[KG] "Hardest Metal and Thicker Still": Tempering Steel


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Thank you for agreeing to oversee my training in this field, @Sinthorus. I greatly appreciate it and look forward to your tutelage. 🙏

I am open to both RP and OOC oriented training, even a combination of both. Whatever best suits you at your own discretion.

As discussed, I will go ahead and open us up with a premise for approaching this from an IC RP angle. Please feel free to make the switch to and from OOC and RP as you see fit.

The world was ever changing. This was truly encapsulated in the most recent cataclysmic sundering that washed over the world in a grand finale that shut the curtains to the world as it once was. Civilization was thrown apart, its shambling pieces tossed against the currents of the new era that was rapidly dawning upon what remained of its vestiges. Like all things, devastation gives way for new growth, yet few are so readily willing to accept such things as good..

Amidst the various roaming, nomadic tribes that now existed was often a crawling of the various remnants of the once extensively populated Shinobi realm. Some clans managed to mingle together in careful harmony of the new world, while others splintered and individualized, becoming like that of the Ronin; unassociated, unbound and unwilling to admit to any creed, new or old. One such woman followed the latter's path. With rags of black and red for clothing, her leftmost arm was loosely bound in a multi-layering of bandages that were interwoven with the occasional vague depiction of what could only be identified as various Fuinjutsu sealing scriptures, all of which were scuffed and looked far worse for wear. Despite her otherwise "inconspicuous" behavior, she was nothing if not a sore thumb among the crowds of ordinary individuals.. Her form sauntered down the middle of the dirt paths carved out from frequent use by the tradesmen's carts and the caravans that came and went throughout the nomadic tribe, each time passing by stalls that were decorated in either various baked goods, cuts of meat and
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even cutlery and utensils. It was a strange feeling knowing that most of what was within this tribe was no doubt scavenged from the ruins of nearby villages and even pillaged from other caravans. While the raven-haired woman was hardly a saint, such nefarious methods of collection only to aim at profiting on them after the fact didn't sit so well with her; certainly not well enough to allow her need for a choice weapon to rest on her standards.

Yet suddenly, something caused the woman to stop deep within her tracks. She stood in position, unmoving for several long moments, disrupting the flow of traffic surrounding her, causing many to gawk at her in uncertainty or frustration before deciding to simply move along despite the annoyance. For the long morning and afternoon that she had roamed about this particular caravan, she had heard all sorts of familiar sounds and smells: The sound of "craftsmen" and "smiths" tinkering and clanking at their tools in such a way that was amateur at best, hinting that they truly had no idea what it was they were doing; forges cold and anvils riddled with stray scuffs.. evidence that they were simply aiming to "look busy" so as to suggest that the goods they offered were possibly made by them, so as to be able to sell at a considerable upcharge. All day she had heard this same rhythm working through the air of the tribe, yet right where she stood, just to one side of her, she heard no such ambient fidgeting.. Yet there it stood, another Smith's stall that was hardly robust or ambitious in any way, suggesting that it was just as mobile as all the rest. Each piece that was placed out for display were certainly well made, yet they hardly appeared to be anything overly fanciful; all just refined enough to be functional and no more. Tending the stall was a man who.. from as far as she could smell, enjoyed the drink far more than met the eye, yet it seemed not so potent enough to mask the true odors of earth and fire commonly associated with a forge. While she had yet to investigate too avidly into his current activity, somehow she suspected that he was far too idle for a man that was -like all the rest- trying to sell cheap trinkets and useless, questionably acquisitioned goods. In fact, for the moment, he seemed entirely uninterested in convincing anyone that he was selling anything at all; merely adopting the space to as to follow a sort of habit. Curious..

Steadily, the woman pivoted upon her heels at long last after such a lengthy pause in the middle of the road before strutting up to the stand in question, where she carefully eyed the contents of it's merchandise in a busying manner, as though to hide the fact that her true interest was in identifying who the owner was, and how he might conduct himself as a Smith. With vibrant, amber-yellow irises to pierce through the veil of her dark, rugged bangs that blotted her visage, the woman steadily settled on one ornate piece in particular. In truth, she had no real interest in the item; it was quite ordinary, yet it served as an easy point of reference to detract from any suggestion that she might be there for anything else. "Not bad craftsmanship. They don't seem stolen like all the rest.. But they're strangely bland. Seems rather odd for a man that reeks of carbon and oil, I'd imagine you'd have far more to show for it."
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Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
Thank you for agreeing to oversee my training in this field, @Sinthorus. I greatly appreciate it and look forward to your tutelage. 🙏

I am open to both RP and OOC oriented training, even a combination of both. Whatever best suits you at your own discretion.

As discussed, I will go ahead and open us up with a premise for approaching this from an IC RP angle. Please feel free to make the switch to and from OOC and RP as you see fit.

The world was ever changing. This was truly encapsulated in the most recent cataclysmic sundering that washed over the world in a grand finale that shut the curtains to the world as it once was. Civilization was thrown apart, its shambling pieces tossed against the currents of the new era that was rapidly dawning upon what remained of its vestiges. Like all things, devastation gives way for new growth, yet few are so readily willing to accept such things as good..

Amidst the various roaming, nomadic tribes that now existed was often a crawling of the various remnants of the once extensively populated Shinobi realm. Some clans managed to mingle together in careful harmony of the new world, while others splintered and individualized, becoming like that of the Ronin; unassociated, unbound and unwilling to admit to any creed, new or old. One such woman followed the latter's path. With rags of black and red for clothing, her leftmost arm was loosely bound in a multi-layering of bandages that were interwoven with the occasional vague depiction of what could only be identified as various Fuinjutsu sealing scriptures, all of which were scuffed and looked far worse for wear. Despite her otherwise "inconspicuous" behavior, she was nothing if not a sore thumb among the crowds of ordinary individuals.. Her form sauntered down the middle of the dirt paths carved out from frequent use by the tradesmen's carts and the caravans that came and went throughout the nomadic tribe, each time passing by stalls that were decorated in either various baked goods, cuts of meat and
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even cutlery and utensils. It was a strange feeling knowing that most of what was within this tribe was no doubt scavenged from the ruins of nearby villages and even pillaged from other caravans. While the raven-haired woman was hardly a saint, such nefarious methods of collection only to aim at profiting on them after the fact didn't sit so well with her; certainly not well enough to allow her need for a choice weapon to rest on her standards.

Yet suddenly, something caused the woman to stop deep within her tracks. She stood in position, unmoving for several long moments, disrupting the flow of traffic surrounding her, causing many to gawk at her in uncertainty or frustration before deciding to simply move along despite the annoyance. For the long morning and afternoon that she had roamed about this particular caravan, she had heard all sorts of familiar sounds and smells: The sound of "craftsmen" and "smiths" tinkering and clanking at their tools in such a way that was amateur at best, hinting that they truly had no idea what it was they were doing; forges cold and anvils riddled with stray scuffs.. evidence that they were simply aiming to "look busy" so as to suggest that the goods they offered were possibly made by them, so as to be able to sell at a considerable upcharge. All day she had heard this same rhythm working through the air of the tribe, yet right where she stood, just to one side of her, she heard no such ambient fidgeting.. Yet there it stood, another Smith's stall that was hardly robust or ambitious in any way, suggesting that it was just as mobile as all the rest. Each piece that was placed out for display were certainly well made, yet they hardly appeared to be anything overly fanciful; all just refined enough to be functional and no more. Tending the stall was a man who.. from as far as she could smell, enjoyed the drink far more than met the eye, yet it seemed not so potent enough to mask the true odors of earth and fire commonly associated with a forge. While she had yet to investigate too avidly into his current activity, somehow she suspected that he was far too idle for a man that was -like all the rest- trying to sell cheap trinkets and useless, questionably acquisitioned goods. In fact, for the moment, he seemed entirely uninterested in convincing anyone that he was selling anything at all; merely adopting the space to as to follow a sort of habit. Curious..

Steadily, the woman pivoted upon her heels at long last after such a lengthy pause in the middle of the road before strutting up to the stand in question, where she carefully eyed the contents of it's merchandise in a busying manner, as though to hide the fact that her true interest was in identifying who the owner was, and how he might conduct himself as a Smith. With vibrant, amber-yellow irises to pierce through the veil of her dark, rugged bangs that blotted her visage, the woman steadily settled on one ornate piece in particular. In truth, she had no real interest in the item; it was quite ordinary, yet it served as an easy point of reference to detract from any suggestion that she might be there for anything else. "Not bad craftsmanship. They don't seem stolen like all the rest.. But they're strangely bland. Seems rather odd for a man that reeks of carbon and oil, I'd imagine you'd have far more to show for it."
Another day of sitting by as the swaps of peasants pass by pretending to look at his goods, not like they had any idea what he was actually capable of. Sat with his legs resting on his work bench, Azriel leaned back on his chair, his left hand behind his head while in his right, a flask. He tipped the flask upside sound to soak his parched tongue with the liquids of the gods. One drop fell, then another, then nothing. He dropped his chair back down to normal as he looked down into the flask with one eye. "Empty? Already? Gahhhh..." He moaned as he threw the flask behind him. He needed some of these scrubs to buy his crafts so he could go get some more nectar.
Problem was, it was a slow day and people were more interested than the shitty smiths nearby. Throwing their backs out to look busy just to attract idiots who couldn't see different crafts if they wanted to. He let out another sigh. Maybe he should just pack it up for the day? He could always use his talents to pick a few pockets. Wouldn't be the first time. He was snapped out of his train of thoughts as a voice seemed to be speaking to him. Looking up now he saw, what did he actually see. A woman of rags? No, she was more than simple, he noticed the scriptures on her arm. Those were seals. He looked to her eyes, the gateway to the soul. Through someone's eyes you could always tell someone's feelings.... or... never mind. Azriel made eye contact and he just felt uncomfortable almost falling off his chair. Bracing himself he stood up. "What? I mean Hi... erm...show for it? Nah this crap is just here to pay for my booze. Why would I put any effort in?" He now stared blankly at her confused as to why he'd put any effort into crap to sell to peasants. "It's just steel. I ain't putting my backs out like those scrubs." He said gesturing to the hard working smiths. "Wait, you want some of this? Sure, I'll trade you, got any booze?" He asked excitedly, trying to sound semi professional.
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Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Another day of sitting by as the swaps of peasants pass by pretending to look at his goods, not like they had any idea what he was actually capable of. Sat with his legs resting on his work bench, Azriel leaned back on his chair, his left hand behind his head while in his right, a flask. He tipped the flask upside sound to soak his parched tongue with the liquids of the gods. One drop fell, then another, then nothing. He dropped his chair back down to normal as he looked down into the flask with one eye. "Empty? Already? Gahhhh..." He moaned as he threw the flask behind him. He needed some of these scrubs to buy his crafts so he could go get some more nectar.

Problem was, it was a slow day and people were more interested than the shitty smiths nearby. Throwing their backs out to look busy just to attract idiots who couldn't see different crafts if they wanted to. He let out another sigh. Maybe he should just pack it up for the day? He could always use his talents to pick a few pockets. Wouldn't be the first time. He was snapped out of his train of thoughts as a voice seemed to be speaking to him. Looking up now he saw, what did he actually see. A woman of rags? No, she was more than simple, he noticed the scriptures on her arm. Those were seals. He looked to her eyes, the gateway to the soul. Through someone's eyes you could always tell someone's feelings.... or... never mind. Azriel made eye contact and he just felt uncomfortable almost falling off his chair. Bracing himself he stood up. "What? I mean Hi... erm...show for it? Nah this crap is just here to pay for my booze. Why would I put any effort in?" He now stared blankly at her confused as to why he'd put any effort into crap to sell to peasants. "It's just steel. I ain't putting my backs out like those scrubs." He said gesturing to the hard working smiths. "Wait, you want some of this? Sure, I'll trade you, got any booze?" He asked excitedly, trying to sound semi professional.
With careful attention, she watched as the man seemed to fumble upon himself in an effort to jump to her attention, as though she practically demanded it of him, like a superior to a subordinate. It was an odd reaction, and certainly not one that she expected quite so much, which caused a brow to lift across her expression while she was taken slightly aback, slipping a foot backwards in a shift of her posture, like an animal rearing to flea a situation. As he seemed to steadily collect himself however, and began to speak in something of a curious comfortability that belied their lack of familiarity, she turned her attention back to the blade she held in hand while still contemplating his offer that he had presented. A blade for booze, huh.. It was a simple proposition, and one that she would easily satisfy, but not for this.

Carefully she placed the ornate blade back down on the table in front of her, before she pivoted upon her heels and made back into the street where the crowds practically parted around her like a river, without so much as a further word in response to the Smith. By all accounts, it would be easily considered that she had merely decided not to entertain him any further and opted to move on to the next. Yet just beyond the scope of the crowd came a sudden outcry of agitation, suggesting an altercation. "h-Hey! What do you think you're doin'?!" Cried out a clearly frustrated man. Walking away from a stall that stood across the way was the woman, who now carried at her side a rather hefty looking jug. This jug was dangling from a finely threaded rope that was carefully tied into knots around the neck of the container, while its top was corked tightly, along with a label and logo painted across its face, detailing some sort of brewery, or possibly a winery? Either way, it was now in her possession what once was not, and just above her head, directly behind her where she was now walking away from was the same logo painted across a banner at another stall. Curious..

Quickly rushing after her was a man who no doubt appeared to be the one who operated the stall she seemingly just came from, who quickly rushed up on her and aimed to snatch the jug back from her. "Who do you think you are, you freak!? Hand that back before ya get hurt!" With little hesitation, the woman stopped squarely in place before slinging the jug out in front of her, causing the man to overextend his own reach in an effort to chase after it in a way he wasn't anticipating; after all, he had thought he had the upper hand on her, standing quite clearly several inches taller than her and by all means appeared to be twice her size in weight. As his arm extended out in front of her, she quickly took hold of it with her left tightly bandage-wrapped hand, gripping him frighteningly tight by the wrist and pulling it against his own momentum, causing it to invert in a rather uncomfortable fashion, folding out back around behind himself where she now stood, planting one metal-tipped boot into the back of his knees, causing him to collapse quite easily under his own weight onto his knees, where he grunted and huffed in discomfort. All the while, the woman eyed the back of his head, where she now pulled tightly at his arm in an upward fashion behind himself, causing his shoulder and elbow joints to strain.. "Before I get hurt? Is that a threat..? Threatening someone these days means you forfeit your life in the process.. even a stupid monkey like yourself should know that. So you tell me: Is this stolen product you took from someone else really worth it to you? I'd think hard.. take your time. I understand it's not a simple decision for most these days.." The woman spoke in a very matter-of-fact tone, the casualness of her tone the only thing distracting from the growing agony that could be seen from the man's face as his arm was pulled further and further up his own back, causing his shoulder to begin making a rather discomforting crackling sound, suggesting it was soon to "pop"..

After a few moments, the man let out one final plea for her to stop, agreeing to her terms. Not long after, she released his wrist, almost like she were letting go of a loose rag, of which he fell forward into the dirt in a final grunt. Stepping over him like a log in the road, the woman continued the remainder of her venture back toward the Smith's stand, where she smoothly slung it toward him in an arched toss, expecting him to either catch it, or risk wearing it. "
I'll take a blade, but I don't want what you have here. I want you to teach me how to make my own." With that declaration, she stared him attentively in the eyes should he share her gaze, all the while the rest of the crowd behind her scattering still at the commotion she had just been apart of. As one final spark flashed across her expression, realization dawned on her at last. "Oh, right. My name is Velvet. Do whatever you want with that, I guess."


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
With careful attention, she watched as the man seemed to fumble upon himself in an effort to jump to her attention, as though she practically demanded it of him, like a superior to a subordinate. It was an odd reaction, and certainly not one that she expected quite so much, which caused a brow to lift across her expression while she was taken slightly aback, slipping a foot backwards in a shift of her posture, like an animal rearing to flea a situation. As he seemed to steadily collect himself however, and began to speak in something of a curious comfortability that belied their lack of familiarity, she turned her attention back to the blade she held in hand while still contemplating his offer that he had presented. A blade for booze, huh.. It was a simple proposition, and one that she would easily satisfy, but not for this.

Carefully she placed the ornate blade back down on the table in front of her, before she pivoted upon her heels and made back into the street where the crowds practically parted around her like a river, without so much as a further word in response to the Smith. By all accounts, it would be easily considered that she had merely decided not to entertain him any further and opted to move on to the next. Yet just beyond the scope of the crowd came a sudden outcry of agitation, suggesting an altercation. "h-Hey! What do you think you're doin'?!" Cried out a clearly frustrated man. Walking away from a stall that stood across the way was the woman, who now carried at her side a rather hefty looking jug. This jug was dangling from a finely threaded rope that was carefully tied into knots around the neck of the container, while its top was corked tightly, along with a label and logo painted across its face, detailing some sort of brewery, or possibly a winery? Either way, it was now in her possession what once was not, and just above her head, directly behind her where she was now walking away from was the same logo painted across a banner at another stall. Curious..

Quickly rushing after her was a man who no doubt appeared to be the one who operated the stall she seemingly just came from, who quickly rushed up on her and aimed to snatch the jug back from her. "Who do you think you are, you freak!? Hand that back before ya get hurt!" With little hesitation, the woman stopped squarely in place before slinging the jug out in front of her, causing the man to overextend his own reach in an effort to chase after it in a way he wasn't anticipating; after all, he had thought he had the upper hand on her, standing quite clearly several inches taller than her and by all means appeared to be twice her size in weight. As his arm extended out in front of her, she quickly took hold of it with her left tightly bandage-wrapped hand, gripping him frighteningly tight by the wrist and pulling it against his own momentum, causing it to invert in a rather uncomfortable fashion, folding out back around behind himself where she now stood, planting one metal-tipped boot into the back of his knees, causing him to collapse quite easily under his own weight onto his knees, where he grunted and huffed in discomfort. All the while, the woman eyed the back of his head, where she now pulled tightly at his arm in an upward fashion behind himself, causing his shoulder and elbow joints to strain.. "Before I get hurt? Is that a threat..? Threatening someone these days means you forfeit your life in the process.. even a stupid monkey like yourself should know that. So you tell me: Is this stolen product you took from someone else really worth it to you? I'd think hard.. take your time. I understand it's not a simple decision for most these days.." The woman spoke in a very matter-of-fact tone, the casualness of her tone the only thing distracting from the growing agony that could be seen from the man's face as his arm was pulled further and further up his own back, causing his shoulder to begin making a rather discomforting crackling sound, suggesting it was soon to "pop"..

After a few moments, the man let out one final plea for her to stop, agreeing to her terms. Not long after, she released his wrist, almost like she were letting go of a loose rag, of which he fell forward into the dirt in a final grunt. Stepping over him like a log in the road, the woman continued the remainder of her venture back toward the Smith's stand, where she smoothly slung it toward him in an arched toss, expecting him to either catch it, or risk wearing it. "
I'll take a blade, but I don't want what you have here. I want you to teach me how to make my own." With that declaration, she stared him attentively in the eyes should he share her gaze, all the while the rest of the crowd behind her scattering still at the commotion she had just been apart of. As one final spark flashed across her expression, realization dawned on her at last. "Oh, right. My name is Velvet. Do whatever you want with that, I guess."

Damn had he fucked it up again? He just wanted a little booze to get by, was that so much to ask for? But it seemed he scared her off without a word. Slumping back into his chair he banged his head on the table intentionally cursing himself. Maybe he'd actually have to look busy like those other scrubs. He let out a sigh. He really couldn't be bothered. Sweating in white was just asking for trouble. Well, it seemed today was going to be another day of picking a few pockets. There was plenty to go around, why should the few hoard the wealth. They would be doing their charity work supplying him with the nectar of the gods. The only thing was, how would he be able to tell? He couldn't help but laugh at this thought. With his head still on the table, he activated his Byakugan using the 360 degree vision he could see through the clothes of others and see exactly what he was looking for.

He looked around focussing on different people to find his first victim. Who would be the kind soul to fund his habits? Well this would be the question if he didn't see the Young lady who just ditched his stall beating on a dude twice her size and taking what she wanted. The hell was with this girl? Oh shit, she was walking back. He deactivated his Byakugan looking up as she approached dropping the container on the table. Was this real? Did she actually just beat on a dude and take this because she wanted a sword? Scary. He looked up at her, kinda taken aback now, afraid to get on the wrong side of her. He was more confused by the words she spoke. Not because he didn't understand them but they just didn't register in his mind. Teach her?

"T-teach you? I'm sorry but if you wanna be a smith, go bash some ore and use fire and crap like them over there!" He said, gesturing to the smiths. "I'm not like them." He said. He stood now, taking the container, opening it and pouring it into a mug before draining it in one go. He wiped his mouth with a sigh of relief. He walked around the table 1 foot away from Velvet. He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment before crouching where he stood. He reached his hand down, placing it on the ground, pulling it up slowly. A form of metal rose into the handle of a blade in his hand as he lifted, like Arthur lifting the sword from the stone. When he was finished, in his hand there he held an ornate blade fit for any warrior. "This is my affinity.... My name is Azriel... the Sage of the Forge...". He spoke as he handed her the blade so she could see it wasn't a mere illusion before pouring another jug of ale and sitting back in his chair.


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Damn had he fucked it up again? He just wanted a little booze to get by, was that so much to ask for? But it seemed he scared her off without a word. Slumping back into his chair he banged his head on the table intentionally cursing himself. Maybe he'd actually have to look busy like those other scrubs. He let out a sigh. He really couldn't be bothered. Sweating in white was just asking for trouble. Well, it seemed today was going to be another day of picking a few pockets. There was plenty to go around, why should the few hoard the wealth. They would be doing their charity work supplying him with the nectar of the gods. The only thing was, how would he be able to tell? He couldn't help but laugh at this thought. With his head still on the table, he activated his Byakugan using the 360 degree vision he could see through the clothes of others and see exactly what he was looking for.
He looked around focussing on different people to find his first victim. Who would be the kind soul to fund his habits? Well this would be the question if he didn't see the Young lady who just ditched his stall beating on a dude twice her size and taking what she wanted. The hell was with this girl? Oh shit, she was walking back. He deactivated his Byakugan looking up as she approached dropping the container on the table. Was this real? Did she actually just beat on a dude and take this because she wanted a sword? Scary. He looked up at her, kinda taken aback now, afraid to get on the wrong side of her. He was more confused by the words she spoke. Not because he didn't understand them but they just didn't register in his mind. Teach her?
"T-teach you? I'm sorry but if you wanna be a smith, go bash some ore and use fire and crap like them over there!" He said, gesturing to the smiths. "I'm not like them." He said. He stood now, taking the container, opening it and pouring it into a mug before draining it in one go. He wiped his mouth with a sigh of relief. He walked around the table 1 foot away from Velvet. He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment before crouching where he stood. He reached his hand down, placing it on the ground, pulling it up slowly. A form of metal rose into the handle of a blade in his hand as he lifted, like Arthur lifting the sword from the stone. When he was finished, in his hand there he held an ornate blade fit for any warrior. "This is my affinity.... My name is Azriel... the Sage of the Forge...". He spoke as he handed her the blade so she could see it wasn't a mere illusion before pouring another jug of ale and sitting back in his chair.
While the man began to demonstrate an example of his abilities, along with the explanation that came from it, Velvet watched with careful attentiveness, yet not as one who was surprised by the possibility of how he bent the earth to his will, turning it into fine weaponry, but instead someone that was more interested in how he was achieving such a feat. After he had finished and sat back into his chair, Velvet simply tapped at the side of her nose, as though to point attention to it. "I know you're no ordinary Smith. Fire and Earth, like I said.. The coals in your forge are cold and the forge itself is pristine. The anvil is clean and untouched as well, and the closest thing to a tool here is a corkscrew to get you closer to your booze. Not the typical findings of a traditional hard labored Blacksmith." After finishing her analysis, Velvet settled on a cross of her arms in front of her, tucking idly across her torso as she offered a favoring lean toward her right hip, all the while staring back at the man before continuing to speak. "So my demands still stand. I want you to teach me how to make my own. For a Sage like yourself, that shouldn't be too difficult. Unless you're one who's all washed up.." Her words were pointed, like bait being laid to determine whether he felt the need to retaliate with providing evidence to the contrary, or if he would simply maintain his composure but instead agree as part of the "deal made." Either way, she felt that the outcome would get her what she wanted from him.


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
While the man began to demonstrate an example of his abilities, along with the explanation that came from it, Velvet watched with careful attentiveness, yet not as one who was surprised by the possibility of how he bent the earth to his will, turning it into fine weaponry, but instead someone that was more interested in how he was achieving such a feat. After he had finished and sat back into his chair, Velvet simply tapped at the side of her nose, as though to point attention to it. "I know you're no ordinary Smith. Fire and Earth, like I said.. The coals in your forge are cold and the forge itself is pristine. The anvil is clean and untouched as well, and the closest thing to a tool here is a corkscrew to get you closer to your booze. Not the typical findings of a traditional hard labored Blacksmith." After finishing her analysis, Velvet settled on a cross of her arms in front of her, tucking idly across her torso as she offered a favoring lean toward her right hip, all the while staring back at the man before continuing to speak. "So my demands still stand. I want you to teach me how to make my own. For a Sage like yourself, that shouldn't be too difficult. Unless you're one who's all washed up.." Her words were pointed, like bait being laid to determine whether he felt the need to retaliate with providing evidence to the contrary, or if he would simply maintain his composure but instead agree as part of the "deal made." Either way, she felt that the outcome would get her what she wanted from him.
She was still here? He'd given her the blade. He'd shown her how he made it, now she was picking on his set up. Who went around asking for favours while casting so many insults? Clearly she did. As she spoke he opened one eye as she was trying to bait him into a response. He thought about it for a moment before closing his eye once more and relaxing. He felt quite comfortable right now, a drink in his hand always made the day better, until he ran out. Hmmm, this could pose an issue. He thought for a moment before rocking his chair forwards and standing up in the process.
"I'll teach you, you provide the booze!" He said with a large, childish grin on his face. With that he walked around to her, raising his right hand and flicked her forehead. To anyone else it would see like a childish gesture, though there was more to it than that. At the point of contact he released a spark of his own chakra through the chakra transfer technique. This chakra was that which he moulded to temper his steel release. He was look serious now looking her in the eyes. "Remember that sensation... remember the balance.... now draw on it... combine the elements of the earth and forge them with the power of fire... show me...." He spoke quietly. If she had an affinity for this, it would come natural.
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(Kōton no Jutsu) Steel Release Technique
Rank: D
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points: 20
Description: Allows the user to, through the use of hand gestures, produce small objects, pillars, weapons, etc, made of black steel, from their body or from the earth. The constructs are as hard as a normal kunai and swords and can be thrown at a target physically.


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
She was still here? He'd given her the blade. He'd shown her how he made it, now she was picking on his set up. Who went around asking for favours while casting so many insults? Clearly she did. As she spoke he opened one eye as she was trying to bait him into a response. He thought about it for a moment before closing his eye once more and relaxing. He felt quite comfortable right now, a drink in his hand always made the day better, until he ran out. Hmmm, this could pose an issue. He thought for a moment before rocking his chair forwards and standing up in the process.
"I'll teach you, you provide the booze!" He said with a large, childish grin on his face. With that he walked around to her, raising his right hand and flicked her forehead. To anyone else it would see like a childish gesture, though there was more to it than that. At the point of contact he released a spark of his own chakra through the chakra transfer technique. This chakra was that which he moulded to temper his steel release. He was look serious now looking her in the eyes. "Remember that sensation... remember the balance.... now draw on it... combine the elements of the earth and forge them with the power of fire... show me...." He spoke quietly. If she had an affinity for this, it would come natural.

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(Kōton no Jutsu) Steel Release Technique
Rank: D

Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points: 20
Description: Allows the user to, through the use of hand gestures, produce small objects, pillars, weapons, etc, made of black steel, from their body or from the earth. The constructs are as hard as a normal kunai and swords and can be thrown at a target physically.
Velvet was hardly surprised to hear the man's proposal; in fact, she fully anticipated it, all the while rolling her eyes in subtle contempt while taking in her surroundings, determined to find either a new target or if she would have to settle for the same mark as before to acquire the necessary drink he had wanted for trade. Yet just before she could manage to make off like she had done before, the Smith had rounded the table and raised a hand, nearing it toward the woman. Her eyes narrowed upon him in careful attentiveness, following all the way to her forehead where her eyes had nearly crossed in the process before she was soundly "flicked" across the forehead. Something of a primal urge began to stir behind her "calm" demeanor; one of irritation that would often incentivize one to retaliate in anger, yet in this case, it would not bring her to the desired outcome she was after, so instead refrained from giving into such outbursts. Following the interaction, however, came a subtle sensation. Not one of the flick itself, but something else that came accompanied by it: Not so easily identified, but clearly memorable,
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as though foreign yet familiar all at the same time. Blinking for a moment, Velvet finally settled on complying with his instruction, having taken his shift in tone as a sign that he was aiming at taking her a little more seriously as well. That would have to do for now..

Steadily she allowed her eyes to shuttle behind their lids, she she chose to embrace darkness in favor of utter focus. Remember that sensation.. Remember the balance.. Easier said than done, to be sure. While it was distinct, it was still a mere faint sensation that came from an otherwise mindless gesture; even though it only just happened, such things are easy to fade rapidly. She needed to draw upon it carefully; not too forceful, as it would slip from her further and further, like a fishing line waiting to snap against a forceful reel, but neither could she be too cautious and lenient toward it, elsewise distractions were bound to get the better of it. Instead, she chose just that: To focus on the smell of the metal around her, the sensation of heat upon her fingertips and the image of Azriel's own creative process that he had just demonstrated for her before her eyes. With her baser senses playing into her comprehension, she drew nearer to the sensation imparted upon her moments ago and recalled why it felt so familiar. Her eyes steadily drew open as she stared upon a place on the ground before her. Earth and Fire.. two baser elements that would bring forth the honing of that to which she desired to manifest from imagination alone. Shape manipulation, chakra control.. A focus not unlike that to which she was familiar with, but still delicate all the same. Crouching down, she repeated the same process that the Smith had demonstrated to her himself: Planting a hand upon the ground, she practically pinched at the surface, wherein her earthen chakra would flow through her connection with the ground, funneling into the surface which then gave way to her reach, allowing her to dip into the earth itself like a fluid. From there, she would begin to harness fire chakra, directing it into that of which she touched, directing it through the earth.

Yet she was not forceful; too much heat and it would reduce to molten. She needed to refine the material; draw out its denser properties while honing the minerals within in a precise application. As she felt the material begin to take shape, Velvet steadily and confidently took firm hold of that to which was within her hand, bringing herself to a stand which followed with her an extension of the earth she had just interacted with. A metallic polearm, one that was more akin to a staff than a spear, yet a weapon nonetheless. Hardly refined, yet dense and heavy in the hand, as intended. Plucking it from the ground with one final snap at its base to separate it from the earth, Velvet casually lifted it overhead as though to test its weight before eyeing the Smith. "It's not quite as pretty as yours, but who needs pretty when you have functional.. Did I do it right?"


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
Velvet was hardly surprised to hear the man's proposal; in fact, she fully anticipated it, all the while rolling her eyes in subtle contempt while taking in her surroundings, determined to find either a new target or if she would have to settle for the same mark as before to acquire the necessary drink he had wanted for trade. Yet just before she could manage to make off like she had done before, the Smith had rounded the table and raised a hand, nearing it toward the woman. Her eyes narrowed upon him in careful attentiveness, following all the way to her forehead where her eyes had nearly crossed in the process before she was soundly "flicked" across the forehead. Something of a primal urge began to stir behind her "calm" demeanor; one of irritation that would often incentivize one to retaliate in anger, yet in this case, it would not bring her to the desired outcome she was after, so instead refrained from giving into such outbursts. Following the interaction, however, came a subtle sensation. Not one of the flick itself, but something else that came accompanied by it: Not so easily identified, but clearly memorable,
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as though foreign yet familiar all at the same time. Blinking for a moment, Velvet finally settled on complying with his instruction, having taken his shift in tone as a sign that he was aiming at taking her a little more seriously as well. That would have to do for now..

Steadily she allowed her eyes to shuttle behind their lids, she she chose to embrace darkness in favor of utter focus. Remember that sensation.. Remember the balance.. Easier said than done, to be sure. While it was distinct, it was still a mere faint sensation that came from an otherwise mindless gesture; even though it only just happened, such things are easy to fade rapidly. She needed to draw upon it carefully; not too forceful, as it would slip from her further and further, like a fishing line waiting to snap against a forceful reel, but neither could she be too cautious and lenient toward it, elsewise distractions were bound to get the better of it. Instead, she chose just that: To focus on the smell of the metal around her, the sensation of heat upon her fingertips and the image of Azriel's own creative process that he had just demonstrated for her before her eyes. With her baser senses playing into her comprehension, she drew nearer to the sensation imparted upon her moments ago and recalled why it felt so familiar. Her eyes steadily drew open as she stared upon a place on the ground before her. Earth and Fire.. two baser elements that would bring forth the honing of that to which she desired to manifest from imagination alone. Shape manipulation, chakra control.. A focus not unlike that to which she was familiar with, but still delicate all the same. Crouching down, she repeated the same process that the Smith had demonstrated to her himself: Planting a hand upon the ground, she practically pinched at the surface, wherein her earthen chakra would flow through her connection with the ground, funneling into the surface which then gave way to her reach, allowing her to dip into the earth itself like a fluid. From there, she would begin to harness fire chakra, directing it into that of which she touched, directing it through the earth.

Yet she was not forceful; too much heat and it would reduce to molten. She needed to refine the material; draw out its denser properties while honing the minerals within in a precise application. As she felt the material begin to take shape, Velvet steadily and confidently took firm hold of that to which was within her hand, bringing herself to a stand which followed with her an extension of the earth she had just interacted with. A metallic polearm, one that was more akin to a staff than a spear, yet a weapon nonetheless. Hardly refined, yet dense and heavy in the hand, as intended. Plucking it from the ground with one final snap at its base to separate it from the earth, Velvet casually lifted it overhead as though to test its weight before eyeing the Smith. "It's not quite as pretty as yours, but who needs pretty when you have functional.. Did I do it right?"
He didn't need his byakugan to see the process his apprentice was going through. He could sense her slight irritation as she tried to retain her composure. He smiled inside knowing he was going to have some with that as their training proceeded. He stood by drinking the ale as she went through the motions. He wouldn't tell her, but for a novice to create such a weapon on their first try was next to unheard of. Just who was she? How did she have such an affinity for an ability that people trained their whole lives? Though, the weapon not as refined, that came with mastering different aspects, it wasn't a vital aspect.

It was time to test her proficiency. For now he would demonstrate the hand seals needed for the abilities he was about to show them, where he didn't need them. It would help them understand the methods.
"You're right, but what function does it have when you're bound and trapped?" He smirked as he spoke. With that he created shackles that spawned binding her limbs before releasing a steel net from his hand to bind her. "There is more to steel than simple weapons. Free yourself, show me..." He give her no inclination of how to do this.
(Kōton: Toami) Steel Release: Fish Net
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: After 1 handseal (Bird), the user is able to produce a black steel net from his/her hands, which can be thrown towards the opponent to pin him to the ground.
(Kōton: Kase) Steel Release: Shackles
Rank: C
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user does 2 handseals (Bird+Ram) focusing chakra beneath the opponent, shaping the ground into several (up to 5) shackles that shoot up to grab the enemy. The shackles are linked to chains that remain connected to the ground. Once they grab the opponent, the user can clap his hands, forcefully pulling the shackles and chains to the ground, effectively pinning the opponent to the ground, restrained by the steel chains.


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
He didn't need his byakugan to see the process his apprentice was going through. He could sense her slight irritation as she tried to retain her composure. He smiled inside knowing he was going to have some with that as their training proceeded. He stood by drinking the ale as she went through the motions. He wouldn't tell her, but for a novice to create such a weapon on their first try was next to unheard of. Just who was she? How did she have such an affinity for an ability that people trained their whole lives? Though, the weapon not as refined, that came with mastering different aspects, it wasn't a vital aspect.
It was time to test her proficiency. For now he would demonstrate the hand seals needed for the abilities he was about to show them, where he didn't need them. It would help them understand the methods. "You're right, but what function does it have when you're bound and trapped?" He smirked as he spoke. With that he created shackles that spawned binding her limbs before releasing a steel net from his hand to bind her. "There is more to steel than simple weapons. Free yourself, show me..." He give her no inclination of how to do this.
(Kōton: Toami) Steel Release: Fish Net
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: After 1 handseal (Bird), the user is able to produce a black steel net from his/her hands, which can be thrown towards the opponent to pin him to the ground.
(Kōton: Kase) Steel Release: Shackles
Rank: C
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user does 2 handseals (Bird+Ram) focusing chakra beneath the opponent, shaping the ground into several (up to 5) shackles that shoot up to grab the enemy. The shackles are linked to chains that remain connected to the ground. Once they grab the opponent, the user can clap his hands, forcefully pulling the shackles and chains to the ground, effectively pinning the opponent to the ground, restrained by the steel chains.
Not long after hearing him speak, Velvet was abruptly made aware of the bindings that had suddenly taken hold of her joints, locking her into the standing position that she had been in just prior to their appearance. Then, as though to add insult to injury, the Smith had cast a steel net over top her standing form, serving as little more than a further nuisance to her. While the situation certainly spurred a twitch of her brow as an indication of mild frustration, in truth the situation wasn't exactly alarming to her in a way that one might expect another to be, suddenly finding themselves locked tightly in chains. In truth, she was all too familiar with this sort of predicament, having experienced many of her earlier years in a very similar -albeit worse- situation. Her wrists and ankles were clearly stiff with calluses that were none too bothered by the tightness of the restrictions as she instead opted to focus on the Smith himself through the net. "Didn't think you were into this sort of thing, "Sage of the Forge." Guess perverts come in all shapes and sizes.." While she may not have truly believed that was the intention behind this situation, she figured it was an easy opportunity to jab at him in return, before turning her attention upon the situation at hand and what she'd need to do to overcome it.

Steadily she pulled against the chains in a calm manner, if nothing else but to test their durability. In truth, they were hardly anything resembling a threat; their bindings holding true and the chains themselves pulling tightly against the shackles, yet nothing more. Closing her eyes, Velvet focused on the sensation of chakra pressing through her veins, feeling the flow of the natural energy circulating as it began to carry with it an intense electric sensation that reverberated all throughout her body. In one sudden rush, the very air surrounding Velvet had rapidly began to ripple with electricity, pulsing outward from her as it rapidly ripped through the steel shackles and net with ease, reflected by the nature susceptibility that the steel had to lightning.

As the metal fragments of the bindings fell away from Velvet, her eyes casually opened to rest on the Smith once more. "While I can respect the intention of showing me how this particular talent can be used for things like that.. Try something like that again, and I just might be inclined to bury you."

Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damages: 30
Description: The user surrounds themselves with electricity. The intense electric field protects them by electrocuting anyone who comes into contact with it, but only works for one attack.


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
Not long after hearing him speak, Velvet was abruptly made aware of the bindings that had suddenly taken hold of her joints, locking her into the standing position that she had been in just prior to their appearance. Then, as though to add insult to injury, the Smith had cast a steel net over top her standing form, serving as little more than a further nuisance to her. While the situation certainly spurred a twitch of her brow as an indication of mild frustration, in truth the situation wasn't exactly alarming to her in a way that one might expect another to be, suddenly finding themselves locked tightly in chains. In truth, she was all too familiar with this sort of predicament, having experienced many of her earlier years in a very similar -albeit worse- situation. Her wrists and ankles were clearly stiff with calluses that were none too bothered by the tightness of the restrictions as she instead opted to focus on the Smith himself through the net. "Didn't think you were into this sort of thing, "Sage of the Forge." Guess perverts come in all shapes and sizes.." While she may not have truly believed that was the intention behind this situation, she figured it was an easy opportunity to jab at him in return, before turning her attention upon the situation at hand and what she'd need to do to overcome it.

Steadily she pulled against the chains in a calm manner, if nothing else but to test their durability. In truth, they were hardly anything resembling a threat; their bindings holding true and the chains themselves pulling tightly against the shackles, yet nothing more. Closing her eyes, Velvet focused on the sensation of chakra pressing through her veins, feeling the flow of the natural energy circulating as it began to carry with it an intense electric sensation that reverberated all throughout her body. In one sudden rush, the very air surrounding Velvet had rapidly began to ripple with electricity, pulsing outward from her as it rapidly ripped through the steel shackles and net with ease, reflected by the nature susceptibility that the steel had to lightning.

As the metal fragments of the bindings fell away from Velvet, her eyes casually opened to rest on the Smith once more. "While I can respect the intention of showing me how this particular talent can be used for things like that.. Try something like that again, and I just might be inclined to bury you."

Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damages: 30
Description: The user surrounds themselves with electricity. The intense electric field protects them by electrocuting anyone who comes into contact with it, but only works for one attack.
A feeling of disappointment washed over him as he turned to take a drink. He began to pack his things for the day. It seemed he'd gotten his hope too high for a new apprentice after all this time. His last, having gone missing, made him regret ever taking on a new student. "You have nothing to worry about, go home." He spoke solemnly as he packed his things. "A true smith knows to respect the craft, how to adapt. Precision... tempering... honing... feeling the true nature... this is what it means to be a smith. I have no time for a girl wanting to play smith caught up in her own dilussions. Help yourself to any of the crafts as payment for the ale." His voice carried a distant sorrow. He lifted his bag and began to walk away.


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
A feeling of disappointment washed over him as he turned to take a drink. He began to pack his things for the day. It seemed he'd gotten his hope too high for a new apprentice after all this time. His last, having gone missing, made him regret ever taking on a new student. "You have nothing to worry about, go home." He spoke solemnly as he packed his things. "A true smith knows to respect the craft, how to adapt. Precision... tempering... honing... feeling the true nature... this is what it means to be a smith. I have no time for a girl wanting to play smith caught up in her own dilussions. Help yourself to any of the crafts as payment for the ale." His voice carried a distant sorrow. He lifted his bag and began to walk away.
Velvet let out a soft huff as she watched and listened to the Smith begin collecting his things and readying his departure, as though to leave her where she stood. Her eyes narrowed upon the man as she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists in a moment of inner frustration. Rejection was not often something she handled too well. Too long was she left to wander the world alone and disconnected from all forms of interaction, yet to finally have an opportunity to grow and develop in a meaningful way had its unforeseen charm. Yet to hear that he was aimed to leave her, not only before finishing teaching her what he had agreed to, but also to hurl such pointed words at her such as "delusions" and wanting to "play smith." She wasn't going to have it.. At least, not without a little payback.

With a quick burst of her earthen and fire chakras, Velvet had rapidly began to infuse and condense them together, targeting the desired minerals within the earth once again, then with the formation of two distinct hand seals, it would produce an all too familiar construct that he himself had just used on her moments ago. Several chain and shackles had rapidly erupted from the crust of the earth surrounding the smith, each aiming to bind at his ankles and wrists before aiming to pull tightly against each other in order to hold him in place. Entirely committed to the replication of events, she then began to mold the chakra natures together once again, and through the performance of only a singular seal this time, she would form a steel net from her own palms, knitting it together in a winding effort before she daintily tossed it over Azriel's head, like the metaphoric "cherry on top" to the situation.

"If you want to go, you can go. But I'll be damned if you're going to suggest I'm less than worthy to learn from you.. You hardly know me. Besides, we had a deal. If you break it now without so much as an honest effort to take me seriously yourself, when you accuse me of the same, then maybe you really aren't the person to teach me. I don't often like dishonest people." With that, Velvet merely stood with her arms crossed over her torso, eyeing the Smith with a sharp gaze that belied her disappointment with the avenue in which things seemed to be going. In truth, she had no illusion that these bindings would hold him by any means, or even come close to actually stopping him. But if nothing else, she thought, she would at least show that she was paying attention up till now, regardless of what he might have thought of her.

Rank: C
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user does 2 handseals (Bird+Ram) focusing chakra beneath the opponent, shaping the ground into several (up to 5) shackles that shoot up to grab the enemy. The shackles are linked to chains that remain connected to the ground. Once they grab the opponent, the user can clap his hands, forcefully pulling the shackles and chains to the ground, effectively pinning the opponent to the ground, restrained by the steel chains.

Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: After 1 handseal (Bird), the user is able to produce a black steel net from his/her hands, which can be thrown towards the opponent to pin him to the ground.


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
Velvet let out a soft huff as she watched and listened to the Smith begin collecting his things and readying his departure, as though to leave her where she stood. Her eyes narrowed upon the man as she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists in a moment of inner frustration. Rejection was not often something she handled too well. Too long was she left to wander the world alone and disconnected from all forms of interaction, yet to finally have an opportunity to grow and develop in a meaningful way had its unforeseen charm. Yet to hear that he was aimed to leave her, not only before finishing teaching her what he had agreed to, but also to hurl such pointed words at her such as "delusions" and wanting to "play smith." She wasn't going to have it.. At least, not without a little payback.

With a quick burst of her earthen and fire chakras, Velvet had rapidly began to infuse and condense them together, targeting the desired minerals within the earth once again, then with the formation of two distinct hand seals, it would produce an all too familiar construct that he himself had just used on her moments ago. Several chain and shackles had rapidly erupted from the crust of the earth surrounding the smith, each aiming to bind at his ankles and wrists before aiming to pull tightly against each other in order to hold him in place. Entirely committed to the replication of events, she then began to mold the chakra natures together once again, and through the performance of only a singular seal this time, she would form a steel net from her own palms, knitting it together in a winding effort before she daintily tossed it over Azriel's head, like the metaphoric "cherry on top" to the situation.

"If you want to go, you can go. But I'll be damned if you're going to suggest I'm less than worthy to learn from you.. You hardly know me. Besides, we had a deal. If you break it now without so much as an honest effort to take me seriously yourself, when you accuse me of the same, then maybe you really aren't the person to teach me. I don't often like dishonest people." With that, Velvet merely stood with her arms crossed over her torso, eyeing the Smith with a sharp gaze that belied her disappointment with the avenue in which things seemed to be going. In truth, she had no illusion that these bindings would hold him by any means, or even come close to actually stopping him. But if nothing else, she thought, she would at least show that she was paying attention up till now, regardless of what he might have thought of her.

Rank: C
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user does 2 handseals (Bird+Ram) focusing chakra beneath the opponent, shaping the ground into several (up to 5) shackles that shoot up to grab the enemy. The shackles are linked to chains that remain connected to the ground. Once they grab the opponent, the user can clap his hands, forcefully pulling the shackles and chains to the ground, effectively pinning the opponent to the ground, restrained by the steel chains.

Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: After 1 handseal (Bird), the user is able to produce a black steel net from his/her hands, which can be thrown towards the opponent to pin him to the ground.
It seemed she had paid some attention, though the way in which she crafted these bindings was with that of rage. This was a concern. She questioned him, that he was the one to break the deal. He turned to face her now, his eyes turned white as the veins around them bulged. His eyes glaring at her, revealing his Byakugan. Her temper clouded her thoughts. "I told you to remember the balance. A craft isn't made through rage... anger... or it will snap just like you did just now, child." He was visibly angry, his words reflecting his demeanour. "You were blinded by your haste that the first thing you did was to destroy the craft, missing the lesson behind them. You seek to bind me in a huff because things didn't go your way? Then chastise me for not wanting to deal with a blind brat?" His words carried the feelings he'd had for previous students of his who sought power over the true understanding of what it meant to be a smith.
His body turned to a swarm of blades that passed through the shackles and gaps in the net reforming 1m in front of her. He looked her dead in the eye. "If you want to test that temper of yours, try it... see where it gets you... You'll just be proving I was right to walk away!" He whispered the last bit, though from him his intent could be felt. His anger at the lack of care for the craft revealed a part of him he'd not felt in a long time. "Show me you're worth my time!"...

Techniques to choose from:
(Kōton: Tama Ishuu) Steel Release: Bullet Swarm
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: After 2 handseals (Bird+Tiger), the user is able to shot out up to a dozen metal bullets from his/her body. They move as fast as arrows and can be shot in a radial manner or a focused manner, from any part of the body the user intends to.

(Kōton: Kasui Sanran) Steel Release: Spike Spawn
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: After 1 handseal (Horse), the user is able to make a great number of black steel spikes rise up from a point in the ground within range. These spikes are very sharp and may be as big long as 2 meters.

(Kōton: Jairu Hausu Rokku) Steel Release: Jail House Rock
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A

Description: After 3 handseals (Boar+Horse+Tiger), the user will use his chakra to forcefully make a large collection of metal rods to rise from the ground within range. The rods will form a prison around the target, connecting to each other beneath the ground. As soon as all the pillars have risen, which is very fast, their extremities spawn more pillars as well as their sides. As the pillars multiply, they connect to each other, forming an almost perfect prison cell, closed on all sides.

(Kōton: Shintai no yaiba) - Steel Release: Movement of shards - Just the custom reference
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user can turn their body to steel or while their body is turned to steel, the user will break down into thousands of razor blades of steel and swoop across the field in a fluid motion at the speed of a shot arrow. Anything they pass through will be shredded by the blades (within rank reason) and they can reform at any time. While in this form they are vulnerable to lightning. The user acts like a fluid in these shards being able to bend their shape and form and have great maneuverability to be able to avoid attacks while travelling much like how Gaara can when he turns to sand. The user can use other steel techniques in this form as long as they don't require hand seals.

Note: can only be used Four times per battle, with 1 turn between uses.
Note: Last 2 turns max, to change direction to avoid a jutsu counts as move per turn


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
It seemed she had paid some attention, though the way in which she crafted these bindings was with that of rage. This was a concern. She questioned him, that he was the one to break the deal. He turned to face her now, his eyes turned white as the veins around them bulged. His eyes glaring at her, revealing his Byakugan. Her temper clouded her thoughts. "I told you to remember the balance. A craft isn't made through rage... anger... or it will snap just like you did just now, child." He was visibly angry, his words reflecting his demeanour. "You were blinded by your haste that the first thing you did was to destroy the craft, missing the lesson behind them. You seek to bind me in a huff because things didn't go your way? Then chastise me for not wanting to deal with a blind brat?" His words carried the feelings he'd had for previous students of his who sought power over the true understanding of what it meant to be a smith.

His body turned to a swarm of blades that passed through the shackles and gaps in the net reforming 1m in front of her. He looked her dead in the eye. "If you want to test that temper of yours, try it... see where it gets you... You'll just be proving I was right to walk away!" He whispered the last bit, though from him his intent could be felt. His anger at the lack of care for the craft revealed a part of him he'd not felt in a long time. "Show me you're worth my time!"...

Techniques to choose from:
(Kōton: Tama Ishuu) Steel Release: Bullet Swarm
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: After 2 handseals (Bird+Tiger), the user is able to shot out up to a dozen metal bullets from his/her body. They move as fast as arrows and can be shot in a radial manner or a focused manner, from any part of the body the user intends to.

(Kōton: Kasui Sanran) Steel Release: Spike Spawn
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: After 1 handseal (Horse), the user is able to make a great number of black steel spikes rise up from a point in the ground within range. These spikes are very sharp and may be as big long as 2 meters.

(Kōton: Jairu Hausu Rokku) Steel Release: Jail House Rock
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A

Description: After 3 handseals (Boar+Horse+Tiger), the user will use his chakra to forcefully make a large collection of metal rods to rise from the ground within range. The rods will form a prison around the target, connecting to each other beneath the ground. As soon as all the pillars have risen, which is very fast, their extremities spawn more pillars as well as their sides. As the pillars multiply, they connect to each other, forming an almost perfect prison cell, closed on all sides.

(Kōton: Shintai no yaiba) - Steel Release: Movement of shards - Just the custom reference
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user can turn their body to steel or while their body is turned to steel, the user will break down into thousands of razor blades of steel and swoop across the field in a fluid motion at the speed of a shot arrow. Anything they pass through will be shredded by the blades (within rank reason) and they can reform at any time. While in this form they are vulnerable to lightning. The user acts like a fluid in these shards being able to bend their shape and form and have great maneuverability to be able to avoid attacks while travelling much like how Gaara can when he turns to sand. The user can use other steel techniques in this form as long as they don't require hand seals.

Note: can only be used Four times per battle, with 1 turn between uses.
Note: Last 2 turns max, to change direction to avoid a jutsu counts as move per turn
There was something about this man that drove a wedge into Velvet's temperament unlike any other. While she wasn't exactly known for her "tame" or "rational" behavior, that was in fact just a part of the animalistic influence of her history that contributed to such behavior, no fault of any one particular person. Yet in this case, Azriel was handedly stirring her in all the wrong ways; drawing frustration and irritability that she had long since abandoned. Not because she lacked the capacity for such emotions, but instead because she has grown to reject having expectations of others, or develop a longing for approval or acceptance from others. While removing herself from such things has darkened her personality and left jagged edges to all of her social skills, it has blocked any heart-wrenching scenarios from entering her life since. To her, that was good enough..

Yet why now? Why this man? Her irritability only spiked the more she thought about the situation she was in. Each word he spoke to her was like nails on a chalkboard, but not because she found the sound of his voice annoying, but because for some reason, she felt.. judged. It was a harsh reminder of a life she refrained from remembering, yet for some reason this situation that she had gotten herself in was dragging up the bitter taste of a brutal reality she repressed as desperately as she could for so long.

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Fine.. if he wanted her to "prove" herself, then she'd do just that. Flashing a sharp glint of her amber irises toward the man, Velvet would grip her palms into tightened fists, yet not out of frustration or antagonized temptation.. but instead, as a focal point for her to draw her concentration, leaving her temperament to find its composure amidst the popping of her knuckles, the tightening of her muscles, the rush of her blood.. all things one might feel when taking hold of a tool, readying to perform their craft.

Shortly afterward, the very earth beneath Azriel had begun to shift, only for what would be an instantaneous moment later to bring forth a vast eruption of numerous cylindrical pillars, all perfectly vertical as they completely surrounded Azriel in a square formation before they began to form upon themselves in a collision of intersecting bars that proceeded to form off of each other. In the span of mere seconds, he was centered within a square prison cell. These bars were not made of stone, but instead glistened as a refined, polished steel that belied the ruggedness that she had demonstrated in the previous example she had performed earlier. From there, the earth continued to contort, leaving a minimal gap in time between the formation of the cage and the following event of several jet black spikes piercing up from the floor's crust directly beneath Azriel, each plunging at odd angles from all throughout the ground, yet each aiming true toward Azriel, threatening to run him though. Unwilling to settled, Velvet lifted her right hand, to which she extended her index finger and thumb, forming a gun-like gesture that was aimed directly between the cracks between the bars of the cage with Azriel at the center of her focus, where she carefully concentrated her earth and fire chakras to the tip of her index finger and layered them over one another before they would manifest as a singular rounded steel bullet, of which she would quickly discharge toward him, aiming it squarely at his center of mass.

In truth, all of this Velvet had little hope in having any effect on him. She didn't care if none of it came close to touching him, or if he was at all impressed with her display. Based on his lectures thus far, he would likely scold her and tell her she was lashing out; making a mockery of the craft he himself spent his life perfecting. Yet she didn't care.. Now, she knew she could do it, and by all accounts, she intended to use it in the best way she knew how: To hunt her prey.. "A brat am I? That's fine.. But I am not blind. My rage is no broken mirror casting an inaccurate reflection. It's exactly what it should be, and I see everything clearer because of it. Judging from your tone, you're no stranger to that kind of thing yourself. But if you hate me for my rage, then so be it. Hate me; makes no difference to me. I'll learn all of this on my own if I must. But I believe you can teach me better, so if that's not enough for you, then perhaps we are wasting our time."

(Kōton: Jairu Hausu Rokku) Steel Release: Jail House Rock
: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: After 3 handseals (Boar+Horse+Tiger), the user will use his chakra to forcefully make a large collection of metal rods to rise from the ground within range. The rods will form a prison around the target, connecting to each other beneath the ground. As soon as all the pillars have risen, which is very fast, their extremities spawn more pillars as well as their sides. As the pillars multiply, they connect to each other, forming an almost perfect prison cell, closed on all sides.

(Kōton: Kasui Sanran) Steel Release: Spike Spawn
: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: After 1 handseal (Horse), the user is able to make a great number of black steel spikes rise up from a point in the ground within range. These spikes are very sharp and may be as big long as 2 meters.

(Kōton: Tama Ishuu) Steel Release: Bullet Swarm
: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: After 2 handseals (Bird+Tiger), the user is able to shot out up to a dozen metal bullets from his/her body. They move as fast as arrows and can be shot in a radial manner or a focused manner, from any part of the body the user intends to.


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
There was something about this man that drove a wedge into Velvet's temperament unlike any other. While she wasn't exactly known for her "tame" or "rational" behavior, that was in fact just a part of the animalistic influence of her history that contributed to such behavior, no fault of any one particular person. Yet in this case, Azriel was handedly stirring her in all the wrong ways; drawing frustration and irritability that she had long since abandoned. Not because she lacked the capacity for such emotions, but instead because she has grown to reject having expectations of others, or develop a longing for approval or acceptance from others. While removing herself from such things has darkened her personality and left jagged edges to all of her social skills, it has blocked any heart-wrenching scenarios from entering her life since. To her, that was good enough..

Yet why now? Why this man? Her irritability only spiked the more she thought about the situation she was in. Each word he spoke to her was like nails on a chalkboard, but not because she found the sound of his voice annoying, but because for some reason, she felt.. judged. It was a harsh reminder of a life she refrained from remembering, yet for some reason this situation that she had gotten herself in was dragging up the bitter taste of a brutal reality she repressed as desperately as she could for so long.

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Fine.. if he wanted her to "prove" herself, then she'd do just that. Flashing a sharp glint of her amber irises toward the man, Velvet would grip her palms into tightened fists, yet not out of frustration or antagonized temptation.. but instead, as a focal point for her to draw her concentration, leaving her temperament to find its composure amidst the popping of her knuckles, the tightening of her muscles, the rush of her blood.. all things one might feel when taking hold of a tool, readying to perform their craft.

Shortly afterward, the very earth beneath Azriel had begun to shift, only for what would be an instantaneous moment later to bring forth a vast eruption of numerous cylindrical pillars, all perfectly vertical as they completely surrounded Azriel in a square formation before they began to form upon themselves in a collision of intersecting bars that proceeded to form off of each other. In the span of mere seconds, he was centered within a square prison cell. These bars were not made of stone, but instead glistened as a refined, polished steel that belied the ruggedness that she had demonstrated in the previous example she had performed earlier. From there, the earth continued to contort, leaving a minimal gap in time between the formation of the cage and the following event of several jet black spikes piercing up from the floor's crust directly beneath Azriel, each plunging at odd angles from all throughout the ground, yet each aiming true toward Azriel, threatening to run him though. Unwilling to settled, Velvet lifted her right hand, to which she extended her index finger and thumb, forming a gun-like gesture that was aimed directly between the cracks between the bars of the cage with Azriel at the center of her focus, where she carefully concentrated her earth and fire chakras to the tip of her index finger and layered them over one another before they would manifest as a singular rounded steel bullet, of which she would quickly discharge toward him, aiming it squarely at his center of mass.

In truth, all of this Velvet had little hope in having any effect on him. She didn't care if none of it came close to touching him, or if he was at all impressed with her display. Based on his lectures thus far, he would likely scold her and tell her she was lashing out; making a mockery of the craft he himself spent his life perfecting. Yet she didn't care.. Now, she knew she could do it, and by all accounts, she intended to use it in the best way she knew how: To hunt her prey.. "A brat am I? That's fine.. But I am not blind. My rage is no broken mirror casting an inaccurate reflection. It's exactly what it should be, and I see everything clearer because of it. Judging from your tone, you're no stranger to that kind of thing yourself. But if you hate me for my rage, then so be it. Hate me; makes no difference to me. I'll learn all of this on my own if I must. But I believe you can teach me better, so if that's not enough for you, then perhaps we are wasting our time."

(Kōton: Jairu Hausu Rokku) Steel Release: Jail House Rock
: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: After 3 handseals (Boar+Horse+Tiger), the user will use his chakra to forcefully make a large collection of metal rods to rise from the ground within range. The rods will form a prison around the target, connecting to each other beneath the ground. As soon as all the pillars have risen, which is very fast, their extremities spawn more pillars as well as their sides. As the pillars multiply, they connect to each other, forming an almost perfect prison cell, closed on all sides.

(Kōton: Kasui Sanran) Steel Release: Spike Spawn
: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: After 1 handseal (Horse), the user is able to make a great number of black steel spikes rise up from a point in the ground within range. These spikes are very sharp and may be as big long as 2 meters.

(Kōton: Tama Ishuu) Steel Release: Bullet Swarm
: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: After 2 handseals (Bird+Tiger), the user is able to shot out up to a dozen metal bullets from his/her body. They move as fast as arrows and can be shot in a radial manner or a focused manner, from any part of the body the user intends to.
Azriel could see that his words left their mark. He knew what he wanted to see, it was only a matter of time before he saw it or was proven wrong. He saw the gesture as he could see the steel forming below him in the form of bars. He performed a backflip being faster than the steel, moving out of the range of the cage forming. As spikes took shape, he hopped onto the cage, using that to block the spikes from harming him as he turned his body to the side to let the bullets pass by him leaving him unharmed. It would seem she was intent on making her point. He hopped down from the cage to be stood less than a foot from the girl. His eyes with no iris staring into hers.
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"The value of time is only what you place on it. The time taking to hone your craft is irreplaceable."
He remained silent for a few moments letting his words sink in. He wanted her to realise what she'd just managed when she was passionate about what she was doing. She'd lashed out as her focus was to make a point to Aziel. He wanted her to always have that feeling and project it onto the crafts she made but for the right reasons. "I see you can lash out, aiming to capture and destroy. Though to do know how to protect?" He spoke calmly as he drew his hand back. He then took one step back. "Show me...!". He thrust his palm forwards releasing a focussed shockwave at his apprentice to see if they could use the art of a craftsman to protect.

(Hakke Kūshō) Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm
Type: Offensive
Rank: A/S
Range: Short-Mid/Short-Long
Chakra: 30-40
Damage: 60-80
Description: The user precisely pinpoints the enemy's vital points with the Byakugan and releases a high-speed palm thrust. A "vacuum shell" compressed using the Gentle Fist style is formed to attack the opponent's organs and soft tissue from a distance, blowing them off their feet with tremendous force before they even notice they were hit. In order to attain more power and range (S-rank) then a variation of this, Eight Trigrams Vacuum Palm Wall, necessitates that both hands are used. In this case, a more potent wave of compressed chakra is released with great force from both palms, simultaneously. And the result from this can be increased damage to not only the foe's targeted organs and soft tissue but also their hard tissue (e.g., bones). Of course, this variation has sufficient force to send a foe careening as far as five meters.

Techniques to use:
(Kōton: Uroku Hei) Steel Release: Scaled Wall
Rank: B
Type: Deffense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: After 1 handseal (Bird), the user is able to rise a large wall of plated black steel to protect from incoming attacks.

(Kōton: Mukankaku no Yoroi) - Steel Release: Impervious Armour
Rank: B
Type: Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: This Technique allows the user to turn part their body into black steel, making that part of their body invulnerable to most weapons and taijutsu attacks. But due to its metal properties it leaves the user vulnerable to lightning based techniques.
Note: Can only render Taijutsu Techniques A rank and below useless.