Custom Elements Bureau - III

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Gobi Gobletsson

Active member
Oct 27, 2010
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Tenton
Custom element English name: Aether Release
The element is based on: Yin & Yang
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Aether Release is a form of energy created through the manipulation of Yin & Yang which lays emphasis on the characteristics, form and shape given through the manipulation of Yin Release, and the governor of life, Yang which gives the element life bearing qualities.
Similar to Hiden Abilities have their own origin through the different variables possible within Yin and Yang, such as Multi-size Akimichi is mostly achieved through Yang, while techniques such as the Nara's Shadow Techniques and Tayuya's Yin creatures are mainly composed of Yin Release.
Overall, all Ninjutsu takes root in Yin & Yang, proving the ability to create entirely new forms and shapes of Ninjutsu and their overall effects.

And thus is Aether created, which is an independent source of energy created from both Yin & Yang, and provides rejuvenating qualities to objects in question, or even reverse it. It carries health-giving properties of Yang, and the ability to remove it, leaving but a hollow shell. Similarities are out there, such as Medical Ninjutsu, but a lesser version and more restricted in it's ability, akin to techniques such as ''Sage Art: Inorganic Reincarnation''.

How it works:
How it's made
Aether is the combination of both Yin & Yang, with a variable to the both in the creation of Aether Release. Yin is the artistic designer if you will, it creates both form, shape and it's various traits. Yang plays the other factor, being the administrator of life, giving the the energy life-bearing qualities, thus creating Aether Chakra, which can be used for a variety of things.
Aether is an independent source of energy. With Yin, the energy is made into an translucent source, invisible to the naked eye, shouldn't it have been shrouded in a hue of a compassionate dark golden dimly lit colour. Aether is made physically in the sense, that it can be touched - However the source itself is intangible and acts akin to flames, proving capable of being released as streams, constructs and or other malleable forms and shapes. Aether is silent in creation and movement, however illuminates light akin to that of a dimly lit candle, which would be near nothing on a bright day, but yet should it be used in a dark cavern it easily illuminates it's place of origin.

Like Earth Release have different methods of usages, internal/external usage or even change in density, Aether Chakra have three different categories of uses, or Releases if you will. It have two Main Releases, which are the most used and a third, alternative usage. All these differs from smell, temperature, and effects. However all are interactive with non- & tangible sources and can be remotely created or from the user himself.

As previously explained Tenton, or Aether Chakra have a variety of uses, and each their own purposes, ranging from aggressive, supplementary and even defensive properties.
These are all achieved through the different methods of usages implemented to Aether, through Yin & Yang. Aether Release have three methods of Release, Growth, Reversal and Distort.
Below are each categories of Aether explained.

Growth is Aether's first Release, which emphasizes heavily on life-bearing qualities put into the chakra, which at this point makes it the most rejuvenating, yet also the most destructive usage method of Aether. We will refer to Growth as the 1st Main Release.
Growth is the ability to target an object and forcefully enhance it. This can be used two different ways, which is either aggressively or as a supplementation. The supplementary is achieved when the targeted object i.g an old broken bridge is under the influenced of Aether, with an extra sum of the life-bearing qualities within Aether, the bridge would essentially increases it's overall sturdiness and durability, while not changing at all on the exterior. Whilst using the aggressive method, the broken bridge would undergo an overload of ''growth'' essentially the overall energy would hit the bridge's maximum capacity and eventually evolve into a violent explosion that can prove severe, damaging or lethal. Should there floral life within the vicinity of the explosion, they would in turn from being close to the encounter, sprout and slightly grow in size and durability, which is but a cosmetic display of the aftermath of Growth.
This is mostly used similar to Earth Release, in a form of direct contact however can also be used remotely in some cases.
Under the affects of Growth, the temperature is slightly warm, as when the sun peaks out from a cloud on a warm summer day. The smell is akin to rosey buds blooming with different aromas of flowers, in the spring time.
Visual example of Growth's explosion method, disregard the text.
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Reversal is Aether's second usage method, which emphasizes heavily on a reversal of the life-bearing qualities in whatever Aether comes in contact with. In accordance with Growth, it's one of the oft used abilities within Aether, which is why we will refer to this as the 2nd Main Release.
Reversal is the ability to grasps an object and utilizing Aether, to re-design, reshape and form the object in question, which could even be the terrain itself.
However, it's much more specific, since that the object in question will re-organize it's interior and exterior in accordance with itself - Essentially the object will reverse its initial stages, until it reaches it point of existence. I.e, A chicken would turn into a chick, and then into an egg, then into nothingness, or snow turning into water, then into vapour, or a broken bridge would eventually return to it's former state of being a complete refurbished built.
Essentially when Aether touches the object, it rather than given 'Growth' it reverse the process, creating but a shell of the object's formerself.
Under the effects of Reversal, the temperature drops, akin to a chilling breeze strifing across your neck, or running down your spine. The smell will are similar to dirt, rot akin to decaying leaves in the autumn.
A possible usage of Reversal;
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Distort is a combination of Growth and Reversal, Which is much harder to accomplish than the above two, which makes this the more advanced or alternative release if you would.
While it makes use of both equally, it utilizes both Growth and Reversal simultaneously which would in turn put the Aether encapsulated object in between two opposing forces ultimately putting the object in question in a static state, completely ignoring the physical laws being suspended where it was halted. More concise, it is unaffected by time and space unless touched. The bigger the objects, the less time a Distortion can be sustained.
Temperature and smell differs from the two above, as everything halts within this space, it becomes completely devoid of temperature and smell.

A possible usage of Distort; Suspending objects mid-air;
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Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Tenton: Magnus no Jidai) Aether Release: Era of Magnus
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Slamming both hands onto the ground the user infuses a specific location on the field with Aether Release, immediately causing a rupture due an overload of chakra, imminently setting off an explosion without warning.

(Tenton: Hokubu no Oboete) Aether Release: The North Remembers
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Hokubu no Oboete's baseline takes the fundamentals of Reversal of Aether Release. By emitting a stream of Aether through the user's mouth, it traverses along the ground restoring any damage dealt to the terrain, objects, etc. A ruined building would return to it's initial stages, back into it's former and perfect self.

(Tenton: Grana no Osoraku) Aether Release: Might of Grana
Type: Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Utilizing Aether Chakra, the user materializes a 'cloak' of Aether which immediately wraps around the object in question. This causes a distortion, leaving the object suspended in time and space. The bigger the object, the less time it can be maintained. A technique of Mountain Smash's size, can be maintained for one turn, if the user focuses on the technique, however cannot be sustained and the technique will continue if the user looses focus. Rock slabs, spheres or streams of fire, waves of wind, medium sized waves of water can be sustained for two turns, without further ado.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Yin & Yang control.

Is weak to:
Neutral to all.

Is strong against:
Neutral to all.

Co-creator: N/A

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?​

✗ Declined: You haven't learned Yin, Yang or Yin-Yang Release.

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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name:

Custom element English name:
Chalk Release

The element is based on:
Earth + Water + Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The fact that this element is possible, and does exist is the fact that Natural chalk is found in aquatic conditions such as in underwater deposits, While Chalk is one of earth's minerals that can also be found in thick layers, both on and below the ground.. It is formed by the gradual build up of minute calcite plates that have been shed from micro-organisms called coccolithophores.. As in narutoverse we know that they have major seas, oceans, rivers and they form from under water. Calcium is a part of daily life being in alot of everyday materials Including chalk, For instance Unpurified water Etc. We have seen techniques such as quicklime from an Iwa Ninja, As Quicklime contains a some amount of calcium inside of it, we have seen killer bee use Ink which contains a percentage of calcium in it, We have seen painters inside naruto which paint contains a percentage of calcium. Thus makes me believe chalk is easily among the things that exist in naruto due to it having a large some of calcium inside of it. It was also seen on Part 1. Of naruto a chalk board and chalk on the chalk stand, with letters written on the chalk board, making me believe chalk indeed does exist

How it works:
The user will mix 3 elements, Water, Wind, and Earth into either the ground, a water source (Due to chalk forming in oceans etc) or the body. The user channel their earth chakra into the ground to manipulate the sedimentary rocks of the earth mixing their chakra into it while using shape manipulation. The wind and water act as the weathering property for the earth while manipulating it turning the rock into chalk. This will come to the creation of Chalk. The same application applies on a water source except the user use the water as the main source and channel earth and wind to create the weathering phase to create chalk. The same process would take place Due to chalk also being able to form underwater, the user can also manipulate and follow the same steps to making chalk on land on water, except the user will use less water chakra and more earth and wind to cause, and manipulate the weathering of the rock to form chalk. This will allow chalk to be able to form on/under water also. While creating chalk from the body, the user simply use a balanced portion of wind, water, and earth combining them creating chalk.

Primary Use:
This Element is use in versatile ways but mainly in the main way as Earth. For Strong Offensive, and Defensive purposes. When Chalk goes against something of harder substance it breaks down into chalk powder, the chalk powder can not be manipulated, but it can be used as a distraction for other uses such as an escape or even to cause coughing though it is not hazardous

Secondary Use:
Chalk is use as writing material, thus allowing the user to use chalk in a animation type style similar to sais ink. But instead of drawing on a piece of paper, the user has to draw on a hard surface, thus creating the animation side of this element. By doing this, the user will create an animation and use the confirmation handseal at all times pooling chakra into the creation.

(Hakuboku: hakuboku peretto) Chalk Release: Chalk Pellets
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description:The user will do the tiger handseal and spit out several chalk pellets. (about 5 inches) thes chalk pellets launch from the user mouth towards the opponent in great haste. Causing minor damage if the attack lands

(Hakuboku: Anime soushi) Chalk Release: Animation Creation
Type: Sup/Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 25
Damage: 50
Description: The user will create a piece of chalk or use an existing piece of chalk and draw any animal in quick haste. Once they are finished drawing the animal the user will do 1 handsign . Once they handsign is done the animal will emerge from the chalk outline made out of chalk. The animal has no special abilitites but to simply do as it was created for.

(Hakuboku: Hakuboku kayaku) Chalk Release: Chalk Puff

Type: Sup
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/a
Description: The user will utilize any chalk on the field and channel their chakra into it. By doing so they will simply crush the chalk creating chakra dust. This is used to blind the opponent temp. distract the opponent, or anything of that nature

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Must Master Earth
-Must Master Water
-Must Master Wind

Is weak to:
Earth & Any Element Strong to earth (Steel, Iron, Wood, etc)- Chalk is one of the weakest types of rock. Easily able to be broke apart
Advanced Fire (Sun Fire, Hell Fire, White Fire etc): Being stronger and hotter than regular fire, It will melt chalk
Lava: Being heavier than chalk and hotter than fire, it would melt chalk

Is strong against:
Lightning & Lightning Base Elements (Storm, etc) - Chalk being an insulator such as rubber, and plastic dont allow for heat to bypass through it thus not breaking it down.
Fire: Chalk normally doesnt melt unless heated to a very high degree

Scorch: Even though scorch is very hot, its no more than hot air that carries very little momentum

Wind and Wind Based Elements: Even though Chalk is a form of earth, it being weak, a stronger wind technique could overpower it (If it carries force). If not, then chalk overpowers wind
Water & Water based C: Very similar to the above. With enough force (Stronger rank than chalk) Can simply overpower chalk. If not, Chalk will withstand it.

Co-creator: Loki
Students I passed this custom element on too: Hell Autarch & -Vegeta

✗ Declined: All of the elemental S/W are illogical, especially the strength to Lightning. Your element is weaker than Earth, being an insulator isn't really a factor for focused lightning techniques. They would destroy your elemental regardless. Wood is a good example of this. It's an insulator but it is still weak to Lightning Release. Being neutral to wind is a reach, same with Chalk being strong to fire. Like I mentioned in my previous check, it would be neutral to Katon.

to resubmit

Custom element Japanese name:

Custom element English name:
Chalk Release

The element is based on:
Earth + Water + Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The fact that this element is possible, and does exist is the fact that Natural chalk is found in aquatic conditions such as in underwater deposits, While Chalk is one of earth's minerals that can also be found in thick layers, both on and below the ground.. It is formed by the gradual build up of minute calcite plates that have been shed from micro-organisms called coccolithophores.. As in narutoverse we know that they have major seas, oceans, rivers and they form from under water. Calcium is a part of daily life being in alot of everyday materials Including chalk, For instance Unpurified water Etc. We have seen techniques such as quicklime from an Iwa Ninja, As Quicklime contains a some amount of calcium inside of it, we have seen killer bee use Ink which contains a percentage of calcium in it, We have seen painters inside naruto which paint contains a percentage of calcium. Thus makes me believe chalk is easily among the things that exist in naruto due to it having a large some of calcium inside of it. It was also seen on Part 1. Of naruto a chalk board and chalk on the chalk stand, with letters written on the chalk board, making me believe chalk indeed does exist

How it works:
The user will mix 3 elements, Water, Wind, and Earth into either the ground, a water source (Due to chalk forming in oceans etc) or the body. The user channel their earth chakra into the ground to manipulate the sedimentary rocks of the earth mixing their chakra into it while using shape manipulation. The wind and water act as the weathering property for the earth while manipulating it turning the rock into chalk. This will come to the creation of Chalk. The same application applies on a water source except the user use the water as the main source and channel earth and wind to create the weathering phase to create chalk. The same process would take place Due to chalk also being able to form underwater, the user can also manipulate and follow the same steps to making chalk on land on water, except the user will use less water chakra and more earth and wind to cause, and manipulate the weathering of the rock to form chalk. This will allow chalk to be able to form on/under water also. While creating chalk from the body, the user simply use a balanced portion of wind, water, and earth combining them creating chalk.

Primary Use:
This Element is use in versatile ways but mainly in the main way as Earth. For Strong Offensive, and Defensive purposes. When Chalk goes against something of harder substance it breaks down into chalk powder, the chalk powder can not be manipulated, but it can be used as a distraction for other uses such as an escape or even to cause coughing though it is not hazardous

Secondary Use:
Chalk is use as writing material, thus allowing the user to use chalk in a animation type style similar to sais ink. But instead of drawing on a piece of paper, the user has to draw on a hard surface, thus creating the animation side of this element. By doing this, the user will create an animation and use the confirmation handseal at all times pooling chakra into the creation.

(Hakuboku: hakuboku peretto) Chalk Release: Chalk Pellets
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description:The user will do the tiger handseal and spit out several chalk pellets. (about 5 inches) thes chalk pellets launch from the user mouth towards the opponent in great haste. Causing minor damage if the attack lands

(Hakuboku: Anime soushi) Chalk Release: Animation Creation
Type: Sup/Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will create a piece of chalk or use an existing piece of chalk and draw any animal in quick haste. Once they are finished drawing the animal the user will do 1 handsign . Once they handsign is done the animal will emerge from the chalk outline made out of chalk. The animal has no special abilitites but to simply do as it was created for.

(Hakuboku: Hakuboku kayaku) Chalk Release: Chalk Puff
Type: Sup
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/a
Description: The user will utilize any chalk on the field and channel their chakra into it. By doing so they will simply crush the chalk creating chakra dust. This is used to blind the opponent temp. distract the opponent, or anything of that nature

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Must Master Earth
-Must Master Water
-Must Master Wind

Is weak to:
Earth & Any Element Strong to earth (Steel, Iron, Wood, etc)- Chalk is one of the weakest types of rock. Easily able to be broke apart
Lightning & Lightning Base Elements (Storm, etc) - Lightning bad

Is strong against:
Wind and Wind Based Elements: Even though Chalk is a form of earth, it being weak, a stronger wind technique could overpower it (If it carries force). If not, then chalk overpowers wind (Only if solid, powder chalk would be weak)
Water & Water based C: If solid, Chalk would act as Earth would when interacting with Water. Powdered chalk would mix with water coagulating it breaking it's form and control.

Fire: Chalk normally doesn't melt unless heated to a very high degree
Scorch: Even though scorch is very hot, its no more than hot air that carries very little momentum

Co-creator: Hell Autarch
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Write a legitimate description for the weakness to Lightning. I'll allow the strength to Water but your CE would be weak to Wind. The solid and powdered forms are technically both solid so I'll allow it but the S/W should be the same for both.

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Active member
Aug 31, 2010
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Mizubiton

Custom element English name: Deep Sea Release / Submersion Release

The element is based on: Water + Wind + Chakra control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Deep sea pressure is a naturally occuring state that is outright stated to exist in the manga by Kabuto explaining that he could not retrieve Jiraiya's corpse due to deep sea pressure. Elements that require or use pressure such as Dust and Crystal Release show that manipulating pressure is possible in the narutoverse. This fact is also shown through the Second Mizukage's ''Steaming Danger Tyranny'' where pressure (albeit steam pressure) can be created by just replicating the natural states needed to produce the process. Finally the fact that chakra does naturally have a weight is shown when Naruto is learning the Tailed Beast Bomb as certain chakras in certain quantities and ratios can have an adverse effect on the weight of a jutsu and can be condensed to smaller sizes quite easily while also retaining and also amplifying it's power.

How it works: Essentially the user uses chakra control and wind release to simulate the environment on a body of water (either pre-existing or chakra made) of being deep under sea level. This is done by using wind release to surround the body of water and to condense down on it from all sides while the user uses chakra control to increase the amount of water chakra in the water in order to increase the density of the water without having to increase the mass (essentially the chakra simulates the extra mass needed to provide enough pressure). This allows the user to use any amount of water as the pressure is created with chakra removing the need for a certain size of water body. The created water is highly pressurized meaning that anything that enters it will come under the effects of high pressure depending on what it is (subject to S/W). This process requires great chakra control but after mastery it's effects can be produced quite quickly and is more second nature rather than manipulating two separate elements you would produce a unique custom chakra that would naturally exist in the state stated above. Generally this would mean due to the high chakra control most techniques created using this element would tend to be confined into shapes and containers.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Mizubiton: ???) - Submersion Release: ???
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: By coming into contact with a water source the user may take control of it and convert it into water with the effects given by Submersion Release. This does not increase it's damage when clashing with other techniques but mainly gives the effects of high pressure.

(Mizubiton: ???) - Submersion Release: ???
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will do two handseals and cause a cube of Submersive Water to form within short-mid range. He can then use it to crash into objects, and then have it's liquid pressure state to crush whatever enters it's confines.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Water and Wind, High Chakra control.

Is weak to:
  • Lightning: The raiton energy can mess with the stability/chakra control of the CE
  • Earth: Dense earth can withstand the pressure of the water and is strong against water naturally due to chakra S/W
Is strong against:
  • Fire: This CE still has the natural properites of water meaning it is still as effective against fire based CE's as normal suiton is.
  • Organics: The immense pressure inside of the liquid state crush's most organic substances, animals/humans that are submerged will have any space filled with air collapse in on itself.
Co-creator: Panthalassa

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: This isn't an element.

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Active member
Dec 11, 2010
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Asankachisston

Custom element English name: Nitrous oxide

The element is based on: Wind Release + Medical Ninjutsu

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Nitrous oxide is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's nitrogen cycle, and has a variety of natural sources. The largest natural source of nitrous oxide is from soils under natural vegetation. This produces 60% of natural emissions. Uncultivated soils make up the majority of the Earth's land surface. So the nitrous oxide produced by microbes that break down nitrogen in these soils are considered natural sources. Concentrations of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere rarely exceeded 280 ppb but this can be increased by the user creating the substance through chakra usage.

How it works: Commonly known as laughing gas or nitrous, Nitrous oxide is a chemical compound, an oxide of nitrogen. At room temperature, it is a colourless, odourless, non-flammable gas, with a slightly sweet taste under intense pressure and compression it can be found in a liquid state. At elevated temperatures, nitrous oxide is a powerful oxidiser and can allow excess oxygen to be forced into a fire technique laced with Nitrous oxide empowering it further or even relighting dying techniques but only works when being used alongside the users own chakra nature. Nitrous oxide can be created by binding two molecules of nitrogen to one molecule of oxygen through the application of Medical chakra along with Wind Release to create and manipulate the substance. To be able to do this the user must be skilled in medical ninjutsu to be able to force this process and is similar in usage to (Iryō Ninjutsu: Masui Sejutsu) Medical Technique: Secret Anaesthesia Technique allowing the creator to use his chakra to bind and create the substance from nothing but chakra. The creator can also pull nitrous oxide directly from the environment by manipulating the surrounding atmosphere.

Nitrous oxide is a dissociative anaesthetic, dissociative anaesthesia is a form of anaesthesia characterised by catalepsy, catatonia, analgesia, and amnesia. It does not necessarily involve loss of consciousness and thus does not always imply a state of general anaesthesia. Dissociative aesthetics produce this state by interfering with the transmission of incoming sensory signals to the cerebral cortex and by interfering with communication between different parts of the central nervous system. Exposure to nitrous oxide in large or medium sized doses causes a short-term decrease in mental performance, audiovisual ability, and manual dexterity. Nitrous oxide affects quite a few ion channels, its anaesthetic, hallucinogenic, and euphoria effects are likely caused predominantly or fully via inhibition of NMDA receptor-mediated currents. Euphoria is a common side effect of nitrous oxide, it can also cause a forced laughter not directly controlled by the affected person hence the name laughing gas. This is as part of the wider emotional changes that can occur when nitrous oxide is breathed or consumed. For example, some people instead of laughing become scared or in other cases extremely aggressive towards those nearby. The emotional excitement may result in depressive or manic behaviour even to the point of psychosis and hallucinations dependent on the technique used and certain techniques can be a medium for genjutsu. Specific techniques can even lead to asphyxiation if the opponent continuously breathes the nitrous oxide instead of regular air. It comes in a compressed liquid state and a gaseous state this is dependent on the technique used but does not change the strengths and weaknesses of the substance itself just allowing for different applications. Supplementary jutsu that do not deal damage can be colourless and odourless signified only by chakra and taste, offensive or defensive jutsu have a purple hue and are visible no matter if stated in the technique or not.

Anxiolytic effect: A low dose of nitrous oxide is an effective anxiolytic, and this anti-anxiety effect is associated with enhanced activity of receptors. This allows the user to increase their reactions, perceptive ability and mental faculties through low doses of the element. Larger does negate this effect and instead instigate euphoria just as it would anyone else.

Analgesic effect: Nitrous oxide produces a mild analgesic effect at sub-anaesthetic concentrations meaning the user is able to dull the sense of pain in their own body as well as allies bodies through an application of a small dose of the anaesthesia. This can allow the user to negate pain almost entirely through proper techniques.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Asankachisston: Warau Hito) - Nitrous Oxide: The Man who Laughs
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Through a small dose of nitrous oxide the user is able to increase their reactions by negating any anxiety or fear. This can dull harmful emotions such as hate, fear, paranoia or anxiety brought on by other techniques or stressful situations. It increases the users reactions x1.5 for four turns and can only be used three times per battle as the user becomes temporarily immune to the effects after successive applications. It also can dull pain receptors allowing the user to dull the sensations of pain in the body allowing them to carry on through light damage such as C ranks and below without healing them however the bodily effects such as bleeding or bruising can only be negated through healing jutsu this effect lasts as long as the first effect.
Note: Can be used on allies giving them the same beneficial effects

(Asankachisston: Rasuto Rafu) - Nitrous Oxide: Last Laugh
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user creates a mass of gaseous Nitrous Oxide all around their opponent covering a short - mid range radius able to cover an entire battlefield akin to the Hiding in Mist technique. The user is able to decide upon how large and how far the gas extends from the epicentre allowing him to stay outside of it's area of effect. He is also able to know where the gas is due to his chakra connection to it allowing him to stay out of its area. Due to it's colourless and odourless nature it can only be distinguished through chakra sensing or breathing it in. Once breathed in it tips the opponent off to it's presence by a very sweet taste. This causes the body to react dulling the sensation of pain meaning as long as the opponent is affected they cannot break genjutsu through pain. it also creates a euphoric state where thoughts are cloudy, accompanied by dizziness, light-headedness, and a loss of balance. This dulls the mind and body reducing reaction speed by twenty five percent and reducing speed by the same twenty five percent. If the opponent stays inside the gas for four turns they will suffocate due to lack of oxygen if they leave the area of effect their speed and reactions stay effected for three additional turns. The gas is non-flammable and has the potential to snuff out and deprive fire techniques one rank higher of oxygen and fuel extinguishing them rapidly.
Note: By spending a move slot and ten chakra the user can move the area, adjust its size and refill the area
Note: Will cause anyone affected to laugh uncontrollably

(Asankachisston: Satsugai Jōku) - Nitrous Oxide: The Killing Joke
Rank: B-S
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20-40
Damage Points: 40-80
Description: The most basic and versatile technique for the element the user creates tools, weapons or constructs out of either gaseous or liquid nitrous oxide using them to attack or defend. These constructs have a purple hue. Only one structure can be used per usage all the items have to be either liquid or gas they can't be both. These tools, weapons and constructs range in power dependent on how much chakra is used to create them. The user can create B rank and A rank items with no hand seals within short range of themselves or throughout the battlefield with a single hand seal, but the S rank variation will always require a hand seal. At any time these items can be released causing a cloud of nitrous oxide to form if this gas is breathed in the opponent suffers a decrease in reactions, speed and mental faculties for two turns. They will also begin to laugh for the next two turns. This effect can be applied up to three times, before the opponent becomes temporarily immune to the effects brought on by this technique for two turns.
Note: S rank variation can be used four times per battle with a one turn cd

Conditions to be able to use it: Completed Wind Release and being a Medical Shinobi

Is weak to:

Earth: Both forms can be stopped by earth as it's more structurally sound.
Water: Water can wash away the liquid and block the gas.

Is strong against:

Fire: The substance is non-flammable allowing it to snuff out fire.
Lightning: Like wind it's an insulator, disrupting lightning release the liquid isn't a good conductor.
Wind: The gas is heavier than air and more dense allowing it to over power regular wind.


Students I passed this custom element on too: &

✗ Declined: Not a bad element but you've got a few things to fix. Firstly, decide on a single state. You can either have this as a gas or a liquid, though I think the former is more logical. Second, your elemental S/W needs some revision. NO can be broken down at temperatures of 565 Fahrenheit and flames far exceed this temperature. Not only that but you yourself admitted at higher temperatures, NO acts as an oxidizer. This means it would strengthen rather than weaken fire techniques in this scenario, or at the very least, leave them unweakened. I think it would be more fitting to have Katon as a weakness rather than a strength. You can also remove the weakness to Water, it doesn't really fit. Finally, I'm fine with cosmetic names. You're free to name this Laughing Gas or whatever (as long as it isn't ridiculous).

Custom element Japanese name: Waraugasuton

Custom element English name: Laughing Gas

The element is based on: Wind Release + Medical Ninjutsu

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Nitrous oxide is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's nitrogen cycle, and has a variety of natural sources. The largest natural source of nitrous oxide is from soils under natural vegetation. This produces 60% of natural emissions. Uncultivated soils make up the majority of the Earth's land surface. So the nitrous oxide produced by microbes that break down nitrogen in these soils are considered natural sources. Concentrations of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere rarely exceeded 280 ppb but this can be increased by the user creating the substance through chakra usage.

How it works: Commonly known as laughing gas or nitrous, Nitrous oxide is a chemical compound, an oxide of nitrogen. At room temperature, it is a colourless, odourless, non-flammable gas, with a slightly sweet taste. At elevated temperatures, nitrous oxide is a powerful oxidiser and can allow excess oxygen to be forced into a fire technique laced with Nitrous oxide empowering it further or even relighting dying techniques but only works when being used alongside the users own chakra nature. Nitrous oxide can be created by binding two molecules of nitrogen to one molecule of oxygen through the application of Medical chakra along with Wind Release to create and manipulate the substance. To be able to do this the user must be skilled in medical ninjutsu to be able to force this process and is similar in usage to (Iryō Ninjutsu: Masui Sejutsu) Medical Technique: Secret Anaesthesia Technique allowing the creator to use his chakra to bind and create the substance from nothing but chakra. The creator can also pull nitrous oxide directly from the environment by manipulating the surrounding atmosphere.

Nitrous oxide is a dissociative anaesthetic, dissociative anaesthesia is a form of anaesthesia characterised by catalepsy, catatonia, analgesia, and amnesia. It does not necessarily involve loss of consciousness and thus does not always imply a state of general anaesthesia. Dissociative aesthetics produce this state by interfering with the transmission of incoming sensory signals to the cerebral cortex and by interfering with communication between different parts of the central nervous system. Exposure to nitrous oxide in large or medium sized doses causes a short-term decrease in mental performance, audiovisual ability, and manual dexterity. Nitrous oxide affects quite a few ion channels, its aesthetic, hallucinogenic, and euphoria effects are likely caused predominantly or fully via inhibition of NMDA receptor-mediated currents. Euphoria is a common side effect of nitrous oxide, it can also cause a forced laughter not directly controlled by the affected person hence the name laughing gas. This is as part of the wider emotional changes that can occur when nitrous oxide is breathed or consumed. For example, some people instead of laughing become scared or in other cases extremely aggressive towards those nearby. The emotional excitement may result in depressive or manic behaviour even to the point of psychosis and hallucinations dependent on the technique used and certain techniques can be a medium for genjutsu. Specific techniques can even lead to asphyxiation if the opponent continuously breathes the nitrous oxide instead of regular air. Supplementary jutsu that do not deal damage can be colourless and odourless signified only by chakra and taste, offensive or defensive jutsu have a purple hue and are visible no matter if stated in the technique or not.

Anxiolytic effect: A low dose of nitrous oxide is an effective anxiolytic, and this anti-anxiety effect is associated with enhanced activity of receptors. This allows the user to increase their reactions, perceptive ability and mental faculties through low doses of the element. Larger does negate this effect and instead instigate euphoria just as it would anyone else.

Analgesic effect: Nitrous oxide produces a mild analgesic effect at sub-anaesthetic concentrations meaning the user is able to dull the sense of pain in their own body as well as allies bodies through an application of a small dose of the anaesthesia. This can allow the user to negate pain almost entirely through proper techniques.

Carrier gas: Nitrous oxide is a weak general anaesthetic, and so is generally not used alone in general anaesthesia, but can be used as a carrier gas for more powerful substances. Certain techniques can carry with them an additional poison, toxin or drug from the users samples as long as they are in a gaseous form. This allows the nitrous oxide to have a compounding effect just as when used in anaesthesia. This ability will need to be specified in the techniques where applicable.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Waraugasuton: Warau Hito) - Laughing Gas: The Man who Laughs
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Through a small dose of nitrous oxide the user is able to increase their reactions by negating any anxiety or fear. This can dull harmful emotions such as hate, fear, paranoia or anxiety brought on by other techniques or stressful situations. It increases the users reactions x1.5 for four turns and can only be used three times per battle as the user becomes temporarily immune to the effects after successive applications. It also can dull pain receptors allowing the user to dull the sensations of pain in the body allowing them to carry on through light damage such as C ranks and below without healing them however the bodily effects such as bleeding or bruising can only be negated through healing jutsu this effect lasts as long as the first effect.
Note: Can be used on allies giving them the same beneficial effects

(Waraugasuton: Rasuto Rafu) - Laughing Gas: Last Laugh
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user creates a mass of gaseous Nitrous Oxide all around their opponent covering a short - mid range radius able to cover an entire battlefield akin to the Hiding in Mist technique. The user is able to decide upon how large and how far the gas extends from the epicentre allowing him to stay outside of it's area of effect. He is also able to know where the gas is due to his chakra connection to it allowing him to stay out of its area. Due to it's colourless and odourless nature it can only be distinguished through chakra sensing or breathing it in. Once breathed in it tips the opponent off to it's presence by a very sweet taste. This causes the body to react dulling the sensation of pain meaning as long as the opponent is affected they cannot break genjutsu through pain. it also creates a euphoric state where thoughts are cloudy, accompanied by dizziness, light-headedness, and a loss of balance. This dulls the mind and body reducing reaction speed by twenty five percent and reducing speed by the same twenty five percent. If the opponent stays inside the gas for four turns they will suffocate due to lack of oxygen if they leave the area of effect their speed and reactions stay effected for three additional turns. The gas is non-flammable and has the potential to snuff out and deprive fire techniques one rank higher of oxygen and fuel extinguishing them rapidly.
Note: By spending a move slot and ten chakra the user can move the area, adjust its size and refill the area
Note: Will cause anyone affected to laugh uncontrollably

(Waraugasuton: Satsugai Jōku) - Laughing Gas: The Killing Joke
Rank: B-S
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20-40
Damage Points: 40-80
Description: The most basic and versatile technique for the element the user creates tools, weapons or constructs out of gaseous nitrous oxide using them to attack or defend. These constructs have a purple hue. These tools, weapons and constructs range in power dependent on how much chakra is used to create them. The user can create B rank and A rank items with no hand seals within short range of themselves or throughout the battlefield with a single hand seal, but the S rank variation will always require a hand seal. At any time these items can be released causing a cloud of nitrous oxide to form if this gas is breathed in the opponent suffers a decrease in reactions, speed and mental faculties for two turns. They will also begin to laugh for the next two turns unable to release techniques from the mouth. This effect can be applied up to three times, before the opponent becomes temporarily immune to the effects brought on by this technique for two turns.
Note: S rank variation can be used four times per battle with a one turn cd

Conditions to be able to use it: Completed Wind Release and being a Medical Shinobi

Is weak to:

Earth and structurally solid elements: The gas can be stopped by earth as it's more structurally sound.
Fire and heat based elements: It's an oxidiser at high temperatures.

Is strong against:

Lightning and lightning based elements: Like wind it's an insulator, disrupting lightning release.
Wind and Wind based elements: The gas is heavier than air and more dense allowing it to over power regular wind.


Students I passed this custom element on too: &

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Negative Knight, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Shinta, our loyal member, gave on the date 30th July 2017 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Laughing Gas Release); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;

Powered by Lord of Kaos
Copyright © 2017, Shinta,​
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Active member
Aug 29, 2014
Trait Points
Custom Element Japanese name: Mafuton

Custom Element English name: Cloth Release

The Element is based on: Earth + Water + Wind + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the Element to be possible (in the manga context):

Cloth can be found everywhere in the Naruto World, seeing as how people need it to cover their bodies. It is also seen through the usage of bandages that ninja wear on their arms or legs. Not much to prove here.​

How it works:

Cloth Release is a unique element in which the user can create cloth from their bodies and even from the ground, as well as having the ability to manipulate surrounding cloth. For this to work, the user molds Earth, Water and Wind chakra, and combines the three in a very precise manner. Cloth Release is a very versatile element, given how freely it can move. The Earth component of it gives the cloth its shape, and can be said to be its base. The Water gives the cloth the flow and fluidity, whilst the wind component allows certain air particles to mix in. Combined with chakra control, all these elements produce cloth.

Depending on how much of each type of chakra is added in, the cloth can have slightly different properties. If more Earth chakra than normal is added, then the cloth becomes very hard as earth is a hard element. This allows it to deflect projectiles, and even specific techniques, depending on how big the cloth is. If more Water chakra than normal is added, then the technique becomes more flexible, as water is a very versatile element. If more Wind chakra than normal is added, then the cloth becomes faster, since the wind would create a push in it, as well as sharper since wind has slicing properties.

As well as being able to attack and defend, Cloth Release users can also insert their chakra into their own clothes, making them hard. Likewise, they can affect their opponent's clothes too, making them sharp in order to cut them, or very heavy, weighing them down.

The cloth produced from this element is light blue in colour, revealing its calm, fluid and swift nature. It can travel at the same speed as the majority of other elements. But depending on the ranking of the techniques, the cloth can become faster.​

Usage Examples:

(Mafuton: Togatta Yubi) Cloth Release: Sharp Fingers
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user gathers chakra and molds it into Cloth natured chakra. This is released from the users fingers as multiple streams of sharp cloth which are about as thin as fingers. The user can manipulate them, moving them around if need be. They go on to pierce through the opponent. If the user wishes for the cloth to be thicker, these multiple streams of cloth can also be merged into one piece, retaining its sharp nature.
(Mafuton: Shibari no Shi) Cloth Release: Binding Death
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user gathers chakra and molds it into Cloth natured chakra. It is then released from the users hand as a very wide piece of fabric; large enough to fully wrap it around a person a few times. The fabric is sharp, as a lot of Wind natured chakra is added in. When it wraps around the opponent, they will have great difficulty escaping, given that it has the users chakra inside it. Also, they will sustain cuts and wounds all over their body.
(Mafuton: Jinsoku Nogareru) Cloth Release: Swift Escape
Type: Defensive / Supplementary
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique requires the user to mold Cloth natured chakra. This chakra can be expelled from any limb, and two limbs can release this at a time. These limbs can be different. For example, one can release it from one of their hands, as well as one of their feet. To use it, the user releases the chakra as cloth and wraps the end of it to a sturdy, nearby object like a tree. Once attached, the user then shortens the cloth, bringing themselves closer to the object the cloth is located on. This is all done in one fluid motion, and the pulling in of the user is also fast.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Completion of Earth, Water & Wind Elements, as well as excellent control over chakra​

Is weak to:

Water: Cloth Release is weak to Water Release, as when the cloth becomes wet, it becomes harder to manipulate.

Lightning: Since Cloth Release uses Earth Release as it’s main building blocks, Lightning Release can cut through and destroy it. Thus, it is weak to Lightning Release too.​

Is strong against:

Wind: Cloth Release can push past wind easily since it has more substance, making it strong to Wind Release.

Fire: Being a fabric, Cloth Release can smother fire and extinguish it, thus making it to strong to Fire Release.​

Co-creator: N/A

Students I passed this custom element on to: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Clashes with Erzo's Oversoul CFS.

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Active member
Mar 16, 2011
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Kafein

Custom element English name: Caffeine Release

The element is based on: Earth+Water+ Precise Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): An Element that is based off of minerals/substances found within Earth and Water. Substances made from/found from numerous plants created from different environments of the planet. By properly extracting carbon and nitrogen from the ground (Like how some ninjas are able to extract some minerals from the ground however this will be extracted in the molecular form)and adding hydrogen and oxygen to it from water using very precise chakra control the element of Caffeine is brought to life. An element that is capable of affecting an individual in numerous ways, from mental to physical.Caffeine is known to Heightened ones focus, relieve pain temporarily, pump up adrenaline, some side effects of too much caffeine can lead to dehydration[Due to the caffeine being a diuretic]and even overdosing. Caffeine with the additive of water, will take on a slightly denser liquid form, light brown or pure black in shade. [Tea is seen throughout the Narutoverse, meaning caffeine exist]

How it works: For Generations, the use of caffeine, most known from coffee, has been consumed / used for varies reasons from consumption to medical assistance, most caffeine[Coffee] users, use the substance to help provide more focus and energy into their minds and bodies. Here in the RP world by using Precise chakra control to extract minerals/substance from the earth that can be used to create caffeine, in which the user may release the caffeine within their body for various affects, such as heightening self awareness and focus, granting a greater intuitive like sense, for a temporary period of time, or by channeling a higher amount of water chakra with the created Caffeine, the user will be able to create a physical form, of slightly denser streams of water, Slight brown or pure black in appearance[depending on the jutsu used].These streams of Caffeinated Water may potentially cause certain imbalances within a living organism upon contact, such as, amplifying the affected individuals heart rate, causing them to potentially become paranoid[affecting their mindset of decision making and awareness], also wearing down on exposed bones[softening the material of the bone, also causing it to turn a yellowish color], all due to the Caffeinated Water being manipulated by the users own chakra. Caffeine alone, cannot be spread through the air with wind jutsu.

The Four Main Element Compounds found within Caffeine,all of which can be extracted from/with the help of Earth and Water, Carbon-Hydrogen-NItrogen-Oxygen.

Caffeine is a Central Nervous System stimulant, also known as the worlds most widely consumed psychoactive “drug”. The most prominent effect is that it reversibly blocks the action of adenosine on its receptor and prevents the onset of drowsiness induced by adenosine. Caffeine also stimulates certain portions of the autonomic nervous system. Most drinks containing caffeine are ingested to relieve or prevent drowsiness and to improve performance. Caffeine can have both positive and negative health effects, Examples: over consumption can lead to dehydration, the proper amount may reduce cognitive delay.

-Facts of Cognitive Improvements: Proper doses of Caffeine can reduce fatigue and drowsiness, may improve learning and memory, but it generally improves reaction time, wakefulness, concentration and motor coordination, caffeine use has synergistic psychoactive effects that promote alertness and attention. Can be used to break from genjutsu up to a certain rank, according to the Caffeine jutsu used.
-Facts of Physical Improvements: Caffeine improves athletic performance, from improving sprint performance, and overall endurance, delaying the onset of muscle fatigue. Can be used to boost speed level, up to Three levels higher than base speed. Examples: E,D,C ranks +1| B,A ranks +2| S,F ranks +3 to speed level, the effects last as much as the jutsu last.
-Side Effect: Overusing too much Caffeine chakra at once can become harmful to the user. Users may use up to, Two Caffeine Release jutsu [out of their Three] per turn. Using Three Caffeine Release jutsu in one turn may result in an Overdose, nullifying the Caffeine effects in the users last jutsu made, as well as restricting them to wait 5 turns before being able to build enough Caffeine Chakra to use again.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Kafein: Asa Kappu) Caffeine Release: Morning Cup
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20[Per Turn]
Damage: N/A
Description: The User will gather a decent amount of Caffeine chakra within themselves, in which the Caffeine chakra will chemically interact with the users mind and body, enhancing their awareness and focus. Example, allowing the user to feel the slightest shift in movement around them, within a 5 meter radius. This does NOT grant the user the ability to “Feel” chakras, since it isn’t a Sensory tech, although the user will potentially be able to make the most precise decisions, in which also helps with seeing through genjutsu, due to their focus being amplified. .
Note: Breaks Genjutsu of B rank and below/ Sharingan Genjutsu of C rank and below.

-Usable Twice per Battle, with a 3 turn wait period before re-using after deactivation.
-Lasts up to 3 turns or until deactivation, costs 20 chakra per turn to keep active

(Kafein: Bakuro) Caffeine Release: Exposure
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will disperse a surge of immense Caffeine chakra into any water source, that has made contact or that the user is in contact with. Forcefully turning the water into Caffeinated Water, allowing manipulation of the water with their hands .

-Water must be of A rank or below
-Usable 3 times per battle
-Must wait 3 turns between every use

-(Kafein: Eketai Rasshu) Caffeine Release: Liquid Rush
Type: S
Rank: Attack/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The User will gather large amounts of Caffeine chakra within themselves channeling it into their mouth along with water chakra, before they spew it out with high speeds, creating large waves[Up to 8 meters in height] of Caffeinated water to flood the battlefield. Caffeinated waters can be used as a water source for the user, to perform other water based techs alone or combined with the caffeine. Caffeinated water has the ability to soften any exposed bone(s) by 1 rank against Kaguya users[S-->A].
Note: User has control of the waves of Caffeinated water through hand movements.
Opponents must Neutralize the Caffeine within the water before they’re able to try and use the water as a source for their own use.

-User has control over how far the flood extends
-For the user to use his waves as a water source for other water only jutsu, they must state that they decaffeinated the section of water, in which their using to perform said current water jutsu.
-Usable twice per battle
-Unable to perform another Caffeine Release jutsu within the same turn

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth, Mastery of Water. Rank of Kage and above with Precise Chakra Control.

Is weak to: Lightning&Fire, Elements in which can nullify the effects of Caffeine particles. A person effected by Caffeine release may use jutsu that allows them to heat their bodies up, burning/electrifying exposed caffeinated particles.[As well as heat or electrify Caffeinated water, Nullifying its effects, while still maintaining its density]

Is strong against: Water, Earth, Elements in which the Caffeine effects can interact with.

Co-creator: Beifong

Students I passed this custom element on too:

✗ Declined: This has been submitted in the past, most recently by Yashiro if I remember correctly, so you'd need his permission (or whoever submitted it last) to make this.

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Active member
Apr 24, 2013
Trait Points
Previous Submission for reference:

We kinda overhauled it, and made it again from scratch. So no bold

Custom element Japanese name:
Hara Ikazuchi

Custom element English name:

Nordic Thunder

The element is based on:
Earth + Lightning + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

This element derives its name from its unique method of creation, as almost a solid form of lightning.What this element actually controls is the manipulation of the mineraloid known as fulgurite. The name, fulgurite, is derived from the word fulgur which means thunder. They are named as such because of how they are formed. Lightning is one of the most spectacular natural occurrences in the world, and when it strikes sand an extremely volatile and quick reaction takes place. In just one second the lightning travels through the minerals and fuses them together,the intense heat generated in a split second is able to make fulgurites out of any smaller mineral such as dirt, dust, sand etc. In a split second the fulgurite is formed and then rapidly cools to form what are known as fulgurite tubes. Fulgurites can be created on the outside of a rock or surface or be formed underground. Due to this relationship with lightning it is often considered to be fossilized lightning as it takes the shape and direction of the current from the lightning bolt(s). Nordic Thunder is made out of a smooth glassy like structure which can be quite sharp but is actually fragile and can be broken easily. Although Fulgurites are not highlighted in the Canon story, dirt, dust, sand and lightning exist, meaning all the required components for Fulgurites are present and they have most likely happened in the natural world of Naruto. In the Narutoverse Gaara has shown the ability to manipulate and create sand while many people have shown the ability to control Raiton. Therefore it is certainly possible to create and control fulgurites through the established methods.

How it works:
Through the application of Earth and Lightning chakra together the user is able to form the Fulgurite tubes and constructs that came to be known as Nordic Thunder. Nordic Thunder is quite similar to earth in that it can be formed from the ground, the users body or even out of portals in the air where the user selects. However it is much closer to lightning in its nature and behaviour as it is quite fast moving, albeit slower that lightning itself and seemingly random in its movement patterns, the rock arcing back and forth as it spreads. The element when fully formed holds a distinctive copper colour although this is purely cosmetic.

Nordic Thunder is quite fragile as a structure due to the thin tubes it is composed of, being quite easy to break when faced with physical Earth and Water techniques. Due to its fast forming and volatile nature the walls of the tubes which form the majority of Nordic Thunder are quite unstable as a physical structure. This is compounded upon with the addition of chakra which walks a delicate balance between the saturation of chakra and the inherent fragility of the element. This balance is most easily noticed when the structure itself is compromised, broken by an outside force, as the over abundance of chakra causes Nordic Thunder to violently shatter into pieces in the area. This would obviously pose a risk to those near it and the user also if it weren’t for the chakra control they employ to angle it away from themselves.

Fulgurite has an interesting reaction when further lightning is introduced as any lightning that strikes Nordic Thunder would actually create more of the element, the rock lancing out in multiple directions. As the lightning further heats and spreads the existing mineral, this will often form ‘branches’ of Nordic thunder that span outward or follow the path of the lightning current. This would be most similar to wind and fire interaction in which wind fuels fire, however, a wind of a stronger rank can neutralize or even overcome the flame. The same would hold true if lightning was used to clash against it, rather than strengthen/create it.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Hara Ikazuchi: )- Nordic Thunder:
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points:60
The user will clap their hands together and a large number of Nordic Thunder branches will begin to expand rapidly from their body. The branches will quickly expand to mid range and long soon after, arcing back and forth through the air as they travel making their path hard to predict. The branches expand in all directions, threatening to cover the entire battlefield if left unchecked.

(Hara Ikazuchi: )- Nordic Thunder:
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points:60
The user will form two hand seals and create a large portal in the sky high above their opponent. From this portal Nordic Thunder will descend rapidly akin to lightning, attempting to skewer its target. Once the Nordic Thunder has made contact with the ground it will fuse with it, forming into several large pillars that remain there as long as they are undisturbed.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastered Earth, Lightning and Basic Ninjutsu

Is weak to:
Earth - Shatters Nordic thunder into pieces
Water - Like Earth, the force of Water shatters NT into pieces

Is strong against:
Lightning - Lightning that strikes any existing Nordic Thunder has little effect upon it. Rather it actually creates more Nordic Thunder
Fire - Due to the intense heat that NT is produced from, fire has little effect on it
Heat Based CEs - Similar to fire, the intense heat that NT is produced from means that heat has little effect on it
Lightning Based CEs - Similar to its reaction with lightning, they have little effect and actually propagate more NT
Sand - Being exactly the kind of mineral that NT is created from, NT thrives against sand spreading it further



Students I passed this custom element on to:
? & ?

✗ Declined: I appreciate the attempt but there are a lot of things wrong with this. The first bolded part doesn't make sense, as the moment your element is destroyed, it's no longer within your control. However this is a minor issue when compared to the element as a whole. The strength to lightning wouldn't work as you intended for a number of reasons. For one, Lightning creates fulgurites on contact with dirt and sand, not pre-existing fulgurites. Secondly, the physical force of lightning would simply destroy it. Your element has no inherent absorption capabilities in regards to Raiton, so it would fall prey to it like almost all other solid elements. Now here's my suggestion. Scrap the real-life basis and make a completely original element. However you'll need to perfectly justify how it absorbs lightning and how that allows it to self-replicate. It won't get stronger, bare in mind that Wind techniques actually do weaken Fire Release ones. It will simply restore or regenerate the portions destroyed by the lightning.

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Active member
Jul 13, 2012
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Dākuāsuton

Custom element English name: Dark Earth Release

The element is based on: Dark + Earth Release

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Dakuasuton is based on the two elements Meiton and Doton. In the series, the two elements have been shown to have similar characteristics to a degree. As it is known, Dark Release’s inherent to abiliy to absorb mostly occupies in the user draining/sapping chakra from techniques or opponents. Several Earth techniques throughout the series have been shown to also share this trait. Jirobo’s Dorō Dōmu technique was classified under the “Chakra Absorption Type” category and revovled around him being able to raise an earthen dome around his targets and absorb their chakra as the latter flowed through the earth itself. [ ] and [ ]. Swamp of the Underworld, being adhesive and chakra-infused mud in natura makes it almost impossible for the enemy to recover their strength and escape, which is the equivalent of having your chakra drained and thus affecting your strength as well. [ ] Ultimately, earth’s natural ability to absorb water makes it believable that the two elements share enough traits with each other regarding absorption abilities.

The other ability of Dark Release which is “Release” part, revolving the user to bring forth an amplified raw energy in the form of blue flames. The combination of this and Earth is possible within the manga context as it would be vaguely similar to how Lava Release works, except this form would be far hotter and destructive in nature, as well as blue in colour.

How it works: This element is divided into two parts regarding on how it works, respecting the original abilities of Dark Release. The first form of this element is called “Absorption Earth” and is made possible by applying both Dark and Earth chakra simultaneously, allowing the user to either manipulate pre-existing earth around him or manifest Dark Earth form his body. The unique characteristics of this element is that the dark chakra will give the earth a purple/black hue in colour, and most importantly the ability to absorb. This will range from absorbing opposing techniques to absorbing the enemy’s chakra. [ ]

The second and final ability of this element is called “Release Earth” and is dependent on the user having absorbed chakra by any means beforehand. Just like the first method, this enables the user to either manipulate pre-existing earth or create it from his body. This earth will be in a semi-liquid form similar to Lava, however it’s much hotter and it is blue in colour since the user has applied the light blue flames of Dark Release to it. This version has a lot of destructive purposes and is able to cause burns to targets it touches. Alternatively, if “Absorption Earth” has absorbed chakra, it can directly burst into “Release Earth” upon user’s command. [ ]

Jutsu Usage Examples:

Dakuasuton: Ofurimitto - Dark Earth Release: Off Limits
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user starts off by performing two handseals and channeling Dark Earth chakra around a specific area on the battlefield. This area in question will immediately change it's colour in purple and be given absorbing abilities, being able to absorb the target's chakra and as well as techniques respecting the S&W of Dark Earth Release. Alternatively, the user can either spit or release from his body Dark Earth which would go crashing against the target with tremendous force and as well absorbing their chakra.

Dakuasuton: Āsubasutā - Dark Earth Release: Earth Buster
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After having absorbed chakra beforehand, the user forms two handseals and manipulates the structure and as well as the state of the earth around or beneath an enemy. The earth will shift into a blue/black colour and also transorm into a semi-liquid form, giving intense burns to enemy parts it touches. With a handseal, the user can make it erupt into an explosion of blue/black Dark Earth which consumes the enemy.

Dakuasuton: Dākusuwanpu - Dark Earth Release: Dark Swamp
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After performing two hand-seals the user will turn the earth anywhere he so wishes into a thick swamp made of dark earth where the size and depth is up to him. The swamp makes it hard for those trapped in it to move as well as drains the chakra of those within by 60 points per turn. With it being made of Dark Earth not only does it drain the chakra of those trapped within it also absorbs the chakra that is released into the earth stopping attacks from forming below. If the swamp absorbs enough chakra it will begin to change into the second form of Dark Earth, turning into a swamp made of blue lava which will begin to burn anything and everything trapped within. If the opponent is unable to escape in time he will be dragged to the bottom of the swamp where he is burned and crushed alive. However, if the user has absorbed chakra before making the swamp, he can perform an extra hand seal after creating it to immediately turn the swamp into that of the light blue lava form

Conditions to be able to use it: Must have Dark Release mastered
Must have Earth Release mastered

Absorption Earth

Neutral to everything and strong to Raw chakra.

Release Earth

Is weak to: Water and Lightning (Along with elements they’re related or CEs)

Is strong against: Fire, Wind and Earth (Along with elements they’re related or CEs) Raw chakra, Sound, Ink, Smoke and Dark Release (both forms).

Co-creator: Albel

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: This feels very similar, pretty sure LA attempted this as 'Hell Release' and Nathan made something similar called 'Nightmare Sand'. You made reaches when trying to liken Dark and Earth, the only reasoning that actually applies is the Jirobo's technique, which in our RP is exclusive to him. Overall, something like this could never be approved. It just isn't logical.

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Active member
May 31, 2014
Trait Points
Permission to Resubmit Lithos Stone:

Custom element Japanese name: Risosu

Custom element English name: Líthos Stone

The element is based on: Earth + Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Líthos stone or otherwise known as Lodestone is a type of naturally magnetized rock attracted to iron and other metals. In the anime we were able to see how substances were capable of being magnetized and possessing magnetic properties. We see this especially with Magnetism release in both Iron Sand and basic Magnetism. Both substances have displayed the ability to expel magnetic currents as well as attract other metals. We were shown with the Basic release of Magnetism possessed by Toroi of Kumogakure, that it is possible to create as well as affect preexisting magnetic currents. He was capable of easily creating magnetic currents by simply making physical contact with a substance. Additionally, in the anime we were shown how magnetism can be used through a medium as shown with Iron sand. Due to the magnetic fields present in the sand it enabled the user to hold the sand together while also possessing magnetic properties.

How it works: Líthos stone is a type of rock capable of utilizing magnetic currents to attract things towards it or by manipulating the currents in any other fashion. First in order to produce Líthos Stone a earth substance must first be present and that is when the user will utilize the Earth element in order to form a base for this element. On to where the rock retrieved its magnetic properties, due to Lodestone being found naturally magnetized and being found closer to the earth surface it believed that it is due to lightning that it retrieves its magnetic abilities. This all leads to the user applying their lightning elemental nature in order to bestow the rock with its magnetic abilities. It is because lightning bolts possess strong magnetic fields that it allows for the rock to pick them up whenever contact has been made. Unlike the majority of magnetic substances found on the earth which have a low resistance to demagnetization; this is all to say that Líthos Stone itself is a magnetic material which is mainly due to its inhomogeneous structure that it is capable of serving as a permanent magnet. After its creations the rock will have an appearance of a brownish to black substance. Also, due to how Líthos Stone possesses its own magnetic field it makes it near impossible for any metal base substance to overcome its magnetic field without succumbing to it. The magnetic fields of this rock are capable of being manipulated as wanted and it can even pass on its magnetic properties with contact or when an object is in its close proximity. While utilizing this rock the user is able to control the rock so, that the magnetic fields can be used to damage a target. If desired any object affected by the magnetic currents can be utilized by the user as their own type of weapon and, with equal or greater force.

Additionally, not only is a new magnetic substance created upon infusion of the two a new set of properties are induced upon the rock. When lightning is infused into the earth it is inflicting thousands of degrees of heat upon the rock which is twice as hot as lava; therefore its changes the rock's composition as well. After being shocked with lightning it causes for the rock to be changed physically causing it to appear as a crystal.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates a structure of Líthos stone that they will immediately hurl at a target aiming to overcome any metals in the way and hit the target with the blunt force of the rock.

Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground and creates two slabs of Líthos stone on the left and right of the target. The magnetic currents will be controlled to forcefully pull the target in two directions until they have been ripped apart .

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: NA
The user slams their hands on the ground infusing it with their Líthos chakra. By doing so they convert the ground into Líthos and, this technique will serve to attract all metal based substance to it making them useless.

Conditions to be able to use it
: Mastery over Earth and Lightning

Is weak to:Fire: When heat is applied to this magnetic rock it can cause for it to become demagnetized.

Lightning: Heat can be generated through electricity and demagnetize the rock.

Magnetism: Can potentially cause the element to lose its magnetic properties.

Scorch: Can heat up the element similar to Fire causing its to lose its magnetic properties.

Is strong against:
Lightweight Elements: Lodestone has a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6.5 making it denser than any element of a lower hardness.

Earth: Earth will also be attracted to the rock causing it to lose its force due to the magnetic fields.

Metals: Just like Earth, Metals will be attracted to the rock causing for it to lose its momentum.

Water: Magnetic materials work exceptionally well in water; making them a good medium to use them inside. Water can be repelled by a strong magnetic field or even exhibit magnetic properties if in a strong enough magnetic field; which means it will overcome the water.

Wind: Permanent magnets tend to grow in strength as they are cooled.

Ice: Just like with wind, the cold temperatures of Ice will serve to increase the stones magnetic properties.

Co-creator: Sasori

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Some parts are contradictory or at the very least, worded badly. This is created through the fusion of lightning and earth, rendering it "twice as hot as lava" but that would just demagnetize your own element, as reflected in the weaknesses section. Secondly, "Lighter elements" isn't a valid weakness. You need to name CEs that would be weak to your element individually or in easily defined categories (e.g. all liquids). Most importantly, why do you think Earth and Metals would be weak to this? Because they're drawn towards it? That wouldn't decrease their momentum, if anything it would increase it. Wind as a strength is also illogical, cooling isn't it's main property or even the mechanism by which it deals damage. Overall, this needs a major overhaul.

-Removed the part about heating it.

Custom element Japanese name: Risosu

Custom element English name: Líthos Stone

The element is based on
: Earth + Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Líthos stone or otherwise known as Lodestone is a type of naturally magnetized rock attracted to iron and other metals. In the anime we were able to see how substances were capable of being magnetized and possessing magnetic properties. We see this especially with Magnetism release in both Iron Sand and basic Magnetism. Both substances have displayed the ability to expel magnetic currents as well as attract other metals. We were shown with the Basic release of Magnetism possessed by Toroi of Kumogakure, that it is possible to create as well as affect preexisting magnetic currents. He was capable of easily creating magnetic currents by simply making physical contact with a substance. Additionally, in the anime we were shown how magnetism can be used through a medium as shown with Iron sand. Due to the magnetic fields present in the sand it enabled the user to hold the sand together while also possessing magnetic properties.

How it works:

Líthos stone is a type of rock capable of utilizing magnetic currents to attract things towards it or by manipulating the currents in any other fashion. First off, in order to produce Líthos Stone an earth substance must first be present and that is when the user will utilize the Earth element in order to form a base for this element. On to where the rock retrieves its magnetic properties, which is due to Lodestone being found naturally magnetized and being found closer to the earth surface it believed that it is because of lightning that it retrieves its magnetic abilities. This all leads to the user applying their lightning elemental nature in order to bestow the rock with its magnetic abilities. It is because lightning bolts possess strong magnetic fields that it allows for the rock to pick them up whenever contact has been made. Unlike the majority of magnetic substances found on the earth which have a low resistance to demagnetization; this is to say that Líthos Stone itself is a magnetic material which is mainly due to its in homogeneous structure that it is capable of serving as a permanent magnet. After its creation the rock will have an appearance of a brownish to black substance. Also, due to how Líthos Stone possesses its own magnetic field it makes it difficult for certain substances to overcome its magnetic field without succumbing to it. The magnetic fields of this rock are capable of being manipulated as wanted and it can even pass on its magnetic properties with contact or when an object is in its close proximity. While utilizing this rock the user is able to control the rock so, that the magnetic fields can be used to damage a target. If desired any object affected by the magnetic currents can be utilized by the user as their own type of weapon and, with equal or greater force.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Lithos rirīsu: Shūsei unmei) Lithos Release: Amending Destiny
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates a structure of Líthos stone that they will immediately hurl at a target aiming to overcome any metals in the way and hit the target with the blunt force of the rock.

(Lithos rirīsu: Revu~iatan no gōon) Lithos Release: Roar of the Leviathan
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground and creates two slabs of Líthos stone on the left and right of the target. The magnetic currents will be controlled to forcefully pull the target in two directions until they have been ripped apart.

(Lithos rirīsu: Kamigami no tegami) Lithos Release: Beckoning of the Gods
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: NA
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground infusing it with their Líthos chakra. By doing so they convert the ground into Líthos and, this technique will serve to attract all metal based substance to it making them useless.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Earth and Lightning

Is weak to:

Fire and its variations:When heat is applied to this magnetic rock it can cause for it to become demagnetized.

Wind and its variations: Líthos is weak to wind because wind deals with slicing and slashing or otherwise physical abuse which causes disorder in the magnet being affected, diminishing its magnetic ability in the process.

Magnetism: Can potentially cause the element to lose its magnetic properties.

Is Neutral against:

Lightning: It has been shown that Lightning that is composed of electrical currents that can create magnetic fields. The magnetic field of an electrical current is always proportional to its source, so in the case of lodestone a substance that obtained its properties from lightning, this applies to it. The Lightning bolts will always be proportional to the magnetic field of Lodestone unless of pure greater power. This is one way people have been able to use magnetic links to measure Lightning currents. ( )

Is strong against:

Lightweight Elements: Lodestone has a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6.5 making it denser than lightweight elements such as: Marshmallow, Aluminum, and Light

Earth and Metal Based Elements: It is because earth based substances and metals are filled with tinier magnets that they are attracted/susceptible to magnets, but in the process the metals being attracted will twist and lose their velocity/momentum in order for the tinier magnets to align with the magnetic field of Líthos stone. So Earth and Metals possess a weakness against Lithos because the moment a physical substance such as Metal or earth interferes with the magnetic field of Lithos stone its momentum and force will become modified/adjusted quite easily, so it will require that of a stronger Earth or Metal technique in order to pierce through the field without becoming affected and being entirely weakened/thrown off in the process. Instead of always being attracted to the rock itself, said substance can possibly orbit around in the magnetic field of the Lithos rock.

Water: Magnetic materials work exceptionally well in water; making them a good medium to use them inside. Water can be repelled by a strong magnetic field or even exhibit magnetic properties if in a strong enough magnetic field; which means it will overcome the water and liquid/water based Custom Elements.

Ice: The cold temperatures of Ice will serve to increase the stones magnetic properties.

Radiation/Solar Wind: As shown with the earth's own magnetic field it has been proven that a magnetic field can stop/prevent Radiation/Solar Wind from spreading.


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Your S/W are off, mainly due to the reasoning. Water being a strength due to magnetic fields being stronger in liquids is a false claim. The effect of liquids, even if diamagnetic, on magnetic fields is negligible. Similarly Lightning would be a weakness for two reasons. The heat of it would demagnetize your element and it would be capable of piercing through it. The earth/metals weakness is also illogical. The magnetism KG, which deals directly with magnetic fields, isn't strong to any metals. The effect would be even less pronounced for Earth. Your element wouldn't be strong to every liquid as some are corrosive/acidic and thus strong to most solid elements like this.

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Six Paths

Active member
Oct 27, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Entōropi

Custom element English name: Entropy

The element is based on: Fire, Lightning, Advanced Chakra control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

The Naruto and World and real world have been proven to be similar in many aspects, but the one our attentions is attracted most to, would be the physical laws. We have seen example of how gravity affects matter similarly to our worlds. We have seen how fire feeds on oxygen in order to continue burning, which is another similarity. We have also seen how when a flame is lit for a continuous amounts of time, it will eventually run out of resources and turn off, except for the heat, which will still be present in that closed environment.

This element can be proven in a multitude of ways. When total entropy is reached, there is no more energy to spend. A good example of this is a cup of tea. Now suppose your cup of tea is hot. The tea has a lot of energy compared to the room the tea is in. Over time the heat in the tea will spread into the room. The tea will become colder. This is because the energy (heat) in the tea escapes into the surrounding area. Once the tea has gone cold, there is no more heat that can be spread. The tea has thus reached total entropy. We have seen from these examples how matter and energy, prefers going from one state of order, into disorder when it can. Energy itself, though it’s raw power is eternal and energy can neither vanish nor be created new, it has a fundamental feature which is the fact that under the right circumstances it will spread. This spreading of energy occurs naturally in closed rounds of environments. And even though energy can into right conditions keep itself connected and together, it is states that when energy can, it will surely continue its natural effect, that would be spreading. This natural feature of energy is called Entropy. We cannot dispute the fact that entropy itself exists in the Naruto world, but we can very well say that these features might not be able to be mimicked, but there we are wrong, as we have seen proof of this happening as well. In Myōbokuzan, we have seen how Fukasaku was in the possession of a staff which was able to beat the natural energy of Naruto, when the control over the natural energy failed. Even though this was truly limited to natural energy, we have an indisputable proof, that energy, can be forcefully released from a human body, allowing ninja to have used that property at least once.
Seeing how this property of energy exist, along with the fact that we have seen examples of energy being distributed, we try to mimic it in the closest term. By using natural abilities of fire release and lightning release. The very rough, destructive forces of fire release which have a tendency to weaken the link not only in cases of matter, but even energy itself. As we have seen fire be able to burn through wind easily, oxidizing things around it.

With the unpredictable violent nature of lightning, which is defined as moving forms of energy, under a very advanced chakra control, the user will be able to create the raw form of entropy, which will be a very bright, slightly grey colored form of energy, which moves in a random matter. Once raw energy comes into contact with it, a much sped up form of entropy will be applied on this form of energy, spreading everything up at very high speeds.

How it works:

We have seen in the series multiple times, that fire release has a very strong ability of breaking things apart into more primary components, just like fire has that probability in real life, in Naruto series, we have seen that in these very hot and large temperatures, it can violently, take down very solid structures, to simpler forms. Fire as well, has a property of dispersing very fast. We have seen that if they have no solid fuel, or chakra supply, like when Sasuke and Itachi were facing with the grand fire ball and Amaterasu, the moment they stopped fueling these flames, they dissipated quickly, meaning that they ran out of fuel, and extinguished. Another property, is that we have seen lightning release, when it was fully uncontrollable surge or technique, it would very quickly, spread as fast as possible in different areas in space. Along with that, we very well know of the weakening properties of lightning, especially concerning bonds. We have seen lightning break apart matter very easily, from earth, to even more solid products, if the level of lightning is strong enough.

Energy itself, cannot be created or destroyed, this rule we have already set up, and very well understood, along those lines, we also are very aware that energy has the feature of dispersion, which means that at some given indefinite amount of time, it will spread, until it reaches equilibrium. Using the destructive properties of lightning, along with a careful usage, of the fast dispersion rates of fire, we carefully merge them together in an element, using those properties separately, fueling the dispersion of the flames, with the quick and destructive properties of lightning, in a sense, adding lightning features to the flames on its own, along with a very precise and careful chakra control, the user will be able to mimic, a certain feature, which is rapid, energy dispersion. This element will be created after merging both of these features with one another. The element will be entropy, which will be an energy, purely white, with hues of grey on itself. The energy itself, appears very light, but with a variable density, which will be explained further in the different releases it showcases. This form of energy however, cannot be found it it’s pure shape, unless it has insanely large and vast amounts of chakra. On itself, entropy, will be spread in forms of radiation, which will generally be in a form similar to electromagnetic waves, very similar to sound waves, just slower in forms of being released. This element precisely works only on amounts of pure energy which can be in the vicinity, or trapped within solid matters and constructs. On touch, the energy will be insanely cold, with temperatures almost in the lower spectrums of the negative temperature scale, but that is mostly due to its capability of dispersing the most abundant form of energy, which is heat. Entropy itself varies from similar elements which have been said to be creating the same features at it does, as it does not rely on breaking matter on further components, like decay does, but rather, it focuses on dissipation of energy in the battlefield, having that specific form of energy get lost in the battlefield, not applicable to manipulation anymore. This energy released, will always be in the form of heat. Once energy comes into aspect, entropy will very easily, destroy the connection of the energy, having a certain element of energy, lose its natural property and release itself as heat in the battlefield. The field will naturally mold itself into a hotter state, but due to the vast dispersion it will barely be noticeable. Entropy, rather than Decay, does not rely on direct contact with the said property, rather it relies on coming into the vicinity of this energy. Entropy itself, does not stay in its solid form quick, rather it radiates. This radiation is called Entropic Radiation, and this radiation is capable of moving through any form of energy or solid matter no matter how dense, but it will of course depend heavily on the power of the technique. Entropy can be found in 2 main releases.

Arrow of Time: Main Release
This will be the main and basic shape of entropy which is used generally by the user in the lower ranked range of the element. This release will create the energy, which will be a very bright energy, with gray locations, which will dissipate really quickly once created. This dissipation can be either omnidirectional or located, and will always be in form of a wave. A wave which will naturally obscure vision and move about with the speed slightly slower than sound. The waves will move almost like a really slow beam of light. Bright white light with hues of grey. These waves of radiation are called Entropic radiation and can move through matter and sorts of energy. This radiation will have a very particular and specific effect, as it will essentially, rip through any sort of energy, forcing the connections of one another to become weak. We know that energy is made out of very fast moving particles and entropy will be increasing the rate of natural spreading, which will force the energy to be released all over the battlefield very quickly. This radiation cannot only be based on spreading however, as at will, the user can also encompass different amounts of space, in a sense, a closed hollow form, and dissipate any form of energy that including Chakra, Thermal Energy, Electric Energy, Potential and Kinetic Energy ect. This same particular effect will occur on solids, due to the radiation being able to move through matter. The amount of energy released however, along with the duration is technique based and will further be elaborated in the description of each technique.

Maxwell’s Demon: Advanced Release

This is the most advanced form of entropy, and it is both applicable in the higher ranked techniques along with the durational turn based ones. This release will comfort to the highest level manipulation of the element where the actual strength and pressure of the element along with the concentration and potency are the largest. This will result in Entropy finally remained in that very distinct and concentrated shape, which is the very flame which is bright white, but this time, with a larger amount of grey imbued into them. This flame will at all times, radiate the very same radiation, but this time, it will be very closely connected and tied to that specific object. The user will at all times spend chakra in this object to maintain the flame, or even a shape or construct made by this flame which is essentially high enough concentration of density which will make the shapes strong enough to play on par with tools and weapons, or even solid elements in terms of resilience. Where this stands out truly however, is the fact that Entropic flames, can at will, dissipate into strong blasts of radiation which can in turn be very dangerous, even for the user if unprotected. These flames, will have the very same effect, but they can also be used in one more fashion, which would be the entropic opposite, which is slowing down the spreading to the point of it making release of matter and elements almost impossible. This would in turn even add solidifying features to elements which naturally have no solid shape. But due to that solidification, neither of those elements or constructs can be affected by any sort of outer contact.​

This element was made mostly and purely, for defensive purposes and utilizing a property which has been done with a similar effect, but with another way, and in another form different from before. Entropy differs from Decay not only in the shape and different elemental interactions, but it relies on spreading and total nullification of energetic parts of elements and properties given to other elements and constructs by the mentions of energy, instead of it breaking said matter into more basic ones. Entropy doesn’t make visible the changes made of the element in the environment unless to those who can make out the spread energy or chakra, rather, it dissipates them to no hope of control or manipulation unlike decay. Entropy simply deals with matter in a different concept and direction and different form what Decay does, which makes it stand out as a different form of combat, more versatile, concise and unique. Also it abides by the rules it describes and doesn’t bend any in form of reaching and creating something which should not be possible. In turn, it is not just a fancy form of fire, which can do anything, rather it is a radiating form of energy which allows total control over energetic based combat.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Entoropi: Mu) - Entropy: Nothingness
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B-A Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20-30
Damage: 40-60
Description: While charging entropy based chakra inside his body, the user is able to have the Entropic energy, ignite through parts of their body easily. With the flames being very close to the user, he can now use the abilities of the second release to freely shape the energy into whatever the user imagines, unless the amounts of chakra are necessary. At will, the user can make the shapes of entropy seem solid, but also remove any kind of property from them, and due to them being harmless to the touch, he can use them even before close to the body, without any kind of fear. The entropic flames can at will be dissipated if the user chooses to, and that radiation will be capable of speeding any sort of energy which the user comes close enough with.
Note: Can only be used once every 2 Turns
Note: No Fire or Lightning Release higher than A Rank in the next turn.

(Entoropi: Hermaeus Mōra no Purinsu) - Entropy: Hermaeus Mora’s Prince
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (-15 Chakra to the enemy every Turn when close, -30 When in contact or pierced)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will be able to freely control existing or just created Entropy based techniques freely to activate the 3rd and last also the most destructive form of entropy. Due to the form being extremely dangerous, the user needs to maintain a certain amount of distance from the flames and absolutely not contact them, unless there are means to protect his own skin. Simply being in short range from the entropic flames, will forcefully spread the chakra of the user, and if the entropic flames come into contact or pierce, the dispersion will be double as efficient. Though, this technique itself, can only be used on existing or just created form of entropy, which do not display the advanced Release.
Note: Can only be used once every 3 turns.

(Entoropi: Molag Baru no Yorokobi) - Entropy: Molag Bal's Delight
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 40 (-40 Chakra when in Short-Range, -80 when pierced)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will release very huge amounts of entropic flames through his own body or other mediums through which he is into contact with. Once the entropic flames are in the battlefield, the user will forcefully direct them towards the enemy at very high speeds, and at will can turn the flames, from non shaped to shaped forms easily at will, draining the chakra at a very rapid range. The user is able to keep the flames ongoing as long as he continuously feeds them with chakra, creating more amounts of Damage.
Note: Can only be used 3 times.
Note: No Fire or Lightning technique above A Rank in the following 2 turns

Conditions to be able to use it:

Fire Mastery

Lightning Mastery

Large Amounts of chakra control so Ninjutsu and Genjutsu Mastery

Large chakra Amounts so Kage Rank minimum requirement

Is weak to:

☳ Earth Release - Being a solid element, so matter itself, Entropy will not be able to have any effects against Earth in any fashion. Even though solid shapes of entropy can pierce earth, that is mostly due to their strength and resilience, against the solid shape of Earth itself, Entropy can’t prevail.

☳ Water Release - Being an element with not a real solid shape itself, it still is a tangible element and not energy based, so Entropy itself cannot harm or damage water in any form, giving water a solid advantage against it.

☳ Most Solid or Liquid CE - As they are all non-energy based, and mostly have structures which surpass both their parent element like earth and water, Entropy will not be able to win in face-offs against those special elements, making it extremely vulnerable to it.

Is strong against:

☳ Fire Release - As fire release is an element totally compressed out of flames and heat, Entropy will be able to shine against it, being able to spread the heat and flames through the battlefield at quick rates, making it extremely strong against the flames.

☳ Lightning Release - Because of the same reasons as fire, lightning is an element mostly compressed out of energy gained either from the vibrations or moving flow of electrons. This form of energy, similar to heat can be spread throughout the whole battlefield in small enough traces to not be noticeable anymore.

☳ Wind Release – Because of the speed and power of the energy of movement, Entropic Radiation can very well and efficiently, dissipate the energy within the movements of wind, making the power spread onto the battlefield, in form of harmless gusts of wind. Entropy thus becomes strong to wind and many variants of it, which include even stronger movements of it.

☳ Most Energy Based CE - Considering Entropy is an effect which occurs on energy, any form of it, Entropy will be able to prevail against it in a very strong fashion. Any kind of energy can be spread towards the battlefield no matter how strong the connection of this energy, and due to the intense spread it won’t be able to be traced, felt or controlled by the user anymore.

Co-creator: Starboy

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: "it is not just a fancy form of fire, which can do anything". That decay roast though. While I appreciate your effort in differentiating this from Decay, the two elements still elicit the same result. Even if Entropy works by proximity and has different mechanics, it has too much of a likeness to Decay. The elemental S/W are almost identical. I'm sorry but I don't think this can be approved.

•Revamped EVERYTHING in the how it works section. And Facts section
•Revamped Strengths and Weaknesses
•Revamped almost entire idea, and effect.

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Custom element Japanese name: Entropoton

Custom element English name: Entropy

The element is based on: Fire, Lightning, Advanced Chakra control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

The Naruto and World and real world have been proven to be similar in many aspects, but the one our attentions is attracted most to, would be the physical laws. We have seen example of how gravity affects matter similarly to our worlds. We have seen how fire feeds on oxygen in order to continue burning, which is another similarity. We have also seen how when a flame is lit for a continuous amounts of time, it will eventually run out of resources and turn off, except for the heat, which will still be present in that closed environment.

This element can be proven in a multitude of ways. When total entropy is reached, there is no more energy to spend. A good example of this is a cup of tea. Now suppose your cup of tea is hot. The tea has a lot of energy compared to the room the tea is in. Over time the heat in the tea will spread into the room. The tea will become colder. This is because the energy (heat) in the tea escapes into the surrounding area. Once the tea has gone cold, there is no more heat that can be spread. The tea has thus reached total entropy. We have seen from these examples how matter and energy, prefers going from one state of order, into disorder when it can. Energy itself, though it’s raw power is eternal and energy can neither vanish nor be created new, it has a fundamental feature which is the fact that under the right circumstances it will spread. This spreading of energy occurs naturally in closed rounds of environments. And even though energy can into right conditions keep itself connected and together, it is states that when energy can, it will surely continue its natural effect, that would be spreading. This natural feature of energy is called Entropy. We cannot dispute the fact that entropy itself exists in the Naruto world, but we can very well say that these features might not be able to be mimicked, but there we are wrong, as we have seen proof of this happening as well. In Myōbokuzan, we have seen how Fukasaku was in the possession of a staff which was able to beat the natural energy of Naruto, when the control over the natural energy failed. Even though this was truly limited to natural energy, we have an indisputable proof, that energy, can be forcefully released from a human body, allowing ninja to have used that property at least once. Seeing how this property of energy exist, along with the fact that we have seen examples of energy being distributed, we try to mimic it in the closest term. By using natural abilities of fire release and lightning release. The very rough, destructive forces of fire release which have a tendency to weaken the link not only in cases of matter, but even energy itself. As we have seen fire be able to burn through wind easily, oxidizing things around it. With the unpredictable violent nature of lightning, which is defined as moving forms of energy, under a very advanced chakra control, the user will be able to create a special form of radiation. Radiation which will have both lightnings destructive capabilities and fires heat and ability to weaken links,

Now that we have explained that Entropy itself can be created, we also need to hint towards 2 energies in the naturo world, which are some of the most fundamental energies, which have an effect everywhere around. Potential and Kinetic energy. These energies, are described as the energy an object has in a certain state, which is due to it’s position or form, and the energy that a body has in motion. We all can say that this very well exists in the naruto world. When someone or something is moving at a high speed, we can see very clearly that they have more force added to them. One such example is the 4th Raikage, which was able to outmatch Tsunade’s strength, using his speed in the arm wrestling contest. Along with that, the faster he moves, the more strength his strikes would carry. Potential energy on the other hand, can be explained in many fashions, but the easiest example would be a held up rock in the hand. This rock is being held in a position above the surface of the ground, and has a lot of energy. Once this energy releases, so, we let go of the rock, this energy will be released, turning into kinetic energy as it falls. Another example, would be the total amount of energy contained in a fireball, yet to explode. Once it does, it releases all it’s potential energy.

How it works:

We have seen in the series multiple times, that fire release has a very strong ability of breaking things apart into more primary components, just like fire has that probability in real life, in Naruto series, we have seen that in these very hot and large temperatures, it can violently, take down very solid structures, to simpler forms. Fire as well, has a property of dispersing very fast. We have seen that if they have no solid fuel, or chakra supply, like when Sasuke and Itachi were facing with the grand fire ball and Amaterasu, the moment they stopped fueling these flames, they dissipated quickly, meaning that they ran out of fuel, and extinguished. Flames also have a very specific tendency, and probably the most important one in this set, which is the ability to make links weaker. Any link which would add into a certain property of anything being shown, in high enough temperatures, the separate particles move at higher speeds, making things weaker in their smallest state. Another property, is that we have seen lightning release, when it was fully uncontrollable surge or technique, it would very quickly, spread as fast as possible in different areas in space. Along with that, we very well know of the weakening properties of lightning, especially concerning bonds. We have seen lightning break apart matter very easily, from earth, to even more solid products, if the level of lightning is strong enough.

Using a very specific chakra control, and properties of both of these elements, the user will create a form of radiation, which is visible to the normal human eye, almost like light, but moving much slower through space, about the speed of general fire techniques. This radiation will cause disturbances in vision, and seem ice cold in touch, due to it having a high potent effect on normal heat. However, this specific radiation will not apply to any form of energy, but the very core, which are potential and kinetic energy. This application might seem rather direct and vague, but it’s focus will be rather simple in many fashions. Due to many things all around being comprised of those very energies, it can actually be used in defensive and offensive fashions alike, mostly on techniques, but it could have real life applications on the user along with the terrain surrounding him. Due to the effect of the element only being confined to 2 separate energies, it gives this element an all elemental neutrality, with no strengths and weaknesses and applications which are roughly the same on all the techniques. Entropic Radiation is capable of moving through solid objects. The radiation will forcefully disperse the energies which are either potential of kinetic, which will cause certain effects on different bodies, depending on their state, and depending whether they are relying on either of those energies to delay a certain property or harm. One example would be a flung fireball. Once entropic radiation sets in, it will move through the almost solid form of it, and release the energies of either kinetic or potential energy, or both at the very same time. Back to the said example. A flung fireball, once struck by the entropic radiation would in turn lose all the potential energy which has been given to it, causing this very fireball to explode in a maelstrom of flames, or at times, simple lose it's form and spread the flames across the field. Another application would be the fireball losing all speed of motion, appearing as if the entropic radiation is pushing it back, similar to wind, but in truth it only got rid all the energy of the momentum and speed which finally caused it to stop in that very position it finds itself in. One thing I would like to add is that this application cannot work on energies which are constant and come from nature. You cannot stop bodies from not being attracted to earth, and at the same time you cannot prevent other natural occurrences, which are for example, the rays of the sun. However, everything which is caused by chakra, techniques or movements of weapons and individuals which carry these very forms of energy will be affected directly.

Another direct examples is as this seems to tie a lot in with the shape manipulation, which is supposed to give techniques property, but not necessarily nature manipulation. Another very clear examples as in where we can see that would be in lightning release. As we know, lightning has a tendency on spreading all around. With chakra however, it becomes confined. Releasing the potential energy that lightning has when it is confined, it will cause it to move violently in small, yet harmful sparks which will shock/harm individuals around. Along with that, the very motion of these lightning strikes might be affected as well, as it could be slowed down, almost frozen in space. However when we talk about about solid or semi-solid elements, we can clearly say that this property has more limited results. As said prior, due to Entropic radiation seemingly stopping movements of objects, more solid elements will appear to be slowness down in movements. If a water strike or earth couldn't was flung towards the user, the prior motion picked up by it will seem to slow down, almost come to a halt entirely. When it comes to using liquid elements, it will entirely dependent on what the user desired to take a course of action. Due to those elements having also very restricted and limited shape on their own, truth be told, no shape of their own, if their potential energy is released, water would lose all of its prior shape, simply creating a puddle of water.

The clear differences between this element and decay is the mere fact that now, this element does not rely on breaking apart matter in both form and property, however now it relies on the nullification of energies which at times give a certain object property or energy. It is not only different in form, from a fire-like energy to a radiation. But even to its sense of application, to the effect it has on elements, to everything else in particular. Entropy does not break down the element to further components and it also deals with something decay did not, losing its core effect in terms of momentum, that of kinetic energy, but also the base form, dealing with potential energy. The form of combat with Entropy is not as offensive based as much as it is defensive to its core. It needs the used to be smart, use the terrain, and the techniques of the opponent itself which will ultimately need a more correct usage of the user of this element along with more of a creative display of his general battling, relying more on imagination and strategy than raw power.

However, due to the lack of Entropy in terms of strength, just like other cases of radiation, if there is enough intensity and chakra added in the equation, these waves can also show harmful effects, in terms of the raw physical energy realm. The waves can become strong enough to actually cause physical pain, almost appearing solid. Due to the waves of energy in the form of radiation that this element is spread, if this becomes more confined and dense, it can appear almost solid, still, releasing radiation each time from these solid applications or forms of this very element. The resilience of these shapes can even match that of minerals which are used to make normal weapons. However, that is only done through sustained contact, and in the higher ranks of the techniques and element, of course. Mainly, A-Rank and above.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery of Fire

Mastery of Lightning

Great chakra control so mastery of Ninjutsu and Genjutsu

Is weak to:

Entropic radiation is neutral to all elements.

Is strong against:

Entropic radiation is neutral to all elements.

Co-creator: Starboy

Students I passed this custom element on too: Zaphkiel & Imperfect

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Negative Knight, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Six Paths, our loyal member, gave on the date October 4th 2017 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Entropy Release); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;

Powered by Lord of Kaos
Copyright © 2017, Six Paths,​
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Active member
Apr 23, 2010
Trait Points
to resubmit Lithos Stone

Permission to Resubmit Lithos Stone:

-Removed the part about heating it.

Custom element Japanese name: Risosu

Custom element English name: Líthos Stone

The element is based on
: Earth + Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Líthos stone or otherwise known as Lodestone is a type of naturally magnetized rock attracted to iron and other metals. In the anime we were able to see how substances were capable of being magnetized and possessing magnetic properties. We see this especially with Magnetism release in both Iron Sand and basic Magnetism. Both substances have displayed the ability to expel magnetic currents as well as attract other metals. We were shown with the Basic release of Magnetism possessed by Toroi of Kumogakure, that it is possible to create as well as affect preexisting magnetic currents. He was capable of easily creating magnetic currents by simply making physical contact with a substance. Additionally, in the anime we were shown how magnetism can be used through a medium as shown with Iron sand. Due to the magnetic fields present in the sand it enabled the user to hold the sand together while also possessing magnetic properties.

How it works:

Líthos stone is a type of rock capable of utilizing magnetic currents to attract things towards it or by manipulating the currents in any other fashion. First off, in order to produce Líthos Stone an earth substance must first be present and that is when the user will utilize the Earth element in order to form a base for this element. On to where the rock retrieves its magnetic properties, which is due to Lodestone being found naturally magnetized and being found closer to the earth surface it believed that it is because of lightning that it retrieves its magnetic abilities. This all leads to the user applying their lightning elemental nature in order to bestow the rock with its magnetic abilities. It is because lightning bolts possess strong magnetic fields that it allows for the rock to pick them up whenever contact has been made. Unlike the majority of magnetic substances found on the earth which have a low resistance to demagnetization; this is to say that Líthos Stone itself is a magnetic material which is mainly due to its in homogeneous structure that it is capable of serving as a permanent magnet. After its creation the rock will have an appearance of a brownish to black substance. Also, due to how Líthos Stone possesses its own magnetic field it makes it difficult for certain substances to overcome its magnetic field without succumbing to it. The magnetic fields of this rock are capable of being manipulated as wanted and it can even pass on its magnetic properties with contact or when an object is in its close proximity. While utilizing this rock the user is able to control the rock so, that the magnetic fields can be used to damage a target. If desired any object affected by the magnetic currents can be utilized by the user as their own type of weapon and, with equal or greater force.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Lithos rirīsu: Shūsei unmei) Lithos Release: Amending Destiny
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates a structure of Líthos stone that they will immediately hurl at a target aiming to overcome any metals in the way and hit the target with the blunt force of the rock.

(Lithos rirīsu: Revu~iatan no gōon) Lithos Release: Roar of the Leviathan
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground and creates two slabs of Líthos stone on the left and right of the target. The magnetic currents will be controlled to forcefully pull the target in two directions until they have been ripped apart.

(Lithos rirīsu: Kamigami no tegami) Lithos Release: Beckoning of the Gods
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: NA
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground infusing it with their Líthos chakra. By doing so they convert the ground into Líthos and, this technique will serve to attract all metal based substance to it making them useless.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Earth and Lightning

Is weak to:

Fire and its variations:When heat is applied to this magnetic rock it can cause for it to become demagnetized.

Wind and its variations: Líthos is weak to wind because wind deals with slicing and slashing or otherwise physical abuse which causes disorder in the magnet being affected, diminishing its magnetic ability in the process.

Magnetism: Can potentially cause the element to lose its magnetic properties.

Is Neutral against:

Lightning: It has been shown that Lightning that is composed of electrical currents that can create magnetic fields. The magnetic field of an electrical current is always proportional to its source, so in the case of lodestone a substance that obtained its properties from lightning, this applies to it. The Lightning bolts will always be proportional to the magnetic field of Lodestone unless of pure greater power. This is one way people have been able to use magnetic links to measure Lightning currents. ( )

Is strong against:

Lightweight Elements: Lodestone has a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6.5 making it denser than lightweight elements such as: Marshmallow, Aluminum, and Light

Earth and Metal Based Elements: It is because earth based substances and metals are filled with tinier magnets that they are attracted/susceptible to magnets, but in the process the metals being attracted will twist and lose their velocity/momentum in order for the tinier magnets to align with the magnetic field of Líthos stone. So Earth and Metals possess a weakness against Lithos because the moment a physical substance such as Metal or earth interferes with the magnetic field of Lithos stone its momentum and force will become modified/adjusted quite easily, so it will require that of a stronger Earth or Metal technique in order to pierce through the field without becoming affected and being entirely weakened/thrown off in the process. Instead of always being attracted to the rock itself, said substance can possibly orbit around in the magnetic field of the Lithos rock.

Water: Magnetic materials work exceptionally well in water; making them a good medium to use them inside. Water can be repelled by a strong magnetic field or even exhibit magnetic properties if in a strong enough magnetic field; which means it will overcome the water and liquid/water based Custom Elements.

Ice: The cold temperatures of Ice will serve to increase the stones magnetic properties.

Radiation/Solar Wind: As shown with the earth's own magnetic field it has been proven that a magnetic field can stop/prevent Radiation/Solar Wind from spreading.


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Your S/W are off, mainly due to the reasoning. Water being a strength due to magnetic fields being stronger in liquids is a false claim. The effect of liquids, even if diamagnetic, on magnetic fields is negligible. Similarly Lightning would be a weakness for two reasons. The heat of it would demagnetize your element and it would be capable of piercing through it. The earth/metals weakness is also illogical. The magnetism KG, which deals directly with magnetic fields, isn't strong to any metals. The effect would be even less pronounced for Earth. Your element wouldn't be strong to every liquid as some are corrosive/acidic and thus strong to most solid elements like this.

Custom element Japanese name: Risou

Custom element English name: Líthos Stone

The element is based on: Earth + Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Líthos stone or otherwise known as Lodestone is a type of naturally magnetized rock attracted to iron and other metals. In the anime we were able to see how substances were capable of being magnetized and possessing magnetic properties. We see this especially with Magnetism release in both Iron Sand and basic Magnetism. Both substances have displayed the ability to expel magnetic currents as well as attract other metals. We were shown with the Basic release of Magnetism possessed by Toroi of Kumogakure, that it is possible to create as well as affect preexisting magnetic currents. He was capable of easily creating magnetic currents by simply making physical contact with a substance. Additionally, in the anime we were shown how magnetism can be used through a medium as shown with Iron sand. Due to the magnetic fields present in the sand it enabled the user to hold the sand together while also possessing magnetic properties.

How it works:

Líthos stone is a type of rock capable of utilizing magnetic currents to attract things towards it or by manipulating the currents in any other fashion. First off, in order to produce Líthos Stone an earth substance must first be present and that is when the user will utilize the Earth element in order to form a base for this element. On to where the rock retrieves its magnetic properties, which is due to Lodestone being found naturally magnetized and being found closer to the earth surface it believed that it is because of lightning that it retrieves its magnetic abilities. This all leads to the user applying their lightning elemental nature in order to bestow the rock with its magnetic abilities. It is because lightning bolts possess strong magnetic fields that it allows for the rock to pick them up whenever contact has been made. Unlike the majority of magnetic substances found on the earth which have a low resistance to demagnetization; this is to say that Líthos Stone itself is a magnetic material which is mainly due to its in homogeneous structure that it is capable of serving as a permanent magnet. After its creation the rock will have an appearance of a brownish to black substance. Also, due to how Líthos Stone possesses its own magnetic field it makes it difficult for certain substances to overcome its magnetic field without succumbing to it. The magnetic fields of this rock are capable of being manipulated as wanted and it can even pass on its magnetic properties with contact or when an object is in its close proximity. While utilizing this rock the user is able to control the rock so, that the magnetic fields can be used to damage a target. If desired any object affected by the magnetic currents can be utilized by the user as their own type of weapon and, with equal or greater force.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Lithos rirīsu: Shūsei unmei) Lithos Release: Amending Destiny
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates a structure of Líthos stone that they will immediately hurl at a target aiming to overcome any metals in the way and hit the target with the blunt force of the rock.

(Lithos rirīsu: Revu~iatan no gōon) Lithos Release: Roar of the Leviathan
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground and creates two slabs of Líthos stone on the left and right of the target. The magnetic currents will be controlled to forcefully pull the target in two directions until they have been ripped apart.

(Lithos rirīsu: Kamigami no tegami) Lithos Release: Beckoning of the Gods
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: NA
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground infusing it with their Líthos chakra. By doing so they convert the ground into Líthos and, this technique will serve to attract all metal based substance to it making them useless.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Earth and Lightning

Is weak to:

Fire: When heat is applied to this magnetic rock it can cause for it to become demagnetized.

Wind: Líthos is weak to wind because wind deals with slicing and slashing or otherwise physical abuse which causes disorder in the magnet being affected, diminishing its magnetic ability in the process.

Lightning: Lightning has enough heat and strength to demagnetize and pierce through the rock.

Earth and Metal Based Elements: Earths and metals are easily attracted to Líthos causing it to increase its force in the process.

Is strong against:

Lightweight Elements: Lodestone has a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6.5 making it denser than lightweight elements such as: Marshmallow, Aluminum, and Light

Water: Water can easily become susceptible to a magnetic field which can lead to it easily being repelled.

Ice: The cold temperatures of Ice will serve to increase the stones magnetic properties.

Radiation/Solar Wind: As shown with the earth's own magnetic field it has been proven that a magnetic field can stop/prevent Radiation/Solar Wind from spreading.

Co-creator: Sasori

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Water is only repelled slightly by very strong magnets. A slight repulsion vs a great difference in power doesn't sound like a strength to me, it's a neutrality at best. The strength to water can potentially stay but your reasoning is off once again.

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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Amaiton (amai means sugary but I didn't want to use the lit. Katakana of shugaa)

Custom element English name: Sugar Release

The element is based on: Earth + Water + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

We have seen numerous foods in the Narutoverse specifically things like Dango that are covered in a sugar. Considering that combining earth and water nature's can produce trees, wood and plants, it's not unreasonable to assume that they can produce sugar as well.

How it works:

Sugar is the generic name for sweet, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. There are various types of sugar derived from different sources but mainly plants and trees. Simple sugars are called monosaccharides and include glucose (also known as dextrose), fructose, and galactose. The "table sugar" or "granulated sugar" most customarily used as food is sucrose, a disaccharide of glucose and fructose.
Sugars are found in the tissues of most plants and are present in sugarcane and sugar beet in sufficient concentrations for efficient commercial extraction.

Main Release
Using one's earth and water chakra similar to wood release, one is able to extract sugar from the organic minerals within earth and water sources. With shape manipulation, one is able to refine sugar to a degree where 3 different kinds of sugar products are produced. Either they are solid white or solid brown. However, except for the difference in color which has is supplementary use, they have the same effect. Due to its cristalinity, sugar can be formed into different shape and sizes while their cohesive bond makes them even hard like steel. They are very reactive to fire thus sugar burns easily however, while they burn, there is a risk of sugar dust explosion similar to . Despite their crystalline cohesive bonds which makes them very hard, they are very soluble in water. However, while they dissolve in water, sugar would still be present within the water and could still pose a potent risk when it is ingested in large doses, even though it can't be manipulated by the user in that form.

The sugar is very concentrated in the main release so that when the opponent's body is exposed to even a tiny does, either through open wounds(exposure to blood stream) or through inhalation of sugar dusts(when burned), or assimilation of liquid sugar(when dissolve in water) through the skin. Effect of the toxicity of sugar includes "Acute Diabetes" which would rapidly evolve due to immense sugar concentration. This effect would be rapid in a human and quite debilitating per turn. Side effects of diabetes would be elaborated in techniques. Other effects are "Dementia", "Obesity(advantageous to akimichi instead)", "Cardio Vascular Diseases" and "Tooth Decay". Likewise, all this effects would be elaborated in a CEJ.

Alternate Release
Sugar is abundantly available in animals. For example, the human body contains a lot of sugar which essentially is responsible for physical energy. Using this premise, sugar can be created and released from one's body using one's chakra to create the sugar. Also using chakra, one is able to control the content of sugar in one's body or another body(ally or opponent), through contact or closeness(would be elaborated), either by increasing or decreasing it. Sugar control however would only be possible if one is a medical ninja as one needs to know how the body anatomy works.

Suger Control
By increasing the sugar content within a human, one is able to cause either good or harm. Within the user, who is quite adept at controlling sugar and mold sugar chakra, increasing his own suger content would be advantageous. The increment of sugar within the user would spur immediate metabolism, causing the excess suger to be converted to excess energy instead of the excess sugar linger as a toxic and harmful substance. The excess energy can be further assimilated into the body in two ways. Either the excess body(physical) energy is converted to chakra which adds to the user's chakra pool, or is converted to strength, temporarily increasing the user's physical strength. Other than the user, anyone who has his sugar content increased would be unable to metabolize it and thus the sugar remain as excess within them causing high blood sugar which would cause the aformentioned effects. However due to the sugar already in its final(non-raw) form, the effect would be faster than that of the effects from the main release.

By decreasing the sugar content however, the body cells become starved of energy. This would cause serious complications which includes blurred vision, head ache, loss of strength and loss of consciousness. When used on those that are fat e.g: Akimichi, their reduced sugar would spur their excess fat to burn and convert to sugar. By burning calories and getting thinner, their usage of expansion techniques would be reduced and also, the strength behind their physical attacks. Decreasing sugar content within the user however could be channelled to an advantage. With reduced sugar and because the user has control of his own sugar content and body, he can burn fats within his body and become lighter. Through this, he could temporary gain speed but his strength would be reduced.​

Special Release
Scientists have reported success with the use of sugar to treat serious wounds and burns that are unresponsive to conventional therapy. By dissolving in the tissues of an open wound, sugar produces an environment in which bacteria cannot grow. It has also been said that sugar supplies nourishment to damaged tissues needed for re-growth. The special release likewise has the same strength as the Main Release, albeit very volatile. Once applied to wound, it melts and beecome a syrup which is immediately assimilated into living tissue.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Amaiton no Jutsu: Sugar release technique
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40
Damage: 40-80
The user will gather up their Amaiton Chakra and put the hands to the ground forming rudimentary pillars/shields/walls desired based on the Chakra gathered. A rank techniques need one seal before where S rank will need 3.

Amaiton no Kaiyoo: Ocean of Sugar
Type: supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: NA
The user will make one seal and put their hands to the ground channeling Amaiton Chakra into the ground. This will result in sugar crystals forming over the surface of the earth over the battlefield. This can also be done to cover an earth technique by adding one extra seal into the technique in the same time frame.

Amaiton Rusho: Sugar Rush
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: short
Chakra: 30
Damage: NA
The user will release Amaiton Chakra around their body in small amounts, giving an excess amount of energy to their cells. This will allow them to push their bodies further without losing any energy or effort giving them +20 to taijutsu and doubling their speed.
-lasts 4 turns
-can only be used twice per battle to avoid hyperglycemia.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Sannin rank + Earth and Water Release Mastery + Started Medical Ninjutsu

Is weak to:
Main Release
Lightning: Breaks through and ionizes sugar
Water: High amounts of water dissolve the sugar
Alternate Release
Has no elemental weakness. An elemental Surge of any element of same rank would purge one when used in the same turn of the technique's usage.

Is strong against:
Main Release
Earth: The cohesive bond of its crystal lattice makes it stronger than earth.
Wind: Same as Earth
Normal Fire: Although sugar melts from extreme fire seeing that its melting point is above 100deg, it explodes when exposed to higher fire.
Micro-Organism: Sugar inhibits microbial growth. With its ability to absorb water, withdraw moisture from microorganism causing them to die of dehydration. Examples are Bacteria, Fungi(Mushroom, Algae, Sporangia), Virus, Etc)
Metals: The hydrolysis nature of sugar make it stronger than most metal as they easily become rust and fail by impeding catalytic oxidation from those metals.
Alternate Release

Co-creator: Priest

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

♦ Declined ♦, for starters, the multiple releases have to go; no multiple forms of an element. Sugar will be in one form in general, the stuff you write for Sugar Control needs to be removed and submitted as a CEJ itself if the CE is approved, same with Special Release and Alternate release in general. You also have issues with your strengths and weaknesses; Sugar doesn't rust metals, so I don't know why the metal strength. Sugar also burns quickly in fire; low temp fire causes it to caramelize while high enough temps set it on fire itself. The extreme heat creates sucrose to break down and form a volatile chemical called hydroxymethylfurfural. Sugar dust explosions occur mostly in factories because the sugar grains are heated to remove moisture from it, naturally heating it and creating the volatilr chemical. During this process, dust blows into the air and powdered sugar does as well occasionally. Under the right conditions, an electrical spark from a motor, a pump, from ball bearings rubbing together, or even from a light switch on a wall can set off an explosion, so its not just simply writing "it explodes when exposed to high fire". The reasoning behind the Earth and Wind strengths need to be clarified and worded better. Fire would probably fit better as a weakness than strength given how they actually operate with one another. Sugar being a crystalline solid would probably make it weak to Sound as well. The Metals part is definitely a reach though, and Fire would need tovbe expanded upon. I'd make more comment but the releases themselves need to be rewritten as a whole.
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Active member
Apr 28, 2011
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Sunaarashiton

Custom element English name: Desert Storm Release

The element is based on: Earth, Wind, and Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In the manga, we have seen small earthen particles used in numerous ways in a diverse set of jutsu: Wind techniques such as Dust Cloud Technique, Earth techniques such as Dust Wall technique, and sand ninjutsu in general. In terms of manipulating these dust clouds and constructs to the extent required by Desert Storm Release, we have seen that wind jutsu are capable of manipulating air currents to precise and widespread degrees as displayed by Air Current Wild Dance, and Vacuum Great Sphere. Finally, the low degree of electricity generation and manipulation required by this release is displayed by Storm Release's ability to charge its water clouds with electricity.

How it works: Desert Storm is based on dust storm's natural tendency to have lightning occur within them just as a real storm does. This may be seen as a perplexing phenomenon, as the small earthen particles present in a dust storm typically would serve as an insulator. Just as in a dust storm, however, Desert Storm rectifies this by creating the dust particles with a high degree of movement within the confines of its dust cloud. Therefore, even the smallest clouds and constructs produced by Desert Storm release are in a state of constant flux and movement, spiraling endlessly over themselves. The energy generated by these tiny particles bouncing off each other is enough to even naturally produce tremendous bolts of lightning. Typically, however, Desert Storm release does not take advantage of this particular effect, and instead, in its creation the user simply manipulates the energy produced by the small earthen particles bouncing off each other to generate a continuous electric charge within the confines of the dust storm.

This grants the dust two properties: a paralyzing effect, and blistering hot temperatures. While it is possible to focus the ever present charge of a Desert Storm release into a bolt of electricity, this invariably ends the technique, and causes the surrounding dust to condense, harden, and explode outward as a result of the sudden increase in heat.

Though the user is immune to them, these adverse effects of Desert Storm make it a tremendously dangerous element, with rather diverse applications, as the user is able to use shape manipulation to create wide, battlefield encompassing clouds of it, or focus it into more dense, almost solid structures (accomplished by condensing the dust particles and accelerating rotation speeds).

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Desert Storm Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will create a small cloud or construct of Desert Storm within range, which can then be directed at opponents.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of stated elements

Is weak to: Wind: Wind can easily slice through the dust cloud, and in addition to winds resistance to electricity, it is typically able to easily overpower Desert Storm.

Water: Water is capable of diffusing the electric charge present within Desert Storm and removes the earthen particles ability to bounce off each other, as water naturally makes earth behave more cohesively.

Is strong against: Lightning: While lightning is capable of destroying the earthen particles with enough strength, it has a tendency to just increase the excitement of the particles, generating even more energy release within the dust clouds.

Earth: Earth jutsu will ultimately act as a source for more earthen particles and are easily broken down by the electric current present in Desert Storm.


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: In form this is really no different from Sand or the dust variant of Earth, and can likely be achieved through the use of CJ. The sole unique attribute of your element also clashes with Hellstone Release.

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Active member
May 22, 2011
Trait Points
Resubmitting this. Made several changes based on the past submission.

Custom element Japanese name:Lachrimuton

Custom element English name:Lachrymator Release

The element is based on:Wind Release + Earth Release + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Lachrymators (more commonly known as eye irritants) are gaseous substances which stimulate nerves causing pain and various harmful side effects (chemical rashes, damage to the ocular nerves etc.). In the series we’ve seen things which create the same or similar effects to people. A perfect example of that is the chili bomb shown in the filler arc where Jiraya and Naruto fight the conch king. The chili bomb causes pain on minimal levels breaking the villagers out of Genjutsu. This is the in relation to the chili bombs only at a much higher destructive level.

We've seen other types of projectiles/bombs which release gasses that deal damage to the target. Smoke bombs can cause suffocation and temporary blindness, the 5 Senses Confusion Disorder which messes with the targets senses disorienting them.

How it works:

Tear gas works by irritating mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, mouth and lungs, and causes crying, sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, pain in the eyes, temporary blindness, etc. Lachrymators are thought to act by attacking sulfhydryl functional groups in enzymes. One of the most probable protein targets is the TRPA1 ion channel that is expressed in sensory nerves (trigeminal nerve) of the eyes, nose and mouth.

Lachrymators are eye irritants. The main purpose of this element is to create harm to the opponent by damaging their eyes and respiratory system meaning it’s mainly an offensive element. Using the nature chakra types*Wind and Earth the user is able to create these dangerous substances.

As for how it would be created in the RP, it is simple. The wind portion of the element would be the medium for the techniques while the earth portion would give the required substances for the lachrymator effects to happen.

If you’ve ever faced tear gas or something similar to it you should know how fast the effects kick in. When the target indirectly inhales the substance (so no direct contact is made between the skin and gas) the effects are less lethal but still dangerous. Through indirect contact by inhalation the target would feel an extremely uncomfortable, painful “itch” in his mouth, nose and throat stimulating defensive reflexes such as coughing and sneezing, and also the eyes which causes tearing. After longer indirect exposure the target will get a headache along with dizziness and nausea, resulting in loss consciousness after longer exposure to the substance.

The effects of direct exposure to the gas are much worse than the indirect exposure. When the gas is directly released at the opponent it causes the same effects only at a much higher rate. The respiratory system will be attacked, causing different kind of aches in the chestal area (lungs) making it difficult to breathe while also attacking the remaining respiratory system (mouth, nose) along with nausea and overall weakness. If the targets eyes are directly exposed to the gas the damage to the ocular nerves can be so big the target can turn blind and lose it’s eyesight, though that is only with direct contact. The target will also feel a burning sensation in his eyes making it difficult to see, only water being able to rid of these effects in time.

This element can be considered a counterpart of Perfume Release. While Perfume has the task to attract opponents and lure them in through mild and attractive smells, lachrymators have the task to repel and damage the opponent in the most brutal ways.

Here is a full list of effects lachrymators can cause:

-stinging and burning of the eyes, nose, mouth, and skin
-excessive tearing
-blurred vision
-runny nose
-salivation (drooling)
-exposed tissue may develop a rash and a chemical burn
-coughing and difficulty breathing, including a feeling of choking
-disorientation and confusion, which may lead to panic
-intense anger*

The element will be created either through the users own chakra by expelling it from his mouth and/or body or creating it on the field (proper restrictions will be made).

Usage Examples:

Lachrymator Release: Sweat it off | Lachrimuton: Ase Sorre Ofu*
Type:*Offensive/ Defensive
Chakra:*15 (-5 to keep active each turn)
Description:*The user focuses his chakra throughout his body turning his sweat into a lachrymator. This technique is mainly used in melee range in order to harm the opponent and gain the upper hand in close combat. This is a passive technique, which once activated remains active for the remainder of the battle unless the user cancels it.
Note: Once activated lasts for the remainder of the battle unless cancelled.
Note: Usable twice per battle.
Note: Must be taught by -Cobalt-.

Lachrymator Release: Spray | Lachrimuton: Funsha
Description:*The user performs two hand seals and channels his chakra to his mouth, expelling a lachrymator from his mouth in the form of thick mist which spreads further as it travels further thus covering an expansive area. The user can use a fire technique to ignite the lachrymator gas intensifying the effects of it.
Note: Usable 4 times per battle.
Note: Must be taught by -Cobalt-.

Lachrymator Release: Water Conversion Technique | Lachrimuton: Sui Kaishin No Jutsu
Type:*Supplementary/ Offensive
Range:*Short- Long
Description:*The user focuses his chakra into any present water on the field and turns it into a lachrymator which he can then manipulate to induce the effects of the liquid. Any water can be transformed unless it has no foreign chakra present in it.
Note: Must be taught by -Cobalt-.

Conditions to be able to use it:*Mastery over Wind Release and Earth Release along with accurate chakra control.

Is weak to:

Lightning Release and Lightning based elements: Due to its properties (created by the earth portion of the element) the lightning diffuses the substances in the gas leaving nothing behind and removing the harmful substances.

Earth Release and Earth based elements: Lachrymators in any state can be contained by Earth or Earth based elements, yet it can work as a double edged sword. If the Earth isn't thick enough, it will be infused with the lachrymator stopping the gas though not preventing the harmful substances evaporated in the air.

Is strong against:

Fire Release and Fire based elements: Fire only strengthens the substances in the gas, intensifying the effects. The gas is also highly flammable making it similar to propane in these matters.

Water Release and Water based elements: The gas, when in touch with water is infused into the water creating large amounts of lachrymator liquids. Water basically cannot do anything to the lachrymators.

Organic elements: Wood, Mushrooms and anything similar to that, lachrymators poison the plants when absorbed by them.


Students I’ve passed this onto: N/A
♦ Declined ♦, improper rank. Resubmit at Sannin rank
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Amaiton (amai means sugary but I didn't want to use the lit. Katakana of shugaa)

Custom element English name: Sugar Release

The element is based on: Earth + Water + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

We have seen numerous foods in the Narutoverse specifically things like Dango that are covered in a sugar. Considering that combining earth and water nature's can produce trees, wood and plants, it's not unreasonable to assume that they can produce sugar as well.

How it works:

Sugar is the generic name for sweet, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food. There are various types of sugar derived from different sources but mainly plants and trees. Simple sugars are called monosaccharides and include glucose (also known as dextrose), fructose, and galactose. The "table sugar" or "granulated sugar" most customarily used as food is sucrose, a disaccharide of glucose and fructose.
Sugars are found in the tissues of most plants and are present in sugarcane and sugar beet in sufficient concentrations for efficient commercial extraction.

Main Release
Using one's earth and water chakra similar to wood release, one is able to extract sugar from the organic minerals within earth and water sources. With shape manipulation, one is able to refine sugar to a degree where 3 different kinds of sugar products are produced. Either they are solid white or solid brown. However, except for the difference in color which has is supplementary use, they have the same effect. Due to its cristalinity, sugar can be formed into different shape and sizes while their cohesive bond makes them even hard like steel. They are very reactive to fire thus sugar burns easily however, while they burn, there is a risk of sugar dust explosion similar to . Despite their crystalline cohesive bonds which makes them very hard, they are very soluble in water. However, while they dissolve in water, sugar would still be present within the water and could still pose a potent risk when it is ingested in large doses, even though it can't be manipulated by the user in that form.

The sugar is very concentrated in the main release so that when the opponent's body is exposed to even a tiny does, either through open wounds(exposure to blood stream) or through inhalation of sugar dusts(when burned), or assimilation of liquid sugar(when dissolve in water) through the skin. Effect of the toxicity of sugar includes "Acute Diabetes" which would rapidly evolve due to immense sugar concentration. This effect would be rapid in a human and quite debilitating per turn. Side effects of diabetes would be elaborated in techniques. Other effects are "Dementia", "Obesity(advantageous to akimichi instead)", "Cardio Vascular Diseases" and "Tooth Decay". Likewise, all this effects would be elaborated in a CEJ.

Alternate Release
Sugar is abundantly available in animals. For example, the human body contains a lot of sugar which essentially is responsible for physical energy. Using this premise, sugar can be created and released from one's body using one's chakra to create the sugar. Also using chakra, one is able to control the content of sugar in one's body or another body(ally or opponent), through contact or closeness(would be elaborated), either by increasing or decreasing it. Sugar control however would only be possible if one is a medical ninja as one needs to know how the body anatomy works.

Suger Control
By increasing the sugar content within a human, one is able to cause either good or harm. Within the user, who is quite adept at controlling sugar and mold sugar chakra, increasing his own suger content would be advantageous. The increment of sugar within the user would spur immediate metabolism, causing the excess suger to be converted to excess energy instead of the excess sugar linger as a toxic and harmful substance. The excess energy can be further assimilated into the body in two ways. Either the excess body(physical) energy is converted to chakra which adds to the user's chakra pool, or is converted to strength, temporarily increasing the user's physical strength. Other than the user, anyone who has his sugar content increased would be unable to metabolize it and thus the sugar remain as excess within them causing high blood sugar which would cause the aformentioned effects. However due to the sugar already in its final(non-raw) form, the effect would be faster than that of the effects from the main release.

By decreasing the sugar content however, the body cells become starved of energy. This would cause serious complications which includes blurred vision, head ache, loss of strength and loss of consciousness. When used on those that are fat e.g: Akimichi, their reduced sugar would spur their excess fat to burn and convert to sugar. By burning calories and getting thinner, their usage of expansion techniques would be reduced and also, the strength behind their physical attacks. Decreasing sugar content within the user however could be channelled to an advantage. With reduced sugar and because the user has control of his own sugar content and body, he can burn fats within his body and become lighter. Through this, he could temporary gain speed but his strength would be reduced.​

Special Release
Scientists have reported success with the use of sugar to treat serious wounds and burns that are unresponsive to conventional therapy. By dissolving in the tissues of an open wound, sugar produces an environment in which bacteria cannot grow. It has also been said that sugar supplies nourishment to damaged tissues needed for re-growth. The special release likewise has the same strength as the Main Release, albeit very volatile. Once applied to wound, it melts and beecome a syrup which is immediately assimilated into living tissue.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Amaiton no Jutsu: Sugar release technique
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40
Damage: 40-80
The user will gather up their Amaiton Chakra and put the hands to the ground forming rudimentary pillars/shields/walls desired based on the Chakra gathered. A rank techniques need one seal before where S rank will need 3.

Amaiton no Kaiyoo: Ocean of Sugar
Type: supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: NA
The user will make one seal and put their hands to the ground channeling Amaiton Chakra into the ground. This will result in sugar crystals forming over the surface of the earth over the battlefield. This can also be done to cover an earth technique by adding one extra seal into the technique in the same time frame.

Amaiton Rusho: Sugar Rush
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: short
Chakra: 30
Damage: NA
The user will release Amaiton Chakra around their body in small amounts, giving an excess amount of energy to their cells. This will allow them to push their bodies further without losing any energy or effort giving them +20 to taijutsu and doubling their speed.
-lasts 4 turns
-can only be used twice per battle to avoid hyperglycemia.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Sannin rank + Earth and Water Release Mastery + Started Medical Ninjutsu

Is weak to:
Main Release
Lightning: Breaks through and ionizes sugar
Water: High amounts of water dissolve the sugar
Alternate Release
Has no elemental weakness. An elemental Surge of any element of same rank would purge one when used in the same turn of the technique's usage.

Is strong against:
Main Release
Earth: The cohesive bond of its crystal lattice makes it stronger than earth.
Wind: Same as Earth
Normal Fire: Although sugar melts from extreme fire seeing that its melting point is above 100deg, it explodes when exposed to higher fire.
Micro-Organism: Sugar inhibits microbial growth. With its ability to absorb water, withdraw moisture from microorganism causing them to die of dehydration. Examples are Bacteria, Fungi(Mushroom, Algae, Sporangia), Virus, Etc)
Metals: The hydrolysis nature of sugar make it stronger than most metal as they easily become rust and fail by impeding catalytic oxidation from those metals.
Alternate Release

Co-creator: Priest

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

♦ Declined ♦, for starters, the multiple releases have to go; no multiple forms of an element. Sugar will be in one form in general, the stuff you write for Sugar Control needs to be removed and submitted as a CEJ itself if the CE is approved, same with Special Release and Alternate release in general. You also have issues with your strengths and weaknesses; Sugar doesn't rust metals, so I don't know why the metal strength. Sugar also burns quickly in fire; low temp fire causes it to caramelize while high enough temps set it on fire itself. The extreme heat creates sucrose to break down and form a volatile chemical called hydroxymethylfurfural. Sugar dust explosions occur mostly in factories because the sugar grains are heated to remove moisture from it, naturally heating it and creating the volatilr chemical. During this process, dust blows into the air and powdered sugar does as well occasionally. Under the right conditions, an electrical spark from a motor, a pump, from ball bearings rubbing together, or even from a light switch on a wall can set off an explosion, so its not just simply writing "it explodes when exposed to high fire". The reasoning behind the Earth and Wind strengths need to be clarified and worded better. Fire would probably fit better as a weakness than strength given how they actually operate with one another. Sugar being a crystalline solid would probably make it weak to Sound as well. The Metals part is definitely a reach though, and Fire would need tovbe expanded upon. I'd make more comment but the releases themselves need to be rewritten as a whole.

Basically Revamped it (funnily enough removed everything Priest helped me with xD) and made it a simple plain Custom element.

Custom element Japanese name: Amaiton (amai means sugary but I didn't want to use the lit. Katakana of shugaa)

Custom element English name: Sugar Release

The element is based on: Earth + Water + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

We have seen numerous foods in the Narutoverse specifically things like Dango that are covered in a sugar. Considering that combining earth and water nature's can produce trees, wood and plants, it's not unreasonable to assume that they can produce sugar as well. Another example of nature manipulation on an advanced element nature would be canonical Mud release, Lava release etc.

How it works:

Sugar is the generic name for sweet, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food.
Sugars are found in the tissues of most plants and are present in sugarcane and sugar beet in sufficient concentrations for efficient commercial extraction. Sugar can be broken down into two basic groups. Monosaccharides and Disaccharides. Monosaccharides are simple sugars like glucose or what our bodies use for energy. Disaccharides are when two simple sugars (aformentioned mono's) combine to form a crystalline lattice. This is your every day table sugar etc.
Sugar has quite a few uses, the primary that we use it for a form of energy. there are a few other uses such as flavouring, salt curing, pickling etc.
Sugar as well is a fantastic killer of micro-organisms, fungi and virus's. The reason being that sugar moves water via osmosis on a cellular level dehydrating and killing off the cells.

In context of NB RP;
Using one's earth and water chakra similar to wood release, one is able to create sugar from the combination of elemental chakra that is earth and water, as well as shape manipulation. Without shape manipulation sugar release is just a monosaccharide, glucose, and in an unrefined form. This can be used more on a cellular level but not so well on a large scale. With shape manipulation, one is able to refine sugar to a crystalline structure that is what is commonly known as sugar crystals, which is much more effective at creating structures or combining into a lattice. With the right elemental chakra and shape manipulation one could form one massive tall sugar crystal, or millions of little crystals to form a wall, or even to release glucose all around ones body for a burst of instant energy.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
Amaiton no Jutsu: Sugar release technique
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40
Damage: 40-80
The user will gather up their Amaiton Chakra and put the hands to the ground forming rudimentary pillars/shields/walls desired based on the Chakra gathered. A rank techniques need one seal before where S rank will need 3.

Amaiton no Kaiyoo: Ocean of Sugar
Type: supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: NA
The user will make one seal and put their hands to the ground channeling Amaiton Chakra into the ground. This will result in sugar crystals forming over the surface of the earth over the battlefield. This can also be done to cover an earth technique by adding one extra seal into the technique in the same time frame.

Amaiton Rusho: Sugar Rush
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: short
Chakra: 30
Damage: NA
The user will release Amaiton Chakra around their body in small amounts, giving an excess amount of energy to their cells. This will allow them to push their bodies further without losing any energy or effort giving them +20 to taijutsu and doubling their speed.
-lasts 4 turns
-can only be used twice per battle to avoid hyperglycemia.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Earth and Water Release Mastery

Is weak to:
Fire - Will melt sugar (note, will not destroy the sugar, simply melt it down unable to keep its shape)
Lightning - (sugar isnt ionized, and therefore lightning would make sugar creations loose its bonds and structure)
Sound - Reverberations will shatter crystals

Is strong against:
Wind and wind based CE's. (Wind cannot simply 'destroy' or break sugar. techniques made of millions of sugar crystals would still exist if cut by wind, and even be floating around, caught in the wind itself)
Water and water CEs. (Sugar can saturate water very easily. For comparison, for one cup of water, it takes 5 spoons of salt compared to 3 spoons of sugar)
Micro-organisms, ie bacteria, fungi, viruses, poisons, toxins etc.


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

¤ Declined, better now. Things to point out, the italicized portion; this sentence is problematic and can cause issues in the future with submissions so I'll be clear now: Sugar Release will be a crystalline substance. This can be used like sand, or as earth but the uses that detail cellular sized sugar will be closely monitored and will never be offensive at that size. In regards to S/W, whether or not Fire destroys Sugar comes down to the rank interaction between the two, i.e. if Fire is strong enough, the entire Sugar is being burned away. The Wind strength wording is problematic as well, simplify it into just stating it's crystalline structure makes it harder for the Wind to break it. I'm also not sure how it's strong to Water as you even note how easily it saturates into it. If anything Fire and Water are definite weaknesses
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Active member
Apr 23, 2010
Trait Points
to resubmit Lithos Stone

Custom element Japanese name: Risou

Custom element English name: Líthos Stone

The element is based on: Earth + Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Líthos stone or otherwise known as Lodestone is a type of naturally magnetized rock attracted to iron and other metals. In the anime we were able to see how substances were capable of being magnetized and possessing magnetic properties. We see this especially with Magnetism release in both Iron Sand and basic Magnetism. Both substances have displayed the ability to expel magnetic currents as well as attract other metals. We were shown with the Basic release of Magnetism possessed by Toroi of Kumogakure, that it is possible to create as well as affect preexisting magnetic currents. He was capable of easily creating magnetic currents by simply making physical contact with a substance. Additionally, in the anime we were shown how magnetism can be used through a medium as shown with Iron sand. Due to the magnetic fields present in the sand it enabled the user to hold the sand together while also possessing magnetic properties.

How it works:

Líthos stone is a type of rock capable of utilizing magnetic currents to attract things towards it or by manipulating the currents in any other fashion. First off, in order to produce Líthos Stone an earth substance must first be present and that is when the user will utilize the Earth element in order to form a base for this element. On to where the rock retrieves its magnetic properties, which is due to Lodestone being found naturally magnetized and being found closer to the earth surface it believed that it is because of lightning that it retrieves its magnetic abilities. This all leads to the user applying their lightning elemental nature in order to bestow the rock with its magnetic abilities. It is because lightning bolts possess strong magnetic fields that it allows for the rock to pick them up whenever contact has been made. Unlike the majority of magnetic substances found on the earth which have a low resistance to demagnetization; this is to say that Líthos Stone itself is a magnetic material which is mainly due to its in homogeneous structure that it is capable of serving as a permanent magnet. After its creation the rock will have an appearance of a brownish to black substance. Also, due to how Líthos Stone possesses its own magnetic field it makes it difficult for certain substances to overcome its magnetic field without succumbing to it. The magnetic fields of this rock are capable of being manipulated as wanted and it can even pass on its magnetic properties with contact or when an object is in its close proximity. While utilizing this rock the user is able to control the rock so, that the magnetic fields can be used to damage a target. If desired any object affected by the magnetic currents can be utilized by the user as their own type of weapon and, with equal or greater force.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Lithos rirīsu: Shūsei unmei) Lithos Release: Amending Destiny
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates a structure of Líthos stone that they will immediately hurl at a target aiming to overcome any metals in the way and hit the target with the blunt force of the rock.

(Lithos rirīsu: Revu~iatan no gōon) Lithos Release: Roar of the Leviathan
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground and creates two slabs of Líthos stone on the left and right of the target. The magnetic currents will be controlled to forcefully pull the target in two directions until they have been ripped apart.

(Lithos rirīsu: Kamigami no tegami) Lithos Release: Beckoning of the Gods
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: NA
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground infusing it with their Líthos chakra. By doing so they convert the ground into Líthos and, this technique will serve to attract all metal based substance to it making them useless.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Earth and Lightning

Is weak to:

Fire: When heat is applied to this magnetic rock it can cause for it to become demagnetized.

Wind: Líthos is weak to wind because wind deals with slicing and slashing or otherwise physical abuse which causes disorder in the magnet being affected, diminishing its magnetic ability in the process.

Lightning: Lightning has enough heat and strength to demagnetize and pierce through the rock.

Earth and Metal Based Elements: Earths and metals are easily attracted to Líthos causing it to increase its force in the process.

Is strong against:

Lightweight Elements: Lodestone has a Mohs hardness of 5.5-6.5 making it denser than lightweight elements such as: Marshmallow, Aluminum, and Light

Water: Water can easily become susceptible to a magnetic field which can lead to it easily being repelled.

Ice: The cold temperatures of Ice will serve to increase the stones magnetic properties.

Radiation/Solar Wind: As shown with the earth's own magnetic field it has been proven that a magnetic field can stop/prevent Radiation/Solar Wind from spreading.

Co-creator: Sasori

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Water is only repelled slightly by very strong magnets. A slight repulsion vs a great difference in power doesn't sound like a strength to me, it's a neutrality at best. The strength to water can potentially stay but your reasoning is off once again.

Custom element Japanese name: Risou

Custom element English name: Líthos Stone

The element is based on: Earth + Lightning

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Líthos stone or otherwise known as Lodestone is a type of naturally magnetized rock attracted to iron and other metals. In the anime we were able to see how substances were capable of being magnetized and possessing magnetic properties. We see this especially with Magnetism release in both Iron Sand and basic Magnetism. Both substances have displayed the ability to expel magnetic currents as well as attract other metals. We were shown with the Basic release of Magnetism possessed by Toroi of Kumogakure, that it is possible to create as well as affect preexisting magnetic currents. He was capable of easily creating magnetic currents by simply making physical contact with a substance. Additionally, in the anime we were shown how magnetism can be used through a medium as shown with Iron sand. Due to the magnetic fields present in the sand it enabled the user to hold the sand together while also possessing magnetic properties.

How it works:

Líthos stone is a type of rock capable of utilizing magnetic currents to attract things towards it or by manipulating the currents in any other fashion. First off, in order to produce Líthos Stone an earth substance must first be present and that is when the user will utilize the Earth element in order to form a base for this element. On to where the rock retrieves its magnetic properties, which is due to Lodestone being found naturally magnetized and being found closer to the earth surface it believed that it is because of lightning that it retrieves its magnetic abilities. This all leads to the user applying their lightning elemental nature in order to bestow the rock with its magnetic abilities. It is because lightning bolts possess strong magnetic fields that it allows for the rock to pick them up whenever contact has been made. Unlike the majority of magnetic substances found on the earth which have a low resistance to demagnetization; this is to say that Líthos Stone itself is a magnetic material which is mainly due to its in homogeneous structure that it is capable of serving as a permanent magnet. After its creation the rock will have an appearance of a brownish to black substance. Also, due to how Líthos Stone possesses its own magnetic field it makes it difficult for certain substances to overcome its magnetic field without succumbing to it. The magnetic fields of this rock are capable of being manipulated as wanted and it can even pass on its magnetic properties with contact or when an object is in its close proximity. While utilizing this rock the user is able to control the rock so, that the magnetic fields can be used to damage a target. If desired any object affected by the magnetic currents can be utilized by the user as their own type of weapon and, with equal or greater force.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Lithos rirīsu: Shūsei unmei) Lithos Release: Amending Destiny
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates a structure of Líthos stone that they will immediately hurl at a target aiming to overcome any metals in the way and hit the target with the blunt force of the rock.

(Lithos rirīsu: Revu~iatan no gōon) Lithos Release: Roar of the Leviathan
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground and creates two slabs of Líthos stone on the left and right of the target. The magnetic currents will be controlled to forcefully pull the target in two directions until they have been ripped apart.

(Lithos rirīsu: Kamigami no tegami) Lithos Release: Beckoning of the Gods
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: NA
Description: The user slams their hands on the ground infusing it with their Líthos chakra. By doing so they convert the ground into Líthos and, this technique will serve to attract all metal based substance to it making them useless.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Earth and Lightning

Is weak to:

Fire: When heat is applied to this magnetic rock it can cause for it to become demagnetized.

Wind: Líthos is weak to wind because wind deals with slicing and slashing or otherwise physical abuse which causes disorder in the magnet being affected, diminishing its magnetic ability in the process.

Lightning: Lightning has enough heat and strength to demagnetize and pierce through the rock.

Is strong against:

Earth/Water: Lodestone is harder and denser than the average rock making it capable of breaking earth and stopping the flow of water.

Radiation/Solar Wind: As shown with the earth's own magnetic field it has been proven that a magnetic field can stop/prevent Radiation/Solar Wind from spreading.

Co-creator: Sasori

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Lord of Kaos, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:

Ushiro, our loyal member, gave on the date November 27th 2017 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Lithos Stone Release); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;

Powered by Lord of Kaos
Copyright © 2017, Ushiro,​
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Permission From Sasori to resubmit this

Custom element Japanese name: Sukoria

Custom element English name: Scoria

The element is based on: Fire + Earth + Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): In the Manga there have been multiple ways that Lava style has been implemented into a Ninja’s jutsu. This specific type of molten rock is tied greatly to Roshi and his Tailed Beast's ability to use the jutsu “Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique” which produces boulders of molten rock. The molten rock from that Lava technique is greatly tied to volcanoes which shows that the user would be capable of manipulating substances that derive from volcanoes as well as some volcanic rock. With the information that it is possible to heat molten rock this element focuses on the ability to cool magma on rocks which turns it into a different substance. This not only shows that it is possible to manipulate molten rock, but possible for the user to manipulate it into a different substance to create a black,or dark gray to deep reddish brown rock known as Scoria. To better help understand this element, Scoria is quite similar to when one slowly opens a soda bottle. As they open that soda bottle small, round bubbles form along the inside surface of the bottle. Then when the bottle is fully opened it releases larger bubbles, and a hiss of gas escapes from the bottle followed by a rush of a foam like material. The depressurization and escape of gases is the same process by which magma is depressurized as it exits a volcanic vent. The foam is equivalent to what the end result of Scoria is when it solidifies.

How it works: In order to initiate the process of creating Scoria— one must first apply tremendous pressure towards the earth. While the earth is enclosed the user then begins to heat the earth to a state of molten-like earth. Once the rock has reached the designated heat levels the user then begins to surround earth with their wind chakra which causes for it to be cooled tremendously. At the moment that Scoria begins to cool, the pressure placed among the molten rock is then reduced greatly, as the rock is also being cooled gases start to escape in the form of bubbles. Now comes the precision part of creating the element, if the wind being applied to the molten rock solidifies the rock before the gases can fully escape the bubbles become small rounded cavities along the surfaces of the rock which is exactly what is wanted to create Scoria. Due to the fact that the earth solidified before the gases could all escape some of the gases and air are trapped inside in the form of bubbles with the wind and gases that are extremely hot and explosive. While trapped inside of Scoria its gases are in a dormant state free of risk of exploding. Only when Scoria has been destroyed will it explode. The gases are capable of exploding and at risk of it because the gases are extremely hot and have been confined in a space which will be the rock and inside it has been building up pressure. All the gases need to explode at this point is a leakage in order to be released which can be done by destroying it.

Normally, in real life cases the molten rocks are cooled because they are propelled into the air from erupting volcanoes, but in this case the user can achieve the same effect by applying the Wind Element to it to cool it. Also, as the user places Wind around the earth with the heat and pressure added to it, it releases gases out of it. The bubbles found along the surface of Scoria rocks are commonly known as vesicles containing trapped gases and air. The thick walls of Scoria also make it a heavy element weighing about 100 pounds per cubic foot making it heavier than earth, and light weight elements. When dealing with Real life situations Scoria has been known to be able to be crushed into different shapes and objects. Also, because it is heavier than earth it can be used to supplement the steel used in buildings making it play on equal terms with elements such as steel with a higher density than earth. Another property of Scoria is its ability to provide a good insulator for heat so it serves as a good way to keep heat inside, but also increase the Scoria rock itself. Something to note is that Scoria is mainly formed from rising magma is introduced to lower pressures, and has gases released which were trapped inside from the quick solidification of it. Overall, Scoria is a type of cooled molten rock which contains hot/explosive gases and air inside of it making it quite hollow.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Sukoriarirīsu: Gurētosukoriarirīsu) Scoria Rease: Greater Scoria Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This jutsu enables the user the ability to crush pieces of Scoria to create shapes and objects only limited by the user’s imagination that can explode.

(Sukoriarirīsu:Suishin gasu) Scoria Release: Propelling Gas
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will first create a large boulder of Scoria with many vesicles along the surface of it.

(Sukoriarirīsu: Ko 胞 Haretsu) Scoria Release: Vesicle Rupture
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will first construct a large piece of Scoria out of the surrounding ground.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth + Fire and Wind

Is weak to:

Lightning- Lightning can easily plow through and destroy the rock.
Water- Water also will act as wind does to Scoria, and serve as a way to cool it down. When water comes in contact with Scoria will cool down it’s hot outside surface, but as well as decrease the temperature inside of the rock itself.

Is strong against:

Earth- Scoria has been shown to have higher densities than ordinary earth structures.
Sound- It is mainly because Scoria has air trapped inside of it which would weaken the sound waves itself when it came in contact with Scoria as it tried to pass through it.
Fire- Scoria is strong to fire due to the rocks high flame resistance simply meaning that because of the rocks outer shell being accustomed to such pressures and heat it will require more strenuous power from a flame in order to destroy it, releasing the gases in the process.
Wind- Due to the gases and air trapped inside of Scoria it makes it difficult for wind to actually blow it way due to how heavy and sturdy the rock actually is.

Co-creator: Sasori

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: Elemental S/W are still wrong. You mention Water is strong to Scoria because it's like Wind, but then you list Wind as a strength. Not to mention the reasoning for Water being weakness is pretty illogical. How does decreasing it's temperature destroy or counter the technique in any way? Swap the places of Wind and Water, the former would be strong to Scoria and the latter weak to it. I'll allow the strength to Fire but remove the mention of Sound. The presence of gases in the rock wouldn't interfere with it's travel. There's also one more thing you need to rectify. The creation of an element should be purely about the chakras combined to make it. The whole 'How it Works' section needs to be amended. Look at Bromine or Dream Sand for an example of this. Your element needs to be a product of those chakras alone, there shouldn't be any external components like needing to heat the ground otherwise you'd be unable to create it from your body.
Custom element Japanese name: Sukoria
Custom element English name: Scoria
The element is based on
:Fire + Earth + Wind
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
In the Manga, there have been multiple ways that Lava style has been implemented into a Ninja’s
jutsu. This specific type of molten rock is tied greatly to Roshi and his Tailed Beast's ability to use the jutsu “Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique” which produces boulders of molten rock. The molten rock from that Lava technique is greatly tied to volcanoes which shows that the user would be capable of manipulating substances that derive from volcanoes as well as some volcanic rock. With the information that it is possible to heat molten rock, this element focuses on the ability to cool magma on rocks which turns it into a different substance. This not only shows that it is possible to manipulate molten rock, but possible for the user to manipulate it into a different substance to create a black, or dark gray to deep reddish brown rock known as Scoria. To better help understand this element, Scoria is quite similar to when one slowly opens a soda bottle. As they open that soda bottle small, round bubbles form along the inside surface of the bottle. Then when the bottle is fully opened it releases larger bubbles, and a hiss of gas escapes from the bottle followed by a rush of a foam-like material. The depressurization and escape of gases is the same process by which magma is depressurized as it exits a volcanic vent. The foam is equivalent to what the end result of Scoria is when it solidifies.
How it works:
In order to initiate the process of creating Scoria— one must first combine together their earth, fire, and wind chakra natures. The user's earth chakra serves the role of creating a base for the element and applying tremendous pressure towards the earth. The addition of Fire chakra allows it to have a state of molten-like earth. The addition of Wind chakra allows the creation to trap and sustain gases within the earth. It is important to note that the wind nature is applied in just the right amounts in order to solidify the molten rock and before the gases can fully escape the bubbles become small rounded cavities along the surfaces of the rock which is exactly what is wanted to create Scoria. With the gas trapped inside the creation and superheated, it is in the form of bubbles that are extremely hot and explosive. While trapped inside of Scoria, its gases are in a dormant state free of the risk of exploding. Only when Scoria has been destroyed will it explode. The gases are capable of exploding and at risk of it because the gases are extremely hot and have been confined in a space which will be the rock and inside it has been building up the pressure. All the gases need to explode at this point is a leakage in order to be released which can be done by destroying it.
Normally, in real life cases the molten rocks are cooled because they are propelled into the air from erupting volcanoes, but in this case, the user can achieve the same effect by applying the Wind Element to it to cool it. The bubbles found along the surface of Scoria rocks are commonly known as vesicles containing trapped gases and air. The thick walls of Scoria also make it a heavy element weighing about 100 pounds per cubic foot making it heavier than earth, and lightweight elements. When dealing with Real life situations Scoria has been known to be able to be crushed into different shapes and objects. Also, because it is heavier than earth it can be used to supplement the steel used in buildings making it play on equal terms with elements such as steel with a higher density than earth. Another property of Scoria is its ability to provide a good insulator for heat so it serves as a good way to keep heat inside, but also increase the Scoria rock itself. Something to note is that Scoria is mainly formed from rising magma is introduced to lower pressures, and has gases released which were trapped inside from the quick solidification of it. Overall, Scoria is a type of cooled molten rock which contains hot/explosive gases and air inside of it making it quite hollow.
Jutsu Usage Examples:

(Sukoriarirīsu: Gurētosukoriarirīsu) Scoria Rease: Greater Scoria Release
Type: Offensive/Defensive Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This
jutsu enables the user the ability to crush pieces of Scoria to create shapes and objects only limited by the user’s imagination that can explode.
(Sukoriarirīsu:Suishingasu) Scoria Release: Propelling Gas
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will first create a large boulder of Scoria with many vesicles along the surface of it.
(Sukoriarirīsu: Ko 胞 Haretsu) Scoria Release: Vesicle Rupture
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will first construct a large piece of Scoria out of the surrounding ground.
Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth + Fire and Wind
Is weak to:
Lightning (Lightning based CE): Lightning can easily plow through and destroy the rock.

Wind: Due to the powerful slicing winds involved in the wind element, it allows them to easily destroy the rock with ease (This applies to Wind base CE with cutting properties).
Is strong against:
Earth: Scoria has been shown to have higher densities than ordinary earth structures. (This applies to Earth Elements that plays on the same density field as earth, being equal to those strong to earth)
Fire (Fire based Elements): Scoria is strong to fire due to the rocks high flame resistance simply meaning that because of the rocks outer shell being accustomed to such pressures and heat it will require more strenuous power from a flame in order to destroy it, releasing the gases in the process.

Water (Water base elements that's weak against earch) Scoria is strong to water because of how tough and hardened Scoria is, so just like with regular earth, so water would suffer a weakness to it.
Co-creator: Sasori
Students I passed this custom element on too:
& ?

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e

I, Lord of Kaos, head of the Custom Elements Bureau, declare for all men to hear that I give you the following:
Phaizon[FONT], our loyal member, gave on the date December 19th 2017 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Scoria Release); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned Patent on this element by the following;


Powered by Lord of Kaos

Copyright © 2017, Phaizon,

Note: Following an Official Request of Ownership Change, Sasori now owns the Patent for Scoria Release and Phaizon no longer holds this Element.
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Active member
May 31, 2014
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Fantomu

Custom element English name:
Phantom Release

The element is based on:
Advanced Chakra Control + Fuinjutsu

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Phantom release is based on the user’s ability to manipulate chakra as well as mastery over sealing arts. Phantom release is based on Fuinjutsu because as we have seen in the Naruto world it is possible to seal objects and things of that nature. Phantom release has a relation with Fuinjutsu because it is capable of “Sealing” in its base form without the help of outside factors. It is mainly because of the principle of sealing that Fuinjutsu is based on, that Phantom release has something in common with it. It is because of the user’s chakra that is manipulated in this style that it possesses a white glow and is translucent. Phantom release is based on a technique seen in the anime known as the Dead Demon Consuming Seal. This technique summons forth a shinigami that is capable of sealing objects. Phantom release is based on this technique because the Dead Demon Consuming Seal proves the existence of another plane or rather existence of different sorts. Phantom release can be seen hovering over and around the Shinigami when it is summoned (The six orbs). Additionally, this element was proved to exist via the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. When the statue was summoned it was able to release from its mouth an ethereal chakra that was capable of easily sealing and draining opponents of their chakra.

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How it works:
The method of forming Phantom release comes mainly from the users ability to manipulate chakra. Due to where Phantom release originates from (The shinigami) it is only necessary for the user to be able to control and produce chakra. When dealing with Phantom release, it incorporates chakra and ninjutsu in one of its rarest forms. Upon the right mixture and concentration of chakra the user will be capable of producing this rare element. However, the user will need to refine their chakra control in order to produce such a complex and advanced element. Whenever Phantom release is produced, it will take the appearance of a fireball, but will be translucent in color. Due to Phantom release being an advanced element it is possible or the user to create the element anywhere ranging from the ground to the air. The user is also free to manipulate the element in any way they want in order to produce different shapes. It is because Phantom release is essentially intangible and has no physical form that it is possible for elements that possess weight to easily move through it. This however is not considered a weakness because of Phantom releases’ main ability which is sealing. This natural sealing property the element has does not refer to sealing physical objects, but rather sealing the chakra inside of them

Regarding its abilities, Phantom release has the innate ability to naturally seal objects and such with little effort. Whenever the element comes into contact with another person, it will basically seal off a portion of that person’s soul and cause the part of their body that was sealed to take on a black colored. The sealing process causes no direct harm, but the part of the person’s body that was sealed will essentially become paralyzed after the sealing is finished. This process is exactly like what happened with Orochimaru when the Third Hokage sealed his arms. When faced with the different base five elements Phantom release will have different effects, but the end result will be the same which will be the element being sealed.

When dealing with Earth based substances, the moment the element came in contact with Phantom release it would immediately begin to be sealed. The earth based substance will have its chakra drained out of it and will begin to shrivel up and turn to a fragile black substance that will fall apart after being sealed. In regards to water elements, the same result will essentially happen with the chakra being sealed and being dispelled. In regards to lightning and fire release and other energy based elements, Phantom release will be able to seal the entirety of the element due to the elements being purely energy based. Lastly, when dealing with wind elements, Phantom release will just seal the chakra off from the wind causing it to just be a harmless current. On to Phantom release’s interactions with different elements, Phantom release is neutral to all elements because Phantom release can only seal elements of equal rank and chakra. If a low ranked Phantom release technique is used against another higher ranked jutsu then the Phantom technique will be incapable of sealing the entirety of the technique and due to its intangible form, it would allow the element to simply move through the Phantom technique after being slightly weakened. So it would require a technique of equal rank to seal another technique entirely.

Jutsu Usage Examples:

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over basic Fuinjutsu and the ability to use chakra

Is weak to:

Phantom Release is neutral to all elements

Is strong against:

Phantom Release is neutral to all elements


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

¤Declined, this is not an element
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Active member
Mar 16, 2011
Trait Points
Custom element Japanese name: Kafein

Custom element English name: Caffeine Release

The element is based on: Earth+Water+ Precise Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): An Element that is based off of minerals/substances found within Earth and Water. Substances made from/found from numerous plants created from different environments of the planet. By properly extracting carbon and nitrogen from the ground (Like how some ninjas are able to extract some minerals from the ground however this will be extracted in the molecular form)and adding hydrogen and oxygen to it from water using very precise chakra control the element of Caffeine is brought to life. An element that is capable of affecting an individual in numerous ways, from mental to physical.Caffeine is known to Heightened ones focus, relieve pain temporarily, pump up adrenaline, some side effects of too much caffeine can lead to dehydration[Due to the caffeine being a diuretic]and even overdosing. Caffeine with the additive of water, will take on a slightly denser liquid form, light brown or pure black in shade. [Tea is seen throughout the Narutoverse, meaning caffeine exist]

How it works: For Generations, the use of caffeine, most known from coffee, has been consumed / used for varies reasons from consumption to medical assistance, most caffeine[Coffee] users, use the substance to help provide more focus and energy into their minds and bodies. Here in the RP world by using Precise chakra control to extract minerals/substance from the earth that can be used to create caffeine, in which the user may release the caffeine within their body for various affects, such as heightening self awareness and focus, granting a greater intuitive like sense, for a temporary period of time, or by channeling a higher amount of water chakra with the created Caffeine, the user will be able to create a physical form, of slightly denser streams of water, Slight brown or pure black in appearance[depending on the jutsu used].These streams of Caffeinated Water may potentially cause certain imbalances within a living organism upon contact, such as, amplifying the affected individuals heart rate, causing them to potentially become paranoid[affecting their mindset of decision making and awareness], also wearing down on exposed bones[softening the material of the bone, also causing it to turn a yellowish color], all due to the Caffeinated Water being manipulated by the users own chakra. Caffeine alone, cannot be spread through the air with wind jutsu.

The Four Main Element Compounds found within Caffeine,all of which can be extracted from/with the help of Earth and Water, Carbon-Hydrogen-NItrogen-Oxygen.

Caffeine is a Central Nervous System stimulant, also known as the worlds most widely consumed psychoactive “drug”. The most prominent effect is that it reversibly blocks the action of adenosine on its receptor and prevents the onset of drowsiness induced by adenosine. Caffeine also stimulates certain portions of the autonomic nervous system. Most drinks containing caffeine are ingested to relieve or prevent drowsiness and to improve performance. Caffeine can have both positive and negative health effects, Examples: over consumption can lead to dehydration, the proper amount may reduce cognitive delay.

-Facts of Cognitive Improvements: Proper doses of Caffeine can reduce fatigue and drowsiness, may improve learning and memory, but it generally improves reaction time, wakefulness, concentration and motor coordination, caffeine use has synergistic psychoactive effects that promote alertness and attention. Can be used to break from genjutsu up to a certain rank, according to the Caffeine jutsu used.
-Facts of Physical Improvements: Caffeine improves athletic performance, from improving sprint performance, and overall endurance, delaying the onset of muscle fatigue. Can be used to boost speed level, up to Three levels higher than base speed. Examples: E,D,C ranks +1| B,A ranks +2| S,F ranks +3 to speed level, the effects last as much as the jutsu last.
-Side Effect: Overusing too much Caffeine chakra at once can become harmful to the user. Users may use up to, Two Caffeine Release jutsu [out of their Three] per turn. Using Three Caffeine Release jutsu in one turn may result in an Overdose, nullifying the Caffeine effects in the users last jutsu made, as well as restricting them to wait 5 turns before being able to build enough Caffeine Chakra to use again.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Kafein: Asa Kappu) Caffeine Release: Morning Cup
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20[Per Turn]
Damage: N/A
Description: The User will gather a decent amount of Caffeine chakra within themselves, in which the Caffeine chakra will chemically interact with the users mind and body, enhancing their awareness and focus. Example, allowing the user to feel the slightest shift in movement around them, within a 5 meter radius. This does NOT grant the user the ability to “Feel” chakras, since it isn’t a Sensory tech, although the user will potentially be able to make the most precise decisions, in which also helps with seeing through genjutsu, due to their focus being amplified. .
Note: Breaks Genjutsu of B rank and below/ Sharingan Genjutsu of C rank and below.

-Usable Twice per Battle, with a 3 turn wait period before re-using after deactivation.
-Lasts up to 3 turns or until deactivation, costs 20 chakra per turn to keep active

(Kafein: Bakuro) Caffeine Release: Exposure
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will disperse a surge of immense Caffeine chakra into any water source, that has made contact or that the user is in contact with. Forcefully turning the water into Caffeinated Water, allowing manipulation of the water with their hands .

-Water must be of A rank or below
-Usable 3 times per battle
-Must wait 3 turns between every use

-(Kafein: Eketai Rasshu) Caffeine Release: Liquid Rush
Type: S
Rank: Attack/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The User will gather large amounts of Caffeine chakra within themselves channeling it into their mouth along with water chakra, before they spew it out with high speeds, creating large waves[Up to 8 meters in height] of Caffeinated water to flood the battlefield. Caffeinated waters can be used as a water source for the user, to perform other water based techs alone or combined with the caffeine. Caffeinated water has the ability to soften any exposed bone(s) by 1 rank against Kaguya users[S-->A].
Note: User has control of the waves of Caffeinated water through hand movements.
Opponents must Neutralize the Caffeine within the water before they’re able to try and use the water as a source for their own use.

-User has control over how far the flood extends
-For the user to use his waves as a water source for other water only jutsu, they must state that they decaffeinated the section of water, in which their using to perform said current water jutsu.
-Usable twice per battle
-Unable to perform another Caffeine Release jutsu within the same turn

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth, Mastery of Water. Rank of Kage and above with Precise Chakra Control.

Is weak to: Lightning&Fire, Elements in which can nullify the effects of Caffeine particles. A person effected by Caffeine release may use jutsu that allows them to heat their bodies up, burning/electrifying exposed caffeinated particles.[As well as heat or electrify Caffeinated water, Nullifying its effects, while still maintaining its density]

Is strong against: Water, Earth, Elements in which the Caffeine effects can interact with.

Co-creator: Beifong

Students I passed this custom element on too:

✗ Declined: This has been submitted in the past, most recently by Yashiro if I remember correctly, so you'd need his permission (or whoever submitted it last) to make this.

Custom element Japanese name: Kafein

Custom element English name: Caffeine Release

The element is based on: Earth+Water+ Precise Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): An Element that is based off of minerals/substances found within Earth and Water. Substances made from/found from numerous plants created from different environments of the planet. By properly extracting carbon and nitrogen from the ground (Like how some ninjas are able to extract some minerals from the ground however this will be extracted in the molecular form)and adding hydrogen and oxygen to it from water using very precise chakra control the element of Caffeine is brought to life. An element that is capable of affecting an individual in numerous ways, from mental to physical.Caffeine is known to Heightened ones focus, relieve pain temporarily, pump up adrenaline, some side effects of too much caffeine can lead to dehydration[Due to the caffeine being a diuretic]and even overdosing. Caffeine with the additive of water, will take on a slightly denser liquid form, light brown or pure black in shade. [Tea is seen throughout the Narutoverse, meaning caffeine exist]

How it works: For Generations, the use of caffeine, most known from coffee, has been consumed / used for varies reasons from consumption to medical assistance, most caffeine[Coffee] users, use the substance to help provide more focus and energy into their minds and bodies. Here in the RP world by using Precise chakra control to extract minerals/substance from the earth that can be used to create caffeine, in which the user may release the caffeine within their body for various affects, such as heightening self awareness and focus, granting a greater intuitive like sense, for a temporary period of time, or by channeling a higher amount of water chakra with the created Caffeine, the user will be able to create a physical form, of slightly denser streams of water, Slight brown or pure black in appearance[depending on the jutsu used].These streams of Caffeinated Water may potentially cause certain imbalances within a living organism upon contact, such as, amplifying the affected individuals heart rate, causing them to potentially become paranoid[affecting their mindset of decision making and awareness], also wearing down on exposed bones[softening the material of the bone, also causing it to turn a yellowish color], all due to the Caffeinated Water being manipulated by the users own chakra. Caffeine alone, cannot be spread through the air with wind jutsu.

The Four Main Element Compounds found within Caffeine,all of which can be extracted from/with the help of Earth and Water, Carbon-Hydrogen-NItrogen-Oxygen.

Caffeine is a Central Nervous System stimulant, also known as the worlds most widely consumed psychoactive “drug”. The most prominent effect is that it reversibly blocks the action of adenosine on its receptor and prevents the onset of drowsiness induced by adenosine. Caffeine also stimulates certain portions of the autonomic nervous system. Most drinks containing caffeine are ingested to relieve or prevent drowsiness and to improve performance. Caffeine can have both positive and negative health effects, Examples: over consumption can lead to dehydration, the proper amount may reduce cognitive delay.

-Facts of Cognitive Improvements: Proper doses of Caffeine can reduce fatigue and drowsiness, may improve learning and memory, but it generally improves reaction time, wakefulness, concentration and motor coordination, caffeine use has synergistic psychoactive effects that promote alertness and attention. Can be used to break from genjutsu up to a certain rank, according to the Caffeine jutsu used.
-Facts of Physical Improvements: Caffeine improves athletic performance, from improving sprint performance, and overall endurance, delaying the onset of muscle fatigue. Can be used to boost speed level, up to Three levels higher than base speed. Examples: E,D,C ranks +1| B,A ranks +2| S,F ranks +3 to speed level, the effects last as much as the jutsu last.
-Side Effect: Overusing too much Caffeine chakra at once can become harmful to the user. Users may use up to, Two Caffeine Release jutsu [out of their Three] per turn. Using Three Caffeine Release jutsu in one turn may result in an Overdose, nullifying the Caffeine effects in the users last jutsu made, as well as restricting them to wait 5 turns before being able to build enough Caffeine Chakra to use again.

Jutsu Usage Examples:
(Kafein: Asa Kappu) Caffeine Release: Morning Cup
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20[Per Turn]
Damage: N/A
Description: The User will gather a decent amount of Caffeine chakra within themselves, in which the Caffeine chakra will chemically interact with the users mind and body, enhancing their awareness and focus. Example, allowing the user to feel the slightest shift in movement around them, within a 5 meter radius. This does NOT grant the user the ability to “Feel” chakras, since it isn’t a Sensory tech, although the user will potentially be able to make the most precise decisions, in which also helps with seeing through genjutsu, due to their focus being amplified. .
Note: Breaks Genjutsu of B rank and below/ Sharingan Genjutsu of C rank and below.

-Usable 3x per Battle, with a 3 turn wait period before re-using after deactivation.
-Lasts up to 3 turns or until deactivation, costs 20 chakra per turn to keep active

(Kafein: Bakuro) Caffeine Release: Exposure
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will disperse a surge of immense Caffeine chakra into any water source, that has made contact or that the user is in contact with. Forcefully turning the water into Caffeinated Water, allowing manipulation of the water with their hands .

-Water must be of A rank or below
-Usable 3 times per battle
-Must wait 3 turns between every use

-(Kafein: Eketai Rasshu) Caffeine Release: Liquid Rush
Type: S
Rank: Attack/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The User will gather large amounts of Caffeine chakra within themselves channeling it into their mouth along with water chakra, before they spew it out with high speeds, creating large waves[Up to 8 meters in height] of Caffeinated water to flood the battlefield. Caffeinated waters can be used as a water source for the user, to perform other water based techs alone or combined with the caffeine. Caffeinated water has the ability to soften any exposed bone(s) by 1 rank against Kaguya users[S-->A].
Note: User has control of the waves of Caffeinated water through hand movements.
Opponents must Neutralize the Caffeine within the water before they’re able to try and use the water as a source for their own use.

-User has control over how far the flood extends
-For the user to use his waves as a water source for other water only jutsu, they must state that they decaffeinated the section of water, in which their using to perform said current water jutsu.
-Usable twice per battle
-Unable to perform another Caffeine Release jutsu within the same turn

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth, Mastery of Water.

Is weak to: Lightning&Fire, Elements in which can nullify the effects of Caffeine particles. A person effected by Caffeine release may use jutsu that allows them to heat their bodies up, burning/electrifying exposed caffeinated particles.[As well as heat or electrify Caffeinated water, Nullifying its effects, while still maintaining its density]

Is strong against: Water, Earth, Elements in which the Caffeine effects can interact with.

Co-creator: Yashiro

Students I passed this custom element on too:
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