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  1. Serpent

    Tsuchi Heihō (103)

    Hei exits the bathroom only to notice he was left behind. He didn't think he was gone that long. It only took him a couple days to exit his bowls. Nevertheless Hei decides to head out on his own to the aforementioned mine to collect his ore. LLM
  2. Serpent

    Tsuchi Heihō (103)

    Hei watches Barney's excitement, quickly catching on to it being his first time in these lands. As Barney looked around, Hei walked over to a local vender and payed then a couple ryo for some information. "I know the land of earth is rich in their mining production. I wanted to see one of their...
  3. Serpent

    Tsuchi Heihō (103)

    Awaking from his long rest, Hei begins his day by going for a walk. Heading down to the river bank he breaths in the fresh air. The light breeze carrying with it the warm smells of the marketplace. Walking down to the local fishery Hei buys and eats some sashimi and enjoys a nice breakfast...
  4. Serpent

    Tsuchi Heihō (103)

    coming from: here Hei arrives in the market place, taking a moment to relax before continuing on his journey.