Inari Inuzuka, Queen of Wolves v.3


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
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"Prepare for the hunt my friends, may Okami bless the wild hunt!"

Basic Information
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Name: Inari Selene Inuzuka
Nickname(s): Queen of Wolves, Fenrir's Chosen
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty One
Clan: Inuzuka Ichizoku
Nindo: Yellow Flash

Looks: Inari Inuzuka like most members of her clan has a somewhat “wild” or feral appearance to them. The most obvious of them being her canine teeth being sharpened while her finger nails are pointed akin to claws. She is fair skinned, while she doesn’t have carry much of a muscular appearance, her body is toned – showing clear signs of her keeping in good health and shape. Her eyes are a unique pinkish red like coloration. She’s fairly tall, by her words at last being 5’7 in height (excluding her ninken’s protruding ears). Her hair is also wild, though is kept more in contact in comparison as its’ a sleek pink coloration. Sadly, Inari was never truly a fan of her clan’s markings on her cheeks, which she does have but tends to wear make up over it in order to hide it from others. Her wardrobe is rather expansive, something she learned from being Mirabelle Blackthorn too often, adapting her friends continuous sense of style as she continuously wears whatever she feels is appropriate for the time though she does her one common attire which is akin to that of a shrine maiden’s own but modified to her desires. Via Lesser Oblige, she continuously has her ninken’s ears protruding from the top of her head while also usually having three tails appearing from her tail bone area, making them seem like they are naturally apart of her body. She also has the summoning contract tattoo of the Maned Wolves located on her left wrist which she uses to summon them to her aid. Inari has rather voluptuous body as well, something she's taken a bit of pride in.

Personality: Inari Inuzuka can usually be described with one word in most cases. Free spirited. A young woman only seeking the thrill of adventure in the world around her. She’s instinctively wild and full of energy, an attribute being raised by a family filled with ninken and needing the energy to basically raise them from young. Inari while she favors canines more than anything as her companions – she’s gained a deep-rooted love and respect for animals of all natures. As such she animals as family; them playing a large part of who she is. She’s a ferocious yet tactical combatant – working together with her pack in order to get the job done. She’s playful but is known to get “rough” very easily if pushed enough. She’s very observant of others, especially when utilizing her Dojutsu in order to scout her targets out ahead of time. Much like a beast, she is savage – unable to allow people whom she fully deems as prey to get away and isn’t against killing. With a kill or be killed mentality her father drilled into her mind from a youth. Inari is witty as well, having a rather darker sense of humor but is known to be very sarcastic with her friends and allies alike. Inari’s extremely loyal to her family, showing how much she combines her family’s strengths in battle an in her very day life.

Village Info.
Land of Birth: Zhouhua, Land of Fire
WSE Clan: N/A

Rank//Chakra Info.
Ninja Rank: Sage

Apex Speed Resistance
You are able to slow opponents within a specific range, exerting a force that slows targets naturally. This causes a 2 Base Speed level decrease to opponents that are within 8 meters of him.

Apex Handseal Specialist (Fire Release)
You can perform techniques of the skill you chose to specialize in without the usage of handseals, though you must still perform complimentary and logical body movements related to the technique. This applies even if said jutsu does not have specific movements detailed in its description

Yang Specialist:
Users will gain heightened vitality translating to 1000 chakra increase to their natural reserves. As well, they are immune to recoil damage from techniques that cause it like Forbidden, though they still succumb to the jutsu's other subscribed affects.

Inuzuka Clan Mastery

Inari has gone on a journey in order master the nature of her clan's hiden abilities- truly desiring to become a master of the field.

Eight Inner Gates Master
The user is able to passively activate up to 6th gate with no injuries factoring in.

Will o' Wisp
The user's flames have become superheated, creating lingering flames after use that deal great damage via burns. These burns cause an additional 5 damage per turn until healed, bypassing durability. Medjutsu and other sources of Active Healing will heal these burns, however.


Basic Five Elemental Natures
Yang Release
Perfume Release
Algae Release
Dark Vacuity Release
Seraphic Water Release
Solar Wind Release

Your Ninjutsu: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu , Kenjutsu, Kaito Taijutsu, Kinjutsu, Fūinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, Inuzuka Hiden, Sound Ninjutsu , Eight Inner Gates
Blood Contracts: Maned Wolves Summoning Contract & Hellhounds Summoning Contract & Mockingbird Contract
Custom Fighting Styles: Subduing Dragon Claw - Way of the Bisento - Eight Deva Guardian - Black Leg Taijutsu - Namizakeron

Inari's Attribute Points (28 AP):
Mind: 8 | Body: 8 | Spirit: 3 | Agility: 5 | Dexterity: 4 | Vitality: 0 (Chakra: 0 | Health: 0)

Background Info.

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"Sometimes I wonder if there's another life outside being a guardian of the shrines..."

Inari is a young kunochi born of the unison from the love her Inuzuka mother and normie father. Raised as the eldest child, she always looked out for her siblings – watching over them and the shrine that Inuzuka worshipped. At the age of five, she was assigned her ninken as puppies and has always been partners with them over the years to come. It wasn’t until the razing of Chungsu that Inari was exposed the dangers of humanity outside of their home. In the end, Inari continues to travel the world as a wonderer, sometimes visiting home in order to see her family once in a while. She works as a mercenary for hire, utilizing her pack’s immense bond with one another to get the job done.

Other Information
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Fenrir's Children: The Inuzuka clan (犬塚一族) is a family of shinobi in Konohagakure known for their use of Hiden Ability, using ninken as fighting companions and are easily identified by the distinctive red fang markings on their cheeks. The members are given their own canine partner(s) when they reach a certain age. Thereafter, the shinobi and their dog(s) are practically inseparable. With their canine companion they use the unique style of the Inuzuka clan to fight using a combination of transformations and striking at the same time to over come their opponents. The members of this clan, much like their canine partners have greatly enhanced senses especially their sense of smell and partially their sense of hearing, granting them a x1.5 passive sensing bonus to living beings. By concentrating chakra to their noses, their sense of smell is amplified to an even greater extent allowing the user to be able to detect, track and monitor targets from a fair distance away. Overall they also have a very canine appearance like wild hair, aggressive personality, sharp nails and teeth which makes their hand-to-hand combat potentially more dangerous, gaining a passive +20 damage to Taijutsu involving the hands.

The Pack: The first of her ninken is Ein, an adult male High Breed that was the previous partner of her mother, Onari. Ein is a tall ninken, standing roughly five foot, eight inches in height from nose to tail. He resembles a simple gray wolf but what makes him special much like his ancestors is his mutated DNA. This causes Ein to have his left palm being bigger than his right, three tails and mismatched eye color. His son, Zwei is the spitting image of him but is far more shorter as the ninken is only four foot, six inches. He too resembles a gray wolf but seems ordinary for a High Breed Ninken. His mutation is unlike his parents being physical - Zwei simply is unable to speak humanized language but due to his mental connection with Inari, this is hardly an issue as he can still communicate with her via this method. Ein and Zwei are both loyal to Inari, exhibiting the desire to protect her at all costs. Ein is serious compared to his son whom is more laidback and easy going. Drei, Zwei's half sister is more strict and straightforward like her father but even to a higher extent. Drei appears much like her brother and father in their shared gray wolf like appearance but Drei has two tails instead of one. She is also six foot, one inch making her the tallest of her family, though unlike her brother and father, Drei is a Hunter Ninken. These Ninken are always merged with her at the start of battle or wherever she travels via Fenrir's Lesser Oblige.

Haiburīdo | The High Breed x2
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: After decades of research and selective breeding, the High Breed was born. The High Breed was bred to be genetically superior to all other Ninkens immediately displayed talents that completely overshadowed that of lesser breeds from a young age. High Breeds are born with a more robust constitution, resulting in them being larger, stronger and have a base speed of 13, faster than most other breeds as well as having a passive 20 damage increase to their techniques. They also look far more wolf-like as a result of their wolf-rich bloodline. High Breeds display savage intellect, and are capable of exercising great cunning and problem-solving abilities; and as a result of their advanced intellect, they have gained the ability of articulation. Other talents include a healing factor allowing them to heal just as well as 15 damage per turn, heightened smell based senses on par with 3T and extends up to 1 landmark away. However High Breed's have been known to reject their Inuzuka counterparts, entering into a faux relationship for a time, and then turning on their paired Inuzuka the moment they have grown large enough to kill their ill-suited partners. As a result, the High Breed was kept secret and many voted for their extermination, but in the end, they were merely banished into the woods of Konohagakure, kept alive in case the clan should have a need for them in the future. However, should a High Breed fully accept an Inuzuka a most curious phenomenon will occur in which both the High Breed and Inuzuka will become mentally linked, capable of sharing thoughts, feelings, and experiences with each other, with such a deeply intimate bond being the absolute apex of an Inuzuka and Ninken bond. (A high breed cannot use Ninjutsu or elemental Taijutsu (Aside from Inuzuka techniques of course) by default).

- Must either be posted in the user's bio (Along with an explanation of how they met a High Breed and a description of their High Breed) or posted at the start of a battle. (In which case their High Breed by default will simply look like a wolf that, for it's age, is up to twice larger than any known Ninken.)
( Ryōshi Ninken ) - Hunter Ninja Dog x1
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The user's Ninken are among the Hunter breed of dogs, a breed available to every Inuzuka. These dogs are capable of using all of the Inuzuka canon techniques but with added effects as well as unique abilities exclusive to the main breed, unable to be obtained by custom breeds. Commonly used as the hunter dogs, these dogs are more suited to battle than their canon counterparts and as such have a neutrality to energy based attacks and a strength to all physical attacks. In addition to this, they are capable of dealing 20 damage via freeform attacks, though this cannot go over 80 damage inflicted a turn as well as a standard 20 additional damage to their Ninken techniques. These ninken move at 18 speed and have a tracking level of x2 as well as smell up to 2 landmarks away. However, this is unique to the Hunter Breed of dogs.
Note: Must be a member of the Inuzuka Clan.
Note: This is a passive technique, meant to describe the Ninken, and does not entail a sort of manipulation.
Fenriru No Gimuzuke | Fenrir's Lesser Oblige
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 ( -15 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique was designed to rectify the weaknesses of managing multiple bodies within Battle. Many Inuzuka found that their Ninkens became easy targets for area of effect Ninjutsu techniques, and often experienced problems with defending from widespread attacks without compromising their Ninkens health or position. As such this technique was developed as a fix for these flaws. This technique allows an Inuzuka to enter into a lasting fusion with their Ninken(s). While fused the Ninken will inhabit the user's body and the user will gain the ability to use techniques that require 'Four-Legged Beast' transformation as a prerequisite and will also gain the senses of their Ninken. The Ninken(s) will be aware of the world through the user's senses however their mind and chakra systems will remain separate. The Inuzuka however will still be capable of tapping into their Ninken's chakra supply and will be capable of using it to bolster their own supply for future techniques. Lastly, fused Ninken can demerge from their host body at any point in time, and can also choose to re-emerge without cost. Merging and de-merging however is not instant, instead, it simply functions as a Ninken or Inuzuka walking outside of the host's body - and as such is far inferior to the merging abilities of Souma No Kou. One added benefit is that a host can have appendages such as tails or wolf ears that can prove useful in combat but are largely cosmetic, the main host can also be switched at will - housing the user and other Ninken(s) within a Ninken's body instead.

- Must be posted at either the start of the battle or in the user's biography, and is active at all times.
- In the case of deactivation (On the user's account or as a result of an enemy technique) this technique can be reactivated again at the cost of a move. Each reactivation will require more chakra than the last, doubling each time.
- This technique serves as the ultimate baseline form for Inuzuka clan members. After using another transformation the user is capable of reverting back to this form without completely canceling the previous transformation, instead, they retain the physiological benefits of the other transformation (Such as increased sensing and other abilities) and are also capable of re-entering the previously activated transformation without cost as it is still considered active. (Does not distort or ignore turn restrictions)
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Runic Inscriptions: As a user of Fuinjutsu - Inari has a wonderous assortment of seals located across her body. She utilizes them when the need for it comes, though she rarely utilizes them herself.

Iryo Hijutsu: Herena no ibutsu - Hidden Medical Art: Relics of Helena † Arc of Abstinence
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(X2 if used to augment the relics)
Damage: N/A
Description: To use the Relics of Helena, the user must have a unique sealing mark while each has its own duty. The sealing script is in the form of a small crucifix tattoo on the user's back. The relic's aim is to further advance passive medical jutsu, either by using them alternatively or by taking them to another level. However, some of this improved medical practices would now require some chakra to be spent if they don't require chakra before. Rudimentary medical practices which are passive in nature are the "Power of Resistance", "Diagnosis", "Extraction", "Blood Coagulation" and "Cleanse". however this particular relic only works for Power of Resistance.

Arc of Abstinence is a sealing script that is in the form of a small crucifix seal. It is represented by kanji for "resist" and thus it augments one's power of resistance. Basic power of resistance requires no chakra input but with the addition of chakra sealed within the seal of abstinence, power of resistance is taken to another level. The newly advanced power of resistance not only maintains its primary duties, it goes further to augmenting the user's anatomy from more factors that's affects him. It also goes beyond the anatomy and add power of resistance to the user's mind and body seals. The default "power of resistance" must be in use before the seal can be activated and like the default, the seal is passively activated albeit one would spend chakra this time but only to activate the seal.
In addition to getting a boost to one's natural resistance to disease, poison, toxins, acids, alkaline substances, etc and because this is done by an invisible warm barrier(shield) around one's body, the seal flushes sealed medical chakra into the user's chakra network, which is used solely to increase the density and power of the resistance aura around the user's anatomy. The user uses this premise and create a tougher and advanced form of non-physical shield, though now would not only shield the user's body as a whole but would shield every cells on his body. This makes it able to withstand higher level bio hazards more potent than those originally mentioned, even to some extent, stop the decay(natural) of tissues and cells(cosmetic). This would also make the cells resistance to radioactive decay. Elaborately, this means, one's resistance to the effects now are enhanced and would even shield the user if it were enemy techniques, though the only thing that won't affect the user is the effects(venom, disease, bioharzards, etc) within the technique, the user is still susceptible to anything else like heat, shock, force, sharpness, impact etc., that might come with the technique.
The arc of abstinence not only works for the anatomy which is the physical, but also works for the spiritual thus at the same time, it also creates a shield around ones mind. This also increases one's mind resistance to foreign intrusion. The mind would resist any form of mind reading, control, false emotion implant and emotional effect arising from infusion of foreign chakra. This however does not resist genjutsu but would resist residual effect from genjutsu which affects the mind, like pain, fear, perception of time, etc. This means it can resist residual effect from S-rank and below genjutsu only and cannot resist effects from MS level genjutsu in any form. The user's chakra also is influenced by the power of resistance, however, it only resist external phenomenon from siphoning away or sealing off the user's chakra, unless the user has something to do with it or with the user's consent. By spending "double" the chakra when activating arc of abstinence, the power of resistance would extend to the Relics of Helena. Spending double the chakra would make the relics be able to resist any form of seal corrupting technique(so far the techniques don't harm the medium on which the seals are placed), thus the reason why double chakra is spent, as half of the total chakra is focused on fortifying the relics.
Though the seal is merely supplementary and cause no harm in any way, they have their drawbacks due to the user's advanced exertion of medical fuinjutsu, using normal fuinjutsu while the relics are in use costs +10 more chakra if they are A-rank and above.

(Fuinjutsu/Kenjutsu : Shi no Ōgama) - Sealing/Sword Arts: Lost Blades
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage points: N/a
Description: Lost blades is a very unique type of technique. Applying both sealing techniques with kenjutsu, making the technique, Lost Blades. The user will apply a seal on the blade portion of their sword. Doing this, the user is able to slash at anything that pertains to chakra in it, be it medical chakra, other forms of chakra. (excludes senjutsu or fuinjutsu). By doing this, the moment the user slashes at something, the seal instantly activates, sealing the chakra inside said technique, allowing for the slash to disperse the technique. This makes it look like everything the user cuts at, gets slashed and dispersed.
Note: Can use two times per battle
Note: Both Fuin and Kenjutsu is S rank, allowing the user to seal S rank and below
Note: The seal is pre-applied to the sword before battle. After usage, the user has to manually apply the seal to the sword again (This portion does not take up a move slot, but using the technique does)
Note: Seal stays dormant until clashes with other technique

(Fuuin: Hakari no Doragon) - Sealing Technique: Scales of the Dragon
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (-40 on activation)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user has a seal on their body with the Kanji for "Impervious" that automatically activates upon the user being struck with a Taijutsu attack. A barrier instantly forms over the user (before the user can be harmed) and mitigates the damage dealt by the strike and any subsequent strikes encompassed in the technique or freeform combo. Whether a Taijutsu technique deals one single hit or a multitude of them, each activation of this seal will defend one single Taijutsu attack/combo, be it freeform or a technique. The effect of the barrier is to reduce rather than eliminate the damage the user takes from being struck physically by the opponent so it will only halve the damage of any Taijutsu technique no matter how powerful (e.g. S-Ranks will fall to 40 damage, D-Ranks will fall to 10 damage). Due to this seal only reducing damage rather protecting the user completely, it acts as a failsafe more than anything else in case the user is caught unawares by someone much faster than them. The user’s body will sustain the remaining damage after the barrier halves it’s power.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: User still takes half the damage
Note: Only applies to Taijutsu techniques
Note: No S-Rank or above Fuuin in that turn or next

(Fuinjutsu: Kyūmin Erementarudomein) Sealing Style: The Dormants Domain
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn, -20 per turn if used twice)
Damage: 80
Description: This technique has an application of both a body seal and a active regular fuin seal, being able to brand their body with the Kanji utilizing the technique. By applying this technique onto the user, (Be it in the start or mid way through the battle) the seal will activate causing said element to form into a small creature on their shoulders roughly the size of pakon (Kakashis Dog) This element can range from the basic elements, Advance Element, or Custom element but it needs to have an element component to it. Once the seal is active it stays dormant until an enemy is within short range. Once an enemy is within short range, the elemental creature that is on said body will instantly use a technique from said element that their body is composed of, of equal rank or lesser by using their own body as that source but having to be a projectile technique or a defensive technique that doesnt spawn larger than five meters around the user. Once the technique activates, the said creature would then disperse which the user is able to apply another seal on them, replicating this technique but will cost double the chakra to sustain it.

Note: Technique stays dormant until use
Note: Technique used from the creature can be defensive or offensive in nature, not supplementary and cant be a stream nor continuous
Note: This technique can be applied before battle in said bio. By doing this it can be activated as soon as the battle start.
Note: if applied a second time it uses double the amount of chakra to sustain said technique until active
Note: Can only be used twice per battle.

Misc Information: Inari carries a wide assortment of tools that she uses throughout her life as shinobi, ranging from kunai, shuriken, ninja wire etc. She also has specialized tools in which he uses quite often for example her own version of explosive tags. She has a pair of Leg Weights in which she uses for combat purposes due to being an Eight Inner Gate user
( Katai Omori ) - Leg Weights
Type: Weapon/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (+20 to Kicks, 2x Running Speed)
Description: The Leg Weights used for Special Taijutsu Training with Added Weights are made through the application of a sealing formula to ordinary leg weights. The sealing formula is used to, through the use of chakra, increase the weight of the leg weights to the desired level. The seal can't be applied to anything other than the leg weights and its use is restricted to its original purpose. One can remove the leg weights but the sealing technique in them stays active indefinitely and can't be released. Additionally, the Leg Weights and their unique seal calibration makes them only usable by the ninja to whom they belong. They can't be sealed or stolen.

Scientific Tools:
( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September (300 Regular Chakra)
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of two hundred chakra.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to two hundred chakra from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.
Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

(Chakra Saifon) Chakra Siphon
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (-20 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated siphon tool attached to the users back and designed to passively absorb and store the users chakra. This Nin-tech is able to sense foreign chakra and then pump all the stored chakra back into the user creating a shock that spikes and restarts the users chakra flow. This allows the user to break out of Genjutsu using the chakra surge method, being able to release any genjutsu, excluding Yin and MS level Genjutsu, so long as the surge of chakra released into the user is higher then the chakra used for the Genjutsu. This Nin-Tech is able to store up to 100 chakra into it, taking up to five turns before it reaches capacity. If the user has Senjutsu, the siphon can still absorb the senjutsu like chakra and release the Senjutsu back into the user, following the foreign chakra/energies release method of Genjutsu, instead of the chakra surge method. This allows the user to break any genjutsu, including Yin release genjutsu however it cannot break Mangekyou Sharingan Genjutsu. This Chakra Siphon begins absorbing and storing the users chakra at the beginning of battle and stops absorbing once it reaches capacity and/or when the chakra/senjutsu is released back into the user. Requiring a two turn cooldown period before it begins absorbing chakra/senjutsu again. While the siphoning of chakra is a passive ability, the release of chakra back into the user will still cost a move for that turn. Lastly, this Nin-tech cannot be used to enhance techniques in any way. The chakra/senjutsu released back into the user does not replenish their chakra or senjutsu reserves. Only working to release foreign chakras and genjutsu under one of the two presented methods.
-Must be placed in the users biography
-Can only be taught by Serpent

(Anesidora) - Anesidora
Type: Technology
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: (Varies)
Damage: N/A
Anesidora is a Camera that comes with two Bangles that are worn on each of the user’s wrists. The Bangles act like “printers” for the user, capable of creating light copies (colour custom to user, cannot be invisible) of solid chakra Tools and Weapons that the user has photographed previously. The user can passively create freeform standard tools and weapons in their hands from the Bangles and they always look like solid chakra “wireframes” of the weapons or tools they’re mimicking; the user can substitute tools in techniques with this version of the weapons. If they’re Kunai, Shuriken, Metal Cards or small thrown tools like that any amount can be created around the user - larger weapons like swords are created in the hand. Even though they’re “wireframe” chakra copies, they act like the standard weapon they’re mimicking. Anesidora can mimic weapons needed for the user's custom fighting styles and create them in their hands or on their person at will without the user needing to carry them around. These tools can have seals placed or already placed on them recorded in the camera, the kanji or pattern take a wireframe look as well.

The real usage of this technique however is that this Camera stores the memory of Jutsu as well. The User can look through the Camera lense and can take a picture of a shape manipulated technique, examining the taken Jutsu and it’s structure in a Three-Dimensional shape and what abilities/strength it possesses and will store or print a copy for the user whether it be projected out from the bracelets or from the front of the Camera itself until formed and performs/sustains on it’s own - a Chakra deduction is made from the user's chakrapool which reflects the amount of chakra inputted into the taken technique. The created constructs will also have a Wireframe effect made purely of Chakra that is neutral to everything, the Wireframe construct can do what it’s original could do but instead of an “Earth Entity” firing “Earth spikes” it would be a Wireframe entity with a similar appearance firing “Wireframe Spikes” that can stab targets. If the printed entity can perform elemental jutsu up to a certain rank, this is replaced with Wireframe Constructs from the ground or their own body (Which are down to the user’s imagination) up to that certain rank, relevant chakra for the chosen rank construct much be deducted still (30 for A-Rank, 40 for S-Rank). The Construct lasts until a new Construct is made, sustained by the Camera which stores 150 Chakra Points, deducting -40 per turn that a construct is active. The user can passively give the camera 10 chakra a turn when there isn't a construct active.

Note: The user can have one of their own jutsu chosen to be “stored” in Anesidora. Posted with this technique in the relevant Technology and Artefact section or posted at the beginning of a Fight.
Note: The Copied Jutsu can be from the user or the opponent, they can be summons, entities or creations. Their strength is the same and their abilities are mimicked through Wireframe meshes (Within reason) which are neutral to everything. Unless they have unique abilities which cannot be copied as it's impossible for a Wireframe construct to use Yin parasites for example or to utilise absorption in any way.
Note: The user can take a Picture three times per battle, but only have one Construct on a field active at a time. When a Construct is destroyed it cannot be used again unless taken a Picture of again.

(Ekō) - Echo
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (-10)
Damage: N/A (+20)
Description: Echo is a simple technological tool which compliments the use of Sound Ninjutsu. This comes in the form of ear buds that have a specific set of functions. First and foremost, the buds passively and automatically sync with the user's chakra and only comes into being "active" when Sound Ninjutsu are used. Once the earbuds sense the chakra being used, they both let off unique sounds. The left bud would only sap (-10) chakra from the user to create its sound, passively creating a pulsing echo of said sound which would in turn increase its range by 1. Of course this wouldn't apply to Long range techniques so the chakra deduction wouldn't happen with them. The right earbud would sap (-10) chakra from the user in order to apply it to said technique. This would passively create a sound that would resonate with the sound technique in such a way that they become louder and more aggressive. This in turn would increase the damage by (+20). An ability that the buds share in a defensive mechanism. By spending 30 chakra, the user is able to release from the buds that is inaudible and harmless. The sounds simply change wave lengths in order to resonate with and cancel out incoming sound techniques that rely on sound (Sound Gen) or entering the body (Hindering Sound). This ability would only work on A-rank and below techniques, With A-ranks simply losing a rank, while anything lower is simply cancelled. This can be done up to 5 times a battle.

Note: Left and Right buds cannot effect the same technique in the same turn; Other than the defensive mechanism, which would count as a move per turn to use.
Note: The boosts (Range or Damage) can only be applied to one technique per turn each.


Theme Song and Background Music

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Approved by Imperfect.
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