Eamhna (275)


May 28, 2014
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A utopia blessed by wind, life, rain and song, Emain Ablach is the home of the Wind Clan of the Fae. Appearing as beautiful human-like fae, some small some tall, some with and without wings, but all stunningly gorgeous. Also called Emhain Abhlach, the land of the ever growing fruits, Eamhna is a glorious paradise of bountiful delicious fruits. Trees of odd and impossible colors that change like the wind itself are found throughout the region, vibrant pinks and deep purples being the most prevalent. The Wind Clan act as caretakers of the forests, maintaining it's health and beauty. When the time is right they gather the fruits of the land, never once daring to take from the land itself, nor pluck the fruits from the trees themselves, but gleefully take what is given by the land itself in return for their care and devotion. In this sense the land can be considered it's own organism, and to some this give and take relationship in both directions merely a large scale mutualistic relationship. The are others who posit that, as Fae spring forth from the lands of Tírnan itself, and return to it upon death, they are in fact merely only an extension of Tírnan's will, and perform these duties as it's the sole purpose for their creation, and have no will otherwise. To those people I declare: That's very insensitive, and you sound crazy.

As a part of the Fae Domain of Tírnan, any and all attempts to perform Jutsu and techniques that seek to directly influence, alter or draw from the land are met with immediate failure. These include altering the environment with Earth, Water and similar Elemental Releases, as well as the gathering of Natural Energy, for Modes like Sage Mode and Dokkodo.
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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Previous post.
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:
- Scout potential threats (3).

Musashi continued traveling through the Outer Lands, the limited light not from her lantern waning as she did so. The suffocating thickness of the Cedar Forest seemed to permeate the entire continent, and eventually Musashi found herself using the water-walking technique, as the forest flow below gave way to a thick bog.

Musashi's soul sensing was already proving to be useful - the spirit of the local fauna was high here, and she quickly figured out why: snakes. And a lot of them.

Musashi had her blade out, coated in ( Dokkōdō: Kakusu Shinjitsu ) - The Alone Way: Hidden Truths. The flickering energy from the sword was enough, to shed some extra light from her lantern, but even beyond that, the serpents here appeared to be...vicious. Malicious, even. Normally snakes would pay someone no mind, or give one a warning when encroaching on their territory, but not these. They seemed almost instinctively drawn to any life that wasn't them, and they were aggressive.

The amount of petrified bisected snake bodies around Musashi was quickly increasing, as she was using her sword skills to keep herself protected. This was not a situation she ever imagined to find herself in.

"What the heck...?" spoke Musashi, softly, as she spotted something through the thick mist that hung through the area.

A...town...of some sort? Deserted, and half swallowed by the bog. Remnants of buildings of some sort jutted out of the swamp, parts of it half-rotted, others...was that...petrified wood? How long had this been here?

Though the number of serpents was immense, Musashi detected no other living souls in this area. Whatever these ruins were, they had been long since abandoned. She ventured through them, some of them still offering a bit of shelter from the elements...but only just so.

She wondered, honestly, how there was anything left here. While much of the wood here had been petrified and turned to stone, other parts had not. But with the swamp, she thought nature should have long since reclaimed the area, especially with the state of the rest of the forest as she had seen so far. The Outer Lands prove to be ever stranger with every passing moment.

When she found a suitable place, she opened her notes and map once more, and added information about this area: The swamp was already a hazard, but the aggressive, numerous snakes only compounded the issue. And Musashi knew enough to know that these were not harmless snakes at that - with fangs like those, they were venomous. How much so, she did not desire to divine herself. But, even then...these ruins? That was an archeological find that was sure to draw people here, and maybe there was much to discover...but the danger would need to be dealt with before this place would release any of its secrets.

Doing a final pass of the place, Musashi was not able to find anything of direct interest, especially as the number of snakes - as well as their aggression - began to increase. She went from the occasional swatting of her blade to actually having to clear bits of the swamp with a large sweep of her shrouded sword. To linger any longer would likely be foolish - some of the serpents had already tried to change tactics and drop on her from above, rather than stay concealed within the swamp. Musashi found herself once again grateful for her sensitivity.

Deciding not to linger, she moved on.

Leaving Landmark for Mouth of the Titan (266).


Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

Kisuke looking at all the different lands he is passing. He was looking really hard for any signs of a human being. He starts getting tired and slowly doses off.

He snores so loud in his sleep that he wakes himself up. From right to left he wipes his eyes. He starts back staring off into the distance. There was a figure in the distance. He was just letting the boat coast down the river but still rowing to keep the boat on track. When he woke up he still had the paddles in his hands. He rows towards the land and docks his boat by dragging it a shore.

The Merchant starts screaming and yelling out towards the man.


He waves his hand trying to get the person's attention but most likely he couldn't hear him. He has been trying to get his business off the ground and he had to make his presents known. He shoots a beam of energy into the sky from his right index finger. The beam is to catch his attention.

( Gereru Bakufū ) - Gelel Blast
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: With a piece of the Stone of Gelel embedded in them, the user can blast objects without the need to make physical contact with it. This ability allows him to release powerful explosions similar to Blast release from his hand, detonating things he aims at within a short range radius. He can inversely create a stream of explosions from his hand towards ranged targets. Though this technique shares similarities with Blast Release, this technique is not considered a Ninjutsu.

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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Coming from here

Kisuke looking at all the different lands he is passing. He was looking really hard for any signs of a human being. He starts getting tired and slowly doses off.

He snores so loud in his sleep that he wakes himself up. From right to left he wipes his eyes. He starts back staring off into the distance. There was a figure in the distance. He was just letting the boat coast down the river but still rowing to keep the boat on track. When he woke up he still had the paddles in his hands. He rows towards the land and docks his boat by dragging it a shore.

The Merchant starts screaming and yelling out towards the man.


He waves his hand trying to get the person's attention but most likely he couldn't hear him. He has been trying to get his business off the ground and he had to make his presents known. He shoots a beam of energy into the sky from his right index finger. The beam is to catch his attention.

( Gereru Bakufū ) - Gelel Blast
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: With a piece of the Stone of Gelel embedded in them, the user can blast objects without the need to make physical contact with it. This ability allows him to release powerful explosions similar to Blast release from his hand, detonating things he aims at within a short range radius. He can inversely create a stream of explosions from his hand towards ranged targets. Though this technique shares similarities with Blast Release, this technique is not considered a Ninjutsu.

Musashi was making her way out of the Western Duskmire, finally reaching a bit of a reprieve near the river, where the bog wasn't as intense, and the snakes not so numerous.

It was then that Musashi picked it up - first, via her sensitivity to souls: another human, venturing into the area. An explorer? Then, visually: a streak of light careening into the air, like a flare. A man, in a stripped hat and clogged sandles. Musashi was on edge at first - were they going to try and ambush her? She doubted it, with how they called out.

Staying on edge, she ventured forward.

"Hoy!" she called out in response. "Didn't expect to meet anyone out here. What brings you out this way?" said Musashi, landing on the clear waters below, glad to finally be out of the swamp. Or, at least, on the outskirts of it, as it were.


Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Musashi was making her way out of the Western Duskmire, finally reaching a bit of a reprieve near the river, where the bog wasn't as intense, and the snakes not so numerous.

It was then that Musashi picked it up - first, via her sensitivity to souls: another human, venturing into the area. An explorer? Then, visually: a streak of light careening into the air, like a flare. A man, in a stripped hat and clogged sandles. Musashi was on edge at first - were they going to try and ambush her? She doubted it, with how they called out.

Staying on edge, she ventured forward.

"Hoy!" she called out in response. "Didn't expect to meet anyone out here. What brings you out this way?" said Musashi, landing on the clear waters below, glad to finally be out of the swamp. Or, at least, on the outskirts of it, as it were.
He finally got the attention of the lady.

I'm sorry to bother you ma'am. I have seen some people a few weeks ago out here. I'm here because I heard there was work out here but looks like there has been a halt to it. I'm also here trying to spread my business. I'm a Merchant from Sins Village.

The man while talking was stumping over his words. He was very excited to show off his new invents and also hopeful gain a friend in this mysterious place.
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Apr 8, 2021
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He finally got the attention of the lady.

I'm sorry to bother you ma'am. I have seen some people a few weeks ago out here. I'm here because I heard there was work out here but looks like there has been a halt to it. I'm also here trying to spread my business. I'm a Merchant from Sins Village.

The man while talking was stumping over his words. He was very excited to show off his new invents and also hopeful gain a friend in this mysterious place.
Musashi watched as the man came rushing forward, she herself taking a step back, caught slightly off guard by the man's fervor.

"I've...never heard of the Sin's Village," said Musashi, a faltering smile on her face, before continuing, "But, it's good to see someone else out here! It's been a bit of a trek. I have to admit, its a bit strange having the merchants come to me, but I'll definitely take a look, if you've got something that may be useful," she said, regaining her cheerful composure.


Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Musashi watched as the man came rushing forward, she herself taking a step back, caught slightly off guard by the man's fervor.

"I've...never heard of the Sin's Village," said Musashi, a faltering smile on her face, before continuing, "But, it's good to see someone else out here! It's been a bit of a trek. I have to admit, its a bit strange having the merchants come to me, but I'll definitely take a look, if you've got something that may be useful," she said, regaining her cheerful composure.
He can tell by her body language that she was uncomfortable or a little on edge but it started to change ever so slightly until it was completely gone.

I'm sorry it's Village Hidden in the Sin also known as Tsumigakure. It really is good to see someone I can actually talk to. The other two I saw didn't say anything to me.

He got a little sad thinking of that time but springs back into action.

I'm new to the game of Merchant so I figure it's best to put myself out there instead of just the normal flyers everywhere. I still could do that but I like in person contact instead.

He takes his bag off and reaches in slowly so he didn't put her back on edge and pulls out two items while at the same time talking.

Right now I have two inventions I created myself. It's something simple but useful to you in the future hopefully. Here they are and they are both 750 ryo each.

He also goes over the functions of each individual item.

The Two Inventions
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Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
He can tell by her body language that she was uncomfortable or a little on edge but it started to change ever so slightly until it was completely gone.

I'm sorry it's Village Hidden in the Sin also known as Tsumigakure. It really is good to see someone I can actually talk to. The other two I saw didn't say anything to me.

He got a little sad thinking of that time but springs back into action.

I'm new to the game of Merchant so I figure it's best to put myself out there instead of just the normal flyers everywhere. I still could do that but I like in person contact instead.

He takes his bag off and reaches in slowly so he didn't put her back on edge and pulls out two items while at the same time talking.

Right now I have two inventions I created myself. It's something simple but useful to you in the future hopefully. Here they are and they are both 750 ryo each.

He also goes over the functions of each individual item.

The Two Inventions
Musashi examined the wares the Merchant was peddling. Some gum, and some armor. While the gum wasn't exactly something she would have normally considered, a bit more extra protection out in this area could not really be a bad thing. And honestly, maybe having something to chew on would keep her from eating through her rations every time she got just the tiniest bit of an appetite...

"Mhm, sorry, never heard of them," said Musashi, with a smile as he further explained his approach to getting his business off the ground. Musashi had to admit, she really appreciated the gusto, and she did have a bit of spare Ryo after the work she did setting up the Beachhead...

"I'll take one of each!" she said cheerfully, pulling out 1500 Ryo from her coinpurse. Armor could definitely be useful here, and while Musashi wasn't really much of the kind for espionage, having a way to conceal one's self - especially in an unknown area like this - could prove useful.


Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Musashi examined the wares the Merchant was peddling. Some gum, and some armor. While the gum wasn't exactly something she would have normally considered, a bit more extra protection out in this area could not really be a bad thing. And honestly, maybe having something to chew on would keep her from eating through her rations every time she got just the tiniest bit of an appetite...

"Mhm, sorry, never heard of them," said Musashi, with a smile as he further explained his approach to getting his business off the ground. Musashi had to admit, she really appreciated the gusto, and she did have a bit of spare Ryo after the work she did setting up the Beachhead...

"I'll take one of each!" she said cheerfully, pulling out 1500 Ryo from her coinpurse. Armor could definitely be useful here, and while Musashi wasn't really much of the kind for espionage, having a way to conceal one's self - especially in an unknown area like this - could prove useful.
Kisuke was happy to have someone to purchase his items. Hopefully more could come. He gave the lady the two items before reaching out for the ryo. He had to make sure his first impression stuck to her memory bank like a wet noodle on a while, it was done.

Thank you and hopefully we can cross paths again.

He tucks the ryo away as he gather his belongings together. The smile his face was priceless. He couldn't believe he finally made his first ryo today. He is an actual official Merchant with this first transaction. He thanks the lady again with a huge smile.

Thank you again
  • Love
Reactions: Keotsu
Apr 8, 2021
Trait Points
Kisuke was happy to have someone to purchase his items. Hopefully more could come. He gave the lady the two items before reaching out for the ryo. He had to make sure his first impression stuck to her memory bank like a wet noodle on a while, it was done.

Thank you and hopefully we can cross paths again.

He tucks the ryo away as he gather his belongings together. The smile his face was priceless. He couldn't believe he finally made his first ryo today. He is an actual official Merchant with this first transaction. He thanks the lady again with a huge smile.

Thank you again
Musashi watched as the Merchant went as quickly as he came. It was an odd encounter...but not an unwelcome one. Musashi smiled, glad to have such a pleasant encounter. It was always refreshing to meet a jovial soul on an adventure like this, and she hope the man's business took off.

Leaving Landmark for Mouth of the Titan (266).


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Mission Element(s):

  • Explore a dangerous site
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Alucards decaying body was in for fast treatment as Lilith would infuse her father with Yang chakra restoring him to full health. Her right palm lit up like the sun itself, radiating warmth and nurturing chakra through a large pulse spiking through Alucard. Cellular regeneration was instant and his body bar his clothes were fully restored.

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release Specialists and Yin-Yang users are able to use on themselves.

The fact that Alucard felt no pain meant he felt nothing now either when he was fully restored.

W-where did your wings carry us little one?

Away from them.. But i don't suppose this place is much safer to be honest, your chakra supplies how are they?

At this point almost none existent, i need to replenish it. Put me down on the ground and keep your guard up. I sense entities, weak but yeah.. We're not alone.

Lilith and Alucard descended through the air into the darkness that was unique to the lands around here. Upon touching the ground, they both felt it was almost slimy. Nevertheless, Alucard started to concentrate and enter his trance.

(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Chakra no Sōzō) Yin-Yang Release: Chakra Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (+300 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique ability available only to Yin-Yang masters, Chakra Creation pertains to the ability to focus on ones physical and spiritual energies and draw more from one's essence. This allows the user of the technique to replenish and regenerate a limited amount of chakra. This is done by clapping one's hands and focusing, meditating for a moment.
Note: Must meditate for 1 full turn before ones chakra starts to regenerate

The almost absolute darkness around the area was blinding Lilith entirely whom, unlike her father was able to sense and see everything. While she had her tech, it was not useful in a place absent of light. However, she was not the type of person to let something like that stop her from exploring the premises. Her curiosity was leading her astray, away from Alucard and towards the bogs around what looked to be a forgotten village. The cold and thick mist around this place contributed to a chilling atmosphere. Lilith decided to wait for Alucard before proceeding to checking it out, however she suddenly heard a faint noise behind her. A slithering and rattling noise akin to that of a rattlesnake. She looked behind her and saw tree branches moving on their own, Lilith had never seen snakes before but she was petrified over their grotesque slithering nature. Little did she know, these ones were also highly venomous and exotic. The chances there were antidotes were probably slim to none. There was no point in flying into the air, the snakes could easily follow her there with the tall trees and their long reach. She decided to run for it, not keen to set the forest afire. Her route took her to the south east were the fog would be very intense still, clouding her vision greatly. So much so that she managed to run straight into a large pit in the ground. Lilith's shared consciousness reached Alucard who hurried to the scene in all haste, arming himself with two new swords which he could use to cut small trees or viscous animals in half with should any dare stand in his way. Lilith couldn't see anything in the surroundings that was the cave she found herself in, infact it was so dark that she couldn't even see the point of entry from which she had fallen from. Meanwhile, Alucard had passed the small settlements and noticed several snakes and other cold-blooded reptilic animals around the area. His pace hadn't changed however and soon he would be looking at the large pit Lilith was in.

You could u know.. Light a candle?
Liliths voice came out from the cave disembodied and creepy, it's true that she was quite scared but something with the acoustics inside the cave made her voice abnormal.

Let there be light!
A flicker of Katon Chakra concentrated through the tip of her index-finger would reveal the inside of the cave. She looked into the vastness of the tunnel infront of her.

(Katon no Jutsu) - Fire Release Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user will release a small but powerful flame of fire at their opponent from either their limbs (through movement) or exhaling it. It can produce fire balls or fire streams or simply aid in taijutsu.

There was nothing in there that wasn't absolutely terrifying, ranging from a plethora of skeletons to absurdly large shed snakeskins but most upsetting of all, a hollow humming sound far into the darkness. Suddenly she heard a large thud right beside her and her heart almost stopped. Alucard had joined her now.

There is something or someone in here Lilith. Good find!

Gg..gggg.ooo..dd f..fff..fff..ii..n..d??

Alucard felt sorry for her, she almost had a stroke and he did note all the strange items that were laying around inside but carried on nonetheless. Lilith reached out her hand carefully to him, trembling in fear.

Really now?

I..iii..tt..ss t..thhe..voice i'm scared!

*sigh* okay, let's get this over with.

The further in they went, the louder the humming rang but it made such a weird and hollow sound that it couldn't belong to a person. They had passed three gigantic snake skins now, all of them around 10-20 meters long, rivaling that of the grandest snakes but still nowhere near the size of say Manda. Alucard noticed an increase in a very particular type of chakra resonating towards the inner chambers of the cave. It was Sage chakra. His mind was racing, could this be? An ancient Snake Sage lair?! His Tenseigan and Chakra Sensory allowed him to locate the chakra, it was of quite large portion but concentrated into something the size of a small.. Orb? Soon Lilith would see it to as the two of them had finally arrived at the very end of the cave. Leaning towards the walls was a tattered throne with a skeleton sitting in it holding said orb with high concentration of Sage chakra. Lilith breathed out a sigh, there was nothing scary left inside the cave as they now seemed to have explored it all. But she was asking the question that was on both of their minds.

What is this place?

I have my ideas but they don't make sense.. Too bad we can't ask anyone around either, this place is as abandoned Hei's *** life.

Lilith chuckled a bit, just the type of silly language from her father she needed at the moment. Even though the place was now scouted, Alucard couldn't ignore the orb the skeletal hand was holding in a tight grip. He approached it, it's humming stopped when he touched it and the cave went quiet as a ghost. He put it inside his pocket and turned around.

We're leaving, c'mon.
The light Lilith carried in her hand suddenly went out and a huge wind from where their point of entry was knocked them both backwards and into the back of the came yet again. The massive snake skins were blowing straight towards them too but were light enough to not cause any damage. Not physical anyway. Alucard would utilize his chakra to create a massive lightning pillar to carve a new exit for the two of them into the ceiling of the cave.

Let's go!!
A hollow voice that was carried by the wind seemed to hit them, everything about this place screamed paranormal. Lilith would flap her wings and carried herself and Alucard outside through the hole he had made with his lightning release.

(Raiton: Denpō Sekka) - Lightning Release: Telegram Flash
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After doing the Rabbit → Rat → Horse → Ram handseals, the user will slam his hand on the ground and release into it a massive amounts of lightning chakra which will then pool beneath his opponent before releasing itself into a gigantic column of lightning which shocks anything caught above it. The technique can affect a bigger or smaller area depending on the users will.

Well outside, and away from the cave the two of them had headed back towards the west side of the landmark where the mist wasn't as intense and the climate was slightly warmer. Alucard had put up a temporary camping spot on the same place he had meditated earlier. Here they would stay for some time.

This place is haunting, but there's still more out there. I need answers about this.
*Mission End*


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Storyboard Mission Element(s):
  • Investigate the history of something.
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A few days had passed and their camp was already starting to look like a proper temporary home. Most of it being constructed by earthen materials as well as bismuth that had been solidified as it's heat would've decreased and frozen it. Inside and outside a fire burned, to keep warmth and to keep animals away while Lilith studied the emerald glowing orb containing Sage chakra that they had found in what seemed to have been an ancient Snake Sage temple. Alucard had been in and out of the facility trying to find chakra signatures as well as other wanderers. As he studied the ruins in the swamp he would be using his SNT to help him breathe under water and explore throughout the swamp.

(Toritonmasuku) - Triton Mask
Type: Tool
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(-5/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The triton mask is an advanced yet tiny mouthpiece that lets the user breathe under water and in other hazardous environments where gases that chokes humans could be a threat. The mask simply converts water into breathable air when used under water, while in other situations store enough oxygen for the user to survive in hazardous instances for one hour before getting too low. Warnings are always given to the user whenever the mask starts to run low on oxygen and will start run the same type of program as when submerged underwater, which is to convert the surrounding gases or liquids into breathable oxygen. Obviously this doesn't work for the most potent poisons but up to B rank it could still be very dependable. The mask will always work underwater though until the device is either broken or faced with enough water pressure that it breaks. The users needs to spend chakra constantly to convert gases into breathable oxygen but not for water.

Note: Can counter poisonous gases or other hazards that affects the users breathing up to B rank at the cost of chakra per turn.
Note: Lets the user breathe under water indefinitely.

His Tenseigan would also be providing useful insight even throughout the dark and cold waters that normal eyes couldn't. It was clear that the ruins were probably alot older than one would first believe indicating the swamps ability of preservation. Samples would be collected from the exteriors of the houses as well as other meshes.

If only i could find something that was actually useful in this wreckage.. I guess i won't find anything here afterall.
Alucards hopes for answers diminished, but he believed there still was something around these parts that could atleast answer why the place was abandoned in the first place. He returned to camp with a few objects he thought atleast looked more interesting than the other and sat down by the fire next to Lilith to inspect them further.

Is that all?

For now.. I see that the Sage orb is still in one piece.

And i intend to keep it that way, this thing could perhaps destroy us.

No, it couldn't - our dark marks makes us invulnerable to Sage chakra. Have you even tried to absorb some of it?

..No, absorbing ancient foreign chakra feels.. Dangerous. As if you're letting in an estranged piece of history into your own body. Who knows how i will reach to it?

Start slow.. If anything happens, heal yourself.
Lilith gave off a sigh and went outside to gather some food. Unironically, snakes had been on the menu now ever since they came here and it's taste was starting to get annoyingly bad. Under the light of the fire, Alucard would inspect the artifacts he had brought with him, mostly metallic objects that had been under water for millennia and rusted. Using his particle style to clean them up in an unparalleled precision he noticed that the metal the objects were made from was one of an unknown origin to him.

(Jinton: Maethūum no Buki | Dust Release: Armaments of Maethūum)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S (C)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 40-80
Description: Armaments of Maethiūm lets the user configure their dust release chakra to create any shape of the release they wantehich would be ranging from spikes, hand-held weapons, armor, arrows etc. Since dust release is a very advanced elements as well as an element without physical properties the user will constantly need to fuel chakra into the creations they make in order to maintain their structure from collapsing. Depending on chakra levels, the density of the creations increase/decrease and will deal more/less damage. D and C rank levels requires no handseals while B rank requires a single seal and can be used three times per battle. A rank variation can be used up to two times per battle and requires a two-turn cooldown and requires two handseals.. S rank variation can be used once while requiring three seals and a three turn cooldown. All creations siphon chakra from the user and will be able to kept in form until destroyed or if the user uses any other element that dust release doesnt consists from(earth/wind/fire) or CEs/AEs that doesnt consist of any of those either. The user is drained -10 chakra per turn when using this technique in order to maintain it.

Note: Can only be taught by Skorm

Much akin to the ore he had gathered for his God-Slaying Stake, the materials here seemed exotic. He inspected an ornate dagger that he had just cleaned up using the particle style. The metal that the blade was made from seemed to be of a green hue as if someone had fused together emerald and steel.

Now what do we have here huh..

Alucard grab the dagger's grip and swirl it around in the air to get a feel of it. He noticed something rather odd as he did, a surging humming radiating from the Sage orb the closer he brought the dagger to it. It was definitively a sign that they were somehow connected to one another.

A trigger response huh. Advanced, judging by the ages ago these little things were created.

While physically having the two objects touch eachother it was as if the orb itself rejected the dagger like a magnet of the same charge. It appeared like the dagger was somehow connected to the orb but it wasn't applicable to it. This caused for further investigation of the remaining objects that Alucard had brought with him from the ruins under the swamp. Like the dagger each other trinket - a ring, a cup and a necklace - they were all forged out of the same greenish metal and reacted steadily to the Sage orb. But just like the dagger, the orb kept humming when brought close to the artifacts only to repulse them when trying to physically combine them. Alucard sighed, he was on to something but unsure exactly what it was. Putting the orb aside for some time he dedicated more time to acknowledge the intrinsic style of each artifact. Most of them had very similar symmetry when it came to design, metal and color aside. Judging by the place he had found them in it was also quite certain they all belonged to the same individual or family as they were all found in the same decaying house. Before he could head out again he had to wait for Lilith to return and guard the camp along with watching the two fires so he decided to lay back for a while but it didn't take long until he noticed something. While the first days provided no signs of anybody entering the landmark today it seemed like the trend would be broken. He saw a faint signature coming in from the sea that seemed to have a steadfast trajectory towards the Duskmire landscape. This was probably a good sign, meaning either an ally or someone who had to do with the history of the landmark. It was a lone chakra signature and it was not an indication of a threat as it wasn't as high as someone who else would have been. Meanwhile, Lilith had now returned with some food for them to eat while they waited for the imminent arrival of the visitor.

*Mission End*


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Storyboard Mission Element(s):
  • Convince an enemy to fight with you
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Her cybernetic hands held steadfast on the weary paddles. The shores of the Western Duskmires had long been in her sight ever since she took off from [Redacted]. Her eyes augmented with telescopic vision was zoomed in on two specific targets amidst the darkness enveloping the lands. Both classified as disposables from the Bray Family who had issued a bounty of the retrieval of the very object the two targets had just recently found. They would be disposed of too for a hefty bonus, something that Ada-1 would see as an opportunity. Her family drowned in poverty afterall and she was only alive still because of the Bray Family who had turned her body into an Exo, all machine but with a human mind. Ancient golden age technology revamped as a part of the Exo program, all units were essentially immortal and could be transferred into new units should sufficient damage be taken on their "bodies". Ada-1 was most unique, the dash representing how many times her mind had been reset giving their name a cult status on how efficient they were and as such she was probably one if not the best of them out there. Powered with a core running on cold chakra fusion technology making sure she would never run out of chakra or energy to power her body. This was not a unique feature to her among the Exo's however. All of them had the same type of bodies with minor modifications added to them, adapting to each ones battle style. Ada-1's body was a simple frame, matte black with white stripes running along her attached cloak stretching from behind her shoulders all the way down to her heels. From her shoulders and up it was a white finish whilst most of the rest of her frame was all black. Her eyes glowed pale blue but shifted in color according to her mood, red would indicate rage as an example but the whole color spectrum of visible light represented emotions as her facial expressions were simply naught due to her being an Exo. The downside of the Exo program was that no memories of a former life were preserved, forcing Ada-1 to pick up pieces of her past when she was not on duty, a rare occasion enough for her to learn of her parents and some parts of her childhood. Being estranged from her past and too afraid to meet them with her.. new looks, she had already decided many years ago that she would never return to them but help them in other ways. More things of her past life was still a mystery to her and it would be her sole mission to find out who exactly she was and cutting down anyone in her path to stand in her way to do so. A mere mercenary to the Bray Family, the legion of weapons and A.I that controlled the Exo program that still to this day was clouded in mystery and obscurity to the world. In her little boat, Ada-1 was in constant observation of the two targets, their small and primal little camp seemed to be prepared for her arrival. They knew she was coming to these shores.

The targets are proceeding to host a welcome? I guess i should use their hospitality as an opportunity.. I.. Was i this cold-blooded when my name was Adelaide.. *sigh*..

Alucard sensed the flux of chakra entering from the northern shores. He stood outside with Lilith and in between the two of them a fire burned, one of the two they had lit and kept burning for a few days now. Alucard's confidence then suddenly shifted as the person arriving completely disappeared from all his senses. He could not even see her anymore with his Dojutsu, something that had almost never happened.

..What the..

Something wrong?

I hope not.. Stay close, this one is most likely a Hayabusa.

The ones that can disappear from reality? Oh, kewl..
Alucard closed his eyelids and concentrated more and more. Meanwhile, Ada-1 had only taken a few steps on the shores. She inspected the biology and geology present on the landmark as her stealth mode had been initiated - making her frame camouflage itself to her surroundings and her chakra signatures vanish from all mediums. She didn't initiate it because she needed to, she just hated being watched but even with her stealth mode initiated she could never hide from the Bray. She noticed the movements of every single animal within 100 meters in all directions to the point she could almost feel them. That didn't mean however, that she could hold back her giggling when a serpentine, who had been hanging from the tree she stood next to, tried to insert it's venom into her ankle. It was obviously feeling threatened and recoiled as soon as it noticed it was biting into something feeling like a hard rock. Mechanical but graceful. Ada-1 simply felt something that could be best described as a subtle tickle and the snake, realizing it's only weapon had zero effect, tried to coil away as fast as it could. It's first bite already made it realize a second or a third one would not yield a different result. The Exo did not pursue it for it was no threat to her, alike most things in the world as of now. Instead she would continue inwards, taking her time to tread through the ever expanding shrouded and misty landscape. The peril of the two targets could wait some more hours for all she cared, infact their sudden movement pattern was familiar to her. It was always the same when she vanished from the enemies sights, she sang to herself a lullaby to set the calm before the storm..

Meanwhile back at the camp, Alucard grew frustrated and even more so paranoid. Was his gut feeling from before wrong? Was this entity that was lurking in the shadows an enemy after all? While setting up a defensive perimeter would sound wise in this situation it would also give away the fact that he would treat the wanderer as an enemy. But it would probably be better to do so now than not to. In a trance, Ada-1 continued to sing for herself as she continued through the woods towards her targets. Her right hand would morph itself into a cannon charging a fair amount of chakra from her infinite supply. While her frame was still entirely off the radar from any sensory device the blast would be picked up immediately, those were parameters that she knew of from before. She didn't care for the matter that the targets most likely would pick up her attack, it would only add an element of grace to her character. She aimed her hand towards the two and as she fired she would change her own walking trajectory to the right.

Désolé ~

( Maikuro Kagaku Ningu ) - Microscopic Scientific Ninja Tools
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: B- Forbidden (Forbidden)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 70 ( -5 per turn ) (70)
Damage: 40 - 120 (120) + 30 = 150
Description: These are microscopic Scientific Ninja Tools developed by Amado which are integrated into an individual, allowing them to manipulate the soft body tissues of certain appendages in a variety of ways, including triggering rapid cellular division and undergoing spontaneous hardening and softening. The soft tissues can even be shed, leaving behind a sort of hardened husk. Wielders can use these augmentations to quickly heal injuries or even regenerate the limb if it is lost, or to transform the affected limbs ( Kawaki's right arm and Delta's legs ) into weapons of various shapes and sizes, including blades, claws, shields, and throwable projectiles. These transformed appendages give off a colored subdermal glow for each of the users when energy is used through them; orange for Kawaki and pink for Delta. When used as projectiles, they can range in power and speed. They creations move with 1 additional speed per rank than Lightning Jutsu. The altered appendages can also amass and release chakra; Kawaki is able to gather chakra in his forearm and fire blasts from his palm, while Delta's legs can split open vertically and release a continuous stream of chakra in a manner similar to jet propulsion, allowing her to fly. This beam can be fired from Kawaki's arm at speeds equal to Lightning Jutsu and are neutral to Elemental Jutsu.
Note: Can only be used by Kawaki and Delta Biographies.
Note: S and Forbidden rank use can only be done once every 2 turns and S ranks and higher can only be used 3 times in total.
Note: When used to heal damage, the user must spend twice the amount of chakra to heal damage done and this can only heal the aforementioned affected limbs through this method. Healing/restoring limbs also does not restore lost health.
Instantly, Alucard would pick up the mass of chakra moving towards him and his daughter. It travelled fast, faster than any regular type of jutsu.

Lilith, 2 o'clock!

She raised her hand and gathered a large portion of Dark chakra into it, creating a pocket portal that would absorb the lethal blast of chakra.
(Meiton/Inton: Kokuyōseki no sora | Dark/Yin Release: Obsidian Sky)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70 + 10 = 80
Damage: 140
Description: Obsidian Sky is a technique in which the user incorporates their Yin as well as their Dark release together to create the ultimate chakra siphoning technique. Through the use of Yin, the dark release absorption aspect loses its weaknesses to earth and water/other solid/liquid materials and lets the user absorb anything of the same chakra level while at the same time absorb enough chakra from an incoming technique for it to directly lose one rank, similar to the tethering abilities of Hungry Ghost. Unlike Hungry Ghost, however, this technique doesn't latch on to the opponent if it goes through and eats their chakra but simply applies the debuff on their technique. However, the strengths of the absorption release is also rendered neutral, meaning this technique can essentially absorb the same amount of chakra the user spends in their initial move. It is exactly the same for the release version of the technique with a total immunity to any weakness/strength and rendered neutral to everything and thus only overpowering techniques that has lesser damage output. When it comes to the release form of the aspect of this technique, the standard blue flames have changed aesthetically. The flames have a slightly different pattern than normal dark release techniques. It's aesthetics has changed into which the flames are pitch black with a cyan flare on the edges. On the inside there are images resembling that of a clear night sky, filled with celestial bodies. This is a passive aesthetic change and carries no weight in battle.

Note: When the user has performed the release version of this technique, they are hindered from using S-rank and above techniques for two turns afterwards, as well as Yin/Dark release techniques above A-rank. This applies for both times the release version is used.
Note: In the same turn the user uses the absorption function, they cannot use any other dark release techniques.
Note: The release form of the technique can only be used twice per battle, with a two turn-cooldown.
Note: The absorption form can be used 4 times per battle, with a two-turn cooldown.
Note: After usage, the user must wait two turns to use again for the absorption part and 4 for the release part.
Alucard pinpointed the origin of the chakra blast and it was quite some distance away still but other than that, he felt nothing. The only thing he could do at this point would be enter a big gamble and that was to activate his Yang state in order to get nigh infinite tracking capabilities stretching from sound and smell too.

Treating me like i am a fucking novice. Make your grande entrance then.. I'll be here.
Meanwhile, Ada-1 had now walked in a circle around her targets and their little camp. While she was humming to herself the same melody of the lullaby she had previously sung, her voice was now far more quiet than before indicating a will to remain undetected. They had passed the first test of her protocol, most of her previous opponents would've either tried to dodge or overcome the energy cannon of hers which usually would destroy them. But not these two, they had survived. She prepared herself for an intimate battle and released her mirror drone from her back beneath the cloak.
( Deruta Mikagami Dorōn ) - Delta's Mirror Drone
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Delta's unique Scientific Ninja Tool, her drone detaches from her back and records her consciousness should she be destroyed, allowing it to be restored in another Delta cyborg body. It cannot be detected by chakra sensing as it doesn't use chakra, allowing it to spy more effectively, and it can track invisible targets unseen by normal ninja or tracking abilities. Should the user be defeated in battle, this droid is capable of returning back to a predetermined location and restoring the user in another Cyborg body of Delta. The droid is programmed to summon one in battle as well, albeit limitedly, and can do this immediately after Delta has been defeated.
Note: Summoning a new Delta body can only be done once per fight and 3 times per fight. This requires her to have already released the drone from her at least 2 turns before her death and prevents its functions from working.
Note: After being used, the droid has to reattach itself and cannot be detached for 10 turns.
This drone would be able to put her mind into another Exo body should her current frame be destroyed. It would also allow her to continue to spy on her two targets from two different angles at once and both she and her drone were cloaked in stealth mode meaning that the two targets would still be unable to detect neither her or the drone. She was now approaching mid-range from her two targets. Her humming continued, pawing a way for both Alucard and Lilith to finally localize her. As they turned around they saw nothing, but could only hear the humming of a rather angelic voice that sounded mildly robotic but much more human than the former. Ada-1 could not hold her laughter at the sight of the two completely dumbfounded individuals trying to pinpoint her.

Ça ne sert à rien..
She then prepared herself for close combat, being far faster than both of her targets, she would attack the young wolf first. She morphed her left hand into a round shield being of a regular size as well a sharp dual edged sword from her right hand. This morphing would again reveal her chakra and let the two opponents know of her location but far too late for them to act.
( Maikuro Kagaku Ningu ) - Microscopic Scientific Ninja Tools
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: B- Forbidden (A-rank)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20 - 70 ( -5 per turn ) (60)
Damage: 40 - 120 (100) + 30 = 130
Description: These are microscopic Scientific Ninja Tools developed by Amado which are integrated into an individual, allowing them to manipulate the soft body tissues of certain appendages in a variety of ways, including triggering rapid cellular division and undergoing spontaneous hardening and softening. The soft tissues can even be shed, leaving behind a sort of hardened husk. Wielders can use these augmentations to quickly heal injuries or even regenerate the limb if it is lost, or to transform the affected limbs ( Kawaki's right arm and Delta's legs ) into weapons of various shapes and sizes, including blades, claws, shields, and throwable projectiles. These transformed appendages give off a colored subdermal glow for each of the users when energy is used through them; orange for Kawaki and pink for Delta. When used as projectiles, they can range in power and speed. They creations move with 1 additional speed per rank than Lightning Jutsu. The altered appendages can also amass and release chakra; Kawaki is able to gather chakra in his forearm and fire blasts from his palm, while Delta's legs can split open vertically and release a continuous stream of chakra in a manner similar to jet propulsion, allowing her to fly. This beam can be fired from Kawaki's arm at speeds equal to Lightning Jutsu and are neutral to Elemental Jutsu.
Note: Can only be used by Kawaki and Delta Biographies.
Note: S and Forbidden rank use can only be done once every 2 turns and S ranks and higher can only be used 3 times in total.
Note: When used to heal damage, the user must spend twice the amount of chakra to heal damage done and this can only heal the aforementioned affected limbs through this method. Healing/restoring limbs also does not restore lost health.
Alucard detected the chakra instantly and without seeing the foe entirely he could only see two chakra sources in form of a shield and a sword coming straight towards Lilith in speeds none of them could grace at the moment atleast. Lilith noticing her fathers reaction would instantly flux herself with Yang chakra in order to move faster and prepare herself for a close combat fight which is what this seemed to be turning into. As she did, she also unsheathed her two swords holding one sword in each hand, deflecting the blow from the enemy and parrying it effectively with Darkiscie which she held in her right hand.

(Yoton: Ken'i) - Yang Release: Power of The Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 100 (50 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (+40 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will reinforce his own body with Yang natured chakra, empowering his physical abilities to the outermost limits. This allows him to become physically very strong (beyond the normal levels of chakra enhanced strength), increases his resistance to physical damage (decreasing 60 damage from any physical contact), his speed (boosted to 3.5x his normal speed), and grants him a passive healing of all minor wounds at 30 damage per turn. However, by infusing himself with the Yang Nature, he becomes unable to use Yin Release techniques or Yin/Yang Release techniques; he cannot use Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu).
Note: Can only be used twice per battle and lasts 4 turns per use.
Type: Weapon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (100) + 40 = 140
Description: Darkiscie is one of the two legendary swords said to have been crafted from the era of the perfect balance of Yin and Yang was introduced and formed the universe as a replacement of the world of nothingness. This particular blade share an extremely powerful bond with its sister blade, forged at the same day. They can only be used by those who are deems worthy and have learned the ways of Yin. Darkiscie is a physical blade that is fueled with Yin and the five elements. This blade has a monstrous amount of powers that it grants its wielder. Wielding this blade surrounds and infuses the user of a pulsar system that enhances their Yin ratio. This makes the sword sturdy, being able to resist the same amount of damage as pair of truth seeking balls(Yin version) while foreign touch on the sword will not just cause tremendous amount of damage but also siphons chakra from any opponent that touches the sword. This translates to a debuff on the opponent, limiting them to use up to A-rank techniques for one turn after having being struck or touched by the sword. Since the sword radiates of a 99% Yin ratio chakra constantly towards its wielder, its user will gain abilities from Darkiscie. This translates to a major buff to any field the user has that they chose, which must be stated in their bio as an abyssal aspect.

Intrinsic Move
By spending one of the user moveslots, the user can strike the sword into the ground with the blade piercing it and the users hands resting on its hilt. Doing this, creates a huge pulse to spread through the battlefield in an omnidirectional manner(up to short-range, being channeled through the ground but also in a spherical pulse, affecting anything within the user that's close enough to them). The ground will then start to flicker and any opponent whos in contact with the ground, or in air from the sword will be affected by a strong genjutsu which manifests into their mind. This genjutsu will make it seem that the ground falls in towards itself and chunks will fall downwards into a black abyss, similar to as if the planet had lost its mantel or all layers of its crust. Unless broken this will genjutsu will force opponents to go airborne or they will be dealt an S-ranked ranked equivalent Yin ranked genjutsu mind damage. This can only be done once per battle.

Intrinsic Perk
The abyssal aspect(as mentioned above) affects a single field that the user can use and receives a buff in both chakra(+10) and damage(+20). This counts as a passive boost and must be stated in the users biography as their "black element". This enchantment can only be applied on one field on a users biography and they cannot change it unless they update the bio itself. As the weapon is infused and heavily outsourcing damage potential towards the bearers abyssal aspect.

Note: Can only be used by Skorm
(Gōruden'naitomea) - Golden Nightmare
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (80) + 40 = 120
Description: The Golden Nightmare is a sword made by parts of reinforced steel and liquid bismuth. This makes the sword able to shift in construction and turn into a hand-cannon due to the liquid parts of the construction. It will either start as a sword or a hand cannon at the beginning of an encounter. Both forms gives the user an enhanced passive trait to the bisumaton release, increasing it's damage by +20 and giving it additionally +10 chakra through a designated seal that is passively activated when it's master is either holding the blade/handcannon or has it sheathed. The seal fluctuates bismuth chakra through its masters body constantly and gives them an extremely faint rainbowy aura(which is just for visual effects).

Sword: The sword form is very beautiful with multitudes of colors and shining edges. The edge of the sword is partially liquid bismuth and partially hardened steel. Due the temperature of liquid bismuth the sword will inflict severe burns on contact with skin and cause great pain. It further enhances the swords cutting capability since it can melt away other elements(within reason, but rubbery and bouncy for example) that are in the way of the sharp steel. If placed on the ground with the hilt upwards and the edge planted in the foundation of the ground infront of the user it will release a large portion of liquid bismuth into the ground that will shape into half of a sphere. Using their ability to control the element, the user can then shape the underground sphere into large roots or trees around the battlefield that deals burning damage on touch. These roots can reach long range while the trees(depending on their length) can only reach mid-range. This causes S-rank damage. The trees can spread and create a miniature forest(about 30 meters big and 10 meters tall), entrapping foes. On touch it causes severe burns. While not dealing 80 damage on freeform, the sword can be used for standard kenjutsu techniques with the burning damage added to it. The user can, however, do freeform 80 damage kenjutsu moves but that will consume a moveslot.

Handcannon: The handcannon form of the Golden Nightmare is like the sword, very beautiful and contains the exact same parts as the sword. This handcannon can fire rounds made out of liquid bismuth. On impact, the bullets will not pierce their target but rather splat on the impact surface and spread across it. This causes severe pain and if shot on a limb it will immobilize it the metal is quite heavy. One single shot can spread all across a regular human-sized creature's torso all the way to their back and thus immobilizes their spine.
Regular gun rules apply and only one round can be shot each time-frame.

Note: A bullet and the sword does 80 damage following the S/W of Bisumaton and up to four bullets per match.
Note: Changing form of the sword costs a move-turn and the user must state in the beginning of a battle what form the Golden Nightmare has taken. If not, it's default as a sword.
Note: Can only be used by Skorm
Note: Utilizing the roots/tree application of the sword renders the user incapable of using the sword's other active abilities in the same and next turn.
Note: Firing a bullet, using the sword for an S-rank attack, or creating the roots render the user unable to use Bismuth Techniques above A-rank in the same turn.
Ada-1 recoiled, something that had only happened to her once before atleast in this new body of hers.. She remained close range and admired Lilith's Yang energy pulsating through her. Alucard stood still with his hands in his pockets laughing inaudibly loud. It was no point of Ada-1 to maintain her stealth mode now, she revealed herself entirely infront of them.

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Magnifique! The two of you are.. Strong. All thanks to the artifact?
Alucard kept his hands in his pockets but his expression had changed to somewhat reasonable according to the setting. Lilith held her two swords straight outwards with the Yang energy pulsating through her. She would be the one out of the two to carry the conversation.

Ada-1 turned her eyes towards the young wolf. Her eyes shifted from red to magenta..

Adelaide.. Ada for short. The one's who saved me has put a bounty on the item you've found here and a.. bonus for your heads. I have no choice but to comply.
A slow clap was heard in the background.

You're quite the A.I - i've never seen such a complex frame. Do you take Nintendo tapes?

I'm not an A.I, i'm.. i'm human!
Her eyes shifted from magenta to red, the sensation of rage equipped her body to respond with a wrathful attack keeping her previously morphed limbs the same, a sword and a shield. Alucard would telepathically order Lilith to stand down as Ada-1 was ready to charge again. She would bash towards Alucard, who was still slower than her as he had not yet powered up. Ada-1 channeled chakra through her right arm which reached the sword making it starting to glow and increasing its cutting potential. She swirled the blade towards Alucard in a fast pace, attempting to cut down his arms.
(Kenjutsu: Hayai Nokogiri) - Sword Arts: Graceful Saw
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 + 30 = 110
Description: The user will first channel their chakra into their sword, increasing the cutting potency of the blade, causing it to glow blue. The user will then leap towards the opponent extending the blade while spinning, causing their body to take a saw-type shape. This technique is said to even cut through solid earth of equal rank and below and cut through the flesh with ease. When spinning, the user is able to travel up to 10 meters away.
Note: Can only be used twice
Note: Courtesy of Teno
With Lilith behind Ada-1's shield, she was helpless as per Alucards command. Alucard smirked to the action, whilst his body wasn't fast enough to dodge the opponent he did not need to. He would channel his chakra throughout his body and use his Ghoulspine technique in order to phase his limbs into an etheral state, unable to be intercepted by physical structures including the Exo's morphed limbs. This was his latest developed technique in his Ghoulspine arsenal and it would allow him to strike her down with attacks of an etheral state causing mental damage rather than physical.

(Yami no Yōsō) - Aspect of Darkness
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 60
Damage: 120
Description: Aspect of Darkness encompasses Ghoulspine's heart in the Close Combat ranges. This technique will let the user morph their own limbs and turn into Ghoulspine chakra for great flexibility but also for the opportunity to use it in hand-to-hand combat. They may also morph their limbs into any form they want, shields, swords etc. Akin to the style, the limbs becomes ethereal - unable to be touched physically but only through means of energy elements or raw chakra. Also akin to the style, the users limbs will start to deal mental damage rather than physical. This is because of the Yin element that is incorporated into the ethereal style. When an opponent is touched by Aspect of Darkness, their mind takes the damage as the morphed limbs travels through the target similarly to a solid object and thus does not deal physical damage. Aesthetically, the technique will of course let the user morph their body into several tendrils or whatever tools they want but it contains the theme of a pitch black gooey mass that reshapes to the users will. In this pitch black abyss, endless eyes can appear and cause a freezing effect akin to what is described into the Ghoulspine style itself. However, activating these eyes costs an extra turn of the overall duration of the technique. The eyes will freeze a target that are physical contact with the technique by essentially casting the target into a genjutsu that may be broken by the traditional genjutsu means. The illusion itself will be experienced as if one is drowning in an endless sea of eyes with no control over your own body’s movement. However, since this technique contains Yin chakra it's naturally of a higher tier of genjutsu and thus must be countered as such. Fully body surges of the same amount of chakra of the technique, external surges of the same chakra will work as well.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle with a three turn cool-down.
Note: While in use and for two turns after use, the user cannot use Shikotsumyaku or Yin release above B-rank.
With his technique activated he also activated it's capability of starting off with an illusion and forcing the opponent into a frozen state of despair as they drowned into a maw of darkness and endless patterns of eyes. Ada-1 would be ensared by the darkness and froze in place assuming a shock of mental fatigue. Her eyes had turned from red to magenta and falling down into colder and colder colors until it reached blue but in the end it lost all forms of color and faded into a crystaline white. She was in mortal terror and fear now but she was not unable to get out of this encounter as her mirror drone had been deployed before the encounter had started leaving her current frame compromisable.

..You have defeated me, may i.. yield?
Ada-1's voice was subtle and direct. Without facial expressions indicating her actual state of mind, Lilith would lower the two swords she had already place around the Exo's throat ready to decapitate her. Lilith was intrigued by this.. person and so was Alucard.

You may.
Alucard shifted back from his Aspect of Darkness into his regular state on a whim. Lilith proceeded to deactivate her mode as well and sheathed her swords again.

You are the first i lose to.. It has been wisdom of unparalleled quantities.. I thank you and to honor my yield i will withdraw and return to [inaudible].

Wait, just because you lost doesn't mean your business is finished here. I sensed your descent from the oceans far away a few days ago and i had a gut feeling you wouldn't be an enemy. Turns out i was wrong, or was i?

You were wrong, j'ai peur. Now if you'll excuse me i need to retreat.

What is this thing you came after?
As they were talking, Lilith had retrived the orb containing the vast amount of Sage chakra. She waved it infront of the Exo's face almost in a teasing matter but Ada-1 would not show herself being provoked by her.

It's origin and functionality is classified, i was only to retrieve it from you without questions asked in return for more information of my past life. I'm afraid i don't have the answers you're looking for, i am working for the one's that do as a mercenary only.

So information is what drives you - not evil intent itself. Good enough, you're coming with us now.

Beg your pardon?

If your operations are holding your life hostage and forcing you to carry out evil in order to retrive it i will put a stop to it, besides, i need to find out more about this thing and since you're no help atleast the best thing you can do is to point us in the direction we needed to be heading towards.

...I see, maybe you are strong enough to face the Bray. Your display of power and the will to act has been most impressive in my eyes. And the fact that you let me go freely means something.. Very well, I shall initiate the winter protocol before we depart. .. It's an upgrade module i was supposed to install before initiating my battle sequence with you two but i clearly misjudged your abilities and did not install it before. I shall grow stronger with this i hope.

We finally have something to go on.. Alright then, let's go!
Alucard would gather up his chakra and force chunks of nearby materials to group together in order to form a large floating platue upon which he, Lilith and Ada-1 would stand upon whilst flying above the earth towards their new destination.
( Kinbō Tensei Jōzai ) - Localized Reincarnation Tablet
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (+15 per turn active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user creates a floating sphere from nearby debris beneath them, using the gravitational control to levitate the sphere of debris and use it as a floating platform. Keeping it active, however, requires the user to expend chakra.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.
*Mission End*