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  1. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Make some noise then ;) If i want to read some Naruto battle RP skills and description where should i search for them?
  2. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    A like Kimimaru kekkei genkai?
  3. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Didn't drank a coffee here from such long time. How are things going? *goes to coffee machine selecting an espresso
  4. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    *picks up a thingy dropped from the desk* :blush: *trhrows it under the desk* :whistling: what's up folks? It rains at you too?
  5. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Pheww lucky me i am not a farm animal >.> Still i am close enough to the farm and i am feeling chills down the spine reading your post.
  6. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    erm... umm.. yeah why not :super: Priest is teaching me byakugan and ok ^^
  7. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    i want to fully understand the byakugan use and rank up if possible. Bio changes with other skin and CE included will follow. i took it really slowly.
  8. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Good morning in a sunny day. I will return to my RP threads, sorry for not responding for so much time :-)
  9. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    looking in my cup if coffee i didn't noticed the lottery thing. It's not like i think i could win but at least i sholkd take part. Next time maybe :)
  10. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    i'm from plebs >.> if not dark, coffee has not it's full taste
  11. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Hmm.. never thinked at this but as coffee addicted i agree. The coffee jutsu is awesome, i wish i can use it :super:
  12. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Came here for my little 3 kumi, i have nothing to say. But maybe a coffee would be nice. I recall here was a coffe machine?
  13. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    what's the point about advertising? where i can find these rules? Or is something forbidden in this thread?
  14. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    What a market here i love this ^^ Skorm congrats for your achievements! My RP character is stuck in lack of imagination :onion-msn-smileys-21:
  15. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Which manga is this? looks like it can be worth reading. Btw, it's this RP connected? Hi everyone
  16. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    Entering in the tavern and looking at the two shinobis talking with low voice in a peacefull manner. It's the silence before storm?
  17. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    I've read something about a tournament and it would be nice but i didn't update my bio yet. Time for me to be a spectator.
  18. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    The RP system has a lot of changes, with a map of the NV and specific rules for using jutsus after you learn them with a sensei. Ask a RP mod for more
  19. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    No posts here almost one week, my wallet suffered. :onion-msn-smileys-18: I still cannot have a good idea for my new bio. I need to finish my training and see after.
  20. Michelle

    Konoha Tavern - RP General Chat Discussion

    I think is about making a new bio or to submit a bio you have already. I need a new one and it's no way my current bio it's good for contest. But i will participate in the next one. good luck if you take part