Deep Lake (041)

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
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It seemed like the man didn't want Susabi to come any closer. Respecting his wishes, Susabi stopped in place. Not progressing further towards the man.

Sorry to intrude, but as a protector I thought I should warn you. The more people aware of the situation at hand the better and more prepared we will be as a people. Apparently... The Hyuga folded his arms. We are or will be under attack from beings.. "Gods" as an associate of mine called them.

Susabi looked right at the man, giving him a piercing glare but one filled with urgency not malice.
I know this may be hard to believe or swallow. But with the way how things are going, it doesn't seem to far fetched now.
The forest grew quiet as the Hyuga informed me of the coming turmoil. I could tell that he bore no ill will towards me, and from the events that occurred in the eastern continent I knew that we would soon be entering a period of upheaval. The only thing I doubted was that we would be facing off against these Gods the witch had informed me about. Tiamat herself was an entity that we couldn't hope to defeat, and the casualties from her rampage were almost too much to count. Sealing her was all we could manage, and even now I still didn't know what her objective was. She was apparently the mother of the Gods and their enemy, yet when she was unsealed they remained silent, meaning that either the Gods no longer considered her a threat, or couldn't act against her for some reason. Noticing this made it hard to believe that they would suddenly move against humanity as a whole. However, these doubts weren't something I could convey to a man I had just met, but I was still grateful for his warning.

“I've fought the Primordial Goddess, hoards of the undead in the east, and even discovered the rift that allowed them access to our world,” I informed the man before me while holding his gaze.Nothing is too farfetched for me to believe. Not anymore.”


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
The forest grew quiet as the Hyuga informed me of the coming turmoil. I could tell that he bore no ill will towards me, and from the events that occurred in the eastern continent I knew that we would soon be entering a period of upheaval. The only thing I doubted was that we would be facing off against these Gods the witch had informed me about. Tiamat herself was an entity that we couldn't hope to defeat, and the casualties from her rampage were almost too much to count. Sealing her was all we could manage, and even now I still didn't know what her objective was. She was apparently the mother of the Gods and their enemy, yet when she was unsealed they remained silent, meaning that either the Gods no longer considered her a threat, or couldn't act against her for some reason. Noticing this made it hard to believe that they would suddenly move against humanity as a whole. However, these doubts weren't something I could convey to a man I had just met, but I was still grateful for his warning.
“I've fought the Primordial Goddess, hoards of the undead in the east, and even discovered the rift that allowed them access to our world,” I informed the man before me while holding his gaze.Nothing is too farfetched for me to believe. Not anymore.”
A rift? Susabi put his hand on his chin, pondering to himself. If there was a rift into the world as he says, that means that these entities or beings are definitely coming from some sort of alternate dimension or realm. However, this posed a problem. Even if his Tenseigan can peer into dimensions, it would take him a million life times to sift through even a quarter of the dimensions out there.

A rift you say? Do you know of its location at the current moment? Has it been closed? Finding the rift would be the first step but that would raise another issue. In order to even find the dimension it leads to, the rift would have to be open or he'd have to use his eyes to "follow" whatever came out of the dimension back to its homeland. He was on his way to try to slay a beast of divine power and now this. Depending on how the Inuzuka responded, would decide his route.

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
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A rift? Susabi put his hand on his chin, pondering to himself. If there was a rift into the world as he says, that means that these entities or beings are definitely coming from some sort of alternate dimension or realm. However, this posed a problem. Even if his Tenseigan can peer into dimensions, it would take him a million life times to sift through even a quarter of the dimensions out there.

A rift you say? Do you know of its location at the current moment? Has it been closed? Finding the rift would be the first step but that would raise another issue. In order to even find the dimension it leads to, the rift would have to be open or he'd have to use his eyes to "follow" whatever came out of the dimension back to its homeland. He was on his way to try to slay a beast of divine power and now this. Depending on how the Inuzuka responded, would decide his route.
The man seemed incredibly interested in the rift I had discovered and cordoned off at the bottom of the ocean.

“Yes, a rift.” I began to answer, “I traced the origin of the undead and came to discover a tear in spacetime in a chasm deep in the Kaizoku Sea. I didn't possess the ability to seal it, so the best I could do was cordon it off. I'm not even sure how long it'll hold.”

I sighed slightly as I spoke, unsatisfied by how I handled the situation with the rift. It was the best I could have done, but I wasn't good enough.
  • Sad
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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
The man seemed incredibly interested in the rift I had discovered and cordoned off at the bottom of the ocean.
“Yes, a rift.” I began to answer, “I traced the origin of the undead and came to discover a tear in spacetime in a chasm deep in the Kaizoku Sea. I didn't possess the ability to seal it, so the best I could do was cordon it off. I'm not even sure how long it'll hold.”
I sighed slightly as I spoke, unsatisfied by how I handled the situation with the rift. It was the best I could have done, but I wasn't good enough.
I see. I see. Well as long as you sealed it off, then the problem has been handled. Thank you for you brave efforts...err? Susabi was looking for words to call him but he didn't catch his name in the midst of the conversation. I guess his name wasn't important at this point, seeing him and being able to identify him was more than enough for him. He didn't want Susabi on his land so he doubted that he'd even receive a name. Pardon me, I'd probably talked your head off already. Bad habit.

Susabi waved at him and continued on his way. Let our paths cross again.

With the information, he received Susabi's decision was made. He'd continue to head for the divine beast stationed at the Dark Tower. The Rift, while it didn't provide direct means to the answers he was looking for, would be something he would have to investigate later if he had the time.

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Oct 1, 2010
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Coming from:

This post encompasses an A-rank mission containing the following storyboard elements:
  • (custom) Navigate difficult terrain without the use of Ninjutsu (3)
  • (custom) Come up on top of a lethal stand-off (4)
The path through the thick underbrush was a hell that Hawke could have done without. The sizable statue on his back was, apparently, a magnet for all sorts of hungry insects, not to mention tangled vines and thorny bushes en masse. It took exactly two cuts to his arm before the grizzled man seriously considered whether smashing the sculpture to pieces just to take his anger out on something would be worth the loss of profit.

Vladko, the Brothers’ resident pathfinder and scout, was trying to find a better path up ahead, one that didn’t require Hawke to bodily clear thick undergrowth just to allow the loaded wagons through. It was a lucky break for him, for within arm’s reach of his leader he might have suddenly found himself a head shorter. Progress was so painfully slow, as even the narrow dirt path they followed featured prominent potholes, large patches reclaimed by the forest, as well as stretches where it simply seemed to disappear entirely. For Hawke, the only Brother capable of using chakra, the responsibility of leading the way in more ways than one weighed heavily on his shoulders. As did the large marble sculpture he was lugging around on those selfsame shoulders. Finally they came upon a more open track, ostensibly used primarily by animals if Hawke’s nose and nascent tracking skills were serving him right.

“Where’s Vladko?” Misk asked from the front wagon not far behind Garrett, sounding as annoyed as Hawke felt. Both men looked around, scanning the bushes and trees as if they expected to see the black-haired scoundrel hiding there somewhere. Of course there was nothing, nothing but the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves. At least they were on a more direct path now, Hawke thought to himself, and it could not be long before they reached the open grasslands of northern Zhouhua. Before he could finish his thought, however, a familiar sensation of danger made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Head whipping towards a spot behind him Hawke caught a glimpse of a kunai whirling through the air for just a split second before the sharp hunk of metal embedded itself in the ground just a half inch from his foot.

“That’s far enough,” an unfamiliar but distinctly female voice informed him tersely, seemingly coming from multiple angles around him. Hawke looked around for the true source, but came up empty. “This forest is off-limits to you and your kind,” the voice continued, generating a soft echo as it seemed to bounce off the trees surrounding the small clearing.

Hawke spun around himself; quickly losing patience with the stranger’s game of hide-and-seek. “Show yourself!” he demanded, voice almost a growl.

“This is your one and only warning,” the voice continued again, sounding tense. “Do not ignore it like your friend did.”

Now that caught Hawke’s full attention, and perhaps if he could keep his assailant talking long enough he would be able to pinpoint her location. “What’d you do to Vladko, huh? You kill him?” The questions were delivered as accusations, biting and smoldering with anger.

“Your friend let my warning go unheeded and chose instead to attack me,” the voice explained with what Hawke recognized as a tinge of exasperation.

“How the hell’d he find you?” Hawke replied with disgust in his voice. Vladko had been a good scout, yes, but there was not a snowball’s chance in hell that the man had better senses than Hawke did.

“His intention was to attack me,” the voice replied in as close to a conversational tone as could be managed in a tense standoff. “He did not succeed.”

Hawke gave a little acknowledging nod of his head at that. It certainly sounded like Vladko. The man had been about as smart as a rat and equally as ‘blessed’ with low cunning. It was solid proof that his assailant was a ninjutsu-user, however. For a non-shinobi Vladko was a masterful swordsman and archer. He was also extremely motivated by women, particularly lone women. Lucky girl, Hawke nearly mumbled out loud.

“You’re stalling,” the voice remarked coldly, breaking the moment of silence that had reigned. Hawke could feel her killing intent in the air. “Turn back now!”

“What about Vladko, huh? He deserves a burial!” Hawke was grasping at straws and he knew it, but the two options of retreating or really letting loose did not appeal to him in that moment. Too much chakra discharge was noticeable; a big fat ‘here I am’ that anyone could track.

There was a long moment of silence before the voice finally responded, a grudging note of acknowledgement in her voice. “He’s in bad shape, but I will send him to you with my ninken if you agree to leave now.

Hawke only nodded in response, confident the woman could see him from whichever vantage point she occupied.

There was some rustling behind a bush and Hawke triumphantly whirled around to face it, one hand already reaching for his blade. Then another rustling sound almost ninety degrees leftwards made him whirl around again and frown deeply, just as two almost identical grey wolf dogs stepped out of the undergrowth. One of them was dragging the body of Vladko along the ground, the other his sword and bow. From all around him Hawke heard a soft laugh emanating from the very trees, it seemed.

“So predictable,” the voice said admonishingly. “You should be thankful that Kōtetsu has urged us not to kill intruders on sight. Were it not for him you would have been dead thrice over.”

“I’ll thank him when I see him,” Hawke all but grunted. That was how she wanted to play it? Fine with him. Garrett had a few tricks up his sleeves just for situations like this. A small, wolfish smile tugged at his lips. Her strategy had been good, truly. There was enough distance between the wolves that they gave no clue about their master’s location. Had Garrett been anyone else it would have been game over.

But he wasn’t.

“Well la-di-fucking-da, mystery woman. You win. The hard way it is.” Something purple flashed in his eyes.

“Do not make me k-“

And Hawke swung his arm in a horizontal motion across his body.

The burst of chakra alone was like a shockwave of energy that shook the very ground beneath them. An arm of blue energy, so bright and fiery as to be blinding, took form in a fraction of a second and simply enveloped the landscape, filling Hawke’s entire field of vision for a moment. The explosion that followed was deafening; the sound of a hundred trees torn up by the root simultaneously was like nothing he had ever heard before, but Hawke took a precious moment to ingrain it in his mind as the entire landscape in front of him simply vanished in a blazing supernova of pure cyan.

When his sight returned, Hawke’s eyes were green as before, but the landscape in front of him had changed radically. There was no sign of his assailant or her companions, or Vladko’s corpse, or the forest that had until just now dominated the once beautiful vista in front of him. A half-circle of destruction, at least a hundred meters long and near double that across, had transformed the terrain into a wasteland of nothingness. No trees or rocks larger than pebbles remained. All that was left was the dirt itself, now naked under the midday sun.

Hawke cracked his neck with a grunt and adjusted the statue on his back, feeling much lighter than he had before. He turned to order the caravan onwards and laid eyes on the upper half of his statue lying battered and broken in the dirt behind him.

“Oh for fucks sake!”

( Doujutsu: Rinnegan ) Eye Technique: Samsara Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the 3 great Doujutsu, the Rinnegan has, like the other, the ability to see chakra and the chakra flow of individuals. It also allows the user a great clarity of perception and tracking abilities, although its levels vary from user to user. It also grants a family of abilities collectively known as the Six Paths Technique. The user is also able to summon and control the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path. Certain Rinnegan abilities have only been demonstrated by single users: Madara can create corporeal shadows in the invisible world of Limbo; Momoshiki is able to absorb any ninjutsu with his right Rinnegan and release it with his Left Rinnegan; Urashiki is capable of moving through time and space when different eyes are activated. While Nagato was never able to deactivate his eyes, Madara and other wielders could switch at will between their other eyes and Rinnegan eyes, although Uchiha aren't able to go from 3 Tomoe to Rinnegan directly. Due to implanting Madara's Rinnegan into his eye, Obito loses the ability to deactivate this eye, much like Nagato.
Note: Can only be used by Rinnegan users excluding Sasuke.
Note: Requires activation ( spending move ) for other Rinnegan bios but remains active indefinetely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. In the case of Madara, user needs to have activated EMS before and had it active for 1 full turn before activating.
( Susano'o: Katachi Hafu ) - Susano'o: Incomplete Form
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 60
Damage Points: 80 (+40) ( - 10 to user )
Description: Uchiha who have achieved Susano'o and have their Mangekyou activated are capable of calling upon Susano'o's skeletal structure, such as a ribcage for basic defence or an arm for interacting with the surroundings. This allows him to attack with quick force or to defend just as well, requiring no hand seals to trigger. The user can do this once every two turns and 4 times in total. If the user has an EMS or higher, the damage and/or defense increases by 20 damage or 40 for Rinnegan.
Note: Mangekyou or higher must be active to utilize. Can only be used by Uchiha or Hagoromo.
Note: Does not count as a full usage of Susano'o. However, if Susano'o has been used and cannot be used again, this cannot be as well.

Chakra Count: 3750 – 5, 60 = 3685
Health Count: 200 – 10 = 190

- Leaving for LM 38
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

The two headed for Sky Pillar - a notoriously hard to reach peak in the middle of Land of Fire. Their close encounters with Rayquaza had already stirred a temper at Alucards Edo and was getting reluctant on the mission. Alucard did not seem to care all too much but was too focused on the mission at hand - pursuing the beast. As they wandered through Zhouhua, they were quickly dispatched by chakra signatures. It was a landmark known for its dense population of wolves, however these signatures were definitively ningen. Out from the forest, a duo would approach a woman and a man with quite iconic facial tattoos marking red teeth. They seemed to have smelled out Alucard and Cap's presence ever since they entered the landmark and both crossed their arms as to respond to trespassers.


Alucard would stop in his tracks and signal for Cap to do the same.


We're guarding our realm from intruders. Just checking up on you, we've smelled something recently that has caused our attention.

From the sky?


I'm dealing with that, let me pass.

Fine, make it quick we'll escort you.

Turned out that the clansmen here had raised security and it was also quite obvious that the flying dragon had made passage through here as well albeit through the sky. That meant that they were catching up and as soon as Alucard and Cap reached the border with the next landmark they would continue their pursuit.



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Aug 25, 2010
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After speaking and learning what he needed to know, Hei asks Naruto to wait and guard the landmark as he ventures out deeper into the Land of Fire in search for signs of Hawke. His eyes, reverting back to they Byakugan to widen his scope of the land.


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Aug 25, 2010
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Coming From: Here

Exiting through a rift in space-time, Hei arrives at the compound of the Inuzuka Clan. With the knocked out Hawke bound in wire, being carried over his shoulder. Hei walks in and places Hawke upon the ground in front of the Inuzuka Clan members he spoke with before venturing on this endeavor. "He was a powerful opponent indeed, but I've managed to capture him. I suggest keeping him unconscious or perhaps placed in some type of barrier to insure he doesn't escape." Hei says in an firm, yet respectful tone. (Collecting this bounty: Bingo Book) "Once I collect the bounty I will be on my way."



Active member
Aug 25, 2010
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Having collected his bounty, Hei begins his travels back to his Clan HQ


Travel Itinerary: #041 -> #040 -> #123 -> #130 -> #131 -> #132 -> #148 -> #150 -> #151 -> #156 -> #163 -> #164 -> #170 -> #173 -> #175
Departing #041 Zhouhua at 11:00pm (11/28/21)
#040: 11:00pm 12:00am
#123: 12:00am 1:00am
#131: 1:00am 2:00am
#132: 2:00am 3:00am
#148: 3:00am 4:00am
#150: 4:00am 5:00am
#151: 5:00am 6:00am
#156: 6:00am 7:00am
#163: 7:00am 8:00am
#164: 8:00am 9:00am
#170: 9:00am 10:00am
#173: 10:00am 11:00am
Arriving at #175 Dainashi at 12:00pm (11/29/21)


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Aug 21, 2010
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Coming from Kokkyō (043)

In the distance, Barney could already see a massive village and all the roads that led to it. From the looks if it, there was no doubt that it was one of the biggest cities he has seen yet and it was undoubtedly a marketplace where he could find the goods he set out to look for.
"That's our destination, we're almost there." said Barney to Grus, and she lunged forward even faster than before.

Leaving landmark.​

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
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This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:

- Attempt to stomp out traces of dissent (4)

Summary: Kōtetsu returns home with the intention of informing his clan on the current state of the world, but arrives in the middle of a gathering moving to remove him from his position.

Coming From: Noodle Panhandle (002)

Almost a year had passed since Kōtetsu left Zhouhua. Since he had last seen his family, or any other member of his clan bar Ada, who had passed on news of his wellbeing to his parents. Needless to say, he was eager to see them. To mingle against his own kind and let down his guard. Still riding atop his steel disk with Sirris, Sif, and Solaire merged into his body, he soared above the treetops as he bathed in the silvery radiance of twilight. The crisp smell of dewy foliage filled his nose, causing the Inuzuka to inhale deeply, filling his lungs with the fresh morning air. He was home. He moves deeper into the forest until he reaches the clan sanctuary, and though intending to land in the Fourtrees, the large clearing where clan meetings were held, he was unable to due to the fact that it was filled with his clan members.

“-is not fit to lead us!” comes a voice. One he recognizes. It was Jamis, the grandson of the First Elder. “He leaves for months at a time, entertaining himself with the affairs of the outside world instead of ensuring the safety of the clan. He shits on our customs and traditions by opening our borders to outsiders, and would rather us spare these invaders rather than kill them where they stand. And look what that has brought us!” He yells again. “Moro, protector of the western border still lays bedridden, her attacker nowhere to be found, yet Kōtetsu gallivants about instead of seeking retribution!”

There is a murmur from the crowd. Kōtetsu grits his teeth in anger at first, but he soon calms himself. He could understand where Jamis was coming from. Even he had been concerned about the effects his lengthy absences had on his clan. He felt as if he was unfit to lead them, but as the strongest member, the position was his, regardless of if he wanted it or not.

“You forget yourself boy!” Booms Hawkes voice. He was the oldest of the council and Jamis’ grandfather. “When the Primordial Goddess rose from The Hokubu Ocean it was our clan head who went to meet it. When the Red Fever ravished our land and rendered many of you unmovable, even you, Jamis, it was he again who braved the danger and procured the cure. When the undead invaded the lands across the sea it was he again who went to stop them, going as far as invading the underworld to face a divine being to put a stop to it.”

“And why did he have to be the one to go?” Retorts Jamis. “Why couldn’t he have left the matters of the outside world to the outsiders themselves?”

“Because if the defenders of the outside world fall, then we would have had to face the threats ourselves. Is that what you want?” Asks Holo, the second elder this time.“Wait for the enemies to reach our doorsteps before acting?”

Jamis gritted his teeth, seemingly upset that his own grandfather was arguing against him. “Still you all defend him. It has been months since the news came of the Voidlord Phetra’s demise, yet where is he? What is so important that he continues to mingle with outsi-”

Unable to listen to any more of his useless arguments, Kōtetsu wills the steel disk to descend in a clear area of the Fourtrees, behind the crowd. “ The wellbeing of our clan,” He states matter of factly, causing those in the crowd to turn around the face him. “It is the only thing that drives me, and yet, here you are questioning my motives.” The crowd parts as he moves towards Jamis and the elders. He was angry, but it wasn’t shown. Rather, it was the kind of quiet, heated rage that screams of danger to those around him, and now it was all directed at Jamis.

“So you’ve finally decided to grace us with your presence,” he says mockingly as he spat on the floor.

Hawke sprang from his seat, “Jamis!” he shouts!

“No grandfather!” He yells back. “He is not fit to lead us!”

Again the crowd murmurs as their eyes follow their leader. “According to you? As per our customs and traditions that you hold in such high regard, the strongest of the clan leads. I lead, Jamis”

“Aye, for now, you do. But it won’t always be so.” A sinister smile paints his face. “You have forgotten your place. You were originally an outsider, and now you collude with them to weaken our tribe!” The crowd gasps loudly this time.

Though Kōtetsu was the child of Izuri and Sýr and was born in Zhouhua, he was originally raised to one day potentially lead the Freehold of Hanguri as the Daijō-daijin like his ancestor Sai Inuzuka. Though that dream ended with the destruction of Chungsu and the fall of the Freehold, Kōtetsu was content with leading his people. But there were those that resented his rise to power due to his upbringing.

He was able to identify and monitor those individuals using Jin-Roh, the top-secret intelligence organization of his clan, but they were quiet since he became the heads of the clan. It seems that they had found a voice in Jamis. A voice he intended to snuff out. Kōtetsu sighs as he finally made it through the crowd and stands a short distance from Jamis. “...And do the rest of you share this sentiment?” he asks the group as he glanced back at them. There were a few murmurs, but no one answers his question.

“They do!” Jamis calls as his two ninken surrounded him. “And they want you gone.”

“And how will you achieve that?”

“By challenging you,” he began, “to Amtal.”

There was a collective gasp from the crowd, and even Kōtetsu’s eyes widen. He shoots a look towards Hawke, hoping for his intervention, but the First Elder simply shakes his head and sighs. There was nothing he could do. Amtal was an ancient tradition, one that hadn’t been invoked in hundreds of years. It was a fight to the death for clan leadership that could not be denied.

“I accept your challenge Jamis, but as you know by now death has left the world. I will convene with the elders to discuss the consequences the loser will face in its place.”

The man nods.

“Then we’re done here!” he announces, causing the crowd to slowly disperse to their homes. He watches as they all leave until only he and the elders are left, including his father who has remained silent the entire time. He was the third elder, but if he had defended his soon others would say he was showing bias.

“I apologize for my grandson’s behavior, Kōtetsu,” says the first elder.

The second elder pressed her fingers to her temples. “I couldn’t have expected our monthly meeting to take such a turn.”

“Regardless,” says Sýr, “I’m glad to see you, my son.” He rushes over to him and presses his forehead against Kōtetsu before transitioning into a big hug as he laughs heartily.

Kōtetsu struggles slightly in his father’s embrace. “Ok, that’s enough,” he says with a smile. Though not the return he was expecting, he still managed to share a brief moment of happiness. “A fight to the death hold little meaning when one is unable to die. Jamis is of your blood First Elder. What punishment do you believe the loser should face?”

“You’re speaking as if your victory is already assured,” Hawke says with a raised eyebrow.

“Of course it is. I am the strongest here, after all.”

The old man grins at his response. Some would think him arrogant or boastful, but he knew the strength the clan head possessed. “I will think of a suitable solution. Would the rest of you defer this matter to me?” He asks of the two elders, who both nod in agreement. While Jamis was his kin, the First Elder was a man of fairness and honor. “Then let us go about our affairs. We will convene in the evening at the Rockpile for the Amtal.”

With that said, Kōtetsu and his father leave the clearing as the First and Second Elders go their separate ways.

Mission Completed​
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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:

- Fight a member of your clan (4)

Summary: Kōtetsu and Jamis fight to the death for leadership of the clan.

The Amtal was a fight to the death for leadership of the clan, but that wasn’t all there was to it. The participants were restricted to the use of the clan’s martial art techniques and any taijutsu techniques they knew of, but the use of Ninken was forbidden. Kōtetsu’s mastery of his clan’s techniques already gave him an overwhelming advantage, but he’d also developed a number of techniques in his time away that he hadn’t yet imparted on his clanmates. Now that even had fallen, all members of the clan had gathered at the Rockpile, clearing surrounded by boulder where a small river passed through. The boulders were littered with the members of the clan who came to spectate, and the three elders positioned themselves around the arena in order to monitor the battle and block any stray attacks from colliding with the crowd.

The First Elder raises his arm to quiet everyone and gets their attention. “As you’re all aware, the Amta is a fight to the death. However, since no one is currently able to die, the loser of bout will be transported to the netherworld through the use of a forbidden technique.”

Kōtetsu knows the forbidden technique of which the First Elder Spoke. It was the Impure World Seal Destruction technique, but what surprises him the most is that the Elder knew how to use forbidden techniques.

“Do you both agree to this?” He asks the participants.

“I agree,” says Jamis as he nods.

“As do I,” replies Kōtetsu.

“Then without further ado,” announces the Third Elder.

“You may begin!” Finished the Second Elder.

Jamis moves as soon as the signal is given, but Kōtetsu is prepared. As he reaches short range he raises his right arm and swings it forward as if to strick Kōtetsu’s chest, but suddenly twists his hips to the right while sliding his left foot and bringing his left hand back to support his stance. His right arm never reaches its target. It was a feint, one that Kōtetsu moves to block, but Jamis’ leg is thrust upwards, aiming to strike Kōtetsu’s chin with enough force to catapult him skyward as he drops his stance. Unfortunate for him, Kōtetsu’s tracking was above average, as was his proficiency in close quarters combat. Noticing the upward kick, he snaps his head back and to the left, narrowly avoiding the blow, and uses his momentum by rotating his hips to the left and lifting his right leg that he whips towards Jamis’s thigh.

No slouch himself in close quarters, Jamis rolls backward, and as soon as his feet touch the ground he springs towards Kōtetsu with a raised kneed aimed at his stomach. Kōtetsu quickly channels chakra into his left leg as he raises it and leans into the incoming blow. Their bodies connect with a loud POW!, but by using his opponent’s body weight and the chakra concentrated in his leg, Kōtetsu absorbs the force of the attack and rebounds it with a kick aimed at Jamis’ side to send him flying backward. Barely able to react, he leaps backward with his arm and knee raised in a defensive posture, cushioning the blow and taking barely any damage.

“Surely you can do better than this, Jamis?” Kōtetsu asks. He knows that Jamis was no match for him, and the man himself knew this too. The fact that he challenged him means that he has something up his sleeve.

( Sanmai Ashige ) - Absorption Kick
Type: Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40 _40 + 25 + 35 = 100)
Description: This is based around the Bak Mai Pa of Southern Chinese marital arts and the use of enemy's body weight. The user will concentrate chakra into their leg and then lift it up to lean into the enemy when they are attacking with Taijutsu and by using the body weight of the enemy and the chakra concentration, the user will absorb the power of the enemy's attack and rebound it with the kick to send the enemy flying.
Note: Can only counter B rank Taijutsu and lower
Clearly upset at the provocation, Jamis roars in rage. He executes an upward spinning kick that produces a shockwave of air that takes the form of a dragon with long whiskers. The entity attacks Kōtetsu, who simply slams his hand together with tremendous force to produce a radial shockwave of air pressure that slams into the dragon and pummels it into nothingness as it also pushes Jamis into mid-range. Kōtetsu gives chase, a simple feat due to his incredibly fast running speed (x4). He appears before his opponent forces his fist into his stomach.

( Konoha Ryūjin ) - Leaf Dragon God
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description:This is an ultimate taijutsu technique created by the legendary taijutsu master Chen. It appears to be initiated by an upward spin kick at which point it quickly becomes like tornado. Forming into a dragon with long whiskers, it attacks the target aiming to swallow them, at which point they are cut by the razor sharp air currents inside the attack. After initiating the attack, the user appears to remain shielded within the base of the tornado as the outward surface of the dragon seems to be solid enough for a person to impact and rebound off of, making the only way to enter the technique once it has been initiated is by being swallowed. However, there is one distinct weakness to the technique. Since the Dragon God's real form (and what it basically is) is that of an ordinary tornado, though cosmetically shaped into a dragon, its attack power is based on rotation. If one enters the attack's centre (Dragon's Eye) while rotating at high speed, such as Lee's One-Man Front Lotus, it can be dispersed without inflicting damage. The technique, while seemingly similar to Wind Release, is actually just the users own physical power (through the use of the spinning kick) shaping the air into currents through movement. It is, however, enough to fight off elemental ninjutsu of the same rank and below.
Note: Can only be used by Taijutsu Specialists and EIG users
(Taijutsu: Hakushu Shōten) Body Art: Hand Clap Focal Point
Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S (A)
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60 - 80 (60 + 25 = 85)
Description: Inspired by his Gathering Clouds sword technique’s ability to create shockwaves of air pressure, Hakushu Shōten is a taijutsu attack created by Kōtetsu Inuzuka that allows the user to slam his hands together with tremendous strength to produce a radial shockwave of air pressure that reaches up to mid-range away from the user’s position and gradually spreads outward to a maximum of 10 meters wide as it travels. In addition to dealing concussive damage to an enemy and being capable of shattering or dispersing techniques of equal strength, this technique is able to push whatever it comes into contact with into mid-range. Due to this technique not being reliant on chakra it has no elemental strengths or weaknesses and functions on a rank vs rank system, however, any enhancements to taijutsu will apply to the technique.

- The A-ranked version of this technique can be used four times per battle.
- The S ranked can only be used twice and requires a single turn cooldown between uses.
Jamis smirks, and suddenly vanishes before Kōtetsu’s fist can land. He appears in the air to the left to the left and spins rapidly, gathering air pressure around himself as he dives down surrounded by a massive vortex of air. Suddenly the tables had turned. So this was his gamble. In the time that Kōtetsu was away, it seemed that Jamis had learned the Eight Inner Gates, and while he surely was at a disadvantage due to the speed of his movement, it wasn’t enough to defeat the head of the Inuzuka clan. As the vortex blitzes toward him, Kōtetsu unveils the first of the new clan technique he created. He spins vertically in place and gathers a shell of air around him to create an upright vortex that repealed the incoming attack to his left side. He immediately exits his rotation and looks down at Jamis, who stands in the resulting crater formed from his attack.

( Hachimon ) The Eight Inner Gates
Type: Mode
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body. The user opens the gates in sequence, up to the desired gate to achieve its effects. Opening the gates is a fast process and can be done in mere moments up to the 7th gate. When one initially opens up to a given EIG, that opening lasts up to 4 turns. After completing training, users are capable of opening up to the 5th Gate passively. Opening additional gates after initial activation adds 2 turns per activation. However, there is an exception; opening the last and 8th gate can only lasts for 3 turns.

( Kaimon ) - The Gate of Opening: The user activates The Gate of Opening or First Gate, which is located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so he can begin to access 100% of their strength. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus. This gate adds +5 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 1.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -5 damage per turn.
( Kyūmon ) - The Gate of Healing: The user activates the Gate of Healing or 2nd Gate (also named Rest Gate) which is located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body. This gate adds +10 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -10 damage.
( Seimon ) - The Gate of Life: The user activates the Gate of Life or 3rd Gate which is located in the Spinal cord. The increased blood flow turns the skin red. Allows the user to use Hidden Lotus. This gate adds +15 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
( Shōmon ) - The Gate of Pain: The user activates the Gate of Pain or 4th Gate (also named Wound Gate) which is located in the Spinal cord, lower than the Seimon. Increases the user's strength and speed. May cause muscle tissue to begin to tear on use. This gate adds +20 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
( Tomon ) - The Gate of Limit: The user activates the Gate of Limit or 5th gate, which is located in the abdomen. Increases the user's speed and power. This gate adds +30 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3.5x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
( Keimon ) - Gate of View: The user activates the Gate of View or 6th Gate, located in the stomach. Increases the user's speed and power. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of chakra that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user. Allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock. This gate adds +40 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 4x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -25 damage.
( Kyōmon ) - The Gate of Wonder: The user activates the Gate of Wonder or 7th Gate which is located below the stomach. Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a green chakra coating. However, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds after exiting this gate, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches him. Allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger. This gate adds +60 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 7x faster. This gate also adds +20 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -40 damage.
( Shimon ) - The Gate of Death: The user activates the Gate of Death or 8th Gate, located at the heart, requiring the user to puncture their chest just above the heart in order to open it, enabling the user to achieve what is described as The Eight Gates Released Formation" ( Hachimon Tonkō no Jin ). Opening this gate will cause the user's blood to emanate a flaming aura of red steam, the so-called Steam of Blood ( Chi no Jōki ) from all pores of their body, hair, and eyebrows. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy while making the heart pump at maximum power. Exceeding the power of every other gate, the user is temporarily granted power far exceeding their normal power, far beyond that of the five Kage. Once activated, those who are capable can perform the Evening Elephant and the Night Guy. The side effect of opening this gate is that it comes at the expense of the user's life, causing the user to crumble to ash after their chakra runs out, having virtually cooked themselves from the inside-out. This is unlike opening the other gates, which simply injure or damage the body. This gate adds +120 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 8x faster and allows the user to warp space with his Taijutsu and its speed.
Note: The EIG users can only open the gates twice per fight, meaning that if he allows the EIG opening to time out, he can only open the EIGs once more during the match.
Note: Starting with the fifth gate, EIG users begin to feel the side effects of each gate as they time out.
Note: The user cannot use other self powering techniques (such as custom variations of Lightning Armor, Sage Mode, etc) while he has EIG opened
Note: After use of the 8th Gate, the user will pass away.
( Hitori Omote Renge ) - One-Man Front Lotus
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 (60 + 15 = 75)
Description: A singular version of its parent technique, the Front Lotus, the user instead starts spinning by himself creating strong air currents around him after having jumped high enough, and dives down on the opponent rather than with them. The effect is drastic as the momentum the user carries and the massive rotating vortex of air around him can create a crater upon impact on the ground. This technique can be used to fight on equal grounds with elemental techniques, using the air vortex produced by the fast spinning to clash with the technique with the user as the driving force beneath the attack.
Note: Requires at least three Gates to be opened.
(Jūjin Taijutsu Ougi: Gyakuryū Seigyo) Beast Human Martial Art: Reverse Flow Control
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A - S (A)
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (60 + 25 + 10 = 85)
Description: Making use of their enhanced sense to accurately judge when a technique is about to hit them, Reverse Flow Control allows a member of the Inuzuka clan to employ a Gatsuuga rotational method by spinning vertically in place, similar to Dance of the Wolf God where they appear as an upright vortex. This rotation, which is unlike that of the Hyuuga clan as they tend to release chakra from their tenketsu to form a dome around their body as they rotate, instead gathers a shell of air around the user to create an upright vortex that allows a suction effect on one side of the vortex to pull in an incoming technique before expelling it from the opposite side. By making use of this technique, an Inuzuka is capable of blocking a technique of equal strength by forcing it to the side in whatever direction they're spinning in provided this wouldn't target or harm anyone. They can also completely repel a weaker technique in any direction of their choosing by overpowering it even back at an opponent. Due to their rotation increasing the force of the repelled technique, its damage is increased by +20.

- The A-ranked version of this technique can only be used four times per battle, while S-ranked can only be used twice and requires a single turn cooldown between uses.
- This technique cannot be used on techniques that encompass a wide range but can be used against streamed techniques.
“Almost time….” He mutters under his breath, just loud enough for only Kōtetsu to hear.

“Wh-” he begins to ask, but his voice is suddenly cut off as a searing pain grips his chest and causes him to stagger. “What did…You do?” He struggles to asks between painful gasps, but Jamis doesn’t answer. He only smiles.

He rushes Kōtetsu with his fist clenched. “I simply helped you on your way!” He whispers as he digs his claw into Kōtetsu’s chest, but a sudden shift forces him to miss his mark, and he ends up tearing into his shoulder instead.

‘Kōtetsu!’ Sirris yells telepathically.

‘Something’s wrong...’ He tells her as he winces in pain and falls to his knees. He swipes his claws across Jamis’ chest, only to miss as he quickly retreats.

He faces the crowd as Kōtetsu struggles to his feet. “Is this the man you want to lead us!?” he roars, basking in the glory of his soon-to-be victory. The masses would never know it, but his clothes were drenched in an odorless poison that invaded the body through the nostrils. One that affected only those in close proximity and had the effect of not only weakening those affected but causing intense pain whenever they tried to use high-level techniques. “Today his reign ends. Today I will return us to what we used to be!”

The crowd explodes in a frenzy of excitement, drunk on their clan leader’s smell of blood. “I knew you were up to something Jamis…but it never crossed my mind that one of my own would resort to using poison.”

“I can’t beat you unless I do this,” He confesses. “At first my grandfather was against it, but soon enough he came to see that I was right.”

Kōtetsu’s eyes widen in shock. “The First Elder?” He coughs out the words.

“Oh yes. Never would have suspected him of betrayal, would you?” he laughs. “The honorable and righteous First Elder, the man with unbroken convictions.”

As the realization dawned on him, Kōtetsu’s pain was replaced by something else. Something he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Rage. Not the quiet, heated rage like before, but the seething rage that emanated from his body in waves. He glanced at the First Elder, whose face was adorned with a sly smile. Kōtetsu yelled like a wild beast as he employed the second of his original techniques, Penetrating Fang. He leaps into the air and spins at a ferocious speed as his rotation gathers a vortex of air pressure around his body. With his claws at the tip of his rotation, he flies through the air towards Jamis. The poison in his body bared him from making use of techniques above A-rank without damaging himself, but his attack still possesses enough force to gravely injure his target.

Faced with this technique for the first time shocked Jamis momentarily, but he soon realizes that it's simply a more powerful version of the Fang over Fang technique. In response, he activates the Fourth Gate, the Gate of Pain, and makes use of the increased speed he receives to dodge the technique by moving five meters to the left. He had to admit that Kōtetsu was stronger. Even though he was restricted only to martial arts and weakened by the odorless poison, the force carried by his strikes was simply terrifying. He gritted his teeth in frustration. The Fourth Gate was the highest he could currently open.

(Jūjin Taijutsu Ougi: Kantsū Kiba) Beast Human Martial Art: Penetrating Fang
Type: Offensive
Rank: A - S (A)
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: N/A - 40
Damage: 60 - 80 (60 + 20 + 25 = 105)
Description: Penetrating Fang is a technique that combines Kenjutsu/Bukijutsu[/B] and the Gatsuuga and Gatenga rotational methods of the Inuzuka Clan. The user will spin at a ferocious speed toward their target with their weapon held upward, putting it at the tip of their drill-like rotation as air is gathered around them to form a protective shell, protecting them from attacks and techniques up to equal rank. Alternatively, instead of rotating along the horizontal axis in the shape of a drill, the user can spin across the ground vertically, similar to Dance of the Wolf God where they appear as an upright vortex as they rapidly traverse across the ground, with their weapon held perpendicular to their body. This allows the user to attack in a 360-degree fashion, and even defend against techniques that come from multiple angles. The A-ranked version of this technique doesn’t require chakra, but when the S-ranked version is used the user will leak chakra from their entire body as they rapidly rotate. This chakra will form a drill-like shell around the user and their sword and can be made of either raw or elemental chakra such as fire, lightning, or wind. The usage of raw chakra will allow this technique to be equivalent in strength to elemental technique due to shape manipulation, while the use of elemental chakra will cause it to adopt the appropriate strengths and weaknesses of the chosen element.

- The A-ranked version of this technique can only be used four times per battle, while S ranked can only be used twice and requires a single turn cooldown between uses.
- Due to their sharp nails, members of the Inuzuka clan can perform this technique with their bare hands.
- This technique can only be used by members of the Inuzuka Clan.
( Hachimon ) The Eight Inner Gates
Type: Mode
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body. The user opens the gates in sequence, up to the desired gate to achieve its effects. Opening the gates is a fast process and can be done in mere moments up to the 7th gate. When one initially opens up to a given EIG, that opening lasts up to 4 turns. After completing training, users are capable of opening up to the 5th Gate passively. Opening additional gates after initial activation adds 2 turns per activation. However, there is an exception; opening the last and 8th gate can only lasts for 3 turns.

( Kaimon ) - The Gate of Opening: The user activates The Gate of Opening or First Gate, which is located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so he can begin to access 100% of their strength. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus. This gate adds +5 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 1.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -5 damage per turn.
( Kyūmon ) - The Gate of Healing: The user activates the Gate of Healing or 2nd Gate (also named Rest Gate) which is located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body. This gate adds +10 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -10 damage.
( Seimon ) - The Gate of Life: The user activates the Gate of Life or 3rd Gate which is located in the Spinal cord. The increased blood flow turns the skin red. Allows the user to use Hidden Lotus. This gate adds +15 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
( Shōmon ) - The Gate of Pain: The user activates the Gate of Pain or 4th Gate (also named Wound Gate) which is located in the Spinal cord, lower than the Seimon. Increases the user's strength and speed. May cause muscle tissue to begin to tear on use. This gate adds +20 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
( Tomon ) - The Gate of Limit: The user activates the Gate of Limit or 5th gate, which is located in the abdomen. Increases the user's speed and power. This gate adds +30 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3.5x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
( Keimon ) - Gate of View: The user activates the Gate of View or 6th Gate, located in the stomach. Increases the user's speed and power. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of chakra that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user. Allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock. This gate adds +40 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 4x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -25 damage.
( Kyōmon ) - The Gate of Wonder: The user activates the Gate of Wonder or 7th Gate which is located below the stomach. Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a green chakra coating. However, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds after exiting this gate, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches him. Allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger. This gate adds +60 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 7x faster. This gate also adds +20 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -40 damage.
( Shimon ) - The Gate of Death: The user activates the Gate of Death or 8th Gate, located at the heart, requiring the user to puncture their chest just above the heart in order to open it, enabling the user to achieve what is described as The Eight Gates Released Formation" ( Hachimon Tonkō no Jin ). Opening this gate will cause the user's blood to emanate a flaming aura of red steam, the so-called Steam of Blood ( Chi no Jōki ) from all pores of their body, hair, and eyebrows. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy while making the heart pump at maximum power. Exceeding the power of every other gate, the user is temporarily granted power far exceeding their normal power, far beyond that of the five Kage. Once activated, those who are capable can perform the Evening Elephant and the Night Guy. The side effect of opening this gate is that it comes at the expense of the user's life, causing the user to crumble to ash after their chakra runs out, having virtually cooked themselves from the inside-out. This is unlike opening the other gates, which simply injure or damage the body. This gate adds +120 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 8x faster and allows the user to warp space with his Taijutsu and its speed.
Note: The EIG users can only open the gates twice per fight, meaning that if he allows the EIG opening to time out, he can only open the EIGs once more during the match.
Note: Starting with the fifth gate, EIG users begin to feel the side effects of each gate as they time out.
Note: The user cannot use other self powering techniques (such as custom variations of Lightning Armor, Sage Mode, etc) while he has EIG opened
Note: After use of the 8th Gate, the user will pass away.
Kōtetsu exits his spin, realizing that his attack has been dodged in a burst of speed. Even using a technique of that strength had affected him, and he falls to his knee. Jamis was now too fast for him to hit, but he still had to try. With his leg weights removed Jamis had no chance of matching his running speed, and that is what he’d use to his advantage. He rushed towards him in a burst of speed, too fast for even his clan members to track, and Jamis rushed to meet him. Their fight transformed into a high-speed battle, allowing the spectators to see them only in the brief moments Kōtetsu stopped to attack, all of which were dodged by Jamis’ high-speed movement granted by the Eight Inner Gates. It’s in between one of these particular pauses to attack that Kōtetsu enters a clear state of mind that eliminates the factors clouding his mind. His regret for trusting the First Elder. His fear of the effects of the poison. His rage at the current situation. This increases his reaction speed, allowing him to just barely dodge Jamis’ attacks during their short exchanges. He was now able to strike him, but keep missing on purpose.

( Sempai Oshie: Roku Sacchi ) Elder teachings: Sixth Sense
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: ( -10 per turn to keep active )
Damage points: N/A
Description: Elder teachings: Sixth Sense is a skill known only to those who have achieved mastery in meditation and fighting arts. The user unlocks the Sixth Sense, which is also known as a clear state of mind where the user eliminates the factors clouding the mind such as fear and regret, thus allowing the user to be able to increase their reaction to incoming Taijutsu attacks and not fear death, making the user possible to react fast to the attacks. This increases the user's reaction speed by x2, giving them heightened senses to attacks.
Note: Can only be used two times
Note: Lasts four turns
(Final jutsu to be restricted)
During one of their exchanges, Jamis swings his claws at Kōtetsu’s neck, who ducks and delivers a kick square to his chest, opting to make use of his actual speed, The kick connects and he goes flying back, clutching his side. “Just die already!” he roars as he executes a powerful and fast extended leg dropkick, aiming for Kōtetsu’s chest. In response, Kōtetsu invokes an incredibly fast spin in a drill-like shape, one of such speed and ferocity that the air around him howled and quaked as he moved to Jamis’ attack. His body quakes and shudders as it’s racked with pain. The technique is much too powerful for him to perform in his current state without feeling immense pain, but he doesn’t care. The two techniques clash violently, sending shockwaves of air sweeping through the area, kicking up dust that obscures the battlefield. The spectators wait with bated breath.

Eventually, it clears up, revealing Kōtetsu on his knees, covered in blood as Jamis stands some distance away. “Any last words?” he asks triumphantly and he moves to stand over Kōtetsu. He doesn’t answer but tries to stand before stumbling onto one knee. Jamis chuckles. His victory at hand. Soon his family will lead the clan. In the distance, the First Elder struggles to contain his satisfaction. The culmination of the plan was in sight. The sacrifices he’d made to develop the odorless poison would be worth it.

( Koyubi Kōgeki ) - Little Toe Attack
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80 (80 + 20 = 100)
Description: After opening at least the 4th Inner Gate, the user attacks the opponent with a very powerful and fast extended leg drop kick. Guy used this attack against the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to literally attack its little toe, sending it toppling over, with great force. Its powerful enough to create a large crater upon impact, destroying the nearby area.
Note: Requires the user to have opened at least four of the Eight Gates.
Ōkami No Kaminoikari | Wrath of the Wolf God
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (60 + 25 + 10 = 95)
Description: Existing as the pinnacle of Gatsuuga or Gatenga variants, Wrath of the Wolf God requires the expenditure of vast amounts of chakra so as to reach staggering gyration speeds. Initiated by channeling chakra throughout the body so as to cushion internal organs and heighten muscle, bone, and connective to place the body in an above peak state, Wrath of the Wolf God will have the user then begin to spin just as they would when utilizing a Gatsuuga or Gatenga technique. The difference, however, lies in the immense amount of chakra that will flow through, and seep out of the user's body. At times the chakra will spin in the same direction as the user, at other times it will spin in the opposite, adjacent or random angles that will generate increased traction for even greater rotations per minute. Regardless of the manner in which the chakra spins, one thing will be certain, that the user's physical spin will far surpass that of any Gatsuuga or Gatenga technique ever demonstrated. So fast in fact, that the air will visibly ripple in the wake of the user as they move, as the user will easily achieve the tops speeds of Dance of the Wolf God, and a howl - said to be that of Fenrir himself will emanate from the user's position. The flaw of this technique, however, is that it is not immediately invoked at its full power. On the turn of its creation Wrath of the Wolf God will only possess the power of an S-ranked attack (it is considered neutral to elemental techniques), however, as the user's rotation speed continuously increases it will, by each passing turn, receive a cumulative +10 damage boost that will allow it to reach its full powered forbidden ranked damage by the turn after it is used. Once Wrath of the Wolf God is started, it can only be stopped by the user or a technique of equal or greater power, against anything else the Gatsuuga/Gatenga will merely momentarily lose momentum, and then immediately recover by the beginning of the next turn, it may be vital, then, for an opponent to stop it in its initial stage, before it can ramp up in power.
- This technique can only be used once per Ninken or Inuzuka. If an Inuzuka uses it, then the Ninken cannot use it, and vice-versa.
- The backlash when this technique ending is severe, once stopped the restrictions will take a turn to kick in. On the next turn, the user will, on account of achieving such immense rotation speeds, experience severe dizziness to such an extent that they will not be able to walk properly, halving their speed, and their vision will also be severely impaired as everything will appear blurry. On account of motion sickness, the user will experience severe nausea that will prevent then from using any technique that involves spewing a substance from the mouth for a turn, and their extremities will be racked with pain for two turns.
- If canceled before Wrath of the Wolf God can reach its forbidden ranked power, then the user will only experience the pain backlash, and for only one turn.
- If the complete version is achieved the user will, upon receiving the backlash, be barred from Inuzuka or taijutsu techniques above B-rank for two turns.
Now in striking distance, Jamis brings his outstretched claws back as he prepares to pierce the heart of the man he considers an outsider. He thrusts his hand down fast and hard, but suddenly Kōtetsu rotates his body to the left, creating a suction effect that throws Jamis off balance by pulling him forward as he dodges the strike. In one fluid motion, Kōtetsu digs his claws deep into Jamis’ throat before cupping his hands and pulling it free from his body. Blood sprays into the air, covering his body and the ground as the man staggers backward and stumbles. Kōtetsu spits blood from his mouth, locks eyes with the First Elder, and Lifts his bloody fist to the air. That was the third of his original techniques, Chaotic Cyclone.

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(Jūjin Taijutsu Ougi: Konton Saikuron) Beast Human Martial Art: Chaotic Cyclone
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B - A (A)
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A - 30
Damage: 40 - 60 (60 + 25 + 15 + 10 = 110)
Description: Created primarily as a means of counter-attacking an opponent in short-range, Konton Saikuron makes use of an Inuzuka’s rotational ability but to a lesser extend. When faced with a technique that targets a specific part of the body, the user will rotate their body in a clockwise or counterclockwise manner to dodge or deflect the blow, and as they come around the user will strike the opponent with a claw strike directed at vital parts of the body such as the eyes, throat, armpits, or thighs. When these areas are struck they not only cause bleeding that causes the opponent to lose -15 health per turn, but has the potential to either blind the opponent, make them unable to speak or use techniques above B-rank from the mouth, or prevent the movement of a targeted limb. When used with the aid of chakra (A-rank), the rotational force created from the user’s spin not only adds more power to their strike but will also create a suction effect that pulls the opponent forward and leaves them open to attack by throwing them off balance.

- The bleeding effect lasts for four turns.
- The A-ranked version of this technique can only be used four times per battle and requires a single turn cooldown between uses.
The First Elder knew from the clan leader’s gaze that he had been outed, but without proof, he wouldn’t be able to get rid of him. He cleared his throat and announced the winner of the Amtal. “Our clan leader is victorious! ” He yells, sending the Rockpile into a frenzy of cheers. The elder tried to keep his composure, but Kōtetsu could see beneath the surface. He could see he rage at the death of his grandson, he could feel it directed at him, but now he knew who his enemy was, and was already formulating plans to dispose of him. “As agreed, the loser, Jamis, will be transported to the netherworld.” The old man clapped his hands, causing a coffin to erupt from a portal behind Jamis. Ghostly arms reached out of the coffin, but instead of pulling him in it went straight for Kōtetsu.

Barely able to move, Kōtetsu releases his chakra outwards in the form of Liquid Caesium that perfectly mimics his shape as he moves five meters to the left. The arms grab the double before pulling it into the coffin, dragging it to the netherworld in his place. It was the First Elder’s blatant and last-ditch effort to get rid of him. One that ultimately failed.

“Apologies, Kōtetsu,” he said with a hint of disdain in his voice. “This technique is powerful, and hard to aim. Let me try again.” The Elder moved to clasp his hands once more but is stopped by Sýr who suddenly appear by his side.

“No,” he states simply, “You won’t”. He knew that something was wrong with his son during the course of the battle, but it was only when the ghostly arms tried grabbing him that he realized exactly what was going on.

( Kinjutsu: Edo Fūmetsu ) - Forbidden Technique: Impure World Seal Destruction
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user claps their hands, causing a coffin, much like the ones used in Impure World Reincarnation, to erupt from a portal near the opponent. The coffin opens up, and ghostly arms reach out from the coffin and catch the opponent. If they successfully catch the opponent, he will be immobilized and unable to react. The arms drag him into the coffin and take him to the netherworld, a dimension separate from reality and which can only be escaped from via Space/Time techniques.
Note: The arms reach only up to short range of the coffin's position and lack kinetic force.
Note: This technique can only be used twice per battle.
(Ninjutsu/Seshiumuton: Roki No Gyanbitto) Ninja Art/Liquid Caesium Release: Loki’s Gambit
Type: Defensive/Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: A more effective form of the substitution technique, Loki’s Gambit has the user release chakra outward in the form of Liquid Caesium that perfectly mimics the user's shape while they move up to mid-range in any direction of their choosing. This allows the user to avoid incoming taijutsu and kenjutsu attacks by having the Liquid Caesium take the full brunt of an attack. If an opponent's strike connects to the material, then their body or weapon will sink into it. Solid weapons that make contact will be dissolved due to the corrosive properties of the element, while body parts will suffer 20 damage from being burned. This dissolving effect will be based on the S/W of the element and effect items of up to one rank higher.
With the First Elder occupied, Kōtetsu claps his hand, mimicking the actions that had been done earlier. Blood pours from his eyes, eyes, and nose as he struggles against the poison to perform the technique. This time, the coffin erupts from a portal beside Jamis, and the ghostly hands quickly scoop him up and into the coffin before dragging him to the netherworld. Hawke’s eyes widen and his lips tremble

“Then it’s a good thing,” he mumbles, “That I can do it myself.”

( Kinjutsu: Edo Fūmetsu ) - Forbidden Technique: Impure World Seal Destruction
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user claps their hands, causing a coffin, much like the ones used in Impure World Reincarnation, to erupt from a portal near the opponent. The coffin opens up, and ghostly arms reach out from the coffin and catch the opponent. If they successfully catch the opponent, he will be immobilized and unable to react. The arms drag him into the coffin and take him to the netherworld, a dimension separate from reality and which can only be escaped from via Space/Time techniques.
Note: The arms reach only up to short range of the coffin's position and lack kinetic force.
Note: This technique can only be used twice per battle.

Mission Completed​
Last edited:

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:

- Deal with the aftermath of the Amtal (4)

Summary: Kōtetsu deals with the aftermath of the Amtal, and finally helps Moro recover the use of her arm.
Kōtetsu opens his eyes to find himself lying in the familiar scented sheet that was his bed. With no idea as to how he got there, he racks his brains to recall the events of the previous day. He remembers stumbling into a gathering where his position was at stake. He remembers Jamis challenging him to the Amtal, and how he sent him to the netherworld by using the Impure World Seal Destruction for the first time. He remembers the betrayal of Hawke, the First Elder, and the disdain that laced his every word. He tries to sit up but finds it difficult, and that was when he remembers the odorless poison that was still in his body. Turning his head to the left, he finds his father asleep, slumped over in the big cushioned chair he enjoyed curling up in as a child. He takes a moment to study his father’s face. His furrowed brow was a clear sign that he was worrying, even as he slept.

“Father,” he calls groggily, and suddenly Sýr was awake and by his side.

He grasped his son’s hand tightly, “You’re finally awake, Kōtetsu,” he says, speaking quickly. “What happened to you during the Amtal?”

Kōtetsu licks his dry lips before he moves to speak, and his father quickly fetches a bowl of water. He leans him up to a sitting position and helps him to drink. “Poison,” he answers. He could feel his father tense up as he deduces what the First Elder had done.

“How could we have not smelt it nor be affected?”

“It was odorless and had a short range of effect,” he answers. “Jamis appeared unaffected, but how he achieved that we will never know.” In hindsight, his quick action to deliver Jamis to the netherworld might not have been the best seeing as how his body could have been studied to find out why the poison on his body didn’t affect him.

“So the First Elder…?” He asks, even though he already deduced as much.

“Yes,” Kōtetsu answers with a clenched fist. The fact he had to deal with such matters from his own clan members, and an Elder nonetheless, sent his mind in a frenzy. It was only now that the weight of the betrayal truly hit him. However, he needed to deal with the poison still in his system. “Father, my pouch.”

Sýr nods and moves to the table in a corner of the room. He picks up the pouch Kōtetsu stored his miscellaneous weapons, scrolls, and sealing tags in and brings it over to him. Now able to sit up on his own, Kōtetsu reaches into it and produces that he slaps onto his body. He activates the seal and watches as it draws all the poison from his body into itself before detaching. He places the tag on the wooden table by his bed and moves to stand with his father supporting them.

“This poison is bound to be problematic, so I’ll have it researched and see if we can make an antidote,” he says. “In the meantime, say nothing of the poison.”

“What poison?” comes a voice from outside. The voice of the last person he wanted to hear of the unknown events of the night before. What poison?” she asks again, more demanding this time as she steps into the room. It was Izuri, his mother.

Kōtetsu runs a single hand over his face in disbelief. She was the last person he wanted to know, but once she dug her fangs into something it was impossible for her to let go. He had no choice now. He walks over to her and sits her down in the chair his father was sitting in just moments before. “Well, the thing is…” He begins and recounts everything that had occurred during the Amtal. The poison. The First Elder’s betrayal, everything.

She appeared came after hearing what he had to say, but he knows better. Her outward appearance could never fool him. He could tell by how tightly her fist was clenched that she was doing her best to keep a lid on her rage. When she finally spoke she only asked a single question, “What are our next steps?”

“For now? Nothing. Not until we find a way to counteract the effects of this poison. As it stands it’s much too potent to face the First Elder without a means to fight against the poison.”

Izuri gritted her teeth. Kōtetsu knew she was unwilling to sit still for long. The First Elder had tried to kill her son after all, and for that, he would pay dearly. “Fine, but don’t keep me waiting.”

With that, she stands and leaves the room with Sýr following closely behind her. Kōtetsu waited until he could no longer hear their steps and their scents became faint, signifying that they were truly gone. Now alone in his bedroom, the Inuzuka utters a single name. “Ada,” he says, and suddenly the veil of her invisibility falls away to reveal the short-haired woman leaning against the wall next to the doorway he parent had just passed through. Her amber eyes held his gaze, and for a moment, he felt as if she could see right through him.

“How did you know I was here?” She asks, leaning her head to the side.

“Just a feeling,” he responds. He motions to the sealing tag that was now imbued with the odorless poison. “Do you have anything on this?”

She moves to the bedside table and inspects the tag. “No, but there have been some strange rumors from the First Elder’s residence for some time now.”

“What kind of rumors?”

“Rumors that a number of his people have gone missing. Mostly whispers, and never enough to be suspicious” she replies. “Nevertheless, as it’s in my nature to be naturally suspicious I did dispatch a few members of Jin-Roh to investigate, but they came back with nothing.”

“I want you to investigate personally,” Kōtetsu orders as she carefully places the sealing tag into her pouch. “I’ll also need you to-”

“Look into this poison, create an antidote, and amass a stockpile of it for when the time comes to move against the first elder?” She cocks her head to the side once more as she finishes his sentence. They had worked together for a very long time. Ada moved as his shadow, so it was easy for her to predict his train of thought.

He smiles and nods, but it soon fades. He had only just returned, but he had to venture out once more. He knew that now was not the time to leave, but his hunt for the Beasts of Tiamat could not be put on hold. “Besides that, I want the First Elder and his residence constantly observed and any changes reported to me at once.”

Ada nods and vanishes before his eyes.

Unsure if she was really gone or not, he gets to his feet and stumbles around the house. He moves down the long hallways as he heads outside, passing his study where he could overhear his father’s desperate attempts at calming his mother’s anger. Once outside he heads east and walks for some time until he finally reaches the medical facility where Moro was. It was only when he stood at the entrance that he felt guilty for not coming sooner, especially since he was so close to home just a few months ago. He takes a deep breath and heads inside. The medical shinobi sitting at the desk suddenly springs to her feet as he enters, it wasn’t every day that she got to interact with the head of the clan.

“I’m looking for Moro,” he states, causing the attendant to hastily shift through the paperwork on the reception desk.

“Sorry sir! Just a second!” she shouts, obviously flustered. “Oh! I found it! She’s in room 12A.”

Kōtetsu nods and makes his way through the hospital until he finds the room. He knocks once, then twice, but no one answers. He knocks again, but this time following a specific pattern, a code he and his friends had made up as children, and one that only they would recognize.

“...Come in.” Her voice was soft and weak, nothing at all like the Moro he knew. Kōtetsu opens the door and enters the room. It was bathed in the golden light of dusk, causing Moro’s silver hair to give off a unique shine that almost blinds him. Slowly regaining hsi sight, he pulls an empty chair near to her beat and takes a seat.

“I’m sorry Moro,” he apologizes. “I’m sorry that it took me so long.” As the light fades, he notices for the first time that it’s her dominant left arm that was ripped off during the attack.

She simply smiles, “It’s fine. I know you’re busy after all. Besides, it’s not like there is anything you could have done.”

The pang of guilt in his chest intensifies. “If it’s any comfort, your attacker was captured by an acquaintance of mine. A man by the name of Hei Otsutsuki.”

“I’m aware, but it does little to ease the pain.” She turns her gaze to the window, staring into the forest outside. “Unable to die, he now rots in our dungeon, but Kyoka wasn’t fortunate enough to escape death.” Though death had left the world almost entirely by now, during the attract that claimed the life of her Ninken the anomaly had only just started.

Kōtetsu knew full well the pain of losing family. His mind drifted to the fight against Falnir, to when Sif, Sirris, and Solaire had died shortly before he himself followed suit. They were brought back yes, but the pain of their connection being broken was still vivid in his mind.

“You might have lost Kyoka, Moro,” Kōtetsu said as he rose to his feet and sat beside her, placing his hand to the stump where her arm used to be. “But it’s too early for you to give up. I need you. Our clan needs you.” As the words leave his mouth, Moro feels her body temperature rise as yang energy is pumped into his body. It coursed through her chakra network before it coalesce into her arm. She watches, wide-eyed as her arm is regrown.

“Kōtetsu!” She exclaims, wondering if the sight before her is real, but he motions for her to be quiet as he continues to infuse the yang energy into her body. Soon, it was finished, and Moro stares at her regrown arm as she clenches and unclenches her fist. “You….How…!?”

He simply winks and stands to leave. “I have to venture out again, but this time I’ll be leaving a clone behind. Inform Shin and San, and look for Ada. She’ll fill you in on everything that’s happened since you’ve been here.” And with that he was gone.

After leaving the medical facility Kōtetsu returns home and makes straight for the study, where he found his father still attempting to calm his mother. Healing Moror’s arm was the last thing he needed to do before leaving, and now it was time to inform his parents of his plans.“Father, Mother. I’m currently searching for something important, and as such I’m unable to stay,” he began. “The First Elder’s movements are concerning, so this time I’ll be leaving a clone.”

“Where will you go?” his mother asks, watching as her son creates a real copy of himself that poofs into existence beside him.

“For now I will head to Kieshi. There is someone I need to meet, and with any luck, they’ll be able to point me in the right direction.”

“Don’t worry about us,” his father chimed in. “I’ll try to keep the First Elder in check until you return.”

Kōtetsu nods. He scurries about the house as he gathers his things. ‘Are we leaving already?’ Solaire groaned telepathically. “We just got here!”

‘Sorry, but there’s no time.’ Kōtetsu responds. ‘The person we need to meet is close, but I don’t know when their scent will leave my range.’

‘And just who are we meeting to be in such a rush?’ This time it was Sirris’ thoughts that were transmitted into his mind.

‘I could tell you,’ Kōtetsu began, ‘But you won’t like it.’

‘No…’ She says, surprised by the face that crossed her pack brother’s mind. She snarls angrily, the reaction he expected, but they had no choice.

In preparation for their meeting, Kōtetsu activated his enhanced strength and removed the weights that kept his speed in check, while Solaire channeled chakra to his nose to activate his Spectral Sense, an ability that heightens his sense of smell to the point where he becomes able to visualize scents, an ability that he shared with his packbrother due to their mental link. Lastly, he consumes a pill that replenishes his chakra levels. With his preparations made, he masks his scent and vanishes into the forest. It was to reencounter the Swamp Witch.

Techniques used:
(Iryo Fuuinjutsu: Doku Houin ) Medical Sealing Arts: Poison Sealing Method
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A special fuuinjutsu utilized by taking a tag and slapping it onto a body and then activating the seal. This seal draws all the poison within the body towards that seal and then imbues the poison into the sealing tag before detaching itself. The poison can be released from the tag to be researched and studied later on by performing the confrontation handseal and paying 10 chakra points.
Note: Alternative to using medical jutsu to remove poison
(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release Specialists and Yin-Yang users are able to use on themselves.
(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (total chakra is divided by the final number of clones plus the user)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and himself and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clones, a max number of 4, are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force, returning 10% of its individual chakra to the user. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the original with Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan or normal Chakra Sensing. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.
Supekutoru-Kan | Spectral Sense
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Spectral Sense is a technique usable only by ninken that takes advantage of the ability to sense and track targets through scent. By channeling chakra to their nose a Ninken’s sense of smell is heightened to the point where they become able to visualize scents. Much like synesthesia, this technique enables scents detected by the ninken’s sense of smell to be interpreted visually, with whatever smelt being interpreted as visible colors that will seep and ooze out of techniques and people. This will not be limited to the ninken’s visual range, but will instead exist independently as an experience-able phenomenon that will be interpreted visually - for instance, a ninken will be able to close their eyes yet will still see colors, with scents from behind them interpreted in a way akin to peripheral vision, yet more rear reaching and so on. The stronger or fresher the scent - whether it be a person or technique, the more vivid and bright the color will be. Staler sources of released chakra will take on more bland and faded tones, while those interpreted as dangerous or fatal will take or strong and alarming red, yellow and purple tones. Stronger scents, such as that produced by a ninja performing a technique or an active attack will produce stronger, more block colors, while dormant sources, such as a ninja at rest or passive or dormant techniques will produce more patchy and whispy tones. Elemental affinities and other disciplines of chakra transformation will also have their own distinct colors, even pure physical and spiritual energies, including spiritual beings/entities, will have their own hue.

- This technique can only be used three times per battle/arc.
- Color perception will appear like a filter that overlays onto the normal view of the world.
- Once activated this technique lasts until deactivated, draining -10 chakra per turn from the user.
( Chakura Chikara ) - Chakra Enhanced Strength
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: ( +25 to taijutsu techniques )
Damage points: ( +25 to taijutsu techniques )
Description: A technique that uses the refine chakra control and concentration required in medical ninjutsu to enhance one's strength to monstrous levels. This is done by storing chakra into one's hands or feet and releasing it onto the target with pinpoint timing. With this strength, the user can decimate the ground or even kill opponents with a single strike.
Note: Can only be used by Sakura, Momoshiki, Sarada or Tsunade bios.
Note: Once activated, lasts the entire battle.
(Kaihou Kasugai) Automated Clamps (Passive)
Type: Tool
Rank: E
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated clamp designed to read the electrical input of muscles contracting allowing the user to simply flex in a specific way to release them. These clamps are integrated into Leg Weights to hold them in place. Allowing the user to simply flex their leg in a specific manor to passively release the weight giving them freedom of mobility. These clamps give no added bonus or benefit other then releasing the weights in a more versatile way, better suited for combat.
-Must be placed in the users biography
-Can only be taught by Serpent
(Katai Omori) Leg Weights (Reference)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: An advanced version of the normal Leg Weights created for those dedicated to their craft, the Advanced Leg Weights increase the stress and weight applied to the user in order to achieve an even higher payoff. When inactive and worn, the user experiences a -3 Speed level drop due to the intense weight slowing him down. However, when released, the user gains a drastic boost to his base running speed (x4) and +35 to all his kick-related moves. Much like the weaker versions, this boost in strength and speed is completely nullified when releasing the EIG or when using any kind of movement speed enhancement technique or weight manipulation technique; they don't add up on each other. Only one of the user's bio can have these weights at any time.
(Hyōrōgan) Military Ration Pills
Type: Healing
Description and Background:Military Rations Pills (兵糧丸, Hyōrōgan) are special pills that replenish one's chakra and nourish the body. It is made up of powerful stimulants and nutrients, said to allow the user to keep fighting for three days and three nights without rest. Replenishes 50 percent of the user's maximum chakra supply per pill taken, along with pumping stimulants into the body to alleviate tiredness. These pills are a basic medicine medical ninjas use or distribute in combat and are essentially dark brown small round pills which are swallowed and absorbed through the mucosa in the stomach. Can only be given out to up to 4 times, excluding the user's use.
Description of Side Effects:
-Taking two pills in a conflict results in hyper-stimulation of the cardiovascular system. The users heart rate and blood pressure increase to the point they become painful for 6 turns after taking the pill.
-Taking 3 pills in a conflict pushes the user's cardiovascular system to breaking point, resulting in heart failure after 4 turns.
-Costs a move per turn to use.

-Leaving Landmark-

Mission Completed​

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using these storyboard elements:

- Decided on a course of action (4)

Summary: Kōtetsu decides on how to deal with the First Elder.

Three Days Ago...

Kōtetsu’s small study in his family’s compound was packed with a small number of people, the most it had ever held in fact. From behind him, he feels his mother’s glare burning into the back of his neck, obviously still incredibly angry that he had tried hiding the fact that he’d been poisoned from her. Across from where he sat behind the large wooden desk were Holo, the Second Elder of the Inuzuka clan, Sýr, the Third Elder and his father, Moro, One of his lieutenants who’d recently been discharged from the hospital, and the most surprising of all was Ada, the head of the Wolf Brigade who usually preferred to remain unseen. In addition to them were two other members of Jin-Roh standing close to the door.

“Everyone can speak freely,” She announced. “I’ve erected a barrier within the room that ensures no information will be leaked outside.”

Kōtetsu nods, but the Second Elder eyes the black-haired young woman suspiciously. It was to be expected, as the two had never met before. As a matter of fact, no one in the room besides Kōtetsu knew of her existence or that of the organization she led, The one he himself had founded and placed her atop of.

“I’ll apologize if I sound out of place here,” the Second Elder chided in. “But who is this young woman?”

Everyone in the room turns to look at the clan head with an expectant expression. It was always his intention to eventually reveal the existence of Jin-Roh to the elders, but not this soon. The First Elder’s betrayal had somewhat forced his hand, especially now that he needed people on his side. “This is Ada, ” he answers. “She and the two behind her belong to an intelligence organization that I created some time ago. Their main purpose is to infiltrate the surrounding clans and villages and bring back information that could be useful.”

“So…They’re spies?” his father asks.

“Yes, but each one of them is a capable combatant. Of that, I can assure you.”

“And just when were you going to let us know we had spies in our midst?” The anger on the Second Elder’s face was clear, and he understood why she felt that way. To walk in shadows was not the Inuzuka way, but it was necessary for their survival.

“The agents of Jin-Roh have never operated within the borders of our clan. They do not, or rather, did not spy on our own kind.” Kōtetsu informs them.

“Did…not?” This time it was Moro who speaks out

“Yes,” he answers. “With whispers about missing members of our clan and the deployment of an odorless poison that almost killed me I had no choice but to order them to infiltrate the First Elder’s residence.”

“Boy!” The Second Elder shouts, her voice filled with rage. “You’d Da-!”

Immediately following her outburst Kōtetsu releases chakra from his body that takes the appearance of a crimson hue that forms around him. The air in the room becomes distorted from the sheer pressure of his strength's momentary release. Though mainly directed towards the Second Elder, everyone in the room finds it difficult to breathe or move. “Boss!” Ada calls out, the only one able to somewhat resist the pressure.

Snapping back to his sense, the Inuzuka disperses the chakra and looks around the room. “I’m sorry,” he says, Apologizing as they all catch their breaths. “I lost myself for a moment. It would serve you well to remember your place Holo.” He gives her a stern warning.

“I’m sorry as well,” the old woman mutters as she returns to her seat.

His father clears his throat snd moves closer to the desk. “Have your…Agents uncovered anything?”

“It took them a long time, but they managed to discover that the First Elder is linked to the missing clansmen. We haven’t been able to confirm it, but it seems as if they used them as test subjects for this poison they developed.”

There was a collective gasp throughout the room as everyone connected the pieces for themselves and the shock of what the First Elder was doing set in. Using members of his own clan for heinous experiments, and especially one that could affect them all without any of them being none the wiser.

“Hawk has always had a thirst for power,” the Second Elder Spat. “To others, he appears to be a kind, respectable man, but deep does he bares an insatiable appetite to rule. This is exactly why I warned your father when he first rose to power to be mindful of the bastard.”

“A warning that I ignored, for even I was fooled by his facade.” His father added.

Kōtetsu had never heard even the faintest of rumors about dislike for the First Elder, so it surprised him to hear them speak like this. “I was unaware that you knew of his true nature, Holo. Why did you never tell me?” He asks.

“Would you have believed me?” She asks back. “As your father did in his time, you too would have ignored my words due to the kindness he’s shown you all your life.”

She was right. It never would have crossed his mind that the First Elder would not only betray him, but also try to kill him. He had never questioned the kindness and generosity the old man had shown him since the first moment he returned from Chungsu after it had been destroyed. “Point taken.”

“He never did anything when I was clan head, and even when I became an Elder he continued to treat me the same way he always had.” Sýr reminds her.

“Because he was simply binding his time, working on the poison that they’ve now perfected.”

“I can’t believe I miss-”

“HE TRIED TO TAKE THE LIFE OF MY SON!” Izuri shouts at the top of her lungs. My Son. I don’t give a damn about what you missed, or about your warnings that seemingly fell on deaf ears. He bared his fangs at us and for that, he’ll pay the price!”

The room falls silent. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of his mother’s ragged breathing. She’d always been hotheaded, and Kōtetsu was honestly surprised that she had kept a lid on her anger thus far. If this was how she acted when he almost died, then it really was a good idea that he hasn’t informed his pared of his untimely demise at the hands of both Falnir and Phetra. If he had, she probably would have stormed off to Irkalla herself.

“It’s not that simple,” Kōtetsu tells her. “The First Elder has immense support, and without proof of his crimes, the rest of the clan members won’t stand for it. In the worst-case scenarios, we might start a civil war between his supporters and our own.”

Izuri grits her teeth and clenches her fist tightly to the point she almost draws blood. “Our clan has always been one where the strongest rules. When did we become so cunning and calculating like the humans outside!?” She asks. “So what if there’s a civil war? We can just kill anyone who gets in our way to Hawke.”

“Because there will be many people on his side who’re unaware of his true nature. Innocent people who trust and follow the kind and strong man they’ve known all their lives.”

“Which is where the problem lies.” The Second Elder adds. “Before we can get to him, we need to stip away his support. That alone is something that can’t be done with brute force.”

“Which is where we come in,” Ada says. “Our agents will spread rumors about the missing clan members and link it to the First Elder’s estate. We’ll also highlight his blunder where he almost accidentally pulled you into the underworld with that forbidden technique as an attempt to actually kill you.”

“As much as I dislike the method, it’s the only way to whittle away at his followers and avoid unnecessary bloodshed,” the Second Elder informed them.

“I don’t like it either, but it’ll do for now,” his mother added. “But when the time comes, I will have his head in my ninken’s jaws.”

“And when that time comes,” Kōtetsu says, finally speaking up. “I’ll be the first to let you know. Once we strip his support and find evidence of his crimes we will move against him. There will be no trial. No deliberation. He will be killed, and those in his estate who participated in these experiments will be purged. After that, Holo will become the First Elder, my father the Second, and a new First Elder will be chosen to fill the vacancy.”

“And what should I do in the meantime?” Moro asks.

“I’ll need you to inform the other lieutenants of what’s happened so far. It’s likely that the First Elder has many supporters among the warriors. You four will be tasked with ensuring they remain at the borders during all this.”

Moro nods in understanding. Kōtetsu then turns to where Ada was, but she was already gone before any of them had noticed.

“Where….When did she?” The Second Elder asks, finally realizing that the girl she was paying so much attention to had long since vanished.

“She does that a lot, ” Kōtetsu says with a chuckle, remembering his surprise the first time she’d vanished without a trace. “You’ll get used to it.”

As he moves to end the meeting and dismiss them all for the night, a loud GONG! sound reverberates through the room. It was the emergency signal his clan used in only the direst circumstances. As soon as they hear the sound a loud bang comes from the main gate. Kōtetsu springs to his feet, leaps over the wooden desk, and is first out the door. He quickly moves through the hallways until he reaches the courtyard and soon after the gate which he swings open. At the gate is one of his clan’s warriors stationed at the Eastern Border, a place that saw countless skirmishes with Tanigakure forces due to the ongoing insurrection.

“Lord!” The man yells, struggling to catch his breath. “There’s an emergency!”

“What’s going on?” He asks.

“On the border…They’re dying.”



And then he realizes what's happening. Scents of numerous people that fill his noes, people he’s known since childhood. They grow stale before vanishing completely, and then something else fills his nose. A smell he’s become all too accustomed to. It was the smell of death, and it comes in such vast proportions that it almost overwhelms him. He didn’t know how it was happening, but people were dying on a massive scale.

Techniques used:
(Ninjutsu: oshi kokuou) Ninja Art: Pressure Of A King
Type: Supplementary
Rank: E - S (A)
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 5 - 40 (30)
Damage: N/a
Description: This technique is used as another form of intimidation, by showcasing the amount of chakra the user currently wields/posses. The user will exert chakra from all over their body releasing their chakra causing it to take on a transparent hue but visible to the eye. Resembling a distortion in the air. This chakra due to it being very powerful becomes very dense, meaning others though it's not offensive, can feel it. As if their body got slightly heavier than normal. Depending on how much chakra is released, depends on how far the chakra can be felt from a distance.
Note: This jutsu is mainly for rping purposes but the effects of S rank can stun a chunin and genin
Note: The S rank can only be used twice
Note: A-S rank reaches up to long range C-B reaches up to mid range E-D Short range
Note: This is offensive in no way at all. This jutsu though it makes the opponent feel slightly heavier its for cosmetic purposes and does not effect the speed what so ever

Mission Completed​
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