his eye, and without a word, grabs hold of Sif's fur and pulls himself atop it as the ninken sprints to the right in an arc while Venusaur does the same but moves to the left. The two groups position themselves where the barrier is closest to the bijuu, with Strix stopping two meters away from it while the Inuzuka takes up position just out of short-range.

(Kuchiyose: Venusaur) — Summoning: Venusaur
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: Venusaur is a squat, quadruped Pokémon with bumpy, bluish green skin. It has small, circular red eyes, a short, blunt snout, and a wide mouth with two pointed teeth in the upper jaw, and four pointed teeth in the lower jaw. On top of its head are small, pointed ears with reddish pink insides. It has three clawed toes on each foot. The bud on its back has bloomed in a large pink, white-spotted flower. The flower is supported by a thick, brown trunk surrounded by green fronds. Capable of moving as fast as a Kave ranked user, Venusaur is able to use Poison up to A rank and Wood up to S rank, including Hashirama specific attacks (excluding Wood SM). Venusaur has an ability called Overgrow that increase the damage to all his Wood jutsu A rank and below by +20 damage paasively. He also has an ability called Poison Powder in which he releases Poison from his flower on his back in the form of powder, harming all who breathe it in with -20 damage per turn and nothing above S rank for three turns until it wears off. Venusaur also can use an attack called Petal Blizzard in which several sharp petals from Mokuton trees attack the opponent with razor sharp edges, capable of cutting through steel. This can be used up to Mid range and also released from the plant on it's back.
Note: Overgrow is a passive ability and activates when summoned.
Note: Poison Powder is an A rank attack and fills short to Mid range and lasts 3 turns.
Note: Petal Blizzard is an S rank attack and can be used three times
(Shūen) – Demise (Reference)
Type: Relic Weapon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: Crafted from the bones of Tiamat and infused with the wood of the God Tree, Demise is a scythe, with its staff formed from ivory pale bone with a sharp, black, metallic scythe blade at the top. At the bottom of the wooden staff is a crystalline orb, flickering with black and white energies within it; representative of a fully powered weapon core. The scythe is bound to the Jewel Seal and can be summoned to the user or sealed away passively, at their discretion. On the side of the staff is an inscription; “The Fate which befalls those who toil in the fields shall too fall upon those who live in the high castle.” At the cost of a move Demise can use its scythe to inflict 80 damage as a weapon.

Intrinsic Traits:

Eternal Toil (I-III): For each turn the user is in in a state of movement their damage will increase by 2/4/6 per turn, up to a maximum of 4/5/6 times. Activating a stack requires the user move at least five meters from their position at the beginning of their turn; stacks are lost one turn after the user fails to meet this condition, resetting the damage. (II)
Fruits of Labor (I-III): Damage inflicted to the user’s opponents, not counting elemental familiars, Creations, or other external entities, regenerates the user at a rate of 20/30/40% of the damage inflicted. (II)
Shroud of the Reaper (I-III): When the user activates a mobility technique, like Flicker Evasion, they release a pulse of intangible energy that slows all enemies surrounding them within short-range. This reduces their movement speed by 30/40/50% for two full turns. (II)

Wither (I-II): The power of Demise is within its Wither; a power that befalls the smallest of peasants and the most powerful of lords. Wither is a passive skill that naturally augments all of the user’s energy-based techniques, like Fire and Lightning Releases. Techniques influenced by Wither become intermixed with wispy black and white flames. Techniques augmented by Wither naturally inflict more damage on organic targets; when struck the techniques damage is inflicted and applies a Wither effect to the target. Wither inflicts 10% of the technique’s base damage each turn for two turns. When Tier II is unlocked Wither’s damage is augmented to 20%, and it lasts four turns. The effects of Wither can be negated or healed through Yin-Yang based skills. Basic Medical Ninjutsu can heal damage done by Wither, but at a reduced rate of 50%.

Uniformed Fate
The fate of all shared by all, wielded in a single point. Uniformed Fate causes Demise to glow with a black aura, and its blade becomes a black steel.

Redirection (B-Rank, passive): The power of Wither is redirected into the Scythe itself, making Wither only usable when the Scythe makes direct contact with organic matter. Wither’s effects, at both Tier I and II, are empowered to deal double their damage within their allotted timeframes.
Irkalla’s Fury (A-Rank, active): A technique that allows the user to repurpose all healing done by Fruits of Labor; with this technique the user is able to decide to set aside any healing done by Fruits of Labor, preventing it from healing the user but pooling it for use in Irkalla’s Fury. This focuses all pooled healing into a single black-energy orb, launching it up to long-range and inflicting up to a maximum of 180 damage. The orb is neutral to all techniques and elements and can, upon striking a target, expand up to 10 meters.
Forged in Fire (S-Rank, passive): Demise is reinforced, empowered to cause its blade to inflict S-Rank physical damage when used at the cost of a move. This can be further empowered through external techniques and physical enhancements.
Withering Echo (S-Rank, active): At the cost of a move the user is able to augment the blade of Demise to release an intangible wave of Wither up to five meters from the blade. The wave is shaped in the exact size and shape of Demise’s scythe. This can be done once every three turns.
Blighted Destruction (F-Rank, passive): When Demise itself strikes a technique or opponent it blights the target with Blighted Destruction; if Demise’s strike directly destroys or kills the target it unleashes Blighted Destruction, causing the surface beneath to be infected by Withering energy itself. This energy spans up to 10 meters outside of the size of the original technique, and infects anyone within it with Wither barring the user.

Withering Disciple
All sharing in a single fate, spread through exploding darkness. The Withering Disciple causes Demise to radiate a black and white glow, with trails of energy falling to the ground from its form.

Happiness of All Mankind (B-Rank, passive): Modifies the passive granted by Fruits of Labor, allowing it to work on technique clashes; however, this comes at the cost of reducing the amount healed by these clashes to 2/4/6%.
Wrath of the Reaper (A-Rank, active): A technique that allows the user to infuse excess healing done by the Happiness of All Mankind into future techniques, boosting them by a maximum of 40 additional damage. This can only be applied to techniques which work with Wither, and can only be used a maximum of four times per battle.
Overflowing Wither (S-Rank, active): A technique activated within the same timeframe as an energy-based technique, allowing the user to cause the Wither infused within to burst in a torrent of black and white flames reaching up to ten meters from the original technique. Any target struck by these flames is afflicted by Wither, as well as takes 50% of the original technique’s base damage. Can be activated once every three turns.
Empowered Withering Flames (S-Rank, passive): Once every three turns the user is able to passively augment one of their techniques that is infused with Wither, allowing it to move at three times the user’s base speed and inflict 30 more damage. Any flames created through Overflowing Wither, even when this technique is on cooldown, will move at twice the user’s base speed.
Witherfyre (F-Rank, active): Converts the user’s body into pure Witherfyre, transforming them into nothing but Wither. In this state the user is only able to perform Fire and Lightning elemental natures, as well as any Custom Elements created from them as well as Fuuinjutsu. Empowers Happiness of All Mankind by 100%, as well as increasing the damage done by Wither by 50%. The user moves at three times their base speed and anything they physically interact with in this state is blighted with Wither. Lasts for four turns and can be used twice. While in this state the user is immune to energy-based techniques.

All that which exists within the Fates is yours for the taking. Dominion causes Demise to glow green, and its metallic scythe forms itself into a dark purple void-like coloration.

Debilitating Aura (B-Rank, passive): Empowers the Shroud of the Reaper, causing any who are influenced by the slowing pulse to be disoriented for a brief moment, making the user impossible to track through the basic five senses.
Essence Siphon (A-Rank, active): When activated the user can empower themselves by siphoning the essence of each organic matter target afflicted by Wither. Each target increases the user’s damage by 10, their speed by 2x, and their reactions by 4x. This boost lasts for the turn it was used in, and removes Wither from the afflicted targets. Can be used six times per battle.
The Contagion Spreads (S-Rank, passive): The user is able to spread the effects of Wither to non-organic targets by using an afflicted organic target as a conduit for infection. Any non-organic target within mid-range of the afflicted organic target can be infected instantly when this technique is activated, taking no time at all within timeframe.
Domination Beginning (S-Rank, active): When this technique is activated the user is able to wrest control of any Elemental and non-elemental familiar, excluding those created by Yin-Yang Release, that is infected with Wither. This can even be used to wrest control over non-organic elemental familiars should they be infected through The Contagion Spreads. Can be used five times per battle.
All That Which Exists (F-Rank, active): When activated the user is able to release raw Withering Energy from their body, using it as a conduit itself to apply the Contagion Spreads to organic and non-organic matter within mid-range of their position. Any targets struck by this technique can be temporarily controlled by the user, including opponents who fail to protect themselves or evade the technique. Can be used twice per battle.
(Sagīnjōzu) - The Sanguine Maw (Reference)
Type: Relic Weapon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: The Sanguine Maw is a two-handed and double-edged axe crafted from Tiamat’s ivory bones. At the base of the grip is a single crystalline orb flickering with black and white energies representative of a fully powered weapon core. The axe is bound to the Boar seal and can be summoned to the user or sealed passively at their discretion. When wielded with two hands the user can, at the cost of a move, swing the axe to inflict 80 damage.

Intrinsic Traits:

Sanguine Affinity (I-III): Fortifies the user’s vitality, enhancing their health by an additional 20/40/60 points. (II)
Roiling Blood (I-III): The intensity of battle augments the user’s power. Increases all damage by 10/15/20% of Health Points missing from biography’s maximum Health, up to a maximum of 40. (I)
Fortified Anatomy (I-III): Enhanced physical durability confers the user a passive damage reduction to physical-based techniques. Reduces physical damage taken by 10/20/30 points. (II)

Exsanguination (I-II): Exsanguination is a devastating ability that combines the power of Roiling Blood with the user’s own overwhelming life force, augmented by the Sanguine Maw. The ability manifests on the Maw as blood, a physical representation of the user’s own lost health. When unleashed it forms a crescent blood wave, launched at the speed of twice an S-Rank Water Release technique and neutral to all techniques it clashes with. It has a long-range reach. The damage it inflicts is correlated to 125%/150% of Health Points currently missing. Tier II Exsanguination passively affords the user a 50% reduction to all effects of Health Fatigue. This passive is not active when Exsanguination is on cooldown. Can be used twice per battle, once every ten turns.

Blood Brawler
A warrior born in blood and battle. Alters the appearance of Sanguine Maw into that of a one-handed axe, allowing its swings to be performed with a single hand.

Sanguinary (B-Rank, active): A skill that enhances the benefit conferred by Fortified Anatomy, exchanging its passive benefit for a significantly increased physical damage reduction. The drawback is that it increases the damage intake of Spiritual-based techniques by 50%. This ability lasts for three turns and reduces physical damage by 30/50/80. Can be used twice per battle, once every three turns. While on cooldown the effects of Fortified Anatomy remain inert.
Bloodied Veteran (A-Rank, passive): Passively strengthens Roiling Blood, increasing its damage enhancement to 30/40/50% of the user’s missing Health Points in exchange for it only being applied to Taijutsu and Bukijutsu. Cannot be applied to elemental Taijutsu.
Reborn in Blood (S-Rank, passive): When the user’s Health Points fall to zero they will passively gain a single point of health back, allowing them to continue fighting. Can be activated once per arc.
Tunnel Vision (S-Rank, active): For a moment the user is able to ignore the effects of Health Fatigue and pain entirely, becoming an unrelenting scourge. This technique lasts for two turns or until an enemy is not within short-range of the user. Can be activated twice per battle.
Blood Render (F-Rank, active): Converts Exsanguination into a devastating close-quarters ability. The technique remains the same with the exception of the blood forming on the axe and remaining on it, unleashed in short-range in a massive explosion of blood. Increases damage done to 175%/250% of the user’s missing Health Points.

Scarlet Virulence
A bloodborne plague spread from user to foe. Alters the appearance of the Sanguine Maw into a red and black two-handed axe dripping blood from its edges.

Vile Disease (B-Rank, passive): A virus born from the user’s blood. The user is immune to the effects of Vile Disease. The disease is released from the Sanguine Maw through its techniques and swings, most notably the blood that drips from its edges passively. The disease infects through a single moment of contact, inflicting 20 damage per turn indefinitely until cured with an S-Rank Medical Ninjutsu or A-Rank Yang/Utu technique.
Wave of Blood (A-Rank, active): A technique that produces waves and streams of blood from the Sanguine Maw, inflicting 60 damage and passively applying Vile Disease to any living target it touches. Costs the user 20 Health Points to activate.
Unholy Empowerment (S-Rank, passive): Converts the damage bonus of Roiling Blood into a powerful boon toward the user’s Scarlet Virulence abilities, and other techniques that manipulate their blood. Increases the damage bonus to 30/35/40% of missing Health Points.
Blood Familiar (S-Rank, active): Forms a familiar from the user’s blood, granting it 200 Health Points at the cost of 50. The familiar moves at a base speed of 17 and is able to use Vile Disease, Wave of Blood, and Exsanguination. Its Taijutsu inflicts 80 damage at the cost of a move, increased by 20 points of damage for every 20 points of Health lost.
Vector of Infection (F-Rank, passive): A passive augmentation to Vile Disease, increasing the damage it deals by an additional 20 points. It also saps the strength and agility of the victim, reducing their speed by 70% of its base and causing the Vile Disease to spread each turn to any other living target within 20 meters of their position, with the only exception being the user.

Endless Devourer
Consume the life of your foes. Alters the appearance of the Sanguine Maw into two one-handed axes.

The Butcher (B-Rank, passive): The user’s Bukijutsu with the Sanguine Maw siphons the life of the target they strike, whether the damage is inflicted or not. Each strike siphons 5% of the base damage of the technique used, unless it is evaded outright.
Empowered through War (A-Rank, passive): Whenever the user gains excess healing through The Butcher they activate Empowered through War, increasing their speed by 2.0x their base and all damage they do by 20. Lasts for two turns or until the user’s Health Points fall from their maximum.
Open Wounds (S-Rank, passive): When an opponent falls below 20% of their maximum health they will gain an Open Wound, causing them to bleed 10 Health per turn that can only be stopped when they fully heal themselves again. This bleed increases in potency to 20 and 30 points per turn when their health falls below 50 and 80% of their maximum health respectively.
Consumption (S-Rank, passive): A passive technique that accumulates any excess healing acquired through The Butcher. Excess healing is defined as any healing that goes beyond the user’s maximum health capacity. This healing is stored, up to 80, and can be added to Taijutsu or Bukijutsu technique as a boost to its damage, including Exsanguination.
Extinguish (F-Rank, active): Activated within the same timeframe as Exsanguination, causing any damage it inflicts to increase the rate of The Butcher from 5% to 15%.
Kōtetsu: 200 - 80
Strix: 200
Kōtetsu: 1,600 - 215
Strix: 3000 - 40 | 1500​
Movement Speed
Sif: 13.5
Kōtetsu: 10.5 (42)
Strix: 8.25 (16.5)
Sif: 27
Kōtetsu: 72.5 - 10
Strix: 24

Solaris: 80/80
Eternal Toil: 12
Void Harvester: (5%)
Void Infusions: 0/4

Venusaur: 1/3
Final Shape: 400 - 120
Last edited:
  • Wow
Reactions: Yin


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Kokou’s eyes widened momentarily as she noticed some kind of barrier beginning to form around her; which almost immediately caused her to go on the offensive. She refused to be caged like some sort of animal. Ironic, surely but as the barrier formed a mist of steam passively released from Kokou’s body. This increased the beast’s natural durability alongside the armor (6 Rampage Points, increasing Kokou’s durability to 110), allowing her to remain mostly protected from the explosion of her own Bijuudama. This only caused her 10 DMG in total, completely fine for the most part. However immediately after tanking the impact – Kokou roared, releasing a powerful wave of chakra that while it doesn’t immediate shatter the barrier in question, it does make work of it enough to weaken even more.

“It seems you humans are becoming more craftier by the day…but…this will not contain me forever!”

Kokou called out, immediately releasing a powerful fireball from her mouth, that would finally shatter the barrier completely. With it now gone, Kokou turned to look into the direction of Kotetsu. “You’re first” the beast galloped swiftly towards the opponents in question. This time she wasn’t going to allow an escape.

Protected Mist - The user’s armor passively releases bursts of steam when foreign chakra nears the user, harshly burning away non living targets, decreasing the damage targets deal on contact. This increases the user’s durability by 5 Bonus Damage per point and caps at 4 points at Incomplete Transformation and 6 at Complete Transformation.
( Bijutsu: Biju Shōgekiha ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Tailed Beast Shockwave
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80 (80 + 40 = 120)
Description: A basic skill available to all Tailed Beasts and their Jinchuriki, the chakra shockwave is as dramatic as it is useful. A Tailed Beast uses its massive chakra reserve to turn anything from a roar or a simple wave of a limb into a powerful force of pressure and destruction. The ability varies in power, depending on the chakra mode the user is in and the chakra he puts into it but can only be used from time to time and never in focused or precise ways. In their Chakra Shroud state, the technique gains a +20 damage increase. In their Incomplete Mode, the technique gains a +30 damage increase. In Complete Transformation, the technique gains +40 damage increase.
Note: Can be used by Pseudo Jinchuriki's in their Final Pseudo Mode
Note: Jinchuriki's can use this skill in their Initial and Complete Transformations
Note: Can only be used once every 2 turns
(Katon: Gōkakyū Hitoame no Jutsu) Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 100 + 60 = 160
Description: Kneading his chakra and then converting it to fire, the user will do the Horse → Tiger → Snake → Ram hand seals as he inhales, exhaling into the sky a multitude of great fireballs (up to 8) at the same time which then rain down on the target from above causing severe, widespread damage around the field. These fireballs have explosive and concussive abilities, similar to other fire techniques.
Note: Can only be used by Fire Primary Specialists.
Note: Can only be used twice.

HP: 650 - 10 = 640
CP: 5,940 > 5,830
Base Speed: 40
Base Tracking: 176


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Kokou’s eyes widened momentarily as she noticed some kind of barrier beginning to form around her; which almost immediately caused her to go on the offensive. She refused to be caged like some sort of animal. Ironic, surely but as the barrier formed a mist of steam passively released from Kokou’s body. This increased the beast’s natural durability alongside the armor (6 Rampage Points, increasing Kokou’s durability to 110), allowing her to remain mostly protected from the explosion of her own Bijuudama. This only caused her 10 DMG in total, completely fine for the most part. However immediately after tanking the impact – Kokou roared, releasing a powerful wave of chakra that while it doesn’t immediate shatter the barrier in question, it does make work of it enough to weaken even more.

“It seems you humans are becoming more craftier by the day…but…this will not contain me forever!”

Kokou called out, immediately releasing a powerful fireball from her mouth, that would finally shatter the barrier completely. With it now gone, Kokou turned to look into the direction of Kotetsu. “You’re first” the beast galloped swiftly towards the opponents in question. This time she wasn’t going to allow an escape.

( Bijutsu: Biju Shōgekiha ) - Tailed Beast Skill: Tailed Beast Shockwave
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - S Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: 40 - 80 (80 + 40 = 120)
Description: A basic skill available to all Tailed Beasts and their Jinchuriki, the chakra shockwave is as dramatic as it is useful. A Tailed Beast uses its massive chakra reserve to turn anything from a roar or a simple wave of a limb into a powerful force of pressure and destruction. The ability varies in power, depending on the chakra mode the user is in and the chakra he puts into it but can only be used from time to time and never in focused or precise ways. In their Chakra Shroud state, the technique gains a +20 damage increase. In their Incomplete Mode, the technique gains a +30 damage increase. In Complete Transformation, the technique gains +40 damage increase.
Note: Can be used by Pseudo Jinchuriki's in their Final Pseudo Mode
Note: Jinchuriki's can use this skill in their Initial and Complete Transformations
Note: Can only be used once every 2 turns
(Katon: Gōkakyū Hitoame no Jutsu) Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 100 + 60 = 160
Description: Kneading his chakra and then converting it to fire, the user will do the Horse → Tiger → Snake → Ram hand seals as he inhales, exhaling into the sky a multitude of great fireballs (up to 8) at the same time which then rain down on the target from above causing severe, widespread damage around the field. These fireballs have explosive and concussive abilities, similar to other fire techniques.
Note: Can only be used by Fire Primary Specialists.
Note: Can only be used twice.

HP: 650 - 10 = 640
CP: 5,940 > 5,830
Base Speed: 40
Base Tracking: 176

"It’s not supposed to," he smirks, knowing the full capabilities of his barrier and that it would eventually fall, but not just yet. His ninken continues his previous movement until they’re just outside of short-range of the entrapped Beast’s right side, and as they move Kōtetsu quickly weaves three handseals and places it in an illusion where it’s hit by a massive pillar of water falling from above that pins it to the ground facing upward, with sound from outside the illusion drowned out by the noise of it falling. Further enhanced by the inclusion of water chakra, the illusion gives the water a freezing temperature that numbs the beast, making it unable to move at all. Upon reaching just outside of short-range of the Five Tails, Kōtetsu dismounts from the ninken and has it merge back into his body.

As this happens, Strix taps her foot twice on Venusaur's head giving it instructions to create several totems to spring up inside the barrier with Foo Dog faced heads, racing towards the Bijuu. They wrap around and pin the creature to the ground beginning to absorb chakra from the monster, paralyzing it so it can't move. Jumping off her summons head as it does this, she runs around another 5 meters to the opposite side of Kotetsu, effectively making them on opposite sides of the creature they were hunting standing within 5 meters of the giant beast they were fighting.

Normally I'd prefer to be in the back supporting, but I think right now we need to take this out as quick as possible.

(Genjutsu: Asshuku Mizu) l Illusionary Arts: Pressure Water
Type: Supplementary / Genjutsu
Rank: A Rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30 (30 + 10 = 40)
Damage: 60 (60 + 8 = 68)
Description: The user begins by forming 3 handseals, channeling their chakra into their opponent's chakra network, manipulating it to make the opponent believe they are hit by a large constant freezing ice cold stream of water from just above them that is large enough to cover their body. In the genjutsu the freezing ice cold water stream pins them to the ground facing up, under the force of the water the victim is rendered immobile. Also within the genjutsu the water the victim is hit with is freezing cold, so much so that it is like the water found in the Arctic, this water makes the victim feel terribly cold, numb. However in reality, the victim is left standing, paralyzed due to the power of the stream that pins them within the genjutsu. If the user does not escape the genjutsu in one turn they will suffer great mental damage , from the ice cold water. If the victim is unable to escape in the second turn they will not be able to cope with the mental stress that has now accrued and will pass out.

Note: No genjutsu of any rank can be used in the next turn
Note: Can only be used two times a battle
Note: Can only be taught by Strawberry

(Inton: Gogyou Gen) – Yin Release: Five Elements Illusion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+50 chakra cost to applied technique)
Description: This technique allows the user to combine their elemental chakra with Yin Release in order to create stronger, more potent Genjutsu. When the user casts a Genjutsu, rather than using their raw chakra they will use one of the basic elemental natures, thus increasing the potency of the jutsu. This technique increases the technique it is applied to by one rank in strength; due to the massive infusion of chakra a Genjutsu empowered by the Five Elements Illusion can penetrate through any passive defense or subversive method against Genjutsu. By using nature chakra rather than raw chakra, the properties of the Genjutsu can change in accordance to that nature and become stronger. For example, using Crushing Snake Constriction with Fire Release chakra would make the snakes appear, feel, and sound as though they were on fire. The user is free to alter the effects of a Genjutsu within reason as long as the primary effects remain the same. Like other Yin-Yang infusions, this technique only increases the chakra within the technique by an additional rank in strength, or 10, whichever is higher.
Note: Can only be used 6 times per battle.
Note: Cannot be used on techniques above S-Rank.
Note: Yin Release Specialists and Yin-Yang users can use advanced elements and CE.

(Mokuton: Foo Inu Atama) Wood Release: Foo Dog Heads
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (-20 per turn to the user to sustain; -100 per turn to the target if caught)
Damage: N/A
Description: A technique designed to be used to absorb a tailed beast's chakra. The user produces the "sit" (座, suwaru) kanji on their palm and creates a series of wooden pillars, which are engraved with what mark and resemble foo dog faces, to erupt from the ground. When the user slams their palm on the ground, the wooden statues rush towards the target and pin him down, absorbing their chakra and stopping their struggle. The technique can also be used as a medium for the Hokage-Shiki Jijun Jutsu: Kakuan Nitten Suishu) - Hokage Style Elder Jutsu: Tenth Edict On Enlightenment to revert tailed beast transformations or control biju. A curious side of the technique is that each Foo Dog Head has a lit wick on top. The technique can be used and left standing by until needed if the user maintains his palm pointed forwards. While sustaining the technique, the user must maintain his palm on the ground otherwise the control is lifted.
Note: Can only be used by Yamato bios
Note: Can only restrict enemies Kage Rank and below, Pseudo Jinchurikis or Jinchurikis
Note: Once caught, the enemy cannot mold chakra to escape
Kōtetsu: 120
Strix: 200
Kōtetsu: 1,385 - 95
Strix: 2,960 | 1500
Movement Speed
Sif: 13.5
Kōtetsu: 10.5 (42)
Strix: 8.25 (16.5)
Sif: 27
Kōtetsu: 62.5
Strix: 24

Solaris: 80/80
Eternal Toil: 16
Void Harvester: (Dormant)
Void Infusions:1/4
Venasaur 2/4
Final Shape: 280 - 120


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
It was at this integral moment that Kokou realized that if she continued at this pace, it was only a matter of time till the humans would capture her, she continued to track the location of the Inuzuka until…her mind was caught in an illusion. The beast groaned in agony, as the sheer cold water that was seemingly brought into existence washed over her. However, it was at this moment that Kokou realized. “Trying to cool me down…” she uttered, she remembered her body was a literal walking furnace – her power’s heat surpassed her sister’s blue flames, but was rivaled by her brother’s lava. The sheer rage within Kokou came to life, as she quickly released a surface of steam chakra throughout her body at the cost of 14 Rampage Points. Despite the illusion originally keeping her movements naturally locked, the beast wouldn’t have to worry in this case. As she immediately propelled herself forward, it would come in tandem with a shroud of scalding steam as it violently broke through the barrier. It was finally shattered, as the beast became a torpedo in a sense. Her launched herself directly towards Kotestsu, aiming to completely ram her body into his own (100 DMG + 60 via Rampage, equaling 160 DMG but moving at 40 x 6 = 240 Speed). This would have also allowed her to avoid the wood technique created by the summoning as a result as well.

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GRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW!” the beast yelled out. The beast noted that despite utilizing it’s technique, it would still “feel” cold, prompting the beast to try and shake off the water it had on it mentally. Kokou would violently draw out water from itself as it spirals, into the form of a giant dragon and simply expands outwards attempting to hit any and everyone nearby including Strix, Kotetsu the summons etc. She was panicking, almost on a bestial instinct.

Horn Breaker - At the cost of 10 points, the user is able to superheat his furnace to tremendous levels, allowing it to propel him forward at significant speeds to deliver a massive steam enhanced blow. This burst enhances his speed by 4x Speed creating a 5 meter Kukuo head shaped steam shroud around the user as he strikes. This attack causes 120 damage. For each additional point spent, the damage increases by 5 damage but loses 0.5x speed or vice versa. Up to 14 points can be spent in total.
(Suiton: Suishū Gorugon) - Water Release: Powerful Blasting Rain Trench
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (+10 to sustain)
Damage: 80 + 60 = 140
Description: After performing the Dragon → Tiger handseals, this technique will summon a large amount of water near the user that will then be used to strike at the opponent in several versatile ways. Shizuku has been known to transform it into a dragon with a gaping mouth to attack though the user can shape it in any way he needs for his intended purpose. The water used will be stationary till it is sent offensively toward the opponent and as long as the user fuels it and the technique isn't fully negated, the Tiger handseal can be sustained and the water manipulated and used. The technique can also be used from nearby water sources, including low rank water techniques, for the same effect. Due to the immense control needed, the technique is considered a highly advanced use of water release, requiring the user to possess a primary water specialty to use.

Note: Can only be used by Water Primary Specialists.

HP: 640
CP: 5,860
Base Speed: 40 (240 while Horn Breaker was used)
Base Tracking: 176

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
For a moment, with his illusion placed and the beast paralyzed, Kōtetsu almost breathes a sigh of relief at the Beast’s right side, but it suddenly propels itself forward at untraceable speeds. The barrier confining it shatters in dramatic fashion as it crashes through it and charges into long-range. Thankfully, due to their position at its sides Kōtetsu, Strix, and her summoning are out of the path of its charge, one that was too fast for them to dodge otherwise. At the end of its charge, The Five Tails puts on a final act of resistance. It conjures a massive amount of water and forms it into a large spiraling dragon that thrashes wildly, aiming to destroy everything in the surrounding area.

"Don’t injure it!" Kōtetsu calls to Strix and her summoning. "It’s still under the effects of the Illusion!"

"Got it!" She yells back as she spun on her heel to face the Bijuu. "Leave this to me." She charges over five meters forward into mid-range with her left hand stretched out, directly into the path of the water attack. Just before making contact, she creates a sphere of energy through the specialized glove on her hand that absorbs the technique in its entirety as it grows proportionally in size to the water, leaving everyone else free to subdue the Five Tails.

( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A ( 40 chakra per use )
Damage: N/A
Description: A cyborg attachment to the user's body, the user has a robotic limb that allows for him to create spheres of energy that are capable of absorbing chakra up to S rank level. These spheres are capable of dealing brute force on impact as well, growing to large heights, up to 4 meters in radius. Starting at roughly rasengan size, these spheres grow proportionally to the size of the technique absorbed. Normal Ninja are able to make use of one of these devices via specialized gloves that allow them to absorb 1 Ninjutsu per turn up to S rank while Cyborgs have these attachments and are able to absorb up to Forbidden powered attacks and 1 from each arm per turn.
Note: Can be used a max of 3 times for Ninja and 5 for Custom Cyborgs.
Note: Cyborg can have up to 2 Absorption Arms.
With the barrier breaking, the hot steam from the geyser that was being contained now spreads across the field, but it wasn’t anything the two weren’t able to ignore. As Strix moves towards the incoming attack, Kōtetsu matches her pace and runs beside her. Once they reach mid-range and she stops to absorb the water, he does as well and performs a number of handseals before slamming his hands to the ground. This results in the creation of a barrier that pushes the Five Tails to the ground (if it’s face wasn’t already in the dirt from the charge) and renders it unable to mold chakra above A rank.

(Tajū Mugen Hōyō ) - Multiple Infinite Embraces
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30 (-100 to the target per turn, +100 to user per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique is a stronger version of Infinite Embraces and is used basically in the same manner. The user will do the Tiger → Dog → Horse → Dragon → Boar hand seals and slam his hands on the ground, creating a bigger barrier than the original technique but similar in its essence which drains the target's chakra but also pushes down on them making it much harder to break free. The massive pressure the technique puts on the target prevents the target from moving unless it has some sort of enhanced strength ability, making it very difficult to break free from it. Unable to move, the targets are also unable to mold chakra above A-Rank while having his chakra drained. The barrier can only be broken by A-Rank techniques or above or by attacking the user.
Simultaneously, Venasaur, whose wooden pillars had been avoided, sustains the technique and sends them rushing after the Tailed Beast. "SAURRR!" He yells as he expertly maneuvers them around Kōtetsu and Strix, intent on pinning down his paralyzed target.

(Mokuton: Foo Inu Atama) Wood Release: Foo Dog Heads
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (-20 per turn to the user to sustain; -100 per turn to the target if caught)
Damage: N/A
Description: A technique designed to be used to absorb a tailed beast's chakra. The user produces the "sit" (座, suwaru) kanji on their palm and creates a series of wooden pillars, which are engraved with what mark and resemble foo dog faces, to erupt from the ground. When the user slams their palm on the ground, the wooden statues rush towards the target and pin him down, absorbing their chakra and stopping their struggle. The technique can also be used as a medium for the Hokage-Shiki Jijun Jutsu: Kakuan Nitten Suishu) - Hokage Style Elder Jutsu: Tenth Edict On Enlightenment to revert tailed beast transformations or control biju. A curious side of the technique is that each Foo Dog Head has a lit wick on top. The technique can be used and left standing by until needed if the user maintains his palm pointed forwards. While sustaining the technique, the user must maintain his palm on the ground otherwise the control is lifted.
Note: Can only be used by Yamato bios
Note: Can only restrict enemies Kage Rank and below, Pseudo Jinchurikis or Jinchurikis
Note: Once caught, the enemy cannot mold chakra to escape

Kōtetsu: 120
Strix: 200
Kōtetsu: 1,290 - 45 + 100
Strix: 2,600 - 40 | 1500​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 10.5 (42)
Strix: 8.25 (16.5)
Kōtetsu: 62.5
Strix: 24

Solaris: 80/80
Eternal Toil: 20
Void Harvester: (Dornant)
Void Infusions:1/4

Venasaur: 3/4
Final Shape: Destroyed!


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
RAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRR” Kokuo groaned out loud, once again realizing the situation she was in was rather…dire. This was her last frontier, she underestimated the humans now…her ignorance would have gotten her in a lot more trouble than she original intended. “LET ME GO…” she uttered, but alas – the beast was unable to do anything. No matter what she tried, the damned water wasn’t going anywhere. And with time, the mental strain finally took over and with it, the beast collapsed, with her fainting from the mental strain. “You…will regret this…” she snared, her final words before passing out.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
RAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRR” Kokuo groaned out loud, once again realizing the situation she was in was rather…dire. This was her last frontier, she underestimated the humans now…her ignorance would have gotten her in a lot more trouble than she original intended. “LET ME GO…” she uttered, but alas – the beast was unable to do anything. No matter what she tried, the damned water wasn’t going anywhere. And with time, the mental strain finally took over and with it, the beast collapsed, with her fainting from the mental strain. “You…will regret this…” she snared, her final words before passing out.
The threat spewed by the rampaging beast falls on deaf ears as it finally loses consciousness while restrained by Venasaur’s wooden pillars that continuously drain her chakra. The battle was almost won, but Kōtetsu knows he has preparations to make before delivering the final blow. He lifts his barrier from the Five Tails, and as Strix covers a distance of over five meters until she was close enough to touch it, he follows her lead and approaches.

"You go high," he tells her, motioning Kokuo’s head. "And I’ll go low."

"Sure thing," she replies with a gleeful smile as she reinforces her own body with yang-natured chakra to empower her physical abilities to their utmost limit, making her even stronger than she already is. She uses the increased speed she’s granted the leap atop the Bijuu’s head. The sudden increase in power using the movement technique causes a wave of energy to spread from her as it slows down the Bijuu. The Inuzuka mimics her action and also reinforces his body with yang chakra to boost his physical capabilities as he takes up position by the Bijuu’s forelegs, ready to strike at any moment.

(Yoton: Ken'i) - Yang Release: Power of The Sun (Strix)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 100 (50 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (+40 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will reinforce his own body with Yang natured chakra, empowering his physical abilities to the outermost limits. This allows him to become physically very strong (beyond the normal levels of chakra enhanced strength), increases his resistance to physical damage (decreasing 60 damage from any physical contact), his speed (boosted to 3.5x his normal speed), and grants him a passive healing of all minor wounds at 30 damage per turn. However, by infusing himself with the Yang Nature, he becomes unable to use Yin Release techniques or Yin/Yang Release techniques; he cannot use Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu).
Note: Can only be used twice per battle and lasts 4 turns per use.
(Yoton: Ken'i) - Yang Release: Power of The Sun (Kōtetsu)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 100 (50 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (+40 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will reinforce his own body with Yang natured chakra, empowering his physical abilities to the outermost limits. This allows him to become physically very strong (beyond the normal levels of chakra enhanced strength), increases his resistance to physical damage (decreasing 60 damage from any physical contact), his speed (boosted to 3.5x his normal speed), and grants him a passive healing of all minor wounds at 30 damage per turn. However, by infusing himself with the Yang Nature, he becomes unable to use Yin Release techniques or Yin/Yang Release techniques; he cannot use Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu).
Note: Can only be used twice per battle and lasts 4 turns per use.
Shroud of the Reaper (I-III): When the user activates a mobility technique, like Flicker Evasion, they release a pulse of intangible energy that slows all enemies surrounding them within short-range. This reduces their movement speed by 30/40/50% for two full turns. (II)
"SAURRR!!!" Venasaur shouts from behind them as he releases control of the wood technique restricting the Five Tails. Knowing that the duration of his summons was about to expire, he decides to perform one final act before dispersing. He creates four gigantic wooden hands that he manipulates to cover the mouth of the geyser, attempting to stop the incredibly hot steam from continuing to spread over the battlefield. With his last act completed, he vanishes from the field.

(Mokuton: Hotei no Jutsu) Wood Release: The Laughing Attack of Buddha
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 120
Description: After performing the required 3 hand seals, the user creates 4 gigantic wooden hands that erupt upward from beneath the ground, which encircle and then attempt to restrain a chosen enemy. The size of each of these hands is around the size of a tailed beast. If the hands manage to grab the enemy, they will be unable to use techniques due to the woods chakra absorbing abilities. Each hand can only be destroyed by S-Rank techniques but, due to their size, are not suited for attacking small targets.
Note: Can only be used by Hashirama Senju bios
Note: Can only be used twice
Kōtetsu: 120 + 30
Strix: 200
Kōtetsu: 1,345 - 115
Strix: 2,560 - 100 | 1500​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 37
Strix: 29
Kōtetsu: 63
Strix: 24

Solaris: 80/80
Eternal Toil: 20
Void Harvester: (Dormant)
Void Infusions:1/4

Power of the Sun: 1/4
Venasaur: 4/4
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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
Kokou continues to dream frolicking in the meadows of the Land of Fire.
As the Five Tails dreams of better days, Strix and Kōtetsu unleash a final devastating attack. With the Inuzuka targeting the forelegs and his partner the head, they move simultaneously. They concentrate chakra into their fists as they bring their dominant arms back, and then deliver a powerful downward blow to their respective targets on the Bijuu’s body. The power and impact of their strikes leave an enormous crater in the earth and send streaks of cracks racing through the circular mesas on which their battle occurred. Unable to sense the attacks due to being trapped in the illusion, Kokuo suffers critical damage for a total of 610, depleting her health completely

( 1000m Panchi ) - 1000m Punch (Strix)
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 60 (60 + 25 = 85)
Damage: 120 (120 + 40 + 30 + 25 + 20 - 30 = 205)
Description: This technique is both terribly simple and terribly dangerous. The user concentrates their chakra into their fist and simply lands a devastating full punch blow on the target, sending him flying up to a full landmark away if met with no resistance in its way. Targets hit, due to its power and impact, will suffer bone-breaking effects and will trigger the 80% General Body Health Effects. In addition, the technique can also be used to defend against corporeal ninjutsu attacks such as Earth and Wind up to the same rank. If the user punches the ground, the chakra released will produce a massive shockwave that shatters and crushes the earth up to mid-range deep and is capable of leveling a landmark, leaving behind an enormous crater. The technique is so powerful it can be used against boss summons or gigantic enemies with no noticeable result change.
Note: Can only be used by Sakura or Tsunade bios.
( 1000m Panchi ) - 1000m Punch (Kōtetsu)
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 60 (60 + 25 = 85)
Damage: 120 (120 + 40 + 25 + 20 + 5 - 30 = 180)
Description: This technique is both terribly simple and terribly dangerous. The user concentrates their chakra into their fist and simply lands a devastating full punch blow on the target, sending him flying up to a full landmark away if met with no resistance in its way. Targets hit, due to its power and impact, will suffer bone-breaking effects and will trigger the 80% General Body Health Effects. In addition, the technique can also be used to defend against corporeal ninjutsu attacks such as Earth and Wind up to the same rank. If the user punches the ground, the chakra released will produce a massive shockwave that shatters and crushes the earth up to mid-range deep and is capable of leveling a landmark, leaving behind an enormous crater. The technique is so powerful it can be used against boss summons or gigantic enemies with no noticeable result change.
Note: Can only be used by Sakura or Tsunade bios.

Kōtetsu: 150
Strix: 200
Kōtetsu: 1,230 - 125
Strix: 2,460 - 110 | 1500​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 37
Strix: 29
Kōtetsu: 63
Strix: 24

Solaris: 80/80
Eternal Toil: 20
Void Harvester: (Dornant)
Void Infusions:1/4

Power of the Sun: 2/4
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
It was a brief moment, but as Kokou regained conscious - the sheer pain from the impact incapacated her, despite shaving as much of the damage as she could. "Yo....u...." she tried to utter, only for her final words to be completely unable to be released.

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