Recent content by Elmage G Ace

  1. Elmage G Ace

    Last Post Wins

    Incredibly, this is still active 😅
  2. Elmage G Ace

    [Sign-Ups] Four years of mafia on AnimeBase #postponed

    This still active? >_>
  3. Elmage G Ace

    [Discussion] Mafia Championship Season 10

    I nominate @Michelle
  4. Elmage G Ace

    GOTM # 16 ~ Halloween ~

  5. Elmage G Ace

    [Sign-Ups] Four years of mafia on AnimeBase #postponed

    I can't believe @Michelle didn't mention me once! :t-t: Anyways... In
  6. Elmage G Ace

    GOTM # 16 ~ Halloween ~

    @Avani Is it too late to turn in my entry?
  7. Elmage G Ace

    GOTM # 16 ~ Halloween ~

    lol! Really?! I guess I really need to bring my A-game now 😅
  8. Elmage G Ace

    GOTM # 16 ~ Halloween ~

    There's still time... I'll try to send in my entry :super: Been a while since I touched PS
  9. Elmage G Ace

    Art Of The Month Discussion

    Hello everyone! Happy New year I guess. It's been some time, and I want to see if anyone is still interested in the continuation of the art contest, so if you or any member you know bare interested in taking part, signify here. Also, if anyone has ideas that would make this contest more...
  10. Elmage G Ace

    Art Contest of the Month [October 2021]

    Wow! Nice artwork! Unfortunately, due to limited number of submissions we'll have to close this contest till I'm sure we can have more participants. You can resubmit this artwork next time
  11. Elmage G Ace

    Art Contest of the Month [October 2021]

    Friendly reminder! :lok:
  12. Elmage G Ace

    Art Of The Month Discussion

    By the way, I consider Avatar: The last air bender an honorary anime xD
  13. Elmage G Ace

    Art Of The Month Discussion

    It doesn't necessarily have to be an anime or manga character, but there should be a relationship, so you can draw a random character in anime/manga style for example, as long as there is a relationship to anime/manga then it's allowed
  14. Elmage G Ace

    Art Contest of the Month [October 2021]

    Art Contest of the Month [October 2021] Welcome to the Art Contest of the Month - October! The theme for this edition is Anime / Manga You are free to create any artwork that references a character, location, design, inspiration from any anime/manga of your choice Art Contest will be...
  15. Elmage G Ace

    Art Of The Month Discussion

    Starting from October, we'll be having Art contest each month until the end of the year, let's see how that goes, if we're not getting participants I may have no choice but to put it on hold