Recent content by Pumpkin Ninja

  1. Pumpkin Ninja

    Hello. Social outcast by choice here.

    The forum has been dead for years, dude... but welcome to the base lol
  2. Pumpkin Ninja

    [Discussion] Why I don't like Itachi Uchiha

    I don't know how you can take points away from Itachi for using his own skillset. Itachi was stronger than Sasuke because he had better sharingan? Yes, lol. Someone else in agreement with you taking points off Itachi because he has Susano'o? Itachi probably could have finished Sasuke a lot...
  3. Pumpkin Ninja

    FIFA World Cup Football 2022 Official Discussion Thread

    2026 with 3 countries hosting and 48 teams will be a weird tournament.
  4. Pumpkin Ninja

    FIFA World Cup Football 2022 Official Discussion Thread

  5. Pumpkin Ninja

    FIFA World Cup Football 2022 Official Discussion Thread edit: idk how to embed lol
  6. Pumpkin Ninja

    FIFA World Cup Football 2022 Official Discussion Thread

    Would be boring football. Two teams battle to see who can park the best lol. I wanna see Punished Messi back at the final stage against the reigning champs.
  7. Pumpkin Ninja

    FIFA World Cup Football 2022 Official Discussion Thread

    *sends your team home*
  8. Pumpkin Ninja

    FIFA World Cup Football 2022 Official Discussion Thread

    The final score: Argentina 2 - Portugal 3 Messi x 2 (goals) - Ronaldo x 3 (minutes)
  9. Pumpkin Ninja

    FIFA World Cup Football 2022 Official Discussion Thread

    Morocco 2 - 1 Spain Portugal 1 - 0 Switzerland
  10. Pumpkin Ninja

    FIFA World Cup Football 2022 Official Discussion Thread

    It could have been 4-1 if Argentina could finish with Messi spoonfeeding them lol
  11. Pumpkin Ninja

    FIFA World Cup Football 2022 Official Discussion Thread

    messibros let's gooooo :score:
  12. Pumpkin Ninja

    [NEWS] Jordan Peterson.......

    I think sometimes he says decent things, but otherwise he's mostly saying nothing. Don't think he's a bad guy like a lot of people think either but not sure why people find him special.
  13. Pumpkin Ninja

    My mums mothers day gift was sent back

    Lol, well I hope she'll appreciate the gesture.
  14. Pumpkin Ninja

    My mums mothers day gift was sent back

    It's cute but kinda creepy too. Maybe she sent it back?
  15. Pumpkin Ninja

    [Romance] [Controversial] Naruto: Cold Iron Ruler [Chapter 2]

    Is this the one where the foreign merchants win and then displace the local peoples of the sand village?