Celeste Hozuki, Mermaid of the Deep


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
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"The ocean is filled with many mysteries that even the Gyojin don't know about!!"- Celeste
Basic Information

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Name: Celeste Hozuki

Nickname(s): Mermaid of the Deep, Crown Princess of Ryugu Kingdom
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty - Six
Clan: Gyojin x Hozuki
Nindo: Azure Flash (Yellow Flash)

Looks: Celeste is often described as a maiden of pure beauty, with many unable to deny her appearance is akin to a mermaid. Celeste physically is about 5’7 in height, sporting a rather normal slim physique which can lead to many misleading to how truly powerful she is. Her beautiful azure blue hair, midnight colored eyes and a boastful curvaceous allurement has attracted the attention of many. Celeste is a fishman with a myriad of colorful scales decorating her arms, legs and upper body up to her neck. Her face remains unphased - but her hands and feet are webbed into one another like fins, and gills on her neck- showing the true nature of her Fishman traits. Celeste also has three summoning contract tattoos located on her body. Two on her right wrist (Sharks and Sea King) & on her left arm (Box Jellyfish).

Personality: Celeste is an honorable woman of nobility- ruling the Ryugu Kingdom alongside her brothers and sisters with fairness. Like her forefathers, Celeste has actively avoided the conflict with the surface world- which due to how deep the Kingdom remained away from them allowed for peace and tranquility. While she remains just and fair with her people, she carries a strong prejudice against the surface dwellers- seeing them as nothing more than savages and monstrosities to the world. This of course, was mostly due to her ignorance of the surface, having spent most of her life being drilled into this mentality. At an older age and on her own, she ventured to the surface world for the first time. She fell in love with the surface world’s culture- and at times envied them and their freedom. She would take souvenirs from her adventures - which led to many of her opinions on the surface dwellers to shift, becoming more tolerant of them. She is very sensitive to the emotions of others, but oftentimes comes off far more blunt and straight than intended- leading to very awkward interactions and leaving many to believe she’s just an asshole. In reality, she loves and cherishes the relationships and bonds she’s made, both in the seas and the lands. In battle, she is said to be a tsunami- consistently utilizing her clan’s extremely powerful manipulation of water to combat enemies. She’s however known to show mercy a little too often which leads to others immediately attempting to backstab her and now she retorting to killing them in self defense. As such- she can be ruthless in her own ways. She also likes to fght for fun, something she had to learn with her brothers in order to learn to protect herself.

Overall, Celeste simply exists to have fun, to be free but also to protect the oceans- as the sea is her home and shows no mercy to anyone purposefully attempting to harm it and its beauty.

Village Info.
Land of Birth:
Kaijuu Ocean, Ryugu Kingdom
WSE Clan: N/A

Rank//Chakra Info

Ninja Rank: Sage

Apex Handseal Specialist (Water Release)
You can perform techniques of the skill you chose to specialize in without the usage of handseals, though you must still perform complimentary and logical body movements related to the technique. This applies even if said jutsu does not have specific movements detailed in its description.

Sourceless Materializing Specialist (Water Release, Bonus Specialty via Hozuki Clan)
You can materialize your element or skill you specialize in without needing a source. This applies towards various Elemental Jutsu where logical such as Water or Earth based substances and Fields that require a source to first be present and not created such as Advanced Ninjutsu ( Rain, Sound, Ink, etc ).

Apex Tracker Specialist:
With more heightened senses, the user is capable of gaining a now increased x2.5 tracking. This allows him to physically track faster movement without chakra sensory.

Yang Specialist
Users will gain heightened vitality translating to 1000 chakra increase to their natural reserves. As well, they are immune to recoil damage from techniques that cause it like Forbidden, though they still succumb to the jutsu's other subscribed affects.

Naturalist Summoning Specialist (Sharks)
You may produce the same special skills as the animals of the contracts you've signed (e.g., Toad oil, Spider silk, snake venom, etc ). This only applies to one contract unless the user has Apex Summoning Specialist as well.

Mythical Swordsman:
The user may have a canon Seven Swordsman sword on his bio, taking the place of his Custom Weapon. The user can also choose between any of the A rank and lower canon weapons to take into battle, using their canon skills associated with the weapons. This excludes S ranked weapons as well as Samehada. Celeste as a result has the unique sword known as Nuibari at her disposal.

Mind’s Keen Eye
Genjutsu of any type, other than MS-level or those cast by Kunino, appear 'flawed.' This means that regardless of the caster's expertise or perfection, there will be some kind of tell within the illusion that is very obvious; such as a visual illusion appearing like static on a television, a smell being off, or a sound not making sense.


Basic Three Releases (Water, Earth and Fire)
Yin Release
Yang Release
Perfume Release
Seraphic Water Release
Algae Release

Your Ninjutsu: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu , Kenjutsu, Kaito Taijutsu, Fūinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, Fishman Karate, Hozuki Clan Hiden
Blood Contracts: Box Jellyfish Summoning Contract & Shark Summoning Contract & Sea King Summoning Contract

Custom Fighting Styles: Surreal Palm - Subduing Dragon Claw - Renewal Taekwondo - Chop Hanging Rippling Fist - Lazy Fist
Celeste's Attribute Points: (29)
Mind: 8 | Body: 6 | Spirit: 4 | Agility: 5 | Dexterity: 6 | Vitality: 0 (Chakra: 0 | Health: 0)

Background Info.

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"The Ryugu Kingdom isn't ruled by me only, it's a collective of my brothers, sisters and I! We rule this kingdom as one family!"

Celeste Hozuki, the first princess of the Ryugu Kingdom was born out of wedlock. The matter of her birth was considered an anomaly- as the late King had an affair with one of his many concubines, who was a mere surface dweller. However- she carried her father's genes and thus was treated as rightfully so. She was subjected however from carrying the royal family name- and was brandished with the maiden name of her mother. Despite all this, Celeste was loved and cared for by the civilians of the kingdom. Her brothers protected her, while she cared and natured her younger sisters. The idealism of her father was invoked into at a very young age, with her coming to hate even her own mother at one point in time. As Celeste grew older and wiser- she continued to question the reality of the the state- and even challenged her own father's demands in the halls of his kingdom.

Many chalked this up to treason, but the King professed his reasonings. The children of the King, including Celeste didn't agree with such nonsense- as he was planning a full scale war against the surface. This enraged them, to the point of the three elder sons battling their father for supremacy of the throne. This resulted in the death of the King and two of his sons, with the eldest of the three surviving. However- with the remaining children- they declared the state will now be ruled by a court of the children- with Celeste being given a seat on the royal council as the current Crowned Princess. Over the years, the children ran the kingdom and did far better of from the reign of their father but Celeste would soon breakaway from the Kingdom, as she now visited the surface and well...she loved it. This allowed them to bridge the Ryugu Kingdom with the surface though many still carried a wariness to them. All in all, the Princess had an idea and she ran with it, leaving to many adventures with her both in the deep seas and the high lands of the surface.

Other Information

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Gyojin Clan: Celeste is a half Gyojin, hailing from the Ryugu Kingdom. This being a completely isolated kingdom away from the main village- she inherited this from her father, the King. As a result, Celeste's naturally human body has gained unique aquatic like features. She has the ability to breath underwater, sense large bodies of water nearby within a landmark and also utilizes a unique form of Taijutsu known as Gyojin Karate (Fishman Karate). As per tradition among the Ryugu Kingdom, only members of the royal family is allowed to sign a contract with the infamous Sea Kings to which she has done. She also has the ability to use B-rank and lower Water Ninjutsu without handseals as well as a 20 damage resistance towards Water Ninjutsu.

Hozuki Clan: On the other side of the coin, she is half Hozuki. The kingdom initially viewed this as an omen- but in truth they accepted the reality of it. This allowed her to hail from two clans with an innate connection to water release. She was taught the clan's hiden, Water Release: Hydrification Technique and its associated techniques by her late mother. Afterwards, she learned to use her own body as a source of water for her clan's unique abilities and also other water release techniques.

Body Seals: Celeste has trained in the art of sealing- which allowed her to gain the ability to create and add unique sealing script. She has applied a couple of them to her physique for various purposes and situations. These seals are listed below.

(Fuuin: Metsuryū Mahō) - Sealing art: Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Fuuin
Rank: A
Range: Short (mid range blast when released)
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Before the battle the user will have places 5 basic seals in their mouth/throat in preparation. Each of these seals will represent one of the 5 basic elements. In battle, when the user is about to be hit by one of the the 5 basic elements they will perform one handseal activating one of the chosen seals in their mouth as they breath in. In doing so, the element of the seal they activated will be sucking in and sealed into the seal in the users mouth. Much like how Jiraiya sealed Amaterasu. After having sealed the element, the user can then perform one handseal releasing that element from their mouth back at their opponent, in the form of a blast of that chosen element with no shape to it. An exampe of this jutsu would be if the opponent use a B rank fireball, just when it's about to hit the user, he will perform one handseal, activating the seal as he breathes in, as he does, the fireball will be sealed into the seal in the users mouth, without hurting the user. The user could then perform another handseal releasing the fireb back at the opponent as one big blast, the fireball would still be B rank. When the seal is activated, a mass of chakra is released out of the users mouth at high speed, similar to when jiraiya sealed amaterasu in a scroll, but faster. The element would be drawn into this chakra and sealed into the seal in the users mouth.

Note: Each seal can only be used once per battle.
Note: Can only seal one jutsu per seal
Note: Can only seal A rank and below
Note: Must wait 1 turn to use this jutsu again
Note: After a jutsu has been sealed in the users mouth, when they release it back, it counts as one of the 3 jutsu per turns.
Note: Can only seal one element, not elemental combinations.
Note: Useable 3 times

(Fuinjutsu/Kenjutsu : Shi no Ōgama) - Sealing/Sword Arts: Lost Blades
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage points: N/a
Description: Lost blades is a very unique type of technique. Applying both sealing techniques with kenjutsu, making the technique, Lost Blades. The user will apply a seal on the blade portion of their sword. Doing this, the user is able to slash at anything that pertains to chakra in it, be it medical chakra, other forms of chakra. (excludes senjutsu or fuinjutsu). By doing this, the moment the user slashes at something, the seal instantly activates, sealing the chakra inside said technique, allowing for the slash to disperse the technique. This makes it look like everything the user cuts at, gets slashed and dispersed.
Note: Can use two times per battle
Note: Both Fuin and Kenjutsu is S rank, allowing the user to seal S rank and below
Note: The seal is pre-applied to the sword before battle. After usage, the user has to manually apply the seal to the sword again (This portion does not take up a move slot, but using the technique does)
Note: Seal stays dormant until clashes with other technique

(Fuuin: Hakari no Doragon) - Sealing Technique: Scales of the Dragon
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (-40 on activation)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user has a seal on their body with the Kanji for "Impervious" that automatically activates upon the user being struck with a Taijutsu attack. A barrier instantly forms over the user (before the user can be harmed) and mitigates the damage dealt by the strike and any subsequent strikes encompassed in the technique or freeform combo. Whether a Taijutsu technique deals one single hit or a multitude of them, each activation of this seal will defend one single Taijutsu attack/combo, be it freeform or a technique. The effect of the barrier is to reduce rather than eliminate the damage the user takes from being struck physically by the opponent so it will only halve the damage of any Taijutsu technique no matter how powerful (e.g. S-Ranks will fall to 40 damage, D-Ranks will fall to 10 damage). Due to this seal only reducing damage rather protecting the user completely, it acts as a failsafe more than anything else in case the user is caught unawares by someone much faster than them. The user’s body will sustain the remaining damage after the barrier halves it’s power.

Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: User still takes half the damage
Note: Only applies to Taijutsu techniques
Note: No S-Rank or above Fuuin in that turn or next

Fuuinjutsu: Mizu No Kami No Shirushi | Sealing Arts: Seal of the Water God
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The seal of the Water God is a special seal developed for the purpose to aid the user in tough situations. The seal itself is a circle of kanji surrounding the kanji for "Divine" in the middle. The user himself is the seal and can manifest it in any part of his body he wishes. The seal only works against Water techniques and is a very good defense against them. The seal activates and draws in any nearby water technique into himself, storing both the water and the chakra it contained inside of it. The seal can then serve multiple purposes:
-Reverence of God: The user will use the sealed, chakra infused, water to boost the damage of another water technique. Once he has absorbed an enemy technique, he does the handseals or rituals, needed for his own technique and, instead of its normal release, releases the technique from the seal itself (generally manifesting it in his hands). The end result is the water technique that the user performed with the addition of damage of the technique he had absorbed. The damage added is equal to the chakra points absorbed. Can be used 2 times.
-Divine Will: The user will use the sealed, chakra infused, water to combo with another elemental technique. Once he has absorbed an enemy technique he does the handseals or rituals needed for his own technique and, instead of its normal release, releases the technique from the seal itself (generally manifesting it in his hands). The end result is an elemental combo of both water and the element of the technique he performed. The rank of the combo is equal to rank of the elemental technique used although becoming a dual elemental technique. Can be used 2 times.
-Touch of Drought: The user will manifest the seal in both his hands and absorb any nearby moisture or water into the seal in a mere moment. This can be used to negate weather patterns such as clouds or mist but also to make it harder to breathe or to drain water sources. This can also be used to, upon touching an enemy, induce a temporary dehydration to the enemy, making him stumble and lose focus as well as stamina and strength, as he feels dizzy and weak. The effects last one turn. Can be used 2 times.
Note: Absorbing a technique counts as a move and can only be done 3 times. Cannot absorb more than one at a time.
Note: The seal can be combined with techniques that can logically be combined with a "water burst" from his body, as its follows logic and reasoning
Note: The seal can only be used max 3 times and the effects used depend on the user but neither can be used more than 2 times
Note: The user must wait a turn before using it again
Note: The seal has to be stated in the biography
Note: Only McRazor can teach this

(Fuinjutsu: Kyūmin Erementarudomein) Sealing Style: The Dormants Domain
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn, -20 per turn if used twice)
Damage: 80
Description: This technique has an application of both a body seal and a active regular fuin seal, being able to brand their body with the Kanji utilizing the technique. By applying this technique onto the user, (Be it in the start or mid way through the battle) the seal will activate causing said element to form into a small creature on their shoulders roughly the size of pakon (Kakashis Dog) This element can range from the basic elements, Advance Element, or Custom element but it needs to have an element component to it. Once the seal is active it stays dormant until an enemy is within short range. Once an enemy is within short range, the elemental creature that is on said body will instantly use a technique from said element that their body is composed of, of equal rank or lesser by using their own body as that source but having to be a projectile technique or a defensive technique that doesnt spawn larger than five meters around the user. Once the technique activates, the said creature would then disperse which the user is able to apply another seal on them, replicating this technique but will cost double the chakra to sustain it.

Note: Technique stays dormant until use
Note: Technique used from the creature can be defensive or offensive in nature, not supplementary and cant be a stream nor continuous
Note: This technique can be applied before battle in said bio. By doing this it can be activated as soon as the battle start.
Note: if applied a second time it uses double the amount of chakra to sustain said technique until active
Note: Can only be used twice per battle.

(Fūinjutsu: Gitai hakai shīru) - Sealing Arts: Mimicry Destruction Seal
Type: Defensive |Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid.
Chakra Cost: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This sealing technique is a rather simple acting one able to be created during battle, or prior to, using a seal with the word "Revoke" either on paper or somewhere on one’s body. The seal will remain dormant until the enemy’s chakra makes contact with it, thus triggering its activation. If this seal is used against an enemy technique, the moment the technique comes into contact with the seal, it will cease as it is absorbed into the seal, and immediately afterwards a barrier is released from the user as it spreads to the ends of mid range with the user as its epicentre at all times. This barrier carries special chakra/energy blocking properties that focuses on the foreign source first used to activate the technique launched by the target. Once in the barrier the target is restricted by the barrier's blocking properties, restricting them from using the same type of energy absorbed, now unable to use techniques of that same type S rank and below. For example; if used on a suiton technique, it would hinder the target from molding their water chakra while in the barreir. Only elemental and energy based techniques can be registered and absorbed by this seal, and the technique in question can be no bigger than five meters in diameter in order to be absorbed. All divided, but similar, target foreign chakra sources, like clones, also succumb to the barrier's properties while in its realm. This doesn't block jutsu coming from outside the barrier just seals the element within.
►User can only have two of these seals in their possession/body
►Only one of this type of seal can be in play at a time
►The restriction lasts for 4 turns unless otherwise broken
►Seal has a 2 turn cooldown upon ending
►No other techniques S rank and above the same turn the seal is used
►The user cannot use jutsu above S rank for 2 turns after activation
►Cannot be used on F ranks
►Can only be taught by ZandaT

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"You dare tainted the ocean with your wickeness?!"

Misc Information: Celeste carries a wide assortment of tools that she uses throughout her life as shinobi, ranging from kunai, shuriken, ninja wire etc. She also has specialized tools in which she uses quite often for example her own version of explosive tags, alcohol bottles etc. Celeste has a very unique sword has her weapon of choice, this being the Nuibari- which she uses frequently in battle when needed.

(Nuibari) - Sewing Needle
Type: Weapon
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Wielded by Kuriarare Kushimaru, the Nuibari is an unique weapon which assumes the form of a narrow longsword, cylindrical and very sharp which greatly resembles a large needle, with a long length of thin wire mirroring thread, tied to the eye located at the base of its hilt. This sword, quite aptly called "Longsword" is said to possess the ability to pierce all and stitch them together, clearly demonstrated by Kushimaru as how effortlessly he was able to penetrate multiple targets in a single thrust and then quite literally stitch them together in substantial bundles by simply pulling the attached wire taught. A capable user can even throw the sword with the intent of piercing a line of multiple enemies, before catching the needle at the other side and repeating the process at different angles, in order to create knots of corpses with the wire passing through the entirety, effectively creating bundles of bodies at various points along the length of the thread. The sword itself is virtually indestructible and is very resistant to damage though it can't pierce through physical techniques A-Rank and above. The metal wire is as resistant as the sword and although very sharp, the user will be able to pull and interact with it without injuring himself.

Scientific Tools:

(Chakra Saifon) Chakra Siphon
- September (300 Senjutsu Chakra Stored)
(Sentō Taiō Akushon Kamera) Combat Ready Action Camera
- (Anesidora) - Anesidora

( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self-sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery or apply it to their techniques and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of two hundred chakra.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw up to two hundred chakra from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provide senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use its drain ability. Alternatively, like the name implies the battery can be used to charge a technique with ten extra chakra providing it a twenty damage boost. This is done in the same timeframe as the augmented technique and can only be done twice with a two-turn cool-down.

Drain: If a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally, through this draining ability, the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of the drain ability will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.

Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery

Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

(Anesidora) - Anesidora
Type: Technology
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: (Varies)
Damage: N/A
Anesidora is a Camera that comes with two Bangles that are worn on each of the user’s wrists. The Bangles act like “printers” for the user, capable of creating light copies (colour custom to user, cannot be invisible) of solid chakra Tools and Weapons that the user has photographed previously. The user can passively create freeform standard tools and weapons in their hands from the Bangles and they always look like solid chakra “wireframes” of the weapons or tools they’re mimicking; the user can substitute tools in techniques with this version of the weapons. If they’re Kunai, Shuriken, Metal Cards or small thrown tools like that any amount can be created around the user - larger weapons like swords are created in the hand. Even though they’re “wireframe” chakra copies, they act like the standard weapon they’re mimicking. Anesidora can mimic weapons needed for the user's custom fighting styles and create them in their hands or on their person at will without the user needing to carry them around. These tools can have seals placed or already placed on them recorded in the camera, the kanji or pattern take a wireframe look as well.

The real usage of this technique however is that this Camera stores the memory of Jutsu as well. The User can look through the Camera lense and can take a picture of a shape manipulated technique, examining the taken Jutsu and it’s structure in a Three-Dimensional shape and what abilities/strength it possesses and will store or print a copy for the user whether it be projected out from the bracelets or from the front of the Camera itself until formed and performs/sustains on it’s own - a Chakra deduction is made from the user's chakrapool which reflects the amount of chakra inputted into the taken technique. The created constructs will also have a Wireframe effect made purely of Chakra that is neutral to everything, the Wireframe construct can do what it’s original could do but instead of an “Earth Entity” firing “Earth spikes” it would be a Wireframe entity with a similar appearance firing “Wireframe Spikes” that can stab targets. If the printed entity can perform elemental jutsu up to a certain rank, this is replaced with Wireframe Constructs from the ground or their own body (Which are down to the user’s imagination) up to that certain rank, relevant chakra for the chosen rank construct much be deducted still (30 for A-Rank, 40 for S-Rank). The Construct lasts until a new Construct is made, sustained by the Camera which stores 150 Chakra Points, deducting -40 per turn that a construct is active. The user can passively give the camera 10 chakra a turn when there isn't a construct active.

Note: The user can have one of their own jutsu chosen to be “stored” in Anesidora. Posted with this technique in the relevant Technology and Artefact section or posted at the beginning of a Fight.
Note: The Copied Jutsu can be from the user or the opponent, they can be summons, entities or creations. Their strength is the same and their abilities are mimicked through Wireframe meshes (Within reason) which are neutral to everything. Unless they have unique abilities which cannot be copied as it's impossible for a Wireframe construct to use Yin parasites for example or to utilise absorption in any way.
Note: The user can take a Picture three times per battle, but only have one Construct on a field active at a time. When a Construct is destroyed it cannot be used again unless taken a Picture of again.

(Chakra Saifon) Chakra Siphon
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (-20 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: A basic automated siphon tool attached to the users back and designed to passively absorb and store the users chakra. This Nin-tech is able to sense foreign chakra and then pump all the stored chakra back into the user creating a shock that spikes and restarts the users chakra flow. This allows the user to break out of Genjutsu using the chakra surge method, being able to release any genjutsu, excluding Yin and MS level Genjutsu, so long as the surge of chakra released into the user is higher then the chakra used for the Genjutsu. This Nin-Tech is able to store up to 100 chakra into it, taking up to five turns before it reaches capacity. If the user has Senjutsu, the siphon can still absorb the senjutsu like chakra and release the Senjutsu back into the user, following the foreign chakra/energies release method of Genjutsu, instead of the chakra surge method. This allows the user to break any genjutsu, including Yin release genjutsu however it cannot break Mangekyou Sharingan Genjutsu. This Chakra Siphon begins absorbing and storing the users chakra at the beginning of battle and stops absorbing once it reaches capacity and/or when the chakra/senjutsu is released back into the user. Requiring a two turn cooldown period before it begins absorbing chakra/senjutsu again. While the siphoning of chakra is a passive ability, the release of chakra back into the user will still cost a move for that turn. Lastly, this Nin-tech cannot be used to enhance techniques in any way. The chakra/senjutsu released back into the user does not replenish their chakra or senjutsu reserves. Only working to release foreign chakras and genjutsu under one of the two presented methods.
-Must be placed in the users biography
-Can only be taught by Serpent

(Sentō Taiō Akushon Kamera) Combat Ready Action Camera
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (Absorption)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: C.R.A.C’s or commonly known as Combat Ready Action Cameras are a unique line of DSLR and Mirrorless cameras. Engineered by the company known as Yukimura Films, these are specialized and outfitted with Scientific Ninja Tool technology, while also serving as a regular ole photography camera (cosmetic usage). In actual combat, the cameras all share unique properties mentioned as follows.

Polaroid Stills (Active) - By pressing the shutter button of the camera, it will release from the lens a rapidly moving trail of photo film towards an intended target. These film scripts are designed with a similar function to that of the “Absorbing Arm” SNT, which upon contact, the chakra within the film would absorb an opposing technique into it. As it does, the technique is forcefully sealed away into the film strip, as it instantly retracts back into the camera and prints out a polaroid image made from the same material used for scrolls. Within it, prints a copy of the technique, crafting a unique photo of it forever. This was derived from Ink Ninjutsu’s “Tiger Vision Staring Bullet” which forcefully seals a technique or person caught by the tiger into a scroll as a work of art afterwards. This ability can be used thrice per battle, with a cool down of three turns between each use. The user can only absorb up to 40 chakra with this ability.
Electronic Viewfinder (Passive) - The ability constitutes the user looking into the viewfinder of the camera while channeling chakra into it. This would passively enable the camera to display unique information. This information includes any foreign chakra sources within the landmark, the ability to zoom the lens out enough to see across the same landmark or up to long range in a fight. It also is capable of displaying names of people the user has programmed into the camera’s system to remember. This activation is passive but drains -10 chakra per turn to sustain, though can only remain active for four turns before slightly overheating the camera and forcing it into a cooldown period of two turns should it remain active for the full duration.

Interchangeable Lens (Passive) - The last ability of the camera is the ability to change the lens of the chakra. The lens that initially comes with the lens known as the ‘kit lens’ comes with “Polaroid” as its unique perk, but all lens are capable of using Electronic Viewfinder. In order to make or attach new lens, one must have the “Primary Crafting Expert” specialty in their bio. The new lens will provide a bonus perk, but usually will replace “Polaroid Stills” with its unique perk.

C.R.A.C all come in an assortment of colors and designs, being unique to each and everyone who has one. The user can carry two of these cameras but they must have different lenses, each one taking their own individual SNT slot in one's bio.



Theme Song and Background Music

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Gyojin Purchase: https://animebase.me/threads/kumi-exchange-center-2-0.780607/post-22127272
Dropping: https://animebase.me/threads/katsushika-Ōi-queen-of-artistry.783956/

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