Ruined Temple (235)


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Ruined Temple

The Ruined Temple is a singular religious site in Tobusekai located at the heart of an offshoot of the Strand of the Ancients. The temple is positioned along the rivers and is the only notable quality of the region, especially when compared with the sprawling religious complex that is the Strand to the North. It is noted that the temple here was destroyed by the Great Mother Cult recently, although for reasons that are not entirely clear. The amount of rubble that remains suggests that the temple was once one of the greatest structures throughout the land.


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:

Explore an abandoned site ( 2 )
Try to heal the spreading rot and destruction ( 4 )

Summary: Everywhere he goes in Tobusekai, Sado only finds the remains of the Mother Cult. What started as rumors, that he heard in the Lost Shores have all but been confirmed during his exploration. This land is just like the others he's seen, the Dead Marshes. Sentinel's Stand, Hagoromo's Last Hearth. Each devoid of life brought to the brink of destruction by an infestation. The cultists take and take and take and they never return anything to the land leaving them to fester and rot and fall apart. During his exploration, Sado will try yet again to stop this. Note, the "try" aspect of the second element. My bio is supposed to fail in doing so, to motivate him to continue what he's doing. I want to give him a reason to want to delve into Yin and Yang and to learn about them more. If he could change the world and overcome the Mother Cult that would be the power he needs. Yin, Yang and Yin-Yang seem to be the only abilities he can obtain that can mend the destruction and rot upon Tobusekai. The Mother Cult's abilities seem spiritual in nature something Sado is unfamiliar with.
It's just more of the same. I don't know why you claim these lands over and over.

They're broken, devoid of life, and rotten. Best to cut the poison from the body before the rot sprea

Salazzle was speaking her mind. She was being brutally honest as she remained atop Sado's shoulder. Sado frowned slightly as he and his salamander summon mad their way into yet another darkened, broken land. His eyes scanned the horizon as he noticed the damaged structures. The ground was sick with the same rot that he had seen everywhere else. The Dead Marshes, Sentinel's Stand, Hagoromo's Last Hearth. Each landmark he had been in the last few days had been rundown, destroyed, and crushed under the weight of the Mother Cult. This land, it was no different and Salazzle's words got to him. The best he could do for the Dead Marshes was hide the decay and hope that it would return to the soil. Why couldn't he fix this? He thought to himself his mind becoming more erratic and frustrated.
Sado moved forward entering into the land proper noticing how incredibly huge this place used to be. It was some kind of religious architecture, that was plain to see, however, the rubble told a different story. The corpses that littered the abandoned site of worship told a story of desperation, and fear. Numerous individuals tried to flee from here, and that bothered the kinder, more sympathetic parts of Sado's mind. His more sadistic tendencies had been sealed away for a long time bottled up behind the Resonance seal. Was it like Salazzle told him? Was this all for naught? Were his efforts useless? These thoughts rushed into and out of his mind as he made his way deeper into the complex.
Various bodies littered the ground, the temple, and the river, long rotten and decaying. Pitch darkness had overtaken the ground here. It was cold to the touch and perpetually dead or dying. No flora or fauna could be found anywhere. Sado actively looked but there weren't many places to hide signs of life. It got to him, well it wasn't just this place, it was all of the places he had been to. Each of them forcing their way out of his mind making him see the worst in these lands.

I feel-...

His voice was hollow for a moment, he couldn't even finish his sentence because he didn't know what he felt. For once in his life, he was at a loss for words. Salazzle made valid points he thought. He found himself partially agreeing with her. He continued to scan the horizon for life, it was pointless though if there was any his Sage Mode would be able to sense it.
The goliath reached over grabbing a portion of the rubble lifting it up and tossing it to the side allowing him access to the actual temple itself. Trapped behind it were more bodies, it seemed woman, and children had gotten trapped deep within the compound behind the rubble. Was this really any worse than what he did to Degarashan? Sado turned away, he didn't need to enter into that place to know what had happened. It wasn't that different from what he saw every day but maybe that thought was what brought him to his breaking point.
In silence, he took several steps forward toward the center of the barren land. Why did it have to be like this? Why couldn't he change it? Why did everything take so long!? It took him a year to build Tsumigakure, that was all the effort, sweat, blood, and time he could muster. Sado was a man of instant gratification. This showed in his use of Shadow Clones, with so many of them spread out throughout the world he could always have something being completed and something to be proud of that he could claim as his own work. Sado knelt down upon the ground tilting his upper body and resting his right hand on the ground.
He tried to funnel copious amounts of healing natured Yang energy into the ground like he had done to heal his allies, or how he had used it in that riddle in Hagoromo's Last Hearth. He knew this energy had the potential to do what he wanted it to. However, none of the things he had learned were what he needed.
With real anger and frustration, he filled the area around him a short-range area in the ground with Yang. He thought maybe like a poison acting on the body he could purge the decay, rot, and death from the land by overwhelming it with life-giving Yang energy.

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.
It was easy to see it had no effect, even if it did it wouldn't have the far-reaching effect he needed. ****, he thought. It was futile. He did know other Yang techniques though, he had used them before. One of them had to be the answer to his dilemma. The Yang energy immediately faded away rising from the ground as wisps of white-hot energy not clinging to the ground or having any tangible effect on the decay, rot, and ruin. He remembered that one technique that had allowed him to create a wave of Yang energy, maybe that could work?
He was obviously grasping at straws as Salazzle saw him gradually descend into a more manic state. He went deeper, and deeper losing himself, to himself. He was willing to try anything to get a result, well anything that would give him a fast result. He released a wave of Yang energy through his body and it radiated through the air, and the ground around him as he tried to force it to stay.
He wanted it to heal the scarred land, to aid the flora, and birth new-life from nothing. But that wasn't what it could do. It did, give his salamander summon a pair of wings though as she cocked her head to the side confused with what had just happened. Sado was growing madder and madder. Those were the techniques he thought might have an effect on the flora. They didn't do anything.

( Yoton: Jigoku no Enjin ) - Yang Release: Ring of Hell
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 for touch based version/100 for ranged version
Damage: N/A
Description: By channeling copious amounts of Yang energy, the user is able to infuse others with this, temporarily enhancing their physical attributes. This is achieved in two ways, either by direct touch or proximity. The first is more limited to a single person but has greater benefits; those channeled directly into will be able to reduce 35 damage from physical contact and gain physical alterations to their body that the Yang energy 'breathes' into life, such as twice the height or width of their body, additional arms or legs, etc as long as within reason and used solely for physical purposes. Should the user use the alternative release, then he is able to release Yang energy from his body up to Long range away, affecting all allies in the range. This variant allows the user to augment all allies with the same type of changes, ranging from all gaining wings to more. These changes only last a limited time, however; after 3 turns pass, the grown appendages or changes fall and revert back to normal. Depending on the alteration, one of a few benefits might be obtained.
Note: If additional arms, stronger arms or alterations related to the arm are made, then the target will gain an additional +20 to Taijutsu. If the changes target the head, the user is able to grant a 2x tracking. If leg based alterations are made, then the target will gain either +4 levels to his base speed or +20 damage to leg based tai. If changes target the torso, then an universal durability boost of B rank Ninjutsu immunity is obtained and if wings or similar is created, then the user is able to fly at thrice their speed.
Note: The damage and speed boosts are considered Passive and Base Speed increases. The values listed in the techniques are if the touch based variant is used. If the ranged variant is used, then these benefits are reduced by gained on a lesser scale ( +15 to Tai instead of +20, +2 Speed Levels, 1.5x Tracking, or -15 from all physical clashes).
Note: Touch based variant can only affect up to two people per event. Ranged variant creates a wave of Yang energy that affects up to 3 allies and lasts up to 4 turns.
Note: Can only be used three times in total.


Salazzle was actually taken aback by that pure flash of rage as she watched Sado lift his arm into the air. What she didn't see was in a fit of rage, like a child throwing a tantrum and breaking what wouldn't bend to his will Sado had channeled Yang energy through his right arm. As he lifted his arm high into the air his body underwent a Sage Transformation creating a booster upon his shoulder throwing all of his weight into one final strike of pure anger, and hatred. Both at the Mother Cult, and everything he couldn't fix. It pissed him off, and it sent him over his tipping point.
At the last second, he even increased the weight of his fist increasing the weight of his strike further blasting his hand against the ground with so much force that the shockwave shook the earth it struck. The tremor was immense as the building behind him shook and quacked more rubble tumbling from the top and landing around him scattered around. What was left, after the resounding thud of his fist against the rock hard ground was a huge crater larger than his own body by ten-fold.
So enormous in fact that water from the river began to spill into it creating a meager pond adjacent to the river that bisected the land into sections. It seemed to him that all he could do was destroy he worked so hard to build something, but breaking was so much easier. With everything he had he fervently build Tsumigakure, and with everything he had he bound the lands of the Badlands of Earth together, and with everything he had he tried to better the world around him.
From this landscape, and the others he was learning that all he could do was destroy. The Battle of Shinramoto, the Razing of Degarashan, he was nothing but a Demon that caused pain, turmoil, and strife. He didn't feel any better than the Mother Cult at that moment as he sat there looking at the destruction he had caused.

( Yoton: Sutairu wa otoko ) - Yang Release: Styles Separate Man
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 50
Damage points: 100 ( +30 to a physical technique ) ( +80 ) = 180
Description: Similar to Power of the Sun, Ring of Hell or Yang State this technique works on amplifying the strength of the body through the application of Yang energy however instead of doing that through a drawn out mode it aims to do it for an instant. The user sends a swell of Yang energy through their body to a specific area augmenting the strength and speed of that limb for a few brief moments allowing that area of the body to move faster and hit harder just at that moment. A simple example would be reinforcing the arm with Yang energy and landing a direct punch while under the momentary effects of the technique. The arm while affected by Yang energy would move at x3 the user's current speed and deal a significant amount of damage on the level of the EIGs or other similarly high-level taijutsu. This increases the usability of these properties much more than a mode because it doesn't require them to adhere to a set predictable style like Power of the Sun or Yang State which forces them into a set pattern of movement or restricts their abilities. Alternatively, the burst of Yang energy and subsequent strength can be used in the same timeframe as another taijutsu technique granting it +30 additional damage but removes the potential for the technique to do its own inherent damage.
Note: Can be used twice with a four-turn cool-down
(Senninka: Funsha Atooshi) - Sage Transformation: Jet Booster Boost
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A ( +40 to a physical move )
Description: The user will manifest jet like appendages from his body to boost the damage of a punch, kick or other taijutsu related move by triggering them in the right point and adding more power to his attack. It can also be used supplementary to, for example, increase his strength to throw an ally or a projectile or to help defend from a technique by putting more strength behind a defensive move. Beyond a damage boost, the speed of whichever move is used in conjunction with it is greatly increased.
(Doton: Chō Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+40 if used to add damage)
Description: A more advanced version of the Earth Release: Added Weight Rock Technique, in which the user drastically increases the weight of any object in direct physical contact, but to a much greater extent than that of the original ability. This technique can increase the weight of a target up to 100 times. Under certain circumstances, the technique can be used to increase the force behind attacks.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.
You feel powerless and broken and that confuses you.

You healed and helped your friends, binding them together in comradery.

You healed the Badlands of Earth, you're healing Tobusekai. Why can't you heal yourself?

The salamander said, in a forthright tone. It was obvious she believed every word she said.

It's what you've felt your entire life, Sado if you want to ask me. I've watched you over this year since you made me your personal summon, and I've learned about you. More than you realize actually. I can say with certainty you are, undoubtedly a wounded healer. I've seen it before in many shinobi, like you. Your heart aches for those things around you that are broken, be they people, be they, creatures, be they lands, or homes or families. It's because you so desperately want to heal yourself, but you no matter what seal you use, what technique you learn you just can't. So you heal everything, and everyone around you, until you're the only thing left that's broken. You've done it since I met you. Hoping from one project to the next, to the next leaving clones behind to clean up your messes. Take a break. Just for today.

As she said that Sado fell back his gaze ending up on the sky watching the clouds move and the darkness spread.

He stared at the sky for a long period of time his feet and legs sitting in the miniature pond he created in his rage.

I just want to be better than before.

Sado said as the clouds cleared slightly the sun shining down around him nearly blinding him.

You are.

The salamander replied as she pulled a modest flower from the ground around Sado's head dropping it on his forehead. It seemed in his desperation, no matter how futile it was, something did find the capacity to grow. It showed that Yang energy could be used for what he wanted, he just had to practice and work at it. When he finally found himself ready to leave he left a Tsumigakure banner.

Note: Claiming LM
ELM from LM ( 241 ) |
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Mission Element(s):
  • Investigate a contaminated Landmark [Custom]
You must be registered for see medias
With an open mind of dealing with the obnoxious threat of supernatural corruption, Alucard and his two summonings would reach the shores of an unknown landmark in the north central part of the Tobusekai. Having rode the tide of the cursed Hokubu sea, the remnants of corruption and famine had been obvious and the thought of diving down to face the source itself had crossed Alucards mind several moments. At this point though, he knew nothing of the situation in its deep abyss and going in recklessly like that was not what he wanted to do at this point and time. Instead he would help the settlers of the coastal towns to fend off the monsters climbing out from the sea.

..Would seem like these lands have already been destroyed..

Alucard noticed the ruined and massive temple that laid scattered across the hills in bits and pieces. With a long sigh, he would use his tenseigan in order to grab a hold of chakra signatures and their locations all around him.

( Doujutsu: Tenseigan ) - Eye Technique: Reincarnation Eye - (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( -10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: The Tenseigan (転生眼, Literally meaning: Reincarnation Eye) is a powerful dōjutsu utilized by the Ōtsutsuki clan. The combination of the Byakugan and the chakra of an Ōtsutsuki clan member can evolve the Byakugan into the Tenseigan, resulting in the loss of the Byakugan's quasi-omnidirectional and distanced vision.The Tenseigan allows the user to control both attractive and repulsive forces, similar to the Rinnegan's Deva Path. The user's eyes are on the same level as the Mangekyou Sharingan in terms of tracking and chakra perception. Additionally, it also grants the wielder the ability to use Tenseigan Chakra Mode; gaining additional increases in speed, agility and power.
Note: Requires activation (spending move) for Otsutsuki bios but remains active indefinitely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having a complete Otsutsuki bio with Tenseigan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. User needs to have activated Byakugan before and had it active for 1 full turn.
Note: Toneri is unable to deactivate his upon it's activation, becoming his default eye state.
Note: When active, the user loses all access to Byakugan related abilities and instead gains Tenseigan effects.

It would seem like the amino geis had made quite the imprints over the bay and the temple of late, and there was no doubt that spawns of Tiamat had been in the viscinity and attempting to turn everything into theirs. As a matter of fact, the ground itself was contaminated, forcing Alucard and the trio to float above it in order to not risk being overtaken by its sheer mutative force. Alucard therefore created a massive floating platform by using his chakra and gravitational pull, enough to fit him and his two summonings on it and float about 5 meters above the ground.

( Tensei Hakai no Beruto ) - Reincarnation Belt of Destruction
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (-15 per turn)
Damage points: 60
Description: Using their manipulation of gravitational forces, the user is able to gather nearby debris present in the battlefield (anything will do as long as its tangible), concentrate them into small "clumps" and begin floating them around in mid air, short range around themselves, creating a defensive belt of debris. The user can then use these debris as projectiles to attack the enemy by commanding them thorugh hand gestures and throwing them at the target.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.
Note: Depending on the characteristics of the debris, the technique can be used to defend to up to A-Rank techniques and can be regenerated by using the technique again to add more debris, returning it to its original strength.

From their platform, Alucard would pinpoint the corruption and follow it more inlands. There were no sign of life anywhere except the almost pulsating ground, filled with the mutagen. Abandoned villages, and houses would scatter the midlands of the landmark while there were several traces of footsteps and other leading towards the south east part of the landmark, indicating a massive insurrection. Something had chased the inhabitants of the land south in a fast pace.

Seems like this didn't happen too long ago though, we might still be able to catch up with the enemy and help the people that once lived here. It's safe to say they can't stay no more but they might still harassed and attacked on their evacuation route.


Right, let's hurry.

Alucard and his statue would remain on the statue while Blaziken would jump into the air and passively activate his Eight Inner Gates and use the immensive force and speed acquired to him to jump on air molecules.

( Hachimon ) The Eight Inner Gates - (Passive - 6th)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body. The user opens the gates in sequence, up to the desired gate to achieve its effects. Opening the gates is a fast process and can be done in mere moments up to the 7th gate. When one initially opens up to a given EIG, that opening lasts up to 4 turns. After completing training, users are capable of opening up to the 5th Gate passively. Opening additional gates after initial activation adds 2 turns per activation. However, there is an exception; opening the last and 8th gate can only lasts for 3 turns.
  • ( Kaimon ) - The Gate of Opening: The user activates The Gate of Opening or First Gate, which is located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so he can begin to access 100% of their strength. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus. This gate adds +5 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 1.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -5 damage per turn.
  • ( Kyūmon ) - The Gate of Healing: The user activates the Gate of Healing or 2nd Gate (also named Rest Gate) which is located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body. This gate adds +10 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -10 damage.
  • ( Seimon ) - The Gate of Life: The user activates the Gate of Life or 3rd Gate which is located in the Spinal cord. The increased blood flow turns the skin red. Allows the user to use Hidden Lotus. This gate adds +15 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Shōmon ) - The Gate of Pain: The user activates the Gate of Pain or 4th Gate (also named Wound Gate) which is located in the Spinal cord, lower than the Seimon. Increases the user's strength and speed. May cause muscle tissue to begin to tear on use. This gate adds +20 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Tomon ) - The Gate of Limit: The user activates the Gate of Limit or 5th gate, which is located in the abdomen. Increases the user's speed and power. This gate adds +30 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3.5x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Keimon ) - Gate of View: The user activates the Gate of View or 6th Gate, located in the stomach. Increases the user's speed and power. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of chakra that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user. Allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock. This gate adds +40 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 4x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -25 damage.
  • ( Kyōmon ) - The Gate of Wonder: The user activates the Gate of Wonder or 7th Gate which is located below the stomach. Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a green chakra coating. However, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds after exiting this gate, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches him. Allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger. This gate adds +60 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 7x faster. This gate also adds +20 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -40 damage.
  • ( Shimon ) - The Gate of Death: The user activates the Gate of Death or 8th Gate, located at the heart, requiring the user to puncture their chest just above the heart in order to open it, enabling the user to achieve what is described as The Eight Gates Released Formation" ( Hachimon Tonkō no Jin ). Opening this gate will cause the user's blood to emanate a flaming aura of red steam, the so-called Steam of Blood ( Chi no Jōki ) from all pores of their body, hair, and eyebrows. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy while making the heart pump at maximum power. Exceeding the power of every other gate, the user is temporarily granted power far exceeding their normal power, far beyond that of the five Kage. Once activated, those who are capable can perform the Evening Elephant and the Night Guy. The side effect of opening this gate is that it comes at the expense of the user's life, causing the user to crumble to ash after their chakra runs out, having virtually cooked themselves from the inside-out. This is unlike opening the other gates, which simply injure or damage the body. This gate adds +120 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 8x faster and allows the user to warp space with his Taijutsu and its speed.
Note: The EIG users can only open the gates twice per fight, meaning that if he allows the EIG opening to time out, he can only open the EIGs once more during the match.
Note: Starting with the fifth gate, EIG users begin to feel the side effects of each gate as they time out.
Note: The user cannot use other self powering techniques (such as custom variations of Lightning Armor, Sage Mode, etc) while he has EIG opened
Note: After use of the 8th Gate, the user will pass away.

( Sukaiu~ōku ) - Sky Walk
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A skill usable by all EIG users to move at high speeds to dodge, attack or defend from techniques. The ability pertains to movement in the battle field, meaning running, walking, jumping, dashing, etc and its speed depends on the Gate currently opened.
Note: This follows the same rules and restrictions of Flicker Evasion.

Upon granting his summoning the powerup, Alucard would look closely towards the traces that they found along the way until he found a large distant portion of chakra. He signaled to Blaziken the direction, who hurried over there in a blitzing speed but just in time for Alucard to call him back in an instant. He knew that the spawns of tiamat possessed one of the most advanced forms of chakra sensory, let alone one of the most advanced means to suppress it too. This whole thing could very well have been a huge set-up and the chakra that he saw could very well be the inhabitants of the landmark but already enslaved to the amino geis and act as pawns. He didn't like the setting, a surprise attack could linger from any direction at this point and thus they flew upwards higher into the clouds just to be sure. Suddenly, Alucard would notice an incoming chakra signature from the ground several hundred meters underneath them.

What th..

It didn't look like it was an individual, but rather a technique. Blaziken was quick to react and would summon a massive fireball from its mouth which had added damage from the gates as well as Blazikens own intrinsic perks. Massive flames would expel from the Pokémons mouth and completely destroy the incoming blast of Sea of Life while falling to the ground like solid fire meteors and hit the ground causing massive craters and firestorms from the origin point of the Sea of Life black mud and areas around it.

(Katon: Ryūen Hōka no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Dragon Flame Release Song Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 45
Damage: 60 80 + 20 = 100
Description: After performing the hand seal Tiger the user compresses a large amount of chakra built up inside their body, before instead expelling it in the form of a number of dragon head-shaped fireballs. The user then skilfully manipulates that great fire, and attacks their opponent. The temperature of the created flames is so great that, even with the briefest of contact, they are capable of easily burning human flesh and the fireballs are dense enough to behave almost as solid, being able to deliver impact damage in adition to the fire damage. However, this also means that they can be deflected as a solid projectiles.

Alucard would space out the massive flames that started to spread out throughout the lands below. He looked at his pokémon while inhaling sharply.

..I mean.. Yeah.. i guess..Now i just need to go down there and find out if anything is still alive...
They would all descend again to check on the collateral damage caused by Blaziken. Alucard could still not pinpoint any chakra signs except the ones that were gathered at the very borders of the landmark to the south east. They decided to head there with extreme caution. Upon closing in on the mass of fatigued chakra, Alucard would notice movement around the dark forests even though he could still not trace any movement related to chakra which meant it was the spawns of tiamat using chakra suppression to conceal their positions at all times. How annoying he thought, as he would use precise target practising upon noticing the next shiver in the forest floor. He raised his arm and held it infront of his eyes and moments later, he would spot movement.

By manipulating gravity once again, Alucard would force the creature towards him in a linnear stream. The creature tried to get loose from the ultimate grip, but failed miserably to Alucards amusement.

( Tensei Hōyō ) - Reincarnated Embrace
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Using his Tenseigan, the user is able to use gravitational abilities to pull something to them. The user will use his hands to focus the direction and the target his wishes to pull towards him. Comparative to Banso Tenin, this technique isn't an omnidirectional effect but rather a precise one. The user is able to pull anything he can perceive towards him. In certain uses, the user will be able to direct the pulled target as its being pulled into large arc-like movements, but will always end up pulling them towards him.
Note: Once used, takes 1 turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

Once the creature had been anchored and tied down on their floating platform, Alucard would start to inspect it with his Tenseigan. The size of the creature was the same of a small kid and it would uncontrollably burst out amino geis to the point that Alucard was forced to knock it out with a genjutsu that would force it to sleep after a while, during which time he forcibly held it down.

( Nehan Shōja no Jutsu ) - Temple of Nirvana Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user makes one handseal, placing all the targets in the area under an illusion where feathers appear to fall from the sky. This slowly puts the opponents to sleep after one turn.

After a while, the creature fell asleep. Alucard would place it and Blaziken on a treetop while he and the moon statue would continue further towards the chakra directing his pokémon to guard the creature and stay off the ground in order not to be contaminated. They closed in on the massive gunk of chakra and the creatures surrounding the forest would increase in numbers. Sporadic attacks from left and right would occur, upon which, Alucard would erect a millimeter thick barrier ontop of his platform and clothes to protect himself against the Sea of Life mud through the use the Jinton chakra he possessed.

(Jinton: Chūmon suru chikai | Dust Release: Oath to Order)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A/S(A)
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30/40(-10/15 turn)(30) + 10 = 40
Damage: 60/80 (80)
Description: Oath to orde is a simple technique which combines dust release and advances chakra manipulation. The user touches any object they want to affect or weaves three seals to affect an object up to mid-range away from them this coating will originate from the users body and spread its way towards/around the object the user wants to use this technique on. The technique infuses a chosen object(as long as it has a physical structure, such as a solid or liquid, summonings, clones and the user themselves cannot) and coat it with a 3D barrier, only a mm thick. This barrier will disintigrate anything it touches and deal massive amount of damage following the S/W of dust release. This barrier can only coat one object at a time or if S-rank version is used, two objects can be coated at the same time but each coating will be of A-rank. The user can send additional chakra passively to fuel the technique, making it last longer at the cost of their chakra reserves.

Note: A-rank variation can only be used four times per battle while S-rank version can only be used twice.
Note: Requires a cooldown of two turns after usage for S-rank version but only one turn for A-rank version.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

The barrier would withstand the attacks while the moon statue was unphazed by their attacks completely as it lacked proper sentience and life-force it could not be corrupted by the Amino Geis. After half an hour of constant attacks, they would reach the emission of chakra and god was not present in this scene.

..I'm thinking meatballs, you thinking meatballs?
..:バズ :..
In a landslide, the entire population of the landmark had gathered. In a genocidal meat-grinding process, advocated by the mother cult and hundreds of tiamat monsters having expelled the Amino Geis through the entire land and corrupted the population, but only after they had put them in a meat-grinder. The creatures on the far end of the chaos were in the process of turning every person into their meatslave. The chakras were dimming off as the corpses of the once living people mixed in with the newly enslaved creatures yet still unable to suppress their chakra. Alucard would release his dust technique upon activating his Tenseigan Chakra mode. The only upside to this chaos was that he could go all-out without having to think about trying to spare anyone as none of the once-human lives in the area were able to be saved anymore.

( Tenseigan Chakura Mōdo ) - Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40 ( -15 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Tenseigan Chakra Mode is a heightened transformation unique to those who possess the Tenseigan. Upon activating this form the user gains a cyan-coloured chakra shroud with six magatama markings on his collar, dark markings over his eyebrows and lower eyelids, and a single horn shaped like Kaguya's extending from his forehead. The shroud constantly radiates flickering flames of chakra, and the user's clothing and hair continuously billow upwards.The user also gains access to six spheres created from the Pupet Cursing Technique in their offensive use, turning them into glowing cyan orbs that can be used by shaping them into smaller orbs to launch high-speed barrage attacks and explosions. The user's strength is significantly increased adding +30 to his Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques. Their speed is also greatly increased to the point in which he surpasses the Raikage while in the second stage of Lightning Release Armor.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle, each use lasting 6 turns. After using, the user must wait at least 3 additional turns before using again.
Note: Can only be used by Custom Otsutsuki Bios with the Tenseigan.
Note: Requires Tenseigan active.

His rage was portraid through the fierce transformation but it was also glowing with his resolve. Upon noticing his power-up, the creatures would launch a consecutive force of Sea of Life matter towards Alucard. He did not fret or recoil towards the symphony of destruction that was heading his way. The cyan glowing orbs that rotated around his back would be used to the same extent of that of the truth-seeking balls but to a much lesser decree. He still didn't have the skill to use the truth-seeking orbs along his tenseigan chakra mode. The puppet cursing orbs would form around Alucard like an obsidian asteroid belt and deflect the damage of the Amino Geis while pulverising it to dust.

( Ningyō Noroitama ) - Puppet Cursing Technique - (Passive)
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 + 30 = 110
Description: The user molds his chakra into the form of a green-coloured sphere. This sphere is held and can be seen as similar to the Rasengan in appearance. By sending it at an opponent, the user can use these spheres to temporarily take control of an opponent's body, effectively turning them into a puppet, with limitations of course. It also has tactical purposes, allowing the user to read the minds of those it enters, mentally linking to the user. These spheres can also have damaging effects, causing damage if used as an offensive sphere of chakra, similar to Rasengan. The user cannot use it for both puppet mimicry and to damage the opponent in the same turn. The user can alternatively use the offensive variant through his actual puppets, not the ones used from this jutsu.
Note: Cannot be used to force the opponents to kill or injure themselves.
Note: Only two puppets can be controlled at a time via this method and up to Kage ranked. Hold over the puppets last for only a single turn.
Note: Can only be used by Otsutsuki Clan bios.

You'll have to do better than that, you heathens.
Alucard would let his fury roam into every single strike he hammered upon the cancerous creatures and their mutagen. He had to be careful not to use any close-combat as any single drop of the mud could potentially enslave him too. He would use his puppet cursing orbs to rush into multiple targets and effectively turn them against eachother and uphold a mental link towards Alucard with their thoughts and emotions. One thousand voices echoed inside Alucards head and many of whom cried out for mercy and death while there was an ominous and ghastly laughter in the background mixed in with the screams of children. He had to let go over his control in order not to fall into a mental chaos himself.

Yeah, **** that shit..
Alucard would force his orbs around himself again as massess of attacks would come from all directions by the creatures in the forest roaming around as well as the large force infront of him. The moon statue sat quiet on the platform. Alucard would have to fight against the large amount of enemies himself as the moon statue was incapacitated at this point. With an onslaught and wave after wave of the black and dangerous mud, Alucard would've had it and decided to test out his latest developed element to see how it would fare against the Amino Geis. He would string together a few seals and create a utopia of silence as a massive burst of ultra cold liquid would pulsate from his body, wave after wave, it would consume the ground and the creatures freezing them in time in an instant. The coldness would drop the temperature of the landmark several degrees in a rapid fashion.

(Kuriputon: Feruinta | Liquid Krypton Release: Felwinter)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S (S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(-10 per turn when sustained)
Damage: 20-80 (80) + 30 = 110
Description: Felwinter is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the Krypton release. It can be created from existing sources(air) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid Krypton. The force of the torrent of the ultra cold liquid will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid Krypton may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to create small or large torrents of the liquid Krypton, create a huge "sea" of the ultra cold liquid or manipulate pre-existing liquid Krypton to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Krypton Above A-rank after using S-rank version in the same turn and next.

The liquid Krypton would be proven to counteract Sea of Life particulary well as it had strengths against any organic measures, which the Amino Geis was - a mutagen. The rapid coldness would have an aftermath of dead silence, all creatures frozen in its place. However they would eventually be thawed out unless Alucard would destroy them once and for all. He would use his chakra once again, and make use of the additional damage he could make while enshrouded in his Tenseigan Chakra Mode. Since all creatures had been frozen to sub-zero degrees they would've been incredibly brittle at this point. Alucard would create a portal above the large mass of frozen enemies. A massive shadow would then be cast upon them, following a massive boar-headed lid would fall out from the sky, which Alucard would touch with his hands as it fell using the levitation of his platform. He infused it with extra earth chakra, effectively increasing its weight to x100 times.

(Doton: Otoshibuta) - Earth Release: Dropping Lid
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40 + 30 + 40 = 110
Description: After doing the Snake handseal and slamming his hands on the ground, he user creates a portal above the target, high in the sky from which a giant, boar-shaped, earthen lid drops and falls on the target, trapping it underneath. The lid can be hollow or solid, depending on if the user wants to deal damage to the enemy or not. Because of its size, to safely used, the lid has to be created at least mid range from the user otherwise he will also be caught inside. The biggest lid can dwarf a boss summon like Nagato's Dog or Gamabunta.

(Doton: Chō Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Super Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+40 if used to add damage)
Description: A more advanced version of the Earth Release: Added Weight Rock Technique, in which the user drastically increases the weight of any object in direct physical contact, but to a much greater extent than that of the original ability. This technique can increase the weight of a target up to 100 times. Under certain circumstances, the technique can be used to increase the force behind attacks.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.

The silence that once was humming like a deft hummingbird was shattered to pieces as the leviathan of the earth would hit straight into the frozen abyss of evil. Alucard had miscalculated the impact the dropping lid would have when enforced with x100 of its original weight. The entire colossus would pierce through the earths crust and fall several hundred meters into the brittle earth, taking the mutagen with it into a large sinkhole. The enemy was ultimately defeated and entombed several hundred meters into the earths crust with tonnes of debris falling ontop of the lid.
A fitting grave.

A few moments later, Alucard would've deactivated his chakra shroud and return to Blaziken for an update on the situation. It would seem like the creature he had put into a genjutsu was beyond rescue at this point but he was going to give it a chance. He would take the creature with him and head south through the Tobusekai to cleanse further infastations of the mutagen that seemed to spew out from the Hokubu ocean. This land had died already but atleast its evil had been sealed into the core of the earth. For now atleast...



Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from #234, Strand of the Ancients.

Additionally, this post contains a mission, using the following Custom Story Element:

A Gift for a Friend. (5)​

Summary: The Ruined Temple was a structure that once stood above all others in Tobusekai. Much of the ruins have collapsed into the sands and dirt of the great island; but what remains can still be seen by some, attracting many archeologists to the area. The Spider wishes to make a gesture of kindness to an old friend; retrieve an artifact from the temple for him and return it to the Spider. The last the Spider heard the area was crawling with beasts that were warped by Tiamat's Sea of Life.

Though there was no true danger to speak of, Emiya's retreat from the Strand would lead one to believe otherwise. His heart was still racing as the hardened rock beneath his feet gave way to golden sands, even without him registering the change in environment. All that mattered was that whatever he'd disturbed in the Strand was not following him. And although it wouldn't be a solid confirmation, something was indeed at the Strand, and Spider should be made aware of it, even if the original goal was to confirm a specific Voidlord's presence. As he began to pull up a map of Tobusekai within the HUD on his helmet, Emiya received a prerecorded message, seemingly from the Spider himself.

"I see you've finally made it to the ruins of that once great civilization. Do me a favor and retrieve a certain...
Possession from within it's hallowed halls, will you? You'll know exactly what it is when you see it. Hahahah."

The chittering sounds from the Spider's gravelly, raspy laugh only infuriated the glorified mercenary. He didn't want to spend his time running around Tobusekai, doing the Spider's bidding, cleaning his back yard, fetching random curios from ruined. There was a war going on. People were losing their lives, and while he was technically helping, it wasn't from the goodness of his heart alone. He'd been directed to these places, all in the Spider's own personal interests. As the sun overheard began to slowly cook Emiya, he decided to just get this all over with. If this was Spider's last mission, and all he had to do was desecrate another ruined civilization with his presence, and more egregiously, pilfer some presumably sacred relic from it, then fine. So long as it got him closer to the truth of the Armory, it didn't matter. Traveling across the vast deserts surrounding the "Ruined Temple", Emiya was already drained by his previous endeavors, and overall Chakra consumption, though not so much that it threatened any permanent harm. He'd simply never exerted himself this much before, or at least not since Mt. Enzo, and preceding war. That, combined with whining aches from his muscles being pushed to their limits multiple times over the last few days, everything was starting to pile on. As the sun began kissing his skin with it's burning sting, he pulled his tattered cloak up over his head, creating a temporary veil to shield himself from the extreme weather, though he wouldn't need it for very long. Unlike the Strand, which was a vast series of ruined temples along the coast, this specific "Ruined Temple" was a singular location, so the amount of aimless wandering through golden sands had been dramatically cut when compared to his last endeavor. It was still a trek, albeit a more direct one. No haphazard wandering around time worn temples this time.

Instead, as he crest over a large dune, and the Ruined Temple came into view, he would be met with only one challenge this time; the large pack of beasts currently occupying, and swarming the ruins. Even at a distance, Emiya could tell there was at least a dozen of them, and at a first glance they appeared to hold features similar to that of a lion, though the mouth was twisted and distorted beyond what anyone would consider "normal", fangs as long as Emiya's arm, and just as deadly. Their manes appeared more wild, jagged, as though the fur could pierce through all manner of defenses. Most telling of all, their furs had been darkened to a deep crimson, as though it were just tainted by those crimson waters to the north. Beyond a shred of a doubt, these were animals tainted by Tiamat's touch. His brief brush with Her creations still fresh in his mind, not wishing a repeat of that same war of attrition, Emiya steeled himself to take them out as swiftly as possible. At the very least their presence was a danger to anyone seeking to explore these ruins, which apparently held significant archaeological value, and most concernedly they posed a threat to the distant, but still evidently within walking distance, Mistheaven.

Though he didn't know exactly what it was, that cold, indifferent energy he'd tapped into to sap the strength, and more importantly healing capabilities, of that beast back in Mistheaven, it seemed to work extremely well, regardless of the Sea of Life's influence on the beasts biology. Though he fumbled with the mere concept, he felt confident he could recreate the effects of the technique, as it's nature was similar to that of Prana, though rather than inflict stasis, it seemed to halt everything except time, diffuse it, and scattering them to the winds. The beasts body back at the coastal refuge was seemingly overcome with frost, as it's temperature plummeted, and it couldn't so much as move a muscle. That was in-line with a concept from thermodynamics, though on an unprecedented scale, and the exact extent of the energies capabilities were far beyond what even Emiya himself could predict, despite his years of fixing space heaters making him all but an expert in the subject.

As he began his short, brazen march directly on the ruins, it didn't take long for Emiya's presence to be noticed by one of the many beasts swarming the barely towering structure peeking out of the sands, quickly alerting the rest of it's pride. As they began to regard their distant prey, Emiya began preparations to give these poor creatures a swift, merciful, peaceful passing. As he spoke aloud his personal chant, his body became enveloped in tiny blades, from the tip of each finger, to the sole of his feet, they protruded through each and every fiber of his being, and his clothing, threatening to tear anything that would touch him apart. Once this had been achieved, he visualized that cold, entropic energy, and willed it to cling to his form, rather than expand outwards like a boundary field. As it did, Emiya's body was wrapped in a veil of abyssal blackness, the only respite from which were the echoes of distant, burning stars within the all-encompassing blackness of the cloak. Emiya was, in some unknown way, wrapped in the very concept of the heat death of the universe, the end of everything. And as the demonic beasts entered within striking distance of Emiya, they immediately realized this. One after another Emiya's arms glided through the skin, muscle and organs of the beasts, rendering them asunder, while the cloak activated it's "Touch of Annihilation", leaving not even blood left. Through whatever compulsion that drove them to attack him without retreat, they bore down on Emiya, on the for the unarmed swordsman to silently, and swiftly carve through them, calmly ending their lives without judgement.

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体は剣で出来ている。Karada wa tsurugi de dekiteiru.
「 I am the bone of my sword. 」

(Tabi no Katana nashi) Journey of the Swordless
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30(-15 per turn)
Damage: +20 to All Kenjutsu/Taijutsu based Techniques, 1.5x Speed
Description: Journey of the Swordless is a technique which is always active for those who practice the art of Kyotoryu. Being active from the very beginning of battle, Journey of the Swordless is classified as a passive technique to all those who wish to utilize it. While most Kyotoryu techniques do not require this, Journey of the Swordless is meant to enhance the users Kyotoryu techniques to their maximum, by sacrificing a real sword in the process.

To start, the user coats their entire body in a tiny, razor sharp layer of chakra, which looks very similar to the Medical Scalpel technique, to activate this technique. Once active, the user become a human blade, as all their strikes carry the same cutting potential as any regular sword, by being enhanced by their razor sharp chakra. Another benefit to this technique, is that the razor sharp chakra around the users body allows them to bypass wind resistances, allowing their strikes to also be much faster than when performing techniques with an actual sword. Another benefit of this, is that due to the wind resistance being removed from their strikes, while also gaining speed, all the users kenjutsu gain additional damage, by having any wind resistance removed, the strikes carry more weight, striking much harder and with more maneuverability than one could perform with a regular sword. However, the damage bonus is further increased when utilized with Kyotoryu techniques, as these techniques are specifically created for the fight style, adding Journey of the Swordless on top further empowers them, allowing the unique movements of Kyotoryu fighting style to be even more deadly than usual.

However, while this technique seems strong, the largest drawback is the user loses their ability to hold a sword. The chakra around the users body will destroy any sword hilt it comes into contact with. Even with indestructible blades, the hilt of the sword will be rejected, forcefully pushed out of the users hand if he tried to wield a bladed weapon. This is only the case for swords however, other objects, like Staffs, can be wielded, but any techniques requiring a Staff will Not gain any benefits from this technique.

Must be posted in the users bio if they wish have it passive from the start of battle. Chakra cost can be paid to activate it during battle.
Once activated, the users Arms, Legs, Head, and even torso become a replacement for any Technique that requires a sword.
Due to the nature of the chakra, the user cannot wear any armor, nor can the user wield a sword of any description. However the user is able to wield non bladed weapons, but those weapons will gain no bonus' from this technique.
Any jutsu the user users, such as Earth Armor, will have its defenses Reduced by -20 if used over top of this technique. However, this only applies to techniques that attach to the users body, techniques such as Susanoo, will be unaffected.
This technique can be used by Samurai, following all the same restrictions as regular uses. However, as the user cannot wear armor with this technique active, it cannot be used with Bushido, however SSS and Iaido can be used in conjunction.

( Entropoton: Eien Ni ) Entropy ∞ Ad Infinitum
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (+10 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: The user will begin exuding Entropic Radiation outwards from their person with three hand seals. The radiation can be shaped into that of a blue cloak or shroud on fire (think KCM) that appears to be touching the user but can also just be an aura radiating outward. It stays in the user's short ranged area and deals solely in supplementing them for the sake of close-quarters combat. A unique effect of the shroud/area is its "Annihilating Touch" where anything that the user comes in contact with and vice versa, will be broken to individual pieces. This is a much more destructive side of the element coming into play, where the bonds between particles can be severed and/or made weak thanks to Raiton's influence on the element. Opposing techniques no matter how big, so long as they are within range and rank, will be broken down into lesser, insignificant bits similar to dust with even the slightest touch of any part of the user's body. Regular clashing mechanics apply when this technique comes into contact with opposing jutsu such as being weakened by lesser attacks and being overpowered by stronger ones. Alternatively, the cloak/aura can also be shaped into rudimentary weapons for attack and defense such as swords, kunai, shields, etc and are too capable of executing "Annihilating Touch" through physical contact but they cannot leave the user's short range at any time (i.e no projectile weapons). Through hand gestures the user can decide what gets slowed within his domain and what passes unhindered. The cloak/shroud can range from a simple haze to a brilliant, cold flame depending on the user's whim and is cosmetic for the most part. Can only be used once every two turns at a maximum of three times, and will restrict the user to A-ranked and below Entropy techniques for a turn afterward. Lasts only three turns per usage.

(Iaidō) - Art of Quick Draw and re-sheathing the sword
Rank: A - Forbidden
Type: Offensive / Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra: 30 - 50
Damage: 60 - 90
Description: Iaidō is a form of kenjutsu where the user utilizes his chakra to quickly draw the blade extremely fast to strike before re-sheathing it. This method prevents enemies from using hand seals, thus preventing them from using Ninjutsu, making it highly effective against ninja. At A rank, this technique is capable of preventing more than 2 Hand Seals from being chained together. S rank prevents from than one seal from being completed while Forbidden ranked usage is capable of preventing even one handseal but can only be used twice a battle.

Note: Can only be used by Samurai biographies.
Note: A rank can only be used three times while S rank can only be used twice.

(Yōjinbō) – Dance Blade Risk
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60
Description: The user performs a quick dash towards his opponent quickly draw and slashing their opponent and quickly passing them. Though it uses concepts from Iaido, it does not allow them to move at speeds based on the technique.

(Zettai Tōroku) - Absolute Inscription
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60
Description: The user quickly draws his sword, slashing everything around himself and is capable of attacking multiple opponents with quick speeds.

With not even crimson stains in the sand to mark their passing, their existence now only a fleeting memory within Emiya's mind, he pressed on into the Ruined temple. Though in nowhere near the same state as the Strand, as time had not been kind to this place, and a more recent, active destruction seemed to indicate a malicious attempt at destroying what remained of the structure, Emiya was very good at recreating a mental blueprint from a sheer glance. While the Temple before him was broken beyond repair or belief, in his minds eye he saw a majestic jewel within the sands of Tobusekai. A sprawling palatial Temple fit for a king, whose beauty was not only surface deep, but found within every lovingly carved slab of stone. It would have been quite the sight to see it in it's prime, though that time was well gone, by around a couple hundred years at least.

Though it was long since abandoned by it's original residents, Emiya noticed some haphazardly scattered excavating and archaeological tools, though the amount of sand building up around them indicated there would be no one around now. Either they left in a rush when the undead started pouring into Tobusekai, were run off by the Cultists before that, had fled when the Beasts of Tiamat entered the region, or most likely, had been devoured by said beasts. Either way, it would seem as though he had the place to himself, so all that remained was to find whatever artifact the Spider wanted from this place. As he wandered the empty, echoing halls of the Temple, though he was trying to give his act a hint of reverence by admiring the architecture, there was no denying that this was essentially grave robbing. No matter how he dressed it up, he'd been conscripted to go to a sacred site, desecrate it's remains, and return to a black market dealer with something of value. Something he himself would know exactly what it was when he saw it, yet there was truly nothing here. From one vacant hall to the next, he expected to find some plinth, or raised dais with a glowing artifact or something on it, and the prospect of there being booby traps, but there was absolutely nothing.

Reaching the final chamber, either some large room for prayer, or perhaps something more akin to a throne room, Emiya noticed that the roof had partially collapsed, filling the room with all manner of debris. If he was to find something, it was most likely here, but just like the others, this room was void of any immediately noticeable trinkets, or valuables that the Spider was probably interested in. Digging through small piles of rubble, Emiya found some gold coins, though not much more within the expansive floor of the great chamber. He ascended a large set of stairs that ended at a platform where one would naturally assume some sort of throne, though if there ever was one here, it had either been taken, eroded by time, or was now the scattered rocks beneath his feet. Seeing the futility in this all, Emiya questioned why he even was here, despite aimlessly rummaging through the debris any, finding nothing of note once more. As he turned to leave he noticed far on the left wall, close to where he'd entered, were a number of recesses built into the wall, seemingly housing plinths, the kind of which one would expect valuables to be displayed on. Promptly making his way towards them, as he drew nearer, he realized they were display stands for busts, most of which had been defiled, and destroyed. Digging through he found several placards which would have been attached to them at one point or another. While most of the words were in a language he did not recognize, there were names scrawled into the bottom of many of them. Saul, Ish-Bosheth, David, Rehoboam... These were the rulers of this kingdom once upon a time, their memories seemingly intentionally destroyed by someone or something looking to erase any trace of this kingdom's existence. While that alone was concerning, when Emiya overturned one large chunk of the collapsed ceiling, things went from concerning to utterly confusing. Though it was worn down by time, and partially damaged from whatever caused this collapse, there on the cold marble floor, staring back at him, was Solomon. As ancient as the rest of the ruins around him, there was no mistaking it, this was a bust of Solomon, seemingly created to preserve his legacy.

"What the hell...? How?"

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With absolutely no reasonable way to rationalize how, or why this was here, Emiya knew for certain that this is what Spider wished for him to see. Why? He didn't have the faintest idea. This was was as old as the Ninja World itself, and yet a man he knew from this current era had been immortalized within it. Solomon's identity had, for Emiya, changed from an abnormality to an absolute impossibility. He was owed answers, and now it seemed he had an idea of just how enigmatic his newfound ally was. For only a moment Emiya considered immediately warping to the Water Peninsula to see if he and Merlin were still there, but quickly gathered himself, seeing that it would ruin the Spider's intended surprise. Grabbing the bust carefully, then transporting it to the Throne, Emiya then promptly followed suit, immediately headed for the Spider, and answers.

(Kanki: Kyojin no Jidai) – Surge of Evocation: Epoch of Titans
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Considered the father technique of Era of Gods and Dynasty of Kings, Epoch of Titans uses the Surge of Evocation's ability to teleport objects and Surgebinders to the Throne, and return them to the field.

The Wandering Sea - Bending Space

The user, instead of applying this technique to their own body, can manifest Prana around any object or feature of the terrain to teleport it to the Throne and return it immediately or with a delayed timer. The teleported object can either reappear in a new location instantly, in the same manner as the user's own teleportation, or the user can set a delay of up to four turns and it will return on the first turn after the said number of turn elapses (e.g. a delay of 4 turns, the casting of this jutsu counting as the 1st, means it will reappear at the beginning of the user's 5th turn). The user can also create a technique or familiar with an aura of prana, which can only take affect in the same turn it is created, that allows the technique to teleport itself to a new location. This applies to virtually all type of jutsu except those which are streamed, as the user would find themselves unable to progress to this technique before the other reaches its end. This application occurs in the same timeframe as the jutsu cast and offensive jutsu teleported in this manner must reappear a minimum of five-meters away from any opponents unless the user is also within short-range of that opponent, in which it must reappear at least one meter away. The user cannot teleport any object or jutsu to or from a 1-meter distance from any opponents. However this entire variant cannot be applied to the opponent's jutsus which exceed B-Rank in chakra and it cannot be used on Noble Phantasms or Custom Weapons.

The Everlasting Heaven - Warping Time

This variant involves surging a large amount of Prana throughout the user’s body in order to enter the Throne. Their body, and everything on their person, will disappear instantly in a flash of light reflecting the color of their Prana. The user will then reappear amidst another flash of light at a location of their choosing. If the user reappears within less than a meter of the opponent, the opponent can react with any instant, passive or freeform or chakraless technique. Reappearing is accompanied by a crackling sound, creating both an audible and visual queue. The instant use of this technique, which doesn't take a slot in the timefreame, is enabled by the fact that the ethereal energy already exists within their chakra systems. Thrice per battle the user can utilize a stronger version of this ability (S-Rank) to prolong their stay in the Throne. This allows them to exist within the alternate dimension as Prana, which effectively places their body in a stasis. This halts blood loss, the propagation of poisons, the duration of active techniques/abilities, and any other aliments or conditions. This will happen for as long as the user is within the Throne. The user can only remain there for a maximum of four turns per usage. The first application, considered A-Rank, can only be used once every three turns. It can also only be used four times per battle. The second application, considered S-Rank, can only be used three per battle and operates on the same cooldown as the A-Rank version. S-Rank applications render the user unable to use S-Rank or higher Prana for the next turn, if the user remains in the Throne for longer than a turn.

End of Mission.

Chakra: 1020 -150 = 870.

Leaving Landmark via teleportation. Headed to #237, Veskals Exchange.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard and Faye were floating onboard Alucards platform, taking them north of the Shadow Tower, through the Ruined Temple and closing on the the bay next to the Hokubu Ocean.


(Kinbō Tensei Jōzai) - Localized Reincarnation Tablet
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (+15 per turn active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user creates a floating sphere from nearby debris beneath them, using the gravitational control to levitate the sphere of debris and use it as a floating platform. Keeping it active, however, requires the user to expend chakra.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

Whilst sitting ontop of the platform, Alucard would look down and observe the view. There was no doubt the Tobusekai was going straight to hell as many skirmishes where fought right underneath them on the ground.

Wanna check it out?

He turned to Faye.
@El Alucard

El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard and Faye were floating onboard Alucards platform, taking them north of the Shadow Tower, through the Ruined Temple and closing on the the bay next to the Hokubu Ocean.


(Kinbō Tensei Jōzai) - Localized Reincarnation Tablet
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (+15 per turn active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user creates a floating sphere from nearby debris beneath them, using the gravitational control to levitate the sphere of debris and use it as a floating platform. Keeping it active, however, requires the user to expend chakra.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

Whilst sitting ontop of the platform, Alucard would look down and observe the view. There was no doubt the Tobusekai was going straight to hell as many skirmishes where fought right underneath them on the ground.

Wanna check it out?

He turned to Faye.
@El Alucard
"Sure, I'm down." she quickly replied.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
"Sure, I'm down." she quickly replied.
The platform were descending upon the answer of Faye. It was time for a team battle, Alucard would be able to witness the strength of this kunoichi directly in the field. Underneath them, upon descent, a skirmish of undead and dark mages was tearing through a village. He jumped off the platform as it dispersed on his will. He put his glasses in his pocket, took off his hat and turned to Faye.

It's showtime. Let me see what you got.

Alucard would stand on the ground and felt a massive amount of chakra closing in on them from the east. He wouldn't change his expression upon learning this and would instead let Faye deal with the problem in the village while he would turn his attention to the "thing" approaching from the east.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Storyboard element(s):
  • Defend against or attack another group
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Alucard would leave the village nearby in the hands of Faye. Meanwhile the threat from the east was closing in. He could not ignore it any further.

Well Faye. I guess i'll judge your abilities in this point and time. I'll leave the civilians to you - looks like..

Alucard didn't have time to finish his sentence. He had to enter the combat right now before it was too late. His dojutsu was pointing to the east like lighthouses on one massive focal point. Clouded with a fever of purpose - he set off with full aggression and left Faye to fight for the civilians. As he blitzed between the hills on the east side of the plains, kilometers away from Faye and the village he had reached sight of the troubles that were invading. Banners were spotted, the dread flag of the void shined with a black light in the distance. The ground vibrated, ears eve pointing to the march. The voidlords seemed to have no quench of their hunger. One thousand faces of emptyness walked in a linnear line towards the No Life king. The same song, stuck on repeat - undead to the masses with a fill of necromages from the looks of it. Alucard had hoped his skirmishes so far had cancelled their paths to ever be crossed again in the Tobusekai. He was wrong, not only was this army filled with undead and mages. They had other creatures he had never seen before, in chains. Goliaths of death, corrupted by the Amino Geis - The sea of Life. In the the wake of the death incoming, Alucard gathered his calm, his thoughts and his very presence. Ushering a storm-calling set of words, he would unleash it all.

..Release restraint level zero..

A flicker, white torch drenched in white flames - he was lightning up the mountain. Black orbs greeted his back as he flung down the slides. The truth seeking orbs, hot as the sun - levitating behind him, ready to abuse.

(Yoton Modo) - Yang State
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 200 (-50 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Based on Hagoromo's Six Paths Sage Mode, those who have completed Yang can enter this mode to elevate their prowess but only in their spiritual or physical capabilities. The lack of the Juubi’s monstrous chakra and natural energy makes it impossible for proper balance of both Yin and Yang natures simultaneously at such a high level. When entering this mode, users first gather their five basic nature chakras and their Yin and Yang natures. They then manipulate the ratio of their Yin to Yang chakra such that one nature almost completely overshadows the other, done almost instantly and effortlessly. The result causes the user to enter one Yang State. Yang State is the state entered by users when they emphasize their Yang chakra over their Yin chakra. In this state the user is endowed with a white and black jumpsuit akin to the one Bruce Lee donned in the “Tower of Death.” Their hair and sclera become white as well and their hands gain pure white, fingerless gloves with black magatama on the back. Along with the 4 Truth-Seeking Orbs, the user will gain a pair of white nunchaku consisting of the same energy and ability of the orbs. The main attribute that users in this state gain is Tian. Tian refers to a physical power beyond the scope of the earthly mortal. While in this state, the user’s ability to track and react to movements and actions is near limitless. Gaining a tracking capability on par with the Eighth Gate, the user's speed increases by x6 as well. Almost all physical damage is all but negligible to a user in this state, tanking S rank damage from any clash. The only possible way to cause physical harm to a user in this state would be for them to use Yang Release or Forbidden ranked techniques, or techniques that exceed the damage of 7th Gate and beyond. The effects of these Jutsu, while not dealing physical damage, will still apply such as fatigue, paralysis, etc. The drawback to this technique is that, due to the massive imbalance of Yang chakra, Yin Release and other spiritual techniques are impossible to use whilst in this state.
Note: This technique only last 6 turns and can be used only once per battle.
Note: One must have completed Yang Release in order to use this technique. The user can only use either Yin or Yang State on any bio.
Note: Once the technique ends the user’s spiritual or physical chakra is drained to the barest minimum for their survival, thus making them incapable of using Yin, Yang, or Yin-Yang Release techniques for 10 turns and incapable of using taijutsu for 5 turns (this includes releasing leg weights and physically augmenting techniques).
Note: Likewise, users are unable to use techniques above A-rank for 4 turns.
( Toyokumono ) - Toyokumono [Passive]
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 70 (-50 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This technique is the strongest non Eighth Gate Taijutsu in existence. Toyokumono gives the user's Taijutsu powerful space warping abilities and puts them on par with Night Guy in terms of capabilities. The effects of this technique are strongest the closer one is to the user, allowing the user to bend space towards him to let Taijutsu attacks "phase" through counters. When taijutsu is used, the user is able to cause the space around and near the attacks to bend either towards or away from the attack. When in short range, this allows the user go have a near 100% chance of landing attacks despite any physical counter presented. Should target be mid range away, the user is able to warp the space in between his attack, causing it to bend towards it, effectively pulling the target towards the attack and reducing the space between the attack and opponent to short range. With this technique, the only way to avoid taijutsu would be to combat them with energy attacks or stay out of mid range.
Note: The S/T warping of this technique allows attacks to effectively warp through defenses of equal rank and lower regardless of chakra input or damage should they be physical/corporeal.
Note: This ability remains active for as long as the user is using Yang State.
(Yoton: Gudodama) Yang Release: Truth-Seeking Ball [Passive]
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra Cost: 70 (-20 per turn)
Damage: 100 each
Description: This is a version of the Truth-Seeking Ball capable only to users within the Yang State. These orbs possess the five nature elements plus the user’s Yang Release chakra. The ratio of Yang chakra that exists within the orbs is greater than the parent technique and thus has more physical qualities to compensate for the lack of Yin and natural energy. These orbs are around the size of a fist and are bright, radiant, and white. These orbs are malleable like the parent technique due to the collection of nature chakra within them; however, they have a great deal more physical energy due to their high ratio of Yang chakra. The high concentration of Yang makes these orbs incredibly hot to the touch. No heat actually emanates from the orbs, but if anyone or anything else other than the user comes into contact with the orbs, they’ll scorch immediately. These orbs can effortlessly evaporate liquids and disintegrate solids. High energy elements like lightning and fire only feed its energy and thus these orbs can only be matched by chakra exceeding forbidden rank in strength. Like the parent technique, the user can generate various shapes and entities with these orbs as well as command them up to a distance of mid-range. The user can expand these orbs and create a mid-range level explosion with these orbs. With the use of a single hand seal, however, the user can use one of their orbs to heal themselves or others from damage that could have otherwise been fatal. The user can do this twice ( only once on themselves ), sacrificing up to two spheres, however, the user can only use the application once every three turns. Again, like the parent technique, the user can only command the orbs for two turns before they return to an idle position. After using one of the orbs to heal damage, the user will be unable to use the Truth Seeking Orbs for 3 turns.
Note: Can only be used while in Yang State.
Note: The user can command the orbs anywhere up to mid-range, beyond that the user can only call them back into their range of effect. However, if the orbs go beyond 20 meters they will remain until the user gets close enough to call them back.
Note: The user gains 4 orbs which surround them in any form they desire upon creation.

The winds shifted, a warping between time and space occurred from the point of view of the spectators. Alucard's body had entered a stance where he could seamlessly teleport locally. He'd vanish with the blink of an eye, zapping through the space between himself and the invading force like switching channels on a TV until he reached the force within spitting distance. The encounter would halt their march and he would stand alone against the hundreds in an act of self-righteousness. The truth-seeking orbs would seem to freeze in time before the inhale of a breathe happened. They expanded, and was thrust into the masses that was facing Alucard. Although their number was just four, it pierced through the rotten corpses like an arrow. The Yang energy would burn through and evaporate their bodies into what resulted in an immediate creation of smoking ash. Not unlike his own Dust release, the resulting clashes between enemy and the orbs would be simply annihilation. That, of course, did not mean automatically that the enemy wouldn't retaliate. He zapped through their spears and swords, aiming to quickly dispose of any sort of living creature or human dumb enough to team up with the heathens next to them. Once punching through their lines, Alucard would sense a disturbance under the ground. A massive amount of chakra was forcing its way upwards like a volcano. He would freeze in the space between him and the ghouls on the rear of their march. It would seem like the mages in this train had a backup solution in case they would run into the likenesses of the No Life King. With determination, he flung the sun-lit spheres into the forming crater which was starting to emit green and red light. The spheres were repelled by a monstrous brute force. If not even the truth seeking orbs had any effect against this foe.. What would.. Horns stuck out from the fissure.

..Could it be?

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Alucard remained in the Yang state, he could not afford losing his empowerment as the costs of doing so would be too grave to even talk about. He had to swallow the incalculable failure that awaited if he should run out of his mode right now. Not all foes could be countered with sheer force and speed afterall. The monstrosity rose from the ashen wake with two eyes glowing - one red, one green. The magicians could be heard in the background, casting incantations on the creature they had summoned to create and grow a skeletal armor around it. He had to take down the cavalry before he could focus on the beast.. Alucard would elevate his chakra levels - formed a few handseals and manipulated his Liquid Krypton release to create one thousand chains of sub-zero levels of temperature liquid to bind the beast and freeze its limbs. It would only be temporarily, he knew it.


(Kuriputon: Feruinta | Liquid Krypton Release: Felwinter)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S(S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(-10 per turn when sustained)
Damage: 20-80(80)
Description: Felwinter is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the Krypton release. It can be created from existing sources(air) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid Krypton. The force of the torrent of the ultra cold liquid will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid Krypton may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to create small or large torrents of the liquid Krypton, create a huge "sea" of the ultra cold liquid or manipulate pre-existing liquid Krypton to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Krypton Above A-rank after using S-rank version in the same turn and next.

The beast was now frozen due to the mass of the liquid that was keeping it at bay. The sorcerers did all they could to focus the ghouls they had clinging around them to focus on Alucard while they themselves would try and heat up the beasts restraints using fire release. Little did they know, fire was not strong against liquid krypton and each fireball would be quenched in the ultra cold substance and die out instantly due to the lack of oxygen and the desperately epic temperature difference. Meanwhile - Alucard would unsheathe his two blades. Darkiscie was in his right hand, Nightmare in his left. The power of Bisumaton and Jinton of peak infusion powers in his two hands, carving through the ghouls and sorcerers, desperately trying to cling to their formation. With the mages concentrating together and atoning their scattered powers into one, they acheived the power to wound Alucard, even in the Yang state and distributed along their entire group. He received stabs and massive wounds in the progress, but Alucard did not care. He could not care, if he was to destroy that thing they had conjured he needed to act fast. Through the method of Toyokumono - he would warp through defenses and offenses alike but even that technique did not stop him from getting injured by the many hundreds of opponents, quickly learning how the technique worked since he targeted the spread out sorcerers. The ghouls and sorceress aimed themselves towards eachother, ready to strike Alucard as he would teleport to the next sorcerer like a game of chess. A game that he was winning but not without sacrifice. The swords would either disintegrate or turn each thing he carved through into ash on touch. He felt his Yang state was fading but he had yet faced the biggest threat. After a lot of effort, all sorcerers had been decapitated or turned into a molten state of liquid, slowly burning to death in utter and pure agony. He loved their screams, but they were overshadowed by the grunt massive noise the summoning behind him. The remaining zombies would flee to the beast and surround it, acting as a living armor now that the mages had been dealt with. Seemed like they were more clever than they would give away. He had to think tactical now, was there going to be pure power or another strategy first. Alucard distanced himself from the massive creature a few extra meters and gathered up his chakra. A seal later, his mouth would turn into an inferno as he fired a massive stream of flames into the ground and the path of his enemy. The fire would consume everything in its path and even if proved null against the creature, it would set the remaining ghouls ablaze.


(Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) - Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique where the user makes the horse hand seal and then kneads chakra inside his body which is then converted into fire and expelled from the mouth as a massive wall of intense flames, which covers an expansive range in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, making it extremely difficult to avoid. However, due to its massive width and height, the technique is not one of the fastest seen so far.

His Tenseigan revealed movement within the maelstrom of flames. He could then hear it, large footsteps, quenching the fire with a massive hurl of wind as if blowing out candles on a cake. Even fire release at this magnitude was no match against this opponent, or..? It would seem like the creature had attained damage against the technique even though it had cancelled it. In a raging fashion, it would charge Alucard who had had enough with the games at this point and instead went for the kill. He empowered his body, unsheathed his two swords and formed a glowing light around his palms. The White Tiger technique, a skill he had never used before but was perfect fit for the occasion. He knew he could not slay this beast in this state, he could at best make it unable to move or harm anything. The Yang chakra radiated in his palms, forming two tiger heads. He charged into the opponent, warped the space between him and it, ending up on the beasts backside and slammed his infused hands into its back multiple times as the Yang energy burned away the creatures chakra and energy.

( Yoton: Byako ) - Yang Release: White Tiger
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 70 (-40 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user gathers Yang energy into his arms and hands, creating pseudo sentient white tiger heads. Due to the Yang energy, the arms become incredibly hot, causing steam emanate from them. The tiger heads roar when the user attacks and releases the dense steam as a result. In spite of the menacing appearance of the tigers, the strikes do not cause bone crushing or outwardly physical harm. Each strike onto the target causes a massive release of yang chakra into the body, which causes an imbalance of Yang energy. The imbalance results in the target's inability to mold chakra sufficiently for techniques. A single strike from this technique is all that is required to imbalance one's chakra. Targets afflicted by this imbalance become incapable of using techniques unless they spend 3x the amount chakra ordinarily required. However, excessive amounts of chakra from this technique (one turn of contact or a total of 4 completed strikes) results in a more degrading consequence. The incoming chakra becomes so great that it literally begins to burn away the victim's Yin Release chakra in order to make room until the ratio of Yin is at its minimum level required for the victim to remain alive. This reduces the victim's chakra pool by 50% as well as cause their body such tremendous physical pain due to the excess physical energy in their body. Their muscles begin to tear resulting in their movement speed being reduced by 1/4th. Other Yang Release users and Yin-Yang users are capable of controlling the excess amounts of Yang release energy due to their training and thus, will not lose any speed and will only lose 25% of their chakra. Senjutsu surges of equivalent chakra or infusions of those ranks will negate the side effects of this Jutsu, allowing it to be ended prematurely. Should two or more strikes land, the amount of chakra needed to break it will increase likewise, requiring 20 more chakr.
Note: One strike prevents the use of techniques S-rank and above and requires 3x the normal cost for techniques A-rank and below. Yin-Yang Release users can use S-rank at 3x the cost due to their elevated control. The use of Yin Release and genjutsu above A-rank becomes impossible after 2 strikes. All matter of genjutsu becomes unusable after 4 strikes.
Note: The technique ends when the user calls for it or after they've made 4 successive strikes, whichever comes first. While the jutsu is active, the user cannot use Yin Release or non-elemental ninjutsu.
Note: Usable twice per battle and with a 4 turn cool down.

He punched it as many times he could, before his Yang state faded entirely. Both Alucard and the beast would fall to the ground, quite devastatingly ceased of energy and left immobilized... After a minute had passed, Alucard was on his feet again, but his chakra was burned away. He looked over at the beast and noticed it was struggling to move. He noticed that its chakra could not regenerate but it was instead crumbling like ash. It seemed it needed the mages atonement to attain a physical form. After a few more minutes, the beast vanished out of thin air. The battle was won. Alucard placed his right hand above his left shoulder and went back towards Faye to check how it was going down on the other side of the hill. Hopefully, the situation there wasn't as grim as where had had just come from. He sat down on the slope, his tenseigan revealing the battle infront of him. He was tired from his own fight and would only butt in if absolutely necessary. Alucard took out a scroll and summoned a cup of hot coffee as he watched the show.

(Ninjutsu: Nomimono Kohi!) - Ninjutsu: Drink Coffee!
Type: Supplementary
Rank: E
Range: Short
Chakra: 5
Damage: N/A (10 to user's health)
Description: The user of this jutsu takes out a scroll within his pouch that was prepared before battle and holds it in one of his hands. By channeling his chakra into it, it will then poof and summon a coffee mug in its place that had been in Adachi's house prior. After downing the coffee, the caffeine will take quick effect upon the user due to the scientific fact that it blocks the receptors that slow down nerve cell activity. As a result, the user will have a slightly faster heartbeat and bloodflow, and thus, will be unaffected by any jutsu that has a potential factor that could put him to sleep. This coffee was pre-prepared by Adachi himself and sits amongst dozens of other mugs that contain anything from lattes to doubleshot espressos, either steaming hot or icy cold. The reserves within the refrigerator or hot vending system are restocked daily so there will never be a shortage of coffee. Ever.

Note: Effect lasts three turns.
Note: Courtesy of Adachi

@El Alucard

El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Custom Storyboard Element
  • Save the surviving members of a village which is being attacked.
  • Help a spirit get it's revenge.
It wasn't long before Faye and Alucard reached a rather dreadful area. Faye could feel the souls of the living screaming out in pain from the agony being brought on by the souls of the damned and wicked. The platform began descending down into the chaos and Alucard spoke.

"It's showtime. Let me see what you got."

Alucard kept his attention toward the east where Faye noticed a beastly life force, so she quickly figured she's have to keep the piece here whilst he dealt with that. A seemingly simple task to carry out and a chance to prove that she could pull her weight should the clan need it, so with a quick nod she walked off in the opposite direction. The area was surrounded by souls hovering over their now dead bodies, a dreadful sight but one she had seen ma-


"If only I were still alive..."

Faye looked over to her right, the soul of a woman muttered out in rage.

"I can assist but you have to do as I say." Faye responded calmly.

The woman confused looked at Faye. "You look like you just saw a ghost." Faye joked smiling at the lady.

"You can see me?" she asked.

"Ask questions later do you want to save the living or not?" Faye replied.

"I want revenge, I want to kill them all." she angrily said.

"Done, now then I'll just need to t-"

Before she could finish her sentence an undead goon leaped at her in hopes of catching her of guard, a failed attempt however as a dark humanoid figure leaps out of her cape at the assailant, snaps his neck and melds back into the cape, after which she then swiftly sets the body on fire.

Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Iris is a cloak said to be forged from darkness itself , it's black in color and it fits itself to the height and desires such as color, shape, size and accessories e.g. hood of the user which if used correctly allows the user to camouflage with his surroundings although ninjas of higher rank, can easily spot the user, the camouflage only masks the user's appearance, it doesn't mask chakra, sound, scent etc. When viewed up close, the cloak seems to be made of several tormented souls each trying to break free from the cloak, the true substance used to create the cloak is unknown but it is known the cloak can passively block basic ninja tools without sustaining so much as a scratch. Iris has only one special ability and that is the ability to create chakra human figures out of itself, it is rumored that it's simply the cloak releasing a soul and forcing it to do the user's bidding, these figures are black as night (Like an human with no face nor hair then covered completely in black paint), these figures also bend and move the same way the human body does i.e. the joints and movements and they vary in height and body proportion(still within humanly possibilities), plus they pack quite a punch possessing with each attack counting as A rank similarly to how an earth golem's freeform attack depends on its rank e.g. A rank golem freeform = A rank damage . Each chakra human figure counts as A rank Wind and costs the user 30 chakra per usage , also, each figure must be short range from Iris at all times or it'll simply vanish and if the user chooses, he might decide not to create the figure fully i.e. creating upper body etc. the it still counts as A rank
~ Only one chakra figure can be created at a time and it costs user 30 chakra plus it counts as a move and each figure stays for a turn before running out of chakra and vanishing.
~ Can only be taught by Lytes.
~ The Cloak's is so evil and dark that everything that comes from it is affected by its color, In real terms, the cloak literally darkens any chakra that passes through it changing its color to black, furthermore, In the NV, it has been shown that elemental chakra can exist in various color. If this explanation doesn't work, then, The wind chakra in the figures is so concentrated that the blue chakra appears to black
~ The cloak can withstand freeform Taijutsu and weapons such as kunais, even explosive tags, it can also withstand up to B rank jutsus, any more would damage the cloak.

"Ugh, Undead ninja zombies? Just my luck." she says looking around. "You can all come out by the way, the undead have souls too, just very tainted and mangled. I know exactly where you all are."

The goons revealed themselves from the shadows holding various ninja tools. Their master the dark mages remained hidden. Faye wasn't sure if they were just dumb because she had just told them she knew were they all were or if they were just shy either way she had a job to do.

"Ready?" she asked the lady spirit.

"Ready for what?" the lady asked back still confused

(Keshin no Jorth) Δ Jorth's Personification
Rank: C-S
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15-60 (-10 per turn to sustain)
Damage points: 30-80
Description: Keshin no Jorth, is a technique developed in the House of Katsuryoku, and only accessible by Katsuryoku Initiate(C-rank) and higher ranked(A-rank). The technique takes exit in the usage of 'Object Infusion'. Oft through the use of a hand gesture which is purely cosmetic, the user is capable of drawing forth any Genki(s) within the area, be it 'special summoned' or not, and forcefully infuse them into an object(s). An object could be anything ranging from a lump of earth turning into a deformed monstrosity, to a snowman. The most common however have proved to be the shapes of animal-like creatures of the patch of inanimate objects infused. This however is not only limited to solids, per say, as long as it carries a substance such as water. Once infused, the object in question would gain reasonable enhancements from said Genki, while the most generic will simply be shrouded in an essence of ethereal energy, a coat if you will. The Genki's most fundamental traits carry and is still viable during infusion of objects, such as to not be affected by some of the fundamental forces namely gravity and kinetic forces (as per the clan's submission). This, however, is valid for the ethereal coat surrounding and binding the object, not the object itself. The resistance and strength of the object will be bound by the strength of the Genki called (and thus the chakra spent) in direct proportion. An object infused with a B-Rank Genki will have a B-rank strength. The Genki while partially affected by Chakra itself, is capable of being infused into objects containing chakra of one rank below, such as B-ranked Earth if the A-ranked version of this technique is used.
Note: Infusion lasts while sustained.
Note: S-Rank can be used three times per battle and not in consecutive turns.
Approved here:

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Faye simply pointed at the ground next to her causing the lady spirit to be sucked into it, after which the ground would begin to rumble before a black jaguar made of rocks with glowing internals burst from underneath.

"Eat your fill, I've got people to attend to."

With a smirk the jaguar would lunge forward ripping and slicing through the undead army and the mages. With this Faye begins running deeper into the village taking out the corrupt as she moved through.

"Hey Yaotl, where's the village center?" she asked mentally communicating with the lady spirit?

"Yaotl? Wait how are you in my head? Who's Yaotl?"

"You ask too many questions Yaotl, people are dying."

"Uhm turn left up ahead then go straight ahead. You should reach a circular opening with a fountain in the middle, also my is Mihoko."

Faye just smirked as she went off in the direction she had been told. Upon reaching the fountain she would make quick work of the corrupt mages and their minions and stand atop the fountain.

"Hel's Alignment." she whispers dramatically as if in a movie. In the air a giant pink speaker would form with a mic attached to it which she would speak into. "Excuse me hiding villagers, you don't know who I am but I'm going to need you to trust me, head for the giant pink bubble dome thing in the center of the village. You will be safe here, those who can fight, fight. For the rest, do not worry I have a giant cat running around follow her here and everything will be fine."

With that the speaker began to change form, spreading over the the entirety of the village center and creating a large semi-permeable soul dome. The dome was created to let only pure souls in, well pure in comparison to the undead and the corrupt mages. The villagers began entering the dome thus drawing more and more undead towards the center as well, however unable to enter they would claw at the walls of the pink dome trying to get in.

"Yaotl, you go and take care of any stragglers left in the village. Careful not to go too far east."

With this the dome would form a multitude of long spikes all around impaling and skewing the evil surrounding it. Faye would then leave the dome killing whatever was left after which it would shatter into a bunch of small particles, making it look like pink snow.

(Shojun no Hel) Δ Hel's Alignment
Rank: C-S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost:15-40
Damage Points: 30-80
Description: Shojun no Hel is perhaps the most essential technique throughout the House's epitome of techniques. The jutsu is based on the use of the generic Genki which whom traverse between the Pure and Impure Realms, a.k.a into our 'dimension' per say. Through the conviction of the user, and a sacrificial portion of chakra, depending on the strength of the Genki, and the Rank within the House of the user, they will forcefully be able to persuade the Genki to do their bidding. Now this can be used in a various amount of ways, essentially by bending the savage spirit in it's else deformed mass of ethereal spiritual energy, the user is capable of forming 'constructs' of ethereal energy throughout the field through hand motions or else body movements. These constructs carries a certain color of Kūki no Yōna depending on the user, upon materializing in the desired area of the user's choice. On top of that, the constructs are either flame-like or solid in the appearance, thus adding for versatility. Once the sacrifice have been made the user can freely without further payment manipulate the Genki, with the only cost being spending a move. Being hit by a Genki will either do nothing (if the spirit decides to not take a tangible form), or produce kinetic, physical damage (if he takes physical form). In this case, the Genki still has the ability to select which matter he will interact with, though that is not true for energies, as per the clan description.
Note: This technique can only manipulate one genki at a time.
Note: S-Rank can only be used three times per battle and not in consecutive turns.
Approved here:

"You can rest now Mihoko." she said releasing her other technique as well. "You've got your revenge."

A few moments later she would approach Alucard who would be drinking coffee.

"That looks delicious." @Skorm


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Custom Storyboard Element
  • Save the surviving members of a village which is being attacked.
  • Help a spirit get it's revenge.
It wasn't long before Faye and Alucard reached a rather dreadful area. Faye could feel the souls of the living screaming out in pain from the agony being brought on by the souls of the damned and wicked. The platform began descending down into the chaos and Alucard spoke.

"It's showtime. Let me see what you got."

Alucard kept his attention toward the east where Faye noticed a beastly life force, so she quickly figured she's have to keep the piece here whilst he dealt with that. A seemingly simple task to carry out and a chance to prove that she could pull her weight should the clan need it, so with a quick nod she walked off in the opposite direction. The area was surrounded by souls hovering over their now dead bodies, a dreadful sight but one she had seen ma-


"If only I were still alive..."

Faye looked over to her right, the soul of a woman muttered out in rage.

"I can assist but you have to do as I say." Faye responded calmly.

The woman confused looked at Faye. "You look like you just saw a ghost." Faye joked smiling at the lady.

"You can see me?" she asked.

"Ask questions later do you want to save the living or not?" Faye replied.

"I want revenge, I want to kill them all." she angrily said.

"Done, now then I'll just need to t-"

Before she could finish her sentence an undead goon leaped at her in hopes of catching her of guard, a failed attempt however as a dark humanoid figure leaps out of her cape at the assailant, snaps his neck and melds back into the cape, after which she then swiftly sets the body on fire.

Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Iris is a cloak said to be forged from darkness itself , it's black in color and it fits itself to the height and desires such as color, shape, size and accessories e.g. hood of the user which if used correctly allows the user to camouflage with his surroundings although ninjas of higher rank, can easily spot the user, the camouflage only masks the user's appearance, it doesn't mask chakra, sound, scent etc. When viewed up close, the cloak seems to be made of several tormented souls each trying to break free from the cloak, the true substance used to create the cloak is unknown but it is known the cloak can passively block basic ninja tools without sustaining so much as a scratch. Iris has only one special ability and that is the ability to create chakra human figures out of itself, it is rumored that it's simply the cloak releasing a soul and forcing it to do the user's bidding, these figures are black as night (Like an human with no face nor hair then covered completely in black paint), these figures also bend and move the same way the human body does i.e. the joints and movements and they vary in height and body proportion(still within humanly possibilities), plus they pack quite a punch possessing with each attack counting as A rank similarly to how an earth golem's freeform attack depends on its rank e.g. A rank golem freeform = A rank damage . Each chakra human figure counts as A rank Wind and costs the user 30 chakra per usage , also, each figure must be short range from Iris at all times or it'll simply vanish and if the user chooses, he might decide not to create the figure fully i.e. creating upper body etc. the it still counts as A rank
~ Only one chakra figure can be created at a time and it costs user 30 chakra plus it counts as a move and each figure stays for a turn before running out of chakra and vanishing.
~ Can only be taught by Lytes.
~ The Cloak's is so evil and dark that everything that comes from it is affected by its color, In real terms, the cloak literally darkens any chakra that passes through it changing its color to black, furthermore, In the NV, it has been shown that elemental chakra can exist in various color. If this explanation doesn't work, then, The wind chakra in the figures is so concentrated that the blue chakra appears to black
~ The cloak can withstand freeform Taijutsu and weapons such as kunais, even explosive tags, it can also withstand up to B rank jutsus, any more would damage the cloak.

"Ugh, Undead ninja zombies? Just my luck." she says looking around. "You can all come out by the way, the undead have souls too, just very tainted and mangled. I know exactly where you all are."

The goons revealed themselves from the shadows holding various ninja tools. Their master the dark mages remained hidden. Faye wasn't sure if they were just dumb because she had just told them she knew were they all were or if they were just shy either way she had a job to do.

"Ready?" she asked the lady spirit.

"Ready for what?" the lady asked back still confused

(Keshin no Jorth) Δ Jorth's Personification
Rank: C-S
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15-60 (-10 per turn to sustain)
Damage points: 30-80
Description: Keshin no Jorth, is a technique developed in the House of Katsuryoku, and only accessible by Katsuryoku Initiate(C-rank) and higher ranked(A-rank). The technique takes exit in the usage of 'Object Infusion'. Oft through the use of a hand gesture which is purely cosmetic, the user is capable of drawing forth any Genki(s) within the area, be it 'special summoned' or not, and forcefully infuse them into an object(s). An object could be anything ranging from a lump of earth turning into a deformed monstrosity, to a snowman. The most common however have proved to be the shapes of animal-like creatures of the patch of inanimate objects infused. This however is not only limited to solids, per say, as long as it carries a substance such as water. Once infused, the object in question would gain reasonable enhancements from said Genki, while the most generic will simply be shrouded in an essence of ethereal energy, a coat if you will. The Genki's most fundamental traits carry and is still viable during infusion of objects, such as to not be affected by some of the fundamental forces namely gravity and kinetic forces (as per the clan's submission). This, however, is valid for the ethereal coat surrounding and binding the object, not the object itself. The resistance and strength of the object will be bound by the strength of the Genki called (and thus the chakra spent) in direct proportion. An object infused with a B-Rank Genki will have a B-rank strength. The Genki while partially affected by Chakra itself, is capable of being infused into objects containing chakra of one rank below, such as B-ranked Earth if the A-ranked version of this technique is used.
Note: Infusion lasts while sustained.
Note: S-Rank can be used three times per battle and not in consecutive turns.
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Faye simply pointed at the ground next to her causing the lady spirit to be sucked into it, after which the ground would begin to rumble before a black jaguar made of rocks with glowing internals burst from underneath.

"Eat your fill, I've got people to attend to."

With a smirk the jaguar would lunge forward ripping and slicing through the undead army and the mages. With this Faye begins running deeper into the village taking out the corrupt as she moved through.

"Hey Yaotl, where's the village center?" she asked mentally communicating with the lady spirit?

"Yaotl? Wait how are you in my head? Who's Yaotl?"

"You ask too many questions Yaotl, people are dying."

"Uhm turn left up ahead then go straight ahead. You should reach a circular opening with a fountain in the middle, also my is Mihoko."

Faye just smirked as she went off in the direction she had been told. Upon reaching the fountain she would make quick work of the corrupt mages and their minions and stand atop the fountain.

"Hel's Alignment." she whispers dramatically as if in a movie. In the air a giant pink speaker would form with a mic attached to it which she would speak into. "Excuse me hiding villagers, you don't know who I am but I'm going to need you to trust me, head for the giant pink bubble dome thing in the center of the village. You will be safe here, those who can fight, fight. For the rest, do not worry I have a giant cat running around follow her here and everything will be fine."

With that the speaker began to change form, spreading over the the entirety of the village center and creating a large semi-permeable soul dome. The dome was created to let only pure souls in, well pure in comparison to the undead and the corrupt mages. The villagers began entering the dome thus drawing more and more undead towards the center as well, however unable to enter they would claw at the walls of the pink dome trying to get in.

"Yaotl, you go and take care of any stragglers left in the village. Careful not to go too far east."

With this the dome would form a multitude of long spikes all around impaling and skewing the evil surrounding it. Faye would then leave the dome killing whatever was left after which it would shatter into a bunch of small particles, making it look like pink snow.

(Shojun no Hel) Δ Hel's Alignment
Rank: C-S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost:15-40
Damage Points: 30-80
Description: Shojun no Hel is perhaps the most essential technique throughout the House's epitome of techniques. The jutsu is based on the use of the generic Genki which whom traverse between the Pure and Impure Realms, a.k.a into our 'dimension' per say. Through the conviction of the user, and a sacrificial portion of chakra, depending on the strength of the Genki, and the Rank within the House of the user, they will forcefully be able to persuade the Genki to do their bidding. Now this can be used in a various amount of ways, essentially by bending the savage spirit in it's else deformed mass of ethereal spiritual energy, the user is capable of forming 'constructs' of ethereal energy throughout the field through hand motions or else body movements. These constructs carries a certain color of Kūki no Yōna depending on the user, upon materializing in the desired area of the user's choice. On top of that, the constructs are either flame-like or solid in the appearance, thus adding for versatility. Once the sacrifice have been made the user can freely without further payment manipulate the Genki, with the only cost being spending a move. Being hit by a Genki will either do nothing (if the spirit decides to not take a tangible form), or produce kinetic, physical damage (if he takes physical form). In this case, the Genki still has the ability to select which matter he will interact with, though that is not true for energies, as per the clan description.
Note: This technique can only manipulate one genki at a time.
Note: S-Rank can only be used three times per battle and not in consecutive turns.
Approved here:

"You can rest now Mihoko." she said releasing her other technique as well. "You've got your revenge."

A few moments later she would approach Alucard who would be drinking coffee.

"That looks delicious." @Skorm
With the debacle that had occured down at the town, it looked like Faye had taken care of it as she approached Alucard commenting on his coffee. He had sensed the presences of the spirits that she had somewhat of a control over.

Well, i won't lie to you. I am pretty fucking weakened right now so let's just get out of here. Also the coffee is delicious.

He paused for a secound and looked at Faye.

You did good Faye.

With that being said, Alucard headed(hopefully alongside Faye) to the coast of the Ruined temple and created yet another platform out of pulling gravitational forces that they would use. Their next encounter would be the haunted Hokubu Ocean, the body of water that was between them and their goal. The lightning Mountains.


El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
With the debacle that had occured down at the town, it looked like Faye had taken care of it as she approached Alucard commenting on his coffee. He had sensed the presences of the spirits that she had somewhat of a control over.

Well, i won't lie to you. I am pretty fucking weakened right now so let's just get out of here. Also the coffee is delicious.

He paused for a secound and looked at Faye.

You did good Faye.

With that being said, Alucard headed(hopefully alongside Faye) to the coast of the Ruined temple and created yet another platform out of pulling gravitational forces that they would use. Their next encounter would be the haunted Hokubu Ocean, the body of water that was between them and their goal. The lightning Mountains.

"Let's get going then, and thank you."

LLM travelling with Skorm.
Nov 10, 2018
Trait Points
Solomon arrives from Sorrow's Heart. This was no homecoming, not that he had expected one in the first place. Hundreds of years had passed since the demise of the Kingdom of Israel. He observed his surroundings, Tenseigan still active.
The ruins of the temple were quiet, perhaps too quiet, it’s silence as loud as the sounds of the dead but unresting souls Solomon encountered. Almost on cue, the silence was permeated by a sudden loud rattling shriek, a high pitched scream of indiscernable words. As the sound grew louder somehow, with it came a rapidly thinning air and difficulty to breath, the very same effects Solomon experienced at the start of his journey. With thinning air came a swift and strong current, whipping around fiercely. As the sharp winds begin to speed up, small cuts became noticeable along Solomon’s clothes and limbs. These wounds, though normally healable via medjutsu or Yang or other sources, these small wounds were somehow untreatable, dealing 10 unmitigated damage per turn.

With the wind and thinned air came the porcelain and pale violet eyes frenetically and sporadically appear before Solomon, haunting him like before, watching his every move. As the eyes watched, their shadowy figure began to come into sight, seemingly materializing as the man watched them. As a monstrous form appeared, humanoid in stature but with 4 arms, 2 legs and 2 mouths aligned horizontally, the 2 meter tall hunched over entity had pitch black fur covering his upper body and legs with 3 tails attached. As the purple eyes solidified, the creature screamed one more time.


As he shrieked, the Igigi spat out a lesser demon from the secondary mouth as it took wingless flight. This creature, the Kusarikku, was a low level demon who immediately releasing an attack at the Mage King.

( Kusarikku ) - ( Kusarikku )
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A strange demonic entity created by the Igigi, the Kusarikku are a unique class of demons. These gargantuan demons stand at 3 meters tall with the arms, torso and head of a human and the ears, horns and hindquarters of a bull, covered in melam scales. Considered the personification of fear, these mindless beasts carry a hex when summoned. Kusarikku have 100 health and are capable of moving at Jounin speeds with a sensing ability of thrice that. They are able to release large waves of a thick earthen substance of 80 damage at targets.

( Puluhtu Hex ) - Puluhtu Hex (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: When the Kusarikku are summoned, the carry an innate curse that lays dormant until they are either directly or indirectly observed. Covered in melam scales, these scales trigger fear in target and prevent the fight part of their fight or flight response, causing them to suffer from a loss of 4 base speed levels as well as an inability to dodge techniques via movement. The fear causes a natural damage reduction, reducing the potency of all enemy attacks, spiritual or physical, by 20 as well as an inability to flee fights.

( Shamash’s Fury ) - Shamash’s Ikari
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 100
Description: The Kusarikku are capable of releasing a powerful solid wall of corporeal demon energy. This wall deals 80 damage and covers a 20 square meters high and travels at twice the speed of earthen techniques.

The Igigi itself has 2.5x Sage speed with tracking double that. A health pool of 200 and chakra of 450, the Igigi can reduce any chakra based attacks by 35 damage.
Last edited by a moderator:


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Returning from a Demonic battle.

Solomon breathes a sigh of relief, the battle was over. But how many more remained? Could he really take them down on his own? Such drastic and extreme calamities left the Mage King questioning everything. "Sasuke," he began, turning toward his spectral aid, "Here. Let me heal the damage your spirit sustained. Question them while I do so. Find out as much as you can. Hone in on their powers, Anutu, and what their objective is." Solomon presses his palm against Sasuke's spectral shoulder, pulsing a surge of Yin favored chakra into his spiritual form. It restores him to a state before the fight had began, minus the loss of his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. A necessary loss.

Meanwhile, Sasuke heeded his command. Within the spiritual realm of Izanami a spectral Sasuke manipulated the demonic mind of the Igigi in its colossal form, demanding that it reveal the nature of Anutu, its properties, weaknesses, and any other pertinent information to Solomon. Sasuke also questioned their motivates and objectives, and why they were so focused on Solomon specifically.

(Inton: Tsukinogami) – Yin Release: Touch of the Moon
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 70
Damage: N/A
Description: The user, through physical contact, infuses Yin chakra into the body of another. The Yin natured chakra acts to surge through their entire body and release the target from techniques which manipulate, drain, weaken, or even seal the spirit. The Yin chakra also doubles as a source of spiritual regeneration, allowing the target’s spirit and spiritual energy to reverse the drawbacks of spiritually draining techniques, such as Yin Release, Yamanaka, and Genjutsu, over time. The technique is so potent, given enough time, that it has no limits to its spiritual regeneration. Touch of the Moon can be used three times per battle. Those who are affected by the infusion of Yin chakra cannot use Yang or Yin-Yang Release techniques for a single turn following the infusion. Yin Release masters are able to use this technique on themselves once.
Nov 10, 2018
Trait Points
Returning from a Demonic battle.

Solomon breathes a sigh of relief, the battle was over. But how many more remained? Could he really take them down on his own? Such drastic and extreme calamities left the Mage King questioning everything. "Sasuke," he began, turning toward his spectral aid, "Here. Let me heal the damage your spirit sustained. Question them while I do so. Find out as much as you can. Hone in on their powers, Anutu, and what their objective is." Solomon presses his palm against Sasuke's spectral shoulder, pulsing a surge of Yin favored chakra into his spiritual form. It restores him to a state before the fight had began, minus the loss of his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. A necessary loss.

Meanwhile, Sasuke heeded his command. Within the spiritual realm of Izanami a spectral Sasuke manipulated the demonic mind of the Igigi in its colossal form, demanding that it reveal the nature of Anutu, its properties, weaknesses, and any other pertinent information to Solomon. Sasuke also questioned their motivates and objectives, and why they were so focused on Solomon specifically.

(Inton: Tsukinogami) – Yin Release: Touch of the Moon
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 70
Damage: N/A
Description: The user, through physical contact, infuses Yin chakra into the body of another. The Yin natured chakra acts to surge through their entire body and release the target from techniques which manipulate, drain, weaken, or even seal the spirit. The Yin chakra also doubles as a source of spiritual regeneration, allowing the target’s spirit and spiritual energy to reverse the drawbacks of spiritually draining techniques, such as Yin Release, Yamanaka, and Genjutsu, over time. The technique is so potent, given enough time, that it has no limits to its spiritual regeneration. Touch of the Moon can be used three times per battle. Those who are affected by the infusion of Yin chakra cannot use Yang or Yin-Yang Release techniques for a single turn following the infusion. Yin Release masters are able to use this technique on themselves once.
Sasuke's Sharingan pierced through the Igigi's mind, seeking to find the answers Solomon demanded from the creature. Secrets about the Igigi and why they targeted Solomon were targeted, the answers being called upon like a honing device. The prowess Sasuke showed with his Sharingan and his potent chakra entering the Igigi's mind enabled him deep access to the Igigi's demonic mind, however he was ill prepared for what that truly meant. The Igigi were mindless drones, reacting on primal instincts and anger. They embodied different emotions but they didn't truly think on their own. They were essentially puppets for other entities to channel their Authority through. When Sasuke's Izanami targeted the Igigi, it ensnared the demon in the powerful Genjutsu - but not it's controller.

Sasuke would find a rapidly increasingly difficulty in extracting the information before he becomes hindered and unable to advance through the mysteries of the demonic mind nor even retreat from it, he himself now trapped within the same mind. As this occurs, his control over his own state becomes altered as the entity controlling the Igigi likewise controls him now.

With Sasuke still tethered to the Igigi, Sasuke voice begins to speak but it was not alone. For a third time, the voice Solomon kept hearing speaks to him once more. No longer booming loudly, the voice can be hear as the more dominant voice over Sasuke's own. Addressing Solomon, the voice spoke directly to him.

"In the halls of Eanna, Seraphs lie...In the hells of Irkalla, Demons rise." Turning to face Solomon, Sasuke's eyes stared directly into the Mage King's own. The recently blinded eye was now awakened but illuminated with a purple eye with a deep blue iris paired with the Uchiha's natural eye. Sasuke looked directly to Solomon as he spoke before looking towards the stars. Staring up for a few seconds, the spectral Uchiha looked back to Solomon. "You seek many answers, Solomon yet you create more questions in your search. The way is already known, it's been told before. You need only seek them out.

As for these creatures, the Igigi are my heralds. This isn't the first time they have arrived, though it may be the last one. They are here on my orders, in response to the very world you and the Sage have allowed to manifest before you. Look around you, Solomon. Death has left the world, and with it,reality comes into question. Denizens of Irkalla have breached this world in Tobusekai, human have crossed the threshold into Irkalla and have gone to war with it. The Primordial Mother was revived, an entire ocean has been terraformed and turns those who even touch it into replications of Tiamat's Monsters and more war looms ahead of us. This is the world that you are living in, and you do not see the issues under your watch?"

The entity possessing Sasuke pressed Solomon over his idleness, clearly disagreeing with it. "You ask why the Igigi target you but the question should be why have you not stopped any of these threats you are capable of? Is it not your duty to help these people?"


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
Sasuke's Sharingan pierced through the Igigi's mind, seeking to find the answers Solomon demanded from the creature. Secrets about the Igigi and why they targeted Solomon were targeted, the answers being called upon like a honing device. The prowess Sasuke showed with his Sharingan and his potent chakra entering the Igigi's mind enabled him deep access to the Igigi's demonic mind, however he was ill prepared for what that truly meant. The Igigi were mindless drones, reacting on primal instincts and anger. They embodied different emotions but they didn't truly think on their own. They were essentially puppets for other entities to channel their Authority through. When Sasuke's Izanami targeted the Igigi, it ensnared the demon in the powerful Genjutsu - but not it's controller.

Sasuke would find a rapidly increasingly difficulty in extracting the information before he becomes hindered and unable to advance through the mysteries of the demonic mind nor even retreat from it, he himself now trapped within the same mind. As this occurs, his control over his own state becomes altered as the entity controlling the Igigi likewise controls him now.

With Sasuke still tethered to the Igigi, Sasuke voice begins to speak but it was not alone. For a third time, the voice Solomon kept hearing speaks to him once more. No longer booming loudly, the voice can be hear as the more dominant voice over Sasuke's own. Addressing Solomon, the voice spoke directly to him.

"In the halls of Eanna, Seraphs lie...In the hells of Irkalla, Demons rise." Turning to face Solomon, Sasuke's eyes stared directly into the Mage King's own. The recently blinded eye was now awakened but illuminated with a purple eye with a deep blue iris paired with the Uchiha's natural eye. Sasuke looked directly to Solomon as he spoke before looking towards the stars. Staring up for a few seconds, the spectral Uchiha looked back to Solomon. "You seek many answers, Solomon yet you create more questions in your search. The way is already known, it's been told before. You need only seek them out.

As for these creatures, the Igigi are my heralds. This isn't the first time they have arrived, though it may be the last one. They are here on my orders, in response to the very world you and the Sage have allowed to manifest before you. Look around you, Solomon. Death has left the world, and with it,reality comes into question. Denizens of Irkalla have breached this world in Tobusekai, human have crossed the threshold into Irkalla and have gone to war with it. The Primordial Mother was revived, an entire ocean has been terraformed and turns those who even touch it into replications of Tiamat's Monsters and more war looms ahead of us. This is the world that you are living in, and you do not see the issues under your watch?"

The entity possessing Sasuke pressed Solomon over his idleness, clearly disagreeing with it. "You ask why the Igigi target you but the question should be why have you not stopped any of these threats you are capable of? Is it not your duty to help these people?"
It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last; he was sure of it. But surprise struck again as it seemed the Seal of Solomon's defensive mechanisms were not so absolute, rendering Sasuke a puppet of whatever had been controlling the Igigi. Solomon could tell that the Igigi was still under the potent effects of Izanami, but it made no difference as whatever entity behind the Igigi used its talons to burrow into Sasuke's own spiritual form. It spoke, though this time with a different voice - one that synchronized with Sasuke's, though dominated it to some degree. As if the two had fused momentarily though one personality emerged as the dominant force. Solomon could do nothing else but listen.

A frowned formed on his face. A sense of guilt. "When I was young I learned that intervention can produce cancers within a cell. That at times it is best to let the natural course of life take command. It was a philosophy passed down from my father, King David, to myself. And one that I attempted to impart on my progeny. For centuries it seemed to work. History played out naturally, or so I thought. Empires rose and fell, people lived and died," he paused for a moment, reflecting on all the history he has seen. "But what my eyes did not see was the darkness that manipulated events from the shadows. A force invisible even to me, though perhaps not you - whoever you might be. A force that I sense encroaches on everything, from human history to the way the universe was ordered by the gods. As I have learned more I shifted from inactivity and observation into action. Is it my duty to help these people? Yes. I will take a stand against those that threaten the human order. Because I must." It was the best response he could muster for this ancient being. "This darkness is more than just Imeroth, a man who serves a primordial. It is something much darker than even that. Something I've suspected for some time now. I will become a bulwark for humanity, as my familiar Goetia once demanded I do."
Nov 10, 2018
Trait Points
It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last; he was sure of it. But surprise struck again as it seemed the Seal of Solomon's defensive mechanisms were not so absolute, rendering Sasuke a puppet of whatever had been controlling the Igigi. Solomon could tell that the Igigi was still under the potent effects of Izanami, but it made no difference as whatever entity behind the Igigi used its talons to burrow into Sasuke's own spiritual form. It spoke, though this time with a different voice - one that synchronized with Sasuke's, though dominated it to some degree. As if the two had fused momentarily though one personality emerged as the dominant force. Solomon could do nothing else but listen.

A frowned formed on his face. A sense of guilt. "When I was young I learned that intervention can produce cancers within a cell. That at times it is best to let the natural course of life take command. It was a philosophy passed down from my father, King David, to myself. And one that I attempted to impart on my progeny. For centuries it seemed to work. History played out naturally, or so I thought. Empires rose and fell, people lived and died," he paused for a moment, reflecting on all the history he has seen. "But what my eyes did not see was the darkness that manipulated events from the shadows. A force invisible even to me, though perhaps not you - whoever you might be. A force that I sense encroaches on everything, from human history to the way the universe was ordered by the gods. As I have learned more I shifted from inactivity and observation into action. Is it my duty to help these people? Yes. I will take a stand against those that threaten the human order. Because I must." It was the best response he could muster for this ancient being. "This darkness is more than just Imeroth, a man who serves a primordial. It is something much darker than even that. Something I've suspected for some time now. I will become a bulwark for humanity, as my familiar Goetia once demanded I do."
The ethereal Sasuke continued to watch Solomon as he answered, the dark haired Uchiha's true self still trapped within the mindless pit of the Igigi's consciousness. Solomon's acknowledgement of his lack of action had to appease the voice because he caused Sasuke to nod his head in agreeance with Solomon. "There are things stirring in the unknown. Things even you cannot comprehend, the cosmic emptiness creates an infinitude of darkness. You may think you are prepared or know, but you have no idea what awaits you. Imeroth and his minions are only the beginning - there is much worse things than the Voidlords approaching.

Though you stand prepared to act now, it may be too late; as we speak, the Lady of the Underworld has directly engaged your Champions," the voice spoke, stressing the word to Solomon. "Much hinges on their encounter, a future destroyed or saved because of their invasion. Dangers still approach despite this. This Chakra you tout so highly will be no match for the depths of Irkalla or the Void."

Sasuke stopped, watching Solomon as if he was seeing through him. "You seek to understand Anutu but it is not something to be spoken of, it is to be held, experienced. The way is already known, it has been told. Seek the answers." As the voice spoke, Sasuke's gradually became stronger and more dominant as the other entities eye faded into pale greyish tones. The entity possessing Sasuke was leaving, giving his final message to Solomon before he departed.


May 28, 2014
Trait Points
The ethereal Sasuke continued to watch Solomon as he answered, the dark haired Uchiha's true self still trapped within the mindless pit of the Igigi's consciousness. Solomon's acknowledgement of his lack of action had to appease the voice because he caused Sasuke to nod his head in agreeance with Solomon. "There are things stirring in the unknown. Things even you cannot comprehend, the cosmic emptiness creates an infinitude of darkness. You may think you are prepared or know, but you have no idea what awaits you. Imeroth and his minions are only the beginning - there is much worse things than the Voidlords approaching.

Though you stand prepared to act now, it may be too late; as we speak, the Lady of the Underworld has directly engaged your Champions," the voice spoke, stressing the word to Solomon. "Much hinges on their encounter, a future destroyed or saved because of their invasion. Dangers still approach despite this. This Chakra you tout so highly will be no match for the depths of Irkalla or the Void."

Sasuke stopped, watching Solomon as if he was seeing through him. "You seek to understand Anutu but it is not something to be spoken of, it is to be held, experienced. The way is already known, it has been told. Seek the answers." As the voice spoke, Sasuke's gradually became stronger and more dominant as the other entities eye faded into pale greyish tones. The entity possessing Sasuke was leaving, giving his final message to Solomon before he departed.
This being's words basically confirmed what Solomon had been concerned with for months now - that something much more sinister was at play than Imeroth, the Voidlords, and their plans. But had it been too late? Had the Igigi acted on that information? Were they a cosmic force sent to correct what might already take place? This being was right, whoever they might be; Solomon's questions only served to breed more questions. He had to act now, taking the scroll out of his robes and recalled its words. He must seek to the sky. The events of this calamity seemed, for now, confined to Tobusekai. And there was only one place that could bring him so close to the sky, the heavens. Peculiarly Sasuke's sacrificed eye returned to its milky white blinded hues from what was, for a moment, a brilliant and deep blue. Though for now Solomon shrugged it off, leaving for now. It was time to find answers. The two departed.
