[Anime] The World God Only Knows

Jazzy Stardust

May 15, 2013
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General Info:

Series Name: The World God Only Knows

Year of Serialization: October, 6th, 2010

Author(s): Tamiki Wakaki

Artist(s): Tamiki Wakaki

Genre(s): Romantic Comedy

Current Status:Finished complete three seasons

Moment of Reviewing:End of anime

Other Formats:Manga with 23 volumes

Series Summary:

The World God Only Knows is about a second year high school student named Keima Katsuragi at Majiima academy, who is obsessed with Dating Sim(bishōjo) games and is known as "The God of Conquest", for his skill to conquer any video game girl. In reality he has actually never dated any girl and is seen by his peers as a "Dweeb" who spends all of his time playing games, and he see's reality as a "crappy game" and wants nothing to do with it. One day he gets a strange message on his website to help other gamers, challenging him to see if he really is the God of Conquest. As soon as he excepts he looks up to find a girl falling out of the sky and landing on him named Elise, who he finds out is actually a demon from hell who hunts loose souls, and the challenge he excepted was actually a hell contract to help her catch them.

The Loose souls hide in the holes in people's hearts and in order to bring them out he has to get them to fall in love with him. He refuses to help and finds a collar around his neck that will activate and chop his an elise's head off if they don't fulfill the contract. And so it it begins..

Critical Review:

I've passed this anime up a bunch of times because of how horrible the summary on crunchyroll was, but this ended up being one of the funniest and well written animes I've ever seen.

The animation is well done and the character designs are simple and affective. Being a slightly newer anime the animation is of good quality as to be expected with beautiful and vibrant colors, some of the characters like Chihiro can be rather basic but it succeeds in portraying the realism. The majority of the characters have the traditional Japanese school uniforms with basic hairtyles and the demon characters while varied in design have rather simple ones. During some of the funny moments the chibi designs are really well done and are used at the right time to emphasize the moment. In a lot of comedy animes chibi's can be forced and used a bit too much but in this one they save it for the times it's needed which makes it all the better to see when they are presented to you. The character dialogue and voice acting are very well done as well, I enjoyed the majority of the conversations and banter and only found myself annoyed a couple of times throughout three seasons. What I really liked was how well each character in the shows personality were portrayed, it was for the most part believable and funny, it felt like each character was real.
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Now the plot was just ingenious I loved every minute of it. In order to get the loose souls out of the girls they inhabited, Katsuragi had to get them to fall in love with him. He was a master at dating sim games and knew every possible "route" he could go with a girl. He even had dialogue from the games memorized and would use them to say the perfect thing to advance him to the next stage towards what he called "the ending" where he gets them to confess there love. He would be able to tell their personality types and compare it with the "heroines" in the games he's played to know which options to take. He kept staging these encounters to set up scenarios where he could "advance the plot" and it was a joy to watch. For one you never knew what he was going to do or how he was going to go about it and it was hilarious to see the girls reactions or when his plan would fail and he'd have to take a different route.

The girls that were inhabited by the loose souls were also very in depth and complicated which made it more interesting to see how Katsuragi would get them to fall for him. Like one girl was a librarian who her whole life never really talked to anyone because she had difficulties communicating with people, she was very smart and intelligent but indecisive and never could decide on what to say. So she would end up just not saying anything and just look confused when people would talk to her. She ended up finding out at a young age that she could live her life through books and wouldn't have to deal with people so she got a job at the schools library and from what I can tell spent every minute there. One girl was the daughter or a legendary martial arts instructor and was a master fighter. She was at constant odds with herself because she loved cute things and was trying to kill the woman aspect of her out so she could be a better warrior. The methods Katsuragi would use to get them to open up was a joy to watch and pretty funny as well and the scenes to portray the girls inner selves was at times very artistic and well done.

Katsuragi himself was also a very in depth character, he had basically given up on reality and only lived in his video games. The majority of the time you would see him he would be playing his PFP(psp type system) and not really paying attention to anything else. He would be in class playing it constantly and some of the teachers would get mad at him, but then he would ace every test and know every answer when they'd ask him a question so they just left him alone. He would swim while playing it, take a bath while playing it. Just about everything you could think of he would be playing his a game while doing. It was also hilarious how he viewed the girls he had to conquer, he cared nothing about reality and at the same time hated real girls but the majority of the time his gaming strategies would work perfectly. While he was playing the role to get them to fall for him, the dialogue of him thinking to himself was hilarious and it was funny how he would act when the girls would do something he wasn't expecting. His demon partner Elsie who started to live with him as his sister was treated funny as well by him, she would do the most for his approval but he really didn't care at all. There banters were enjoyable with a few annoying ones.

Overall this is an anime I would highly recommend, it's funny has great characters and is a joy to watch. I rarely every find comedy animes actually funny but I genuinely laughed more than a few times with this one. It's creative, well written and something an anime fan should take a second look at.
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Active member
Dec 12, 2012
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From what I've read in the manga so far it's pretty much the same as the anime. Same conquests and everything. So if your deep into the volumes it could be a lot of seeing what you've already read about.
From what you're saying it means that now its pretty much down to me wanting to see it animated or not..... but I'll take you up on that nonetheless, after I finish those on the list....
Thanks :O