Custom Technology Submission

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Jul 18, 2012
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Please be sure to read the before making a submission.

±±Custom Technology Techniques±±

Custom Technology techniques, otherwise known as Scientific Ninja Tools, were introduced in the Boruto series as a series of technologically advanced technologies meant to aid the user in battle. Here, you'll be able to submit your own Custom Technology.

±± How to submit a Custom Technique? ±±

1. Step One: Pick the Name and Japanese Translation. Use this to help you. Be sure to name the techniques correctly by stating the skill/element/area to which the technique belongs. Don't use Japanese in Kanji form; use standard Romanji instead.

2. Step Two: Chose the type of your Custom Technique.

Scientific Ninja Tools and Technology have Tool by default as their tool type.

3. Step Three: Rank The Jutsu According to Power and Effects.


4. Step Four: Put a Range in your Jutsu.

Short Range
Mid Range
Long Range

5. Step Five: Fill in the correct Chakra and Damage points for the rank of the technique

E Rank: 05 Chakra / 10 Damage
D Rank: 10 Chakra / 20 Damage
C Rank: 15 Chakra / 30 Damage
B Rank: 20 Chakra / 40 Damage
A Rank: 30 Chakra / 60 Damage
S Rank: 40 Chakra / 80 Damage
Forbidden: 50 Chakra / 90 Damage

Note: In certain types of tools, some of the fields (either Damage or Chakra) may not be required to fill, like with the damage of a defensive technique . If that is the case simply put N/A (Non-Aplicable).

6. Step Six: Describe the tool.

Make a brief description of your tool and its effects. Don't forget to make it clear and understandable by using proper grammar. Keep it simple and clean. Also, you are required to make a logical explanation of how you achieve the effect of the jutsu. For example, if you have a technique that states "can detect enemy's location" you are required to explain how that is achieved.

7. Step Seven: Restrictions.

Add any restrictions that are deemed necessary for the rank of the technique and its correct use. Usage limit, duration limit, etc. Don't forget to make it logical and simply don't add restrictions in an attempt to make your technique more approvable. Restrictions won't change the fact that your technique may be OverPowered. In terms of logic, it pertains to the correct comprehension of the RP and its skills.

8. Step Eight: Post and Wait for Approval!

±± Template for Custom Techniques ±±

Note: between the first bolded code, simply insert the name of the technique.

±±Formatting Restrictions±±

-No submission that uses font or formatting alterations such as underline, bold, allignement, color, size, spoilers, etc will be checked. The only exception is that you are allowed to Bold or underline the title of each technique you submitt and you can use spoilers for videos or images you need to post for references.

-An exception to the above rule is the requirement to bold the alterations on re-submissions. Its required that every altered or add part is bolded. If you simply take out something, write beneath the jutsu stating "I took out the part where...".


-When resubmitting a custom that was previously declined, you need to quote the original submission and bold the parts you changed in your new submission.

±±Declined, Do Not Resubmit±±
-When one of your techniques was declined with a "Do Not Resubmit" note, you can't resubmit that technique without the permission of the Staff member who checked that technique.

±±Submissions and Amount of Customs±±
-You are allowed to submit up to 2 custom technology per cycle.

-You can submit up to 5 custom Tech techniques ( 2 Weapons and 3 Ninja Tools ) which do not take up normal CJ slots. If you have a CW, you can only have 1 other Weapon on your bio. An example would be having a Sword CW and a Gun Weapon.

-Cyborg bios can submit an additional 5 Custom Technology, giving them a total of 10 Custom Technology Technique Slots of any combination of Weapons and Tools. Cyborgs are also able to have all of their Weapon tools on their bio.

-Finally, Mandalore bios and Cyborgs are able to submit advanced technology in fields inaccessible to normal ninjas (AIs, vehicles, missiles/advanced weaponry, Advanced Computer technology, nanotechnology, etc).

±±Custom Jutsu Users±±

-Once you get your custom clan techniques approved you and all the clan members who have learned them are required to post them in your own custom jutsu thread in the

-You are required to post every jutsu you made and all jutsu that others allow you to use.

-Each and everyone of your custom techniques posted in your thread needs to be numbered(from #1 to #4).

-When posting the techniques, you are required to post the link to the techniques approval, by copying the link to the individual post in which the technique was approved.

-You are forbidden to use any custom technique that isn't posted in your own custom jutsu thread.

-The custom jutsu thread is your responsibility and its your duty to keep it up to date, clean and complete.


-"Markers", or empty posts (with no actual custom jutsu being submitted) created for the sole purpose of being edited later on, are strictly forbidden and shall be considered as nothing more than spam.

-Any post that does not contain a custom technique submission is considered spam and thereby falls under the violation of the of Narutobase.

-Posting a technique that has requirements such as bios or tests and that are pending approval or verification is considered posting a marker. When you post a technique you are required to make sure you fulfill all the conditions needed to do so. That includes training, bios, permissions, etc. Posting them ahead of having the requirements to do so to get your submission checked faster is considered posting a marker and is punishable.

±±Ripping and Copying±±

-You cannot copy or bluntly base your submissions in another members submission without his or hers permission. This is strictly forbidden and is a severe offense.

-If you find a submission that you feel is too much like yours or that is clearly and bluntly a copy of any of yours, please contact one of the RP mods with the link to your technique and the one that supposedly copies yours.

-The RP Mods may require you to prove you have traded a given jutsu. Be sure you can provide such proof if required.


-No one is allowed to edit his/her post after a moderator has already edited it. Resubmit if you feel that your technique needs to be altered in some way.

±±The Red Rule±±
-The red rule exists and you should check it if you don't know what it is. Bugging any RP mod regarding CJs that were declined and to which you weren't required to contact the given mod, is breaking said rule. The techniques are declined for a reason which is most of the times explained even if we are not required to do so. This is never respected but I urge you to start taking this seriously.

±±The Blue Rule±±
-You aren't allowed to direct us into how to check your customs or tell us to make edits on the submissions to make them approvable. Also, providing expressions like "I talked to X senior sensei and he said its possible" or any variation of such expressions is forbidden. Adding explanations outside the technique's description (or, by that matter, any expression or sentence directed at us) is also forbidden. Anything you wish to explain you need to do so in the technique itself, using the correct template, as it needs to be perfectly understandable by anyone if its to be approved. The necessity to explain or justify things outside of it renders such premise invalid and thus makes the technique unapprovable.


-NB's moderators have every right to deny any move we wish without true explanation, because some techniques submitted do not reach a certain criteria that we feel should be accepted. Please do not complain, please do not argue, just take it as it is and please move on by creating something else. Most Jutsus however will state a reason why a technique or custom will not be accepted.


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Active member
Dec 11, 2010
Trait Points
Sukautā - Scouter
Type: Tools
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 activation 10 per turn thereafter
Damage: N/A
Description: A Scouter is a scanning piece of Ninja technology, contained in a unit that fits over the users left ear, with a semi-transparent coloured monocle that serves as a display, covering the left eye. The colours can vary depending on the users preference but it has no bearing on the usage of the Scouter. The primary function of the scouter is to Scan the Chakra level of an opponent or groups of opponents, displaying a numerical value as well as an arrow to indicate the direction of the chakra source, if they happened to be outside the display-screens field of view. The Scouter is able to pick up Chakra Signals at a vast range, up to a single landmark away; though if multiple Chakra Sources are in the same landmark, it is only able to show the number of individual signals, instead of each Chakra Level. The Scouter will not detect Chakra if the target is using a chakra suppressing ability.
Upon initial activation, it will only show the current level of targets within Long-range of the user, requiring an additional activation cost to scan into the next landmark. Once a targets Chakra has been scanned, it will not constantly update the chakra level as it depletes, instead requiring another activation cost (30 chakra) to update the reading to the targets new chakra level. So long as the user spends the chakra, they are able to constantly track up to five targets at all times, so long as they remain or enter mid-range, unless they use a chakra suppressing ability. The scouter can only track up to two targets if they are long-range away from the wielder, and any targets within an adjacent landmark, will appear as one reading with their combined chakra level displayed on the screen. The scouter is able to track any source of chakra, from projectiles, to clones, to summons and animal companions; anything with a readable chakra source present. This ability to detect targets does grant a small boost to the users tracking speed, granting an equivalent to a 2T Sharingan.
Scouter's are able to provide a direct line of communication with other Scouter's and communication devices, via implementation of a modified script from a communication scroll, however only when the Scouter is active. This communication extends up to three landmarks in any direction and can easily be heard by the wielder due to the device being ear-mounted.
-Scouter can remain active so long as the user has the chakra reserves to do so.
-Scouter Tracking speeds do not stack with Doujutsu
-Can only be made/taught by Shinta and a max of 3 can be used.
-Full body lightning jutsu of B rank and higher will short-out the Scouter, making it unusable for five turns. S rank lightning will destroy the Scouter.

¤ Approved ¤
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(Supuratto Bakudan) Splat Bomb
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short - Long (Thrown), Short (Explosion)
Chakra: 15 - 30
Damage: 30 - 60
Description: Created based on the blueprints originally made for the Kote, these small tools are crafted and intended to be used by those whom utilize ink ninjutsu. Within these triangular containment units are ink of various color, this color matching that of the element infused into the ink ahead of time. When thrown at the enemy, the user will weave a single hand seal - causing the capsule to burst open those releasing a violent burst of ink to those around the blast zone. The power of the blast depends on the amount of chakra and ink utilized for the this technique, while also dealing additional adverse affects depending on the element such as fire burning the enemy, water making the ink more vicious and sticky making it harder to move etc. It can also be used as a source for future ink techniques. A rank can only be used thrice per battle while the overall technique can only be used six times per battle. This is also akin to having works of art pre drawn thus various techniques can be used in conjunction to this.
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¤ Declined, this needs a single rank and usage limit. As this is an ink bomb, I don't see how this is capable of releasing Ink animals as well. I suggest making a second item for this. ¤
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, a microphone and a camera. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs and videos and even has a small screen in a pocket of the chest plate to view recorded data if desired. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The chest plate itself has no combat use and isn't defensive in nature merely a convenience it can be distracting but isn't damaging in any way. It can also connect itself to other similar systems such as communication devices, and telephones, used for communication or strategic planning. This is to allow the user to communicate to his allies or even opponents if he chooses to be annoying. It isn't a form of hacking just merely working as a peer to peer communication device.
It has a long enough range to communicate across the Ninja World and can send voice, video or text over massive distances. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.

Music usage examples [ ] [ ]

¤ Declined, has too much going on for one item. These Scientific Ninja Tools are going to be as open as you think; this is, as the first sentence suggests, a speaker system for music. It will not be allowed for communication, or anything outside of the speaker based sound systems. I understand trying to get the most out of an item, but we're not going to allow these type of things. Items will have one main use and at max 2 smaller related uses at most ( this can vary based on the specific item submitted ). ¤

( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 ( +500 ) or ( +100 per turn )
Damage: 80
Description: September is a small orb-like self sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, any advanced chakra nature or natural energy. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi allowing them to passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through direct contact and can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out to use. If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of 100 chakra per turn. This allows them to either gain five hundred chakra immediately from the battery or stretch this process out over five turns. These turns do not need to be sequential and the battery can be used by allies as well through brief contact.
Alternatively if charged with natural energy it it can provide that instead of basic chakra but obviously the person absorbing it must be able to mold it or they turn to stone. If they absorb enough natural energy to convert ten percent of their chakra supply to senjutsu chakra they can circumvent the wait time for Imperfect Sage Mode. They don't have to stop at ten percent though and can take in enough natural energy to convert thirty percent of their chakra supply to senjutsu chakra.
As mentioned the user is able to pre-charge the battery with an advanced chakra nature such as earth, wind, fire, water, lightning, an advanced element or ninjutsu or even a custom element. What this does is different from merely giving the user chakra. Through a move slot they can activate a discharge process where the battery spends forty of it's own chakra to release a surge of elemental chakra either in a non-focused or directed manner. This causes eighty damage to anything around the user excluding the user and his Ninja Technology. This includes Ninja Technology and can even short circuit other Ninja Tech if lightning is used. This has the added benefit of almost instantly ( roughly the speed of nagashi ) creating an elemental source. If used in a non-focused manner it encompassed short to mid however if directed in a conical way it can travel up to long range. This leaves a massive source of the substance on the battlefield roughly equivalent to (Suiton: Bakusui Shōha) - Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave thus giving the user an empowered source if needed. This surge or chakra can be channeled through another piece of Ninja Technology to have that piece of tech release the element but doing so is purely cosmetic and doesn't change anything about it.
Finally the battery can obviously be used to sustain or maintain any other Ninja Technology because it is a battery. All of the users own Ninja Technology is able to directly connect to the battery and wirelessly share the chakra from the battery. This stops the user from needing to worry about sustaining his own Ninja Technology and allows them to focus on the battle at hand. The battery also has a fail safe similar to a surge protector which is a long metal wire like a lightning rod that runs down the users leg ending at the sole of their foot in direct contact with the ground. What this does is allow the battery to protect electrical devices from voltage spikes by limiting the voltage supplied to an electric device by either blocking or shorting to ground any unwanted voltages above a safe threshold. This can protect Ninja Technology from up to S rank surges but the battery uses forty chakra from it's own reserve when this process happens. However it is passive.
Note: The user can only have a single chakra battery on them and the discharge can only be used once per turn.
Note: The chakra can be compartmentalized into three types for example 300 Natural Energy, 100 Basic Chakra and 100 Lightning Chakra or similar setups. The maximum compartmentalization possible is three types of chakra. The user can state in their bio or the first post of a fight which types of chakra are charged into their battery.

¤ Declined, this wont work better than Fuuinjutsu chakra draining/absorption works and Fuuin only allows a return of 100 chakra max per turn. This will work half as efficiently as Fuuin, draining a max of 50 chakra per turn and an overall cap of 200 chakra. This also doesn't need to be S rank, A rank at best. Limit the types to 2 and overall capabilities to 2 as well. Chakra draining, granting chakra, releasing elemental blasts, immunity to S rank surges, and sustaining/empowering other tools is TOO much for one item. These items are meant to be just like the canon tools and have LIMITED uses, not as advanced as you are trying to make them. ¤
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Pyro NB

Apr 22, 2015
Trait Points
(Gurentsu~e) - Grenth
Type: Weapon/Armor
Rank: S
Range: Short(gas/blades)-Mid(Skulls)
Chakra: 15(passive repair), X(-arm technique used)
Damage: +10(blade damage), X(poison dmg), X(arm technique dmg)
Description: Grenth is an armor based on the Tyrian God of Death; it was created by Desmond upon joining Ikiru and his Reapers. It is comprised of an animal skull, dense chakra metal pauldrons/chest plate/vambraces/tasset/greaves/sabatons, cloth lined with a chakra thread mesh, and leather straps. Altogether the armor is able to take up to one S-Rank of non-elemental dmg and up to one A-Rank of elemental dmg within reason. Unless the armor is completely destroyed the user can spend 15 chakra to infuse into the metal causing it to reform.

The skull mask is repurposed to function as a rebreather allowing the user to breathe underwater without making bubbles and a gas mask filtering toxins from the air. On the right pauldron are five detachable skulls that can be filled with poison gas and tossed like a grenade at opponents; alternatively the user can push a button at the top of the skull sprouting a skeletal body no bigger than a 2yr old allowing the skull to chase down/latch onto enemies before releasing their poison. The vambraces are designed with puppetry in mind and were built to accommodate the use of any arm based puppetry techniques the user may know as well as release poisonous gas. The tasset has three heads and a man being dragged to hell on either side of them molded into it. These are filled with poisonous gas that can be released at the will of the user. Attached to the tasset is a long decorative cloth that has darken blades woven into the seams; due to their coloration, they aren’t noticeable by any means. The greaves have 8in hidden blades in the upper area and are filled with gas that can be released at any time. The sabatons have 8in hidden blades in the frontward soles.

~Repairing counts as a move slot
~Utilizing puppetry techniques count as a move slot
~Utilizing gas while freeform takes a move slot
~Skulls can each contain different poisons which must be mentioned in bio
~Requires puppetry and some form of med training to utilize those fields
~Can only be taught by Pyro NB
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¤ Declined, link your med training, namely the poison training you have. I also can't allow the mask to have the gas filtering aspects as it is a special perk of Smoke Ninjutsu and/or Poison so allowing others to have it via equipment waters those fields down a bit. You also mention different types of poisons but unlesd you have these approves or trained, you are only allowed the default med based poison. ¤
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Active member
Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
Burakku Torigā ◈ Fūjin ▸ (Black Trigger ◈ Wind Blade)
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: -5 per turn
Damage: +10 to Kenjutsu Techniques
Description: With the advancement of Scientific Ninja Technology, the Chakra Blade has seen numerous upgrades since its prototype first appeared. Fūjin's overall appearance when deactivated is a long, black sword handle with green circular designs on the bottom half of the handle and a green line in the middle of those designs. When activated, it releases a blade of green chakra which hides part of the handle. The blade itself is not much different then a normal blade, however the chakra focused in the main blade gives it an increase in damage output when used with Sword Techniques. Fūjin's real power lies in its ability to transmit its slashes through solid objects to strike wherever the user can see. A remote attack is initiated when the user slashes at a surface (walls, floors, or ceilings) causing a straight line of pure chakra to travel along that surface in the chosen direction up to mid range. At the user's command, a blade will emerge from it, subsequently causing the attack to terminate. This blade moves very quickly within short range of where it emerges and is equal to A-rank in strength. This requires active manipulation of the user's chakra and thus cost one of thier moves per turn, however the user may active multiple blades at once increasing the damage of the attack by +5 for each blade used. Being in an enclosed space with a Fūjin user may create hazards for the opponent, as the slashes can be transmitted to strike from unpredictable or multiple angles. The extra blades are undulating and semi-transparent and similar to tentacles. When these extra blades are attached to a surface, they become invisible until they are triggered, in which case they become thin glowing lines which extend into blades. The number of remote slashes the user can fire is indicated by wavy, ethereal ribbons of light that sprout from the base of the blade. Each one corresponds to a slash; when there are none left, the user has to recharge them. The reloading process could, however, give the opponent an opening to attack as doing so will cost the weilder one of thier total moves per turn. The chakra capacity of the wielder determines how many such ribbons they can generate: S-Class Ninja can generate 6, Sannin can generate 8, while Kage ranked ninja would be capable of generating 11 extra blades. Another offensive capability was installed within the blade allows the user to sacrifice one or more of their extra blades to materalize a blade from any part of thier body making the user extremely unpredictable reaching up to short-range. Although this weapon has earned the name Wind Blade, it is actually compatiable with all of the users nature transformations, and does not have a specific affinity for one or the other. The user can take advantage of this to give the blade a variety of properties. When infused with Earth Element, the produced blades gain the added effect of petrifying organic material. Wind natured chakra will make the blade extremely sharp giving the blades the ability to pierce easily though solid material while remaining near invisble to the naked eye, preventing opponent's w/o dojutsu from seeing the blade's orientation. Lightning natured chakra will give the produced blades paralyzing and numbing capabilites. Water natured chakra will allow the user to freely control the movement of the blades giving them a whip like quality. Lastly, Fire natured chakra will give the blades burning properties. Custom Element chakra will take on the properties of thier respective natures. The nature transformation happens passively, but must be mentioned before the blade takes on the properties of the element while also draining an additional 10 chakra for the transformation. The blade will retain the properties of the element for two turns before it reverts back to its standard form or by the user's command.
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  • The user is only capable of manipulating up to 4 extra blades at a time.
  • Must at least be S-class to wield.
Gurasuhoppā ◈ Grasshopper
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20 (+2 for each platform)
Damage: N/A (40 if used to launch debris)
Description: Grasshopper is technological ninja tool that was created to allow a ninja to have mobility anywhere. Ninja often travel through regions quickly by leaping from one area to the next.Scientific Ninja Research Teams came up with the idea to expand this mobility for wherever the user might need it. The activation of Grasshopper is signaled by the generation of a glowing orb in the user's corresponding hand that is molded from the user chakra and implanted into a small device. The user can then summon screens of chakra that hover in place in any location and at any angle of their choosing. By touching a jump platform, the user is propelled the direction the square faces at high speed effectively doubling it for a short duration. These platforms will disappear after one use. Grasshopper also enables them to control their position while in mid-air, which makes it an asset in evasion as well as feints. Since it allows for aerial movement, it can negate impediments to mobility deriving from having a wounded leg or from environmental conditions, such as deep snow and rivers. Although it is almost exclusively to move in and out of range and to attack remote or flying enemies, long-range combatants can benefit from this too, since they can reach high ground swiftly and quickly distance themselves from the enemy if spotted. Grasshopper has a great many applications aside from personal displacement. It can be utilized to support one's teammates, either by making them step on a platform to cross the map quickly in order to come to their rescue. Grasshopper also suits more aggressive combat styles, permitting the user to build momentum before an attack or to cut off the enemy's escape route. If the enemy is sufficiently close, the user can launch them in the air and thus deprive them of their freedom of movement by creating a pad in front of themselves. Summoning multiple platforms improves the chances of success but requires additional chakra to do so. Finally, Grasshopper can be used as a slingshot to hurl debris at the target, momentarily stunning them.
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  • Only 5 platforms may be created at a time.
  • Users must wait two turns between uses.
  • May only be used 3 times per battle.
¤ Both Declined, the first isn't advanced technology and is just a Wind based CW. In addition to that, the applications of various elements wouldn't be allowed for a CW either way. The second has been done via basic ninjutsu as well, creating solid platforms of raw chakra to stand on. ¤
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Active member
Aug 18, 2012
Trait Points
Jishin sensā | Seismic Sensor
Type: Tool
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid.
Chakra: 20 (-10 Cp per Turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Jishin sensa is a specialized technological device fashioned to take the form of a medium sized circular watch designed to attach to the user's wrist. Needing chakra to be activated and constantly fueled, this specialized watch has the technological ability to not only register the seismic activity in the ground around the user, but it also registers the type of chakra being used and its relativity to the user who acts as the device's signal dispatcher as long as they remain in contact with the ground. The signals being transmitted from the user pick up any below surface activty happening in real time as it then differentiates the location and the cause of activity in terms of source origination. Although the device itself is advanced in its design and its ground based detection applications, the Seismic sensor can only detect if the chakra is basic, of the basic 5, or unnatural which is the category for everything else.
►Once activated, the device lasts as long as it is fueled, which can be cancled at anytime
►Only works when the user is connected to the ground or a static surface

¤ Approved ¤

Zappuburēdo | Zap Blades
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 20
Description: Zappuburēdo is the name given to kunai knives that have been fitted with the Zap technology, a small additional accessory piece to be fitted on kunai that holds pre-stored lightning chakra for use during battle. Once drawn and thrown the technology activates and the lightning chakra enshrouds the small blade boosting its speeds to match that of a lightning technique while giving the blade the ability to track the natural electricity that emits from living organisms. These blades can be released during battle at the user's expense, and once released these kunai lock on to the first living organism within their linear trajectory where they are then able to divert a maximum of 3 times from their original path in order to hit the target making them very effective against small scaled attacks.

¤ Declined, what is "Zap" technology? You never explain what this is or how it works; you just mention it activates and causes kunai to track people and bend but never really tell how it can do this. ¤
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Active member
Apr 29, 2009
Trait Points
(Ninja Gijutsu: EMP Jenerēta) - Ninja Technology: EMP Generator
Type: Tool
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: This ninja tool was created as a means of countering other advanced ninja tools as they became more and more popular throughout the ninja world. It is a simple device, similar in size and shape to a baseball. When triggered, it will release an electromagnetic pulse from its location out to mid-range which disables any same rank or lower technological device within reason and within its sphere of influence. This means if an electrical object is within Mid range and functions via electricity, then the EMP is able to disable it. The electromagnetic pulse itself is invisible, as the human body is insensitive to it. This device will not destroy other technological items, only prevent their usage while the generator is active.
-Can be used three times per battle.
-Lasts three turns per usage.

¤ Approved ¤
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A(80 For offensive usage | +20 To taijutsu for enchanting limbs)
Description: Siva is a form of enchanted nanobots that work like a swarm to create certain structures, performing tasks or destroy/manipulate other mechanical tools. The nanobots can be very aggressive and follows the command of their user with a remote link that the user have implanted under their skin. This signal is chakra based and the siva nanobots are chakra fueled. The link that the user and the nanobots share is very sensitive and everything the siva can touch, the user will feel themselves. This would work as a mechanic to sense motion outside the boundaries of the users vision and can localize movement everywhere where the siva is. Visually, the siva nanobots are black with a carbon shell and inside lies their core which is glowing red chakra. Each siva bot is one nano-meter big but despite their extreme tininess they are still brutal and quite durable. The siva nanobots can fly up to a distance of 200 meters and they can dig themselves underground to a depth of about 100 meters due to their durability. When not used, the siva nanobots are stored in a black rugsack that the user needs to carry with them. The link is always connected though but activating siva costs a move and the user needs to spend chakra all the time to fuel the nanobots. Unless the user knows fuinjutsu, they are limited to how much siva they can bring to battle(size of a regular rugsack) but if they know fuinjutsu they will be able to summon siva nanobots through a specific seal. The nanobots can be used to fortify the user as well, granting local armor or even make them able to pack an extra damaging punch if they would happen to coat the users arm while they perform a taijutsu move. The usage is really only limited to the users imagination.

Note: Once activated, the siva can remain until the user commands it back or til their chakra reserves are depleted.
Note: The nanobots are able to take on S-ranked damage and are considered neutral to elemental ninjutsu.

¤ Declined, nanobots are reserved for Mandalore usage. You must be a member of the clan in order to gain access to this level of technology. ¤
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Active member
Jun 9, 2012
Trait Points
If this technique is approved, I plan to submit a separate CFS based around this technology:

(Ranburu Regaria - Ramjietto) Rumble Regalia – Ram Jet
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Self
Chakra Cost: -
Damage Points: -
Description: The “Rumble Regalia” collectively refers to a pair of high-tech ninja tools in the form of boots and gauntlets. The boots are made to extend up to the knee, while the gauntlets extend to the elbows. Installed in each of them are multiple miniature air-breathing turbines, each about three to four inches wide and based on the real-life . The turbines are designed to channel and compress wind into a unique variety of new shapes and forms, to be used in separate techniques. On the boots, there is one turbine on top of each foot, one on the sole of each foot, one on each shin, and one on each calf. On the gauntlets, there is one on each palm, one on top of each hand, and one on both sides of each forearm. Additionally, implanted in the soles of each boot are multiple small “roller-balls.” These balls rotate 360 degrees (in any direction) as the user moves along the ground. They allow the user to glide across surfaces, and grant a higher degree of maneuverability. However, the roller-balls don’t work on water or any other liquid surface, forcing the wearer to run or walk on any such surface as they normally would. The regalia are crafted from a special chakra metal that allows the user to freely channel their chakra throughout them and manipulate the turbines at will. However, this also makes the regalia excellent conductors, therefore leaving them susceptible to things like heat and electrocution from an opponent’s techniques. The turbines themselves can be seen as the biggest weak point to these weapons. If the windmills happen to suck in any dangerous substances (e.g. Iron Sand, flammable gas, etc) the regalia are liable to be destroyed or blown up from within. With that being said, they are still sturdily made, so minor things like absorbing ordinary dust or other airborne particles (even if they come from a technique) will have no effect on them.

*The Regalia collectively form an S-Rank technique, making each component C-Rank in strength. Each component can resist attacks of C-Rank and below, but will be destroyed by techniques of B-Rank and above.

The following are example images of the Regalia, though they're too large to post without spoilers.

The Regalia would look similar to this, except with the turbines installed in the specified places.
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This is an example of what the turbines look like
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And these are the roller balls on the bottom of the Regalia
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¤ Declined, technology based on engines and jets are reserved for Mandalore usage. You must be a member of the clan in order to gain access to this level of technology. ¤
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Active member
Apr 23, 2010
Trait Points
(Dominētā) - Dominator
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A (-5 per turn) (20 for NLP, +10 for LE & S, 40 for DD)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Dominator is a firearm that is linked to the holder’s chakra system, functioning as an extension of their body. Small indicators on the weapon’s black surface glow aqua when held by an authorized user. The Dominator features four different modes that can be switched at will:

Non-Lethal Paralyzer - The Dominator's standard mode fires fast, focused chakra bursts that paralyze the target by injecting them with the user’s chakra. In most cases, the target is rendered unconscious and unable to move their body for some time afterward. The effect is improved or weakened based on the target’s rank in relation to the user’s. (Same: one turn unconscious, one turn paralyzed / Higher: One turn paralyzed / Lower: two turns unconscious, one turn paralyzed) This B rank attack deals no damage.

Lethal Eliminator - A supplementary, anti-personnel mode of the Dominator. When it changes to this state, the lower portion of the gun undergoes a rather elaborate transformation which includes swiveling, sliding and flipping around most parts. Acting as a catalyst, it assists the holder as they manipulate jutsu through it, making jutsu capable of becoming more focused and potent. Jutsu used through this mode are capable of penetrating defences and have a higher chance of killing the target. (+20 damage) This only applies to jutsu originating from the holder and cannot apply to large scale techniques. Usable four times per battle/event

Stabilizer - A supplementary mode similar in appearance and function to Lethal Eliminator except this mode only assists in maintaining a jutsu’s form at longer distances, improving its range by one level. (short to mid / mid to long) This only applies to unidirectional techniques originating from the holder and cannot apply to large scale techniques. Usable four times per battle/event.

Destroy Decomposer - The Dominator's Anti-Material mode. The transformation of the weapon is even more extensive, and appears more neon than black. It is primarily used against armored targets or to clear away obstacles. It fires a fast and powerful chakra burst that annihilates the target, leaving no trace of them. It can create a hole in a target of 3-6 feet in diameter or alternatively explode on impact for a larger area of effect. This is an S rank attack that is usable 3 times per battle/event

-Only usable by Ushiro an those he allows
-When foreign chakra enters holder’s chakra system or the holder is unauthorised, the indicators will turn red and prevent the weapon from being used.
-Lethal Eliminator and Stabilizer are used passively in the same timeframe as the relevant jutsu
-Non-Lethal Paralyzer and Destroy Decomposer each cost a move to use
-Two modes cannot be utilized in the same turn
You must be registered for see images

¤ Declined, few things to note about firearms. All firearms will travel at a base speed equal to average lightning jutsu and will fire either raw chakra blasts or elemental ones, and up to 2 natures max for any one gun. In the case of yours, the jutsu it fires through it will only be projectiles, not streams or other jutsu types. Change the feet reference into meters, it's easier to understand for non Americans. ¤
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Onii Chan

Active member
Apr 6, 2015
Trait Points
(Ryokō) - Travel
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: 30 per activation / 10+ per landmark
Damage: N/A
Description: 旅行, Ryokō is a ninja based technological piece of equipment that allows fast yet distant travel within mere minutes. Adapted by the technique ''Transportation jutsu'' and ''Flying Thunder God'' it was clear by researchers that they could take space-time ninjutsu and create the sole concept into a singular item for general transportation. Ryokō comes via two pieces, one for receiving and one for gathering; using the art of space-time the receiving piece comes as a small capsule that is dropped or flung towards the ground and upon impact will create a small standing platform. The other piece is of similar nature, however this one will be used later on as the receiving piece you set on the ground first will be used to deliver you to it. The second piece called ''the gathering capsule'' will be placed anywhere between 1 and 5 landmarks away, you then proceed to stand on the platform that it'll create. Upon standing on the platform the mechanism will suddenly activate once the individual in question performs a singular ram hand sign for chakra consumption to which the technology requires to work. It'll then teleport you to where ever you placed the other capsule (receiving capsule) within minutes (and vise versa once); thus successfully lowering travel time by foot.
➟ Can only be taught by Onii Chan
➟ Can only be used once per IRL month

¤ Declined, S/T customs are still not allowed outside of MS, CC and specific Canon abilities. Teleportation travel will not bypass this rule. DNR ¤
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Active member
Feb 15, 2013
Trait Points
Jinkō Chinō - Artificial Intelligene
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Mand'alor the Indomitable, along with several other scientists within the clan, finally developed an AI in the form of a chip that is inserted into each armor the user owns. These AI chips are horribly expensive to make and take a lot of time to carefully manufacture as they have the processing speeds of a super computer, so their usage within the clan are limited to a very select few. The AI chip inserted into the user's armor has several usages, all of them being supplementary and coming at the cost of powering it with five chakra per turn. Once activated with this chakra, the AI comes to life in the Mandalore's "HUD" or "Head's Up Display" (in the helmet's visor). The AI, when powered, would take the artificial form of whatever they wanted, usually preferring to take the form of humans. The first usage of the AI, as well as this usage being the most used function, is that the AI will survey everything going on within a battle and help the user come up with the easiest and most efficient ways to deal with obstacles. The secondary function that the AI posses is an ability that when the user has no control over his body, it performs a manual override of the Mandalore's armor and gaining control of it, analyzing that the user isn't in the condition to fight due to the armor and the AI being connected to the user's chakra system. Once that disturbance is felt and the manual override is initiated, the AI would begin to control the Mandalore's Armor and by extension the Mand'alor himself until the AI can tell the user is functioning normally.

Note: Can only be taught by Penguin

✦ Declined, not a fan of things like advanced computer technology in the RP like this. Also, idk if a computer chip that creates artificial intelligence are within the CC's limits lol. Speaking on the jutsu itself, the first usage you write is very filler and doesnt do anything in terms of actual usage or ability. It just says "survey everything in battle" basically. That's not really a usage but it's like pointing out the obvious. The second ability you listed seems to be the only actual usage created for this and this is basically just a possession of your body as a safeguard when you are unconscious to prolong fighting. ✦
Jinkō Chinō - Artificial Intelligence
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Mand'alor the Indomitable, along with several other scientists within the clan, finally developed an AI in the form of a chip that is inserted into an armor the user owns. These AI chips are horribly expensive to make and take a lot of time to carefully manufacture as they have the processing speeds of a super computer compacted into small chips, so their usage within the clan are limited to a very select few. The AI chip inserted into the user's armor has several usages, all of them being supplementary and coming at the cost of powering it with five chakra per turn. Once activated with this chakra, the AI comes to life in the Mandalore's "HUD" or "Head's Up Display" (in the helmet's visor). The AI, when powered, would take the digital form of whatever the user wanted, usually preferring to take the form of humans but some have been known to appear as animals. The first usage of the AI, as well as this usage being the most used function, is that the AI will survey everything going on within a battle and help the user come up with the easiest and most efficient ways to deal with obstacles while the user can concentrate on fighting and fighting alone which allows them to react quicker, improving their reaction speeds double that of what they usually are (not having to formulate strategies of offense while trying to defend against techniques). Another ability of the AI is, that when the user is paralyzed, has no control over their body, etc., performs a manual override of the Mandalore's armor, analyzing that the user isn't in the condition to fight due to the armor being connected to the user's chakra system. Once that disturbance is felt and the manual override is initiated, the AI would begin to control the Mandalore's Armor and by extension the Mand'alor himself until the AI can tell the user is functioning normally.

Note: Can only be taught by Penguin

¤ Declined, for starters, needs a rank and chakra usage higher than 5 per turn. The AI will have one form as well, not varying based on user's needs or based on who uses it. x2 Base tracking is the max I'm allowing as well, not double what it usually is. And the paralyzation break will only work up to the rank of this jutsu. As it currently is, this would be an A rank jutsu at best. ¤
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
New Cycle: 24/04/2018 - 01/05/2018

1. Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout this cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions mustn't be edited after being checked by a mod—they'll become invalid, and thus declined!!
4. Submissions may be declined, at the moderator's discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from the prior cycle that haven't been checked will be soon, please have patience.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit.
The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.

Extra Note: Be Mindful of the updates in this Post. Be aware of how many submissions you can and can't submit in one cycle now. You can now submit only 2 Custom tools a cycle.
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Pyro NB

Apr 22, 2015
Trait Points
(Gurentsu~e) - Grenth
Type: Weapon/Armor
Rank: S
Range: Short(gas/blades)-Mid(Skulls)
Chakra: 15(passive repair), X(-arm technique used)
Damage: +10(blade damage), X(poison dmg), X(arm technique dmg)
Description: Grenth is an armor based on the Tyrian God of Death; it was created by Desmond upon joining Ikiru and his Reapers. It is comprised of an animal skull, dense chakra metal pauldrons/chest plate/vambraces/tasset/greaves/sabatons, cloth lined with a chakra thread mesh, and leather straps. Altogether the armor is able to take up to one S-Rank of non-elemental dmg and up to one A-Rank of elemental dmg within reason. Unless the armor is completely destroyed the user can spend 15 chakra to infuse into the metal causing it to reform.

The skull mask is repurposed to function as a rebreather allowing the user to breathe underwater without making bubbles and a gas mask filtering toxins from the air. On the right pauldron are five detachable skulls that can be filled with poison gas and tossed like a grenade at opponents; alternatively the user can push a button at the top of the skull sprouting a skeletal body no bigger than a 2yr old allowing the skull to chase down/latch onto enemies before releasing their poison. The vambraces are designed with puppetry in mind and were built to accommodate the use of any arm based puppetry techniques the user may know as well as release poisonous gas. The tasset has three heads and a man being dragged to hell on either side of them molded into it. These are filled with poisonous gas that can be released at the will of the user. Attached to the tasset is a long decorative cloth that has darken blades woven into the seams; due to their coloration, they aren’t noticeable by any means. The greaves have 8in hidden blades in the upper area and are filled with gas that can be released at any time. The sabatons have 8in hidden blades in the frontward soles.

~Repairing counts as a move slot
~Utilizing puppetry techniques count as a move slot
~Utilizing gas while freeform takes a move slot
~Skulls can each contain different poisons which must be mentioned in bio
~Requires puppetry and some form of med training to utilize those fields
~Can only be taught by Pyro NB
You must be registered for see images

¤ Declined, link your med training, namely the poison training you have. I also can't allow the mask to have the gas filtering aspects as it is a special perk of Smoke Ninjutsu and/or Poison so allowing others to have it via equipment waters those fields down a bit. You also mention different types of poisons but unlesd you have these approves or trained, you are only allowed the default med based poison. ¤
(Gurentsu~e) - Grenth
Type: Weapon/Armor
Rank: S
Range: Short(gas/blades)-Mid(Skulls)
Chakra: 40 to repair, X(-arm technique used), -5 per turn(Shijima Device)
Damage: +10(blade damage), X(poison dmg), X(arm technique dmg)
Description: Grenth is an armor based on the Tyrian God of Death; it was created by Desmond upon joining the Reapers. It is comprised of an animal skull, dense chakra metal pauldrons/chest plate/vambraces/tasset/greaves/sabatons, cloth lined with a chakra thread mesh, and leather straps. Altogether the armor is able to take up to one S-Rank of non-elemental dmg and up to one A-Rank of elemental dmg within reason. Unless the armor is completely destroyed the user can spend 40 chakra to infuse into the metal causing it to reform.

The skull mask is repurposed to function as a rebreather allowing the user to breathe underwater without making bubbles and a redesigned Shijima device built in as headphones. By flipping a switch the headphones activate draining 5 chakra from the user per turn allowing all chakra enhanced sounds A-Rank and below to be met with white noise preventing the sound from reaching the user's ears. On the right pauldron are five detachable skulls that can be filled with poison gas and tossed like a grenade at opponents; alternatively the user can push a button at the top of the skull sprouting a skeletal body no bigger than a 2yr old allowing the skull to chase down/latch onto enemies before releasing their poison. The vambraces are designed with puppetry in mind and were built to accommodate the use of any arm based puppetry techniques the user may know as well as release poisonous gas. The tasset has three heads and a man being dragged to hell on either side of them molded into it. These are filled with poisonous gas that can be released at the will of the user. Attached to the tasset is a long decorative cloth that has darken blades woven into the seams; due to their coloration, they aren’t noticeable by any means. The greaves have 8in hidden blades in the upper area and are filled with gas that can be released at any time. The sabatons have 8in hidden blades in the frontward soles.

~Repairing counts as a move slot and can only be done twice.
~Utilizing puppetry techniques count as a move slot
~Utilizing gas while freeform takes a move slot
~Skulls can each contain different poisons which must be mentioned in bio
~Requires puppetry and some form of med training to utilize those fields
~Can only be taught by Pyro NB

Links: , ,

¤ Approved ¤
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30(-5/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Skyfall is a chakra-based drone system. This back-sized drone is linked to the user through a specific chakra connection. As most drones, Skyfall can fly and due to its size it can carry up to one person(unless they make themselves lighter through other jutsus). Skyfall has an integrated camera that directly sends images through the chakra link, providing the user a full overview of the battlefield. The drone is also chakra-fueled and requires the user to spend chakra to keep it activated. When not used, Skyfall will hang on the users back like a rug-sack. It is made out of a combination of carbon-fibre, steel and rubber. The camera on the Skyfall is a bit more advanced than regular cameras as it can see through smoke and even muddy water. While it cannot see chakra signals it can pick up movement as fast as twice the wielders tracking capabilities. The drone is vulnerable to lightning but to counter it, the drone has a backup-system in case of a shortage that would prevent it from being destroyed should it fall flat from the skies. This backup-system is triggered when the drone falls downwards and is about to hit the ground. However, it cannot be used again for 2 turns if it should be hit with enough power.

¤ Declined, name and type wrong. Also needs a set tracking limit, not one variable based on user's tracking capabilities. Hold one person as well. ¤

Gloves of Hellsing
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40(-10/turn)
Damage: 80
Description: The gloves of Hellsing are a pair of technology infused gloves with the Hellsing insignia on them. On the underside of the gloves are two compartments where the user can store chakra of up to two nature types before battle. The user can only use up to two elements even though they can pick any elements they know of(custom elements included). When they have decided on what two elements they want to use the gloves with, the gloves will start to glow in a colour that matches the elements that the user has picked. If two elements are used each element is correspondent to one glove and if only one element is chosen it will work with both. What the Hellsing gloves will do is to make the user create certain techniques with their picked elements that could be considered free-form. It lets the user create armor, pillars, shields and even weapons out of the elements they have inputed into the gloves. There is no enchantment in the damage output of the elements that are picked but they are offered a much greater variety of usage. Before battle, the user must've chosen their element(s) in the opening post of an event/battle. They cannot change element(s) during a battle. The signature gesture of the Hellsing gloves is to shape one's hand into a gun and unleash a bullet comprised of the chosen element. Because of this power, the gloves will drain chakra from the user constantly and using them costs a move.

¤ Declined, name and type filled out wrong. Needs a Japanese name. Since this utilizes store chakra for various effects, it needs a cap on how much chakra is stored beforehand. Most I'm allowing is 300 per compartment which is where the items will be deducted from. The rank/damage of the items depend on the chakra used ofc. ¤
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Active member
Apr 29, 2009
Trait Points
(Ninja Gijutsu: Pip-Boy 3000) - Ninja Technology: Pip-Boy 3000
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 10 per turn
Damage: N/A
Description: The Pip-Boy 3000 is an electronic bracer that is worn around the user's forearm. It is crudely made with a clunky body and a minimal display. The main function of the Pip-Boy 3000 is to monitor the health and chakra of the wearer, showing a basic human diagram with health, chakra levels, status labels, and damage percentages. This can tell the wearer when they are poisoned, when limbs pass damage thresholds, if they've been paralyzed, hydration and hunger levels, or if their chakra flow is irregular. The bracer can alert the wearer when they've entered an area with dangerous environmental conditions such as poison, toxins, radiation, excessive heat, excessive cold, etc. While the device lacks the technological advancements needed to remedy advanced afflictions, it can be used to shock the wearer out of illusions, causing 5 damage for D and C ranked illusions, 10 damage for B and A ranked illusions, and 20 damage for S ranked illusions. This is not automatically triggered when caught by a genjutsu, and instead must be activated by the wearer through chakra. Outside of the in-battle uses of monitoring health and hazards, it also acts as a hub for information and can display a world map, or a local map showing landmarks such as cities, towns, or discovered locations (which will not be shown unless discovered first). The Pip-Boy can also be used to keep track of the user's missions, inventory, contacts, or just mundane notes, and comes equipped with a flashlight and audio player. An advanced model exists solely for use with Cyborg individuals: the Pip-Boy 3000-C. This model serves the same functions as the standard model, however it is directly linked to the cyborg's body. This allows them to receive the information from the Pip-Boy without having to look at it. It has one advanced system called the V.A.T.S system, an advanced targeting system that allows the cyborg to hone in on specific body parts. When using the V.A.T.S system to supplement an attack, should that attack land it will automatically count as a critical strike. As this system is designed for precise targeting, it can only be used with precise, small scale attacks, as described by the standard critical strike rules.
-Self shock costs a move and is triggered by chakra, costing chakra equal to the damage created.
-Self shock disables the Pip-Boy for 1 turn per shock level.
-V.A.T.S can only be used by Cyborgs.
-V.A.T.S requires a cool down of one turn after being used.

¤ Declined, type is incorrect. For it to release Genjutsu, it will have to do more damage than what is listed. 20 damage won't break an S rank gen, for example. The VATS system will also need an overall cap limit. ¤
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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points

Archive | Akaivu
Type: Supplementary/Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-30 for active usage)
Damage: N/A
Archive is a smart device worn as a wrist watch. However this is due to technology improvement. It's prototype is a super computer which is quite big and not easy to move about. Archive is simply a massive brain and a reservoir for information. Having a microprocessor exceeding 100s of TeraHertz, an infinite memory space via an embedded fuinjutsu seal and an inbuilt holographic system which makes Archive display high resolution holographic images from its memory as a way of displaying it's output. Archive is also connected to the internet that it constantly and continually draw new information into itself and thus is quite updated all the time.
Archive's usefulness is the ability for the user to be able to draw any kind of information from it at any time in a freeform manner. This is quite easy as the user needs just touch a button or speak as Archive is built with biosensors and a voice recognition feature that only recognizes the programmed user. Like an electronic data card, The user is able to retrieve any ninja data, group/affiliation data landmark info and map, hospital and police records, bingo book. Retrieving a Ninja's data is done by searching through its extremely wide database and instantly locating the data and displaying it via a hologram.

There are two ways that Archive gets and updates it's information. The first being passive and the second which requires the use of medical seal. For the passive acquisition of info, automatically, after every event, the participants, which their names and feats would be known all over the NW and recorded by every clan and factions and particularly the international database which is the internet, would have their entire data(Name, Clan, Power they only displayed during the event and appearance) collected and stored in Archive. If any ninja has his data already in Archive, Archive would upon mid-range proximity to that ninja, match their appearance with those in it's database and immediately display the Ninja's data for the user to see and this is done even without the user's consent. By spending 30 chakra, an invisible barrier can be made to spread from an embedded seal on archive. The barrier would spread of to a 100 meters tops, capturing every biological data it could find. This particular seal is an advanced one which is combined with medical ninjutsu in order to capture DNA signatures and register them in Archive's database should they not already be in it already. Through these DNA signatures, Archive is able to match the signatures with those in all hospital records and every other organizations with biological information's, thus retrieving at least the basic data information(Name and Clan) about the new subject. Creating the barrier would take a move slot. Archive only detects and brings out data info. It is not very effective to be used to sense anyone during battle thus its battle usage is close to none.

¤ Declined, wrong type. Second, You will only be able to gain access specifically coded on the internet; to say after every event, everyone's info is automatically placed on the internet is powerplaying and isn't factual for the RP/WSE. You'll only be able to gain information that can actually be gained via online or places you have been, such as in the case of the mapping function. This also cannot be embued with medical Ninjutsu to achieve what you're attempting; medical Ninjutsu is simply Ninjutsu used to heal/repaid chakra networks. It won't allow you to match chakra signatures located in some database you're creating on your own ¤
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Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
(Sū no tsuyo-sa: Untz) - Strength in numbers: Untz
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 60
Description: Untz are nono-sized tool, bug-like in appearance, using an ability similar to the well-known common jutsu: (Gen'ei Tajū Shuriken)-Multiple Phantom Shuriken though the chakra supply of their user. Mechanically appearing as a mosquito-housefly mix, they have antennas that allow them to communicate signals for complete unity of movement. Controlled though that very chakra supply of their user, they act to their user's will and even can be used as a combination as they blend within non-energy based jutsu for more complex counters (passive). Kept in a pouch or within the cyborg's body/ gourd of their user, activated by their user's surge of chakra. Swarming in numbers size-able to a boss-summon, they attack in a multitude of stings and even through flesh, invading their victims insides.

With a confrontation seal, the user can allow these nono-bugs to drain any-type of chakra to allow them to store that chakra (max. 30) for later use. Going further the user can also denote these nono-bugs in similar fashion as paper-bombs. Within their body, these nono-bugs can act as a second layer of protection from incoming attacks they they lace themselves within their host they enhance their immunity to energy based damage (-10 damage).

Waving multiple handseals, the user can manipulate the nono-bugs to behave as weapons of his choosing, changing them into shurkiens, cloth-like or even guns etc. This application would even allow them to restitch themselves if injured, however this wouldn't replenish their health but lessens damage effects that occur from injury by 10%.

Note: Can only be used by cyborgs.
Note: To redistribute the stored chakra the user will spend a move.
Note: Draining chakra is only possible from shinobi, not a jutsu(s).
Note: Can be reactivated after 4 turns.
Note: Lasts for 6 turns.
You must be registered for see images

¤ Declined, for starters, it's Nano-sized. I was confused for a second, lol; I also can't allow them to be that small while being able to enter opponents and detonate. Normal fly size is the smallest in willing to go. The restitching eith the bugs is a no, i suggest a separate technique for it completely. Also, if they enter the opponent, what all does this mean besides being able to detonate? I'm hesitant on allowing both together ¤
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