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  1. mexii58

    Baryon Mode

    That part is a little confusing for me as well. It’s like the 8th gate of bijuu and still weak 😅
  2. mexii58

    Baryon Mode

    Ever since I saw Naruto getting tails, wide whiskers and Fox like features I assumed at that time that what it will be like when Natuto Masters full power of nine tails. I was excited and I like the chakra mode. But Baryon mode by far is my favourite. The ears, eye design. Maybe claws and teeths...
  3. mexii58

    [Question] When does Once Piece gets serious?

    I’ll take your word and see what happens. 1692185411 Episode?
  4. mexii58

    [Question] When does Once Piece gets serious?

    So I started watching it again after many of my friends emphasised me that it is a great anime and I know that there is something about that fascinates me but it’s too non serious up till now I’m on 25th episode.
  5. mexii58

    [Question] Will Ichigo achieve Vasto Lorde again?

    So I started bleach and stopped at TYBW. I want to binge it when the season ends. I didn’t read the manga but if any could spoil me about the transformation.
  6. mexii58

    [Discussion] I’m back after 8 years.

    I am a tobirama believer 😂
  7. mexii58

    [Discussion] I’m back after 8 years.

    You will now 👍🏻
  8. mexii58

    [Discussion] I’m back after 8 years.

    Here I am 😅
  9. mexii58

    [Discussion] I’m back after 8 years.

    Hello, it feels very good and warm to be back here after so long. Somethings are there to remind of your childhood and how you enjoyed each week when an episode released or when the manga released. We ran here to the forum to discuss about it all excited. Watched boruto a while back and seeing...
  10. mexii58

    Moving on from Naruto

    hey guys, i am having trouble to move on from naruto as i asked long ago which anime i should start, people suggested me to watch bleach but after 15 to 16 episodes i was not hooked like i was hooked when i watch naruto 1 episode. i thought giving one piece a chance but after 10 episodes i...
  11. mexii58

    Kakashi's new ability? (vote)

    So i was thinking how the base is talking abt kakashi's new power up so i decided to create poll, he will look good with sharingan but i think he should learn ftg.. he will be op with it.. nidaime knew yondaime knew nw is the time kakashi to learn it :win: bt thats just my thought? wats ur opinion?
  12. mexii58

    I still think dsm kakashi can take on current sasuke

    ofcourse current sasuke without susanoo 2.0 (9 bijuus chakra) what do you think?
  13. mexii58

    RM Naruto vs Akatsuki

    Location: Obito's headquarter (idk whts the place called) Intel: full Restriction: bijuudama, izanami nd izanagi Well its intent to kill, Status: Akatsuki, all members are alive nd healthy, Nagato fights himself nd obito doesnt wear mask.. Additional Member: DSM kabuto distance: 30...
  14. mexii58

    sasuke vs naruto (sounds boring)

    Am i the only one who thinks its nt going to be that good? unless nd until they are gonna show something we haven't seen in the previous fights.. bt still i think it will be boring..
  15. mexii58

    [Discussion] i wanna watch bleach

    i only read nd watched naruto, so i was thinking to start bleach cuz i have heard people praising it.. waannna give me some suggestions? is it good?
  16. mexii58

    I don't think so that sasuke knows 6 paths

    im saying that because kaguya used CT in front of sasuke nd he must have copied it with sharingan.. secondly maybe he copied the dimension jumping/changing path from kaguya because he was good at copying/oberve jutsus like kakashi.. Thirdly he knws the sharinnegan swapping jutsu.. bt i dnt see...
  17. mexii58

    3 things i wanna see in Naruto vs Sasuke

    just coz i wanna see kakashi using rinnegan?
  18. mexii58

    3 things i wanna see in Naruto vs Sasuke

    agreed (y) plotnojutsu? i dont care who wins, bt fight should be OP ;) pretty much this ;)
  19. mexii58

    3 things i wanna see in Naruto vs Sasuke

    maybe in sasuke's IT xD
  20. mexii58

    3 things i wanna see in Naruto vs Sasuke

    Sasuke is badass bt he'll be getting his ass kicked soon, first i wanna see kakashi using madara's rinnegan... second i wanna see konohamru with a powerup helping naruto, nt tht he needs it.. third naruto using yin release or any other jutsu other than rasenshurikens nd rasengans or his blacks...