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  1. Gutsy

    Bone Fields (078)

    As Jiraiya had come to a halt in front of the boy, Hope and Will was silent as they sat there drinking some water from their satchels, while the large Gamamusha sat directly behind him like a shadow overlooking him. His question about the bonefields and the air nation seemed to have propelled...
  2. Gutsy

    Bone Fields (078)

    This post serves as a beginning to the new journey of Jiraiya and his friendship with Sin and the Air Nation. Mission Starting In This Post With Element: (2) – Accept and facilitate a trade The villages madness is what they had called him, among other names. As he sat in the shade of the cloth...
  3. Gutsy

    Bone Fields (078)

    Resetting here with Jiraiya: The infamous white-haired man, wearing the colors of Mount Myoboku, formerly known for the novels of Icha Icha, had become lost with the sands of time. His whereabouts lost to memory and...