[Kaizoku Sea] Kōtetsu & Alucard vs Bašmu, Beast of Tiamat

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
The Inuzuka was correct to be on guard. Lurking in the depths of the Kaizoku was an existence far more ancient than either man's bloodline, and cursed with more power they could grasp in a thousand lifetimes. The power to corrupt. To wither. To rot. Such was the birthright and Authority of the Bašmu, a Beast whose name was lost to time, but would cause those cursed with knowledge to cower in fear. The third of Tiamat's children that formed the Genesis Seal, it possesses the moniker of Beast of Rot. Like its sibling Beasts, it is wrath incarnate. But just as it is a vessel of overwhelming might, it is burdened with something far greater, fundamental to all creatures regardless of their make.


The shinobi and accompanying Ninken would not feel the ocean stir. Despite the Bašmu's size, its presence at the bottom of the sea made it difficult for the rippling currents caused by its momentum to reach the surface. The offspring of Tiamat pointed its ravenous gaze to the surface of the sea, observing the faintest glimmer of light. There, perhaps, was the promise of satiation. It had not feasted since the days of the Great War, and it was famished. With an eager growl, the Bašmu explosively launched itself upwards, headed directly for the unsuspecting shinobi. A crimson substance would leak from the jaws of the mighty Beast, signifying the use of its signature power. As it began to draw near the surface, though still some distance beyond mid-range, it would launch a great plume of Scarlet Rot, aimed to strike at its prey from beneath them, of such quantity and scale that the two shinobi and Ninken would easily be caught within its diameter. Breaching the surface of the Kaizoku Sea, the Bašmu basked in the first light it had seen in thousands of years, swallowing human and canine alike in one fell swoop. Through its Godsbane power, the waters of the Kaizoku would be marred by their exposure to Rot, now dyed a harrowing crimson.

Type: Mode
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 120
Description: Godslayer: Final Ascension is the complete transformation accessible to the host of the Basmu, Beast of Rot. Unlike its first two forms, the host will completely turn into the Basmu in terms of scale and power. In terms of size the Basmu’s body is twice that of Manda’s, with a pair of angelic wings that boast similar proportionality and are fully capable of flight. Despite their monstrous size the host’s speed is dramatically increased, enhanced by 4.0x. The damage of their Scarlet Rot techniques is further empowered to gain 40 points of damage. Activating the Final Ascension floods the battlefield with a devastating release of Scarlet Rot that inflicts 120 damage, spreading out to encompass up to 200 meters in all directions. The Final Ascension brings the user’s naturally produced Rot to match that of the Basmu’s full strength, increasing the damage it inflicts upon its victims by an additional 15 damage per turn.
Note: Lasts for four turns. Can be used once per battle.
Note: Requires the user to have gained Strengthened Bond III.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Ancient Wrath is a unique attribute possessed by the first four Beasts of Tiamat in their free roaming states in the world when controlled by either a Moderator or Sensei, with permission of the Head Ninja World Moderator. It is a powerful boon to their combat capabilities, making them far more difficult to subdue, capture, or outright kill. This is not a technique but a passive enhancement constantly active on any Beast of Tiamat with the exception of CLASSIFIED. Passively their base speed is increased by six levels and the damage of all their abilities is increased by 20. They also gain Advanced Status Resistance, an effect that reduces the duration of any negative turn-based debuff (Genjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Poison, etc) by two turns. Ancient Wrath also allows the Beast to use Taijutsu; their freeform attacks inflict 80 damage. Taijutsu techniques inflict an additional 30 damage.

Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: C - S (A)
Range: Short - Mid (Long)
Chakra: 15 - 40 (30)(-10 per turn)
Damage: 30 - 80 (60 + 40 + 20 = 120) (120)
Description: Will of the Rot Goddess is the basic Scarlet Rot technique available to all its users. The user will manipulate the Scarlet Rot in their body to create waves, shields, storms, or any shape the user can imagine to fit their needs in any given instance. The user's proficiency with this technique varies depending on if they are a Basic User, or non-host, or the host of the Basmu itself, an Advanced User. Regardless of user this technique always carries the Curse of Scarlet Rot. Basic Users can apply this technique between C and S-Rank, inflicting the base damage provided by it up to a mid-range reach. Advanced Users can apply this technique up to long-range when in one of their three Ascensions. While in their Second or Final Ascension this technique will inflict, at S-Rank, 120 damage.
Note: C-A rank can be used six times per battle, once every two turns.
Note: S-Rank applications can be used three times per battle, once every two turns.

Official Challenge: Bašmu, Beast of Tiamat vs Kotetsu & Alucard​

(Yōton/Fuuinjutsu: Kokū no Zantō - Sorarisu) Yang Release/Sealing Art: Remnants of the Void - Solaris (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Solaris is a unique Advanced Fuuinjutsu seal placed on the body that incorporates Yang chakra. This seal works by passively siphoning Yang chakra from the user’s body and storing it, with the seal being capable of storing up to 80 chakra in total. Making use of the body’s condition as a trigger this seal will activate whenever the user falls unconscious as a result of an enemy technique. Upon activation it floods the user’s body with the previously stored chakra, purging any invading chakra and healing the body by the amount of chakra stored within the seal and essentially “breathing life” back into the user, allowing them to regain consciousness as the invading chakra is flushed from their system. In addition to resuscitation, the user’s constitution will be temporarily boosted for the following two turns due to the abundant Yang chakra, making them immune to Spiritual techniques with less chakra than that stored in the seal. While this energy heals physical wounds, it does nothing to mitigate the damage done to the spirit, meaning that if the user’s health is depleted through damage done spiritually, this technique will not resuscitate them. Due to the overwhelming amount of Yang energy present within the body, the user will be unable to make use of Yin release, other Spiritual techniques, or elemental techniques for the following two turns. Their speed is also reduced by -3 levels, and they are unable to use techniques above A-rank for the same duration.

- This technique must be placed on the user’s biography.
- This technique can only be used once per battle, with the seal’s activation counting as a move.
- Upon resuscitation, this technique will heal the user up to the amount of chakra stored in the seal, though it cannot recover HP lost from spiritual damage
Supekutoru-Kan | Spectral Sense
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Spectral Sense is a technique usable only by ninken that takes advantage of the ability to sense and track targets through scent. By channeling chakra to their nose a Ninken’s sense of smell is heightened to the point where they become able to visualize scents. Much like synesthesia, this technique enables scents detected by the ninken’s sense of smell to be interpreted visually, with whatever smelt being interpreted as visible colors that will seep and ooze out of techniques and people. This will not be limited to the ninken’s visual range, but will instead exist independently as an experience-able phenomenon that will be interpreted visually - for instance, a ninken will be able to close their eyes yet will still see colors, with scents from behind them interpreted in a way akin to peripheral vision, yet more rear reaching and so on. The stronger or fresher the scent - whether it be a person or technique, the more vivid and bright the color will be. Staler sources of released chakra will take on more bland and faded tones, while those interpreted as dangerous or fatal will take or strong and alarming red, yellow and purple tones. Stronger scents, such as that produced by a ninja performing a technique or an active attack will produce stronger, more block colors, while dormant sources, such as a ninja at rest or passive or dormant techniques will produce more patchy and whispy tones. Elemental affinities and other disciplines of chakra transformation will also have their own distinct colors, even pure physical and spiritual energies, including spiritual beings/entities, will have their own hue.

- This technique can only be used three times per battle/arc.
- Color perception will appear like a filter that overlays onto the normal view of the world.
- Once activated this technique lasts until deactivated, draining -10 chakra per turn from the user.
( Chakura Chikara ) - Chakra Enhanced Strength
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: ( +25 to taijutsu techniques )
Damage points: ( +25 to taijutsu techniques )
Description: A technique that uses the refine chakra control and concentration required in medical ninjutsu to enhance one's strength to monstrous levels. This is done by storing chakra into one's hands or feet and releasing it onto the target with pinpoint timing. With this strength, the user can decimate the ground or even kill opponents with a single strike.
Note: Can only be used by Sakura, Momoshiki, Sarada or Tsunade bios.
Note: Once activated, lasts the entire battle.
(Katai Omori) Leg Weights
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An advanced version of the normal Leg Weights created for those dedicated to their craft, the Advanced Leg Weights increase the stress and weight applied to the user in order to achieve an even higher payoff. When inactive and worn, the user experiences a -3 Speed level drop due to the intense weight slowing him down. However, when released, the user gains a drastic boost to his base running speed (x4) and +35 to all his kick-related moves. Much like the weaker versions, this boost in strength and speed is completely nullified when releasing the EIG or when using any kind of movement speed enhancement technique or weight manipulation technique; they don't add up on each other. Only one of the user's bio can have these weights at any time.
( Doujutsu: Tenseigan ) - Eye Technique: Reincarnation Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( -10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: The Tenseigan (転生眼, Literally meaning: Reincarnation Eye) is a powerful dōjutsu utilized by the Ōtsutsuki clan. The combination of the Byakugan and the chakra of an Ōtsutsuki clan member can evolve the Byakugan into the Tenseigan, resulting in the loss of the Byakugan's quasi-omnidirectional and distanced vision.The Tenseigan allows the user to control both attractive and repulsive forces, similar to the Rinnegan's Deva Path. The user's eyes are on the same level as the Mangekyou Sharingan in terms of tracking and chakra perception. Additionally, it also grants the wielder the ability to use Tenseigan Chakra Mode; gaining additional increases in speed, agility and power.
Note: Requires activation (spending move) for Otsutsuki bios but remains active indefinitely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having a complete Otsutsuki bio with Tenseigan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. User needs to have activated Byakugan before and had it active for 1 full turn.
Note: Toneri is unable to deactivate his upon it's activation, becoming his default eye state.
Note: When active, the user loses all access to Byakugan related abilities and instead gains Tenseigan effects.

His warnings went unheeded and now it was too late for the leader of the Hellsing Organization to flee on his own. From his peripherals, he could see his ninken's ears perk up and a low growl emanated from their chests. It was coming. An alarming hue of red filled his vision as a rotting smell filled his nose. It wasn't the smell of decaying and dead flesh like the one that constantly clung to him while in Irkalla, but it wasn't far off. The source of the scent came from below, far beneath the surface, but when the Inuzuka glanced into the deep, the pristine blue waters seemed to be shifting into a dreadful shade of crimson.

"Below us!" He yelled before whatever it was that was spreading through the water could reach them. "Jump!" Kōtetsu, Alucard, Sif, and Solaire all leaped into the air at once. The two ninken jumped in a way that positioned them less than a meter apart beneath their pack brother, and as they ascended they fused into a single entity (Fenris) that began freely shifting its size until it was a hundred meters in height with the Inuzuka standing at its crown. It also performed minor changes to its bone and cartilaginous structure to accommodate for bipedal movement, giving it the appearance of an incredibly large and muscular werewolf with gleaming silver fur. At the same time that the ninken began to merge, Kōtetsu released yang energy from his body to empower both them and Alucard, granting them wings in order the keep them out of contact with the water below.

"It seems you brought me a present!" Alucard mused. He aims his hands below them to the water's surface as a plume of what appeared to be fine pale red powder bursts forth from beneath the waves. Without hesitation, he released a focused repulsive force that repelled this unknown substance, the water beneath them, and the head of the ancient beast that had also breached the surface in an attempt to swallow them. The attack forced it back into the depths, meaning that even though Kōtetsu knew its scent, he was still unsure of its appearance.

"This beast is mine, Alucard," the Inuzuka declared as the three of them hover thirteen meters above the water's surface, anxiously watching the waves for the slightest movement. "You will support me from behind."

Keruberosu Mohō | The Cerebus Imitation
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Allows for two or more Ninken to fuse together to gain the size and strength increase signature to Inuzuka transformation techniques. Unlike most other transformations, the size increase is not static but is instead adaptable, allowing the fused Ninkens to freely shift between normal sizes up to giant summon sizes. Furthermore the fused entity is capable of producing additional limbs and appendages (No more than the sum of the unfused participants, i.e 2 Ninkens would have 8 legs total), and is also capable of increasing it's musculature for additional strength. Fused Ninken will gain a +20 damage boost to Inuzuka techniques, while also being capable of withstanding B rank and below physical attacks due to their enhanced musculature and fur, and holding the ability to shatter through B rank and below defences by increasing their size, or even just their density and weight. High Breeds who use this technique will have their healing factor increased greatly while in this state due to the shifting nature of this technique and the tremendous amounts of physical energy crammed into a single body, as a result they will be capable of regenerating from bruises, stab wounds and burns within the period of a turn, while more severe injuries such as shattered bones will require two turns to regenerate from. Along with this, they will gain the ability to perform minor changes to their bone and cartilaginous structure, such as alterations to accommodate for bipedal movement, elongate claws and fangs, and even the ability to alter the plates within their skulls to produce sprouting horns - however the changes will always be purely functional in nature, and unlike Kaguya's they will not hold the capacity to produce or manipulate bone to any exceptional degree.
- Last for four turns, five in the case of a High Breed.
- Merging requires to Ninken to be within a meter of each other, or direct physical contact.
- Can be used again to refresh the duration of this technique, or similar such combination transformations. Naturally this counts towards move and usage count.
- Can work alongside Double-Beast Head Transformation and other such Inuzuka techniques.
- In the case of only a single Ninken, the user can assist with this technique, producing a clone so as to reach similar effects. However the fusion will be less stable, and as such only last for half the time. (Rounded up (2 or 3 turns respectively))
- This technique will slowly begin to take its toll on a Ninken, should a Ninken enter into another transformation directly after this technique, or refresh it's duration, they will, after 5 turn enter a fatigued state that will leave them incapable of performing Inuzuka techniques above B rank or entering into an more transformative unions for three turns.
- Can only be taught by Scaze
( Yoton: Jigoku no Enjin ) - Yang Release: Ring of Hell
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 for touch based version/100 for ranged version
Damage: N/A
Description: By channeling copious amounts of Yang energy, the user is able to infuse others with this, temporarily enhancing their physical attributes. This is achieved in two ways, either by direct touch or proximity. The first is more limited to a single person but has greater benefits; those channeled directly into will be able to reduce 35 damage from physical contact and gain physical alterations to their body that the Yang energy 'breathes' into life, such as twice the height or width of their body, additional arms or legs, etc as long as within reason and used solely for physical purposes. Should the user use the alternative release, then he is able to release Yang energy from his body up to Long range away, affecting all allies in the range. This variant allows the user to augment all allies with the same type of changes, ranging from all gaining wings to more. These changes only last a limited time, however; after 3 turns pass, the grown appendages or changes fall and revert back to normal. Depending on the alteration, one of a few benefits might be obtained.
Note: If additional arms, stronger arms or alterations related to the arm are made, then the target will gain an additional +20 to Taijutsu. If the changes target the head, the user is able to grant a 2x tracking. If leg based alterations are made, then the target will gain either +4 levels to his base speed or +20 damage to leg based tai. If changes target the torso, then an universal durability boost of B rank Ninjutsu immunity is obtained and if wings or similar is created, then the user is able to fly at thrice their speed.
Note: The damage and speed boosts are considered Passive and Base Speed increases. The values listed in the techniques are if the touch based variant is used. If the ranged variant is used, then these benefits are reduced by gained on a lesser scale ( +15 to Tai instead of +20, +2 Speed Levels, 1.5x Tracking, or -15 from all physical clashes).
Note: Touch based variant can only affect up to two people per event. Ranged variant creates a wave of Yang energy that affects up to 3 allies and lasts up to 4 turns.
Note: Can only be used three times in total.
( Tensei Suiryoku ) - Reincarnation Thrust
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 40 - 160 (80)
Description: The user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.

Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.

Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if they logically counter.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.
Kōtetsu: 200
Alucard: 160
Fenris: 100

Kōtetsu: 1,600 - 115
Alucard: 1,600 - 50​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 14
Alucard: 12
Fenris: 18

Kōtetsu: 90
Alucard: 128
Fenris: 66

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (5%)
Void Infusions: 0/4

Cerebus Imitation - 1/4
Ring of Hell 1/4
Last edited:


Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points

(Yōton/Fuuinjutsu: Kokū no Zantō - Sorarisu) Yang Release/Sealing Art: Remnants of the Void - Solaris (Reference)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Solaris is a unique Advanced Fuuinjutsu seal placed on the body that incorporates Yang chakra. This seal works by passively siphoning Yang chakra from the user’s body and storing it, with the seal being capable of storing up to 80 chakra in total. Making use of the body’s condition as a trigger this seal will activate whenever the user falls unconscious as a result of an enemy technique. Upon activation it floods the user’s body with the previously stored chakra, purging any invading chakra and healing the body by the amount of chakra stored within the seal and essentially “breathing life” back into the user, allowing them to regain consciousness as the invading chakra is flushed from their system. In addition to resuscitation, the user’s constitution will be temporarily boosted for the following two turns due to the abundant Yang chakra, making them immune to Spiritual techniques with less chakra than that stored in the seal. While this energy heals physical wounds, it does nothing to mitigate the damage done to the spirit, meaning that if the user’s health is depleted through damage done spiritually, this technique will not resuscitate them. Due to the overwhelming amount of Yang energy present within the body, the user will be unable to make use of Yin release, other Spiritual techniques, or elemental techniques for the following two turns. Their speed is also reduced by -3 levels, and they are unable to use techniques above A-rank for the same duration.

- This technique must be placed on the user’s biography.
- This technique can only be used once per battle, with the seal’s activation counting as a move.
- Upon resuscitation, this technique will heal the user up to the amount of chakra stored in the seal, though it cannot recover HP lost from spiritual damage
Supekutoru-Kan | Spectral Sense
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Spectral Sense is a technique usable only by ninken that takes advantage of the ability to sense and track targets through scent. By channeling chakra to their nose a Ninken’s sense of smell is heightened to the point where they become able to visualize scents. Much like synesthesia, this technique enables scents detected by the ninken’s sense of smell to be interpreted visually, with whatever smelt being interpreted as visible colors that will seep and ooze out of techniques and people. This will not be limited to the ninken’s visual range, but will instead exist independently as an experience-able phenomenon that will be interpreted visually - for instance, a ninken will be able to close their eyes yet will still see colors, with scents from behind them interpreted in a way akin to peripheral vision, yet more rear reaching and so on. The stronger or fresher the scent - whether it be a person or technique, the more vivid and bright the color will be. Staler sources of released chakra will take on more bland and faded tones, while those interpreted as dangerous or fatal will take or strong and alarming red, yellow and purple tones. Stronger scents, such as that produced by a ninja performing a technique or an active attack will produce stronger, more block colors, while dormant sources, such as a ninja at rest or passive or dormant techniques will produce more patchy and whispy tones. Elemental affinities and other disciplines of chakra transformation will also have their own distinct colors, even pure physical and spiritual energies, including spiritual beings/entities, will have their own hue.

- This technique can only be used three times per battle/arc.
- Color perception will appear like a filter that overlays onto the normal view of the world.
- Once activated this technique lasts until deactivated, draining -10 chakra per turn from the user.
( Chakura Chikara ) - Chakra Enhanced Strength
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: ( +25 to taijutsu techniques )
Damage points: ( +25 to taijutsu techniques )
Description: A technique that uses the refine chakra control and concentration required in medical ninjutsu to enhance one's strength to monstrous levels. This is done by storing chakra into one's hands or feet and releasing it onto the target with pinpoint timing. With this strength, the user can decimate the ground or even kill opponents with a single strike.
Note: Can only be used by Sakura, Momoshiki, Sarada or Tsunade bios.
Note: Once activated, lasts the entire battle.
(Katai Omori) Leg Weights
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An advanced version of the normal Leg Weights created for those dedicated to their craft, the Advanced Leg Weights increase the stress and weight applied to the user in order to achieve an even higher payoff. When inactive and worn, the user experiences a -3 Speed level drop due to the intense weight slowing him down. However, when released, the user gains a drastic boost to his base running speed (x4) and +35 to all his kick-related moves. Much like the weaker versions, this boost in strength and speed is completely nullified when releasing the EIG or when using any kind of movement speed enhancement technique or weight manipulation technique; they don't add up on each other. Only one of the user's bio can have these weights at any time.
( Doujutsu: Tenseigan ) - Eye Technique: Reincarnation Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( -10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: The Tenseigan (転生眼, Literally meaning: Reincarnation Eye) is a powerful dōjutsu utilized by the Ōtsutsuki clan. The combination of the Byakugan and the chakra of an Ōtsutsuki clan member can evolve the Byakugan into the Tenseigan, resulting in the loss of the Byakugan's quasi-omnidirectional and distanced vision.The Tenseigan allows the user to control both attractive and repulsive forces, similar to the Rinnegan's Deva Path. The user's eyes are on the same level as the Mangekyou Sharingan in terms of tracking and chakra perception. Additionally, it also grants the wielder the ability to use Tenseigan Chakra Mode; gaining additional increases in speed, agility and power.
Note: Requires activation (spending move) for Otsutsuki bios but remains active indefinitely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having a complete Otsutsuki bio with Tenseigan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. User needs to have activated Byakugan before and had it active for 1 full turn.
Note: Toneri is unable to deactivate his upon it's activation, becoming his default eye state.
Note: When active, the user loses all access to Byakugan related abilities and instead gains Tenseigan effects.

His warnings went unheeded and now it was too late for the leader of the Hellsing Organization to flee on his own. From his peripherals, he could see his ninken's ears perk up and a low growl emanated from their chests. It was coming. An alarming hue of red filled his vision as a rotting smell filled his nose. It wasn't the smell of decaying and dead flesh like the one that constantly clung to him while in Irkalla, but it wasn't far off. The source of the scent came from below, far beneath the surface, but when the Inuzuka glanced into the deep, the pristine blue waters seemed to be shifting into a dreadful shade of crimson.

"Below us!" He yelled before whatever it was that was spreading through the water could reach them. "Jump!" Kōtetsu, Alucard, Sif, and Solaire all leaped into the air at once. The two ninken jumped in a way that positioned them less than a meter apart beneath their pack brother, and as they ascended they fused into a single entity (Fenris) that began freely shifting its size until it was a hundred meters in height with the Inuzuka standing at its crown. It also performed minor changes to its bone and cartilaginous structure to accommodate for bipedal movement, giving it the appearance of an incredibly large and muscular werewolf with gleaming silver fur. At the same time that the ninken began to merge, Kōtetsu released yang energy from his body to empower both them and Alucard, granting them wings in order the keep them out of contact with the water below.

"It seems you brought me a present!" Alucard mused. He aims his hands below them to the water's surface as a plume of what appeared to be fine pale red powder bursts forth from beneath the waves. Without hesitation, he released a focused repulsive force that repelled this unknown substance, the water beneath them, and the head of the ancient beast that had also breached the surface in an attempt to swallow them. The attack forced it back into the depths, meaning that even though Kōtetsu knew its scent, he was still unsure of its appearance.

"This beast is mine, Alucard," the Inuzuka declared as the three of them hover thirteen meters above the water's surface, anxiously watching the waves for the slightest movement. "You will support me from behind."

Keruberosu Mohō | The Cerebus Imitation
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Allows for two or more Ninken to fuse together to gain the size and strength increase signature to Inuzuka transformation techniques. Unlike most other transformations, the size increase is not static but is instead adaptable, allowing the fused Ninkens to freely shift between normal sizes up to giant summon sizes. Furthermore the fused entity is capable of producing additional limbs and appendages (No more than the sum of the unfused participants, i.e 2 Ninkens would have 8 legs total), and is also capable of increasing it's musculature for additional strength. Fused Ninken will gain a +20 damage boost to Inuzuka techniques, while also being capable of withstanding B rank and below physical attacks due to their enhanced musculature and fur, and holding the ability to shatter through B rank and below defences by increasing their size, or even just their density and weight. High Breeds who use this technique will have their healing factor increased greatly while in this state due to the shifting nature of this technique and the tremendous amounts of physical energy crammed into a single body, as a result they will be capable of regenerating from bruises, stab wounds and burns within the period of a turn, while more severe injuries such as shattered bones will require two turns to regenerate from. Along with this, they will gain the ability to perform minor changes to their bone and cartilaginous structure, such as alterations to accommodate for bipedal movement, elongate claws and fangs, and even the ability to alter the plates within their skulls to produce sprouting horns - however the changes will always be purely functional in nature, and unlike Kaguya's they will not hold the capacity to produce or manipulate bone to any exceptional degree.
- Last for four turns, five in the case of a High Breed.
- Merging requires to Ninken to be within a meter of each other, or direct physical contact.
- Can be used again to refresh the duration of this technique, or similar such combination transformations. Naturally this counts towards move and usage count.
- Can work alongside Double-Beast Head Transformation and other such Inuzuka techniques.
- In the case of only a single Ninken, the user can assist with this technique, producing a clone so as to reach similar effects. However the fusion will be less stable, and as such only last for half the time. (Rounded up (2 or 3 turns respectively))
- This technique will slowly begin to take its toll on a Ninken, should a Ninken enter into another transformation directly after this technique, or refresh it's duration, they will, after 5 turn enter a fatigued state that will leave them incapable of performing Inuzuka techniques above B rank or entering into an more transformative unions for three turns.
- Can only be taught by Scaze
( Yoton: Jigoku no Enjin ) - Yang Release: Ring of Hell
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 80 for touch based version/100 for ranged version
Damage: N/A
Description: By channeling copious amounts of Yang energy, the user is able to infuse others with this, temporarily enhancing their physical attributes. This is achieved in two ways, either by direct touch or proximity. The first is more limited to a single person but has greater benefits; those channeled directly into will be able to reduce 35 damage from physical contact and gain physical alterations to their body that the Yang energy 'breathes' into life, such as twice the height or width of their body, additional arms or legs, etc as long as within reason and used solely for physical purposes. Should the user use the alternative release, then he is able to release Yang energy from his body up to Long range away, affecting all allies in the range. This variant allows the user to augment all allies with the same type of changes, ranging from all gaining wings to more. These changes only last a limited time, however; after 3 turns pass, the grown appendages or changes fall and revert back to normal. Depending on the alteration, one of a few benefits might be obtained.
Note: If additional arms, stronger arms or alterations related to the arm are made, then the target will gain an additional +20 to Taijutsu. If the changes target the head, the user is able to grant a 2x tracking. If leg based alterations are made, then the target will gain either +4 levels to his base speed or +20 damage to leg based tai. If changes target the torso, then an universal durability boost of B rank Ninjutsu immunity is obtained and if wings or similar is created, then the user is able to fly at thrice their speed.
Note: The damage and speed boosts are considered Passive and Base Speed increases. The values listed in the techniques are if the touch based variant is used. If the ranged variant is used, then these benefits are reduced by gained on a lesser scale ( +15 to Tai instead of +20, +2 Speed Levels, 1.5x Tracking, or -15 from all physical clashes).
Note: Touch based variant can only affect up to two people per event. Ranged variant creates a wave of Yang energy that affects up to 3 allies and lasts up to 4 turns.
Note: Can only be used three times in total.
( Tensei Suiryoku ) - Reincarnation Thrust
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 40 - 160 (80)
Description: The user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.

Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.

Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if they logically counter.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.
Kōtetsu: 200
Alucard: 160
Fenris: 100

Kōtetsu: 1,600 - 115
Alucard: 1,600 - 50​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 14
Alucard: 12
Fenris: 18

Kōtetsu: 90
Alucard: 128
Fenris: 66

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (5%)
Void Infusions: 0/4

Cerebus Imitation - 1/4
Ring of Hell 1/4

As the Bašmu began to breach the surface, something struck its head. Something it could not see, but only feel. The impact of the blow caused it to recoil slightly, but the injury was not significant. It snarled beneath the surface, slighted by the resistance displayed by its prey. Using its Rot, the Bašmu creates a clone of itself, the pair swimming through the ocean to position themselves for their next attack. Coating themselves in Scarlet auras and using the Rot-infested ocean to visually conceal their movement, the twin beasts would emerge from below the shinobi and the merged wolves, the original Bašmu approaching from their flank and the clone from their front, their jaws opened wide to snap shut on them.

Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Rot Clone is a technique used to form a perfect clone of the user out of their own Scarlet Rot. The technique obeys standard Clone rules and can make use of any Scarlet Rot technique the user normally has access to, including Advanced User techniques if the user is the host of the Basmu. The clone’s body naturally carries the Curse of Scarlet Rot making it a dangerous combatant in close quarters.
Note: Usable three times per battle.

Type: Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A/S
Range: Short (Mid)
Chakra: 30/40
Damage: 60/80 + 40 + 20 = 140
Description: A defensive Scarlet Rot technique designed to protect the user from incoming physical projectiles. It is erected with frightening speed, bursting outward from the user to fill short-range of their position with a dense cloud of Scarlet Rot. It emerges with such force that enemies within that range parameter will be launched backwards with considerable physical force. It passively carries the Curse of Scarlet Rot, able to infect those it repels or later interacts with. The barrier is sustained as long as the user remains inside of it. Once they leave its vicinity it will disperse, unless it is destroyed by a superior technique.
Note: Can be used four times per battle.
Note: When used by the Beast of Rot in its Final Ascension it will instead form like a protective layer of Rot around its body/

HP: 270 - 80 = 190
Chakra: 2000 - 30 - 80 = 1890

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
Alucard was more used to giving orders than receiving them, especially from people he barely knew. "How about you support me instead," he said as his wings carried him through the air until he too stood atop the crown of the gigantic winged werewolf beside Kōtetsu. He activated a single void artifact as a cyan-colored chakra shroud with six magatama markings on his collar enveloped his body. Dark markings appeared over his eyebrows and lower eyelids, and a single horn extended from his forehead. In addition, the wings granted by the earlier infusion of yang energy vanished.

The constantly radiating flames of chakra almost took the Inuzuka aback, but he had little time to dwell on it as two entities appeared from the crimson waters. For the first time, he saw the beast. It was a titanic horned serpent with a unique pair of orange and red wings across its back.

(Mukō: Fuyu no Shukufuku) – Void: Winter’s Blessing (passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact Accumulator that is activated passively; upon activation the user instantly gains a single Void Infusion. It can be activated twice per battle, once every four turns.
( Tenseigan Chakura Mōdo ) - Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40 ( -15 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Tenseigan Chakra Mode is a heightened transformation unique to those who possess the Tenseigan. Upon activating this form the user gains a cyan-colored chakra shroud with six magatama markings on their collar, dark markings over their eyebrows and lower eyelids, and a single horn shaped like Kaguya's, extending from their forehead. The shroud constantly radiates flickering flames of chakra, and the user's clothing and hair continuously billow upwards. The user's strength is significantly increased, adding +40 damage to their Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques. Their speed is also enhanced, increasing it by four times their base.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle, each use lasting 6 turns. After using, the user must wait at least 4 additional turns before using again.
Note: Can only be used by Otsutsuki Tenseigan wielders while the Tenseigan is active.
Note: If the Tenseigan is deactivated or reverted back to its Byakugan state then the mode is forcibly ended.

With one beast coming from the front and another coming from their side Kōtetsu began moving to stop their advance, but Alucard already stepped in front of him. "Aargh! Fine then!" the Inuzuka yelled in rage. This fight was his, or at least it was supposed to be, but surviving, for now, was his priority. He placed both palms firmly on Alucard's back and poured his chakra into him as he made several handseals and kneaded chakra inside his body that he expelled from his mouth as a massive stream of intense flames that spanned wide enough and was released in such a way that it engulfed both beasts at once.

(Katon: Gōka Messhitsu) - Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 (40 + 20 = 60)
Damage: 80 (80 + 40 + 40 = 160)
Description: A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire, and then expelled from the mouth in a massive stream of intense flames, after doing the Rat → Ox → Dog → Horse → Monkey → Boar → Tiger hand seals. The technique has an enourmous range and can cover a huge area. When it was used by Madara Uchiha, the massive scale of the technique was such that, in comparisson, his incomplete Susanoo seemed small. The main advantage of the technique is that it can be used to burn large areas in an effect in everything similar to a flamethrower.
(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred) (20)
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
Kōtetsu: 200
Alucard: 160
Fenris: 100

Kōtetsu: 1,485 - 35
Alucard: 1,550 - 90​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 14
Alucard: 48
Fenris: 18

Kōtetsu: 90
Alucard: 128
Fenris: 66

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (10%)
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 0/4
Alucard Void Infusions: 1/?

TCM: 1/6
Cerebus Imitation: 2/4
Ring of Hell: 2/4


Active member
Mar 12, 2014
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The Bašmu's serrated maw curled into something resembling a smile, filled with as much malice as it was teeth. As the shinobi combined their efforts to unleash a maelstrom of flames, the third of Tiamat's brood would open its mouth wide, unleashing a thin but deadly stream of Rot. It would cut through the air towards the inferno, the attacks neutralising each other due to the inherent strength of the flames against the Rot. The attack's purpose was served, however, allowing the Bašmu and its clone to continue unimpeded towards their prey, jaws poised to snap shut on them.

Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: C - S
Range: Short - Mid (Long)
Chakra: 15 - 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 30 - 80 (120 + 20 + 40 = 180)
Description: Will of the Rot Goddess is the basic Scarlet Rot technique available to all its users. The user will manipulate the Scarlet Rot in their body to create waves, shields, storms, or any shape the user can imagine to fit their needs in any given instance. The user's proficiency with this technique varies depending on if they are a Basic User, or non-host, or the host of the Basmu itself, an Advanced User. Regardless of user this technique always carries the Curse of Scarlet Rot. Basic Users can apply this technique between C and S-Rank, inflicting the base damage provided by it up to a mid-range reach. Advanced Users can apply this technique up to long-range when in one of their three Ascensions. While in their Second or Final Ascension this technique will inflict, at S-Rank, 120 damage.
Note: C-A rank can be used six times per battle, once every two turns.
Note: S-Rank applications can be used three times per battle, once every two turns.

HP: 190
Chakra: 1820
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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
The Beast matched the strength of their combined attacked and continued forward with its clone in toe. Driven by the singular purpose of consuming the three that stood against it. For a moment the Inuzuka considered allowing himself to be swallowed and destroy it from the inside, but while the idea was entertaining he decided against being eaten today. Alucard passively activated a void artifact as he manifested an incredibly powerful technique in the form of a massive radial cone of black shards that burst forth from his body and expanded into long-range as it moves, which allowed it to encompass both beasts once again.

(Mukō: Mukō no Tsuyosa) – Void: Strength of the Void (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: B
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Activated passively at the cost of one Void Infusion; Strength of the Void increases the potency of the user’s next four offensive techniques by 20 damage.
(Mukō: Eizoku) – Void: Permanence (Reference)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique Void Infused Artifact Accumulator similar to Void: Eternity, though more potent with its own drawbacks. Permanence is capable of activating on more than a single Void Infusion, activatable on Void Infusions that require up to three. Permanence has a 25% chance to activate whenever the user consumes a Void Infusion of any quantity up to three. Upon activation Permanence will restore up to three Void Infusions; however, each Void Infusion after the first restored costs 20 Health Points to restore.

Rolled 17. Void Infusion refunded.
(Jinton/Inton: Shamen | Dust/Yin Release: Absolution)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70 (-20/turn)
Damage: 140 (140 + 40 + 20 = 200)
Description: Absolution is an advanced form of Dust release in which the user incorporates the unique trait of Yin release to solidify the the naturally energetic form of the Dust chakra. Instead, the form of the Jinton will take that of a stream of easily manipulative shards with the same disintegrating properties as its pure energetic form. On touch, these shards will travel through any target and disintegrate anything they touch(in accordance to S/W of Dust release). These shards are able to move and take the shape of anything due to Yin and Shape manipulation abilities. The shards will always originate from the users body and can have an extended duration on the field if the user wishes, which requires more chakra and extends the restrictions the user gets originally by the length the user keeps the technique active. In accordance to the properties of the Hungry Ghost technique, Absolution carries a debuff similar to that of the Hungry Ghost except it will only interract with techniques it clashes with and will not carry any parasitic properties once the technique defeats another(if it does) of course. The shards are a beautiful sight to behold, which is another property of the Yin aspect and gained passively. The shards are completely jet black and has a cyan flare to their exterior like a cold meteorite. This is purely an aesthetic property and carries no weight in battle.

Note: When the user has performed this technique, they are hindered from using S-rank and above techniques for two turns afterwards, as well as Yin/Dust release techniques above A-rank.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle with a cooldown of 4 turns.
Note: Can be sustained up to 3 turns for each use, but sustaining the technique prolongs the restrictive effects during that time it is sustained.
Note: User cannot use any Jinton/Earth/Fire/Wind/Yin techniques while this technique is active.
At the same time, Fenris channeled chakra to his skin and fur, causing his hairs to stand on end and vibrate at ferocious speeds. This gave rise to an armor that not only protected him but also damaged anything that came into contact with it, though this didn't include Kōtetsu and Alucard due to the ninken's ability to fine-tune it as he wished to allow them to remain unharmed.

Unable to act freely due to the scope of Alucard's attack, Kōtetsu instead decides to be an annoyance to the Beast. He channels chakra into his vocal cords and whistles, releasing a high-frequency sound wave that gives rise to a faint buzzing sound in the ears of the horned serpent that defended against their earlier attack. The buzzing impairs its hearing by drawing out other sounds, and no doubt enrages the creature that'd just risen from hundreds of years of slumber.

Fenriru No Busō | Fenrir's Armament
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: 40 (-10 chakra per turn)
Damage: 80 (80 + 20 + 20 = 120)
Description: A problem that many Inuzuka faced was how vulnerable their Ninken were in battle - Ninken were easily struck down by elemental attacks which essentially made them a liability. As such this technique was developed as a defense mechanism for Ninken so that they would be more resilient in fights. By channeling chakra to their skin and fur a Ninken is capable of causing all of their hairs to stand on end and, through the use of chakra, force the erect hairs to vibrate at ferocious speeds. Visually a Ninken's fur will seem to spike up, and then once the vibration begins their figure will seem hazed, ethereal even, as their spiked fur rapidly fluctuates, giving rise to the image of a hellhound or demonic entity. Enemy techniques that come in contact with a Ninken under the influence of this technique will be shredded to pieces and forced to pass to the Ninken's side, leaving them unharmed. Even energy-based techniques such as fire and lightning are neutralized by this defense, with the Ninken's engorged and strengthened flesh serving to protect against any heat or electrical based affliction while chakra will empower the Ninken's fur to become flame retardant. A Ninken is capable of fine-tuning this technique as they wish so that their Inuzuka partners can still freely come into contact with the user. This technique functions as a standard armor and is capable of defending a Ninken from attacks of equal strength. Normal Ninken will have their fur damaged by elemental attacks blocked through the use of this technique, resulting in the armor weakening. High Breed Ninken however, as a result of their enhanced constitution will be capable of quickly growing their hair back by sacrificing 20 chakra, completely restoring the strength of the armor when it is damaged, requiring for the armor to be destroyed in one hit to neutralize this technique.

- This technique lasts for up to four turns, unless destroyed.
- This technique can only be used twice per Ninken, and a Ninken must wait for two turns before utilizing this technique again.
- A Ninken can angle their hairs so that they will protect vulnerable spots such as the underside of their paws and the insides of their ears, although the prior is toughened through chakra as well.
- Gatsuuga/Gatenga techniques utilized by one clad in Fenrir's Armament will gain an additional rank, this works on A-rank and below Gatsuuga variations, S rank and above will merely gain a flat +20 damage boost.
- Naturally, the armor will persist during transformations if the user has fur.
( Ototon: Teisei Tame Inu) - Sound Release: Whispers to the Canines
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user gathers Ototon chakra in his vocal chords. He then whistles, releasing a high frequency sound wave, creating a sound similar to a faint buzzing in the target's ear, similar to Ringing Madness. However, instead of causing a foe to become disoriented, it impairs his hearing, making the buzzing the only thing that he can hear, seeming as if the target has bees swimming around his ear. The buzzing drowns any sound out, unless they are exceptionally loud (i.e. great explosions, one yelling directly into the target's ear, etc), making it very difficult for the target to hear incoming jutsus or attacks.
Note: Hearing impairment lasts 3 turns
Kōtetsu: 200
Alucard: 160
Fenris: 100

Kōtetsu: 1,450 - 35
Alucard: 1,460 - 95​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 14
Alucard: 12
Fenris: 18

Kōtetsu: 90
Alucard: 128
Fenris: 66

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (15%)
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 0/3
Alucard Void Infusions: 1/3

Armament: 1/4
TCM: 2/6
Cerebus Imitation: 3/4
Ring of Hell: 3/4
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Mar 12, 2014
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On approach, the Bašmu and its clone were greeted by an attack comprised of almost purely obsidian energy. Using its enhanced speed, the Bašmu itself would divert its path of movement, diving into the waves below while its clone continued onward, too slow and too large to avoid the mongrel shinobi's technique. The technique would punch straight through the protective barrier of Rot and the clone, granting a quick but painful demise. Meanwhile, the Bašmu would emerge at the borders of mid-range behind its prey, summoning a colossal amount of energy. Atop its back, a lotus flower emerged, its petals curled around the stigma.

"You will witness true horror."

Explosively, they unfurled, unleashing a maelstrom of Rot that howled across the open expanse. It would fly towards the shinobi, into the sky, permeate the ocean. This place would become host to the Authority of the Bašmu, and so too would the shinobi if they could not overcome the Scarlet Aeonia.

Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short - Mid (Long)
Chakra: 80
Damage: 100/130 + 40 + 20 = 190
Description: Scarlet Aeonia is a powerful Kinjutsu belonging to users of Scarlet Rot. Its potency and application varies by the type of user commanding it in combat. At a baseline Scarlet Aeonia represents the ‘blooming of new life.’ It is a type of rebirth not unlike that Oral Snake Rebirth but repurposed in such a way that it is also offensive in nature. Upon activation the user will grow a lotus-like orange flower on their back, massive in size. It will curl into itself and then suddenly burst outward, unleashing a torrent of Scarlet Rot in the vicinity. Simultaneously its burst will also heal the user for 100 Health Points, able to regenerate complex wounds and even lost anatomy. Basic Users make use of this in a 100 damage explosion that reaches up to mid-range from their position. Advanced Users, specifically only those who have specialized in the Bloom Mastery, can make use of a higher damage application with significantly longer reach.
Note: Usable once per battle. After use the user is unable to use Scarlet Rot techniques for three turns.
Note: Requires the user to have Kinjutsu unless the user is the host of the Basmu and has specialized in the Bloom Mastery.

HP: 190
Chakra: 1740

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
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Though his field of vision was engulfed by the obsidian shards, Kōtetsu was able to confirm the death of one of the beasts through his spectral sense, the same sense he used to track the sent of the Bašmu as it dove beneath the waves and emerged behind them. Of the group only the Inuzuka turned to face the beast as a large lotus flower grew from it's back. For the first time since appearing from the murky depths of the deep it spoke. It's words were powerful, reverbering through his entire being as the flower's petals unfurled and unleashed a maelstrom of Rot that tore through the area. Kōtetsu stood unfalteringly in the face of the approaching mass of scarlet powder with a scowl on his face. He had watched his ninken die at the hands of Falnir, been consumed by the flames of purgatory in the Realm of Torment, and even suffered a violent death at Phetra's hands after she rewrote reality and burst from his body. He had already witnessed true horror. Knew it intimately. And this was not it.

"Whatever you're doing Alucard, Keep it up!" He yelled, gathering his basic chakra nature and his Yin and Yang energies before manipulating the ratio of his Yang energy to completely overshadow the other. He pushes his body further than he's ever done, and enters Yang State for the first. A black and white chakra shroud enveloped his body, his hair and sclera became white, and his hands glowed with white energy as fingerless gloves form on his hands and black magatama appeared along his back. As this happens he grabs Alucard by the back of his neck and waist of his coat, lifting him overhead as the Inuzuka moved to the furthest part of Fenris' back before setting the man down, redirecting the sustained obsidian shards that were being released from his body.

"My Daugher is not here," Alucard shouts in response to the provocation. "Her death is my only true horror, beast." As he speaks he widens then scope of his attack, spreading the cone into a expansive obsidian wall that matched the width and height of the Bašmu's attack, causing the two to clash in spectacular fashion before the Beast's attack is overpowered, causing it to be hit by the incredibly powerful attack.

(Yoton Modo) – Yang State
Type: Mode
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 200 (-50 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Based on Hagoromo’s Six Paths Sage Mode, those who have completed and specialized in Yang Release can enter this mode to elevate their prowess, but only in their spiritual or physical capabilities. The lack of the Juubi’s monstrous chakra and natural energy makes it impossible for proper balance of both Yin and Yang natures simultaneously at such a high level. When entering this mode, users first gather their five basic nature chakras and their Yin and Yang natures. They then manipulate the ratio of their Yin to Yang chakra such that one nature almost completely overshadows the other, done almost instantly and effortlessly. The result causes the user to enter one Yang State. Yang State is the state entered by users when they emphasize their Yang chakra over their Yin chakra. In this state the user is endowed with a white and black chakra shroud that the user can alter cosmetically. Their hair and sclera become white, and their hands glow a white energy with fingerless gloves and black magatama along their back. The user gains two main attributes in this state: Tian and Onibi. Tian refers to physical power beyond the scope of earthly mortals. While in Yang State the user’s ability to track and react to movement and actions becomes limitless. The user’s speed increases by 6x their base speed. Likewise, their physical durability reaches its apex, capable of reducing damage from all physical clashes by 80 damage. Note that this physical reduction goes beyond simply physical elements; it applies to anything within the ‘physical’ realm – meaning any physical interaction, be it from Fire Release, Earth, or Lightning are reduced while in Yang State. The opposite, the Spiritual, is not mitigated. Though important to note the user is still suspectable to techniques that apply physically debilitating debuffs, such as paralysis, fatigue, etc. The other trait the user gains, Onibi, activates when the user enters Yang State. The drawback to this technique is that, due to the massive imbalance of Yang chakra, Yin Release and other spiritual techniques are impossible to use whilst in this state.
Note: This technique only last 6 turns and can be used only once per battle.
Note: One must have completed Yang Release in order to use this technique. The user can only use either Yin or Yang State on any bio.
Note: Once the technique ends the user’s spiritual or physical chakra is drained to the barest minimum for their survival, thus making them incapable of using Yin, Yang, or Yin-Yang Release techniques for 10 turns and incapable of using taijutsu for 5 turns (this includes releasing leg weights and physically augmenting techniques).
Note: Likewise, users are unable to use techniques above A-rank for 4 turns.
(Onibi) – Onibi (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Said to be ghosts of light in ancient lore, these are the spirits of the dead that can be roughly translated as Will-o’-Wisps. Within the field of Yang Release it is the pinnacle manifestation of the field’s core concept: governing vitality and life, the ultimate display of a Yang Master as the giver of life. Onibi is activated simultaneously as Yang Mode, initiated passively once the Mode has been entered. Much like how Kuninotokotachi augments all of the user’s Illusionary techniques, Onibi augments all of the user’s specialized physical techniques; for the duration of Yang State all of the aforementioned techniques are enhanced by passively infusing them with Change into Hell. Each creation is endowed with 300 chakra points, 100 health, sharing their creator’s base speed, and their own form of sentience. Like with Change into Hell, creations through this technique are able to use techniques from the source they are produced from. As life is ever changing and mutating in each permutation, Onibi also grants two random mutations to each creation. These are to be rolled on each time a sentient creation is formed with Onibi. When Yang State expires the user’s techniques that are augmented with Onibi’s sentience and mutations also expire. The random mutations are as follows:
1. Empowered Vitality: The user’s sentient entity’s vitality is empowered further, increasing its health pool by 80 additional points.
2. Clear Casting: The user’s sentient entity has its ability to perform techniques augmented, allowing it to perform its techniques without the need for hand seals.
3. Empowered Speed: The user’s sentient entity has its ability to move enhanced, increasing its speed by 8 base levels.
4. Thickened Hide: Improved durability reduces all physical damage taken by 40.
5. Empowered Reserves: The user’s reserves are empowered, increasing its base chakra reserves to 500.
6. Black Blood: Infuses a deadly vitality-based mutagen within the sentient creation. When the Creation dies or expires its blood will burst in a mid-range radius from its position, afflicting any within with Black Blood. Black Blood inflicts 10 damage per turn indefinitely on any, other than the user, until the end of the battle. Can only be cured by Yin-Yang Release or Senjutsu.
7. Debilitating Aura: The user’s sentient creation radiates physical energy, destabilizing any living target within a five-meter zone around it. Reduces movement speed by 8 base levels, inflicts 10 damage per turn, and drains 10% of the targets chakra per turn. Can be resisted with a Yin Release technique of equal rank or Senjutsu that persists through this mutation’s duration.
8. Acidic Spikes: The user’s sentient creation is empowered with the Acidic Spines mutation, causing it to periodically unleash a volley of vitality-based spikes at all enemy targets on the battlefield. Each spike inflicts 80 damage and contains 40 chakra. Its damage is inflicted at a rate of 40 per turn to living targets, but clashing with other techniques counts as 80 damage. Only a single spike can be released at a single target, with each additional target counting as an additional spike. This does not count toward one of the user’s three moves, and it has a 25% chance of occurring every other turn after the creation is formed.
9. Overwhelming Vitality: The user’s sentient creation is empowered with Overwhelming Vitality, causing it to explode upon death in a mid-range radius explosion of violent energy. Anything caught within it suffers 120 damage.
10. Prismatic Mutation: A mutation that takes on the combined effects of two random mutations, allowing for three total mutations on a creation. When this occurs, the user is to roll for the first mutation as normal, and then roll for one additional mutation and select one of the first four mutations. This allows for a total of three.​
(Jinton/Inton: Shamen | Dust/Yin Release: Absolution) (Sustained)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70 (-20/turn)
Damage: 140 (140 + 40 + 20 = 200)
Description: Absolution is an advanced form of Dust release in which the user incorporates the unique trait of Yin release to solidify the the naturally energetic form of the Dust chakra. Instead, the form of the Jinton will take that of a stream of easily manipulative shards with the same disintegrating properties as its pure energetic form. On touch, these shards will travel through any target and disintegrate anything they touch(in accordance to S/W of Dust release). These shards are able to move and take the shape of anything due to Yin and Shape manipulation abilities. The shards will always originate from the users body and can have an extended duration on the field if the user wishes, which requires more chakra and extends the restrictions the user gets originally by the length the user keeps the technique active. In accordance to the properties of the Hungry Ghost technique, Absolution carries a debuff similar to that of the Hungry Ghost except it will only interract with techniques it clashes with and will not carry any parasitic properties once the technique defeats another(if it does) of course. The shards are a beautiful sight to behold, which is another property of the Yin aspect and gained passively. The shards are completely jet black and has a cyan flare to their exterior like a cold meteorite. This is purely an aesthetic property and carries no weight in battle.

Note: When the user has performed this technique, they are hindered from using S-rank and above techniques for two turns afterwards, as well as Yin/Dust release techniques above A-rank.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle with a cooldown of 4 turns.
Note: Can be sustained up to 3 turns for each use, but sustaining the technique prolongs the restrictive effects during that time it is sustained.
Note: User cannot use any Jinton/Earth/Fire/Wind/Yin techniques while this technique is active.
As Kōtetsu held Alucard he passively activated an artifact to obtain a single void infusion, while Fenris refreshed the duration of his combined transformation as he made use of his wings to descend to the water's surface while the two on his back battled the titanic horned serpent behind him. The ninken lands and his wings vanish as the duration of his physical alteration comes to an end. He immediately becomes afflicted with the curse of the Scarlet Rot as his feet touch the corrupted water, reducing his speed and health. Blood burst from his feet, causing then to begin rotting as the tissues in them die.

(Mukō: Fuyu no Shukufuku) – Void: Winter’s Blessing (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact Accumulator that is activated passively; upon activation the user instantly gains a single Void Infusion. It can be activated twice per battle, once every four turns.
Keruberosu Mohō | The Cerebus Imitation
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Allows for two or more Ninken to fuse together to gain the size and strength increase signature to Inuzuka transformation techniques. Unlike most other transformations, the size increase is not static but is instead adaptable, allowing the fused Ninkens to freely shift between normal sizes up to giant summon sizes. Furthermore the fused entity is capable of producing additional limbs and appendages (No more than the sum of the unfused participants, i.e 2 Ninkens would have 8 legs total), and is also capable of increasing it's musculature for additional strength. Fused Ninken will gain a +20 damage boost to Inuzuka techniques, while also being capable of withstanding B rank and below physical attacks due to their enhanced musculature and fur, and holding the ability to shatter through B rank and below defences by increasing their size, or even just their density and weight. High Breeds who use this technique will have their healing factor increased greatly while in this state due to the shifting nature of this technique and the tremendous amounts of physical energy crammed into a single body, as a result they will be capable of regenerating from bruises, stab wounds and burns within the period of a turn, while more severe injuries such as shattered bones will require two turns to regenerate from. Along with this, they will gain the ability to perform minor changes to their bone and cartilaginous structure, such as alterations to accommodate for bipedal movement, elongate claws and fangs, and even the ability to alter the plates within their skulls to produce sprouting horns - however the changes will always be purely functional in nature, and unlike Kaguya's they will not hold the capacity to produce or manipulate bone to any exceptional degree.
- Last for four turns, five in the case of a High Breed.
- Merging requires to Ninken to be within a meter of each other, or direct physical contact.
- Can be used again to refresh the duration of this technique, or similar such combination transformations. Naturally this counts towards move and usage count.
- Can work alongside Double-Beast Head Transformation and other such Inuzuka techniques.
- In the case of only a single Ninken, the user can assist with this technique, producing a clone so as to reach similar effects. However the fusion will be less stable, and as such only last for half the time. (Rounded up (2 or 3 turns respectively))
- This technique will slowly begin to take its toll on a Ninken, should a Ninken enter into another transformation directly after this technique, or refresh it's duration, they will, after 5 turn enter a fatigued state that will leave them incapable of performing Inuzuka techniques above B rank or entering into an more transformative unions for three turns.
- Can only be taught by Scaze
Kōtetsu: 200
Alucard: 160
Fenris: 100 - 10

Kōtetsu: 1,415 - 255
Alucard: 1,365 - 45​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 84
Alucard: 48
Fenris: 18 - 3

Kōtetsu: Unlimited
Alucard: 128
Fenris: 66

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (20%)
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 1/3
Alucard Void Infusions: 1/3

Yang State: 1/6
Cerebus Imitation: 1/4
Armament: 2/4
TCM: 3/6
Ring of Hell: 4/4
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Mar 12, 2014
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Yet again, the Bašmu's reptilian eyes bore witness to a familiar sight. The Inuzuka desperately relying on power far beyond his natural limits to fight a foe even further past. It was as amusing as it was droll. Aware of the power of the technique being used by the stronger mutt, the Bašmu dove beneath the surface and into the ocean's depths, avoiding the beam of solid shards. It would bide its time, as it had for thousands of years, waiting for the right moment to partake in its meal, meagre as it would be.

HP: 200
Chakra: 1740
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Ańbu Juniør

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Feb 3, 2009
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Kōtetsu perceived the Bašmu as it retreated beneath the waves once again. With its speed allowing it to effortlessly dance around their ranged attacks, he knew he would have to take the fight to it directly, which meant he had to follow after it. Releasing his hold on Alucard, the Inuzuka performs four handseals while his ally continues to sustain his attack for the last time, and erects a powerful boosted barrier that coats his body in a dark, flame-like aura before stepping in front of his ally's attack. Upon contact with Absolution, the barrier destroys the technique by unraveling and absorbing the chakra within it to empower itself with the disintegrating properties of the technique. As the technique is absorbed he pulled Angurvadal from his back, a weapon that used its ability to change shape to shift into the form of Caladbolg, a jet black straight sword of little detail, but incredible size.

(Jinton/Inton: Shamen | Dust/Yin Release: Absolution) (Sustained)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70 (-20/turn)
Damage: 140 (140 + 40 + 20 = 200)
Description: Absolution is an advanced form of Dust release in which the user incorporates the unique trait of Yin release to solidify the the naturally energetic form of the Dust chakra. Instead, the form of the Jinton will take that of a stream of easily manipulative shards with the same disintegrating properties as its pure energetic form. On touch, these shards will travel through any target and disintegrate anything they touch(in accordance to S/W of Dust release). These shards are able to move and take the shape of anything due to Yin and Shape manipulation abilities. The shards will always originate from the users body and can have an extended duration on the field if the user wishes, which requires more chakra and extends the restrictions the user gets originally by the length the user keeps the technique active. In accordance to the properties of the Hungry Ghost technique, Absolution carries a debuff similar to that of the Hungry Ghost except it will only interract with techniques it clashes with and will not carry any parasitic properties once the technique defeats another(if it does) of course. The shards are a beautiful sight to behold, which is another property of the Yin aspect and gained passively. The shards are completely jet black and has a cyan flare to their exterior like a cold meteorite. This is purely an aesthetic property and carries no weight in battle.

Note: When the user has performed this technique, they are hindered from using S-rank and above techniques for two turns afterwards, as well as Yin/Dust release techniques above A-rank.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle with a cooldown of 4 turns.
Note: Can be sustained up to 3 turns for each use, but sustaining the technique prolongs the restrictive effects during that time it is sustained.
Note: User cannot use any Jinton/Earth/Fire/Wind/Yin techniques while this technique is active.
(Fuuinjutsu: Ōkui-Sha) Sealing Art: The Great Devourer
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 70 (70 + 10 = 80)
Damage: N/A (200)
Description: The user performs four handseals and erects from their body a powerful barrier that coats the body. Though it varies depending on the user, this barrier tends to have the standard appearance of a dark, flame-like aura and has considerable offensive and defensive capabilities. As a means of both attack and defense, this barrier possesses the ability to destroy techniques it comes into contact with by absorbing the properties of the technique and unraveling the chakra that composes the jutsu, this will empower the barrier with the properties of the absorbed technique and allow it to take on the damage value of the absorbed technique. The properties of techniques refer to their auxiliary effects that cause harm, for example absorbing fire would cause the barrier to become heated causing burn damage while absorbing wind would sharpen the barrier causing cutting damage, water and earth would both be concussive while lightning would be sharp. The barrier will follow the strengths and weaknesses of whatever element or other fields it's absorbed.

- This technique lasts for three turns.
- No Fuuinjutsu above B-Rank can be used for one turn after deactivation, and no Fuuinjutsu above A-Rank in the next.
- This technique can be used twice per battle and requires a three-turn cooldown after it expires.
(Iryo Ninjutsu: Hijoushoku ) Medical Technique: Emergency Provisions (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D - Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A basic application that demonstrates the superior chakra control traits of a medical ninja. Initially trained into understanding the essentials of chakra control - this technique seeks to emphasize on this to a certain degree. Passively activated, the user may use this technique to willingly allow an increment of +10 to be infused into a single technique of their choosing. This of course under normal circumstances would prove to be useless in battle - but in some situations such as with Fuinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu or other abilities in general this proves to he highly beneficial. This can be used once per technique, capping at +10 chakra. This technique cannot be used in consecutive turns
(Densetsu-no Kamei Gigei: Karadoborugu) Legendary Command Art: Caladbolg (Passive)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: +25 Boost to Kenjutsu and Command Arts
Description: The Legendary Command Arts are a series of Command Arts unique to Keotsu himself, and can only be performed with his blade Mythos ("Legend"). The shape-shifting sword can change its form to take on the shape and ability of other blades of myth and legend. This form is known as "Caladbolg", a Welsh word for "Great Sword". In this form, Mythos takes on the form of a jet black straight sword of little detail, but of incredible size. Using it's incredible size and cutting edge to augment physical attacks, and by refining energies for energy attacks, the blade draws more power from Keotsu to augment his damage, granting +25 for offensive techniques and a similar increase in efficacy for defensive/supplemental techniques (an A rank technique would be treated as an empowered S Rank, etc, as analogous to Mythos’s boost); Caladbolg allows non-elemental Kenjutsu to be treated as elementally equal to all elements.

*Note: Can only be used once per battle. If Mythos leaves this form, it cannot return to it during the battle. However, taking the form does not consume a moveslot/is done passively.
"Wait here!" He yelled as he spun forward at ferocious speeds off the back of his giant ninken and directly into the contaminated sea after the monstrous beast before it dove too deep. With his sword at the tip of his rotation and a drill-like shell of chakra surrounding him as he held his breath, the Inuzuka's incredibly fast and powerful attack allowed him to destroy the barrier surrounding the Bašmu before piercing deep into its flesh. The black aura surrounding Kōtetsu also dealt damage to the beast and moving faster than it could track caused his attack to deal critical damage.

(Jūjin Taijutsu Ougi: Kantsū Kiba) Beast Human Martial Art: Penetrating Fang
Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S (S)
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: N/A - 40 (40 + 25 = 65)
Damage: 60 - 80 (80 + 25 + 25 + 20 + 10 = 160)
Description: Penetrating Fang is a technique that combines Kenjutsu/Bukijutsu[/B] and the Gatsuuga and Gatenga rotational methods of the Inuzuka Clan. The user will spin at a ferocious speed toward their target with their weapon held upward, putting it at the tip of their drill-like rotation as air is gathered around them to form a protective shell, protecting them from attacks and techniques up to equal rank. Alternatively, instead of rotating along the horizontal axis in the shape of a drill, the user can spin across the ground vertically, similar to Dance of the Wolf God where they appear as an upright vortex as they rapidly traverse across the ground, with their weapon held perpendicular to their body. This allows the user to attack in a 360-degree fashion, and even defend against techniques that come from multiple angles. The A-ranked version of this technique doesn’t require chakra, but when the S-ranked version is used the user will leak chakra from their entire body as they rapidly rotate. This chakra will form a drill-like shell around the user and their sword and can be made of either raw or elemental chakra such as fire, lightning, or wind. The usage of raw chakra will allow this technique to be equivalent in strength to elemental technique due to shape manipulation, while the use of elemental chakra will cause it to adopt the appropriate strengths and weaknesses of the chosen element.

- The A-ranked version of this technique can only be used four times per battle, while S ranked can only be used twice and requires a single turn cooldown between uses.
- Due to their sharp nails, members of the Inuzuka clan can perform this technique with their bare hands.
- This technique can only be used by members of the Inuzuka Clan.
Talons of Uridimmu (Passive) (I-III): The user’s Inuzuka techniques are honed further, sharpened through their Adept skills. Increases critical damage by 10

Kōtetsu: 200
Alucard: 160
Fenris: 90 - 10

Kōtetsu: 1,160 - 240
Alucard: 1,320 - 45​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 84
Alucard: 48
Fenris: 15

Kōtetsu: Unlimited
Alucard: 128
Fenris: 66

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (25%)
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 2/3
Alucard Void Infusions: 1/3

Great Devourer: 1/3
Yang State: 2/6
Cerebus Imitation: 2/4
Armament: 3/4
TCM: 4/6

Inuzuka Specialized roll success. +1 void infusion.
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Mar 12, 2014
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Currently, Kotetsu is falling through the ocean, unable to control his descent and taking 120 damage from his barrier per turn of contact, starting from the previous post.

Something breached the surface of the Rot-infested ocean, though the Bašmu could not immediately recognise it. A shimmering shape plummeted through the depths, freefalling without resistance. Perhaps its prey had attempted to give chase, only for an unfortunate accident to spoil its plans. The beast gurgled in amusement, biding its time, allowing its prey to flounder and flail. Once it had fallen still, the Bašmu would come for its meal.

HP: 270
Chakra: 1740

Ańbu Juniør

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Feb 3, 2009
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The Inuzuka had told him to wait, but Alucard felt uneasy above the water's surface with just himself and the ninken. It might have just been his imagination but he could have sworn something had gone wrong with the man's attack, but unable to perceive what was occurring in the depth of the ocean he couldn't be sure. To track the movement of both the Bašmu and his ally, Alucard creates a sealing tag with the kanji for 'barrier' and placed it on his ass before performing a handseal that causes a barrier to be erected that encompassed the entire area. This barrier allowed him to detect both the massive creature and the Inuzuka, and as soon as it was erected the sea began to violently shake.

(Kyōkai Kekkai no Jutsu) - Boundary Barrier Technique
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (-10 per turn remaining active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: This is a detection type barrier which is simply a more advanced version of the (Kekkai: Tengai Hojin) - Barrier: Dome Method Formation technique and that can be used to surround an area and allows the user to monitor a certain area covering from the sky to underneath the ground creating a sphere. The user will create a tag with the 許可 (Kyoka) Kanji and place it on the ground, doing the confrontation hand seal afterwards to activate it. After the barrier is erected, the user, if inside it, will be able to detect any enemy inside it, even if he hiding his presence. After that, anyone who enters or leaves the barrier is instantly detected as well as anything that moves inside it. Techniques that mask the users presence are ineffective at avoiding detection as the barrier focuses on movement and displacement of matter, not solely on chakra detection. The barrier can also be moved according to the requirements of the user by moving the tag.
Note: Can only be used twice.
Kōtetsu somehow found himself inexplicably getting damaged by his own technique that was meant to protect him. With his weapon disintegrated as he falls through the crimson waters, he had no choice but to deactivate the barrier, causing the rot-infested water to converge on him. The curse of the Scarlet Rot attaches itself to him as he makes use of his chakra to propel himself to the surface and partially mask his presence. Like Alucard, he too could now feel everything shake around him, but he paid it little mind.

(Suiton: Suichuu Teigen no Jutsu) – Water Release: Underwater Motion Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: This Technique allows the user to properl themselves through a body of water by using their chakra. While underwater, this technique will also partially mask the users prescence.

Note: Must be a large water source such as a lake to use.
Once at the surface the Inuzuka climbs atop Fenrir's paw where he immediately begins to heal himself from the damage done by his own barrier through the use of the Mystic Palm technique.

( Iryō Ninjutsu: Shōsen Jutsu ) - Medical Technique: Mystic Palm Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (2x the amount of damage healed, 200 max) (200)
Damage: N/A
Description: This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by focusing chakra onto their hands, forming an aura of greenish chakra which he then sends into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it very useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique. The limitation of the technique is that it cannot regrow missing body parts or remove with poisons or toxins, though it can heal damage by them. Additionally, perhaps its more severe drawback is the chakra cost, which is much higher than any other medical technique. For each damage point the user of the technique wishes to heal, he needs to spend twice as much chakra. Basically, for x amount of damage the user needs to spend 2x amount of chakra to repair/heal. The user can also use this technique on himself and it can be used with one hand or two and even in two targets at a time or while using another technique with the other hand. The speed of the healing is fast but not instant.
Note: Can be used on up to 2 targets.
Note: Can only be used by Medical Ninja.
Kōtetsu: 200 - 120 - 20 + 100
Alucard: 160
Fenris: 80 - 10

Kōtetsu: 920 - 280
Alucard: 1,275 - 55​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 84 - 3
Alucard: 48
Fenris: 15

Kōtetsu: Unlimited
Alucard: 128
Fenris: 66

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (Dormant%)
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 3/3
Alucard Void Infusions: 1/3

Yang State: 3/6
Cerebus Imitation: 3/4
Armament: 4/4
TCM: 5/6
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Mar 12, 2014
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Its prey had retreated as quickly as it had advanced. The Bašmu had been patient, and soon it would be rewarded, for its final moments of powerlessness were coming to an end.

HP: 270
Chakra: 1740
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Ańbu Juniør

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Feb 3, 2009
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Kōtetsu and Alucard could both feel it. The end of their battle was drawing near, and the chance of them being the victors was slim. The merged state of Sif and Solaire came to an end, forcing the two to revert to their normal size as Alucard grew large bone wings from his back that he used to remain airborne whilst descending until he hovered a few meters above the Ninken. "Seems like this will be our final stand," he mused as the cyan cloak enveloping his body dissipated.

The Inuzuka tossed a military ration pill into his mouth that replenished his chakra while his unfortunate ally spoke and knelt down to place his left hand atop the contaminated water. "I refuse to die at the hands of this overgrown worm!" He said angrily as he used his chakra to increase the density of the water to the point where it would begin crushing the Bašmu, forcing it from the depths of the ocean. As this happened Kōtetsu held out his free right hand and summoned The Sanguine Maw, a large double-edged axe crafted from Tiamat’s ivory bones. He wasn't about to go down without a fight.

( Hone Tsubasa ) - Bone Wings
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40 + 40 = 80
Description: The user grows large bone wings from their back which can be used to fly or to defend. The user can also flap these wings and release bone spikes once per turn. The wings last for 3 turns.
(Hyōrōgan) Military Ration Pills
Type: Healing
Description and Background:Military Rations Pills (兵糧丸, Hyōrōgan) are special pills that replenish one's chakra and nourish the body. It is made up of powerful stimulants and nutrients, said to allow the user to keep fighting for three days and three nights without rest. Replenishes 50 percent of the user's maximum chakra supply per pill taken, along with pumping stimulants into the body to alleviate tiredness. These pills are a basic medicine medical ninjas use or distribute in combat and are essentially dark brown small round pills which are swallowed and absorbed through the mucosa in the stomach. Can only be given out to up to 4 times, excluding the user's use.
Description of Side Effects:
-Taking two pills in a conflict results in hyper-stimulation of the cardiovascular system. The users heart rate and blood pressure increase to the point they become painful for 6 turns after taking the pill.
-Taking 3 pills in a conflict pushes the user's cardiovascular system to breaking point, resulting in heart failure after 4 turns.
-Costs a move per turn to use.
Water Style: Aquatic Destruction (Suiton: Suijou Kujo)
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Can be used anywhere near a body of water. The user places his hand on the surface of the water and forcing water to be denser and crushing the opponent. This jutsu causes more damage to the opponent depending on the mass of the water, meaning the jutsu is strongest when the opponent is inside a large amount of water.
Note: can only be used three times
(Sagīnjōzu) - The Sanguine Maw (Reference)
Type: Relic Weapon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: The Sanguine Maw is a two-handed and double-edged axe crafted from Tiamat’s ivory bones. At the base of the grip is a single crystalline orb flickering with black and white energies representative of a fully powered weapon core. The axe is bound to the Boar seal and can be summoned to the user or sealed passively at their discretion. When wielded with two hands the user can, at the cost of a move, swing the axe to inflict 80 damage.

Intrinsic Traits:

Sanguine Affinity (I-III): Fortifies the user’s vitality, enhancing their health by an additional 20/40/60 points. (II)
Roiling Blood (I-III): The intensity of battle augments the user’s power. Increases all damage by 10/15/20% of Health Points missing from biography’s maximum Health, up to a maximum of 40. (II)
Fortified Anatomy (I-III): Enhanced physical durability confers the user a passive damage reduction to physical-based techniques. Reduces physical damage taken by 10/20/30 points. (II)

Exsanguination (I-II): Exsanguination is a devastating ability that combines the power of Roiling Blood with the user’s own overwhelming life force, augmented by the Sanguine Maw. The ability manifests on the Maw as blood, a physical representation of the user’s own lost health. When unleashed it forms a crescent blood wave, launched at the speed of twice an S-Rank Water Release technique and neutral to all techniques it clashes with. It has a long-range reach. The damage it inflicts is correlated to 125%/150% of Health Points currently missing. Tier II Exsanguination passively affords the user a 50% reduction to all effects of Health Fatigue. This passive is not active when Exsanguination is on cooldown. Can be used twice per battle, once every ten turns. (I)

Blood Brawler
A warrior born in blood and battle. Alters the appearance of Sanguine Maw into that of a one-handed axe, allowing its swings to be performed with a single hand.

Sanguinary (B-Rank, active): A skill that enhances the benefit conferred by Fortified Anatomy, exchanging its passive benefit for a significantly increased physical damage reduction. The drawback is that it increases the damage intake of Spiritual-based techniques by 50%. This ability lasts for three turns and reduces physical damage by 30/50/80. Can be used twice per battle, once every three turns. While on cooldown the effects of Fortified Anatomy remain inert.
Bloodied Veteran (A-Rank, passive): Passively strengthens Roiling Blood, increasing its damage enhancement to 30/40/50% of the user’s missing Health Points in exchange for it only being applied to Taijutsu and Bukijutsu. Cannot be applied to elemental Taijutsu.
Reborn in Blood (S-Rank, passive): When the user’s Health Points fall to zero they will passively gain a single point of health back, allowing them to continue fighting. Can be activated once per arc.
Tunnel Vision (S-Rank, active): For a moment the user is able to ignore the effects of Health Fatigue and pain entirely, becoming an unrelenting scourge. This technique lasts for two turns or until an enemy is not within short-range of the user. Can be activated twice per battle.
Blood Render (F-Rank, active): Converts Exsanguination into a devastating close-quarters ability. The technique remains the same with the exception of the blood forming on the axe and remaining on it, unleashed in short-range in a massive explosion of blood. Increases damage done to 175%/250% of the user’s missing Health Points.
Kōtetsu: 160 - 20
Alucard: 160
Solaire: 70 - 10
Sif: 70 - 10

Kōtetsu: 640 - 95 + 800
Alucard: 1,220 - 35​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 81
Alucard: 12
Solaire: 10
Sif: 14

Kōtetsu: Unlimited
Alucard: 128
Solaire: 42
Sif: 36

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (Dormant%)
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 3/3
Alucard Void Infusions: 1/3

Yang State: 4/6
Cerebus Imitation: 4/4
TCM: 6/6
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  • Haha
Reactions: Skorm


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
Kōtetsu and Alucard could both feel it. The end of their battle was drawing near, and the chance of them being the victors was slim. The merged state of Sif and Solaire came to an end, forcing the two to revert to their normal size as Alucard grew large bone wings from his back that he used to remain airborne whilst descending until he hovered a few meters above the Ninken. "Seems like this will be our final stand," he mused as the cyan cloak enveloping his body dissipated.
The Inuzuka tossed a military ration pill into his mouth that replenished his chakra while his unfortunate ally spoke and knelt down to place his left hand atop the contaminated water. "I refuse to die at the hands of this overgrown worm!" He said angrily as he used his chakra to increase the density of the water to the point where it would begin crushing the Bašmu, forcing it from the depths of the ocean. As this happened Kōtetsu held out his free right hand and summoned The Sanguine Maw, a large double-edged axe crafted from Tiamat’s ivory bones. He wasn't about to go down without a fight.
( Hone Tsubasa ) - Bone Wings
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40 + 40 = 80
Description: The user grows large bone wings from their back which can be used to fly or to defend. The user can also flap these wings and release bone spikes once per turn. The wings last for 3 turns.
(Hyōrōgan) Military Ration Pills
Type: Healing
Description and Background:Military Rations Pills (兵糧丸, Hyōrōgan) are special pills that replenish one's chakra and nourish the body. It is made up of powerful stimulants and nutrients, said to allow the user to keep fighting for three days and three nights without rest. Replenishes 50 percent of the user's maximum chakra supply per pill taken, along with pumping stimulants into the body to alleviate tiredness. These pills are a basic medicine medical ninjas use or distribute in combat and are essentially dark brown small round pills which are swallowed and absorbed through the mucosa in the stomach. Can only be given out to up to 4 times, excluding the user's use.
Description of Side Effects:
-Taking two pills in a conflict results in hyper-stimulation of the cardiovascular system. The users heart rate and blood pressure increase to the point they become painful for 6 turns after taking the pill.
-Taking 3 pills in a conflict pushes the user's cardiovascular system to breaking point, resulting in heart failure after 4 turns.
-Costs a move per turn to use.
Water Style: Aquatic Destruction (Suiton: Suijou Kujo)
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Can be used anywhere near a body of water. The user places his hand on the surface of the water and forcing water to be denser and crushing the opponent. This jutsu causes more damage to the opponent depending on the mass of the water, meaning the jutsu is strongest when the opponent is inside a large amount of water.
Note: can only be used three times
(Sagīnjōzu) - The Sanguine Maw (Reference)
Type: Relic Weapon
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80
Description: The Sanguine Maw is a two-handed and double-edged axe crafted from Tiamat’s ivory bones. At the base of the grip is a single crystalline orb flickering with black and white energies representative of a fully powered weapon core. The axe is bound to the Boar seal and can be summoned to the user or sealed passively at their discretion. When wielded with two hands the user can, at the cost of a move, swing the axe to inflict 80 damage.
Intrinsic Traits:
Sanguine Affinity (I-III): Fortifies the user’s vitality, enhancing their health by an additional 20/40/60 points. (II)
Roiling Blood (I-III): The intensity of battle augments the user’s power. Increases all damage by 10/15/20% of Health Points missing from biography’s maximum Health, up to a maximum of 40. (II)
Fortified Anatomy (I-III): Enhanced physical durability confers the user a passive damage reduction to physical-based techniques. Reduces physical damage taken by 10/20/30 points. (II)
Exsanguination (I-II): Exsanguination is a devastating ability that combines the power of Roiling Blood with the user’s own overwhelming life force, augmented by the Sanguine Maw. The ability manifests on the Maw as blood, a physical representation of the user’s own lost health. When unleashed it forms a crescent blood wave, launched at the speed of twice an S-Rank Water Release technique and neutral to all techniques it clashes with. It has a long-range reach. The damage it inflicts is correlated to 125%/150% of Health Points currently missing. Tier II Exsanguination passively affords the user a 50% reduction to all effects of Health Fatigue. This passive is not active when Exsanguination is on cooldown. Can be used twice per battle, once every ten turns. (I)
Blood Brawler

A warrior born in blood and battle. Alters the appearance of Sanguine Maw into that of a one-handed axe, allowing its swings to be performed with a single hand.
Sanguinary (B-Rank, active): A skill that enhances the benefit conferred by Fortified Anatomy, exchanging its passive benefit for a significantly increased physical damage reduction. The drawback is that it increases the damage intake of Spiritual-based techniques by 50%. This ability lasts for three turns and reduces physical damage by 30/50/80. Can be used twice per battle, once every three turns. While on cooldown the effects of Fortified Anatomy remain inert.
Bloodied Veteran (A-Rank, passive): Passively strengthens Roiling Blood, increasing its damage enhancement to 30/40/50% of the user’s missing Health Points in exchange for it only being applied to Taijutsu and Bukijutsu. Cannot be applied to elemental Taijutsu.
Reborn in Blood (S-Rank, passive): When the user’s Health Points fall to zero they will passively gain a single point of health back, allowing them to continue fighting. Can be activated once per arc.
Tunnel Vision (S-Rank, active): For a moment the user is able to ignore the effects of Health Fatigue and pain entirely, becoming an unrelenting scourge. This technique lasts for two turns or until an enemy is not within short-range of the user. Can be activated twice per battle.
Blood Render (F-Rank, active): Converts Exsanguination into a devastating close-quarters ability. The technique remains the same with the exception of the blood forming on the axe and remaining on it, unleashed in short-range in a massive explosion of blood. Increases damage done to 175%/250% of the user’s missing Health Points.

Kōtetsu: 160 - 20
Alucard: 160
Solaire: 70 - 10
Sif: 70 - 10
Kōtetsu: 640 - 95 + 800
Alucard: 1,220 - 35
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 81
Alucard: 12
Solaire: 10
Sif: 14
Kōtetsu: Unlimited
Alucard: 128
Solaire: 42
Sif: 36
Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (Dormant%)
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 3/3
Alucard Void Infusions: 1/3
Yang State: 4/6
Cerebus Imitation: 4/4
TCM: 6/6
I'll be taking over this fight, little note before I do, your water jutsu fails due to this passive.

Contamination (Passive): The user’s Scarlet Rot techniques are enhanced to become able to contaminate any liquid source they come in contact with regardless of rank, Chakra, or damage. Contamination causes the original user to lose control of the technique or what might remain of the technique (i.e. water). The host of the Basmu may take control these new sources if their original technique came out ahead in the clash.

The water in the landmark has long since been contaminated with repeated applications of rot, so any attempts to control it in that fashion will automatically fail, it is no longer "water" in regards to using water jutsu through it as a source. With that said this has dragged on pretty long, so lets get it finished ASAP. @Skorm @Ańbu Juniør :)

The Basmu felt it's strength return in the depths, the foolish adversaries had given the beast more than enough time to recover from the tax that the Aeonia placed upon it. With a roar that was a blend of genuine amusement and deep spite, the Basmu released a cacophonous wave of Scarlet Rot from it's body in a 360 degree radius covering the length and breadth of everything around. The sheer force of the rot that was released vertically would cause something akin to a deadly water spout to erupt upwards in to the sky preceding the rot that followed attempting to entirely engulf the enemies above.

(Aka Fuhai: Fuhai Megami no Ishi) - Scarlet Rot: Will of the Rot Goddess
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: C - S
Range: Short - Mid (Long)
Chakra: 15 - 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 30 - 80 (120 + 20 + 40 = 180)
Description: Will of the Rot Goddess is the basic Scarlet Rot technique available to all its users. The user will manipulate the Scarlet Rot in their body to create waves, shields, storms, or any shape the user can imagine to fit their needs in any given instance. The user's proficiency with this technique varies depending on if they are a Basic User, or non-host, or the host of the Basmu itself, an Advanced User. Regardless of user this technique always carries the Curse of Scarlet Rot. Basic Users can apply this technique between C and S-Rank, inflicting the base damage provided by it up to a mid-range reach. Advanced Users can apply this technique up to long-range when in one of their three Ascensions. While in their Second or Final Ascension this technique will inflict, at S-Rank, 120 damage.
Note: C-A rank can be used six times per battle, once every two turns.
Note: S-Rank applications can be used three times per battle, once every two turns.

With the wave released the beast coated it's gargantuan form in a protective layer of Scarlet Rot, before hurtling towards the surface behind it's own attack using it as a cover almost, hidden in the shadows of the attack the Basmu would erupt utilizing it's powerful form it would slam physically in to the adversary with the bone wings, smashing him with enough force to launch him away, the rotten barrier inflicting considerable harm and infection.

(Aka Fuhai: Kusatta Kekkai) – Scarlet Rot: Rotten Barrier
Type: Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A/S
Range: Short (Mid)
Chakra: 30/40
Damage: 60/80 + 40 + 20 = 140
Description: A defensive Scarlet Rot technique designed to protect the user from incoming physical projectiles. It is erected with frightening speed, bursting outward from the user to fill short-range of their position with a dense cloud of Scarlet Rot. It emerges with such force that enemies within that range parameter will be launched backwards with considerable physical force. It passively carries the Curse of Scarlet Rot, able to infect those it repels or later interacts with. The barrier is sustained as long as the user remains inside of it. Once they leave its vicinity it will disperse, unless it is destroyed by a superior technique.
Note: Can be used four times per battle.
Note: When used by the Beast of Rot in its Final Ascension it will instead form like a protective layer of Rot around its body
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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
"It's attacking again!" Alucard yelled from above. With his sense of smell rendered ineffective, the Inuzuka couldn't determine how large that incoming attack was. "Stay together," he ordered. "Alucard, let me know the Beast's location in the water through Solaire." Kōtetsu jumped into the air away from the group and rotated his body at ferocious speeds. His rotation was bolstered by an infusion of wind chakra that increased its rotation, and he added a specific rhythm to his spin as he moved that facilitated the generation of wild air pressure and rapid winds that had a pushing property that formed around him as he dove into the sea.

Coordinating with Alucard through the mental connection with his ninken, the Inuzuka positioned himself between the incoming attack and his allies on the surface as he made use of his void-infused artifact to weaken the attack. The pushing property of the vortex repelled and overpowered a portion of the weakened wave, allowing Kōtetsu to tear through it and the Bašmu, dealing critical damage.

(Jūjin Taijutsu Ougi: Tōboe Kemono Kiba) Beast Human Martial Art: Howling Beast Fang
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S (S)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 40 - 80 (80 + 25 + 20 + 10 + 9 = 144)
Description: Capable of being used as a standalone or collaboration technique that can be done either alone, between ninken, or ninken and their Inuzuka partner, Howling Beast Fang is a Gatsuuga based technique that sees the user(s) spin at ferocious speeds in the form of a drill. This ultra-violent rotation gathers a shell of air around the user(s) that allow them to tear through not only their opponents but solid structures and techniques of equal strength.

- The A-ranked version of this technique can only be used four times per battle, while S-ranked can only be used twice per Ninken and Inuzuka and requires a single turn cooldown between uses.
- This technique can only be used by members of the Inuzuka Clan and their ninken.
(Zhouhua No Soburin) Zhouhua’s Sovereign
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+20 to applied techniques)
Damage: N/A
Description: Zhouhua’s Sovereign is a passive technique designed to enhance Gatsuuga or Gatenga techniques employed by an Inuzuka or their Ninken. Through an infusion of elemental chakra into a Gatenga or Gatsuuga natured technique, the user is able to imbue their rotation with an elemental nature, meaning that even the most basic Gatsuga or Gatenga techniques turn into a vortex of elemental prowess. During a rotation, the user can infuse Katon natured chakra therein – which will cause flames to rotate around the user in order to enhance the power of their rotation. Naturally, the rotation will adopt the properties of the chosen element, such as with Fuuton, the rotation will adopt the elements sharpness and piercing power rather than being blunt and relying on kinetic force. As such, the technique to also gain the strength and weaknesses of the infused element, while also gaining an increase of one rank to all A-rank and below Inuzuka techniques, and +20 damage for S ranks and above techniques.
- This technique can only be used four times and with a one turn cooldown between uses.
- Can only be performed at the same time as a Gatsuuga or Gatenga variant, and as a result, can be performed in the same timeframe as it has no independent usages, though it still takes a jutsu slot.
Fenriru no Tayori | Tidings of Fenrir
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (144)
Description: This allows the user to, when performing a Gatsuuga or Gatenga variant, add a specific rhythm to their violent gyrations that will facilitate the generation of wild air pressure and rapid winds, not at all unlike those of ‘Leaf Dragon God’. The formed vortex(created with the aid of chakra) will span out to a distance thrice that of the users length/height in all directions, and will be created with either a push or pull property. Depending on how the user spins, the air pressure generated by their Gatsuuga will either drag opponents caught within its vicinity to the center of the vortex, or repel them away, both iterations will deal slicing and blunt damage equal to that of the Gatsuuga or Gatenga that spawned it. The created vortex is equal in power to elemental ninjutsu, and the user is capable of separating from the vortex and releasing it in a set direction as a unidirectional shockwave should they so wish.
Can only be used 4x
Once used the user cannot use Inuzuka techniques above S rank for the rest of the turn
Can only be performed at the same time as a Gatsuuga or Gatenga variant, and as a result can be performed in virtually the same timeframe as it has no independent usages.
Can be used by either Inuzuka or Ninken.
(Mukō: Yūgaina Eikyō) – Void: Deleterious Effects (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact found after defeating the Twin Fates and derived from the Hymn of Unweaving. Activated passively at the cost of a single Void Infusion, this Artifact can nullify a single twenty damage boost from an opponent’s technique; the user can apply a second Void Infusion to the Artifact, allowing it to nullify up to a total of forty damage boost from an opponent’s technique. Can be used three times per battle.
Talons of Uridimmu (Passive) (I-III): The user’s Inuzuka techniques are honed further, sharpened through their Adept skills. Increases critical damage by 10
Kōtetsu: 140 - 20
Alucard: 160
Solaire: 60
Sif: 60

Kōtetsu: 1,345 - 130
Alucard: 1,185 - 20​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 81
Alucard: 12
Solaire: 10
Sif: 14

Kōtetsu: Unlimited
Alucard: 128
Solaire: 42
Sif: 36

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (Dormant%)
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 2/3
Alucard Void Infusions: 1/3

Yang State: 5/6

Inuzuka Specialized roll success (19). +1 void infusion.
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May 7, 2020
Trait Points
"It's attacking again!" Alucard yelled from above. With his sense of smell rendered ineffective, the Inuzuka couldn't determine how large that incoming attack was. "Stay together," he ordered. "Alucard, let me know the Beast's location in the water through Solaire." Kōtetsu jumped into the air away from the group and rotated his body at ferocious speeds. His rotation was bolstered by an infusion of wind chakra that increased its rotation, and he added a specific rhythm to his spin as he moved that facilitated the generation of wild air pressure and rapid winds that had a pushing property that formed around him as he dove into the sea.

Coordinating with Alucard through the mental connection with his ninken, the Inuzuka positioned himself between the incoming attack and his allies on the surface as he made use of his void-infused artifact to weaken the attack. The pushing property of the vortex repelled and overpowered a portion of the weakened wave, allowing Kōtetsu to tear through it and the Bašmu, dealing critical damage.

(Jūjin Taijutsu Ougi: Tōboe Kemono Kiba) Beast Human Martial Art: Howling Beast Fang
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B - S (S)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 40 - 80 (80 + 25 + 20 + 10 + 9 = 144)
Description: Capable of being used as a standalone or collaboration technique that can be done either alone, between ninken, or ninken and their Inuzuka partner, Howling Beast Fang is a Gatsuuga based technique that sees the user(s) spin at ferocious speeds in the form of a drill. This ultra-violent rotation gathers a shell of air around the user(s) that allow them to tear through not only their opponents but solid structures and techniques of equal strength.

- The A-ranked version of this technique can only be used four times per battle, while S-ranked can only be used twice per Ninken and Inuzuka and requires a single turn cooldown between uses.
- This technique can only be used by members of the Inuzuka Clan and their ninken.
(Zhouhua No Soburin) Zhouhua’s Sovereign
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+20 to applied techniques)
Damage: N/A
Description: Zhouhua’s Sovereign is a passive technique designed to enhance Gatsuuga or Gatenga techniques employed by an Inuzuka or their Ninken. Through an infusion of elemental chakra into a Gatenga or Gatsuuga natured technique, the user is able to imbue their rotation with an elemental nature, meaning that even the most basic Gatsuga or Gatenga techniques turn into a vortex of elemental prowess. During a rotation, the user can infuse Katon natured chakra therein – which will cause flames to rotate around the user in order to enhance the power of their rotation. Naturally, the rotation will adopt the properties of the chosen element, such as with Fuuton, the rotation will adopt the elements sharpness and piercing power rather than being blunt and relying on kinetic force. As such, the technique to also gain the strength and weaknesses of the infused element, while also gaining an increase of one rank to all A-rank and below Inuzuka techniques, and +20 damage for S ranks and above techniques.
- This technique can only be used four times and with a one turn cooldown between uses.
- Can only be performed at the same time as a Gatsuuga or Gatenga variant, and as a result, can be performed in the same timeframe as it has no independent usages, though it still takes a jutsu slot.
Fenriru no Tayori | Tidings of Fenrir
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (144)
Description: This allows the user to, when performing a Gatsuuga or Gatenga variant, add a specific rhythm to their violent gyrations that will facilitate the generation of wild air pressure and rapid winds, not at all unlike those of ‘Leaf Dragon God’. The formed vortex(created with the aid of chakra) will span out to a distance thrice that of the users length/height in all directions, and will be created with either a push or pull property. Depending on how the user spins, the air pressure generated by their Gatsuuga will either drag opponents caught within its vicinity to the center of the vortex, or repel them away, both iterations will deal slicing and blunt damage equal to that of the Gatsuuga or Gatenga that spawned it. The created vortex is equal in power to elemental ninjutsu, and the user is capable of separating from the vortex and releasing it in a set direction as a unidirectional shockwave should they so wish.
Can only be used 4x
Once used the user cannot use Inuzuka techniques above S rank for the rest of the turn
Can only be performed at the same time as a Gatsuuga or Gatenga variant, and as a result can be performed in virtually the same timeframe as it has no independent usages.
Can be used by either Inuzuka or Ninken.
(Mukō: Yūgaina Eikyō) – Void: Deleterious Effects (Passive)
Type: Void Infused Artifact
Rank: S
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A Void Infused Artifact found after defeating the Twin Fates and derived from the Hymn of Unweaving. Activated passively at the cost of a single Void Infusion, this Artifact can nullify a single twenty damage boost from an opponent’s technique; the user can apply a second Void Infusion to the Artifact, allowing it to nullify up to a total of forty damage boost from an opponent’s technique. Can be used three times per battle.
Talons of Uridimmu (Passive) (I-III): The user’s Inuzuka techniques are honed further, sharpened through their Adept skills. Increases critical damage by 10
Kōtetsu: 140 - 20
Alucard: 160
Solaire: 60
Sif: 60

Kōtetsu: 1,345 - 130
Alucard: 1,185 - 20​
Movement Speed
Kōtetsu: 81
Alucard: 12
Solaire: 10
Sif: 14

Kōtetsu: Unlimited
Alucard: 128
Solaire: 42
Sif: 36

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (Dormant%)
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 2/3
Alucard Void Infusions: 1/3

Yang State: 5/6

Inuzuka Specialized roll success (19). +1 void infusion.
The basmu let out a terrible roar as the attack struck its gargantuan form, a mixture of rage and hatred swept over the beast as the corners of its vision darkened.

Rendered unconscious the beast sunk back to the depths once more, offering the brave combatants a reprieve after a long and arduous bout.
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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
The Inzuka's final gambit paid off in spectacular fashion. With his superior speed his rotation slams and tears into the Beast's enormous form. Its muffled hate-filled wail reached his ears as it finally fell unconscious, and holding his breath, he watched as its body sank back into the murky depths of the Kaizoku Sea. It was only after the Beast had vanished from sight was he truly reassured that his foe had been vanquished. Still covered in some of its blood and flesh, he used his chakra to propel himself back to the surface.

(Suiton: Suichuu Teigen no Jutsu) – Water Release: Underwater Motion Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: This Technique allows the user to properl themselves through a body of water by using their chakra. While underwater, this technique will also partially mask the users prescence.

Note: Must be a large water source such as a lake to use.
He pulled himself atop the water's surface and weakly rose to his feet before Sif and Solaire moved to his flanks to support him. He struggled to breathe as the chakra shroud enveloping his body dissipated, leaving him weaker than he'd felt in a very, very long time. For a moment, he remained deadly still, only held up by the knowledge that he'd emerged victorious.

120 - 20
1,215 - 75​
Speed: 11
Tracking: 80

Solaris: 80/80
Void Harvester: (Dormant%)
Kōtetsu Void Infusions: 2/3
Alucard Void Infusions: 1/3

Yang State: 6/6