The Legendary Sage of Konoha 10

Do You Want Me To Release Chapter 11 Tomorrow?:p

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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Death Match
~ Part Two

Akashi: Sonia, take care of Makito... I will deal with him myself...

Sonia: But....

Akashi: No time to argue... go!

Makito: No! We can't back out now... Not now!

Narrator: He stood up and charged towards Naruto with his blade raised.

Naruto: Get out of my way!

Narrator: Naruto' mood had gone from calm to angry as the battle raged on.. He always used to stay calm, but he couldn't control himself at the moment as he looked more and more like his former self (Note: In the current manga, Naruto isn't really known for staying calm, but rather charging at his enemies).

Naruto: I will end this fight now... Futon: Rasenshuriken!

Narrator: Naruto formed a rasengan as one of the clones added wind element to it.

Makito: You won't make it!

Narrator: Makito was just about to reach Naruto when he threw the shuriken. As the shuriken was about to hit, Makito dodged it and kept going for Naruto.

Makito: Ha, you missed, now you're mine!

Sonia: Watch out you dumb nut!

Narrator: Naruto had steered the shuriken like a boomerang and it was heading straight for Makito's back.

Makito: Wha?...

Narrator: Before he managed to respond, the Rasenshuriken hit him straight in the back, sending him flying past Naruto. The Rasenshuriken trapped Makito, as it hit dead center where the sphere was, pushing him into the air and exploding.

Akashi: Fool...

Narrator: He didn't stand a chance. His lifeless body fell to the ground.

Akashi: And here I thought you were the merciful Hokage, who barley killed people... Guess I was wrong... Ahahaha!

Sonia: Why are you laughing? Makito... and Kazuki... were just killed... We can't hold our ground! We must ret...

Akashi: Retreat? Never!

Naruto: Surrender now if you want to live...

Akashi: Surrender? That's even worse than retreating...

Narrator: Akashi charged up a rasengan and went straight for Naruto, only this time a lot faster.
The two clones of Naruto went for him with a rasengan each. Akashi dodged them both as he hit one of them in the back, causing it to disappear.

Akashi: They might be perfect copies, but they're still clones!

Sonia: You're almost out of chakra, don't push yourself!

Narrator: Akashi had created another rasengan as he clashed with the real Naruto.

Naruto: So you noticed that the clones aren't able to use the Flying Thunder God?

Narrator: He said as they were trying to overpower each other.

Akashi: You won't win this fight!

Narrator: They both forced more and more chakra into their Rasengans as waves were surrounding them while and their Rasengans grew bigger and bigger.

Naruto: You're good... However!

Narrator: Naruto formed a rasengan in the other hand as well, tempting to hit Akashi from the rear, but he countered with one as well as the ground below them started to crack.

Naruto: Ahhh!!!...

Narrator: Wind element started forming in his hands as both his Rasengans changed into Futon: Rasengan.

Akashi: *Thinking* "Impossible! He shouldn't be able to create a Futon: Rasengan with only one hand?"

Narrator: Suddenly a huge explosion appeared between them sending Akashi straight into a tree while Naruto crashed into his clone.

Akashi: *Argh!*

Sonia: Akashi!

Narrator: She went straight for him as she started healing him. Because of the clone, Naruto didn't take much damage.

Akashi: I'm not done yet!

Narrator: Akashi lifted a finger as a kunai behind Naruto went straight for him. Naruto didn't notice until the last second as he jumped to the side causing the kunai to slice him into his right shoulder.

Naruto: So you hid one behind me and flung it towards me with your Shadow technique... Just too bad you missed your chance.

Narrator: Naruto stood up on his feet as his clone helped him up. Akashi had moved himself from the tree as he was standing halfway up with one of his knee to the ground, while Sonia was healing him.

Naruto: *Pant, Pant* I will end it with the next move!

Akashi: *Pant, Pant* Sonia, move yourself.

Narrator: Akashi could barely stand as he was exhausted and out of chakra. Naruto reached out both his hands and widened the gap between his fingers as the other clone stretched his hands above

Sonia: *thinking* "Another Rasenshuriken?"

Naruto: With this new technique I've developed... I will stop you!

Narrator: In his hands, Naruto had created ten small Rasenshurikens, one at each fingertip.

Naruto: Futon: Rain of Rasenshurikens!

Narrator: Naruto flung both his arms as ten small Rasenshurikens went straight for the two Akatsukis.

Akashi: With that size, they won't be able to touch us!

Narrator: But as he said, all ten of them expanded to a normal sized Rasenshuriken

Akashi: What?!

Narrator: They raced for Akashi and Sonia who were pinned down by the tree. Right before the Rain of Rasenshurikens were about to crash into them, they all suddenly vanished into the thin air.

Sonia: ?!

Naruto: Damn... It still needs more practicing.

Akashi: *Thinking* "That would have been dangerous if it had hit us" No more Sage mode eyy?

Narrator: Naruto's sage eyes had disappeared as his sage mode ran out.

Naruto: *pant, Pant*

Akashi: *huff... Huff* Sonia... It's time to retreat.

Sonia: Right.

Narrator: Sonia was standing right behind Akashi, while Naruto and his clone were standing ten meters ahead.

Naruto: Like I would let you!

Akashi: Too late!

Narrator: Akashi started performing some hand seals, but right before his was able to finishing it, he felt something cold and sharp at his neck. As he looked down, he discovered that it was a kunai. From behind him, you could see Naruto standing, holding his kunai against Akashi's neck (Kakashi style:p).

Akashi and Sonia: ?!

Akashi: Wha... But you're still in front of me?!

Naruto: You shouldn't listen to everything your opponent tells you.

Akashi: !! Don't tell me?

Narrator: A flashback was seen...
"Naruto: This isn't a normal shadow clone technique... Those clones I create are perfect copies of me. Beside the endurance, they can withstand as much damage as me and do all the techniques I can... However, this takes a lot a chakra away and hence, I can only do two at max."

Naruto: Exactly... I lied when I said two clones was my limit. I'm able to make three and I hid one without you noticing.

Narrator: As he said, he suddenly vanished and appeared behind Sonia, putting her in the same trap.

Sonia: ?!

Naruto: Even though we aren't fighting, you shouldn't let your guard down. I'm still able to use the Flying Thunder God, even without Sage mode.

Akashi: ...

Narrator: One of Naruto’s clones were still standing in front of them while the other one were holding Akashi trapped, while the original where holding Sonia.

Naruto: While we're at it, why don't I share a secret with you.

Akashi: ...

Naruto: You see, you thought you had me surrounded, by luring me away from the rest. But the thing is, that was my plan all along.

Sonia: ?!

Akashi: What do you mean?

Naruto: Since I was able to fight you by myself, i didn't have to worry about the others getting hurt or caught into the crossfire. That's why I played along and pretended to be trapped.
I might have underestimated you guys a little, but as I said, I didn't need to mind my surroundings when fighting..

Akashi: Ha! I knew you were a powerful opponent, but don't play me for a foul!

Naruto: You can believe what you want, but this was according to my plan all along. If I really wanted to escape, I would have done so.

Akashi: Really...

Narrator: Akashi had calmed down and were listening to what Naruto told him, awaiting the right moment to make his move.

Naruto: You said you knew about how my Flying Thunder God worked... You were right that I need to see where I'm teleporting... However, I'm not that careless, so I always have a backup plan. Not only could I have sent one of my shadow clones to the others and teleported there, but I could also teleported to the seals I've placed with them.

Akashi: Huh....

Naruto: Or I could simply used my new technique to cut down the forrest.

Akashi: So why didn't you? How can you be so sure that the others are able to beat the two other members fighting with them?

Naruto: I don't...

Akashi: ...

Naruto: It's a matter of believing in your friends, believing in the Will of fire.

Akashi: Humph...

Naruto: You think the last technique failed, didn't you?

Akashi: *Thinking* "Any time now."

Naruto: That was also a part of my plan... You see, if I had killed you off, there wouldn't have been anyone to interrogate. I know Madara didn't die back then when Sasuke supposedly killed him... And now you're going to tell me everything you know.

Narrator: He pushed his knife closer to his throat.

Akashi: You think you're so smart eyy?... You think you have me trapped..... To tell you the truth, you know nothing about Madara and his plans... Haven't you thought about why Akatsuki have had an “appear and retreat” strategy all along? Why we have attacked different countries and retreated... Did you really think we were planning on capturing you here? You still got a lot to learn...

Naruto: What are you talking about? Speak up, or your friend here won't make it.

Narrator: Naruto were pushing his knife closer towards Sonia's throat.

Sonia: Akashi, do something!

Akashi: Huh... Like I care...

Sonia: ?

Naruto: !! What are you saying?

Akashi: Haven't you wondered why Akatsuki have only weak members now and days? I’m the only worthy one enough to be a part of this organization among the new members... The two you just took down, weren't even good enough as sacrificing pieces. Let alone.. It was a part of the plan for them to die... You see, we were only going to weaken your strength before the main battle.

Naruto: The main battle?... Why you scum.

Sonia: Please Akashi, stop saying nonsense, what are you talking about?!

Akashi: Wouldn't you do me a favor and shut her trap.

Naruto: Wha...

Sonia: ??

Narrator: Tears were coming from her eyes as she was shocked at his statement.

Naruto: *Thinking* "Something is way off here... She doesn't even appear to be a part of Akatsuki, yet along part Madara's side"

Akashi: Sonia... Madara didn't tell you, did he?

Narrator: Naruto and Sonia looked at him with confusion on their faces.

Akashi: What he told you about me was false... It's only you and the rest of the imbeciles that are doing this for the ones Kabuto have locked away... I'm doing this for Madara and him alone.

Naruto: ... Locked away?

Sonia: Stop saying such foolish things, I know you're distracted... I know you're trying to rescue your sis...

Akashi: My sister... Died a long time ago...

Sonia: No way...

?: Dad!!!

Narrator: Out of the forest, you could see Jiraiya and the rest arriving.

Tsunade: Looks like you got this one under control.

Naruto: What happened to the two Akatsuki you were fighting?

Shikamaru: One escaped and Lee took care of the other.

Naruto: Damn it...

Rock Lee: Why are you saying that?

Naruto: From what this guy here said, the new members aren't fighting for Madara's interests.

Sakura: What?

??: Narutoooooo!!!!!

Naruto: Gai?

Narrator: Entering the scene, you could see Gai coming as fast as the wind, with Kakashi, Gaara and the rest on tail.

Naruto: Kakashi, Gai, Gaara... What are you doing here?

Temari: You guys!

Gai: We received reports from our border control that six members of Akatsuki were going to attack, so me and Kakashi went as fast as we could. We even ran into Gaara's company and they decided to help too...

Gaara: But it looks like you got everything under control.

Kakashi: *Thinking* "So they're only down to two opponents.. One girl and ... Sharingan and byakugan?!! It' can't be... Him?"

Akashi: *Thinking* "Hmm... Looks like the planned failed now that reinforcement arrived. Better get to the meeting point and report to the rest."

Jiraiya: So you fought them of all by yourself dad?!

Hiruzen: No way, that's awesome! Your dad is strong!

Naruto: Ehehehe...

Narrator: He said as he scratched his back.

Rock Lee: Hey son, you're suppose to cheer for me! Didn't you see how I beat that other guy!

Narrator: He said as he punched wildly into the air with flames in his eyes.

Gai: That's the spirit lee!

Sakura: You shouldn't move this much around after opening 7 gates.

Gai: Seven gates?! That's my student!

Tsunade: *Kremt*

Akashi: as much as I would like to stay and enjoy this conversation, I unfortunately have to go... Later...

Naruto: What are you talking about?

Narrator: Suddenly his body exploded as Naruto's clone who were guarding him was taken out during it.

Everyone: ...

Sonia: *Thinking* "He... Left me??"

Naruto: That wasn't really what I expected.

Jiraiya: I thought you had him dad. You should have finished him off while you had the chance.

Naruto: Yeah, I thought so myself... Well there was something strange with this guy, I had to try and find out more about the current events.

Narrator: Everyone was looking at each other, trying to find an explanation.

Gaara: We still got her.

Naruto: ... Gai, Kakashi.. I want you to take her back to Konoha for interrogation. But be careful.

Kakashi: Right... Naruto... Did that guy remind you of someone?

Naruto: No.. Not really... You knew him?

Kakashi: ... He looked familiar. I just can't put my finger on it...

Gai: Ahaha.. .don't think about it too much or you will get dizzy.

Kakashi: Alright, let's take her back to Konoha then. Pakkun, thanks for your services.

Gai: Right.

Pakkun: No problem!

Narrator: He said as he disappeared.

Naruto: So that's how you tracked us down... Good old Pakkun. So Gaara, you guys heading to the Wave country too?

Gaara: Yes... It's the fastest way to travel to Kiri..

Kankuro: So we will be heading the same direction then..

Tsunade: Good... Then let's get moving.

Narrator: He said as his last remaining clone disappeared.

Everyone: Right.

Narrator: Kakashi and Gai tied up Sonia's arms as they were just about to set out for Konoha, While Naruto and the rest were preparing to move to the Wave country.

Naruto: If we leave now, we should be the....

Narrator: Out of the blue, Naruto suddenly fell over and landed with his face down.

Shikamaru: Oi, Naruto!

Jiraiya: He's probably tired after fighting that many at the same time.

Narrator: Sakura went towards him to take a look at him when she discovered his cut in his right arm.

Sakura: When did he...?!

Tsunade: What is it Sakura?

Sakura: This is no ordinary cut!... Naruto has been poisoned!

Everyone: What!

Narrator: Tsunade rushed to her aid to take a look at it.

Sakura: I can't say for sure what it is, but it's spreading fast.

Tsunade: It can't be?!

Sakura: ?

Narrator: Tsunade went towards Sonia and confronted her.

Tsunade: Where did you guys get your hand on this poison?!

Sonia: ...

Narrator: Tsunade started shaking her really hard to make her reveal where they got this poison.

Kakashi: Hang on, breaking her neck by over-shaking won't help.

Tsunade: Tell me now or you will regret!

Sonia: Okay.... Akashi got the poison from Kabuto. Naruto dodged his kunai attack from behind in the last second, but it snared his shoulder and gave him a small cut.

Kakashi: Akashi?!

Tsunade: Does it sound familiar?

Kakashi: I know I've heard that name before...

Sakura: Tsunade! The poison, the poison!

Tsunade: Right... There is only one cure.. I need everyone’s help to gather this.. We don't have much time!...

~ End Chapter 10
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Dec 3, 2009
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Jun 10, 2010
Trait Points
yay its finnaly here.

might i add 10 minutes is not 3 haha.

Once again a really nice Chapter, good action and development of abilities for Naruto.

He must have gotten very far to be able to actually make one handed rasengans/Rasenshurikens .

Good to see him failing in a very naruto way with the Futon: Rain of Rasenshurikens just like the first time he used his Rasenshurikens.
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
yay its finnaly here.

might i add 10 minutes is not 3 haha
Yeah, a certain someone stalled me:pxd

So you really release it I can't believe so soon:pxd I hope you make it nice and not messed it up in the pressure.;)
Sure hope so myselfxd Nah JK, I had already made it. Just had to color the names and replace bad sentences...

Hope you both will comment again when you've actually read it:p


Active member
Oct 28, 2010
Trait Points
I like the ability Futon: Rain Rasenshuriken. Very nice to have come up with that one :).

And the plot does have a nice curve here, I expect a lot more nice stuff from this point on!

Great job!
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Reactions: Michael92


Jun 10, 2010
Trait Points
I like the ability Futon: Rain Rasenshuriken. Very nice to have come up with that one :).

And the plot does have a nice curve here, I expect a lot more nice stuff from this point on!

Great job!
Indeed and not the first time he has been poisoned. By small cuts. Kabuto would definitely be devious enough to come up with a nasty poison against Naruto
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Active member
Mar 28, 2010
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It's awesome but pls, make naruto completely lose control at some point (maybe when they kill hinata, sakura or smthng like that). Make him use sage mode and nine-tailes chakra to full extent and make him wipe out few strongest memebrs of akatsuki in few moves. I know that it would maybe be quite story-breaking but it would be so awesome...
  • Wow
Reactions: Michael92


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Once again a really nice Chapter, good action and development of abilities for Naruto.

He must have gotten very far to be able to actually make one handed rasengans/Rasenshurikens .

Good to see him failing in a very naruto way with the Futon: Rain of Rasenshurikens just like the first time he used his Rasenshurikens.

Done and done

i hope you are not referring to me :D hehe
Thanks, and I stil got a lot in store for him:p;)

Yeah, that's what I thought when I gave him this ability, that it wouldn't be a success at the first try, but there is a twist in this chapter. Naruto said to Akashi that he called off the technique on purpose so that he could capture Akashi.. So, did he call it off to capture him, or was that just an excuse for not being able to pull it off?:p


Nah, it wasn't you:p

I like the ability Futon: Rain Rasenshuriken. Very nice to have come up with that one :).

And the plot does have a nice curve here, I expect a lot more nice stuff from this point on!

Great job!
Yeah, I've had that one in my mind for ages man. Feels good to finally share it:D:p

Thanks! I will do my best;)


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Sorry for the double post....

Indeed and not the first time he has been poisoned. By small cuts. Kabuto would definitely be devious enough to come up with a nasty poison against Naruto
Hehe, well I kinda got that idea in the last minute. I originally had planed for them to move on now, but decided on this little side-track:p;)

It's awesome but pls, make naruto completely lose control at some point (maybe when they kill hinata, sakura or smthng like that). Make him use sage mode and nine-tailes chakra to full extent and make him wipe out few strongest memebrs of akatsuki in few moves. I know that it would maybe be quite story-breaking but it would be so awesome...
Are you reading my mind here?:p
Well I might as well reveal one thing to you as you never quit wanting what I've planed, do you?:pxd

About death... Read the spoiler if you really want to:

Somebody close to Naruto will die soon, and something gigantic will happend.


Jun 10, 2010
Trait Points
Thanks, and I stil got a lot in store for him:p;)

Yeah, that's what I thought when I gave him this ability, that it wouldn't be a success at the first try, but there is a twist in this chapter. Naruto said to Akashi that he called off the technique on purpose so that he could capture Akashi.. So, did he call it off to capture him, or was that just an excuse for not being able to pull it off?:p
It would not be a complete surprise if he did say it just to cover it up. but yeah i see where you are getting at.
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Mei Waxton

Sep 9, 2009
Trait Points
Time to criticize,I meant comment.
Your chapter is good as always and now its getting interesting day by day you better release the next chapter fast,ah not fast as this much but soon.Now I really want to know who Akashi really is and yeah his name sound familer to me too.:p
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Jun 10, 2010
Trait Points
Time to criticize,I meant comment.
Your chapter is good as always and now its getting interesting day by day you better release the next chapter fast,ah not fast as this much but soon.Now I really want to know who Akashi really is and yeah his name sound familer to me too.:p
well it is sort of close to Kakashi :p
  • Haha
Reactions: Michael92


Jun 10, 2010
Trait Points
Hehe, maybe "we"'ll find out next time he uses it... If there is a next time that is:p

Damn... One should almost think you've become addicted to my FFxd Did you read up all the chapters btw?:p
I did actually and with time to spare, even though it took several minutes to load each chapter in turn.

And yes I think I might have become slightly addicted to it. I think it came from wanting to see more development in Narutos abilities and your FF has given him a path that I could actually see happening. Except for a few things here and there like him being able to use 3 types of nature manipulation. Then again he does have the ability to train like no one else with his shadow clones.

By the way if you want some one to proof read your chapters let me know and I will help you out. Not that many spelling errors just a few here and there :p
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Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Michael you have done it again, great chapter. Also i wonder is the poison more deadlyer then Sasori's. Plus I wonder how Kakashi thinks he knows that dude. But great chapter. I can't wait for the next one, so I will keep predicting on what is going to happen.
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
Time to criticize,I meant comment.
Your chapter is good as always and now its getting interesting day by day you better release the next chapter fast,ah not fast as this much but soon.Now I really want to know who Akashi really is and yeah his name sound familer to me too.:p
Hahaxd Nice one:p

Yeah I wish I could release them sooner.
When I first started, I wanted to write up till now right away as I already knew what the story up till now would be like, but it took way longer than I thought it would.

Oh really?:p You know him?:D

"To Everyone in generally":

"I've no idea when the next chapter will be released as next week is already filled up with work and school.
I might get some time during this weekend though, so we will see.

Hehe, well you can say this was an "10th chapter celebration early release" or something I guess:p

Well, I'm actually reaching the end of the already planed story. I know what will happend for at least 3 more chapters, but after that I have no idea. Before I started writing, I had already planed up until the actual meeting, but once it has started, there isn't really much that I know will happend without needing to brainstorm over it first:p"

I did actually and with time to spare, even though it took several minutes to load each chapter in turn.

And yes I think I might have become slightly addicted to it. I think it came from wanting to see more development in Narutos abilities and your FF has given him a path that I could actually see happening. Except for a few things here and there like him being able to use 3 types of nature manipulation. Then again he does have the ability to train like no one else with his shadow clones.

By the way if you want some one to proof read your chapters let me know and I will help you out. Not that many spelling errors just a few here and there :p
Hehe, good fighting spirit:p

Yeah as figured:p To be honest, one of the reason I came up with this FF was mostly based on theories I had, and I've included a lot of them already, and still have a lot to show;)

Hehe, you're not the first one who has offered such favours:p
xd Well as I said in my notes on the very first chapter, there would probably be some errors even (Microsoft) Word can't spot:pxd;)

Michael you have done it again, great chapter. Also i wonder is the poison more deadlyer then Sasori's. Plus I wonder how Kakashi thinks he knows that dude. But great chapter. I can't wait for the next one, so I will keep predicting on what is going to happen.
Hehe, thanks:)

Hmm... Good question. I haven't really brainstormed too much on the next release, so I'm not sure how they will deal with it yet... Maybe He diesxd:p

Hmm... Also a good question... You will find out soon enough;)

So... Any predictions?:D:p
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