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  1. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Except the entirety of this RP is built around the notion that these things will be used for PvP-style conflict in one way or another; be it in the Arena, or being used against Staff-managed NPCs in the NW through missions or raids. One way or another, having the larger-scale techniques and...
  2. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    I'm assuming you're referring to the current Battle Test mechanic that has been implemented across a large swath of the existing abilities. To be fair, that's something of a fair mechanic to implement into a game oriented system like this RP. Think of it this way: Often times to get a new (and...
  3. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    I believe part of the concern the mods and staff have with regards to the notion of "make kumi easier to get" is that methods of acquiring it already exist that goes beyond the incentive of applying oneself to the NWRP in order to acquire it. The Battle Arena, opening a Bio Shop, making and...
  4. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    On that note. Please stop by my Meadow of Creation and Commerce thread and request my commission services. Also buy merchandise, subscribe, like and comment to help with the algorithm. (y)
  5. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    I think it's worth noting that nothing is ever so perfect that it isn't worth discussing potential improvements, changes and additions that can be made to it, which I believe is Howard's perspective as well. It is possible for anyone to achieve what they want as he was pointing out, given a bit...
  6. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    My personal recommendation to all those coming along and wanting to get into the rp would be to check into clans/villages to join. They give a great outlet to start out your journey and involvement in the NW and get things rolling for your characters and their development. Tsumigakure for...
  7. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    "Orgs" are like onions after all. :wes:
  8. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    I think there's a jutsu for that. Madara used it once. 🧠 I mean I could try. Might turn a profit. ✌
  9. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    The rp can always use more people. The more the merrier. ✌
  10. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    I feel like pinball would be more entertaining. Maybe to the theme of Back to the Future.
  11. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    I.. guess? Maybe. I'm just here for the memes. So if you're gonna slap him, do it in a way that'd make Batman proud.
  12. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    I'm not really sure how that'd work. Big brain time? 🐧
  13. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    But they have nice food..
  14. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Epic, 10/10, ign, would binge again.
  15. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Do you have a gofundme page for it? I'd be interested to hear your story. :vex:
  16. Red-Robin

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Going to work isn't profitable. Monetizing the work you do is. So even something you enjoy doing can make you money if you get someone to pay you for it. Like baking. Or the other one. 👌