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  1. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    Solomon departs on a small ship, sailing eastward. LLM
  2. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    "Keep him close to you, Emiya Shirou. Though I suspect this child has already chosen you to be its caretaker." Solomon's words were not without basis; the moment he touched the child he became keenly aware of an innate connection it formed with Emiya. The Mage King wasn't sure whether or not the...
  3. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    Straight up, I don't know where you guys are getting this idea there's a crowd. It's like no one's actually reading the roleplay. You stick out like sore thumbs and there is literally no one here in this landmark aside from a couple of villagers, Solomon, Merlin, Emiya, and the child. Like...
  4. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    With interruptions set aside Solomon turns back toward Merlin and Emiya with both his Gudodama and Byakugan active. "You've correctly surmised that this child is indeed not human. Neither of you can see it, but...." The Mage King formed a single Athame in his left hand, holding the child against...
  5. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    Their purpose seemed noble, yet it had been so strange to hide rather than just approach if they did only want to be healed. The Mage King assumed control over the situation, even if the child was not in his care. Emiya and Merlin initiated their own separate conversation while Solomon addressed...
  6. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    Solomon lifted his hand to Emiya, "Hold your thought for now, Emiya Shirou. We will discuss this in great depth shortly." The Mage King turned away from Merlin and Emiya, now facing the crowd. The fishing village was not a densely packed metropolitan area; it was small and relatively poor. So...
  7. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    Solomon's eyes moved to meet Emiya's, accompanied with a gentle smile across his face. Though they were quick to linger downward, shifting their glare to the child in his hands. "It is an honor to meet you, Emiya Shirou." Solomon shifted his gaze back, bowing his head slightly before the young...
  8. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    Even a broken clock can be right twice a day... Goetia scoffed from within his vessel, invoking a slight smile from Solomon. The Mage King and his familiar often shared a slightly pained relationship, but their mutual dislike for Merlin was something they often enjoyed together. For centuries...
  9. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    "Yes, how fortunate. An incubus with no particular talents outside of meddling." Solomon sarcastically retorted, rolling his eyes slightly as he turned back toward the village. He begrudgingly respected his counterpart, though made no move to express that in the moment. Despite their situation...
  10. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    Solomon stopped at the edge of the dock, looking out over the calm waves. "The last time Phetra appeared before me, a disease called the Freeze rampaged across Tobusekai. Seeing the Red Fever now, and the one from centuries ago - these are no coincidences." He took a deep breath, sighing softly...
  11. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    Solomon scoffed at Merlin's lighthearted response, "Yes, old friend. Ladies..." Solomon began, turning his eyes toward the villagers around him, "Don't trust this cretin. He's the worst kind of magus." The Mage King turned back toward Merlin, meeting his gaze again. But he could tell in that...
  12. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    Much of his morning was spent tending to children with the Red Fever; there wasn't much Solomon could offer them, and it reminded him of the frustrating helplessness he felt the last time the plague swept through the world. Between then and now medicine hadn't made many advances, and even the...
  13. Drackos

    North-East Kinai Island (145)

    The Mage King had spent weeks healing the ailing fishing villages in the North-East Kinai Island. And while he could not cure the Red Fever, he could sense what could. The winds of change were blowing, and the gentle breeze that normally swept through the island would soon transform into a gale...