Recent content by Love Cook

  1. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1079 Discussion and 1080 Predictions

    Did Dory and Broggy the giants from 20 years ago just kill off Kidd with their goldfish finishing move ? I wouldn't mind for Kidd to be actually dead, but I also know this is One Piece, so that chance is 2% But if he is really dead it would be such testament of power and a warning to the newer...
  2. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1077 Discussion and 1078 Predictions

    Good chapter, liked to see CP9 fight together with Luffy and Zoro. That panel where Shaka got shot might be one of the most brutal in One Piece. Very cool how Oda drawn it.
  3. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1061 Discussion and 1062 Predictions

    Also, what the hell happened to Big Mom and Kaidou ? Do we have to presume they're dead and buried in the crust of Wano ? What happened to the beast pirate remnants ? What happens when the news reaches Whole Cake island ? I want more of these politics. I think it's very unlikely they're dead...
  4. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1061 Discussion and 1062 Predictions

    Oda, you can't do this to me. After having me believe Yamato joining the crew for 2 years. You introduce another cutie 2 chapters later. I think all the Strawhats will have a crush on her. Franky for her skills, maybe he can get some upgrades ? Brook and Sanji for her looks. Chopper, Usopp and...
  5. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1060 Discussion and 1061 Predictions

    The limits of logia are manga physics, Oda can stretch that as far as he wants. Wouldn't be unthinkable that if the blast is big enough that even Logia's can't survive since there is nothing left to regenerate from. Kinda like how perfect Cell could come back from being destroyed for 90% by...
  6. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1060 Discussion and 1061 Predictions

    Yeah the orbital strike was probably to set an example to opposing king and not Sabo in particular. The Gorbatsjov elder called it fate. They made a big deal about Sabo not having the right set-up of Den-Den mushi slugs to prevent him from being tracked. He wouldn't be the careless as a...
  7. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1060 Discussion and 1061 Predictions

    Im-Sama independance day'd Sabo :eek: Looks like the Government has some tricks up their sleeves. like an ultimate Buster Call. Doubt Sabo is dead, but to wipe an island just to contain secrets fits their agenda. Kinda weird that 1060 chapters in Luffy suddenly has another big dream he...
  8. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1057 Discussion and 1058 Predictions

    I liked the Momo parts in this chapter, it was a fitting end to his story. I was waiting why Luffy pretty much went out of his way to say goodbye to everyone but Momo and Kinemon, most of the times Oda has a nice curveball but now I agree with Momo, Luffy was just a dickhead in this case...
  9. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1056 Discussion and 1057 Predictions

    Before this chapter it was 99% After this chapter it is 100% I have no idea how you can interpret that last panel any different. Her staying on Wano goes against everything her and Oden's character stand for. There is a little skip in time where all the supernova's packed up and said goodbye...
  10. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1056 Discussion and 1057 Predictions

    Yessss Sir Crocodile is back ! So happy, called it in last weeks discussion too. I willed it into existence. Please I hope the OG voice actor is still able to voice him, he's 70 but still active now. He voiced Momo's granddad. I do wonder what kind of construction the Cross Guild is. Both...
  11. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1055 Discussion and 1056 Predictions

    Love how Momo took over Luffy's kind of view on life. Refusing Yamato to fight is such a Luffy move to save her from dirtying her hands right after the previous dragon asked he to fight. And Momo is stepping up literally and not just figuratively, no longer the figurehead Luffy once called him...
  12. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1054 Discussion and 1055 Predictions

    These are the best kind of chapters. The entire world set in motion. People making big moves. Love the style of the new admiral, also like that Yamato could put some hurt on him. Momo stepping up as the ruler of Wano. Shanks with the double agenda, I always suspected he had something up his...
  13. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1052 Discussion and 1053 Predictions

    ??? It's obvious a rescue mission, fudging by the fact that two people were tied up, two other people came in and untied them and now four people are leaving the island.
  14. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1052 Discussion and 1053 Predictions

    Well it doesn't help that, you're making things up to fit your narrative. Daifuku and katakuri were not even shown during the cover story, you don't know there whereabouts, or condition. Cracker is bandaged up so it might be short after the fight, meaning Katakuri could be out of commission...
  15. Love Cook

    [Predictions] One Piece Manga Chapter 1052 Discussion and 1053 Predictions

    No moron, she identifies as Oden. That's the character quirk, she's one of the guys. Nonsense, Big Mom and Kaidou have become too comfortable, they have gotten fat and lazy. They relied on status and fear while the new generation kept working. A yonkou crew also can operate under the flag of...