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  1. -Liquid Cefka-

    Back on this bih

    Show me love a holes. I miss this place and flaming you noobs. Ima about to restart my swathe of terror. No really, HOW TF YOU ACCESS YOUR PHOTO ALBUM NOW? Im on this via my iphone and the landscape is way different these days. I need my old sigs lol my stupid ass cant find the albums smh. Ps...
  2. -Liquid Cefka-

    The nostalgia...

    Jus remembering coming here every week for shippuden manga, debates, convos about what jus happened. The HYPEEEE this place used to go crazy when new manga dropped, especially when the war popped off. Miss those days.. my chest aches lol
  3. -Liquid Cefka-


    Hello people
  4. -Liquid Cefka-

    [Discussion] Fall of bleach

    I saw a few vids on what allegedly were the causes of Bleach's nose dive of popularity, and quite frankly its kinda sad really. I always liked Bleach to an extent(I never got into as much Naruto)but from what I saw, th characters were raw as hell to be frank. The arcs and plots were a little...
  5. -Liquid Cefka-

    [Predictions] You think it's Shisui too, eh?

    This run across anybody elses mind? It came to me yesterday.
  6. -Liquid Cefka-

    Kaguya had no Rinnegan..

    It was clearky stated to be a Sharingan. Why is it ppl in my threads keep sayin she had a Sharingan? Kaguya has no relation to Rinnegan, nor had it. Only The Sage, Madara and Sasuke have ever unlocked Rinnegan.
  7. -Liquid Cefka-

    Kaguyas Sharingan does not dilute.

    Please show me where it says that in the manga. I'll be waiting. Rinnegan may more than likely be a mutation created within Hagoromo. A mixture of Kaguya clan blood, the chakra from the tree itself, and whoever may have impregnated her. Kaguya awakened Sharingan when she ate the fruit. The...
  8. -Liquid Cefka-

    Kishi: Public Enemy #1

    Why are people so quick to bash Kishi? xd Especially when usually the readers are either taking the manga and events completely out of context, over looking or forgetting facts, or can't comprehend whats in front of them. I forgot to mention, regardless if you're guilty of either of the above...
  9. -Liquid Cefka-

    Sasuke kills Naruto..

    ..And he awakens a complete Rinnegan. That possible?
  10. -Liquid Cefka-

    Tf did Madara mean?

    He kept mentioning how Sasukes Sharingan had a straight comma like his, but IDK WTF HIS POINT WAS. Did I miss something? it couldnt just be a vague ass observation, he said it like 2-3 times. Wth was he talkin about.
  11. -Liquid Cefka-

    Where tf is me kumi?

    Lol remember Kumi? the useless ass nb currency everyone wanted? whatever happened to it? Nb bosses may have realized it was utterly useless. Me miss the old Nb days.
  12. -Liquid Cefka-

    Naruto's Daughter Tho

    She might be boss. dat lil ***** get her byakugan mastered, and combine it with her uzumaki blood, She could be better than the Uchiha. if she were able to use the byakugan to its true potential, she could more powerful than a mangekyou user.
  13. -Liquid Cefka-


    wasn't it stated sharingan derived from Byakugan, or was a variation of it? makes you wonder the capabilities of the Byakugan, & it's evolutions.
  14. -Liquid Cefka-

    Sannin Vs Paths of Pain

    victor? I personally, vote Sannin EDIT.. No intel. Location, Uchiha Hideout I guess.
  15. -Liquid Cefka-

    Obito - Undesirable #1

    Idk how often this has been discussed since the last chapter (neither do I care), but yeah.. I think Obito is the primary target - For everyone. Him absorbing the Juubi put Obito in a class of his own, leagues above all others. Easily, the strongest ninja on the battlefield. Knowing this, I...
  16. -Liquid Cefka-

    Anyone from 2009-10 still here? =/

    I'm sure a few of you are.. I just don't see very few. I know a lot of my favorite members stopped being active because of the outbreak of noobs at the time, but how many of you are still here?
  17. -Liquid Cefka-

    Im back . . . ; )

    Yoo'. . Itz been ages, so I decided to log back on my fav Forum for a bit. hopefully I'll be back active, Idk . . . Miss me? No? Alrighty then. But I require the warmth of your Welcome back posts regardless. ;)
  18. -Liquid Cefka-

    Cut it out with this "Troll" shit . .

    It'z getting old. Everytime something happens in the Manga in contrast to what ppl want, they say, "OMG Kishi, just trolled us." What do I say to this? Just shut the f*ck up. If you've forgotten, it says on every issue, "By Masashi Kishimoto". He can do whatever he pleases with his work...
  19. -Liquid Cefka-

    Shikamaru & Neiji x Orochimaru.

    Shikamaru & Neiji vs The White Snake, Orochimaru. No restrictions. No knowledge.
  20. -Liquid Cefka-

    So . . Why are we blaming Obama again?

    Its common knowledge America's economy is shit, but alot of ppl blame Obama for it. Have ppl forgotten how Bush pretty much f*cked us all prior to Him leaving office? 8 years of f*ckery from Bush can't be repaired in a single term for any President, it's just not possible. Don't get me wrong...