Custom Jutsu Submission - III

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May 23, 2008
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Please be sure to read the before making a submission.

±±Custom Techniques±±

-Each person has his/hers own fighting style or preferences and much like in Narutoverse, you sometimes feel the need for a certain ability or technique that better complements your fighting style or preferences. The solution? Custom Techniques. In Naruto Base's Role Play you have the ability to submit custom techniques here. To be able to properly submit those you need to follow these rules. Also, don't forget to check the previous Custom Jutsu Submission thread,

±± How to submit a Custom Technique? ±±

1. Step One: Pick the Name and Japanese Translation. Use this to help you. Be sure to name the techniques correctly by stating the skill/element/area to which the technique belongs. Don't use Japanese in Kanji form; use standard Romanji instead.

Use the following list if needed:
Doton - Earth Release/Earth Style
Raiton - Lightning Release/Lightning Style
Suiton - Water Release/Water Style
Fuuton - Wind Release/Wind Style
Katon - Fire Release/Fire Style

Ninjutsu/Ninpou - Ninja Arts/Ninja Style
Genjutsu - Illusionary Arts
Goken - Strong Fist [Cannon Taijutsu Sytle]*
Kenjutsu - Sword Arts
Fuuinjutsu - Sealing Arts
Kinjutsu - Forbidden Arts
Jukenpo/Jyuken - Gentle Fist
Mokuton - Wood Release
Suna/Subaku - Sand Release
Satetsu - Iron Sand Release
Yoton - Lava Release
Ranton- Storm Release
Jinton - Dust Release
Meiton - Dark Release
Jokiton - Steam Release
Koton - Steel Release
Bakuton - Blast Release/Explosion Release
Shakuton - Scorch release
Jiton - Magnetic Release [Also used for Gold Sand and Iron Sand]
Hayaton - Swift Release
Hyouton - Ice Release
Futton - Boil Release
Kessho/Shoton - Crystal Release
Mushiton - Bug Release/Bug Style/Bug Arts
Shabondama/Shondama - Bubble Release
Kage - Shadow Arts
Senpo - Sage Arts/Sage techniques
Ameton - Rain Release
Kugutsu - Puppet Techniques/Puppet Arts
Bijutsu - Bjiu Techniques/Biju Arts

§§ Others may exist or be added later §§

*You may chose to name your technique simply with its name, not using the Goken/Strong Fist naming.

2. Step Two: Chose the type of your Custom Technique.


3. Step Three: Rank The Jutsu According to Power and Effects.


4. Step Four: Put a Range in your Jutsu.

Short Range
Mid Range
Long Range

5. Step Five: Fill in the correct Chakra and Damage points for the rank of the technique

E Rank: 05 Chakra / 10 Damage
D Rank: 10 Chakra / 20 Damage
C Rank: 15 Chakra / 30 Damage
B Rank: 20 Chakra / 40 Damage
A Rank: 30 Chakra / 60 Damage
S Rank: 40 Chakra / 80 Damage
Forbidden: 50 Chakra / 90 Damage

Note: In certain types of techniques, some of the fields (either Damage or Chakra) may not be required to fill, like with the damage of a defensive technique . If that is the case simply put N/A (Non-Aplicable).

6. Step Six: Describe the Jutsu.

Make a brief description of your jutsu and its effects. Don't forget to make it clear and understandable by using proper grammar. Keep it simple and clean. Also, you are required to make a logical explanation of how you achieve the effect of the jutsu. For example, if you have a technique that states "can detect enemy's location" you are required to explain how that is achieved.

7. Step Seven: Resctritions.

Add any restrictions that are deemed necessary for the rank of the technique and its correct use. Usage limit, duration limit, etc. Don't forget to make it logical and simply don't add restrictions in an attempt to make your technique more approvable. Restrictions won't change the fact that your technique may be OverPowered. In terms of logic, it pertains to the correct comprehension of the RP and its skills. For example, a high rank Lava technique would affect your use of Lava and to a minor extent, Fire and Earth but it wouldn't affect your use of Water.

8. Step Eight: Post and Wait for Approval!

±± Template for Custom Techniques ±±

Note: between the first bolded code, simply insert the name of the technique.

±±Formatting Restrictions±±

-No submission that uses font or formatting alterations such as underline, bold, allignement, color, size, spoilers, etc will be checked. The only exception is that you are allowed to Bold or underline the title of each technique you submitt and you can use spoilers for videos or images you need to post for references.

-An exception to the above rule is the requirement to bold the alterations on re-submissions. Its required that every altered or add part is bolded. If you simply take out something, write beneath the jutsu stating "I took out the part where...".

-In addition, please use proper English whenever describing your Custom Jutsu. Take note that if the context of your CJ is incomprehensible, then it will be automatically declined.


-When resubmitting a custom that was previously declined, you need to quote the original submission and bold the parts you changed in your new submission.

±± Rank and Training Restrictions ±±

-You can submit techniques regardless of your ninja rank but you must obey the following table:

Genin              ->   up to E and D rank jutsu of the selected element

Chunin            ->   up to D and C rank jutsu of the known element (s)

Special Jounin   ->  up to C and B rank jutsu of the known elements

Jounin              ->   up to B and A rank jutsu of the known elements

S-Class Ninja   ->   up to A and S rank jutsu of the known elements

Sannin              ->  up to S and Forbidden rank jutsu of the known elements

Kage       ->   no limitations in rank regarding jutsu of the known elements

Sage       ->   no limitations in rank regarding jutsu of the known elements
-You are not allowed to submit customs without proper training for the area and rank you are posting.


User has training in Earth up to B-Rank (doesn't matter if its one technique or the whole B-Ranks) so he can only submit up to B-Rank earth techniques.
-This fact is regardless of user rank.


If user is Sage Rank but has training in Water only up to C-Rank he will only be able to submit up to C-Rank Water Techniques.
-Only exception are submitting D-Ranks of elemental ninjutsu. These can be submitted without training.

±±Declined, Do Not Resubmit±±
-When one of your techniques was declined with a "Do Not Resubmit" note, you can't resubmit that technique without the permission of the Staff member who checked that technique.

±±Animal Summons and Summoning Contracts±±
-When you reach Jounin rank you can make your own summoning contract with an animal. Use the search tool of the Custom Jutsu Thread both on this thread and in this to see if your contract was already submitted in the past. You can also check the . And most importantly, don't forget to check the rules for Summoning Contracts posted and .

-To submit the contract please use this template:

[B]Summoning Animal:[/B]
[B]Scroll Owner:[/B]
[B]Other Users who have signed contract: [/B]
[B]Summoning Boss if existing:[/B]
[B]Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:[/B]
[B]Description and Background:[/B]
-When submitting a summon you are required to post the link to the signing or owning of the contract.

±±Custom Fighting Styles±±

-All fighting styles are now to be submitted in the Thread and should follow the rules posted there.

-Techniques from custom fighting styles are still submitted in this thread but need a mandatory linking to the approved fighting style.

±±Weekly Submissions and Amount of Customs±±

-The custom jutsu thread works through weekly cycles of 7 days, marked by a post done by the staff, that contains the date of the beginning of the cycle and the date the cycle ends. In addition to that, the current cycle can always be checked .

-You can submit 3 custom techniques per cycle. Remember that summoning contracts and weapons all count as techniques.

-You are allowed to have 35 Custom Techniques of your own. These don't include fighting styles, summoning contracts or custom elements and custom elements techniques.

-Each custom is property of only its submitter. If you add a note stating said custom can only be used by you, that custom can't be taught to anyone else. Your custom can't have co-creators.


±±Custom Jutsu Users±±​

-Once you get your first custom technique approved you are required to make your own custom jutsu thread in the

-You are required to post every jutsu you made and all jutsu that others allow you to use.

-Each and everyone of your custom techniques posted in your thread needs to be numbered(from #1 to #35).

-When posting your technique, you are required to post the link to the techniques approval, by copying the link to the individual post in which the technique was approved.

-You are forbidden to use any custom technique that isn't posted in your own custom jutsu thread.

-The custom jutsu thread is your responsibility and its your duty to keep it up to date, clean and complete.

-Each custom technique can only be taught to 6 people (this excludes special cases such as Custom Summoning Contracts or Custom Element Jutsu which follow their own guidelines).

-A custom exchange/training cannot be revoked by any of the parties; its permanent.


-"Markers", or empty posts (with no actual custom jutsu being submitted) created for the sole purpose of being edited later on, are strictly forbidden and shall be considered as nothing more than spam.

-Any post that does not contain a custom technique submission is considered spam and thereby falls under the violation of the of Narutobase.

-Posting a technique that has requirements such as bios or tests and that are pending approval or verification is considered posting a marker. When you post a technique you are required to make sure you fulfill all the conditions needed to do so. That includes training, bios, permissions, etc. Posting them ahead of having the requirements to do so to get your submission checked faster is considered posting a marker and is punishable.

±±Ripping and Copying±±

-You cannot copy or bluntly base your submissions in another members submission without his or hers permission. This is strictly forbidden and is a severe offense.

-If you find a submission that you feel is too much like yours or that is clearly and bluntly a copy of any of yours, please contact one of the RP mods with the link to your technique and the one that supposedly copies yours.

-The RP Mods may require you to prove you have traded a given jutsu. Be sure you can provide such proof if required.


-No one is allowed to edit his/her post after a moderator has already edited it. Resubmit if you feel that your technique needs to be altered in some way.

±±Alternate Accounts±±

-You are hereby forbidden to submit techniques from your alternate accounts in the same cycle you submit techniques with your main account.

-You cannot exchange techniques between your accounts, allowing techniques from your main on your alternate account and vice-versa, bypassing the limit for custom techniques.

-Failure to abide these rules may lead to infraction and in some cases, to a temporary/permanent ban of your alternate or main accounts from the RolePlay.

±±The Red Rule±±
-The red rule exists and you should check it if you don't know what it is. Bugging any RP mod regarding CJs that were declined and to which you weren't required to contact the given mod, is breaking said rule. The techniques are declined for a reason which is most of the times explained even if we are not required to do so. This is never respected but I urge you to start taking this seriously.

±±The Blue Rule±±
-You aren't allowed to direct us into how to check your customs or tell us to make edits on the submissions to make them approvable. Also, providing expressions like "I talked to X senior sensei and he said its possible" or any variation of such expressions is forbidden. Adding explanations outside the technique's description (or, by that matter, any expression or sentence directed at us) is also forbidden. Anything you wish to explain you need to do so in the technique itself, using the correct template, as it needs to be perfectly understandable by anyone if its to be approved. The necessity to explain or justify things outside of it renders such premise invalid and thus makes the technique unapprovable.


-NB's moderators have every right to deny any move we wish without true explanation, because some techniques submitted do not reach a certain criteria that we feel should be accepted. Please do not complain, please do not argue, just take it as it is and please move on by creating something else. Most Jutsus however will state a reason why a technique or custom will not be accepted.


These rules are based on Izuna's changes to Rei's original rules. Special thanks to Mina for the header!


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
First Cycle of the new thread ^_^

‡ New Cycle ‡

The new cycle starts on 29/06/2016 (at 10:00 GMT +1) and ends on 06/07/2016. The thread will be closed up to a week so we can check any remaining submissions and then it will be re-opened.

Rules of all upcoming cycles
1) Checking will happen throughout the week rather than at the end. Only make your submission when its complete as its liable to being checked there and then. No need to rush like crazy to submit your stuff since as you've seen, we check things in a random order.

2) To avoid clutter you're only allowed to make one post. This means if your post is checked and it only contains one technique, you cannot make another post to submit additional techniques. If you wish to submit the full three techniques, I suggest you post them all in one post when all of them are ready.

3) Of course this means resubmissions in the same cycle are no longer allowed.

4) You cannot edit your post if even one of your techniques has been checked by a moderator.

5) Techniques I deem too long for no reason will be declined automatically.

6) If you get a decline don't VM, PM or IM any mods about it. We've been pretty relaxed with the red rule but a lot of people have been taking advantage lately. ALso, the blue rule will be enforced from now on, no need to tell us what to check, we will read the cjs, bold the changes. Any bits telling us what you've changed ect will result in auto declines.

Any pending or remaining customs will be checked as soon as possible.


Active member
Jul 13, 2012
Trait Points
Tsuindoragonringu - Twin Dragon Rings
Type: Weapon
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short/Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Twin Dragon Rings are two almost identical rings which are made of solid, indestructible, coil-patterned gray material, with respective colored gems in the middle. One ring's gem has a dark/red pigment, whereas the other one has a light blue/light yellow shade. The gems are surrounded by two dragons facing the opposite of each other. It is said that they originate from an isolated region of the ninja world. The person who has created them remains a mystery, but legend says that he died upon finishing creating those. In the last moments of his life, he gifts them to his two twin sons. The sons, however, became corrupted with power and started using them for bad deeds. Eventually, they would confront each other and have a death-match. At the end of the fight, both brothers fell lifeless, however, the rings respectively on their fingers remained shiny. The twins' corpses started to rot, but nature had no effect on such rings. People would also not near the rings because they believed they would cast a curse upon you. That said, the rings have remained untouched for ages. During his travels, Feitan got to find about these rings. Without worrying about anything, he would take a hold of the two rings. Studying them, he realized that these could be used to amplify his main ability; Dark Release. With that in mind, he began working on these rings and would put them on.

The main thing Feitan noticed about these two rings, is that both rings were always ready to give the user extra chakra when needed. Making use of this feature, Feitan manipulated these rings to amplify his Dark Release techniques. The dark/red ring, he would name it the "Absorption" ring, and the light blue/yellow one, he would name it the "Release" ring. The rings also have the ability to sense any kind of chakra or energy, both techniques and beings alike (people, summons, clones, etc). The mechanism of this lies within the rings constantly releasing dark chakra waves omnidirectionally, similar to Revival Fist technique. However, unlike the actual technique, these shock waves are harmless. These shockwaves are invisible and act like detectors and sonars, but will take 5 chakra points every turn from the user. Though, this is only a small part of what the rings are capable of. The main abilities of them are divided into two parts, "Absorption" and "Release".

"Absorption" ring
This is the dark/red ring. This ring will grant him the ability to enforce absorption-related techniques. The most common example will be the Inhaling Maw technique. Whenever it is used, the ring will glow in its respective colors and assist in increasing its rank by one, thus allowing the user to absorb stronger techniques. These will include S-rank Wind/Lightning/Fire techniques, F-rank raw chakra and B-rank water. It has no effect on earth techniques. The rank won't increase for S Rank or above techniques of this kind. However, the user will spend less chakra (specifically -10) when performing said techniques without weakening them.

"Release" ring
This is the light blue/yellow ring. This ring amplifies release-based techniques. Whenever these kinds of techniques are used, the ring will glow in its respective colors and enforce said technique by increasing its rank by one, making them greater and stronger. This ring won't have effect on S Rank or above techniques of this kind. Regardless, the user will spend less chakra (specifically -10) when performing said techniques without weakening them.

- The effects of the rings are passive
- Can only be taught by Klad

‡ Approved ‡ Made some edits.

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Fūton: Kami no Bōfū - Wind Release: Divine Windstorm
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A simple yet effective and powerful wind technique. The user will first stretch his arms forwards in an outwards manner. This is where the wind release will come in handy. Applying wind chakra to both of his hands, the user will generate powerful rotating winds in each hand. In one hand, the winds will rotate clockwise, and in the other, they will rotate counterclockwise. These rotating and powerful winds will increase in size and take the shape of tornadoes. These tornadoes can be used in a defensive or offensive manner. If any target is in the short range vicinity and caught in between these, they will receive major internal damage, a twisted body, and as well as a lot of flesh cuts. The user can also control these tornadoes by moving his hands, so they can hit several targets, or simply bring them close together so they form a rampaging wind frontal barrier.

- No wind techniques the turn it is used
- Usable only three times
- Can only be taught by Klad

Declined - similar to existing jutsu

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Katon: Jūjihōka Harikēn - Fire Release: Crossfire Hurricane
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will focus his fire chakra in three parts of his body; his two arms and his mouth. Afterward, the user will position his arms in a cross shape manner, and will release gathered chakra in said shape. Simultaneously, the user will inhale and release fire from his mouth in the shape of a circle. These two released parts will join each other, and will take the form of a fiery ankh. This ankh has scorching hot temperatures surrounding it, which would vaporize any source of water in a matter of moments. Upon contact with a matter or a target, this ankh will explode into a rampageous fire hurricane, which extends up to 20m upwards. Alternatively, this ankh can be divided into numerous ankhs, in order to have a wider range and to increase the possibility of hitting more than one target, but naturally each ankh would have lower power than a single one. Another unique use of this technique is that the ankh(s) is/are utilizable even if you choose to perform them underground. Whenever the user chooses so, he would do one hand seal and stomp his foot in the ground, and the hurricane would manifest directly under the target's feet. This is because the shape manipulation of the ankh(s) take place underground. An additional feature to this variant is that, if there are any direct openings in the ground (such as holes, craters etc), the moment the ankh travels beneath a hole or crater, it will create a circular indent in the ground. This will distort the natural airflow and creates a suction that drags the target in and makes escaping from the hurricane in the air more difficult.

- If this is used in a turn or any variants of it, the user isn't able to use fire techniques in said turn. This means that the user can only use one variant per turn.
- Usable only three times
- Can only be taught by Klad

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Declined - similar to existing jutsu
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Active member
Mar 26, 2011
Trait Points
Can't quote cause thread is closed:

(Chuu Doragon) - Kiss of the Dragon
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long (thrown)
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Kiss of the Dragon is an assassination technique created Kirigakure and is most frequently used by Hunter-nin. In order to use this technique effectively the user must have knowledge of the vital areas and must be precise and accurate. The user will come into close quarters of the target and pierce a specific vital point in the back of the neck (between the carotid artery & pulmonary plexus ) that if punctured causes the near immediate death of the target. The deadliness of this technique can be augmented by lacing the needle with poison. It has been shown in the manga, that Haku performed a somewhat similar technique, that create the illusion that she killed her comrade, which was actually untrue. To use this the user must have medical knowledge and have accute accuracy within close combat having mastered taijutsu to be able to hit the specific point while a target is still moving.

- Can only be used once times per-match.
- Only one senbon can be used for this.
- User must have medical knowledge, or something similar.
- Can only be taught by Nathan.
- No jutsu above A rank in the following turn

Approved - i made alot of edits due to the nature of the jutsu itelf and it's effects. I hope i don't regret this. If this is not what you wanted, PM me and i'll decline this.


(Ototon: Sensō no chōritsu) - Sound Release: Rhythm of War
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short (Self)
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (+10 to taijutsu) (+10 to sound)
Description: A spin on sound that is meant to be beneficial to the target, this innovative technique developed by Nathan. It uses sound to alter the targets' brainwaves in order to increase their physical proficiency. The user produces a low sonorous sound, this sound isn't used on anyone but rather used on the user themselves. Once under the influence of the sound the user will begin to feel their blood "boiling with anticipation", their body will seem lighter and more supple, and they will have enhanced physical prowess due to the brainwaves altered by the sound. This also gives the user increased damage to their sound based techniques, as the user is already in a state surrounded by sound, thus they only need to further shape manipulate the sound. The sound is able to persist only as long as the sound is present which requires the user to constantly manipulate and duplicate the soundwaves which affect the the user. The only downside to this technique is that is the user choices to channel any other chakra based techniques, excluding sound & the elements that make up sound, thus lightning and wind, this technique will cease. The way the user uses the sound waves on themselves is by releasing tiny amounts of sound chakra all throughout their body a method also know as "whole body vibration" but just distributed at a much higher frequency.
- The technique lasts three turns.
- Can only be used twice times per-match.
- Must wait one turn before reusing.
- No sound techniques for one turn after this ends.
- Whilst in this state, due to the humming this technique removes the need for handseals only for sound techniques.
- Can only use free-form, taijutsu (elemental taijutsu can be used if it falls under sound, lightning or wind), as well as sound, lighting and wind techniques that are A-rank & below while this is active.
- Can only be taught by Nathan.

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May 26, 2012
Trait Points
(Jiton: Satetsu Bunshin|Magnetic Release: Iron Sand Clone)
Type: Defense/Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30(-15 to reform)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user stomps on the ground and forms(up to four) magnetic fields to form into human-sized clones, made out of iron-sand. These clones are distinguishable from the original since they, like most metals, reflect light and gives a "shiny" surface. Other than that, the user and the clone(s) are completely identical. These clones are very tough, and have the ability to act as tangible and being able to reform themselves, if taking physical hits, just like regular sand clones. However, if they are to be reformed, the user spends some chakra to do so. This could be done anytime though and if they aren't reformed, they could very well act as a medium of iron sand(depending on what damage they took). These clones can perform iron sand jutsus as well as earth/wind jutsus(that the user can perform. The reason they can use these elements is that the Kekkei Genkai of magnetism is earth/wind based - as well as the Kekkei Genkai itself becomes useable by the clones). They are resistant to physical attacks up to C-rank and are able to reform from physical strikes at the cost of some chakra points above that. The clones are very tough, but they are also slow(two ranks slower than the user).

Note: Can only be used by Magnetism users with Iron Sand.
Note: Clones can use all Wind/Earth/Iron sand jutsus that the user knows.
Note: Maximum of 4 clones per battle.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

✦ Declined, up to what rank can they reform from? This is A rank, it's not going higher than that and will need a cap on how many times it can be done, costing 30 chakra to do and counting as a jutsu per turn to do so. ✦

(Jiton: Satetsu Bunshin|Magnetic Release: Iron Sand Clone)
Type: Defense/Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30(-15 to reform)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user stomps on the ground and forms(up to four) magnetic fields to form into human-sized clones, made out of iron-sand. These clones are distinguishable from the original since they, like most metals, reflect light and gives a "shiny" surface. Other than that, the user and the clone(s) are completely identical. These clones are very tough, and have the ability to act as tangible and being able to reform themselves, if taking physical hits, just like regular sand clones. They can only do that up to A-rank attacks and are limited to reform four times per clone. However, if they are to be reformed, the user spends some chakra to do so as well as one of the move-counts of a turn from the user. This could be done anytime though and if they aren't reformed, they could very well act as a medium of iron sand(depending on what damage they took). These clones can perform iron sand jutsus as well as earth/wind jutsus(that the user can perform. The reason they can use these elements is that the Kekkei Genkai of magnetism is earth/wind based - as well as the Kekkei Genkai itself becomes useable by the clones). They are resistant to physical attacks up to C-rank and are able to reform from physical strikes at the cost of some chakra points above that. The clones are very tough, but they are also slow(two ranks slower than the user). If a clone takes more than A rank damage they will turn into piles of iron sand. The user needs to spend 30 chakra points for each time a reform is to be made.

Note: Can only be used by Magnetism users with Iron Sand.
Note: Clones can use all Wind/Earth/Iron sand jutsus that the user knows.
Note: Maximum of 4 clones per battle.
Note: Clones can reform four times(per clone) no matter what damage they take unless its S-rank and above.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

Declined - make it so you can only make three. Will allow them to reform only once. Can only use iron sand and magnetism related to the iron sand. And if they are hit by jutsu A rank and above (following strength and weaknesses) they can't reform. And say it counts towards to the clone limit rules.

(Jiton: Jiki kūgeki | Magnetism Release: Magnetic Void)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 (-10/turn)
Damage: N/A (+60 if used with a wind jutsu)
Description: The user places their palms on the ground(if used with pre-existing source underground) or performs two handseals(if used from the users gourd);

Dragon → Dog

The user then forms an orb of iron sand that levitates. He/she would then creates two repellent magnetic fields that collides inside the orb, to make it explode into a gigantic cloud of iron sand, covering the entire battlefield(depending on the size of the orb). The iron sand would be tainted with the user's chakra(just like the hiding in mist jutsu) and its main purpose is to hide in the iron sand to create surprise attacks by cancelling the visual contact between the user and their opponent. Chakra sensors will have a hard time finding the user in this cloud of iron sand as it would be tainted with the users chakra. Even dojutsu users would find it next to impossible to do so. Not only this, but the iron sand could be used in conjunction with wind jutsus to make them become razor-sharp(by collecting the debris from this jutsu).

Note: Jutsu last for 4 turns and requires a two turn cool-down in-between uses.
Note: Doesn't affect sensing that doesn't rely on seeing the users chakra(movement sensing, sound sensing etc).
Note: Can only be used by Iron sand users.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

✦ Declined, first delete the spacing around the hand seals used. It just formats the jutsu weirdly unnecessarily. Second, always bold any edits done to a jutsu so we can see exactly what was changed. +60 to a jutsu is insanely high, the highest approved would ever be +20 to jutsu. Needs an overall cap limit of 4 times. Other Iron Sand jutsu can't be used from this source. ✦

(Jiton: Jiki kūgeki | Magnetism Release: Magnetic Void)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 (-10/turn)
Damage: N/A (+20 if used with a wind jutsu)
Description: The user performs two handseals (Dog - Dragon) and then forms an orb of iron sand that levitates. He/she would then creates two repellent magnetic fields that collides inside the orb, to make it explode into a gigantic cloud of iron sand, covering the entire battlefield. The iron sand would be tainted with the user's chakra(just like the hiding in mist jutsu) and its main purpose is to hide in the iron sand and to create surprise attacks by cancelling the visual contact between the user and their opponent. Chakra sensors will have a hard time finding the user in this cloud of iron sand as it would be tainted with the users chakra. Even dojutsu users would find it next to impossible to do so. Not only this, but the iron sand could be used in conjunction with wind jutsus to make them become razor-sharp(by collecting the debris from this jutsu).

Note: Jutsu last for 4 turns and requires a two turn cool-down in-between uses.
Note: Can only be used twice times per battle.
Note: Doesn't affect sensing that doesn't rely on seeing the users chakra(movement sensing, sound sensing etc).
Note: Can only be used by Iron sand users.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

Approved - made edits
Last edited by a moderator:


Active member
May 31, 2014
Trait Points
(Ningyō geijutsu: Chikamatsu no Stiching) - Puppet Arts/Earth Style: Chikamatsu’s Stitching
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Self
Chakra cost: 30 (-10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This jutsu was made to specifically help Sasori as well as any Human puppet with their body structure. With this technique it takes advantage of their hollow body by implementing chakra threads inside of their body. The user starts off, by generating chakra threads inside of their body from each of their limbs. There is however more precision involved when placing the threads inside of themselves. Each chakra thread is placed in a specific location to better enhance their body structure. The following places are where each of the threads is located: there are two threads located along the inside of the user’s left and right arm. Both of the threads are located parallel to each other. On to the user’s legs there are two threads which are located inside of each leg parallel to each other. Even in the user’s toes and fingers are a single chakra thread as well as the user’s neck, and any other part of their body. Now with all of the chakra threads spread throughout their body they then focus their Earth chakra throughout the threads hardening them. All of the threads are now hardened, and can be retracted to allow bending. The main purpose of this technique is to support the user’s body structure to allow them to move their body even if there is a large force pushing them on them that would normally render their body movements to a minimum. In a way the threads are spread all throughout their body acting as a sort of skeletal structure which helps the user keep control over their body if faced with an overwhelming force giving them a sort of enhanced strength. With the help of the threads it would allow to the user to maintain an upright position as well move their body parts freely opposing any unwanted force.
Note: Can only be used three times.
Note: Can only be taught by Sasori
Note: Lasts four turns.
Note: Can only be used by Sasori or Human Puppets

Declined - this isn't really a puppet jutsu, it's a chakra reinforcment jutsu just saying it's based on threads which has been done before.

(Ningyō geijutsu: Gaia no tsuyomi) - Puppet Arts/Earth Style: Gaea’s Strength
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Self
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A (+20 to physical taijutsu)
Description: This is an ability that will mainly be used by Sasori or Human Puppets due to their unique body frame by taking advantage of the fact that most puppets are hollow structures. Due to the fact that puppets have an empty body frame it enables the user the ability to focus their earth chakra into their body in a more useful manner than most Earth users. The user starts off by focusing their earth chakra inside of their body, and then begins to fill the insides of their body with dense earth. As the earth is filling up the user’s body it shapes itself into an almost skeletal armor of earth from the inside of their body. There is however drawbacks as well as advantages of using this technique. By using this technique it enables the user the ability to give their body a more dense and strengthened structure which increases the user’s physical attacks by +20. On the other hand, by using this jutsu it fills the user’s body with heavy earth which will slow down their movements tremendously ,and also making their movement to perform taijutsu slower. When using this technique there are two methods for the user to make usage of this technique, first the user can fill a certain part of their body with earth chakra such as their: arms, legs, head ect, and increase the strength of taijutsu done by that part of their body by +20. If filling just one of their body parts with earth the user can perform this technique in the same time frame as one of their taijutsu moves. The second version of using this technique is by focusing all of their earth chakra throughout their body for a limited amount of time, and increasing the strength of taijutsu done while active. If the user previously focused their earth chakra in a single limb to use this technique then the user would only be able to use the Full Armor mode four turns then and vice versa. Also, due to their newly dense and heavy body it makes it harder to actually damage the user’s body reducing Taijutsu and Kenjutsu attacks by -10.
Note: Can only be used five times or last five turns.
Note: Can only be taught by Sasori
Note: Can only be used by Sasori or Human Puppets

Declined - if you have a human puppet they can use earth jutsu from the cannon list to achieve the same result.

Name: (Aka no himitsu no tekunikku sureddo shūtai) Red Secret Technique: Thread Abomination
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra:40 (If summoning)
Description: This entire puppet is composed out of a large array of strings and threads which is the key component of this puppet. The puppet is much larger than your average puppet dwarfing many other lesser ones in size. It is about the size of a large summoning. There are two main ways a user can use this puppet one is by Sasori’s One-Hundred chakra thread method, or the user is capable of climbing into the middle of the puppet where they will have free reign over the puppet’s movement meaning the user can enter battle with this puppet. It is also possible for one to control this puppet through other puppetry means besides ordinary ones along as that technique is suited for larger puppets. After the user summons the puppet through a scroll he then opens the chest compartment on his chest which then unleashes One Hundred Chakra threads which attach themselves to each of the threads that the puppet is composed up of. Once attached the user then controls the puppet at their will. With this puppet the user is capable of using it in order to dodge rather deadly attacks by spreading the threads connecting its body a part, but that must still be within reason, and if the user does use its body to evade an attack it costs a move. The thing about this puppet is that it is not easily destroyed by enemy techniques due to a very unique ability it possesses. This puppet is able to regenerate or weld its body back together once damaged due to the one-hundred chakra threads being used to control it. With the 100 chakra threads attached the user is capable of quickly melding the strings back together thus reforming back its body. As an example, say it gets hit with a B- Rank Fire ball Jutsu there will be a gaping hole in its chest until the user uses the threads to quickly reassemble its body.The regeneration process is done pretty quickly because there is no lag time due to the fact the chakra threads are directly linked with the user’s chakra source. Lastly, the puppet can use its body to create a defense or weapon out of the threads which are very durable and capable of being used to pierce enemies which are equal to an S-Rank technique. An example of a weapon the puppet can create is something such as a sword or kunai. The way the user uses the puppet in a defensive or offensive weapon is entirely up to their imagination as long as it’s something feasible. Besides the S-rank weapons/defenses, the puppet can use its entire body as a medium for defenses or offenses equal to A-rank each time costing a move. The puppet itself can use its threads to attack the enemy with jet fast sharpened thread points with A-rank strength, but each attack costs a move. It is also possible for the user to use the puppet in order to entangle enemies or grapple onto objects or submerge threads underground to surprise the enemy. Since the entire puppet is composed out of threads it allows for the user to create a weapon from just about any point on its body. If the user is inside of the puppet or using any other mean except one-hundred chakra threads method besides ordinary ones the puppet will still have the same effect as if using the chest compartment method. Each attack costs a move as well.
Note: Can only be taught by Sasori.
Note: This is the only puppet that can be on the field at the time
Note: Can only use puppetry based techniques while out
Note: Can use all basic puppetry attacks.
Note: The puppet can only regenerate from attacks up to S-rank.
Note: To generate from an Attack up to A-rank it uses one of the users moves, and also limits the user and puppet to no techniques above A-rank Next turn and takes -30 chakra. (If the user previously made an S-rank construct its strength is reduced to A-rank)
Note: If regenerating from an S-rank attack it uses one of the user’s moves, and also limits the user and puppet from using No A-rank or above jutsu next turn, and also requires a turn cool down before it can regenerate from an S-rank blow again. Takes -40 chakra each time. (Threads from the puppets body are reduced to B-rank instead of A-rank meaning any A-rank construct made before hand is now B-rank, while any S-rank construct made before hand is now A-rank instead)
Note: It can regenerate from C-rank or below techniques without costing a move while B-rank only costs a move.
Note: User can only make S-rank weapons or defenses twice which costs a move, after that everything is equal to A-rank, and costs a move. Each construct lasts until destroyed or dispelled.
Note: Can only be summoned once .

Declined - DNR
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Active member
May 15, 2013
Trait Points
(Ranton: Donryū no Hōkō) - Storm Release: Storm Dragon's Roar
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user draws his breath as he channels his chakra and combines it to make storm release. As he exhales, he releases a strong energy, appearing neon blue in color but remaining as potent as lightning and flowing like water. Its appearance as the waves begin to expand outwards, is similar to a tornado that grows in size and strength. Because of the amount of energy and focus, the blast of energy is powerful enough to break apart earthen surfaces especially if used on the ground as well as being able to crumble steel structures easily including projectiles (within reason) caught in its path. The suction power of the inside of it is able to draw objects or people towards it, draining the chakra of anything caught inside it (absorbing B-Rank and below Fire and/or Lightning techniques only as well as its chakra cost). Because of the nature of the elements that make up this tornado, the user is able to alter it's path much more accurately when compared to standard wind tornadoes. The user must keep in mind that this originates through their mouth and thus is vulnerable should he attract something the tornado can't break down inside it.
Note: Can only be used three times per battle/event
Note: Unable to use S-Rank and above Storm techniques for the next turn

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(Zerefu no Taijutsu) - Zeref's Body Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (-10 to user per technique up to B-Rank)
Description: The user, after receiving a punch or kick to anywhere on is body, will use the momentum to spring back up, land on his hand to then give himself more momentum and then land safely back a couple of meters. This technique, while dangerous, allows the user to continue fighting despite being attacked though still retaining the damage done to him. This technique however comes with its limitations as to how it can be used. For one, the user can only minimize the damage of B-Rank and below taijutsu (-10 damage from normal taijutsu B-Rank and below and -5 damage from chakra-enhanced taijutsu) by rapidly focusing chakra towards the point of impact, creating a dense barrier. This however does not lessen the effects of it. Because of the speed and urgency to protect said area, it is not as focused as most standard defenses are. The point is to add cushion to the area as quickly as possible to minimize damage then, despite being injured, allow the user to perform another technique in quick succession though still following timeframe rules. The technique requires great discipline as the user is literally forcing himself to disregard his pain to continue fighting and as a result, his next technique will suffer from a lack of focus, making it deal -10 damage alongside any other effects caused by enduring the pain of the attack.
Note: Can only be used 3x per battle/event
Note: Following technique will have decreased damage (-10 dmg)
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(Ranton: Donryū no Chēn) - Storm Release: Storm Dragon Chain
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S-Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40-50
Damage: 80-90 (-15 chakra per turn to target)
Description: The user creates storm energy in his hand, making it appear like a small orb. Through precise shape manipulation, he creates a long chain that can split into two parts if the user wishes but any attack is split in two (two A-Rank strikes equaling 80 damage). The end of the chain can be manipulated to either form into a claw or an arrow, able to pierce or latch onto any object or target. Upon contact, the chain numbs the affected area while also absorbing the chakra of the target (if any). While this is mainly used to bind targets, the user can also use it as a makeshift tool as he sees fit. Because it is connected to the user, it can be manipulated around objects or pierce right through them and remains potent and strong until the user either cancels the technique or it's canceled for him. If the user wishes, he can simultaneously combine this with Fūinjutsu (B-Rank or below), allowing one to further bind the target but still counts as a move, lasts two turns, and is a Forbidden technique. (To limit abuse, the Forbidden technique can only be used once and disables the use of the technique for the remainder of the battle/event. He also can not use it after using the S-Rank version. It's either two S-Rank usages or one Forbidden usage.) Due to the level of technique and concentration it requires, the user can only perform Storm, Lightning, and Water techniques up to B-Rank while active and also respecting the fact that he can only use one arm as his other is busy maintaining this technique. As a form of defense, the user can also elect to have the chains wrap around him, protecting himself from non-chakra enhanced ninja tools (like kunais, senbon, etc) and most techniques (A-Rank and below Earth, Fire, and Steel & B-Rank and below Wind - still follows Storm's strength and weaknesses) by focusing on the density from the water portion of storm release while also fueling it with lightning's destructive energy.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: Lasts for three turns with a two cooldown in between
Note: Forbidden Rank usage requires completion of Basic Fūinjutsu
Note: Forbidden Rank usage follows different limitations as stated in description
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‡ All Declined ‡ You can't submit on multiple accounts in a single cycle. Please read the rules.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points

(Jūho: Tamashii no Hairetsu) Gentle Step: Soul Array
Type: Defensive
Rank: S -ranked
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 chakra per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A technique that was inspired by the Hyuga’s Eight Trigrams Absolute Heavenly Spin which was created to deal/handle with faster moving opponents. The user will channel there chakra from all tentektsu’s in an emergency and release the chakra instantly as a layer of chakra over the user’s body. This layer of chakra manifests as an extension of the clan’s “absolute” defense technique. The layer of chakra leaves a light blue hue of chakra resonating around them. This actual nature behind this technique is that much like the rotation this chakra is constantly spinning around the user’s body and limbs rapidly to the point that it’s hard to notice. The spinning layer of chakra acts like a constant shield which the user can use to defend against techniques that directly target the body. This adds some protection to the natural blind spot of the user’s Byakugan. When clash against an enemy in close rnage combat, the revolving chakra will “push” off the enemies back and allows some distance to be cleared for the user(5m). The revolving chakra can play on equal terms with elemental chakra up to S-rank.

*Can be used once per battle, lasting four turns*
*No jutsu above A-rank while being maintaining this technique.*

‡ Update Approved ‡ "Close mage combat". Idk what this is but it sounds awesome.

(Hato-ka Kuchiyose: Parutena) Columbidae Summon: Palutena
Type: Summon
Rank: B-ranked
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Palutena is a very rare member of the Columbidae Contract as she hailed as a Goddess among her people. While in her avian form, she has stunning green feathers with a white plumage, as well as golden ascents around her eyes. Her human form she takes the appearance of a young woman around the age of 22 years with long green hair reaching down to her legs. She is quite tall in this form being roughly 5’9 in height and only being 2’0 in avian form. Much like the others of her home, Eden she is has special abilities based on which form she is in however, her avian form is considered her more “stronger” form as she is able to synchronize her chakra with her summoner. This however doesn’t augment the user any type of way but rather assists her summoner in chakra control, allowing them to release Water Release Techniques up to A-rank that normally require a water source from the body (i.e spewing it out). This is done due to Palutena’s own affinity towards Water Release but also her immense chakra control and thus acting as a “second” aid when creating the water techniques from the user’s body. While in her human form, Palutena has a special staff with her that she can fight along with in order to deal a B-ranked strike onto her enemy with the harden steel staff. The staff is usually wrapped around her neck while in avian form albeit much small and tied like a bell to her which then breaks off and extents as she transforms. She capable of using Water Release up to C-rank without the need of hand seals but while synchronizing chakra with her summoner she is unable to do so at the time. She is also the personal summon of Nakiri, and due to the bond they share is able to remain indefinitely when summoned by her when compared to other summons. The user can also wield her staff if needed as well as a form of combat

*Can only remain in play for four turns when summoned by normal signers, but when summoned by “Nakiri” Palutena remains indefinitely*
*Can only be summoned once per battle, twice by Nakiri*
*Transforming to/from Human/Avian form requires 10 chakra and counts against one of that turns moves.*
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Signed Contract Here:
Original Approval with Transformation Ability of the contract:
Gained Ownership Here:

Declined: you'll need to think of an ability that doesn't forgo the prerequisite of a water source, indefinitely.​

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Dec 24, 2012
Trait Points
(Koton: Ma-Chi Kuroi Kouhi) – Steel Release: March of the Black Queen
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (-5 chakra per turn to maintain)
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user will focus his koton chakra into the ground to create an underground mass of sentient tendrils composed of black steel. All of these tendrils are a part of a single central structure and so the power of this technique is not divided between the individual tendrils, it's regarded as one whole. These black tendrils can emerge from the ground at any time after creation and will seamlessly merge in and out of the earth. They can lash out at opponents to impale or entangle them or even aid the user in supplementary ways such as lifting them up by acting as a platform. These tendrils are made up of thousands upon thousands of individual wires and can constantly regenerate from damage insufficient in destroying them (similar to Growth of Gaheris). This difference to ordinary steel jutsu will be imperceptible to the naked eye, at least until the technique is struck by an attack insufficient in destroying it. Any damage dealt to the technique will be rapidly undone as the wires rearrange and sew back together as necessary to undo the damage sustained by the technique. The chakra this jutsu leeches from the user every turn facilitates this restoration by replenishing any wires that were damaged or destroyed. Due to their composition, the wires which compose the tendrils can unwind and reshape to adopt any form or structure. These abilities do not count as moves but the user must focus on this technique to maintain it's sentience as it will go lifeless the moment the user uses another technique (similar to Earth Release: Great Stone Golem).

Note: Can only be used twice per battle and two turns between each usage
Note: No steel above A-Rank on this turn this is deactivated/destroyed

Declined - You've got an S rank jutsu that's a mass of steel wires below the ground that you just control don't need handseals doesn't cost a move to reform them ect, it's just OP. Make this under the opponent, goes up through their feet, and straight through them killing them without the ground moving or any hind of it.
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(Koton: Toshigoro no Hyousetsu) – Steel Release: The Golden Age of Piracy
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user will focus their koton chakra into the ground or any source of steel to release a multitude of steel cannonballs from within it. These cannonballs can be as small as bullets or as large as boulders and will shoot out from the ground at the same speed as the shards in Steel Release: Grandeur of Geraint. The vibrations they generate on forming will be proportional to their size e.g. boulders will be very easy to feel/hear while bullets will be imperceptible. Upon colliding with anything, including each other, these cannonballs will erupt into an explosion of steel shards that span short-range around the epicenter of their detonation. These steel balls can be fired from any point on the ground and they can be angled in any way (e.g. straight upwards to attack airborne opponents or fired at very slight angles which make their movement almost horizontal).

Note: Can only be used thrice per battle

Declined - It's OP. Make it under the opponent, no handseals they shoot out a speeds to a jutsu you reference that i don't know unless it's cannon, htat case use the english name please, and they explode into shards like that. Nope.

(Koton: Iiya Giri no Touzoku) – Steel Release: No Honor Among Thieves
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (-5 chakra per turn to maintain)
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user will focus their koton chakra into the ground or a source of steel to create a single or a multitude of sentient assassins composed of the blackest steel. They can passively create and extend spiked or blunt weapons from anywhere (or everywhere) on their bodies, which are capable of bludgeoning or skewering through the body of anyone they come into contact with. Any weapons made via this method can be a maximum of five meters in length and one meter in width. Each weapon is also fully equipped with a hilt. Any weapon made via this method is physically attached to it's body but can be detached and thrown as a projectile. These weapons are equal to the assassin's in rank/damage while attached (since they're considered an extension of it's body) but when detached they're considered unranked/freeform weapons. The second ability is their capability to explode into countless steel shards that initially scatter outwards in every direction at the speed of an arrow fired from a compound bow. All of the shards quickly move towards and converge on a new position before coming together to instantly form the assassin's body exactly the way it was (reformation takes no time at all). The effectiveness of this ability is magnified trine if the assassins are created with “Steel Release: Corruption of the Kingdom” active as the shards would instead be millions of grains. The initial but momentary scattering of every individual grain means an assassin can no longer be seen when travelling with this technique, nor can it be heard due to the negligible size of the steel dust unless the opponent has a doijutsu or enhanced hearing (Inner Sonar Skill). However, the reforming will still be audible despite it's speed and will sound like pouring sand (like a flipped hourglass). The weapon creation ability doesn't count as a move but the movement ability does. The user must also focus on this technique to maintain it's sentience as it will go lifeless the moment the user uses another technique (similar to Earth Release: Great Stone Golem).

Note: Can only be used twice per battle and two turns between each usage
Note: No steel above A-Rank on this turn this is deactivated/destroyed

Declined -similar to existing jutsu in the movement part. Not being heard, making them without handseals, S rank steel clones in a sense form the ground... too much.
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Active member
Aug 25, 2011
Trait Points
(Kōton: Shouri no Camelot) - Steel Release: Conquest of Camelot
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will focus their Kōton chakra into a source of earth and convert it into black steel. This conversion will gradually spread across the earth source in question and at most it can cover a mid-range radial reach. This conversion will mean both the user and the opponent cannot use any earth-based techniques from that source for this jutsu's duration except Steel Release ones. This technique can convert any type of earth encompassed in Doton e.g. solid rock and mud. The latter works by simultaneously petrifying the mud into solid rock and then seamlessly converting it into steel. This technique cannot be used to convert the opponent's techniques directly but it can be used to counter jutsus which emerge from the earth by changing the ground into steel before they begin surfacing or as they surface. The latter method works by cutting off the technique's source of earth and overpowering the opponent's doton chakra and thus it will be unable to form completely.

Note: Conversion lasts for four turns
Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: Cool down time of two turns in between usages
Note: No other S-Rank and above Steel in the user's same turn

✦ Both approved, and there goes that jutsu I was talking about ✦
(Kōton: Shouri no Camelot) - Steel Release: Conquest of Camelot
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will focus their Kōton chakra into a source of earth and convert it into black steel. This conversion will spread across the earth source in question at the speed of an arrow fired from a compound bow. This conversion will mean both the user and the opponent cannot use any earth-based techniques from that source for this jutsu's duration except Steel Release ones. This technique can convert any type of earth encompassed in Doton e.g. solid rock and mud. The latter works by simultaneously petrifying the mud into solid rock and then seamlessly converting it into steel. This technique cannot be used to convert the opponent's techniques directly but it can be used to counter jutsus which emerge from the earth by changing the ground into steel before they begin surfacing or as they surface. The latter method works by cutting off the technique's source of earth and overpowering the opponent's doton chakra and thus it will be unable to form completely. Alternatively, the user can stream their koton chakra into the ground and convert a certain area on the battlefield into steel (similar to how Swamp of the Underworld is used).

Note: Conversion lasts for four turns
Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: Cool down time of two turns in between usages
Note: No other S-Rank and above Steel in the user's same turn
Note: No steel above A-Rank on the turn this ends

Declined - knowing what this can be stacked with, i'm not going to let it reach long range. Keep the original

(Koton: Yuuki no Bedivere) – Steel Release: Bravery of Bedivere
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user releases his koton chakra throughout his body and seemingly explodes into thousands of steel shards that move at the speed of an arrow fired from a compound bow (as fast as the bullets in the canon technique Steel Release: Bullet Swarm). This allows the user to evade attacks that would have otherwise landed or close the gap between an opponents at mid or long range. The shards come together as quickly as they erupted but their reformation is an audible process even at a long-range distance (it sounds like thousands of nails scratching against each other). However, the time of reformation is significant enough to allow the opponent to react to the user’s next attack regardless of the distance between them. That combined with the technique being easily heard by anyone means this technique’s nature isn’t intended to be offensive in any way but rather more defensive and supplementary.

Note: Can only be used once per battle
Note: This is considered a “Substitution” technique
Note: Cannot use jutsu while in shard form

Approved - nice evasion jutsu. Reminds me of gaara's sand
(Koton: Yuuki no Bedivere) – Steel Release: Bravery of Bedivere
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user releases his koton chakra throughout his body and seemingly explodes into thousands of steel shards that move at the speed of an arrow fired from a compound bow (as fast as the bullets in the canon technique Steel Release: Bullet Swarm). This allows the user to evade attacks that would have otherwise landed or close the gap between an opponents at mid or long range. The shards come together as quickly as they erupted but their reformation is an audible process even at a long-range distance (it sounds like thousands of nails scratching against each other). However, the time of reformation is significant enough to allow the opponent to react to the user’s next attack regardless of the distance between them. That combined with the technique being easily heard by anyone means this technique’s nature isn’t intended to be offensive in any way but rather more defensive and supplementary. The effectiveness of this technique is magnified trine when used with “Steel Release: Corruption of the Kingdom” as the shards would instead be millions of grains. The initial but momentary scattering of every individual grain means the user can no longer be seen when travelling with this technique, nor can it be heard due to the negligible size of the steel dust unless the opponent has a doijutsu or enhanced hearing (Inner Sonar Skill). However, the user reforming their body will still be audible despite it's speed (reformation is instant and takes no time at all) and will sound like pouring sand (like a flipped hourglass). It also won't disrupt abilities that fuse the user with techniques like Kindness of Kay or Arrogance of Agravain as they essentially become a part of or synonymous to the user's body during Galahad.

Note: Lasts for a maximum of one turn per use
Note: Can only be used thrice per battle and two turns between each use
Note: Cannot use any new techniques in shard form
Note: Can only use Steel, Fire, Earth and any non-elemental abilities in the turn this is used

Declined - Cant be seen or heard by form of sensors really? It might as well be a phasing jutsu. Update declined.
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Active member
Sep 4, 2010
Trait Points
Quoted from:


(Hakke Shatā tamashī) 10 Quadgrams - The Sage of all Generation
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Himself
Chakra Cost: 40 (-10 in each turn)
Damage Points: N/A (+20 Gentle Fist / +10 Taijutsu) (-10 damage to user)
Description: The Sage of Gentle Fist had traveled through many mountains and sections where he looked for ways to uncover more secrets about what chakra points really are, their limits and if they are expendable. Expendable in a way to push them beyond any shinobis' imagination. When a chakra point is being closed by hitting tenketsu points, it'll shut off a targets chakra pathway. When a chakra point is opened forcefully, the targets jutsus would naturally fail. Dante with his vast knowledge and beyond capability of Gentle Fist and precise chakra control to open his own chakra points to the point of letting his chakra pathway system surround him and conjure with his own flesh. While the user still somewhat remains his own physical form, the raw chakra fused with his body allows him to not only speed up his execution of Gentle Fist, increase his speed up to twice, but a unique feature of executing his Gentle Fist techniques in a more advanced shape manipulated and concentrated manner. This unique feature that the state provides enables the user to use Gentle Fist on par with more advanced techniques like elemental techniques. In this state, he is able to be one with Gentle Fist techniques like the Twin Lion Fist or any rotations and is able to resists physical damage up to a certain degree. His opening of chakra points and letting his raw chakra fuse with his own flesh offers a very concentrated shroud of chakra protecting him from techniques S-ranked and below. While active, the user's appearance expands significantly along with their jutsus and looks dark blue raw chakra which suppose to make up the user's body. Any contact will cause burning sensation hence the degree and quality of chakra.
~The user won't be able to mold any of the 5 elements above B-ranked while this is active
~The user won't be able to do jutsus above B-ranked that require handseals while this active.
~While this is active, it counts as one of the 3 jutsus per turn
~Can be taught by Dr. House
~Useable once per battle
~Lasts 4 turns
~User won't be able to use taijutsu or gentle fist above b-rank for two turns if the mode has lasted for 4 full turns.
~When this ends, user may only use elemental chakra up to A-rank for the next turn.
~The jutsu puts so much strain to the users body, it'll put -10 damage per turn to the user.

Declined - almost there. Hyuuga jutsu don't cause burning in that way.


(Jūho : Shinpan no Tsūka) 8 Trigrams: Passage of Judgement
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Himself
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Hyuugas are well known for their instant release of raw chakra. Though activating this state, if the user wishes, the user manipulates his raw chakra for the intended Gentle Fist technique which enables his techniques to pass through mere solid objects. Hyuugas are excellent at chakra control and hence they're able to perfectly release the right amount and density of chakra. Just like how any raw chakra release will pass through a human body, the user will thin his chakra enough to pass through objects that are only liquid and solid in form. Just like how Neji was able to push his Mountain Crusher through his own self image and through the ground to kill all the White Zetsus underground. However, the drawback of this technique is that hence their raw chakra will be thinned out, it'll lose a rank in power for whichever technique the user thinned out. For example, if an A-ranked ranked air palm meets with an A-ranked earth golem, it'll paralyze its chakra pathway (hence that's what it's really attacking and doesn't attack him physically) disturbing the chakra flow within him and continue while losing a rank in power, becoming an B-ranked.
-Lasts 3 turns
-Can be activated 2x
-Must wait a two turn cooldown before use
-Taught by House

Declined - say it can't be used on S ranks and above otherwise all amors will be rendered useless against you. And it's negative effect is rendered useless with the jutsu below.

(Jūho : Vu Ankisshutoraiaru) 8 Trigrams: Heavens Dance of Hazy Sage
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Himself
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A [+20 to Gentle Fist]
Description: Similar to Heavens Dance of Hazy White cannon Gentle Fist, where this technique gives the user's chakra qualities of having explosive properties. Hyuugas are so impressively masters of chakra control that they're able to either manipulate their chakra into figures or release a simple raw chakra blast. The user, similarly in the Dance of Hazy White, passively manipulates their chakra so impressively condense and high in density, into having explosive properties while releasing their intended technique. The techniques under this passive manipulation are different in size with looking more compact and from the increased density, giving it a blinding white light effect. For example, the user uses the Twin Lion Fists, and once it makes contact with the intended target, the quality of the chakra enables the user to create a large forward explosion upon contact. This can be applied to any Projectile/Air Palm and rotation based jutsus.
-Lasts 3 turns
-Can be activated 2x
-Must wait a two turn cooldown before use
-Taught by House

Declined - DNR

(Jūho : Doragon no Tamashii) Gentle Step: Soul of the Dragon
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+10 to Techniques while active)
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the few techniques that was created by the most exemplar members of the Hyuga Clan through years of practice with chakra control and the ability to naturally release chakra from all 361 chakra points. This technique although it serves no purpose on its own as a stand alone technique, it actually is passively activated and instant. The user will naturally burst out more chakra from the tenketsus in the body(depending on the location of which the chakra is being release from) in which when the Hyuga uses a technique, they are able to use the extra chakra and infuse it with the chakra being concentrated to create jutsu in order to increase the range of the techniques used by them. The burst chakra acts as a catalyst in order to fuel more chakra into the technique and using their mastery of chakra control, they are able to execute this technique. These techniques range for example if only reaching short range like the S-ranked Crumbling Mountain Crusher, is now able to reach mid ranged etc, thus allowing them to hit enemies from further distances. This however can become taxing over time and thus a Hyuga can only keep it activate for a set amount of time.
-Can be used twice per battle, lasting four turns each or when deactivated. The user needs to wait one turn after deactivation in order to utilize again. This can be activated at the start of battle if needed
-Can be taught by House

Declined - wont be approving any jutsu that extend the rage of CQC jutsu like this.

(Hakke Shatā tamashī) 10 Quadgrams - The Sage of all Generation
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Himself
Chakra Cost: 40 (-10 in each turn)
Damage Points: N/A (+20 Gentle Fist / +10 Taijutsu) (-10 damage to user)
Description: The Sage of Gentle Fist had traveled through many mountains and sections where he looked for ways to uncover more secrets about what chakra points really are, their limits and if they are expendable. Expendable in a way to push them beyond any shinobis' imagination. When a chakra point is being closed by hitting tenketsu points, it'll shut off a targets chakra pathway. When a chakra point is opened forcefully, the targets jutsus would naturally fail. Dante with his vast knowledge and beyond capability of Gentle Fist and precise chakra control to open his own chakra points to the point of letting his chakra pathway system surround him and conjure with his own flesh. While the user still somewhat remains his own physical form, the raw chakra fused with his body allows him to not only speed up and expand his execution of Gentle Fist, increase his speed up to twice, but a unique feature of executing his Gentle Fist techniques in a more advanced shape manipulated and concentrated manner. This unique feature that the state provides enables the user to use Gentle Fist on par with more advanced techniques like elemental techniques. In this state, he is able to be one with Gentle Fist techniques like the Twin Lion Fist or any rotations and is able to resists physical damage up to a certain degree. His opening of chakra points and letting his raw chakra fuse with his own flesh offers a very concentrated shroud of chakra protecting him from techniques S-ranked and below. While active, the user's appearance expands significantly along with their jutsus and looks dark blue raw chakra which suppose to make up the user's body.
~The user won't be able to mold any of the 5 elements above B-ranked while this is active
~The user won't be able to do jutsus above B-ranked that require handseals while this active.
~While this is active, it counts as one of the 3 jutsus per turn
~Can be taught by Dr. House
~Useable once per battle
~Lasts 4 turns
~User won't be able to use taijutsu or gentle fist above b-rank for two turns if the mode has lasted for 4 full turns.
~When this ends, user may only use elemental chakra up to A-rank for the next turn.
~The jutsu puts so much strain to the users body, it'll put -10 damage per turn to the user.

Declined - the doubling your speed doesn't make sense.

(Jūho : Doragon no Tamashii) Gentle Step: Soul of the Dragon
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+10 to Techniques while active)
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the few techniques that was created by the most exemplar members of the Hyuga Clan through years of practice with chakra control and the ability to naturally release chakra from all 361 chakra points. This technique although it serves no purpose on its own as a stand alone technique, it actually is passively activated and instant. The user will naturally burst out more chakra from the tenketsus in the body(depending on the location of which the chakra is being release from) in which when the Hyuga uses a technique, they are able to use the extra chakra and infuse it with the chakra being concentrated to create jutsu in order to increase the range of the techniques used by them. The burst chakra acts as a catalyst in order to fuel more chakra into the technique and using their mastery of chakra control, they are able to execute this technique. This technique is for ranged techniques such as the Vacuum Palm that is reaching mid-ranged attack is now able to reach long ranged etc or a short ranged wind technique, thus allowing them to hit enemies from further distances. This doesn't apply to techniques such as 64 Strikes which is a CQC. This however can become taxing over time and thus a Hyuga can only keep it activate for a set amount of time.
-Can be used twice per battle, lasting four turns each or when deactivated. The user needs to wait one turn after deactivation in order to utilize again. This can be activated at the start of battle if needed
-Can be taught by House
Declined - DNR


(Jūho : Shinpan no Tsūka) 8 Trigrams: Passage of Judgement
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Himself
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Hyuugas are well known for their instant release of raw chakra. Though activating this state, if the user wishes, the user manipulates his raw chakra for the intended Gentle Fist technique which enables his techniques to pass through mere solid objects. Hyuugas are excellent at chakra control and hence they're able to perfectly release the right amount and density of chakra. Just like how any raw chakra release will pass through a human body, the user will thin his chakra enough to pass through objects that are only liquid and solid in form. Just like how Neji was able to push his Mountain Crusher through his own self image and through the ground to kill all the White Zetsus underground. For example, if an A-ranked ranked air palm meets with an A-ranked earth golem or a water wave, it'll paralyze its chakra pathway (hence that's what it's really attacking and doesn't attack it physically) disturbing the chakra flow within it and continue while losing a rank in power, becoming a B-ranked.
-Lasts 3 turns
-Can be activated 2x
-Must wait a two turn cooldown before use
-it can't be used on A ranks and above techniques
-Taught by House

(Jūho : Vu Ankisshutoraiaru) 8 Trigrams: Heavens Dance of Currents
Type: Defensive/Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30 [+10 per turn]
Damage: N/A
Description: As a variant of "(Jūho : Akusei Pāmutoraiaru) Gentle Step: Malignant Palm Trial" the technique is based on the very precise control of raw chakra and its path. Hence hyuugas were inferior against elemental chakra since the beginning of time, they thought that they shouldn't go against the current or the flow of the enemies jutsu but rather go with it. Gentle fist is about accuracy and control and not brawling the enemy. What this means is that the user able to avert the path of the enemies technique away from himself. The main principal of how this is achieved is the user starts releasing raw chakra from all of his 361 points, filling up the terrain continuously till this is active and with his chakra that is invisible to the naked eye. Once a turn has passed, the user's chakra has filled the field. The user with the motion of his hands is able to create a cloud of raw chakra that'll able to guide the path of the said technique to the user's hand of motion. For example, if the enemy sends a massive S-ranked fire ball straight at the user, using the cloud of chakra released beforehand, the user is able to avert its path by the motion of his chakra cloud. Using the same ideology when Hashimara used the gates to avert the path of the Menacing Beast Ball into a different path. With the motion of his hands, the user has averted the path of the targeted technique.
~Can be used twice per battle, lasting four turns each or when deactivated.
~The user needs to wait one turn after deactivation in order to utilize again.
~This can be activated at the start of battle if needed
~Taught by House.

Declined - dnr
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Professor Sarutobi

Active member
Dec 12, 2010
Trait Points
Maken Ragunaroku-The Demon Sword Ragnarok
Type: Weapon
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Ragnarok is a weapon created by the ancestors of the Hozuki Clan using their knowledge of the Hydrification Technique combined with their Ninjutsu used in forging swords, creating a sword that uses its masters body as its sheath. Ragnarok is a weapon capable of using a modified version of the Hydrification Technique and is capable of mixing itself with its users blood when not in use. Ragnarok bonds with its users chakra allowing them to will the blade to shift between liquid form and solid form with a thought. While in full liquid form Ragnarok forms a puddle that covers short range around its user. When in solid form the blade is nearly indestructible (can be destroyed by S ranks). Ragnarok takes the form of a large black Scandinavian broadsword with a grey hilt, a white stripe down the middle and spikes around the guard. Ragnarok carries within it several techniques.

Black Blood- The user wills Ragnarok to change into a solid state while inside their body while wrapping around the user's muscles and veins just under the skin in order to create a subdermal armor capable of making the user immune to B rank attacks and below. (Following elemental interrations)

Blood Needle- Ragnarok will liquefy itself and then reform itself into several spikes before hardening itself rapidly in order to strike an enemy. Blood Needle deals A rank damage and can only be used once every two turns.

-Each technique counts as one of the user's moves and costs 30 chakra per use. Changing from liquid to solid form costs chakra but not a move.
-Only able to be held by Professor Sarutobi. Ragnarok will begin attacking anyone else touching it.
- Can only be used by hozuki bios.

Approved - made edits

Jōki no Naka ni Yume-Dreams Within The Steam
Type: Offensive
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: 10 (+ damage from genjutsu)
Description: The user will liquefy their insides and use chakra control to rapidly stir the oil and water inside them causing the oil to heat up and evaporates the water inside creating steam filled with their chakra. The user will release this steam from their liquefied body some way (mouth,hands, exploding stomach etc) and if an enemy is caught within the steam they will suffer very light steam burns and the user will control the chakra within the steam to enter the enemy body in order to trigger a genjutsu of their choosing.
-Only taught by Professor Sarutobi.
-Only usable with Hozuki bios.
-Steam stays on field for five turns or until blown away.

Declined - the control of oil in your body woul require the toad contract and i wont approve stuff that mimics steam element that exists in the Rp already.

Kuramu shōkan:Warau asari -Clam Summoning: The Clam Who Laughs
Type: Offensive/ Supplementary
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The Mizukage will clap his hands and summon a small palm sized clam with the Kirigakure symbol etched on the top. This clam is unique in that the shell is purple and the etchings on it and the insides of the clam are green. When prompted to open the clam's will spray forth a ten foot diameter cloud of green gas. The gas is heavily infused with chakra which triggers a simple yet potent genjutsu where the enemy hears hilarious yet sick and twisted humor in their mind that they find funny and find themselves laughing in an uncontroled manner forcing the enemy to smile madly and laugh non stop in reality and left unable to focus enough to use chakra techniques higher than B rank.
-Only taught by Professor Sarutobi.
-Must have signed the Clam Contract.
-Three times per battle.
-Effect lasts until illusion is broken. Gas cloud lasts for four turns or until blown away.

Declined - how would you know what your opponent finds sick and twisted? In the Rp we don't allow gen to force people to act in a certain way like this.
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Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points

Shīhōsu Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Kingdra | Seahorse Summoning Technique: Kingdra
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Kingdra, also known as King Dragy, is the boss summon of the seahorse contract for apparent reasons. Other than the majestic and distinguishing looks, it is the only one with two completely unique abilities. Kingdra is the biggest of the seahorses, their protector and so called ruler of the seven seas. Kingdra is a large seahorse with a tightly curled tail. It is covered in blue scales except for its yellow, compact belly scales. There are thin spines with a single branch atop its head and thin, white fins under its cheeks. Its thin snout is powerful, allowing streams of water jets with devastating power to be fired. Its long and elongated snout is also capable of producing loud and painful clicks which are usually used for communication. Two-pronged fins extend slightly past its cheeks. On its back are two white fins supported by thin, blue spines similar to the ones on its head.

Using its powerful chakra, Kingdra has the ability to forcefully accelerate water molecules to great speed in order to produce heat. This allows Kingdra to produce boiling water from existing water sources by simply manipulating the water molecules present. Kingdra can achieve the same with smaller water sources and even as small as water droplets, which can be interesting for creating boiling rain, for example. The principle is based on creating heat by the movement of the molecules as they're rubbing against each other. Although it's a specific trait executed in a specific manner with a specific purpose, it can be used in a variety of ways, depending on the size and shape of the affected water source.

Thematically, Kingdra possesses the ability to induce a simple yet effective genjutsu onto the opponent in order to confuse his senses and his focus on the battle. After using the water ability, Kingdra can fool the opponents brain into thinking that the water completely evaporated, making him unaware that the boiling water is still a threat. However, this illusion doesn't only fool his vision, but rather all of his senses. Making sure that the opponent can't feel the heat from the approaching boiling water nor hear the sound and sense the smell of it. Due to their thematic connection, it provides a great combination when using them together, in conjunction.

Ancient mythology and various stories that are passed down from knee to knee say that the yawn of the sleeping Kingdra is powerful enough to create undercurrents capable of destroying small ships. It's also said that once Kingdra decides to emerge from the depths of the ocean, with its brute strength, it can create large whirlpools and sea-born tornadoes on the surface. Because of its immense power, Kingdra often hibernates deep in uninhabited areas of the sea to rest and build up its energy. When a storm arrives, Kingdra is said to awaken and wander about in search of prey. Stories like these aren't yet proven and they are mostly told by sailors who cross the deepest oceans but they clearly depict how much respect Kingdra has.
Note: Must have signed the Seahorse contract and have its tattoo
Note: The water and genjutsu abilities count towards the users 3 moves per turn
Note: Genjutsu ability can only be used twice with a 1 turn cooldown
Note: Water ability can only be used twice with a 2 turns cooldown
Note: Kingdra can stay on the field for 4 turns
Note: Can only be summoned once

‡ Declined ‡ The heating ability clashes with several techniques and abilities such as the Water Akatsuki Ring. Manipulating all five senses like that isn't allowed either. Unless they have sensory, they wouldn't be able to perceive the attack at all. That's simply OP. Also, a summon can generally only have access to an element or a skill, you can't have Water and Genjutsu unless stated otherwise in the original submission. That being said, always link your summoning contract.
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Jul 27, 2011
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(Shakuton: Niban Kinjutsu moushiire Ra) Scorch Style: Second Forbidden Offer Of Ra
Type: Defensive | Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-50 to user)
Description: This technique is the second technique developed by Asch the bloody of the hidden sand. The user will draw blood on both of their hands , following right after creating a small scorch orb that will float in front of the user. The user will then clap his hands together with the scorch orb in the middle, using their blood as the sacrifice for the technique. The scorch orb will disperse into heat waves around the user while causing the users body to have a orangish red hue to it. This is to protect the user from the full brunt of this attack. The purpose of this technique is to make the ultimate defense, offensive. Anybody who comes within short range of the user, the heat wave will manifest into an extremely intense miniature sun, scorching them simply due to the heat waves. This does not evaporate the water in their body because it does not directly touch the opponent but it causes the opponents water and blood to boil at an intense tempature causing vigorous pain while at the same time scorching the opponents flesh with ease. This is a very extreme technique, as it can backfire and comes with a cost. Once this technique activates, due to the user being coated in large amounts of scorch chakra, their water and blood wont boil but their flesh will be burnt to the 2nd degree.

Note: Can only use once
Note: This technique ends once somebody activates it within short range
Note: Last for 4 turns before the technique runs out
Note: Cant use any elemental jutsus besides fire and wind while active
Note: The heatwave surrounding the user from this technique follows the strength and weakness guide of scorch
Note: Once this technique activate, the user takes double damage whenever a technique lands being extremely painful
Note: Cant use any scorch technique above S rank in the same turn as this

Declined - i'm not a fan of dormant jutsu envermind one that makes you a mini sun. The concept in itself of scorch defense is fine though.
(Shakuton: Niban Kinjutsu moushiire Ra) Scorch Style: Second Forbidden Offer Of Ra
Type: Defensive | Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-50 to user)
Description: This technique is the second technique developed by Asch the bloody of the hidden sand. The user will draw blood on both of their hands , following right after creating a small scorch orb that will float in front of the user. The user will then clap his hands together with the scorch orb in the middle, using their blood as the sacrifice for the technique. The scorch orb will disperse into heat waves around the user while causing the users body to have a orangish red hue to it. This is to protect the user from the full brunt of this attack. This will also create a small mini scorch orb made out of the heatwaves, not fully manifested making it hard to see it orbiting around the user from out of short range The purpose of this technique is to make the ultimate defense, offensive. Anybody who comes within short range of the user, the heat wave will channel itself into the mini sun orbiting around the user, making the mini sun alot more potent and powerful due to the heatwaves, scorching them simply due to the heat waves emitting from the scorch sun. This does not evaporate the water in their body because it does not directly touch the opponent but it causes the opponents water and blood to boil at an intense temperature causing vigorous pain while at the same time scorching the opponents flesh with ease. This is a very extreme technique, as it can backfire and comes with a cost. Once this technique activates, due to the user being coated in large amounts of scorch chakra, their water and blood wont boil but their flesh will be burnt to the 2nd degree.

Note: Can only use once
Note: This technique ends once somebody activates it within short range
Note: Last for 3 turns before the technique runs out once activated in it's effect it lasts until the end of that turn
Note: Cant use any elemental jutsus besides fire and wind while active
Note: The heatwave surrounding the user from this technique follows the strength and weakness guide of scorch
Note: Once this technique activate, the user takes double damage whenever a technique lands being extremely painful
Note: Cant use any scorch technique above S rank in the same turn as this

Approved - made edits

(Ototon: Utsuwa Aporo) Sound Style: Vessel Of Apollo
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/a (+15 to taijutsu techniques)
Description: This is a very unique technique to the sound style, derived from the raikages lightning armor but not as fast but alot other unique twist to it. The user will mass channel their sound chakra, while releasing it all in one burst causing your body to be infused with sound chakra. Both in speed, and vibration wise creating what seems to be distorted air that is surrounding his body showing how powerful the chakra is. The sound chakra in the users body allow them to push their speed limits due to the sound chakra augmenting the users speed in attempt to move at the speed of sound, this being the closest the user can get to such speed. The unique thing about this jutsu is that their physical attacks move just as as fast and once it connects with something physical, a sound wave is emitted from the body, sending a vibration inside the body of the opponent, dealing extra damage then the original taijutsu technique.

Note: Can use this technique twice
Note: Last a total of 3 turns
Note: Taijutsu attacks deal an additional +10 if its done underwater
Note: The user speed is increased by x2.5 (slightly slower then the raikages armor)
Note: Freeform taijutsu from this technique deals D rank damage always
Note: Must wait 2 turns after it ends to use it again
Note: Can only use non elemental techniques when this is active

(Ninjutsu: Toutoi Manako) Ninja Art: Sacred Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra: 40 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/a
Description: This technique was derived from the scouting squadron inside sunagakure. After multiple attacks and attempt attacks on the village, the user came up with a way to keep an "eye" on things, and able to spot intruders from afar. The user will do a set of 5 handseals, causing the users left eye to gain a cross in it. The moment this happens, a huge eye will appear in the sky that would be linked to the users left eye allowing the user to scoop out its surrounding without having to put himself in physical damage. This isnt a pair of extra eyes, but the scope of the users vision being majorly increased by allowing the user to see in his left eye what the eye above is seeing. This technique though can be used in battle, its normally used for rp purposes. The eye can not take damage as its not harmful at all, causing damage to bypass it.

Note: Can use twice
Note: Last a total of 4 turns before the eyes close and disperse
Note: Must wait 2 turns before using it again
Note: Cant use ninjutsu for two turns after the technique was initiated.

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‡ Both Declined ‡ The first is a rip of the Lighting Armour and the second is a rip of Gaara's Third Eye.
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Active member
Aug 4, 2011
Trait Points
(Yōton: Gomu no Yoroi) - Lava Style: Rubber Suit
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 (+10 increase to Taijutsu)
Description: Gomu no Yoroi is a ninjutsu that utilizes the Lava Element to construct a body suit made of rubber. Whilst wearing the sleek rubber suit, the user is protected from blunt force trauma due to the rubber consistency absorbing and dissipating the force behind the blow rather than simply obstructing it; physical blows simply bounce off of them. Furthermore, it's resilience makes cutting into the material difficulty and capable of absorbing projectiles without them hurting the user before deflecting them back at the opponent. Combine with Taijutsu, the user can take advantage of its rubber-elastic properties to greatly magnify their power or increases the velocity of their attacks: like being able to stretch drastically increasing their range from close-range, turning it into a devastating mid-range or long-range attack.
Note: Can only perform Rubber-based techniques while this technique is active.
Note: Only be used by Dodai Biography

~ Usable 2 times per battle
~ Only taught by Anubis

Declined - S ranks need more restrictions.
(Yōton: Gomu no Yoroi) - Lava Style: Rubber Suit
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 (+10 increase to Taijutsu)
Description: Gomu no Yoroi is a ninjutsu that utilizes the Lava Element to construct a body suit made of rubber. Whilst wearing the sleek rubber suit, the user is protected from blunt force trauma due to the rubber consistency absorbing and dissipating the force behind the blow rather than simply obstructing it; physical blows simply bounce off of them. Furthermore, it's resilience makes cutting into the material difficulty and capable of absorbing projectiles without them hurting the user before deflecting them back at the opponent. Combine with Taijutsu, the user can take advantage of its rubber-elastic properties to greatly magnify their power or increases the velocity of their attacks: like being able to stretch drastically increasing their range from close-range, turning it into a devastating mid-range or long-range attack.
Note: Can only perform Rubber and Lava based techniques while this technique is active.
Note: Only be used by Dodai Biography

~ Last 4 Turns (or until technique is canceled)
~ Usable 2 times per battle
~ Only taught by Anubis

Declined - clashes with the rubber c.e element jutsu

(Yōton/Doton: Koutetsujou no Kabane) - Lava/Earth Style: Kabane of the Iron Fortress
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Yōton: Koutetsujou no Kabane is a combination ninjutsu the utilizes the Lava and Earth Element. At the start, a lava enclosure is erected around the target, creating an entrapment. Transpiring out of the walls are humanoid species made of earth, known as Kabane. Their heart is packed with lava chakra - to serves as the core - to be manipulated at the users will. Despite being able to see within the walls, the Kabane are created in numbers to swarm the space, lashing out at their prey and usually try to overpower them. Although their bodies are feeble, they are devised to distract and exhaust the target while the walls around the barrier grow as tall as a skyscraper to then collapse inwards on them.

~ No S-rank Jutsu in the same Turn this technique is used
~ Unable to perform S-rank Fire & Earth (Lava) Jutsu the next Turn
~ Usable 3 times per battle
~ Only taught by Anubis

Declined - you need to make the jutsu more clear, are the walls earth? Or lava? Is it just the humanoids that are made of earth ect...

(Deddorīhāpī) - Deadly Harpy
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (-20 decrease for the duraction the weapon is active each Turn)
Damage: N/A (+5 increase to Lava Jutsu)
Description: A long sword forged in volcanic lava - it's ideally made to destroy man. Unusually build, the char-looking double-handed hilt has ancient markings that date back to the Warring States Period. It's blacken double wings branch out from its side with a center chamber - holder of a chakra core - to empower the abilities of the user. Develope by a Lava Style user, another users own lava chakra is inserted to imprint ownership of the sword as they channel their chakra to power the weapon. The ancient markings are tiggered with this chakra causiing it to lit with lava. This failsafe mechhnism is in placed for those whom do not have the same lava chakra who trys to wield it. Their hands are burned and their dreams as a swordmen is crushed. The unique, convex blade has an opening down its center with the lava chakra flowing through it. It was said to have terrified unworthy enemies into a swoon at the mere sight.

Unleashing the power of the Lava Style with a mighty swing, those who stand in its way are dissolved by the liquid heat. The lava can also be focused using Kenjutsu by performing a thrust attack to create an immense blast of lava that swiftly shoots forward to end the battle quickly: Lava Style: Meteoric Explosion. Its true power is released when the user impales their sword into the earth floor. A gigantic lava demon is created from lava channels to rise to the surface to swallow the target whole and return back underneath the ground: Lava Style: Dark Soul.
Note: Unable to perform hand seal-based Lava Techniques while carrying this weapon.
Note: The D-rank Lava Technique is only utilized and harness to A-rank due to the rank and effects of the sword.
Note: Lava Style: Meteoric Explosion is an A-rank, offensive, close-range Technique while Lava Style: Dark Soul is an S-rank, offensive, mid to long range technique. If these techniques are performed, a cool down of the techniques is 1 Turn before the user can perform them again.
Note: All Lava Jutsu performed through this weapon counts towards the Three Jutsu Slot Rule.
Note: Only Lava Style Users can wield this Weapon

~ Usable 1 Time per battle
~ Only taught by Anubis

Declined - this is just OP

Illustion of The Sword:
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-Haku Yuki-

Active member
Jan 4, 2011
Trait Points
Proof that I signed rat contract:

(Nezumi: Kuro Shi)-Rat summoning Jutsu: Black death
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90
Description: The user will summon a large quantity of dead rats to the battle field and then using one hand seal will control their flesh to cover the battle field just like the rat flesh jutsu made by uzumaki jake. This rat flesh can be controlled exactly like that except these flesh gives off a very foul Oder that could cause anyone not experienced with the smell to vomit. The flesh if it makes contact with human skin will cause the skin to it touched to break out in black boils the size of oranges which will explode and leave a large flesh wound where the boil used to be. If the oder is inhaled for too long this same process will happen to the lungs but these boils won't explode just make it hard to breathe making taijutsu above A rank impossible. The Oder will also cause boils to the skin as its touched but they will not explode just cause a large discomfort that will prevent the person from gathering large amounts of chakra (No S ranks or above)
Note: Lasts 4 turns
Note: The dead rat flesh can be controlled just like the original rat flesh jutsu.
Note: The dead rat flesh spreads across the battle field all at once as soon as the user summons the dead rats and preforms the hand seal.
Note: No Rats can be summoned during use or 2 turns after use.
Note: User is in danger of being injured if he makes contact or doesn't defend himself from the oder
Note: The affects of the jutsu last until 2 turns after jutsu ends.
Note: anyone that has been touched by this deadly oder will be covered in smaller boils compared to if the flesh makes contact, these boils will cause major discomfort and prevent the affected user from gathering enough chakra to preform S rank or Forbidden rank jutsu including jutsu that are boosted to be near or at S rank through said boosts.

‡ Declined ‡ The Black Death? Like the actual plague? DNR. :|

(Suton/Futon: Mizu Seken)- Water/Wind style: Water world
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will focus his water style chakra into the sky, above the cloud cover as it is unseen. This water will become a giant orb the size of Gamabunta, the user will use his wind chakra to keep the orb afloat in the sky. Then the user will make one hand seal and make the wind covering the water bubble come down in a tunnel like structure that will suck the enemy into water. Once inside the wind will recover the Water entirely and crush the water sphere as well as the enemy inside.
Note: Can only be used twice
Note: No Wind or water Above A rank in the same turn
Note: Only one other jutsu in the same turn as this jutsu
Note: Can't be used on consecutive turns

Declined - you can hold it up with chakra control you don't need wind element or you'd need y/y to use this. Or need to make this usable with a clone
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Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
I get to post on the first page ;_;

[Ototon Genjutsu: Yakunan no Seisen] - Sound Release Illusion: Unholy Crusade
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user when will focus their ototon chakra into any sound generated by metal e.g. swords clashing, kunai being scrapped against each other, et cetera. The released chakra will be used to amplify the sound it creates so that it’s audible even at long-range. The sound (e.g. the creaking and clanking of armour) will instead be replaced by a cacophony of noise that sounds like thousands of metallic bars being torn apart. The sound produced drowns out all other sound with the exception of large explosions (similar but far superior in effect to Whisper of the Canines) and anyone who hears it barring the user will be induced in a genjutsu. The illusion consists of a black knight fully clad in armour and wreathed in an aura of shadow appearing directly in front of the opponent. The knight's helmet is cleaved in two and falls to the ground to reveal an emaciated corpse residing beneath. From within the corpse, an infernal spectral being comes forth and the corpse clad in metal falls limply to the ground. The knight's loss of animation and the presence of a ghost-like entity suggest that the dead body was possessed. The wraith which emerges appears to be a manifestation of fire and smoke in the shape of a human skull and it immediately enters the opponent body to possess them. When the wraith takes control of their body, it will bombard their brain with graphic and ghastly experiences to prevent the ability to focus on anything or even think clearly. This control even extends to bodily processes that are consciously controlled (e.g. the movement of their body). This will leave the opponent paralyzed in reality until the genjutsu is broken. If the illusion isn't broken within two turns of being cast, the opponent will go unconscious due to the mental strain of the possession.

Can only be used twice per battle
No S-Rank or above Sound in the user's next turn

Declined - we don't approve long ranged gen

Approved - i decided to be nice and change the range as the rest was fine

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Robot Boy

Active member
Nov 6, 2011
Trait Points
(Kenjutsu: Supuritto Shikon) – Sword Technique: Split Fang
Description: While using the sword technique: lightning rod, the user will use the lightning currents flowed into the sword and combine immense amounts of lightning chakra with it before thrusting it into the ground. Channeling the combined lightning into the ground and around the user, the user will draw the lightning out of the ground and anything caught outside of the user will receive a numbing effect for two turns. With the target unable to move, the user will draw his sword from the ground and charging his chakra into his sword to perform a quick horizontal slash on an area on the target’s body before jumping into the air with a rising slash that deals multiple hits, and bifurcates that part as a result. The raw chakra that is used is leaked and visible, and giving it the appearance of a small whirling vortex like the lightning dragon tornado minus the dragon’s head.

-Can only be used once per battle
-The user is unable to Kenjutsu techniques for two turns.

Declined - rework the description to make it more clear. Just say say the lightning from the lightning rod jutsu is released in a burst short range around you to numb them ect. Also say youn can't use lightning in the following turn above B rank


(Chimeiteki Keiteki) - Fatal Horn
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-mid
Chakra: N/A(40 when cushioning)
Damage: N/A
Description: Is a hammer with the appearance of a Ram's head as the hammers face and has a chain linked to a spiked metal ball. The head is gold in color, and the 'horns' of the head have a silver color, while the ball's 'shell' is blue with white spikes. The weapon is made of a sturdy, durable metal that can deflect regular weapons (kunai, shuriken, wind mill-shuriken, regular swords etc.) without receiving so much as a scratch. Fatal Horn has the ability to crush/break through 'solid' techniques such as ice, steel, and earth techniques up to B-rank (Depending on size and counts as a jutsu to do so). The spiked ball is placed/rested on top of the hammer like the Kendama. Originally it belonged to a famous warrior from Sunagakure who participated in the third ninja war and died fighting. When the hammer and ball are together, the weapon is used by bouncing the ball on the Hammer's sides before batting the ball towards the target. The Hammer and ball can be disconnected to perform separate attacks (separating counts as a jutsu). The hammer's handle has a built-in mechanism that allows it to extend to mid-range (6 meters) to 'Ram' the target and send them backward or to smash them. While the owner is in possession of Fatal Horn and when the wielder is either falling or sent flying backwards due to an attack, Fatal Horn reacts by expanding/transforming its own head and turns rubber-like in nature, but more akin to the airbag of a car, allowing it to save its owner from certain lethal collision. While in this state, the spikes and horns will not harm the owner, and the head grows to size of a stunt bag, and “deflates”/reverts back to its original size, and state at the user’s command.

-Can only be wielded by Robot Boy.
-Each hammer-based technique counts as a move.
-The hammer and ball cannot separate and form back on the same turn.
-Only one hammer technique per turn.
-Cushioning the impact doesn’t count as a move and is permanently active as long as owner is in physical contact with Fatal Horn
-The user can separate and connect up to two times.
-Extending the Hammer can be used up to three times.
-When the hammer is used to extend and knock the target backward or to smash them it is only C-rank.

Declined - i started making edits but turning to a rubber like nature doesn't make sense at all.


(Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Mog ) –Summoning Technique: Mog
Type: Summon
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: After offering blood and weaving the necessary hand-seals, the user will summon Mog. He is the size of Gamaken and is mainly used as transportation for the user by riding inside his mouth before burrowing underground. He wears a pair of goggles and a flack jacket. Mog can perform earth and mole-based techniques up to B-rank. Much to the summoner's annoyance, he wonders if he could be friends with the people he faces in battle before engaging them. As of now, Mog is seen carrying twin pickaxes for cqc purposes and seems quite proficient at it.


- Must have signed the mole contract.
- Requires a ground source.
- Lasts four turns.

-Resubmitting- Took your suggestion in making it clearer.

(Kenjutsu: Supuritto Shikon) – Sword Technique: Split Fang
Description: While using the sword technique: lightning rod, the user will use the lightning currents flowed into the sword and combine immense amounts of lightning chakra with it, before thrusting the sword into the ground. The lightning from the lightning rod technique is released in a short-range burst, around the user to numb the target for two turns. With the target unable to move, the user will draw his sword from the ground and charging his chakra into his sword to perform a quick horizontal slash on an area on the target’s body before jumping into the air with a rising slash that deals multiple hits, and bifurcates that part as a result. The raw chakra that is used is leaked and visible, and giving it the appearance of a small whirling vortex like the lightning dragon tornado minus the dragon’s head.

-Can only be used once per battle
-The user is unable to use Kenjutsu techniques for two turns.
-The user is unable to use Kenjutsu above B-rank the following turn.


-Resubmitting- Added something and took out the rubber part.

(Chimeiteki Keiteki) - Fatal Horn
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-mid
Chakra: N/A(40 when cushioning)
Damage: N/A
Description: Is a hammer with the appearance of a Ram's head as the hammers face and has a chain linked to a spiked metal ball. The head is gold in color, and the 'horns' of the head have a silver color, while the ball's 'shell' is blue with white spikes. The weapon is made of a sturdy, durable metal that can deflect regular weapons (kunai, shuriken, wind mill-shuriken, regular swords etc.) without receiving so much as a scratch. Fatal Horn has the ability to crush/break through 'solid' techniques such as ice, steel, and earth techniques up to B-rank (Depending on size and counts as a jutsu to do so). The spiked ball is placed/rested on top of the hammer like the Kendama. Originally it belonged to a famous warrior from Sunagakure who participated in the third ninja war and died fighting. When the hammer and ball are together, the weapon is used by bouncing the ball on the Hammer's sides before batting the ball towards the target. The Hammer and ball can be disconnected to perform separate attacks (separating counts as a jutsu). The hammer's handle has a built-in mechanism that allows it to extend to mid-range (6 meters) to 'Ram' the target and send them backward or to smash them. While the owner is in possession of Fatal Horn and when the wielder is either falling or sent flying backwards due to an attack, Fatal Horn reacts by expanding/transforming its own head rapidly to increase the owner’s own resistance to damage. It is more akin to the airbag of a car, allowing it to save its owner from certain lethal collision. While in this state, the spikes and horns will not harm the owner, and the head grows to size of a stunt bag, and “deflates”/reverts back to its original size, and state at the user’s command. By squeezing the handle, the user can fire the head like a piston shot and then use the recoil to launch himself in any direction. By jumping in the direction the user wants and firing downward, they will be propelled even farther. If they are in short-range, they will go as far as mid-range and so on. If they are long-range, they can’t go any further than that. Jumping and firing count as one move, A-rank and can only be used four times. The technique relies on the special mechanisms of the weapon and thus, does not require any chakra to activate.

-Can only be wielded by Robot Boy.
-Each hammer-based technique counts as a move.
-The hammer and ball cannot separate and form back on the same turn.
-Only one hammer technique per turn.
-Cushioning the impact doesn’t count as a move and is permanently active as long as owner is in physical contact with Fatal Horn
-The user can separate and connect up to two times.
-Extending the Hammer can be used up to three times.
-When the hammer is used to extend and knock the target backward or to smash them it is only C-rank.

Declined - it's all fine, just instead of the airbag effect, why not make the rambs head bigger like a shield, as the airbag form of steel doesn't make sense


~New submission~

(Katon: Reijingu Doraibu)-Fire Release: Raging Drive
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user begins by weaving the tiger hand-seals and releases rising fire along the ground and is shot upward in the form of three vertical columns of fire that rise around the targets. The user then manipulates the three columns and creates an orb of fire from each one that rises above the targets and then, turn into lances of fire, one from each orb, descending onto the targets.

-Can only be taught by fang.
-usable only twice per battle.

based off of this technique:


(Katon: Reijingu Doraibu)-Fire Release: Raging Drive
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid (Short when using it for defense)
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user begins by weaving the tiger hand-seal and releases rising fire along the ground and is shot upward in the form of three vertical columns of fire that rise around the targets. The user then manipulates the three columns and creates an orb of fire from each one that rises above the targets and then, turn into lances of fire, one from each orb, descending onto the targets.When dealing with a close-range attack, the user can release his fire chakra and have the rising fire surround him and position the three columns anywhere he likes to block the attack and if possible, afterwards, change them into orbs before transforming them into lances. When using this method, the user can have the lances enter a ring-like formation around him, while spinning around him, and have them fly outward in different directions.

-Can only be taught by fang.
-Usable only three times per battle.

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Hell Autarch

Active member
Apr 7, 2013
Trait Points
Quoting from here
(Genjutsu: Yoru Wa Yamideari Kyōfu no Furu) - Illusionary Arts: The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The technique is a simple and straightforward illusionary technique that affects the opponents senses. The technique works with the user weaving a single handseal and expelling smoke from his mouth which instantly materializes into a 'shadow figure', with the shadows face being that of whoever the user chooses. The shadow-figure is completely capable of manifesting weaponry from its body and the user can choose to have the original one divide into two or more shadow-figures. Alternatively however, the user can choose to 'give birth' to the shadow figure; more or less for aesthetic purposes. It depends entirely upon the user how he chooses to expel the shadow figure, with the size of the shadow being slightly larger than that of the user. Once this has been done, the shadow figure disperses and disappears from the field. This begins the second stage of the Genjutsu which continues until the Genjutsu is broken. It allows the user to materialize the shadow figure at any place on the field for any purpose at all, such as to stab the opponent or to bind the target in place. Any damage dealt by the shadow figure is felt and experienced by the target, for example the loss of limbs would incapitate the target, rendering them incapable from using that particular limb. However, this would in a sense be mental damage and not actual damage inflicted on the target.
Note: Can be used on multiple targets at once, and once the technique has been activated; it remains passively active until broken. The manipulation for shadows until that point is passive, and can easily be made part of the same timeframe as another technique.
Note: The effects of the illusion disparate when/if the illusion is broken.
Note: Can only be used four times per battle
Note: Can only be taught by Hell Autarch
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Declined - using it on multiple targets wouldn't be possible, you create an illusion of one being not multiple, unless you want to elaborate on that. Not only that to make it reappaer and create an effect it would take a move per turn, it needs a turn limit as it's A rank and need to say what goes on in reality.

New Submission

(Genjutsu: Kyōsei, Perunida Parunkajasu) - Illusionary Arts: The Compulsory, Pernida Parnkgjas
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: 'The Compulsory' is a simple, and yet complex illusionary technique that was developed by Pernida Parnkgjas, designed specifically to aid the user in close combat but has since evolved to reach Mid Range as well. The technique activates with the user snapping his fingers which induces the illusion. The illusion however is not a Sound-based one but rather a visual Genjutsu. As such, it is extremely important for the opponent to have viewed the user snapping his fingers. In essence, the technique allows the user to bend and/or twist any object or even person in their surrounding vicinity. This grants the user the power to bend and even compress any tool or incoming projectile of their choice. As such, it leads to a great deal of versatility as the user may even choose to render any weapon into a practically unusable state by bending it. Alternatively, the user can choose to apply the technique upon the body of their target, manipulating a body part to twist and bend in order to break the targets bones or even to such an extent that the selected part is reduced to a pool of blood. Any damage dealt by the illusion is felt and experienced by the target, for example the loss of limbs would incapitate the target, rendering them incapable from using that particular limb. However, this would in a sense be mental damage and not actual damage inflicted on the target. Regardless of that however, the user can easily submit the target to go unconscious by either delivering excruciating pain within reason or simply by 'severe bloodloss' which would in the illusion cause the target to faint.
Note: The effects of the illusion can be 'witnessed' by multiple opponents at once, although it can only be used to the effect a single object/body part per usage.
Note: The effects of the illusion disparate when/if the illusion is broken.
Note: Can only be used four times per battle, with a one turn break inbetween each use.
Note: Can only be taught by Hell Autarch
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Declined - need to elaborate, i mean you bend a projectile but if would still hit you would it not? Make sure that's clear that you still have to defend from it, or does the bending of it change the direction? Just make your gen clear of exactly how they effect the fight in reality.
Resubmitting. Changes in bold. Changed name for Second Technique

(Genjutsu: Yoru Wa Yamideari Kyōfu no Furu) - Illusionary Arts: The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The technique is a simple and straightforward illusionary technique that affects the opponents senses. The technique works with the user weaving a single handseal and expelling smoke from his mouth which instantly materializes into a 'shadow figure', with the shadows face being that of whoever the user chooses. The shadow-figure is completely capable of manifesting weaponry from its body and the user can choose to have the original one divide into two or more shadow-figures. Alternatively however, the user can choose to 'give birth' to the shadow figure; more or less for aesthetic purposes. It depends entirely upon the user how he chooses to expel the shadow figure, with the size of the shadow being slightly larger than that of the user. Once this has been done, the shadow figure disperses and disappears from the field. This begins the second stage of the Genjutsu which continues for a specific period. It allows the user to materialize the shadow figure at any place on the field for any purpose at all, such as to stab the opponent or to bind the target in place before the shadow disappears once more. Any damage dealt by the shadow figure is felt and experienced by the target, for example the loss of limbs would incapitate the target, rendering them incapable from using that particular limb. However, in reality, no damage is actually dealt upon the target and it is completely mental stress that forces the body to assume that it has been injured.
Note: Activation costs a move slot, and to maintain the technique, it costs a move each turn. The manipulation of the shadows can easily be made part of the same timeframe as another technique. When the form appears it takes a couple of seconds to take it's form before it can strike.
Note: The effects of the illusion disparate when/if the illusion is broken.
Note: Can only be used four times per battle, and each use lasts for four turns.
Note: Can only be taught by Hell Autarch
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Approved - made edits, nice juts

(Genjutsu: Kyōsei) - Illusionary Arts: The Compulsory
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: 'The Compulsory' is a simple, and yet complex illusionary technique that was developed by Pernida Parnkgjas, designed specifically to aid the user in close combat but has since evolved to reach Mid Range as well. The technique activates with the user snapping his fingers which induces the illusion. The illusion however is not a Sound-based one but rather a visual Genjutsu. As such, it is extremely important for the opponent to have viewed the user snapping his fingers. In essence, the technique allows the user to bend and/or twist any object or even person in their surrounding vicinity. This grants the user the power to bend and even compress any tool or incoming projectile of their choice. As such, it leads to a great deal of versatility as the user may even choose to render any weapon into a practically unusable state by bending it. However, it is important to note that whilst bending an object i.e sword can change its direction in the illusion, the sword in question remains all the same in reality.Therefore, the user cannot actually utilize this genjutsu to evade weaponry. The illusion only exploits the targets willingness to assume that the weapon has been rendered useless, and naturally, it results in the target abandoning that weapon but in reality, there is no actual change. Alternatively, the user can choose to apply the technique upon the body of their target, manipulating a body part to twist and bend in order to break the targets bones, often creating the sound of snapping bones or even to such an extent that the selected part is reduced to a pool of blood. Any damage dealt by the illusion is felt and experienced by the target, for example the loss of limbs would incapitate the target, rendering them incapable from using that particular limb. However, this would in a sense be mental damage and not actual damage inflicted on the target. Regardless of that however, the user can easily submit the target to go unconscious by either delivering excruciating pain within reason or simply by 'severe bloodloss' which would in the illusion cause the target to faint. However, in reality, no damage is actually dealt upon the target and it is completely mental stress that forces the body to assume that it has been injured.
Note: It can only be used to affect a single object/body part per usage.
Note: The effects of the illusion disparate when/if the illusion is broken.
Note: Can only be used two times per battle, with a one turn break inbetween each use.
Note: Can only be taught by Hell Autarch
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Approved - made edits.

New Submission

(Tobatsu no Fukuso) - Garb of Subjugation
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (-10 per turn passively)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Garb of Subjugation was first developed by members of the Bombardier Sage, designed to enhance the abilities of the of the Bombardier Beetle Contract. Although referred to as a Garb, it covers the users entire body, fully cloaking the user under its protection. It is a regal white leather coat with black fur lining, short sleeves, and three black fur stripes running along the bottom. It also includes a golden wristband on both wrists, and a belt consisting of three thick chains attached to a large metal disk with a sun emblem. Whilst visibly, the garb leaves out certain portions of the users body, such as the hands, arms and the face; they're all in fact also covered, but by a thin transparent layer made from the same material as the same of the Garb.

There are multiple abilities limited to the Garb of Subjugation, however they're all designed and centered around its link with the Bombardier Beetles. The first ability of the Garb simply echoes the ability of its counterpart, the Beetles. The fur present on the garb mimics the sensory ability of the hair present on a Beetles body, before applying it to the user. The fur passively detects the slightest change in pressure in the surrounding atmosphere, largely, upto Mid Range and pinpoints the location of the source. As such, even the entry of an object or a person into the vicinity results in force being applied to the surrounding air, which in turn alerts the user of the presence due to the air waves which are pushed and in turn come into contact with the fur. This is primarily because the fur is capable of picking up hydrostatic pressure, and can therefore detect even the minute change in pressure in the air. By identifying the magnitude of the pressure and force applied, the user can easily calculate the area of the object/person in question and quickly deduce it's size and nature.

Why would hairs on the cloak sense up to 15m away? xd

The second ability of the Garb is the defensive ability, exploiting the near impenetrable quality of the material from which the Garb have been constructed. This makes the garb completely impervious to any C Rank or below techniques, regardless of the nature of the technique. However, despite it's dexterity, the Garb can still be destroyed and can only defend against an S Ranked technique twice per battle, costing a move whenever the Garb is used for defense. Utilizing the Garb of Subjugation for any defense purpose once it has already been used upto its limit is futile, and renders the Garb useless throughout the battle.

Make it one S rank per battle

The third ability of the Garb is it offensive ability, designed to pierce and eliminate the opponent. This ability converts the fur present throughout the Garb into thousands of 8 inch long senbons, which can then in turn be utilized for offensive purposes. Utilizing the third ability does not however disturb the first ability, as the senbons overtake the role of the fur. Depending on the users choice, the user can choose to either shoot out the senbons or even alternatively extend their length and simply potrude them outwards. All senbons carry a special trait, which is that they're coated with the liquid secreted by a Bombardier Beetle. This not only makes the senbons neutral to elemental techniques but also invokes makes them able to corrosive, capable of easily burning through flesh whilst carrying an extremely pungent smell that extends upto 5m from each senbon; easily negating any Smell or Taste type sensory. Whilst converting the fur into senbons does not cost a move, the use of the senbons for offensive purposes costs a move, as well as requires a specific rank and costs chakra.

Make this a single rank

Note: Despite the fact that the garb covers the users entire body, it does not prevent the user from seeing properly, or breathing and smelling. Moreover, in the case of a Bartholomew; the paws are specifically left out.
Note: The user can choose between C-S Rank for the Third Ability, costing different chakra for each rank. The user can only utilize the S Ranked variation of the Third Ability twice per battle, and is incapable of utilizing the third ability next turn.
Note: Can only be worn by Hell Autarch

Declined - see notes within jutsu
Excluding the Axe
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Active member
Feb 15, 2013
Trait Points
Pengin no Inori - Prayer of the Penguin
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+10 to affected Kenjutsu)
Damage: N/A
Description: After many years of studying kenjutsu and realizing it's main weakness, that being of regular kenjutsu being unable to affect intangible elements such as wind, fire, etc., Mand'alor the Indomitable finally developed a method to increase kenjutsu's effectiveness in real word combat. When performing kenjutsu, the user can choose to channel a moderate amount of raw chakra into the blade, and use advanced shape manipulation similar to that of the rasengan technique to create a condensed, shaped manipulated chakra blade over the actual sword's metal. This not only increases the sword's kill power, augmenting the blade's sharpness and cutting ability, but gives the sword a means to simply cut through intangible techniques not regularly defended against with Kenjutsu. Due to the condensed chakra around the blade, the user's kenjutsu would be able to output twenty more damage points that usual. Due to this technique being standalone and non damaging on it's own, while also affecting only kenjutsu, the activation of this technique is instant and passive, while only lasting four turns.

Note: Must have learned Rasengan
Note: Only affects Kenjutsu
Note: Must wait two turns before re-use
Note: Lasts four turns
Note: Can only be taught by Penguin

Declined - Sorry buddy, but referent to rasengan isn't allowed. But also, almost all things like this have been done before, coating swords in elements or roar chakra, or releasing it in waves, to even having cannon stuff that's similar that is the samurai stuff. I can't approve this as it stands. It needs to be something more unqiue.

Forculus no Mittsu Unmei ▽ Three Fates of Forculus
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: 50 (-20 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: After becoming a notable user of the shark summoning contract, Mand'alor the Indomitable had set out in making the final ninjutsu to complete his already monstrous arsenal. In one fight with an old ninja named Kakuzu, Mand'alor the Indomitable noted the usages of the threaded man's hearts, each proving to be formidable and useful in their own way. Using Kakuzu's masks as a concept, Mand'alor the Indomitable underwent this overwhelming task on creating the ultimate shark ninjutsu. After surging copious amounts of chakra throughout his being, the Mand'alor would summon three shark heads that protruded out of his back and armor with each had different and unique abilities to aid him during combat, with all three being able to mentally communicate with their summoner and each other whilst having access to the Mand'alor's chakra pool. Due to the shark's heads and neck's being made of mostly cartilage, they would have a full range of motion to cover many different areas around the battlefield at once.

First Fate; Freyr ▽ Freyr, The First Fate, is a team player, not having any offensive abilities yet still being possibly the most useful of the three fates. The First Fate has the ability to smell chakra opposed to blood. While not being terribly useful on it's own, the First Fate couples this sensory mimicking ability with the ability to use the Mand'alor's chakra pool to help him from falling under illusions. If Freyr would sense the Mand'alor fall into an illusion, The First Fate could surge enough chakra for the Mand'alor to be freed from any illusion up to S-rank. This however, does not extend to MS level illusions. This ability can only be used twice and mimics Genjutsu Kai.

Second Fate; Fabulinus ▽ Fabulinus, The Second Fate, is rash and offensive in nature. The Second Fate's main ability is that of being able to regurgitate sharp teeth from his stomach in excess, then manipulate them in battle. In other words, The Second Fate's ability is that to grow excess teeth and by the usage of chakra, cause these teeth to attack an opponent or defend from an attack. This ability is S-rank in power, and the creations of these toothen structures are only limited to the user's imagination. The size of these structures, however, cannot exceed that of ten meters in length or width, and can only be used twice per battle. This technique also has a one turn cool down before re-use.

Third Fate; Faustulus ▽ Faustulus, The Third Fate, is explosive in personality, much akin to your average loudmouth. However, The Third Fate has quite a unique ability, that ability being to transfer part of the user's chakra over shark ninjutsu (relating to teeth the user or his allies produce). While channeling this layer of chakra of said shark ninjutsu, Faustulus would then use advanced shape manipulation on that raw chakra, forming a small yet noticeable layer over the shark ninjutsu, making it capable of defending against twenty more damage points than usual. This ability is B-ranked and can only be used four times per battle. While being instant in activation, this technique does take up a move slot and the user's chakra.

▽ Can only be taught by Penguin
▽ No shark ninjutsu for two turns after this technique is completed
▽ Lasts four turns
▽ Can only be used once
▽ All chakra costs are appropriate to the ranks of the abilities and get deducted from the user's chakra pool

Leaving for NK

‡ Declined ‡ This partial summoning thing has been tried before and I don't think it's feasible to only summon a shark's head. Change it so they're entirely made of cartilage and are "sentient". Also, the third ability clashes with an existing barrier technique.
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