[NW] Faye Katsuryoku

El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points

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Basic Information

Name: Faye
Nickname: Ghost Girl
Age: 27 (October 28, Scorpio)
Gender: Female
Clan: House of Katsuryoku

Appearance & Personality

Faye personifies sheer beauty. Her hair, once white from her clan's powers but now dyed pink, gracefully drapes from her crown, cascading down to the midpoint of her back. She often fashions an artful braid, allowing a wisp or two to gently frame one side of her face. Her mesmerizing blue eyes mirror a cloudless sky, their penetrating gaze delving into souls and ensnaring those who meet it. Just her presence can induce a captivating trance.

Her skin, immaculate and flawless, complements a figure that seems to be sculpted by divine hands. In her everyday ensemble, she dons a simple white top paired with form-fitting pink leggings that gracefully contour her silhouette. Adorned with stylish boots, her attire exudes an air of sophistication. A flowing white cloak, draped over her left shoulder, completes her ensemble, providing an aura of elegance that harmonizes with her dominant right-handedness. Faye's radiant smile possesses an innate warmth that can thaw even the coldest of icebergs, leaving an impression that lingers long after encountering her.

Faye embodies an endearing blend of cuteness, tranquillity, and humility. Her demeanour often gravitates towards a serene composure, maintaining an almost stoic façade that's playfully punctuated by a hint of sarcasm. A master of emotional equilibrium, she remains in firm control of her feelings, allowing them to neither overpower nor obscure her clarity of mind.

Beneath this poised exterior, Faye's essence radiates with a lively, high-energy personality that charms everyone in her presence. Among friends, her cutesy and fun-loving nature flourishes, reflecting a captivating vibrancy that's infectious to those around her. In the heat of battle, her disposition remains distinctive. Faye cleverly interweaves occasional jests into her interactions, a strategy that accomplishes twofold objectives. On one hand, it flusters opponents, undermining their focus. On the other, it generates an illusion of ease, making her appear less threatening and thus prompting adversaries to underestimate her. This well-practiced approach grants her a unique advantage, enabling her to trip up opponents by taking advantage of their lowered guard, ultimately contributing to her tactical prowess on the battlefield.

What a Drag

Having the What a Drag Nindo means you really don’t want to deal with this. You’d much rather be relaxed and unbothered and as such, that’s how you approach most things: unbothered. Having this Nindo means that most Nindos that interact with one another do not apply to you and interactions regarding your Nindo are nullified. Note: When interacting with Eye of Insight or Power of Youth!, the member with the higher rank will succeed. Should there be equal rank, an Official Roll will determine who succeeds.

Village Information
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Land of Birth: Great Wind Desert
Affiliation: The Hellsing Organization

Rank & Chakra Information


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Health & Chakra

160 | 1600
Speed & Tracking
12 | 55
Universal Abilities
Ninjutsu | Taijutsu | Genjutsu | Kenjutsu | Bukijutsu
Fuuinjutsu (Adv) | Medical Ninjutsu | Kaito Taijutsu | Sage Mode

Fire | Wind | Earth | Water | Lightning | Selenium Dust | Liquid Bismuth | Algae | Xenon
Apex Tracker | Apex Handseal Specialist (Fire Release) | Chakra Fortification (Fire Release) | Peak Elementalist (Fire Release) | Sage Mode Mastery | Personal Summoning Specialist
Fighting Styles

Cardinals | Hellhounds

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Enshrouded in mystery, Faye's elusive background gave rise to a tapestry of rumors that unfurled wherever she ventured. Whispers painted her as a spectral guide, wandering to aid lost souls in their journey to the beyond. Others wove tales of her, a forest deity, or a chosen guardian who communed with the elements, tending to the delicate equilibrium between nature and humanity.

Time flowed onward, and as days turned to seasons, Faye's understanding of her abilities deepened. Swiftly mastering elemental arts and honing her skills, she transformed into a formidable shinobi. At the tender age of eleven, driven by a desire to unearth her lineage's secrets, she embarked on a journey to Mount Katsuryoku. There, amidst the embrace of her clan's sacred ground, she trained fervently, forming connections and friendships along the way.

Yet, in a turn of fate, one fateful day saw her emergence from the ethereal plane into a realm bereft of her clan. Every Katsuryoku member had vanished without a trace, leaving her alone in their ancestral home. Determinedly, she remained behind, meditating and awaiting their return, while the old mansion became a sanctuary for her contemplation.

Three years elapsed in solitude before an unexpected visitor, Mirabelle, graced her world. Mirabelle was a vision of fair beauty, her sapphire gaze a reflection of her allure. Conversations blossomed into friendship, tinged with something more elusive, complex emotions that Faye struggled to decipher. Their paths eventually diverged, each seeking their own destinies. Faye was undeterred, knowing their journeys would inevitably intersect once again.

Time's passage, marked by growth and experiences, led Faye down a path of self-discovery. She embarked on a quest to uncover the fate of her missing clan members, gaining newfound skills and abilities along the way. Encounters with skilled shinobi, like Lytes and Teno, bestowed upon her the elemental prowess of Selenium dust and Xenon. Amidst the bustling marketplace, eavesdropping on conversations, her path crossed with Talbot and a peculiar figure sporting a distinctive red hat. Intrigued by their discussion, Faye covertly trailed the enigmatic red-hatted man, an endeavor that quickly escalated into a confrontation. Rather than meting out her demise, the man presented an alternative: an invitation to join his clan and serve him. Recognizing his formidable power, she embraced the offer, cementing her place within the Hellsing Organization under Alucard's mentorship and friendship.

The Hellsing Organization burgeoned, and within its ranks, Faye found camaraderie and a sense of belonging. Despite encountering Mira once more outside the organization's headquarters, it became apparent that their connection had faded from her memory. A passing glance turned into a bittersweet moment, as Faye's presence went unrecognized. Alongside Mira stood a crimson-haired enigma, emanating a chilling aura of bloodlust. A transaction with Alucard ensued, prompting both women's departure from Faye's sight.

In the tapestry of Faye's life, the threads of fate, friendship, and discovery intertwined, shaping her into a woman who walked the line between shadows and light, an embodiment of strength, purpose, and an enigmatic past.

Faye and her hellhound, Phantom, navigated the lush expanse of radiant fields, embarking on a journey towards the tranquil shores of Kasumi Straight. As they reached their destination, a hint of weariness urged them to pause and catch their breath.Concerned, Phantom questioned Faye's demeanor, sensing a divergence from her usual self. He detected an absence in her presence, an uneasiness that lingered throughout their expedition. Faye, grappling with the unsettling sensation, confessed that something felt amiss. Despite her reassurances, the unsettling undercurrent remained palpable.

Suppressing her inner turmoil with a strained smile, Faye redirected their conversation, revealing her intent to seek assistance from the underworld. She urged Phantom to return temporarily, while she sought out one of the cardinals for passage over Kasumi Straight. Phantom hesitated, his concern evident, yet Faye intercepted with determination, signaling that she wished to leave the topic untouched. Yielding to her wishes, Phantom vanished into a wispy puff of smoke.

Alone now, Faye took a moment to inhale deeply, grappling with her disquiet. A nebulous apprehension clung to her, an enigmatic sensation that defied clarity. Even as she withdrew Mirabelle's vivre card from her pocket, its serene presence couldn't dispel her unease. Shaking off her misgivings, she summoned Keleano, her trusted companion, and mounted her back.

With a resolute spirit, Faye embarked on her next leg of the journey, allowing the wind to sweep away the lingering doubts as she and Keleano ventured forth.

In the midst of the biting cold wind, Faye and Keleano soared above the sparsely developed terrain below. Uncharacteristically, their usual lively exchange was absent, replaced by the sole company of the wind that seemed to carry their conversation. An unusual hush hung in the air, with the Katsuryoku, usually quite chatty, lost in contemplation. Her eyes remained fixed, seemingly frozen by the chill around her.

The cardinal made valiant attempts to break the silence, injecting humor and recounting anecdotes of her and her sister. Yet, her efforts met deaf ears, with Faye's attention seemingly captured by distant whispers that had grown insistent, engulfing her senses. The pure realm's cacophony overwhelmed her, rendering the cardinal's efforts faint and distant, as if they were mere murmurs.

Then, like a thunderous crash, Faye's silence was shattered. In an unexpected outburst, she shouted at the intrusive voices, momentarily breaking the oppressive stillness. The cardinal misunderstood, believing Faye was reacting to her story, leading to an awkward tension that filled the gap.

Breaking the silence once more, Faye spoke with an apologetic tone, clarifying that her frustration wasn't directed at Keleano. She admitted that something was amiss, causing her to lose herself in her thoughts. Keleano, ever supportive, offered assistance, but Faye declined, opting to be dropped off in the next area to find clarity on her own.

As Keleano descended, Faye's footsteps carried her through the uncertain landscape, her mind a battleground of conflicting thoughts and eerie whispers from a world beyond.

Keleano descended to the outskirts of a village within the Jarvisuomi area, where a gentle breeze infused with the scent of grass enveloped the surroundings. Faye, her journey complete, expressed gratitude to the cardinal before disembarking. With a puff of smoke, Keleano disappeared, leaving Faye to her thoughts as she made her way towards the village.

Donning the now dark hooded cloak, her normally vivacious and captivating appearance concealed, Faye drew attention as she walked through the village's bustling streets. At first, whispers and curious glances surrounded her, but gradually the attention lessened as she ventured deeper into the village.

Faye's attempt to find solace in a quiet tavern was thwarted when a sudden shift took place within the pure realm, the genki encircling her in an eerie manner. Amidst the bustling village center, Faye halted, seemingly lost in an invisible struggle between realms. The pure realm's spirits seemed to converge on her, an overwhelming presence assaulting her senses. As the murmurs of the genki escalated to a crescendo of screeches and howls, merging with the indistinct human chatter and the cacophony of the village, Faye found herself surrounded by spirits that emanated anger and hostility. Confusion swirled within her as she questioned the source of their aggression, bewildered by their sudden ire. The whispers of the genki grew louder, bearing accusations, inquiries, a storm of questions that refused to relent. Amidst the chaos, Faye struggled to navigate the crowded streets, the overwhelming sensations pushing her to the brink. Eventually, her surroundings blurred, her balance faltered, and the world plunged into darkness.

Awakening in a serene forest, a younger Faye shaded her eyes from the sunlight filtering through the canopy. Lost in contemplation over her vivid dream, she was roused by the sight of three genki darting past her. The pathway ahead opened up to Mount Katsuryoku's base, casting a signal-like moonlight down the mountain.

Suddenly, the clear sky gave way to gray clouds that swallowed the sunlight, and a massive pillar of moonlight illuminated the mountain. Faye stood and proceeded down the path, genki forming from the shadows to silently observe her. Rain began to fall, the downpour's noise transforming into a symphony of whispers reminiscent of the agitated genki. Faye's eyes snapped open as she jolted awake. In an unfamiliar room, she encountered a genki, who engaged in dialogue with her. Their exchange touched on Faye's struggles, her clan's power, and the fragile balance between willpower and emotions. Faye resumed her conversation with the genki, delving into the complexities of controlling the pure realm spirits. They discussed the importance of willpower, emotional control, and the dynamics of commanding the genki.

The genki urged Faye to strengthen her willpower through a risky technique involving a full body infusion with a more powerful genki. Despite her hesitation, Faye agreed. As she initiated the process, her aura expanded and then violently exploded, leading to chaos and destruction in the inn and the surrounding area.

A sudden interruption brought a vision of a blood-stained forest, a monstrous entity, and an overwhelming darkness. Faye found herself consumed by uncontrollable violence, a stark contrast to the composed and humble girl she once was. As Faye's consciousness faded, she experienced an intense vision of her rampage, feeling the horror of her actions.

As the sun finally emerged, casting a bleak light on the aftermath of a nightmarish rampage, I stood amidst the grim tableau of death and destruction. The air reeked of despair, mixed with a suffocating humidity that mirrored the weight of the tragedy that unfolded. Lifeless bodies, once beloved, lay strewn across the streets like discarded puppets.

For three interminable days, I became a harbinger of death, a monstrous entity with no conscience, no mercy. I stalked the streets, a relentless predator, cutting down everything in my path. I killed without discrimination, leaving behind a landscape of broken lives and shattered dreams. The once-vibrant streets now bore the scars of my wrath, a stark reminder of the horrors I unleashed.

Among those who survived, there was a young girl burdened with anguish and fury. I watched as she guided her little brother, Jiro, through the ruins of a marketplace. His innocent question, a simple plea for food, echoed the desperation that hung in the air.

"I'm hungry, are we almost there yet?"

"Please, quietly Jiro. We're almost there, I promise."

Her voice held a fragile blend of reassurance and concern, a reflection of her love for her brother. But then, Jiro's silence, that dreaded void, shattered her world. I felt her turmoil as she spun around, her anger exploding into a punch that I was powerless to stop. In that fleeting moment, I saw myself through her eyes, a red aura engulfing me, memories of happier times flashing before her.

With every life I took, every drop of blood I spilled, I was forced to bear witness to the consequences of my actions. I watched as families were torn apart, as innocence was extinguished, all while I was trapped within the confines of my own body. The realization of what I had become, what I was capable of, gnawed at my conscience. The struggle for control was relentless, as I fought against the malevolent genki that held me in its grip. I couldn't escape the relentless torment of my own deeds, a cycle of destruction and despair that seemed unbreakable. The darkness that surrounded me offered no comfort, only a chilling void that threatened to consume me whole. In the depths of my despair, I yearned for release, for a way to break free from the shackles of the violence that had consumed me.

Months have gone by as Faye’s struggle with the spirits intensified, she made no progress with figuring out what was going on and it began to take its toll. The constant whispers from the spirits grew more overwhelming, making it difficult for her to find peace. The burden of her unbound connection weighed heavily on her mind, along with her breakup, the sudden disbanding of the Hellsing Organization and many other things. Leaving her feeling more lost and unsure of herself than she had ever been.

Seeking solace, Faye turned to unhealthy coping mechanisms, and she found herself falling into alcoholic tendencies. Alcohol seemed to offer a temporary escape from the chaos within and provided a fleeting sense of relief. However, with each passing day, Faye became more reliant on the numbing effect of alcohol, unaware of how it was slowly consuming her from within.

As her drinking escalated, Faye's physical and mental health began to deteriorate. The lack of restful sleep only added to her burden. The restless nights were filled with haunting dreams and visions of the spirits she struggled to understand. Sleep deprivation exacerbated her already weakened state, making it harder for her to cope with the relentless whispers that haunted her waking hours.

People who knew her would immediately be able to recognize the changes in Faye's demeanor, witnessing her isolation. Even some of the kinder Genki became concerned for her as they attempted to reach out and offer their support, but Faye withdrew further into her self-imposed solitude. Isolating herself from her clan beliefs it seems she had given up on her clan completely.

As Faye's condition worsened, her ability to connect with the Genki faltered, leaving her vulnerable in the face of formidable adversaries. The once agile and confident fighter now stumbled and struggled to find her footing in battle. The alcohol didn’t help in that regard. It was during a particularly harrowing mission that the severity of her situation became evident. In a moment of vulnerability, Faye's alcohol-induced haze proved disastrous, leading to a near-fatal encounter with an aggressive Genki spirit. Barely escaping with her life, Faye found herself at a crossroads.

Realizing the destructive path she had embarked on, Faye knew she needed to confront her own demons and seek help. What better place to collect herself than her clan’s home. She sighed weakly as she approached the small narrow trail that leads up the mountain side in a zig-zagged manner.

Home … It’s been too long.

As Faye reached the foot of Mount Katsuryoku, she gazed up at the majestic peak shrouded in clouds. With determination in her heart, she followed the small narrow trail, zig-zagging her way up the mountainside. It wasn’t the first time she had been there but for whatever reason, this time, the climb seemed more challenging.

After a long ascent, she finally arrived at the Katsuryoku Mansion. Its exquisite craftsmanship never failed to leave her in awe as she studied its sturdy dark oak walls, limestone intersections, and marble sculptures. It’s almost as if it was her first time there, the way she was taking it all in. She never felt it before but the mansion seemed to resonate with an air of mystery and solitude, more than usual anyways.

Faye slowly entered the mansion, stepping into a world frozen in time. Feeling like a “guest in her own home” she marveled at the intricate marble outlines and the worn-out greenish banner bearing the sigil of the Katsuryoku House. The passage of years had left its mark, leaving the mansion with a dark grayish tint, yet its allure remained intact.

Sooo, what now. Faye thought to herself

Faye continued to explore the mansion searching for something but not knowing what it was. She made her way through various chambers adorned with ancient artifacts and spiritual relics, some of which she had seen before. Her eyes stared blankly at the intricate tapestries and paintings depicting the clan's spiritual journey. Stray Genki moved all around adding to the mansion’s already profound spiritual energy.

However she chose to ignore it all. It had become something of a habit ever since some of the Genki began showing hostility towards her. Faye shuddered from the memories, pushing the thoughts deep into her mind vault. She knew she would eventually have to face it, especially since she was beginning to lose her spiritual prowess. Just not now, she was too tired right now. She just wanted a drink hopefully enough to make her pass out.

As nightfall approached and the cold winds howled outside, Faye decided to set up camp in one of the mansion's rooms. She found a chamber with a large fireplace, now cold and dormant, but still suitable for her temporary shelter. Gathering some firewood and lighting it up with a basic fire jutsu, she felt the warmth engulf the room, dispelling the icy chill.

Using a backpack as a pillow, she settled down close to the fire. After a few seconds she reached into the bag's side pocket, removing from it a flask. Looking at it for a few seconds her heart and body seemed to accept the contents of the flask but her brain wouldn’t let her anymore.

No. She said to herself softly as she lowered the flask onto the ground next to her, taking one last glance at it before turning the other way and closing her eyes. With the sound of crackling fire and the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the windows, Faye somehow feels a connection to the long-gone ancestors who once called this place home. As sleep took over, her dreams intertwined with the mystical history of the Clan, and she knew that her journey had just begun amidst the isolation and secrecy of Mount Katsuryoku.

Morning came and Faye slowly opened her eyes, the flask stood where she placed it the previous night. With a long exasperated sigh she tipped the flask over with her finger and rose from her makeshift bed, the embers of the fireplace glowing dimly to guide her steps as the sun hadn’t fully risen yet. One thing was for sure though, that was the best sleep she’d had in months.

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, Faye decided to continue her exploration of the mansion. She traversed through the various rooms, admiring the ancient artworks. This time actively trying to decipher the symbolic meanings behind them (if any). Some pieces were just regular art but other pieces seemed to hold a fragment of the clan’s spiritual wisdom, a tapestry of history and tradition.

While venturing deeper into the mansion than even she had ever been before, Faye stumbled upon a hidden passage concealed behind a bookshelf. Intrigued, she pushed the bookshelf aside, revealing a narrow corridor that led to a chamber different from the others she had encountered. This chamber had a solemn aura, with candles flickering around a large ancient chest.

Within the chest, a few dusty tomes packed neatly and in order, all filled with ancient scriptures and enigmatic symbols. Faye flipped through the pages, attempting to decipher the sacred knowledge that had been passed down through generations.

Faye spent the next few days reading the scrolls which contained the history of the Katsuryoku Clan, including the dark times that had befallen their House. With a mix of trepidation and determination, she unrolled the fragile scrolls, eager to learn more about the twelve warriors and their fateful end. Faye’s mom had always tried to keep her away from all the spiritual stuff so she never really spoke of the clan. She did however mention Faye’s father every now and then. Green hair, a burn mark across his cheek, calm and collected, a very powerful and kind man she always said.

Faye remembers how her mom would smile while talking about him, although it didn’t seem like they spent much time together. She often pondered what her father was like, where he was, if he was still alive even. But other than that she knew nothing of him. Her mom did mention that he went off to find enlightenment or something and the one time he did visit he didn’t stay long. In fact the last time he visited Faye and her mom was around the time Faye began seeing genki. Faye of course doesn’t remember him or any of this as she was too young.

Anyways. Faye mutters as she catches herself trailing off.

As she continued reading, the words painted a haunting image of the betrayal that had shaken the foundation of the House. The details of the murder, the doubts, and the ultimate brawl among the twelve warriors weighed heavily on her heart. She felt a deep sadness for the clan that had once thrived within these walls, almost as if she was there with them personally.

As Faye delved deeper into the scrolls, she discovered that the spirits of the twelve warriors were said to roam the graveyard deep within Mount Katsuryoku. Restless and bound by regret, they continued to wander as spiritual beings, their souls unable to find peace. If she could find them, perhaps they could give her the answers she was looking for.

Two figures argue softly on the other side of the room. This place, it was familiar, the smell, the warmth. I feel safe. Where though? No, when? I can’t really move well, my body feels so heavy,so uncoordinated, it’s not moving how I want it to.

Hello! Hi! Over here!

Voice 1: You know what happens to-, No I don’t want this for her!

Voice 2: *inaudible speaking*

Voice 1: No, I- I can’t.

Voice 2: *inaudible speaking*

Voice 1: You can’t

Uhm excuse me! Sorry to interrupt, I just-

The two figures suddenly turned to my direction as one of them began to approach me. It wasn’t dark but I couldn’t make out their faces at all. The figure began to tower over me the closer it got, then a whisper from behind me.

Voice 3: Who are you?

I spin around to see who it was but am met with complete darkness. I can’t see anything, not even my own hands, I’m floating in nothing. Then whispers again, only slightly louder and more voices whispering over each other this time.

Multiple voices: Who are Who you are you you Who who areyou are you…

I didn't feel it at first but I do now I do, all around me. I can’t see them but they are there. A wave of fear and negative energy instantly takes over and I cannot breathe. I’m drowning in nothing, sinking in nothing. Absolute darkness but I can picture what lies within, monsters. My brain does not disappoint when coming up with images of the vile creatures that I’m convinced are definitely hidden within the pitch black.

Lumpy pale red skin, dark red eyes with even darker red pupils. Many individual cracks in their skin, which seep blood every time they even slightly move. No legs, just strips of bloody flesh hang from the edge of stumps.

I cannot see them, I cannot see anything but I’m terrified. My brain is showing me all sorts of things at this point. Death all around me, I’m floating and sinking in it all at the same time.

Then a loud scream akin to the sound a banshee would make.


Faye’s eyes snap open, she jumps up from a table she had moved to ‘her room’ , covered in a cold sweat, relieved it was just another nightmare but still shaking. Her heart was pounding so loud you could hear it, she looked around the room suspicious and paranoid that the horrors may have followed her to the waking world.

Then the tears, she silently began to cry, what about? She couldn’t exactly pin down but she felt an extreme sadness.

Her watery eyes automatically searched for and found the flask with ease. Faye made her way over to the makeshift bed sitting beside it, hugging her knees as she cried. She reached the flask and took a giant swig, taking in and welcoming the strong taste that burned its way down her throat.

Spirits for Spirits. she joked to herself whilst holding up the flask as if making a toast.

Awakening Legacy: Trials of Courage, Wisdom and Redemption The morning after crept in slowly. Faye woke up with a pounding headache and a heavy heart. The room seemed to spin around her, and waves of regret washed over her. She felt exhausted and defeated, with the weight of her actions bearing down on her.

As she lay there, she acknowledged that this was the aftermath of her relapse, and she knew she couldn't let it define her journey. Summoning her strength, she made a conscious decision to face the consequences of her actions and take steps towards recovery.

Faye took a deep breath and forced herself out of bed, wincing at the sunlight streaming through the windows. She drank water to rehydrate, opened up a can of beans for breakfast and continued to read the scrolls. She moved onto the next scroll, it didn’t have much, but to her luck it was just what she needed. The scroll she opened next contained different meditation techniques, after reading she settled herself in a quiet corner for meditation. She was already familiar with all of this so it came naturally to her. Faye felt relieved that despite her recent state there was still something inside her.

Breathing deeply, she embraced the discomfort of the hangover, focusing on the present moment without judgment. Through meditation, she allowed the chaotic whirlwind of emotions to settle, finding solace in the stillness within. With each breath, the burden on her heart lightened, and she found a glimmer of hope in her own resilience.

Recognizing that recovery was a journey, Faye forgave herself for her moments of weakness starting from her most recent and going down the line and understood that setbacks were part of the process. She acknowledged the need for self-compassion and gently reminded herself that healing wasn't a linear path.

As the day progressed, Faye continued to take care of herself, nourishing her body with food and gentle exercises. Faye found the strength to stay sober, even in the face of lingering cravings.

In the days that followed, Faye engaged in mindfulness practices, learning to recognize and manage her triggers. Through journaling, she explored the emotions that had led her down this path, allowing herself to process and understand them in a healthy way.As she stayed committed to her path of healing, Faye found renewed purpose in her connection with the spirits. Embracing her unbound connection with authenticity, she discovered a newfound harmony with some genki.Fear was replaced by a sense of empowerment and renewed determination. She knew that her journey to recovery would require ongoing effort, but she faced it with a newfound sense of self-awareness and a deeper connection with herself and the spirits.Faye's resilience and strength continued to shine through, reminding her that even in moments of darkness, she had the power to rise, transform, and find her way back to the path.

Recommitting to her mindfulness and meditation practices, Faye sought to explore the root causes of her fears and struggles. She delved into her connection with the Genki, seeking insight into how her emotions intertwined with their whispers. One of the scrolls had mentioned that the more negative one's soul energy became, the more negative genki they would attract. It was why those who practiced the clan arts meditated regularly, it was why they needed to have perfect emotional control. Another scroll spoke about balance and how not leaning one’s Soul Essence one way, was beneficial.

Faye’s spiritual connection was back and better than before she could sense them everywhere once more. Their presence was no longer a threat but a reminder that she didn't have to face her battles alone. She made healthier choices and through the scrolls engaged with her House Katsuryoku training, she even practiced some martial arts becoming a drunken master specialist even (for obvious reasons). She didn’t drink again, but she remembered all the times she was drunk and how she moved during those times and incorporated it into her fighting style.

As Faye continued to face her fears with courage and grace, the Genki responded to her authenticity. Their whispers became more harmonious, guiding her towards harmony and understanding. Despite that there were still a few hostile Genki, ones that questioned who Faye was, what made her a human girl special from the rest. However, through this renewed connection, Faye realised that her unbound connection with the Genki wasn't a curse, but a unique gift that could help her find balance, maybe even guide others toward unity.

Faye had learned that embracing her vulnerabilities was not a sign of weakness but a testament to her strength as a warrior of both worlds, navigating the intricacies of her own soul and the mystical realm of the Genki.

She didn’t have all the answers, but she was happy with her progress, and maybe after a few more scrolls she would be able to answer the whispers.

As another day ends the evening follows it as the sun sets. Faye ventures into the graveyard, drawn by an inexplicable force. Not unfamiliar, but not known to her either. She felt a palpable presence in the air, an otherworldly energy that seemed to envelop her. As she walked among the tombstones and ancient memorials, she sensed 12 spirits. Well, that’s not entirely accurate, there were other spirits around as usual but 12 of them stood out. Different from the others but also not.

Soon, shadows began to form around her, and faint whispers filled the air. A familiar event, she’d experienced this before in her dream. Faye's heart pounded in her chest as the ethereal figures moved among the graves. Familiar yet so different. Then she remembered, the history scroll had mentioned 12 warriors of the Katsuryoku Clan but surely not, right? There was no way they were still around, right? Their spectral forms semi-transparent, yet their essence radiated with a mixture of grief and anger. It seemingly began to become darker, the entire cemetery’s atmosphere changed, the air was thicker and full of malice and negative energy. It almost overwhelmed Faye.

In a moment of fear and courage, Faye decided to approach them, she wasn’t running this time, she was driven by a desire to understand their pain and offer solace. As she moved closer, the spectral figures turned to face her, their eyes glowing with a faint light. Their ethereal presence filled her with awe, but their energy radiated bloodlust so she remained cautious.

Faye stood among the spectral warriors in the moonlit graveyard, her heart filled with a mix of anticipation and worry. She took a deep breath, gathering her courage to begin the conversation she had been yearning for.

Faye: (softly) "I sense the weight of your regrets and the pain you carry. Please, if you are willing, I would like to understand what truly happened in the House of Katsuryoku."

Warrior 8: (with a murderous gaze) "Who are you, outsider, to come seeking the secrets of the Katsuryoku Clan? What makes you think you are worthy of our legacy?"

Faye: (steadfastly) "I am no outsider. I am Faye, a proud member of the House Katsuryoku. I am your legacy.”

Warrior 2: (Mocking Warrior 8): “She would not be able to see or communicate with us if she were an outsider, you old fool.” (The warrior turns back to Faye once more taking a menacing tone) “I do not however remember our clan ever having such weak-willed individuals.”

Faye: (steadfastly) "With all due respect, I would not be here if my will were weak.”

The atmosphere lightened slightly giving Faye more confidence. She couldn’t believe she was actually talking to the original founders. Without knowing, Faye had subconsciously suppressed most of the negative energy or rather it didn’t affect her at all. Her recent training was paying off, not that she noticed.

With most of the negative energy suppressed she was left with a lot of excitement, curiosity. Her Soul Essence leaned towards the positive spectrum of emotions. Faye managed a stoic expression on the outside though.

Warrior 3: (Mumbling to self) “Idiot, your emotional control is all over the place, it’s not all or nothing neither is it one or the other.”

(Warrior 7 clears her throat)

Warrior 7: (crossing arms) "Words are empty without actions to back them up. If you are truly sincere, prove it. Show us you bear the Katsuryoku gift. Prove your worth.”

Faye: (determined) "I accept your challenge. Whatever you wish me to do, I'll prove that my intentions are pure and that I am worthy of your trust."

Warrior 7: (skeptically) "Very well. We shall put you to the test. Show us your strength, your wisdom, and your ability to respect the spirits that linger in this place."

Trial 1: The Trial of Physical Strength

For the first trial, Faye was led to a vast, ancient training ground hidden within the depths of Mount Katsuryoku. The spectral warriors surrounded stood to the side, as one of them merged with the ground. A burly man made of rock emerged from the ground, with a sword made of rock.

Warrior 1: "Prove your physical strength. Defeat me in combat."

Faye: “Whoa time out! How are you doing that? Genki normally requires a blood sacrifice or chakra to do that!”

Warrior 1: “Begin”

Faye squared her shoulders, cool as a cucumber she faced the burly stone warrior. Although made of stone his figure was very detailed, like a marble statue. He was an imposing figure, standing tall with bulging muscles, his eyes glowed with determination to test her physical strength. As the fight began, Faye's instincts kicked in, and she deftly evaded the first powerful swing of the warrior's massive sword.

Warrior 1: "You think you can take me down, little one? Prepare to be crushed!"

With a loud battle cry, the burly warrior lunged forward, swinging his sword with immense force. Faye narrowly dodged the attack, feeling the rush of air from the blade. With her many abilities, she knew she could easily end the fight but where was the fun in that?

Besides they were testing her so they probably wanted to see what she could do, so she challenged herself not to use anything but a regular sword. She wouldn’t even remove her leg weights or rely on her Kāma seal. Not that she was looking down on her opponent at all, in fact in terms of physical strength (without her abilities) she knew she couldn't match his strength head-on especially since he was made of rock, so she would rely on her agility and speed, darting around him like a nimble dancer.

Their swords clashed, the sound echoing through the training ground. Faye's arms trembled with the impact, but she refused to back down. She focused on finding openings in the warrior's defense, aiming for vulnerable spots to chip away at his endurance.

As the fight wore on, Faye's breaths grew heavy, and sweat poured down her forehead. She felt the strain in her muscles, and her movements became sluggish. She realized she’d been too reliant on her abilities and neglected the basics. The burly warrior, unaffected by fatigue, pressed on, relentlessly pursuing her.

Faye's energy waned, but she drew upon her inner resolve and determination. She recalled the training and wisdom she had gained from her past fights, and she knew she had to find a way to outsmart her opponent.

With a burst of energy, she launched a flurry of quick strikes, keeping the burly warrior on the defensive. However, his sheer strength was overwhelming, and a powerful blow sent Faye crashing to the ground. Her ribs cracked and she coughed up blood as she struggled to rise, her vision blurred, and her body aching from the near fatal impact.

Warrior 1: "You're no match for me, child! Give up now!"

But Faye refused to surrender, she was having too much fun. She summoned the last reserves of her strength and pushed herself back to her feet. She knew she couldn't afford to let her guard down, even for a moment.

With a newfound determination, she focused on her opponent's patterns, searching for any weakness she could exploit. The burly warrior, confident in his advantage, went in to kill his wounded prey and left himself open for a split second, Faye seized the opportunity.

In one swift motion, she dodged his strike and delivered a powerful kick to his side, throwing him off balance. Taking advantage of the opening, she lunged forward, slashing at a crack located on his shoulder.

The burly warrior let out a loud roar, but he was far from defeated. With a surge of adrenaline, he retaliated, aiming to crush Faye once and for all. Faye's vision blurred further, and her movements became sluggish, but her will to survive and emerge victorious burned brightly within her.

In a final act of desperation, she summoned her last ounces of energy and unleashed a precise strike, aiming for the burly warrior's sword arm. Her blade connected, and she watched as the warrior's weapon fell to the ground, his grip loosening.

Seizing the opportunity, Faye delivered one last strike, destroying the warrior's stone body completely. His spectral form floated backwards, defeated and in shock.

Warrior 1: "You… you've won."

Warrior 2: (Laughing at Warrior 1) I think she may have been going easy on you.

Warrior 1: (Disgruntled) Impossible, she nearly died. I left myself open on purpose! Tell them, child!

Faye simply smiled.

It was risky to not use her abilities to the end, but it also allowed her to physically push herself to the brink, and as a bonus she had proven her physical strength and her unwavering determination.

The spectral warriors (except warrior one) surrounded her, offering their approval and admiration for her bravery. Faye's victory in the first trial had forged a deeper bond between her and the warriors.

Trial 2: The Trial of Wisdom

Next, the spectral warriors led Faye to a vast library within the mansion. Shelves were filled with scrolls, ancient tomes, and intricate artifacts. Warrior 2 stepped forward, holding an ancient parchment in his hand.

Warrior 2: "Prove your wisdom. Solve these 3 riddles."

As Faye stood in the vast library within the Katsuryoku Mansion, surrounded by ancient scrolls and tomes, the spectral warriors prepared to present her with the three riddles that would test her wisdom and understanding of life, spirituality, and the human soul.

Warrior 2: "The first riddle, young one, speaks of the eternal cycle of life and death. 'I am born in the light, yet I thrive in darkness. I am sought after, yet I elude the grasp of many. What am I?'"

Faye furrowed her brow, contemplating the riddle's meaning. She recognized the theme of contrasting elements and the idea of elusiveness.

Faye: "The answer to this riddle is the 'moon.' It is born in the light of the sun's reflection, yet it thrives in the darkness of the night. It is constantly sought after, but it eludes the grasp of those who try to capture its ethereal beauty."

Warrior 2: "Impressive. Your answer holds truth and depth. Let us move on to the second riddle. 'I am all around you, yet you cannot see me. I am a bridge between the material and the spiritual, guiding your inner journey. What am I?'"

Faye closed her eyes, attempting to connect with her inner self and draw upon her spiritual understanding. She recognized the symbolism of a bridge and the idea of guiding one's inner journey.

Faye: “The answer to this riddle is the 'breath.' It is all around us, yet we cannot see it with our eyes. It serves as a bridge, connecting our physical existence with our spiritual essence, guiding our inner journey as we embrace each breath as a moment of mindfulness and awareness.”

Warrior 2: “Well done. Your insight is commendable. Now, for the final riddle. 'I am a measure of the soul's growth, yet I am beyond time and space. I am what remains when the body fades, and I hold the essence of your existence. What am I?'”

Faye took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the riddle's significance. She pondered the idea of a measure of the soul's growth and what remains beyond the limitations of time and space.

Faye: "The answer to this riddle is the 'legacy.' It is a measure of the soul's growth, as it is a reflection of the impact one leaves behind through their actions, beliefs, and contributions. It transcends time and space, as a person's legacy can influence generations to come. When the body fades, the legacy remains, holding the essence of one's existence and the imprint they leave on the world."

The spectral warriors nodded, acknowledging Faye's profound understanding and wisdom in answering the riddles. They could see that she had delved deep into her consciousness and drawn upon her knowledge of life, spirituality, and the human soul to find the answers.

Warrior 4: "You have demonstrated a remarkable depth of understanding, young one. Your answers have illuminated the truth within each riddle. We are pleased to see your wisdom and insight; however, you have not proved yourself just yet."

Faye smiled as her heart swelled with gratitude and pride, knowing that her connection with the spectral warriors had deepened through these tests. With each riddle answered, she felt a stronger bond with the spirits of the Katsuryoku Clan, and she was more determined than ever to honor their legacy and preserve their wisdom for generations to come.

Trial 3: The Trial of Spiritual Prowess and Willpower

The final trial took place within the heart of the graveyard, surrounded by the spirits of the fallen warriors. The air crackled with spiritual energy as Warrior 3 approached Faye.

Warrior 3: "Prove your spiritual prowess and willpower. Face the tormenting illusions that haunt this place."

Faye nodded; her heart steady as she prepared herself for the challenge. As the warriors stepped back, the environment around her began to shift, and she found herself surrounded by a surreal dreamscape.

As Faye stepped into the surreal dreamscape for her final trial, the atmosphere around her transformed into a hazy, ethereal realm. The graveyard seemed to melt away, replaced by dark swirling mists and shifting shadows.

Faye closed her eyes, centering herself and drawing upon her spiritual essence.

The illusions materialized from the mist, taking the form of translucent figures that flickered like candle flames. Each illusion wore a different expression, mirroring Faye's inner fears and doubts.

The first illusion emerged with a mirror-like visage, projecting Faye's own image with an air of uncertainty and self-doubt. The illusion's eyes held a hint of sadness, and its voice echoed with vulnerability.

"I don't belong here. I'm just an outsider. What makes me think I can bear the Katsuryoku gift?" the illusion murmured.

Faye's heart tightened as she recognized her own inner voice of doubt. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and centered herself. The spectral warriors' presence felt tangible, offering her a sense of strength and reassurance.

Steeling her resolve, Faye opened her eyes and confronted the illusion head-on. "I am no outsider, I am Faye of the House Katsuryoku, and I have earned the trust of our founders. I am here with sincerity and reverence, and that is what makes me worthy."

The illusion wavered and seemed to weaken, unable to maintain its presence against Faye's conviction.

The next illusion manifested as a shadowy figure, depicting Faye's past failures and mistakes. It cast itself over her, surrounding her in darkness and projecting memories of her moments of doubt and regret.

Faye gritted her teeth, recalling those painful memories. But she refused to let them consume her. The teachings in the scrolls echoed in her mind, reminding her that growth came from learning and overcoming obstacles.

"I am not defined by my past," she declared, her voice unwavering. "Those moments have shaped me, and I have learned from them. They do not define who I am now."

The illusion flickered and began to fade, unable to overshadow Faye's resilience.

The final and most formidable illusion appeared, taking the form of a distorted version of herself. It wore a cloak of darkness, its features contorted with self-doubt and fear. The illusion taunted her with a sinister voice, attempting to sway her with words of surrender and defeat. It hurled insults and slurs.

Faye could feel the illusion's words, but she refused to succumb. The spectral warriors' presence felt more potent than ever, as if their collective strength bolstered her own.

With unwavering determination, Faye faced the illusion. "I will not give up," she declared firmly. “ I will not be swayed by fear or doubt."

The illusion writhed and struggled to maintain its presence, but Faye's resolve was unyielding. As she confronted each illusion with courage and conviction, the dreamscape began to shift. The swirling mists started to clear, and rays of light broke through the darkness. The illusions dissipated, leaving Faye standing in the center of the transformed space. She had conquered her inner demons, proving her spiritual prowess and her indomitable will.

Warrior 7: "You have faced the tormenting illusions with courage and determination, young one. Your spiritual prowess and willpower are commendable. You have truly earned the right to carry the Katsuryoku gift."

The other warriors nodded in agreement, and a radiant pink aura surrounded Faye, symbolizing her full rebirth within the clan. Whether they liked her or not Faye would never again doubt who she is. The genki could suck it!

With the final trial completed, Faye knew she was ready to embrace the responsibility of carrying the Katsuryoku gift, honoring the legacy of the fallen clan, and preserving their wisdom for generations to come. The surreal dreamscape had challenged her, but it had also strengthened her resolve and reaffirmed her connection to the spectral warriors who had accepted her as one of their own.

Warrior 1: (with a melancholic voice) "Long ago, a member of our own betrayed the clan. It was Eiji, one of the twelve, who succumbed to darkness and murdered Ren, another founder, in a fit of jealousy and ambition."

Warrior 2: (gravely) "Doubt and hatred spread like wildfire among us, clouding our vision and leading us into a deadly confrontation. In that moment of chaos, we turned on each other, and when the dust settled, I found myself the last one standing."

Warrior 5: (with a hint of sorrow) "Eiji's betrayal was not the only cause of our downfall. Our own weaknesses and inability to trust one another also played a part. Our vision was clouded by doubt, and in our desperation, we made choices we now deeply regret."

Faye: "I believe in redemption and forgiveness. It's never too late to find peace, even in the afterlife. Is there any way I can help you find that peace?"

Warrior 6: (thoughtfully) "Your presence alone has already brought some measure of solace to our tormented souls. But there is one last thing we ask of you, if you are willing."

Faye: "Please, tell me what you need, and I will do my best to assist you."

Warrior 7: (with a glimmer of hope) "Help us find a way to release our spirits from this realm, to break the curse that binds us to the mountain. Only then can we find true peace."

Faye: "I’m not sure I know how to do that yet, but I promise I will do everything in my power to fulfil your wish. You deserve to find rest and serenity after everything you’ve gone through, all of you."

As the conversation continued late into the night, Faye learned the entire truth about what had happened to the House of Katsuryoku. The warriors shared their regrets, fears, and hopes, finding solace in finally revealing the secrets that had burdened them for so long. As the moments passed, Faye sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The warriors' initial anger and restlessness seemed to soften, as if her words and presence had brought them some measure of comfort. They spoke in hushed, ethereal voices, recounting the events that had led to their downfall and the sorrow they had carried since then.

Through their stories, Faye felt a profound connection to these ancient spirits. She understood the complexity of their emotions and the burden they had carried for centuries. In that shared moment, it was as if their souls had found a temporary respite from their restless existence.

With the night growing darker, Faye decided to call it a night returning to her room in the mansion. Over the next few days, Faye continued her interactions with the spectral warriors, offering her companionship and learning from their experiences. Even learning things that were not in the scrolls.

During her meditation sessions, Faye focused on attuning herself to the whispers of the Genki, not as a means of control but as a means of connection and understanding. In these moments of vulnerability, she learned to embrace the ebb and flow of their energy, forging a newfound harmony within herself and with the spirits.

As Faye's mental and spiritual clarity grew, she experienced a reawakening and massive improvement of her innate connection with the Genki. She began to perceive their whispers not as a burden, but as a source of wisdom and guidance. With renewed purpose and strength, she embraced her unbound connection.

In her daily life, Faye found joy and fulfillment in simple moments. She immersed herself in the beauty of nature, connecting with the spirits of the land and the elements. The Genki spirits responded to her newfound appreciation, becoming her allies as a bridge between the pure and impure realm.

A Katsuryoku.

In a quiet chamber tucked away in her solitary mountain abode, Faye found herself enveloped by the weight of sorrow. A heartfelt letter, penned by Mirabelle, lay before her, its words etching themselves into her very soul. Days turned to nights, and nights to dawns, as Faye read and re-read the heartbreaking letter countless times.

Each word etched itself deeper into her heart, the pain becoming more familiar with each passing day. But as the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting warm hues across the sky, Faye sensed a change within herself—a quiet acceptance settling in her chest.

With newfound determination, Faye rose from her bed. Her grip tightened around a small, precious object in her pocket—a Vivre Card, a symbol of their shared past and an unspoken promise of the future.

This was not about erasing Mirabelle from her life; it was about letting go in a healthy way. As Faye held the Vivre Card in her hand, she allowed herself to relive some of the fond memories. These moments were part of her story, even if they were no longer part of her present.

With a deep breath, she paused for a moment, her heart heavy but resolute. "Welp," she muttered under her breath, "I guess she's going to want this back."

Symbolic closure led Faye to a surprising destination—Dawnport, a thriving port city on Kamiyasumi island. It had been her first visit to this bustling hub of activity, where people from all corners of the world mingled and the markets bustled with diverse goods.

Under the setting sun's gentle glow, Faye took a moment to look around Dawnport. The city, with its golden sands and rolling green hills, retained its idyllic charm despite the rapid development in the wake of Humanity's arrival on Kamiyasumi.

Countless travelers, like Faye, had sought refuge here after the Cataclysm. Dawnport was a testament to humanity's resilience, where people lived their lives in defiance of their tragic history.

However, the tranquility was short-lived. Faye, guided by an unseen force, made her way to Ishkur's Ravine. It was a colossal cleft in Kamiyasumi, its depth astonishing. The roots of the Void Tree wove through its walls, a testament to nature's resilience.

Faye continued her journey to the Inner Cedar Forest, a place where Enkidu's efforts had brought life back after the eternal storm's ravages. Here, nature flourished in an almost forgotten splendor, with flora and fauna larger than anything on the mainland.

As she wandered deeper into the forest, she sensed a familiar aura. It was Mirabelle's—unmistakable and soothing. With determination in her heart, Faye ventured forth, catching up to the one she had sought.

In Mirabelle's presence, the pain of the past was momentarily forgotten. Mirabelle's life had changed, and she had her reasons for the choices she made. Their conversation was bittersweet, laced with a sense of closure.

But then, a whisper stirred in the shadows—a sinister presence, something that Faye could sense but chose to ignore for now.

Unexpectedly, an encounter with an evil spirit threatened them. Faye and Mirabelle, united in purpose, fought back. Mirabelle's blue flames and Faye's genki techniques worked in harmony as they unleashed their power upon the malevolent spirit.

Their combined assault banished the threat momentarily, and Mirabelle praised Faye's growth. Faye, however, was haunted by the whispers she had sensed earlier. She knew too well that they were often the first sign of a curse. Still, she played it off as nothing.

As they prepared to part ways, Faye's decision weighed heavily on her mind. She had heard of a God Slaying Tool, a weapon that could prove useful in the battles to come. Her choice was clear: to leave Mirabelle and her husband in Dawnport and embark on a mission to obtain this weapon, a journey that might hold the key to her destiny.

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Other Information

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Advanced Tracking Specialist: Faye’s heightened senses grant her a x2.0 tracking ability, enabling her to physically track fast movements without chakra sensory.

Attribute Speciality (Passive, From Mind): Faye's mastery of the fire element amplifies the damage of all her fire techniques by an additional 15 points and also bestows a +2 jutsu speed boost to techniques of this nature.

Personal Summoning Specialist: After signing the hellhound contract, Faye quickly developed a deep affection for Caution. The two have since become inseparable, with Caution often seen perched on Faye's shoulder.

Sage Master (Passive): Faye's maximum Chakra conversion capacity is increased by an additional 20%

Peak Elementalist: Over the years Faye’s elemental prowess is considered elite, amongst the best of the others. This causes her fire release to gain elemental neutrality to all other base elements, including its weakness, while maintaining its strength.

Apex Handseal Specialist: Faye can perform all fire techniques without the usage of handseals.

Chakra Fortification: Faye is able to add an additional effective 10 Chakra to her fire element, though not at any increased cost or strain to her. This simply allows her fire techniques to have 10 more chakra infused into them.

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Personal Summon

(Makairyouken Kuchiyose: Shishiza) Hell Hound Summoning: Caution
Type: Summon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/a
Description: Caution is the only puppy of the hellhound contract but one of the deadliest, also the only one who has access to senjutsu chakra aside from the sages of the hell hounds. Caution chakra reserve is very that he was cursed to stay as a puppy cause if he was to fully mature it would be too wild, and strong to contain (This is simply for cosmetic purposes). Caution is roughly the size of pakkun (kakashis dog). He has a skull around his head all the way down his body similar to a jinchuruki version 2 while always glowing bright red. His body is so hot that it can burn through your clothes but due to always covering their body in chakra to protect their owner, this is something that doesnt hinder the user themselves. Though if he decide to attack an opponent the heat of his skin can cause 3rd degree burns. Caution speed is that of jounin rank. Caution isnt an offensive hellhound thus is also the only one who doesnt use fire jutsu though he does have several unique traits. One thing is his incredible chakra control and reserve. He is constantly fueling chakra into his owner upon contact, refreshing the owners chakra network while giving the user +20 to pure fire techniques. Last but not least his ability to constantly draw in natural energy (similar to ma and pa) as long as they are on the owners body. Being an fuel source for senjutsu giving the user +15 to their senjutsu techniques Up to 105 per battle. Though this only pertains to imperfect sage mode.

Note: Can stay on the field for a max of 4 turns
Note: The body of Caution even though it causes 3rd degree burns doesnt have a rank, simply deals 60 Damage

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Weapon | Tools | Seal

(Gōruden'naitomea) - Golden Nightmare
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Golden Nightmare is a sword made by parts of reinforced steel and liquid bismuth. This makes the sword able to shift in construction and turn into a hand-cannon due to the liquid parts of the construction. It will either start as a sword or a hand cannon at the beginning of an encounter. Both forms gives the user an enhanced passive trait to the bisumaton release, increasing it's damage by +20 and giving it additionally +10 chakra through a designated seal that is passively activated when it's master is either holding the blade/handcannon or has it sheathed. The seal fluctuates bismuth chakra through its masters body constantly and gives them an extremely faint rainbowy aura(which is just for visual effects).

Sword: The sword form is very beautiful with multitudes of colors and shining edges. The edge of the sword is partially liquid bismuth and partially hardened steel. Due the temperature of liquid bismuth the sword will inflict severe burns on contact with skin and cause great pain. It further enhances the swords cutting capability since it can melt away other elements(within reason, but rubbery and bouncy for example) that are in the way of the sharp steel. If placed on the ground with the hilt upwards and the edge planted in the foundation of the ground infront of the user it will release a large portion of liquid bismuth into the ground that will shape into half of a sphere. Using their ability to control the element, the user can then shape the underground sphere into large roots or trees around the battlefield that deals burning damage on touch. These roots can reach long range while the trees(depending on their length) can only reach mid-range. This causes S-rank damage. The trees can spread and create a miniature forest(about 30 meters big and 10 meters tall), entrapping foes. On touch it causes severe burns. While not dealing 80 damage on freeform, the sword can be used for standard kenjutsu techniques with the burning damage added to it. The user can, however, do freeform 80 damage kenjutsu moves but that will consume a moveslot.

Handcannon: The handcannon form of the Golden Nightmare is like the sword, very beautiful and contains the exact same parts as the sword. This handcannon can fire rounds made out of liquid bismuth. On impact, the bullets will not pierce their target but rather splat on the impact surface and spread across it. This causes severe pain and if shot on a limb it will immobilize it the metal is quite heavy. One single shot can spread all across a regular human-sized creature's torso all the way to their back and thus immobilizes their spine.

Regular gun rules apply and only one round can be shot each time-frame.

Note: A bullet and the sword does 80 damage following the S/W of Bisumaton and up to four bullets per match.
Note: Changing form of the sword costs a move-turn and the user must state in the beginning of a battle what form the Golden Nightmare has taken. If not, it's default as a sword.
Note: Can only be used by Skorm
Note: Utilizing the roots/tree application of the sword renders the user incapable of using the sword's other active abilities in the same and next turn.
Note: Firing a bullet, using the sword for an S-rank attack, or creating the roots render the user unable to use Bismuth Techniques above A-rank in the same turn.

(Kaihou Kasugai) Automated Clamps
Type: Tool
Rank: E
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated clamp designed to read the electrical input of muscles contracting allowing the user to simply flex in a specific way to release them. These clamps are integrated into Leg Weights to hold them in place. Allowing the user to simply flex their leg in a specific manner to passively release the weight gives them freedom of mobility. These clamps give no added bonus or benefit other than releasing the weights in a more versatile way, better suited for combat.

-Must be placed in the users' biography
-Can only be taught by Serpent

(Sonikkutorakutābīmu) - Sonic tractor beam
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A(80, if used aggressively and slam a shinobi into the ground for instance)
Description: The tractor cannon is a device placed inside the hand of the wielder and is about the size of a cent. The tractor cannon uses sound frequenciez to attract an object in question by surrounding it in a concentrated high-pitch and constantly controlled loud sound which in turn creates a force field around the object. This gives the properties of manipulating foreign objects without actually touching them, however the technology of this device is very underwhelming and is in a very early state of scientific research but the limits of the sonic tractor beam is that it can only move objects that are the same weight or less than the wielder of the tool. If the user wants to remain gripping an object for more than one turn, additional chakra needs to be put into the device and they may not close their one hand where the device is on since that would disrupt the tractor beams sound-waves. Therefore, techniques that requires handseals cannot be used at the same time as the tractor beam is used for an object(pulling, lifting etc). A way to neutralise being lifted up in the air and smashed into the ground is to simply disrupt the soundwaves by using wind. The user must also always focus the device on the object they are lifting. If an object is caught in the force-field of the tractor beam that is of much greater weight than the user, it will only partially slow it down. The tractor beam can push and drag objects in pretty decent speeds(up to the users own speed base). The minimal weight the tractor beam can influence is the weight of a feather.

Note: Objects that are to be manipulated cannot exceed the weight of the user or a regular human to have lift-off from the ground. They may only be partially slowed down.
Note: The maximum reach for the tractor beam, or as far as it can push objects is long-range.
Note: The tractor beams hold only lasts for a maximum of 3 turns and can only be used twice per battle for holding objects that long.
The mini-deva path so to say. This tool allows you to form a tractor pull around an object of your choice for remote manipulation using soundwaves to either push or pull. It is highly useful in a plethora of scenarios.

Mercy of Ahamkara
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Mercy of Ahamkara is an external miniature plate and classed as an advanced ninja tool that is placed behind the ear right on the skin of the wielder. The device is linked with the brain and uses ultra-sound to detect fluctuations and abnormal activity in the wielders mind. This means that it can detect mind altering techniques and classify them as abnormalties. While it cannot be used to break free from such techniques it can help the user realize their under one. This is done by sending very specific electrical stimulations that are coded to reveal the state of their brain. A tool to detect inconsistencies of your own mind to find abnormalities. While the tool cannot break a genjutsu on it's own it's design is to let you know that you're in one in the first place and what rank the illusion is even though they are still trapped in an illusion they can now determine the rank of a manipulative technique and the fact that they are manipulated. It occurs in the same timeframe as the illusion has been casted.

Note: Can only be used 2 times per battle with a 3 turn cooldown period after each use.
Note: Can detect up to S rank techniques.

(Abusōbu Ude) - Absorption Arm
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A ( 40 chakra per use )
Damage: N/A
Description: A cyborg attachment to the user's body, the user has a robotic limb that allows for him to create spheres of energy that are capable of absorbing chakra up to S rank level. These spheres are capable of dealing brute force on impact as well, growing to large heights, up to 4 meters in radius. Starting at roughly rasengan size, these spheres grow proportionally to the size of the technique absorbed. Normal Ninja are able to make use of one of these devices via specialized gloves that allow them to absorb 1 Ninjutsu per turn up to S rank while Cyborgs have these attachments and are able to absorb up to Forbidden powered attacks and 1 from each arm per turn.

Note: Can be used a max of 3 times for Ninja and 5 for Custom Cyborgs.
Note: Cyborg can have up to 2 Absorption Arms.

(Fuuinjutsu: Meshitsukai) | Sealing Arts:The Servant
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: After witnessing countless techniques, Dean created a specific seal that is placed on the summonings he owns, with the Kanji, "Stay". This seal would contain a set amount of chakra and would only be triggered when someone uses a technique aimed at making a summoning disperse back to its homeland. This seal would activate, and release a surge of chakra from it, capable of flushing out the foreign chakra aimed at making the summoning disperse. The two would clash, and disperse, leaving the summoning unharmed and leave them to remain on the field. The seal is placed onto all summonings beforehand and is always on them when they are summoned into battle, though it should be mentioned in the biography.

♦Can only be taught by Detective L.
♦Can only be used once per summon


Won | Lost

1 | 10

Updating: Faye
Thank you Hazure for the bio.

Biography Approved
Checked by Red-Robin
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Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Looking good so far, just a few things that I'd like to address before moving forward with the bio. Firstly, you have Apex Tracking Specialist as one of your listed specialties, which requires a minimum of 5 in DEX while you yourself only have 4 points put toward DEX with your current build, so you'll want to either redistribute your points to allow for that DEX to come up, or swap out the specialty for something else, maybe the non-Apex variant that offers a 2x tracking bonus instead of the 2.5x that Apex covers.

Additionally, and this is entirely more of a "cosmetic" issue and recommendation than anything, you might want to look into using a different font for the bulk of the text throughout your bio, such as your appearance and personality descriptions, ecetera. While it may be nice to look at for a brief pass-over, it can become straining and potentially difficult to pick out detailed information for others that might be needing to refer to your bio for reference when dealing in battles or other similar scenarios. It isn't a big issue for the labels and headers of each section/category, but as far as the bulk information that follows after the fact, it's not a bad idea to look at getting something a little easier to read for the sake of those who will be looking through it.

El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Looking good so far, just a few things that I'd like to address before moving forward with the bio. Firstly, you have Apex Tracking Specialist as one of your listed specialties, which requires a minimum of 5 in DEX while you yourself only have 4 points put toward DEX with your current build, so you'll want to either redistribute your points to allow for that DEX to come up, or swap out the specialty for something else, maybe the non-Apex variant that offers a 2x tracking bonus instead of the 2.5x that Apex covers.

Additionally, and this is entirely more of a "cosmetic" issue and recommendation than anything, you might want to look into using a different font for the bulk of the text throughout your bio, such as your appearance and personality descriptions, ecetera. While it may be nice to look at for a brief pass-over, it can become straining and potentially difficult to pick out detailed information for others that might be needing to refer to your bio for reference when dealing in battles or other similar scenarios. It isn't a big issue for the labels and headers of each section/category, but as far as the bulk information that follows after the fact, it's not a bad idea to look at getting something a little easier to read for the sake of those who will be looking through it.
I’m not able to make the edits so if you could make the change for me. I’m fine with x2 tracking bonus and as for the font just make everything Times New Roman or Trebuchet I suppose.


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
I’m not able to make the edits so if you could make the change for me. I’m fine with x2 tracking bonus and as for the font just make everything Times New Roman or Trebuchet I suppose.
Sounds good. I went ahead and changed it from Apex to Advanced Tracking Specialist, so that's good now. I also added an additional reference to your "attribute specialty" to refer to it being from your Mind points and that it isn't in fact a specialty. I was tempted all together to remove this entirely as it kind of opens up a lot of confusion when you classify something as a specialty that mechanically is not, but I left it alone for now with the addition of that simple extra wording to hopefully make it less confusing for now. But in the future, I would recommend putting this somewhere exclusively and segregated from your specialties, so as to avoid that unintentional conflation.

As for the font detail, I went ahead and simply converted the areas I thought to be relatively important to Times New Roman and made small adjustments to them such as font size and whatnot to hopefully make it less invasive than it was were I to have left it as just the font change. As for everything else, I left it as is, such as the history and other fields, as that often isn't as critical for other players to be able to have ease of access to reading.

If you have any concerns with any of these changes, please don't hesitate to reach out to me and I'll be happy to go over them with you, as well as possible alternatives if necessary. For now, though, I'm going to slap it for approval and send it on its way. ✌

El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Sounds good. I went ahead and changed it from Apex to Advanced Tracking Specialist, so that's good now. I also added an additional reference to your "attribute specialty" to refer to it being from your Mind points and that it isn't in fact a specialty. I was tempted all together to remove this entirely as it kind of opens up a lot of confusion when you classify something as a specialty that mechanically is not, but I left it alone for now with the addition of that simple extra wording to hopefully make it less confusing for now. But in the future, I would recommend putting this somewhere exclusively and segregated from your specialties, so as to avoid that unintentional conflation.

As for the font detail, I went ahead and simply converted the areas I thought to be relatively important to Times New Roman and made small adjustments to them such as font size and whatnot to hopefully make it less invasive than it was were I to have left it as just the font change. As for everything else, I left it as is, such as the history and other fields, as that often isn't as critical for other players to be able to have ease of access to reading.

If you have any concerns with any of these changes, please don't hesitate to reach out to me and I'll be happy to go over them with you, as well as possible alternatives if necessary. For now, though, I'm going to slap it for approval and send it on its way. ✌
Thank you very much