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    Hokubu Ocean (257) Her leg shaking and unable to sit still, Irelia kept her eye on the horizon. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) The boat bobbed along the waters as Irelia's travel continued towards the land of the samurai. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) As they both travelled on the boat West, Strix and Lucifer keep travelling. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) Distracted by the voice previously in the North, Strix barely spoke much as they rode the boat further east heading for the forge. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) With a nod to the captain, he understood their course. A trusted sailor she had used before their boat would chug through the Hokubu Ocean to the middle of nowhere. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) Together on the boat Strix and Lucifer travel towards the Kazumi straight. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) As the boat crashed into the Hokubu Ocean, Strix once more read over the message that was sent from Madara in the scroll. Directions were a bit vague, but there were several landmarks that could point to the right direction...
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) As Strix reached the edge of Hokubu, knowing the waters dangerous mix, she grew wings from her back via Yang and flew over the sea. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) Flying over the infested and tainted black sludge that is Hokubu Ocean, Strix continued to fly using her Wings from Yang Release, over the waves below. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) Strix flies over the ocean to her destination. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) Flying over Hokubu, Strix carries on. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257)

    After a while of resting and nothibg coming from her meditation, Strix continued on, riding on her summon. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) Arriving after a long flight, Strix summoned forth one of her fireflies to sit on as it hovered, 100feet above the Hokubu Ocean. Its black murky depths lapped over each other an almost sludge like sound flowing through the area...
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    Hokubu Ocean (257)

    As Nana looked around, she could see people moving off to the land to the west. She felt a pull almost as if a longing anmd gathered that Mother must have moved there. Following along, Nana moved west. LLM
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    Hokubu Ocean (257)

    Nana was falling, desperately trying to reach the figure before it was too late as the storm churned. The mud around stretched far beyond what could be seen, as the Voice stared towards Mother. Then it happened. The last defence fell as it went quiet. Nana was too late, and as Mother was freed...
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    Hokubu Ocean (257) Nana was approaching a very strange looking scene as she flew in on her firefly. It looked to be that a woman who was floating was the source of all this light, and surrounding her were several people, strong from what she could...