Custom Summoning Submission

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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
(Kuchiyose: Boa Hancock) Summoning: Boa Hancock
Type: Summon
Rank: F
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A (10 to the user)
Description: Boa Hancock is a unique snake within the ranks of the snakes of Ryuchi Cave, dubbed with the monikers of 'Empress' and 'Snake Princess'. As befitting a snake of such a high ranking, Boa is a master of the coveted arts of natural energy, implementing it seamlessly in her unique style of control and manipulation. Boa is a fairly sized summoning, being 12 meters in length, having iridescent/holographically brown scales with a unique sheen caused by said structural coloration . Per her ranking and beauty, Boa is of a complex temperament, one which is generally described as cruel, self servant, and pompous. Boa is a fairly fast snake, moving faster than a standard Jounin at 14 speeds, with her vitality being at a hundred points, and her skillset being that of a standard snake's, such as basic sensory(x2) and access to all standard snake ninjutsu, with Boa having access to S rank and below normal genjutsu(w/o hand seals, but taking same time), lasting five turns on the field. Boa's distinguishing qualities are the following:

Mero Mero Mellow - Falling in Love Sweet Wind
While considered a master of natural energy, Boa does not utilise the standard techniques associated with the mode, but rather a curated specific application that focuses on the harmful qualities of excessive natural energy. Boa is capable of manipulating NE to form blasts, waves, and constructs that can radically change the environment akin to (Senpō: Muki Tensei ) - Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation. But wherein Muki Tensei can reshape and reform the environment, Boa's usage forces a singular aspect upon the areas it interacts with; petrifaction. This ability would cause areas interacted with to turn into stone, similar to when excessive NE is absorbed by a non SM user, but through Mero Mero Mellow the absorption aspect is not needed, but imposed as the constructs forcefully release the manipulated NE into the target. The target can be the environment itself, techniques, or living beings. This ability can range from B - S, costing 10 more chakra for each rank than normal, with it being usable thrice overall, and capable of reaching Long range, scaling up with each rank. It would follow the s/w of Senjutsu, with it being effective against those that can wield NE as the energy is not naturally absorbed. However, should the target be in the process of gathering NE to enter SM, the chakra could be absorbed by them to increase their total reserves. For living targets, the petrification can be resisted by appropriate means of countering NE normally, and should it land, would only last a single turn on the affected body part.

Haoshoku Haki - Supreme Ruler
Befitting her monikers, Supreme Ruler is a passive ability cast by Boa when she is summoned, affecting mid range all around her. Within that range, Boa and fellow ally summons would be under her potent rule, preventing their return to their homeland via external aggressive/supplementary actions, such as illusions and seals that target summons. For opposing barriers/seals, while they can still be used normally, Boa passively casts an empowered variation of her Mero Mero Mellow to corrupt/destabilise the barriers, preventing their effects. The affected summons can still be returned to their homeland/killed via physically damaging them, however due to the loyalty to Boa's potent rule, their threshold for pain is increased by twenty points.

Mezameyo - Awaken
As a proficient user of illusions, Boa has a unique illusion that is cast by manipulating the scales on her body, wherein the scales would shift and move in unique patterns that affect targets that can see them. Within the illusion, targets would see a mystical aura extend around Boa (short range all around) and would experience an elated sense of relief, being mesmerised by the scales and feeling as if all shackles placed on them have been released, be it physically, mentally, or spiritually. This sense of relief would culminate in the targets becoming incapable of targeting the source of their relief; Boa, hailing her as their Empress. This is somewhat similar to Boa's Supreme Ruler effect on summonings, wherein their loyalty is shifted to her. Naturally, as Shinobi are significantly stronger, this only prevents them from utilising higher ranked techniques against her. (A rank and above) This illusion is considered an S rank ability, and must be sustained at the cost of a move per turn. Usable twice with a turn interval, can only be sustained for two turns at a single go.

Leaving for LoK. Don't have Sage Mode training.

(Igaku Hebiātsu: Fujōna kaishin ) - Medical Snake Arts: Unholy Conversion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Unique to advanced Kabuto bios, Unholy Conversion is a technique that allows the user to influence and enhance their summonings to a higher extent by conducting experiments. The user is capable of influencing their snakes in three main manners, usually depending on the nature of the snake itself. The first is to increase the defensive capabilities of the snakes by grafting and manipulating the scales on the summoning creature, allowing it to withstand up to thirty more damage, but losing one speed for each ten points of defense gained. The second is by improving the offensive capabilities, achieved by tweaking the chakra pathways of the snake, allowing it to channel more chakra into it's attacks and subsequently increasing their damage up to thirty (only 10 chakra), but becoming incapable of accessing higher ranked techniques that require minute control such as illusions and seals, losing one rank for each ten points of damage gained. This loss does not apply to specialised unique techniques of the summoning. The third supplementary modification is one that changes the manner in which snake interact with damage, wherein the snake’s scales would reduce damage based on their total HP. For each 1/3 of the snakes HP changed to damage shaving, the snake would receive 10 more damage from spiritual attacks. Due to the severe manipulations placed on the snakes, the number of turns is decreased by one for each modification applied. So should all capabilities be modified, the snake would last 3 turns less than normal. Naturally Unholy Conversion can not be used on personal summonings, and the user must state the modifications applied to their snakes beforehand in their bio/first post. The technique can be used thrice, with the user being capable of having three snakes modified.

DNR by Imperfect

Techniques like this, that float and skirt that line Pit Vipers crossed, aren't allowed any more. Even if they were, you've got a boost to mitigation, which isn't allowed. Then I don't even understand what you're attempting with that third modification it is so poorly written and hidden in flowery wording that I almost feel like I'm reading an illusion created by reading Surreal Palm. It changes how they interact with damage? For each third of it's health you convert into damage shaving? And it receives more spiritual damage from this conversion? What conversion, you didn't actually list a benefit here. You say for every 3rd of it's health converted it takes more spiritual damage, but that's it. There's no benefit here, you forgot to write it in. Please, tell me what this actually means, the world needs to know!! Actually don't bother. I'm sure it'll just confuse me more.​
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
(Kuchiyose: Haneneru Nishikienrai ) Summoning: Nishikienrai Feather Binding
Type: Summon
Rank: A
Range: Short-A
Chakra: 30 (-10)
Damage: 60
Description: An ability of the Crow contract, this technique allows any Crows or the user through a singular seal summoning the required feathers, to be launched as a projectile. A singular crow or whole flock can perform this technique by a singular flap of wings or constant flap sending a wave of feathers towards the target or target area. The projectiles themselves start as simple feathers however through an application of chakra, grow larger till each are roughly the size of a meter. They then pierce through the target pinning them in place only capable of being removed by an application of same level technique) This can be performed as a one off instance or as a constant barrage of feathers, specifically aimed at one target or affecting an area, in such that it can cover a short range radius to try hit multiple targets or prevent escape from the attack.
-Requires 2 turns cooldown before being used again
-Can only last for 3 turns max, each turn increasing the cooldown after the first turn

Declined by Imperfect.

I was literally just editing this to give it two seals instead of one, because that's how many seals an A-Rank has, then I saw the Range. A isn't a Range. From the description the feathers can affect a Short range radius, but apart from that no mention of how far they can actually travel, which is just so fun. Short Range only and affects a short range area, so you're hitting yourself with this I guess.

Also just a small hint for the next time. That second note? Why the scheme-y wordplay? Why not just say 4 turns?

Also if the intent of the second note is to have 4 turns of feathers barraging the target with A-Rank damage, there's no note or part of the description that mentions whether or not "barraging" a target takes more than one Jutsu slot from that first turn. If that's the case, that's a no. To maintain it you're using a Jutsu each turn, since you're "adding Chakra" to make the feathers larger.

And that mention about the feather's pinning people only being broken by techniques of the same level? We don't have levels, but we have Ranks, and they go higher than A-Rank, so fix that too for next time.​
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Apr 14, 2012
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Link to approval


( Hebi Kuchiyose - Boitatá ) Snake Summoning - Boitatá
Type: Attack/Defense/Supplemental
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: Boitatá, the most proficient of all Snakes in usage of Katon, is a personal summons of Vegeta. He is 10 meters long with bull-like horns on his head. From just behind the top of his skull is what looks like quills coming off him in a staggered pattern down his body. His tail is pointed having an ax shape to it with a spear tip in the center. The razor sharp horns as well as heavy blunt/sharp tail can be used for striking and would also carry burning damage from him always molding his Katon. Its eyes are stunning and bright, and he is very strong even by Snake summons standards. A fierce, powerful, menacing Minister of Death whom, thanks to his natural affinity to Katon and burning things, hates nature, especially the forest. His fangs contain a powerful snake venom, and one bite from him would not only burn someone severely but would also paralyze them as the venom quickly makes it way thru their system, taking 2 turns for total paralysis to set in, lasting for one turn.

- Can communicate with humans and snakes alike
- Uses Katon with no seals, and basic Ninjutsu (only Hiding with Camouflage and Chakra transfer technique)
- Cannot be harmed by B ranks and below
- Can sense with heat/scent/vibration and can also sense things thru their natural energy
- Can access Natural Energy only to use Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation, and can use the Chakra Transfer technique to dispel the user from Genjutsu up to A rank

- All abilities cost a move other than sensing
- Must know Snake Sage Mode to summon Boitatá
- Can be summoned 1x per battle and stays for 4 Turns.
- Can only use Inorganic Reincarnation once per match

Approved with edits by Imperfect.

Reverted the changes you made that weren't the summons size, because they just won't fly these days. A-Rank Immunity? Increased duration on the field? The ability to extend it further? Extra use of a Senjutsu technique when this is Primarily a Fire Release Summon? If you'd rather I revert and decline, let me know.​
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
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original post here:

Summoning Animal: Fireflies
Scroll Owner: Sasora
Other Users who have signed contract: None so far
Summoning Boss if existing: Will be added later
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Will be added later
Description and Background:
Firefly's are an inscet in the family Coleoptera, which are able to create a bio luminescence from their thorax. As with toads and other summons in the Narutoverse, the sizes vary depending on how old they are, as well as their power. Like the other summons they also have a degree of chakra as well as techniques. Some Firefly's have an affinity for an element, which corresponts to their tail, such as blue for water, or yellow for lightning, or white for wind.

Signiners will have a tattoo on their wrist, such like

Summoning Animal: Fireflies
Scroll Owner: Zatanna
Other Users who have signed contract: None so far
Summoning Boss if existing: Will be added later
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Will be added later
Description and Background:
Firefly's are an insect in the family Coleoptera, which are able to create a bio luminescence from their thorax. As with toads and other summons in the Narutoverse, the sizes vary depending on how old they are, as well as their power. Like the other summons they also have a degree of chakra as well as techniques. Some Firefly's have an affinity for an element, which corresponts to their tail, such as blue for water, or yellow for lightning, or white for wind.

Fireflies are a standard summoning contract and have 2 basic abilities associated with them.

-The first is being able to use their tail light for various purposes through contract ninjutsu (ninjutsu/ genjutsu).

-The second abilities is related to how they produce light, which is a bioelectricity that runs through their body. This allows fireflies to have a natural singular rank boost to lightning techniques they use, or if an S rank, a +20 damage/10 chakra depending on the application (offensive technique or defensive techniques that don't have a damage value). This Lightning boost however can instead be combined with a users lightning technique to give it a +20 boost. In this case it can be performed once every 2 turns.

Approved with edit by Imperfect.
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Mar 10, 2014
Trait Points
Contract Approval > Here

Permission to submit Jutsu for it is on my profile.

( Ibara Ryū Sennin Modo ) - Perfect Thorny Dragon Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: N/A ( +30 to Ninjutsu & Taijutsu up to S Rank )
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be molded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost ( -10/turn ) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. Once activated, the user will undergo physical alterations. Their skin will become scaly like a dragon's, their canine teeth will become sharper and longer, resembling the fangs of a dragon, while their hair becomes longer and more untamed. Additionally, they will grow a large tail with spikes protruding from it that they can use for both attack and defense. The user is resistant to damage, reducing 30 damage from all techniques and can heal ( for 10 damage per turn ) for the duration of this technique. The user is able to passively sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced. Their strength increases, empowering Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques by 30 and increases the users speed, rivaling Snake Sage Mode. Additionally, the user is able to break out of Genjutsu, using the Genjutsu release technique one rank lower than what he would normally be required. Lastly, the user will gain the ability to camouflage their scales allowing them to blend into their surroundings.

Note: Usable thrice per battle by Perfect Sages, and must wait one turn before using this technique again.
Note: Once per battle, the user is able to instantly activate Sage Mode, with 10% of their maximum chakra reserves as Senjutsu Chakra. Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserves.

Approved by Imperfect.
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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Edits made as per instructions.

Summoning Animal: Cardinals
Scroll Owner: El Alucard
Other Users who have signed contract: Shady Nurse & Lieselotte
Summoning Boss if existing:
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Keleano, Mother Earth, and Kurt Travis
Description and Background: The Cardinals are passerine birds that live on an island hidden away from humanity normally only accessible to them and those whom they allow. They have sharp claws and extremely hard beaks. The cardinals have a royal family leading them which is headed by Aphrodite. People that have signed the cardinal contract are able to communicate telepathically with their summons no matter where they are or how far they are. Finally it is very common that cardinals of royal lineage are born with an affinity to multiple natures, it is important to note that they cannot use said natures simultaneously.

Transformation(Basic ability 1): To be added by LoK

Nest Adaptability (Basic ability 2): Cardinals were originally migratory birds, in order to find the required weather and environmental conditions for their nests and reproduction. As such, when a Cardinal is in weather conditions related to their affinity, they gain an additional +20 damage to all jutsu they can perform as well as a becoming resistant to damage from jutsu of their affinitial element up to B-rank.

(Kuchiyose: Koigokoro Megami Aphrodite) Summoning: Love Goddess Aphrodite
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Attack Points: N/A
Description: The user uses their summoning tattoo to summon the Head of the Cardinals,Aphrodite. She possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self-righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. When entering a battle she often opts to revert to her true form. A gigantic flame tornado envelopes Aphrodite pulling in chunks of earth from the surrounding area, altering her drastically in almost an instant. A vastly changed creature, the frame of a red predatory bird now larger than most men. Lightly plated armor sits strategically placed upon her body, set ablaze as it shields wings, head, chest, legs and other vital areas from immediate dangers. Aphrodite’s legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests with razor-sharp talons. As the transformation is completed, she swiftly with all her power opens her wings thus causing the flaming tornado that begat this transformation to burst forward sending outwards large flaming wave of A-Rank flames filled with large earthen chunks. This leaves not only leaves a mark on Aphrodite’s feathers as the bird’s wings light up with a flickering blaze but also the terrain as the battlefield becomes flame engulfed nightmare transforming it into her ideal territory. She is the same size as Gamabunta, with an enormous wingspan of 20 meters. Aphrodite’s affinities are to fire and wind which she can easily perform up to S-rank although she mostly prefers using fire. She is proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoners unless they somehow prove themselves to her. Once Aphrodite determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further which can be viewed as somewhat of a flaw but she doesn’t see it that way.. Thankfully, even as brash as she may seem, she very often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self-assured nature, she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self-important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable. Her ideal environments are any place with alot of fire or wind e.g. Volcanoes, Burning fields or forests, windy deserts, etc.

Note: Can be summoned thrice per battle.
Note: Aphrodite’s Armour can take 4 A-rank hits before breaking
Note: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Remains on battlefield 5 turns, and can only be summoned again after 3 turns

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no joō Keleano) Summoning: Queen Of Storms Keleano
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano is Aphrodite’s very fierce younger sister. Her egg was stolen from the Royal palace but the thieves made the mistake of trying to cut through Cardinallia Valley as a means of escape and died as soon as they entered leaving the egg there to be taken care of by nature. By some miracle, she was born in a brutal storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come. Due to having been born and raised in those conditions, she became accustomed to that environment and as a natural born royal gained a dual affinity for lightning and water, which she can perform up to S-rank. She later went back to the palace and very quickly took a liking to her older sister looking up to her so it’s not a surprise that she enters the battle and often reverts to her cardinal form in a similar manner. Keleano is enveloped by a vortex of electrically charged water as she alters her normal human form to that of a large cardinal. She emerges as a large blue cardinal, although not as large as her sister. She is about 3/4 the size of Gamabunta, has a wingspan of 16 meters, and can comfortably fit two riders on her back. As her transformation is complete the water shoots forward an innumerable amount of electrically charged bullets (A-rank) enough to not only leave the battlefield drenched and devastated as if a tsunami had just washed through but also leaves behind a watery residue on her wings which she can use her own water source. Having grown up in the stormy valley of the cardinals, she has regularly flown in the harsh weather many times and has had to learn how to balance and move very fast in order to be able to evade the never-ending hail and lightning storms within Cardinalia Valley. This and her affinity to lightning, make Keleano faster than the average Cardinal allowing her to easily be able to evade A-rank lightning techniques. She believes her fierce attitude represents her affinity. The only flaw she has is she can be quite naïve sometimes, willing to fight any opponent even though they are stronger than her. She is very trustworthy and also trusts her summoner and despite being young, she is a very good fighter and very helpful as well. Her ideal environments are any place with alot of water or lightning e.g. rainy days, storms,lightning storms, etc.

Note: Can be summoned only once in battle.
Note: Must sign the cardinal contract to use.
Note: Only one element may be used in a move.
Note: Stays on field 5 for turns after summoned.
Updating Cardinal Contract
Unchecked since July 2022 (No need to check them, this will be the new update)
- Added transformation ability as part of their kit.
- Shorter, more refined descriptions.

Summoning Animal: Cardinals
Scroll Owner: El Alucard
Other Users who have signed contract: Shady Nurse & Lieselotte
Summoning Boss if existing: Aphrodite
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Keleano, Mother Earth, and Kurt Travis
Description and Background: The Cardinals are passerine birds that live on an island hidden away from humanity normally only accessible to them and those whom they allow. They have sharp claws and extremely hard beaks. The cardinals have a royal family leading them which is headed by Aphrodite. People that have signed the cardinal contract are able to communicate telepathically with their summons no matter where they are or how far they are. Finally, it is very common that cardinals of royal lineage are born with an affinity to multiple natures, it is important to note that they cannot use said natures simultaneously.

Transformation (Ability 1): Cardinals typically manifest as diminutive birds, small enough to nestle comfortably in the palm of their summoner’s hand. However, in the heat of battle, they undergo a remarkable transformation, revealing their true and often vastly different forms. In their diminutive form, Cardinals perch upon the summoner's shoulder, continuously channeling their chakra, fortifying the summoner and enhancing their offensive capabilities by +20, aligned with the field unique to each individual cardinal.
Nest Adaptability (Basic Ability 2): Cardinals, originally migratory creatures, have developed remarkable adaptability to thrive in various weather and environmental conditions, crucial for their nests and reproduction. When a Cardinal finds itself within weather conditions aligned with its elemental affinity, their abilities are further empowered. They gain a substantial +20 damage boost to all jutsu they execute, along with a heightened resistance to damage inflicted by jutsu of their elemental affinity, extending up to formidable A-rank techniques.

After discussing on Discord, Declined by Imperfect.

You've got what I personally consider to be a total of six Contract abilities in one. So, just to make sure you know I'm not picking on you, or so that this doesn't feel targeted, for reference I've mentioned here, here and here that abilities tucked away in the general description shouldn't be allowed, or be there in the first place, and you have two upon a closer look. Most people try and get away with tucking a passive speed for all animals on the Contract in there, but it's the same for any and all abilities. And before you tell me that it's been approved like this in the past hence why it's not bolded, just like I have noted here just because something's been approved in the past doesn't mean it will pass scrutiny now. Every time you update a technique with stuff like that which may have been missed in a previous check it runs the risk of being caught and removed or changed.

In total on this contract you have actually managed to fit six entire passive abilities, when the limit is two for a basic Summoning Contract. Two tucked away in the General Description, and both of your Basic Abilities have two completely different effects each. You've got mental communication (An older ability and not one I see many people using a Basic Contract Ability slot for, but an ability nonetheless), each Summon possessing the ability to have multiple Elements (Robin's Church Grimms have this as a Basic with Earth and Fire), the ability to transform/ shapeshift (My Legendary Custom Contract has something similar as a Basic, and so did the Cthulhu Contract before it's revocation), a +20 damage increase for yourself when the Summons are in contact with you and the implied capacity to perform the Chakra Transfer technique with how it's worded (Many Contracts have damage increases, but they're always for the Summons, not the Summoner, nevermind the addition of the Chakra transfer wording), +20 damage for every technique they themselves perform (Standard ability found on many Contracts, but it's always limited to one field as far as I can remember, not literally everything they do) and an inherent "resistance" of A-Rank for their affinities? I really would like clarification, cause this sounds like Immunity to A-Ranks and below, something I've recently told Mirai on their second to last Thunderbird resubmission that flat out immunity isn't allowed any more. If it isn't, that'd make it a 60 damage mitigation, which is even worse, as that's mitigation that approaches Tailed Beast levels, and would never fly as a Custom Jutsu, never mind a passive for an entire Custom Summoning Contract. And to have that resistance over multiple fields as well, because of the passive that says they can have multiple Elemental affinities?

It's just too much in my opinion, which prompted me to make these notes. I'm trying to make sure all Contracts are measured by the same metric, and obviously my opinion and perspective are going to differ from LoK's, but if this were to be approved as is it'd be entirely unfair to every other Contract who, as far as I can remember, have a number of abilities equivalent to their Contract type, with the highest allowed being 5 for Legendaries. We have those limits for a reason.

(Kuchiyose: Koigokoro Megami Aphrodite) | Summoning: Love Goddess Aphrodite
Rank: S-rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Aphrodite, a petite scarlet avian, materializes gracefully upon the summoner's right shoulder. Her presence exudes an air of regal grandeur, albeit accompanied by an unmistakable hint of self-righteous and egotistical demeanor. When the call to battle resounds, she invariably chooses to reveal her true form – a breathtaking metamorphosis that unfolds with breathtaking speed.
Aphrodite's transformation commences with a colossal flame tornado, an awe-inspiring spectacle that draws in chunks of earth from the surrounding terrain, altering her essence in the blink of an eye. In mere moments, this once diminutive bird becomes an imposing figure, a red predatory bird whose frame dwarfs most men. Her body is now adorned with strategically placed, lightweight armor that shields her vital regions – her wings, head, chest, and legs – from immediate peril.
The transformation completes as she unfurls her newly enhanced wings, initiating a spectacular display of power. The flaming tornado that birthed this change erupts, casting forth substantial A-Rank flames intermingled with earthen fragments. This not only leaves an indelible mark upon Aphrodite's fiery plumage but also transforms the battlefield into her preferred nesting environment – a nightmarish inferno. In her new form, she mirrors the size of Gamabunta, boasting an expansive wingspan of an astonishing 20 meters.
Aphrodite's elemental affinities lie with fire and wind, both of which she wields with remarkable finesse, effortlessly unleashing jutsu up to the S-rank by merely flapping her wings. However, her heart is particularly drawn to the element of fire. Aphrodite thrives in nesting environments teeming with fire or wind, such as volcanoes, blazing fields or forests, deserts, and other scorching or gusty landscapes – these are the domains where her power reigns supreme.

Note: Can be summoned thrice per battle.
Note: Aphrodite’s Armour can withstand 4 A-rank hits before breaking
Note: Remains on battlefield 5 turns.

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no joō Keleano) | Summoning: Queen of Storms Keleano
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano, Aphrodite's fiercely resolute younger sister, takes the form of a petite azure bird perched upon the summoner's left shoulder. Her origin story is as captivating as her abilities – her egg, stolen from the Royal palace, found itself in the treacherous Cardinallia Valley, a passageway to doom for the thieves who met their end within. Nature, however, embraced this stolen egg, and Keleano emerged amidst a tempestuous storm. Raised amidst the tempestuous maelstroms of Cardinallia Valley, Keleano developed a unique nesting habit that granted her mastery over lightning and water jutsu, enabling her to wield them proficiently up to the S-rank level. Her journey led her back to the cardinal palace, where she quickly developed a deep admiration for her elder sister Aphrodite, often mirroring her transformation into cardinal form for battle.
Keleano's metamorphosis commences with her being enshrouded in a swirling vortex of electrically charged water, instantly transforming into a majestic blue cardinal. While not as colossal as her sister, Keleano's form is still imposing, standing at approximately 3/4 the size of Gamabunta with a remarkable wingspan of 16 meters. As her transformation reaches its apex, she unfurls her enhanced wings, unleashing a torrent of electrically charged water projectiles, akin to A-rank bullets. These deluge the battlefield, leaving it drenched and desolate, as if ravaged by a tsunami, creating her favored nesting environment. The water residue left on her wings also serves as a unique water source for her to harness in battle.
Keleano's upbringing in the tempestuous heart of Cardinallia Valley endowed her with extraordinary agility and speed, honed through countless encounters with relentless hail and lightning storms. Coupled with her affinity for lightning, she effortlessly evades A-rank lightning techniques, demonstrating her unmatched swiftness. Her ideal habitats include locales abundant in water, humidity, or lightning, such as rainy days, storms, lightning storms, ocean fronts, and foggy fields – domains where her elemental mastery truly shines.

Note: Can be summoned only twice in battle.
Note: Must sign the cardinal contract to use.
Note: Stays on field 5 for turns after summoned.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Summoning Animal: Thunderbird
Scroll Owner: Mirai
Others who have signed the contract: BoiNez, PyroNB, Shady Doctor
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other summoning animals tied to contract: Jecht, Mizuno
Description and Background: Thunderbirds are a mythical species of powerful yet majestic predator avians. They once ruled the Lightning Mountains centuries ago; though with humans constantly at war with the birds – they where driven to other parts of the world. This in itself caused the Thunderbirds to become scattered across the world, not having any true place to call home as each of them simply integrated themselves into new residences. Over time however, the species’ numbers started to dwindle; down to the point that they are at near extinction within the world as we know. As far as records go, there’s only so thousands left but among them – they are ruled by five superiors. The superiors, dubbed the “Thunderbird Gods” are the five most powerful of the Thunderbirds alive, worshipped by others and producing many offspring. They each roam the world and have their own sanctuary they command; often times many who pass through these landmarks are caught in the middle of a violent thunderstorm produced by these creatures. Thunderbirds are on average when fully grown are larger than any human but in some cases, they have been some the size of but no smaller than an eagle while having one to three pairs of wings, capable of easily generating lift to fly. They are notorious however for causing violent thunderstorms in areas where they fly, due to being animals born of lightning and thunder.


Incarnation of Baal (Basic Ability #1)
: From the time of their birth, Thunderbird's bodies and feathers are all naturally infused with natural lightning. Through years of conditioning themselves, performing what they call "The Rite of Thunder" each Thunderbird has gained a unique form of resistance. This allows Thunderbirds to mitigate lightning based techniques by -20 per interaction should contact be made.

Eyes of the Storm (Basic Ability #2): Thunderbirds despite their mythical status are well known Birds of Prey. Reigning as Apex Predators wherever they roam; these birds are naturally designed hunters and killers. To aid in their primal hunting; they all have keen awareness of sources of chakra. Their eyes are capable of seeing sensing chakra; easily capable of identifying species of animals to even human/chakra made beings. This allow them to remember individuals they encountered or even deduct elemental chakra natures due to how acute this still is.

Lords of the Sky (Basic Ability #3): It should be noted that all Thunderbirds are all incredibly fast and agile warriors of the skies. Outside of specific summons, all Thunderbirds are capable of moving at 10 speed. This allows them to easily dodge techniques (via the free form dodge mechanic) with relative ease.

Electro (Unique): All Thunderbirds naturally is capable of using a unique electrical energy called Electro . This electrical energy is unique, in the sense that while it appears to be lightning - its in fact a unique form of power that resembles it. It is chakraless, similar to that of Kirin but is controlled and guided using chakra in the same fashion. This energy is golden in coloration, moving at speeds reflecting the Lightning Release base speeds (according to its rank), which due to the lack of chakra inherently within it - it cannot be absorbed or sealed nor replicated. Thunderbird summoners with the Naturalist Summoning Specialist are also capable of producing this unique power as well. The technique in under to utilize this unique power is to be submitted as its own technique.

Approved by Imperfect.
Resubmitting: (Sandābādoāto: Inazuma no kami) Thunderbird Art: Lightning God now to abide by new changes to Thunderbird Contract into Hymns of Heaven

(Kaminari: Tengoku no Sanka) Electro: Hymns of Heaven
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short
Chakra: 20 - 40 (-10 for sustaining)
Damage: 40 - 80
Description: Hymns of Heaven is a unique technique, allowing it's caster the ability to create and manifest Electro. This energy is native and only produced by Thunderbirds and human summoners - which shows it unique nature. It's golden in coloration, appearing identical to Lightning Release - but in reality it differs in that its not a byproduct of chakra, lacking it while also due to being neutral to all opposing techniques. This innately awards Electro the inability of being absorbed sealed nor replicated, being more akin to natural lightning. The casters are capable of producing and guiding the element into a vast array of shapes, including but not limited to projectiles, animated familiars (which move and behave like their real counterparts), omnidirectional bursts etc. The only limitation is one's own imagination, with the energy causing shocks and burns, but displays a level of physical interaction such as holding an Electro sword in hand to strike others. The energy can be produced in the air, in surfaces such as the earth or water or directly from the user's body, but when created at range respects spawning rules (cannot be made within five meters of the opponent, unless already in short range). Due to its lack of inherit chakra, Electro does not require handseals to perform but a gesture must still be done in order to facilitate instead. S Rank usage can be performed thrice per battle, leaving the caster unable to utilize Hymns of Heaven for two turns above B Rank. A Rank can be used four times per battle with a one turn cooldown and B Rank can be used an unlimited amount of times, but can be used once per turn. Can only be used by Thunderbird Summons and signers with the Naturalist Specialist.

Approved by Imperfect.

( Kanpekinanin Sandābādo Sennin Modo ) Perfect Thunderbird Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: Active + 30 damage to all Ninjutsu and Taijutsu up to S rank.
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be molded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. The user is resistant to damage, reducing 30 damage from all techniques and can heal (for 10 damage per turn) for the duration of this technique. The user is able to passively fly at 3x his speed and sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced. Their strength increases, empowering Taijutsu techniques and Ninjutsu by +30. Additionally, Genjutsu cast by the user are empowered requiring the opponent to use Genjutsu release, of one rank higher than what is normally required. In addition to this, the user is able capable of utilizing Electro should they lack the Naturalist Specialist specialty. Lastly, the user gains access to thunderbird like anatomy, gaining wings and talons for physical attacks (can still make hand seals and hold weapons), ability to use Thunderbird Arts (without requiring any Thunderbird summon present) and other physical feats granted by Sage mode.

Note: Usable thrice per battle by Perfect Sages only. Must wait 1 turn before using this technique again. Once per battle, the user is able to instantly activate Sage mode, with 10% of their maximum chakra reserve as Senjutsu Chakra.
Note: Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve.

Approved by Imperfect.


(Sandābādo Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Mizuno ) Thunderbird Summoning Technique: Mizuno
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user performs the Summoning Jutsu, either through Hand Seals, their Summoning Tattoo or their Summoning Scroll to summon Mizuno. This thunderbird is a rather solitary one, living on her own island in the middle of the ocean, raising her children. This island, due to her presence is always experiencing thunderstorms, causing many to aovid the island dubbed “Thundergod Island”. Outside of this, Mizuno is a rather tall thunderbird, being ten feet tall, with three pairs of wings with a wingspan enough to support her flight. In terms of power- Mizuno moves at 10 base speed, which due to how she groomed her feathers and utilizing chakra, she can swim in water at highspeeds (x2 her base speed while submerged). She can stay underwater for up to three turns without needing to resurface. Mizuno however is capable of utilizing Water Release without the need of hand seals up to S rank, but due to her species unique connection to Electro; all her water techniques are inherently charged with it. This causes those who makes contact with her water techniques to additionally be electrocuted and paralyzed with varying, increasing effects on the target; Upon first contact with one of Mizuno's Water techniques the target with suffer a minor form of electrocution, requiring them to add an additional seal to their techniques. Upon contact with a second technique, their movements become slowed, sluggish, as they're forced to fight against involuntary muscle spasms, and similarly hindering effects, resulting in a -2 speed penalty to their base speed. Both of these effects last up to a max of two turns and do not stack, but can be refreshed with additional contact. Upon contact with a third Water technique from Mizuno, they become unable to physically move for one turn. Finally, this electrocution/ paralysis effect doesn't trigger on techniques of a purely supplemental nature, such as "(Suiton: Ukojizai no Jutsu) - Water Style: Rain Tiger at Will Technique". Can only be summoned once per battle, lasting four turns each time.

Approved with edit by Imperfect.
Last edited by a moderator:


Active member
Jun 22, 2012
Trait Points
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Jett) - Summoning Technique: Jett
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Jett is a Monkey of Lithe Build coming up to 5'1", she has a base speed of 16. She is a Monkey proficient in Wind Release & Bukijutsu and can use both of them up to S-Rank, proficient in utilizing many Kunai at once she can even hold three of them in her tail at one time. She can passively infuse her Bukijutsu with Wind Release giving them a speed boost of four speed levels. She can also infuse herself with Wind Release at the cost of a turn, this is temporary and increases her base speed of 16 by x3, though this only lasts for 3 turns and once it's finished she can no longer perform Wind Release Jutsu for two turns, that includes her passive infusion. The Wind Infusion can only be used two times, with a two turn cooldown.

Transformation: Adamantine Giant Folding Fan | At the Cost of 30 Chakra, Jett will Transform into a Giant Folding Fan. This Folding Fan allows the user to perform Wind Release Jutsu through it, including Wind & Tai/Bukijutsu where a Fan to be used (Not Uchiha Related Techniques). This Fan has a special Wind aura about it like the wind is carrying many daggers along with it's attacks; any jutsu performed through the fan gains +20 wind damage and this includes melee techniques, the Fan when striking someone physically seems to make a barrage of tiny cuts on impact area. Because of the Indestructible Nature and Size of the Folding Fan it can be opened up and used as a Shield, using one of the user's moves per turn they can perform an S-Rank Wind Defense by hiding behind their Fan, it sort of spits the oncoming attack around it if it is large scale, leaving the User safe behind it in a little air pocket. The Defense can split up to 100 damage techniques in neutral reactions, but can only be used two times with a cooldown of three turns.

Jett remains on the field for up to four turns after summoned. However, transforming her into the Adamantine Form - much like Enma, allows her to remain indefinitely until willed to disperse. If she has utilized all four of her turns as a Monkey then she can no longer transform back into one and must remain as a Giant Folding Fan. She can be summoned straight to the field in her weapon form for 30 chakra, however if they want her to become her Monkey form again then they will have to spend the 40 chakra for the initial summoning as usual.

Note: Jett can be summoned once.
Note: Must have signed the Monkey Summoning Contract

Declined by Imperfect.

There's a lot you're going for here, I'm frankly quite surprised. So, first, 16 base speed is a no. Most I'm willing to allow is 11-12. Next, that base speed with a x3 multiplier? Wind Infusion? Less of an issue when the base is lowered, but there's a bigger issue and that's the fact that aside from two turns of no Wind (during which time you can always just have them turn into a fan that you can use with with as a loophole so there isn't actually any downside), there's no real drawback here. Speed multipliers above x2 need a drawback. Also give it an ability name to make referring to it easier in fights. Wind Infusion is very generic and could be referring to your little passive. Speaking of which, no Customs are allowed to increase Jutsu speed as far as I'm aware, no exceptions, even for fields as underused as Bukijutsu.

Next, Enma's technique can say he can survive a supernova if it wants, but having the word "Indestructible" with a whole capitalized letter there isn't allowed. This is an S-Rank Summon with S-Rank "health". If damage exceeds this threshold, the summon disperses. 100 damage defense on a neutral scale is equivalent to a Complete Body Susano'o in regards to defensive capabilities, which is a full T4 test bio ability, so it definitely shouldn't have an S-Rank Summon be a direct competitor. S-Rank Summon, 80 defense, if it tries to block higher than that, poof.

Another weird thing here in that last paragraph is the line regarding all four turns as a Monkey. I know the timer gets frozen when they transform has been the standard, but if all four turns are up, that Summon is gone. And since the Summon's timer is placed in stasis, I'm going to assume the restrictions are as well? Otherwise you can start one turn with the Wind Infusion x3 speed multiplier, do some Taijutsu stuff for the three turns, transform into a fan for 2 turns, transform back and still have 1 turn left as a monkey left which can then use the second Wind Infusion for that last turn. If that's the intention, it can't be allowed because it makes the restrictions meaningless, and thus not restrictions at all.​
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Jett) - Summoning Technique: Jett
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Jett is a Monkey of Lithe Build coming up to 5'1", she has a base speed of 12. She is a Monkey proficient in Wind Release & Bukijutsu and can use both of them up to S-Rank, proficient in utilizing many Kunai at once she can even hold three of them in her tail at one time. She can passively infuse her Bukijutsu with Wind Release, giving it the S&W of Wind and she can empower herself using "Oikaze". Tailwind | Oikaze 追い風 is an ability unique to Jett in that she infuses herself with Futon Chakra at the cost of a turn, this is temporary and increases her base speed by x3, though this only lasts for 3 turns and once it's finished she can no longer perform Wind Release Jutsu for two turns, that includes her passive infusion. The Wind Infusion can only be used two times, with a two turn cooldown. Jett cannot bypass its Oikaze cooldown restrictions by transforming into its Adamantine Form

Transformation: Adamantine Giant Folding Fan | At the Cost of 30 Chakra, Jett will Transform into a Giant Folding Fan. As long as the wielder can give chakra to the fan for techniques, they can perform Wind Release Jutsu through it using Jett's affinity for it, including Wind & Tai/Bukijutsu that require a Fan to be used (Not Uchiha Related Techniques). This Fan has a special Wind aura about it like the wind is carrying many daggers along with it's attacks; any jutsu performed through the fan gains +20 wind damage and this includes melee techniques, the Fan when hitting someone physically seems to make a barrage of tiny cuts impact area. Because of the Adamantine Form and Size of the Folding Fan it can be opened up and used as a Shield, using one of the user's moves per turn they can perform an S-Rank Wind Defense by hiding behind their Fan, it sort of spits the oncoming attack around it if it is large scale, leaving the User safe behind it in a little air pocket. The Defense can split up to 80 damage techniques according to Wind S&W, but can only be used three times with a cooldown of three turns.

Jett remains on the field for up to four turns after summoned. However, transforming her into the Adamantine Form - much like Enma, allows her to remain indefinitely until willed to disperse. If she has utilized all four of her turns as a Monkey then she can no longer transform back into one and must remain as a Giant Folding Fan. She can be summoned straight to the field in her weapon form for 30 chakra, however if they want her to become her Monkey form again then they will have to spend the 40 chakra for the initial summoning as usual.

Note: Jett can be summoned once.
Note: Must have signed the Monkey Summoning Contract

Declined by Imperfect.

Much better, though still a couple of issues. You still haven't added any kind of actual restriction for the Summon themselves for activating Tailwind. Like I mentioned last time, any speed modifier above x2 needs an actual restriction. If you tried to make a normal Custom Jutsu that used Wind to increase your speed x3 for three turns, and only restricted your Wind usage for 2 turns, it wouldn't be enough, at least in my opinion, so the same applies here. It definitely hits your Summon harder than it would a user given they can only use Wind and Bukijutsu themselves, but the newly added bold part about not bypassing the restriction by transforming specifies that it applies to the cooldown, which implies it's excluding the Wind usage restriction. This means it can still transform into a fan and be used to perform Wind Release which makes the restriction hollow, as I mentioned last time.

Next, the highlighted part is still incorrect. I can't think of a proper way to word it right now, but if all four turns as a Monkey are used up, the Summon goes *poof*. Unless you transform them on that last fourth turn before it ends, as technically only three full turns would have elapsed by that point, Jett would be gone. Next time they transform back, they'd disperse.

And last issue, didn't clock it last time. Your transformation is yielding an S-Rank defense so you should be paying S-Rank Chakra. Enma's technique is A-Rank, costs 30 Chakra does 60 damage, so there's no precedent as far as I'm aware of the transformations not being equivalent to the Rank of their effects.

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Menrui) - Summoning Technique: Noodle
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Noodle is a very assertive & expressive monkey, she dresses in a non-conformist way whilst her hair comes in a variety of different colours. Each time she is summoned her hair colour could be different to reflect her vibe, the sweeping mohawk and long plait staying consistent. Noodle has a base speed of 10. She is naturally adept in Fire release which she channels through her Kusarigama to fight, though she is also a Musician and uses Sound Ninjutsu (up to S-Rank) in combination to put on quite the show. Shredding 細断 She can perform a variety of showy maneuvers with the Kusarigama wreathed in Flame; leaving a trail of fire with each swing to take out multiple targets & releasing an arc of flame; spinning the chain around rapidly to create a flaming shield in front of her; throwing the Kusarigama across a Mid-Range so that the sickle can burst into a fireball when thrown; she can also cause an explosion when the Sickle impacts something in a 5 meter radius from that point to combat larger scale attacks, or to surprise opponents. Music plays from the Kusarigama as she uses it, even when just spinning it beside her. Noodle utilizing her Kusarigama to attack in this way costs a move and carries a Fire Release damage value of 80 each time.

Transformation: Adamantine Guitar | The Guitar can act as a clubbing melee weapon being made of Adamantine, or even as an axe-like weapon with one sharp edge of its lower body. Whoever wields the Guitar can strum & play it. When the Guitar is played using a move, it allows the user of the Guitar to manifest a shroud of fire around them that reacts to the sound of the Guitar and is seemingly fueled by it. The Power of the Flame is that of S-Rank (80 Damage) and it takes the form of a large flaming monkey similar to Noodle playing a drum-kit around the user, acting as a secondary layer of music for the show and also protection. The Drummer can defend against an attack from every direction or even use its drumsticks, drums, symbols and tail for specific pinpoint defense. The fire originates from Noodle as the Guitar, but it saps the user's chakra as a means to be able to utilize it; taking 40 chakra for the first turn it is played and then -10 for each consecutive turn after, the fire shroud reforming into Drummer as long as the wielder keeps playing the Guitar. Riff リフ The wielder can play a Guitar sequence in more offensive ways, the drummer reacting to certain chords; causing it to slam its drumkit with the drumsticks to cause fire pillars to erupt from the ground in a line, spreading outwards from the drummer in a number of creative ways up to Mid-range. They can slam down on the symbols to fire Large Fire Discs the size of giant Shuriken to home in on one or multiple targets up to Long-Range. The user must continue to play the Guitar without stopping after first manifesting the defensive shroud to use these offensive actions, they also cost a move per turn and the guitar will sap 40 chakra from the user to create the 80 damage Fire Attacks. The Guitar overheats and becomes too hot to play after 4 turns of constant usage, the user must wait another 4 turns after that to be able to play it again. If the user decides to stop playing or is forced to stop before the Guitar overheats, they must wait two turns to be able to play it again. The Guitar can be played three times altogether before dispersing.

Noodle remains on the field for up to four turns after summoned. However, transforming her into the Adamantine Form - much like Enma, allows her to remain indefinitely until willed to disperse. If she has utilized all four of her turns as a Monkey then she can no longer transform back into one and must remain as a Guitar. She can be summoned straight to the field in her weapon form for 30 chakra, however if they want her to become her Monkey form again then they will have to spend the 40 chakra for the initial summoning as usual.

Note: Noodle can be summoned once.
Note: Must have signed the Monkey Summoning Contract
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Active member
Mar 10, 2015
Trait Points
Mythical Contract
Summoning Animal: (Jaiantorīchi) Giant Leech

Scroll Owner:
Other Users who have signed contract: Hail King Madara(solf)
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
Description and Background

The giant leech is a terrifying beast to be hold, a huge red leech body with white stripes running across it's frame and a size riveling that of gababunta. In the stories the leach was known for its ability to tunnel underground and manipulate water to catch men or push them into the surrounding river before eating them. As a leech the Giant Leech retains the ability of its lessers, allowing it to drain chakra techniques(both solid and chakra based) through a similar fashion.

Basic ability #1

Technique Draining/Eating:
The leech takes specific steps as ninja summonings in order to incorporate it's chakra absorption into battling. This variant doesn't deal with directly absorbing chakra, but destroying and absorbing a technique all in one go. The Giant Leech lace its anterior suckers with aggressive chakra. Along with that, it also laces its stomachs with the same aggressive chakra. This allows it to eat away at techniques of all kinds, whether it is energy or solid in nature. During this process they absorb the chakra out of the technique, taking in its original chakra cost while the anterior suckers destroy the "form".

With either variant, the leech can store chakra from draining it, and can only give it to their summoner through physical contact via their anterior suckers. If the leech is to disperse before the chakra is given away, the leeched chakra is simply taken away along with it. Giant leeches may drain chakra up to the rank of the leech summoned(i.e B rank giant leech may drain B rank and below chakra techniques).

Basic Ability #2

As the leech can move underground it uses the skin on its body to sense vibrations both in the air and in the ground like a 360 Sonar, this sensory ability extends to 1 landmark.

Basic Ability #3

Propogation: Through the use of a technique the giant leech may rapidly expell miniature clones of itself, the amount of which will be decided in the techniques made.

Unique ability

Vacuum: Giant leeches are known for dragging in their prey, sucking them towards itself for an easier hunt, by using it's anterior suckers the leeches pull in anything within a 20 meter radius by "inhaling" a huge amount of air around it towards itself. This pulling ability is considered S rank and deals no damage to those it pulls in.

Note: This can only be done once per turn and costs a move slot to do so.

Note: Vacuum ability lasts two turns and can only be used 2 times with a 3 turn cool down between each use.

Declined by Imperfect.

New Unique isn't described very well, and as is can't work. It's a blanket S-Rank pull, but there's no limit on the Rank of the Summon that can use it. You can't have a B-Rank Summon using S-Ranks for example. This is a simple fix, just scale the suction on the Rank of the Summons, B-Ranks pull stuff in within Short Range, A-Rank within Mid Range and S-Rank 15m for Long Range up to 20m The reason why I haven't just edited this post and approved it is because, frankly, this is a Contract Ninjutsu. This is something you can just make once the Contract is approved, so I'd be wasting the potential of a Unique ability approving it as is. I declined your last submission because it was in conflict with Chakra boosting rules, but this time I'm going to try and give you more direct help.
I would recommend reading the third paragraph on this post, but as an example you can do something similar to the Mimicry found on the Tengu or Nightmare Fox Contracts. This will require you to remove one of your Basic Abilities to just have the two, and limit this new "Mimicry" Unique in some way, but in return you could have your leeches steal Chakra and emulate their Elements or techniques in the same way those Summoning Animals can, because that's the scope allowed of a Unique Ability in the RP. Give those Contracts a read, and try and come up with your own spin on the concept, because everything you've done so far, honestly, would be a bit of a waste of a Unique.

Mythical Contract
Summoning Animal:
(Jaiantorīchi) Giant Leech
Scroll Owner: Jagged
Other Users who have signed contract: Hail King Madara(solf)

Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:
Description and Background:

The giant leech is a terrifying beast to be hold, a huge red leech body with white stripes running across it's frame and a size riveling that of gababunta. In the stories the leach was known for its ability to tunnel underground and manipulate water to catch men or push them into the surrounding river before eating them. As a leech the Giant Leech retains the ability of its lessers, allowing it to drain chakra techniques(both solid and chakra based) through a similar fashion.

Basic ability #1

Technique Draining/Eating: The leech takes specific steps as ninja summonings in order to incorporate it's chakra absorption into battling. This variant doesn't deal with directly absorbing chakra, but destroying and absorbing a technique all in one go. The Giant Leech lace its anterior suckers with aggressive chakra. Along with that, it also laces its stomachs with the same aggressive chakra. This allows it to eat away at techniques of all kinds, whether it is energy or solid in nature. During this process they absorb the chakra out of the technique, taking in its original chakra cost while the anterior suckers destroy the "form".

With either variant, the leech can store chakra from draining it, and can only give it to their summoner through physical contact via their anterior suckers. If the leech is to disperse before the chakra is given away, the leeched chakra is simply taken away along with it. Giant leeches may drain chakra up to the rank of the leech summoned(i.e B rank giant leech may drain B rank and below chakra techniques).

Basic Ability #2

As the leech can move underground it uses the skin on its body to sense vibrations both in the air and in the ground like a 360 Sonar, this sensory ability extends to 1 landmark.

Basic Ability #3

Propogation: Through the use of a technique the giant leech may rapidly expell miniature clones of itself, the amount of which will be decided in the techniques made.

Unique ability

Multiplication: As the giant leech propagates and creates lesser versions of themselves, these brood instinctively duplicate if given enough time by eating the environment around them for continual energy. By multiplying in this way the rank of propagation techniques increase by 1 (Max 2) for every turn these leeches stay on the field.

Note: Leeches can digest physical based matter and foreign chakra it absorbs.
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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Updating Cardinal Contract
Unchecked since July 2022 (No need to check them, this will be the new update)
- Added transformation ability as part of their kit.
- Shorter, more refined descriptions.

Summoning Animal: Cardinals
Scroll Owner: El Alucard
Other Users who have signed contract: Shady Nurse & Lieselotte
Summoning Boss if existing: Aphrodite
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Keleano, Mother Earth, and Kurt Travis
Description and Background: The Cardinals are passerine birds that live on an island hidden away from humanity normally only accessible to them and those whom they allow. They have sharp claws and extremely hard beaks. The cardinals have a royal family leading them which is headed by Aphrodite. People that have signed the cardinal contract are able to communicate telepathically with their summons no matter where they are or how far they are. Finally, it is very common that cardinals of royal lineage are born with an affinity to multiple natures, it is important to note that they cannot use said natures simultaneously.

Transformation (Ability 1): Cardinals typically manifest as diminutive birds, small enough to nestle comfortably in the palm of their summoner’s hand. However, in the heat of battle, they undergo a remarkable transformation, revealing their true and often vastly different forms. In their diminutive form, Cardinals perch upon the summoner's shoulder, continuously channeling their chakra, fortifying the summoner and enhancing their offensive capabilities by +20, aligned with the field unique to each individual cardinal.
Nest Adaptability (Basic Ability 2): Cardinals, originally migratory creatures, have developed remarkable adaptability to thrive in various weather and environmental conditions, crucial for their nests and reproduction. When a Cardinal finds itself within weather conditions aligned with its elemental affinity, their abilities are further empowered. They gain a substantial +20 damage boost to all jutsu they execute, along with a heightened resistance to damage inflicted by jutsu of their elemental affinity, extending up to formidable A-rank techniques.

After discussing on Discord, Declined by Imperfect.

You've got what I personally consider to be a total of six Contract abilities in one. So, just to make sure you know I'm not picking on you, or so that this doesn't feel targeted, for reference I've mentioned here, here and here that abilities tucked away in the general description shouldn't be allowed, or be there in the first place, and you have two upon a closer look. Most people try and get away with tucking a passive speed for all animals on the Contract in there, but it's the same for any and all abilities. And before you tell me that it's been approved like this in the past hence why it's not bolded, just like I have noted here just because something's been approved in the past doesn't mean it will pass scrutiny now. Every time you update a technique with stuff like that which may have been missed in a previous check it runs the risk of being caught and removed or changed.
In total on this contract you have actually managed to fit six entire passive abilities, when the limit is two for a basic Summoning Contract. Two tucked away in the General Description, and both of your Basic Abilities have two completely different effects each. You've got mental communication (An older ability and not one I see many people using a Basic Contract Ability slot for, but an ability nonetheless), each Summon possessing the ability to have multiple Elements (Robin's Church Grimms have this as a Basic with Earth and Fire), the ability to transform/ shapeshift (My Legendary Custom Contract has something similar as a Basic, and so did the Cthulhu Contract before it's revocation), a +20 damage increase for yourself when the Summons are in contact with you and the implied capacity to perform the Chakra Transfer technique with how it's worded (Many Contracts have damage increases, but they're always for the Summons, not the Summoner, nevermind the addition of the Chakra transfer wording), +20 damage for every technique they themselves perform (Standard ability found on many Contracts, but it's always limited to one field as far as I can remember, not literally everything they do) and an inherent "resistance" of A-Rank for their affinities? I really would like clarification, cause this sounds like Immunity to A-Ranks and below, something I've recently told Mirai on their second to last Thunderbird resubmission that flat out immunity isn't allowed any more. If it isn't, that'd make it a 60 damage mitigation, which is even worse, as that's mitigation that approaches Tailed Beast levels, and would never fly as a Custom Jutsu, never mind a passive for an entire Custom Summoning Contract. And to have that resistance over multiple fields as well, because of the passive that says they can have multiple Elemental affinities?
It's just too much in my opinion, which prompted me to make these notes. I'm trying to make sure all Contracts are measured by the same metric, and obviously my opinion and perspective are going to differ from LoK's, but if this were to be approved as is it'd be entirely unfair to every other Contract who, as far as I can remember, have a number of abilities equivalent to their Contract type, with the highest allowed being 5 for Legendaries. We have those limits for a reason.

(Kuchiyose: Koigokoro Megami Aphrodite) | Summoning: Love Goddess Aphrodite
Rank: S-rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Aphrodite, a petite scarlet avian, materializes gracefully upon the summoner's right shoulder. Her presence exudes an air of regal grandeur, albeit accompanied by an unmistakable hint of self-righteous and egotistical demeanor. When the call to battle resounds, she invariably chooses to reveal her true form – a breathtaking metamorphosis that unfolds with breathtaking speed.
Aphrodite's transformation commences with a colossal flame tornado, an awe-inspiring spectacle that draws in chunks of earth from the surrounding terrain, altering her essence in the blink of an eye. In mere moments, this once diminutive bird becomes an imposing figure, a red predatory bird whose frame dwarfs most men. Her body is now adorned with strategically placed, lightweight armor that shields her vital regions – her wings, head, chest, and legs – from immediate peril.
The transformation completes as she unfurls her newly enhanced wings, initiating a spectacular display of power. The flaming tornado that birthed this change erupts, casting forth substantial A-Rank flames intermingled with earthen fragments. This not only leaves an indelible mark upon Aphrodite's fiery plumage but also transforms the battlefield into her preferred nesting environment – a nightmarish inferno. In her new form, she mirrors the size of Gamabunta, boasting an expansive wingspan of an astonishing 20 meters.
Aphrodite's elemental affinities lie with fire and wind, both of which she wields with remarkable finesse, effortlessly unleashing jutsu up to the S-rank by merely flapping her wings. However, her heart is particularly drawn to the element of fire. Aphrodite thrives in nesting environments teeming with fire or wind, such as volcanoes, blazing fields or forests, deserts, and other scorching or gusty landscapes – these are the domains where her power reigns supreme.

Note: Can be summoned thrice per battle.
Note: Aphrodite’s Armour can withstand 4 A-rank hits before breaking
Note: Remains on battlefield 5 turns.

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no joō Keleano) | Summoning: Queen of Storms Keleano
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano, Aphrodite's fiercely resolute younger sister, takes the form of a petite azure bird perched upon the summoner's left shoulder. Her origin story is as captivating as her abilities – her egg, stolen from the Royal palace, found itself in the treacherous Cardinallia Valley, a passageway to doom for the thieves who met their end within. Nature, however, embraced this stolen egg, and Keleano emerged amidst a tempestuous storm. Raised amidst the tempestuous maelstroms of Cardinallia Valley, Keleano developed a unique nesting habit that granted her mastery over lightning and water jutsu, enabling her to wield them proficiently up to the S-rank level. Her journey led her back to the cardinal palace, where she quickly developed a deep admiration for her elder sister Aphrodite, often mirroring her transformation into cardinal form for battle.
Keleano's metamorphosis commences with her being enshrouded in a swirling vortex of electrically charged water, instantly transforming into a majestic blue cardinal. While not as colossal as her sister, Keleano's form is still imposing, standing at approximately 3/4 the size of Gamabunta with a remarkable wingspan of 16 meters. As her transformation reaches its apex, she unfurls her enhanced wings, unleashing a torrent of electrically charged water projectiles, akin to A-rank bullets. These deluge the battlefield, leaving it drenched and desolate, as if ravaged by a tsunami, creating her favored nesting environment. The water residue left on her wings also serves as a unique water source for her to harness in battle.
Keleano's upbringing in the tempestuous heart of Cardinallia Valley endowed her with extraordinary agility and speed, honed through countless encounters with relentless hail and lightning storms. Coupled with her affinity for lightning, she effortlessly evades A-rank lightning techniques, demonstrating her unmatched swiftness. Her ideal habitats include locales abundant in water, humidity, or lightning, such as rainy days, storms, lightning storms, ocean fronts, and foggy fields – domains where her elemental mastery truly shines.

Note: Can be summoned only twice in battle.
Note: Must sign the cardinal contract to use.
Note: Stays on field 5 for turns after summoned.

  • Nest Adaptability effect
  • Aphrodite is now only a fire summon
  • Keleano is now only water summon
  • Updating Mother Earth also (I honestly don’t know where she was approve she was already on the contract when I got it.) Here she is in my custom thread tho if that helps [X]

Summoning Animal: Cardinals
Scroll Owner: El Alucard
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: Aphrodite
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Keleano, Mother Earth, and Kurt Travis

Description and Background: In the secluded sanctuary of an island concealed from humanity, Cardinals, passerine birds of remarkable prowess, reside. Guarded by sharp claws and unyielding beaks, they wield jutsu effortlessly, employing wing flaps and intricate sounds. At the helm of this avian realm is the royal family, led by the venerable Aphrodite.

Transformation (Basic Ability 1): Cardinals typically manifest as diminutive birds, small enough to nestle comfortably in the palm of their summoner’s hand. However, in the heat of battle, they can undergo a remarkable transformation, revealing their true and often vastly different forms.

Nest Adaptability (Basic Ability 2): Originally migratory, Cardinals have evolved remarkable adaptability, enabling them to thrive in diverse weather and environmental conditions—an essential trait for their nests and reproduction. In favourable environments, certain Cardinals can acquire an additional element or skill, further enhancing their capabilities.

(Kuchiyose: Koigokoro Megami Aphrodite) Summoning: Love Goddess Aphrodite
: S-rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Aphrodite, a petite scarlet avian, materializes gracefully upon the summoner's right shoulder. In her diminutive form she can constantly channel chakra into the user flushing their system as well as adding +20 damage to the user’s Katon jutsu. Her presence exudes an air of regal grandeur, albeit accompanied by an unmistakable hint of self-righteous and egotistical demeanor. Yet, when the call to battle resounds, she invariably chooses to reveal her true form – a breathtaking metamorphosis that unfolds with breathtaking speed.
Aphrodite's transformation commences with a colossal flame tornado, an awe-inspiring spectacle that draws in chunks of earth from the surrounding terrain, altering her essence in the blink of an eye. In mere moments, this once diminutive bird becomes an imposing figure, a red predatory bird whose frame dwarfs most men. Her body is now adorned with strategically placed, lightweight armour that shields her vital regions – her wings, head, chest, and legs – from immediate peril.
The transformation completes as she unfurls her newly enhanced wings, initiating a spectacular display of power. The flaming tornado that birthed this change erupts, casting forth substantial A-Rank flames intermingled with substantial earthen fragments. This not only leaves an indelible mark upon Aphrodite's fiery plumage but also transforms the battlefield into her preferred environment – an inferno. In her new form, she mirrors the size of Gamabunta, boasting an expansive wingspan of an astonishing 20 meters.

Aphrodite, a master of the fire element up to S-rank, ascends to unparalleled prowess in her preferred nesting environments. Amidst the infernos of volcanoes, blazing fields, or forests, and the gusty landscapes of deserts, she not only commands fire but harnesses a secondary element—wind—up to S-rank as well. In these scorching or gusty domains, her power reigns supreme, showcasing a harmonious dance of flame and wind.

Note: Can be summoned thrice per battle.
Note: Aphrodite’s Armour can withstand 4 A-rank hits before breaking.
Note: Remains on battlefield 5 turns.

(Kuchiyose: Arashi no joō Keleano) Summoning: Queen Of Storms Keleano
: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Keleano, Aphrodite's fiercely resolute younger sister, takes the form of a petite azure bird perched upon the summoner's left shoulder. In her diminutive form she can constantly channel chakra into the user flushing their system as well as adding +20 damage to the user’s Suiton jutsu. Her origin story is as captivating as her abilities – her egg, stolen from the Royal palace, found itself in the treacherous Cardinallia Valley, a passageway to doom for the thieves who met their end within. Nature, however, embraced this stolen egg, and Keleano emerged amidst a tempestuous storm. Her journey led her back to the cardinal palace, where she quickly developed a deep admiration for her elder sister Aphrodite, often mirroring her transformation into cardinal form for battle.
Keleano's metamorphosis commences with her being enshrouded in a swirling vortex of electrically charged water, instantly transforming into a majestic blue cardinal. While not as colossal as her sister, Keleano's form is still imposing, standing at approximately 3/4 the size of Gamabunta with a remarkable wingspan of 16 meters. As her transformation reaches its apex, she unfurls her enhanced wings, unleashing a torrent of electrically charged water projectiles, akin to A-rank bullets. These deluge the battlefield, leaving it drenched and desolate, as if ravaged by a tsunami, creating her favored nesting environment. The water residue left on her wings also serves as a unique water source for her to harness in battle.

Keleano, a water user by nature, emerges from the tumultuous heart of Cardinallia Valley with extraordinary agility and speed, sculpted through countless encounters with relentless hail and lightning storms. Her unique nesting habit, cultivated in favorable environments, not only elevates her speed to surpass all other cardinals, effortlessly dodging S-ranked lightning, but also bestows upon her a secondary element—lightning release. In habitats rich in water, humidity, or lightning, such as rainy days, storms, lightning storms, ocean fronts, and foggy fields, Keleano's elemental mastery truly shines.

Note: Can be summoned only twice in battle.
Note: Stays on field 5 for turns after summoned.

(Kuchiyose: Hahanarudaichi | Summoning: Mother Earth)
: Summoning
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Mother Earth, the shy and cunning cardinal, possesses a unique feather colour that allows her to seamlessly blend into any environment, essentially rendering her invisible when perched on the user’s shoulder, it only seems this way, in reality her feathers just make it hard for the eye to register her. She prefers to go unnoticed by most, avoiding drawing any unnecessary attention. However, if an opponent manages to visually register her due to her peculiar feathers, they are ensnared in an A-rank illusion. The nature of this illusion varies each time she’s detected, adding an element of unpredictability to her presence.

Mother Earth maintains a telepathic connection with her summoner and any cardinal on the field, ensuring seamless communication. Despite her petite size, comparable to the Ma toad, she remains securely perched on her summoner’s shoulder, channeling chakra into her feet to withstand high-speed movements. Instead of relying on hand seals, Mother Earth excels at triggering genjutsu by emitting a high-pitched call, capable of performing up to A-rank illusions with precision.

Note: Stays on the field for 4 turns.
Note: Can only be summoned once.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Resubmitting: (Sandābādoāto: Inazuma no kami) Thunderbird Art: Lightning God now to abide by new changes to Thunderbird Contract into Hymns of Heaven

(Kaminari: Tengoku no Sanka) Electro: Hymns of Heaven
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short
Chakra: 20 - 40 (-10 for sustaining)
Damage: 40 - 80
Description: Hymns of Heaven is a unique technique, allowing it's caster the ability to create and manifest Electro. This energy is native and only produced by Thunderbirds and human summoners - which shows it unique nature. It's golden in coloration, appearing identical to Lightning Release - but in reality it differs in that its not a byproduct of chakra, lacking it while also due to being neutral to all opposing techniques. This innately awards Electro the inability of being absorbed sealed nor replicated, being more akin to natural lightning. The casters are capable of producing and guiding the element into a vast array of shapes, including but not limited to projectiles, animated familiars (which move and behave like their real counterparts), omnidirectional bursts etc. The only limitation is one's own imagination, with the energy causing shocks and burns, but displays a level of physical interaction such as holding an Electro sword in hand to strike others. The energy can be produced in the air, in surfaces such as the earth or water or directly from the user's body, but when created at range respects spawning rules (cannot be made within five meters of the opponent, unless already in short range). Due to its lack of inherit chakra, Electro does not require handseals to perform but a gesture must still be done in order to facilitate instead. S Rank usage can be performed thrice per battle, leaving the caster unable to utilize Hymns of Heaven for two turns above B Rank. A Rank can be used four times per battle with a one turn cooldown and B Rank can be used an unlimited amount of times, but can be used once per turn. Can only be used by Thunderbird Summons and signers with the Naturalist Specialist.

Approved by Imperfect.

( Kanpekinanin Sandābādo Sennin Modo ) Perfect Thunderbird Sage Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: N/A ( -10 turn to sustain )
Damage Points: Active + 30 damage to all Ninjutsu and Taijutsu up to S rank.
Description: An empowered state of body achieved by blending natural energy with one’s physical and spiritual energy. The mode heightens performance on all levels by adding a new dimension of power to the user’s chakra. The state is a direct result of Senjutsu chakra circulating through the body. To enter this form, a minimum of 10% of the user’s maximum chakra reserve must be molded into Senjutsu chakra, all subsequent technique employ Senjutsu chakra until the minimum cost (-10/turn) cannot be paid to sustain the mode. The user is resistant to damage, reducing 30 damage from all techniques and can heal (for 10 damage per turn) for the duration of this technique. The user is able to passively fly at 3x his speed and sense chakra and his/her perception and reflexes are enhanced. Their strength increases, empowering Taijutsu techniques and Ninjutsu by +30. Additionally, Genjutsu cast by the user are empowered requiring the opponent to use Genjutsu release, of one rank higher than what is normally required. In addition to this, the user is able capable of utilizing Electro should they lack the Naturalist Specialist specialty. Lastly, the user gains access to thunderbird like anatomy, gaining wings and talons for physical attacks (can still make hand seals and hold weapons), ability to use Thunderbird Arts (without requiring any Thunderbird summon present) and other physical feats granted by Sage mode.

Note: Usable thrice per battle by Perfect Sages only. Must wait 1 turn before using this technique again. Once per battle, the user is able to instantly activate Sage mode, with 10% of their maximum chakra reserve as Senjutsu Chakra.
Note: Perfect Sages can convert a maximum of 40% of their total chakra reserve.

Approved by Imperfect.


(Sandābādo Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Mizuno ) Thunderbird Summoning Technique: Mizuno
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user performs the Summoning Jutsu, either through Hand Seals, their Summoning Tattoo or their Summoning Scroll to summon Mizuno. This thunderbird is a rather solitary one, living on her own island in the middle of the ocean, raising her children. This island, due to her presence is always experiencing thunderstorms, causing many to aovid the island dubbed “Thundergod Island”. Outside of this, Mizuno is a rather tall thunderbird, being ten feet tall, with three pairs of wings with a wingspan enough to support her flight. In terms of power- Mizuno moves at 10 base speed, which due to how she groomed her feathers and utilizing chakra, she can swim in water at highspeeds (x2 her base speed while submerged). She can stay underwater for up to three turns without needing to resurface. Mizuno however is capable of utilizing Water Release without the need of hand seals up to S rank, but due to her species unique connection to Electro; all her water techniques are inherently charged with it. This causes those who makes contact with her water techniques to additionally be electrocuted and paralyzed with varying, increasing effects on the target; Upon first contact with one of Mizuno's Water techniques the target with suffer a minor form of electrocution, requiring them to add an additional seal to their techniques. Upon contact with a second technique, their movements become slowed, sluggish, as they're forced to fight against involuntary muscle spasms, and similarly hindering effects, resulting in a -2 speed penalty to their base speed. Both of these effects last up to a max of two turns and do not stack, but can be refreshed with additional contact. Upon contact with a third Water technique from Mizuno, they become unable to physically move for one turn. Finally, this electrocution/ paralysis effect doesn't trigger on techniques of a purely supplemental nature, such as "(Suiton: Ukojizai no Jutsu) - Water Style: Rain Tiger at Will Technique". Can only be summoned once per battle, lasting four turns each time.

Approved with edit by Imperfect.
(Kaminari: Tengoku no Sanka) Electro: Hymns of Heaven
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 40 (-10 for sustaining)
Damage: 40 - 80
Description: Hymns of Heaven is a unique technique, allowing it's caster the ability to create and manifest Electro. This energy is native and only produced by Thunderbirds and human summoners - which shows it unique nature. It's golden in coloration, appearing identical to Lightning Release - but in reality it differs in that its not a byproduct of chakra, lacking it while also due to being neutral to all opposing techniques. This innately awards Electro the inability of being absorbed sealed nor replicated, being more akin to natural lightning. The casters are capable of producing and guiding the element into a vast array of shapes, including but not limited to projectiles, animated familiars (which move and behave like their real counterparts), omnidirectional bursts etc. The only limitation is one's own imagination, with the energy causing shocks and burns, but displays a level of physical interaction such as holding an Electro sword in hand to strike others. The energy can be produced in the air, in surfaces such as the earth or water or directly from the user's body, but when created at range respects spawning rules (cannot be made within five meters of the opponent, unless already in short range). Due to its lack of inherit chakra, Electro does not require handseals to perform but a gesture must still be done in order to facilitate instead. S Rank usage can be performed thrice per battle, leaving the caster unable to utilize Hymns of Heaven for two turns above B Rank. A Rank can be used four times per battle with a one turn cooldown and B Rank can be used an unlimited amount of times, but can be used once per turn. Can only be used by Thunderbird Summons and signers with the Naturalist Specialist.

(Sandābādoāto: Inazuma) Thunderbird Art: Lightning Molt now to abide by new changes to Thunderbird Contract into Pledge of Propriety

(Sandābādoāto: Reigi Tadashi-sa no Seiyaku) Thunderbird Art: Pledge of Propriety
Type: Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Pledge of Propriety is a defensive technique which a summoner utilizes a Thunderbird's innate resistance to Lightning Release as means of defense. This is casted by performing two handseals, proceeding into a clasp of their hands as shroud of feathers is summoned. These feathers would cosmetically latch and appear akin to a suit of armor, in a why that doesn't compromise the user's ability to move, breath nor see. They all carry the innate nature attached to the Thunderbirds, Incarnation of Baal- though more enhanced with chakra. This provides the user a strong defense against Lightning Based techniques up to S Rank. This amounts to a 80 DMG defense, though any damage above this threshold will cause the armor to completely fall apart due to overcharge and inflicting damage to the wearer (remaining damage after damage calculation). The armor will persist for up to three turns before naturally ending and disappearing. This technique may be used up to thrice per battle, though after ending will go on a cooldown of three turns.

Resubmitting/Dropping: (Kuchiyose no jutsu: Jecht) Summoning Technique: Jecht due to how Rain Release is a 'Unique' ability on a single summon, which isn't allowed. Remade into a new summon. Also resubmitting from old post here (x)

(Kaminari: Kogane no Chikai) Electro: Golden Vows
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Golden Vows is a technique specifically designed by summoners of the Thunderbird Contract. Derived from "Electro: Hymns of Heaven"; the caster will supplement their physical form- allowing them to empower their Taijutsu, Bukijutsu or Kenjutsu. This is done by the user coating Electro on the their respective limb or weapon, while striking the opponent. The Electro seeps into the impact, causing additional burning and shocking damage (providing a +20 DMG increase), while also exploding slightly due to the physical nature of the energy which causes a slight push back after impact to the opponent (five meters). Due to the nature of this technique, it is performed in the same timeframe as the original technique. This can be performed once per turn, though only applying to one technique at a time. This can only be used by Thunderbird summoners with Naturalist Summoning Specialist or a Thunderbird summon capable of one of the aforementioned skills.
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Link to contract:

( Inton/Yako no Kitsune Hijutsu: Kitsune-te ) Yin/Nightmare Fox Secret Arts: Nine-Tailed Palm

Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40-50
Damage: 100-120
Description: The Nine-Tailed Palm is a close-range combat form that entails the materialization of ghastly fox-fire across one's body. By shrouding oneself with the pale flames of Kitsunebi, the user is allowed to perform a series of attacks and parries that entail whipping motions, where the flames block out similarly tiered techniques, and deal high spiritual damage.

The user is capable of performing up to 9 motions, representing each of the tails of a fully formed Nightmare Fox, spreading the damage across multiple turns and motions, or performing a single focused attack with the full brunt of the power.

When connecting with a sentient being, the user will afflict their target with a Genjutsu that causes Spiritual Nausea. At A rank, the target will feel a strong sensation of vertigo and disorientation, preventing the usage of complex taijutsu and techniques that require 3 hand seals or more. At S rank, the vertigo will be felt tenfold, causing one to fall on the ground unable to perform physical motions, preventing the usage of techniques that require handseals. The nausea doesn't prevent the usage of complex thoughts and other techniques, allowing one to fend off the Genjutsu by any normal means. Effects last up to 4 turns.

Note: The Yin variant of this technique can only be used by Foxes that have reached their 9th tail, and acquired Yin through it, or a Naturalist Specialist that possesses Yin. This allows the user to perform the A rank with 50 chakra and the S rank version with 70 chakra, retaining the same damage, but the Genjutsu will pierce through most genjutsu immunities and resistances, bellow MS rank.

Note: Can only be used 4 times per battle. S Rank version and Yin Version count as 2 times ( Maximum 2 Normal S Ranks, 2 Yin A ranks, 1 Yin S rank ). Requires a cooldown of 2 turns before it can be reused.
Note: S rank version prevents the usage of other Foxfire techniques in the same and next turn. S rank Yin version prevents the usage of other S rank Yin techniques in the same and next turn.


Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
- Has Apex Predator - Mode Masters are able to submit Senjutsu customs with higher-than-normal damage.
- Some abilities may be based on Toad anatomy.

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Mizutamari Janpa) – Summoning Technique: Puddlejumper
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Puddlejumper, a moody Golden Toad from Mount Myoboku with vibrant yellow skin, and sleepy eyes. Despite being of lesser size than Lady Shima, he has a moody and at times grumpy attitude. Puddlejumper is a master of the coveted arts of natural energy, implementing it seamlessly in his unique style of combat. With his small stature, he is a moderately fast toad, moving at speed akin to a Jounin, capable of jumping at great lengths and height, with his vitality at a hundred points, and his skillset being that of a standard toad’s, with access to all standard toad ninjutsu, and access to S rank and below Earth Release, lasting five turns on the field.

"Natural Camouflage Jutsu" draws inspiration from the toads' ability to blend with their environment using natural energy. By channeling natural energy and harmonizing it with their chakra system, Puddlejumper can become attuned to the environment in a way that allows him to absorb and mimic the colors, textures, and patterns of his surroundings. Puddlejumper can apply this ability to himself and up to 3 others at a time if they remain within mid-range from him (passively). This unique blend of natural energy and chakra enables them to effectively obscure their chakra signatures, making them almost undetectable by sensory perception techniques. As they attune themselves to the environment, their appearance seamlessly shifts, adopting the colors and features of the area, providing the perfect camouflage. This technique embodies the principles of nature-based chakra control and serves as an effective tool for stealth and covert missions.

The Ephemeral Webs of Paralysis conjures spiderweb-like constructs composed of natural energy, much akin to the natural energy used in Frog Kata. These webs are deployed with a wave of the hand or a simple gesture, causing them to apparate within the user's chosen vicinity (mid-range), moving to ensnare the target(s). What sets the "Golden Toad's Ephemeral Webs of Paralysis" apart is their unique composition: they are laced with a potent Golden Toad poison. Upon contact, the target becomes ensnared in a lattice of shimmering threads. The poison-infused webs not only result in temporary paralysis if the target is in contact with the web but also introduce the effects of the powerful Golden Toad poison. Simultaneously, the webs have the innate ability to harness the target's chakra, utilizing it to create additional threads, progressively strengthening the bonds. Each turn the target remains ensnared within the web, and their chakra is siphoned into the web at a rate of -50 per turn, simultaneously enhancing the web's durability by +20 per turn, this also means the web is self-sustaining.

  • The Ephemeral Webs of Paralysis is an S-rank technique.
  • The Ephemeral Webs of Paralysis can be used three times per battle, counting as a move.
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Māshushēdo) – Summoning Technique: Marshshade
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Marshshade is an old olive-coloured toad from Mount Myoboku. Being like Fukasaku in size, he is a grumpy old wrinkly toad. Marshshade is a skilled practitioner of the arts of natural energy, implementing it seamlessly to his abilities and friends. With his small and old stature, he values durability and perception above all else, moving at a speed similar to a Jounin, capable of jumping at great lengths, with his vitality at a hundred points, and his skillset being that of a Master of Oil Ninjutsu and Earth Release, with access to all standard toad ninjutsu, and lasting five turns on the field.

“Molten Chaos” is an innate ability of Marshshades. Marshshades' power over natural energy and mastery of oil ninjutsu causes massive geysers of hot oil to erupt, causing the battlefield to be covered in permanent eruptions of hot oil. This oil is extremely hot and damaging, causing 10 damage per turn to targets within long range of the user. Should a target be within this hot oil field, that creates extreme heat, for more than 5 turns, they begin to experience heat visions, seeing optical illusions that prevent clear sight of targets regardless of tracking abilities. This ability remains active for up to 5 turns. This field also grants +20 damage to all techniques that involve oil.

Marshshade possesses a versatile array of abilities, including mastery over the summoning and reverse summoning techniques, allowing him to transport himself and his companions back to Mount Myoboku or employ reverse summoning from the toad ninjutsu list. Furthermore, he can summon the grand toad statues from Mount Myoboku, strategically placing them as protective barriers or employing them as powerful projectiles akin to the food cart destroyer technique. These statues, infused with natural energy, are neutral to all damage types, and their colossal size and natural energy make them formidable, earning them an S rank classification and dealing a substantial 120 damage upon impact. If touched by an opponent, the toad statue emits natural energy, causing a gradual petrification over 3 turns.
  • Molten Chaos is an S-rank ability, and costs a move.
  • Molten Chaos can be used once per battle.
  • Any instance of utilizing a reverse summoning or summoning technique costs a move
  • Stone Toad Summoning is considered an S-rank technique that costs a move.
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Mosuu~isuka) – Summoning Technique: Mosswhisker
Type: Summoning
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Mosswhisker is an old white toad from Mount Myoboku, with the title of “Seeker”, and a direct descendant of Gamamura. Mosswhisker is older than Fukasaku and Shima, and is known for his mastery of natural energy, implementing it seamlessly in his unique control of his surroundings. With his small wrinkled and moss-draped stature, he is a slow toad, moving at – 2 base speed compared to a Jounin, however, his vitality is greater than most toads at a hundred points, and his skillset being that of a standard toad’s, with access to all standard toad ninjutsu and senjutsu, and access to S rank and below Water Release, lasting five turns on the field.

“Oracle's Insight" is an inherited ability within Mosswhisker's lineage, stemming from their ancestral connection with Gamamura. This extraordinary talent empowers Mosswhisker to harmonize their chakra with the natural world's energies, granting them prophetic glimpses into potential future events. These visions, while profound, possess an inherently abstract nature, often manifesting through symbols and metaphors. Mosswhisker's aptitude functions similarly to Gamamura's renowned future-sight and prophecy-making capabilities, albeit on a more restrained scale. Mosswhisker's talent permits them to continually glimpse a few moments ahead into the future, offering a unique form of passive foresight. This remarkable ability enables Mosswhisker not only to predict but also to anticipate an individual's decisions, actions, and, consequently, potential outcomes depending on the choices they make. In essence, this endows Mosswhisker with heightened insight, predictability, and situational awareness during combat, offsetting any potential disadvantages stemming from their advanced age, while also affording them a substantial advantage in terms of reaction time.

The Nexus of Harmony is an advanced toad ninjutsu that leverages the innate spiritual connection between the toads of Mount Myoboku and their summoners. Through a deep attunement with natural energy, the toad becomes the central nexus of a telepathic network, enabling simultaneous communication with multiple individuals bound by the same summoning contract or toads, releasing a wave of natural energy into and through individuals, much akin to the Amphibian technique (up to 4 individuals). This unique telepathic link forges an ethereal bond that allows those connected to share their thoughts, strategies, and sensory data in real-time. This connection grants unparalleled unity among individuals, enhancing their coordination, and collaboration and affording a heightened level of situational awareness (x2.5 tracking). The Nexus of Harmony takes a considerable amount of concentration, resulting in Mosswhisker being able to sustain it for a total of four turns in combat.

  • The Nexus of Harmony is an S rank technique, costing a move to activate.
  • The Nexus of Harmony can be used twice per battle, with a two-turn cooldown.
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