Ruins of Chungsu (001)


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Coming From: [Rift] Fall Of Chungsu: Kurama vs Kotetsu
Kōtetsu returned triumphantly from the breach having succeeded in his task of defeating the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. He'd spent some time following the beast's defeat investigating the ruins to see if he could discover anything new that might have been missed the first time around, but it turned out to be a waste of time as nothing had come to light. In addition to his victory, the Inuzuka felt lighter. As if a large weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Though slightly, even the air around him had become softer. He walked from the rift and stopped a few meters away, clearing a path for any who wanted to enter and turned to the faceless one. “.…”

210 + 20
2,550 - 40

Solanaceae Interaction

As the Beastly man returned from his endeavor into the Rift, he was immediately welcomed by the familiar scene of that to which he had left behind. Whatever frame of time he might have felt elapse in that of the Rift, seemed almost negligible in nature upon resurfacing in the material world. The towers of marbled white still stood diligently in place, the granite streets flowing in perfect symmetry to the overall architecture of the city's layout, and its citizenry bustled about with life and the comfort of knowing they were graced with another day of peace and tranquility. Doubtless this would be a stark contrast to the world in which the Inuzuka had only moments ago been subjected to; no matter how real or fake it may have felt.

As he settled on his position, he turned his attention to that of the Arbiter, or at least the position one might expect to find them, considering each and every instance thus far they have been found idly positioned by the Rift. Certainly this was no exception, as the Being remained static in their place, passively hovering just above the surface that lingered beneath their feet, propped up only by the tendrils that fluctuated gently around their form. If not for the occasional ripple of what could only be called "energy" throughout the outstretched appendages extending from their back, one might possibly mistake the faceless Arbiter for that of a well decorated statue; forever vigilantly watching over the city square they remained within.

It took little time for the return of the Riftwalker to receive a return of attention from the Arbiter; at least as close to attention as one can expect from another that has no visage. For a short while, the cosmic being allowed for silence to linger between them, as though to encourage a sense of calm over the air that he had once again stepped back into after whatever tribulations he may have faced. With one final moment brokered with silence, the Arbiter offered a delicate tilt of their head as what felt like a form of expression in place of a gentle smile. "Welcome back, dear Child." The Arbiter's voice hummed outward in a span that stretched the distance between them effortlessly, requiring no additional uplifting measures to reach the man regardless of the gap between them. Shortly after the warming reception, she opted to inquire further into the conditions of his return. "You return with your health in hand which is a sign of victory, yet you do not seem like a victor this day. What troubles you, Inured Soul?"
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Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
[Coming from here]

It had been a long journey, but finally arriving at his destination felt like a relief. The constant war in Irkalla had left him wishing for a break from conflict, yet he knew he needed to explore more of these rifts that appeared around the world. The first wasn't much of a challenge. In all honesty, it was just a sad excuse for a warrior overestimating their power. Alas, this was a different one. He had most of his chakra, though he felt it would be best to finish topping it off. He sat down and began to generate the last of his chakra while activating his rinnegan before so he would be ready for anything within the rift. He'd sit and relax wondering if anyone knew anything of this place.
(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Chakra no Sōzō) Yin-Yang Release: Chakra Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (+300 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique ability available only to Yin-Yang masters, Chakra Creation pertains to the ability to focus on ones physical and spiritual energies and draw more from one's essence. This allows the user of the technique to replenish and regenerate a limited amount of chakra. This is done by clapping one's hands and focusing, meditating for a moment.
Note: Must meditate for 1 full turn before ones chakra starts to regenerate

Health: 200
Chakra: 2700
Speed: 16
Tracking: 88


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points

Arriving in the LM, the clone would continue to transfer chakra to the main. Wandering around, they locate their first objective; the rift. Sat nearby was a man seemingly meditating. Not wanting to intrude, Shirou would find a nearby rock and take a seat himself. His clone would stand behind him, aiming to replenish as much of Shirou's reserves before he entered the rift. The clone himself would only need a limited amount of chakra for it's own exterior objective, so it gladly gave away it's chakra.

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred)
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
Note: While increasing the Chakra cost of techniques by +20, it's effective potency is only increased by +10

Main: 1190
Clone: 790


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points

Arriving in the LM, the clone would continue to transfer chakra to the main. Wandering around, they locate their first objective; the rift. Sat nearby was a man seemingly meditating. Not wanting to intrude, Shirou would find a nearby rock and take a seat himself. His clone would stand behind him, aiming to replenish as much of Shirou's reserves before he entered the rift. The clone himself would only need a limited amount of chakra for it's own exterior objective, so it gladly gave away it's chakra.

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred)
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
Note: While increasing the Chakra cost of techniques by +20, it's effective potency is only increased by +10

Main: 1190
Clone: 790

While meditating, Horus could feel it. Someone, no, two people coming with the same chakra. A person and their clone maybe? Salamander looked around and showed Horus the image through their mental connection. His suspicions confirmed. They were just sat on a rock though. While still meditating, Horus decided to speak to them. "Hello friend, I assume you're here as curious about this place as I am? Do you happen to know anything about it?"


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Starting a Mission with the following element:
Establish a common goal.

The clone would continue on with the transfer while Shirou himself responded to the man. Shirou Kotomine. He introduced himself. Quite curios... these anomalies have sparked up quite the interest in the world in recent times. Rumours of beasts, monsters, and destructions circulate around them. Things like that often bring people of a certain type out. Would you happen to be one of them?

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred)
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
Note: While increasing the Chakra cost of techniques by +20, it's effective potency is only increased by +10
Main: 1290
Clone: 790


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Starting a Mission with the following element:
Establish a common goal.

The clone would continue on with the transfer while Shirou himself responded to the man. Shirou Kotomine. He introduced himself. Quite curios... these anomalies have sparked up quite the interest in the world in recent times. Rumours of beasts, monsters, and destructions circulate around them. Things like that often bring people of a certain type out. Would you happen to be one of them?

(Chakra Tensõ no Jutsu) Chakra Transfer Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (same as the amount transferred)
Damage: N/A
This is an advanced ability that ninjas with great chakra control can learn to use and that Bijuu possess innately. The user will release his or hers unmolded chakra onto another ninja, effectively transferring it. The technique has many uses, from restoring an allies chakra to releasing him from a Genjutsu or simply to give him more chakra to mold, allowing him to drastically boost the power of a technique. Tsunade could even use this technique, together with her Creation Rebirth technique to, in conjunction with her summon Katsuyu, heal multiple people at the same time during Pain's attack on Konohagakure. If used to power the use of a technique, the recipient of the chakra can boost one technique by adding +20 chakra to it which increases its damage by +40. To do this, the recipient must mold the technique while the user of Chakra Tenso no Jutsu is transferring chakra into him, meaning that both the transfer and the technique must be done at the same time. The transfer can only be done with direct contact between user and target and restores the targets chakra by up to 100 points per turn. The technique can even be used by ninjas with natural energy passively coursing through their chakra flows, as a medical ninja's near perfect chakra control enables them to filter the unwanted and sometimes harmful energy from entering the recipients chakra system.
Note: Only usable by bios with great chakra control (NB Medical Ninjas, Hyuuga bios, Canon Medical Ninjas). Bios seen using it in the manga can also use it.
Note: Cannot be used to power the users own techniques.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle.
Note: While increasing the Chakra cost of techniques by +20, it's effective potency is only increased by +10
Main: 1290
Clone: 790
Starting a Mission with the following element:
Establish a common goal.

He could feel it, the chakra levels of the two behind him were changing. One depleting and one raising. A transfer of chakra it would seem. So they were preparing for something. What could it be? Based on what the young man said, it would seem their interest was what lay before them. Were they seeking to enter? Did they think Horus was one hunting beasts. Horus had his own knowledge of rifts from a few weeks ago, but he wasn't going to simply give that information to a stranger of whom he knew not of their intentions. Instead he would play along and try and gather what information he could. Standing now with his chakra replenished he turned to look at who he spoke to.
Before him stood a relatively young man, pristine white hair and quite a toned build. Clearly from their chakra levels, they were a shinobi, but what kind he couldn't be for sure. The only way to probe who they were was through conversation. "I've heard the rumours of these lands. That these gateways hold secrets, beasts... monsters... demons even. Though no one speaks of them in detail. I'm here as one driven by curiosity. That and a break from the eternal conflict in the depths of hell. What, may I ask, brings a person such as yourself to these parts?" He spoke politely but he didn't feel it was right to drop his guard just yet.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Starting a Mission with the following element:
Establish a common goal.

He could feel it, the chakra levels of the two behind him were changing. One depleting and one raising. A transfer of chakra it would seem. So they were preparing for something. What could it be? Based on what the young man said, it would seem their interest was what lay before them. Were they seeking to enter? Did they think Horus was one hunting beasts. Horus had his own knowledge of rifts from a few weeks ago, but he wasn't going to simply give that information to a stranger of whom he knew not of their intentions. Instead he would play along and try and gather what information he could. Standing now with his chakra replenished he turned to look at who he spoke to.

Before him stood a relatively young man, pristine white hair and quite a toned build. Clearly from their chakra levels, they were a shinobi, but what kind he couldn't be for sure. The only way to probe who they were was through conversation. "I've heard the rumours of these lands. That these gateways hold secrets, beasts... monsters... demons even. Though no one speaks of them in detail. I'm here as one driven by curiosity. That and a break from the eternal conflict in the depths of hell. What, may I ask, brings a person such as yourself to these parts?" He spoke politely but he didn't feel it was right to drop his guard just yet.
It seemed the man had heard similar rumours. But that was not what peaked Shirou's interest, it was the mention of hell itself. The Nara wandered if the man was speaking about actual hell or simply using a metaphor. Regardless, it did not show on his face, rather his peaceful outwards appearance was maintained. The comment did result in Shirou observing the man more keenly, taking note of the man's eyes. It seemed he had a knack or running into Dojutsu users these days. First the Byakugan & Tendogan, and now the Rinnegan. But was it truly him or was it these rifts that drew certain people to them?
I was born not too far from here, so I have an obligation to investigate. He lied. While it was true that he was born in the continent, his reason was one more rooted with pride and ego. Depths of hell you say? That wouldn't be the actual hell would it? He questioned. Last he heard the gates of hell were closed. Had the forces they once defeated be on the rise yet again?

Notably, the clone would have stopped channeling chakra, having reaching the required balance Shirou deemed necessary for combat.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
It seemed the man had heard similar rumours. But that was not what peaked Shirou's interest, it was the mention of hell itself. The Nara wandered if the man was speaking about actual hell or simply using a metaphor. Regardless, it did not show on his face, rather his peaceful outwards appearance was maintained. The comment did result in Shirou observing the man more keenly, taking note of the man's eyes. It seemed he had a knack or running into Dojutsu users these days. First the Byakugan & Tendogan, and now the Rinnegan. But was it truly him or was it these rifts that drew certain people to them?

I was born not too far from here, so I have an obligation to investigate. He lied. While it was true that he was born in the continent, his reason was one more rooted with pride and ego. Depths of hell you say? That wouldn't be the actual hell would it? He questioned. Last he heard the gates of hell were closed. Had the forces they once defeated be on the rise yet again?

Notably, the clone would have stopped channeling chakra, having reaching the required balance Shirou deemed necessary for combat.
A local it would seem. Maybe they were here searching for answers of the true chaos that roamed these lasts for the last two years. Lands lost to angels and demons alike. Those times were hell on all, his own orphanage was a result of the chaos and war that befell the surrounding lands in a torment of fire and war. Snapping from his memories, Horus decided to give some information to the man that stood before him.

"North west of here, in the lands of Earth there is a portal. It leads into the depths of hell itself, Irkalla. Within here the tides of beasts wash against the last stand. Warriors of the past risen to fight the beasts summoned from the void. Should these forces falter, the world as we know it will be consumed by chaos I believe." He let his words linger for a moment to allow their impact to sink in. "I believe, humanity needs to unique to aid in this battle, yet our strength alone is not enough. I hope these gateways offer either answers or a method in which to counter the encroaching chaos as it tries to spread."

"I plan to seek what ever is inside, head on, like the la..." He held his tongue. He'd been caught up in his own words, giving too much away. "Like those that who have been said to have faced such dangers. I'm not sure what lies ahead but it's something I must do. Though, what brings you here? Truly?" He looked at the young man inquisitively, curious of their intentions.


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Arriving from Here.

You must be registered for see images

Having finally arrived what was once the Ruins of Chungsu, it had been many years since Zhongli had last walked the streets of the great city prior to its destruction as a result of the rampaging Kurama. In truth, a large portion of him had imagined the city would still be left in the ruinous state it was in the last time he had seen it, despite all of the rumors he had heard of the quick upbringing of the nation that had adopted the region. Yet true to what he had heard, the city was a shimmering beacon of radiance; a brightness that belied the once scarred land that stood here previously.
As he wandered the streets, Zhongli had steadily found himself nearing closer and closer to that of the city's heart, where the Rift that was abuzz on the minds of all that resided within the city was located. It was most certainly difficult to miss; anyone would truly be oblivious to not see such an abrupt tear in the very fabric of reality like a doorway awaiting entry by those brave enough to cross its threshold. Yet as he looked upon it, he would notice that there were very few of the local populace that neared the portal; no doubt a mandate of safety issued by the officials of this nation to ensure no unwanted consequences would come to those unsuspecting.
Yet in place of the locals were several peculiar individuals that all resembled a level of uniqueness like that of Zhongli himself when contrasted with the locals, pointing toward the notion that they were outsiders themselves to this place. One was a hulking man that bore the markings of the Inuzuka upon his cheeks that appeared to be caught in an interaction with a near angelic-like entity he was none too familiar with. From there, two other men stood not far off from him, exchanging pleasantries and holding a rather informative conversation. He took this as a sign that they could perhaps know more about the Rift in front of him, yet given the start and ongoing of their conversation having no correlation to him, he instead opted to wait idly at a standby, curiously waiting to see what might come of their conversation that could potentially aid in his understanding of the Rift, or if not, then to await the lull of their conversation so that he might insert himself in a less disruptive fashion and inquire further into the Rift before him.

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
Solanaceae Interaction

As the Beastly man returned from his endeavor into the Rift, he was immediately welcomed by the familiar scene of that to which he had left behind. Whatever frame of time he might have felt elapse in that of the Rift, seemed almost negligible in nature upon resurfacing in the material world. The towers of marbled white still stood diligently in place, the granite streets flowing in perfect symmetry to the overall architecture of the city's layout, and its citizenry bustled about with life and the comfort of knowing they were graced with another day of peace and tranquility. Doubtless this would be a stark contrast to the world in which the Inuzuka had only moments ago been subjected to; no matter how real or fake it may have felt.

As he settled on his position, he turned his attention to that of the Arbiter, or at least the position one might expect to find them, considering each and every instance thus far they have been found idly positioned by the Rift. Certainly this was no exception, as the Being remained static in their place, passively hovering just above the surface that lingered beneath their feet, propped up only by the tendrils that fluctuated gently around their form. If not for the occasional ripple of what could only be called "energy" throughout the outstretched appendages extending from their back, one might possibly mistake the faceless Arbiter for that of a well decorated statue; forever vigilantly watching over the city square they remained within.

It took little time for the return of the Riftwalker to receive a return of attention from the Arbiter; at least as close to attention as one can expect from another that has no visage. For a short while, the cosmic being allowed for silence to linger between them, as though to encourage a sense of calm over the air that he had once again stepped back into after whatever tribulations he may have faced. With one final moment brokered with silence, the Arbiter offered a delicate tilt of their head as what felt like a form of expression in place of a gentle smile. "Welcome back, dear Child." The Arbiter's voice hummed outward in a span that stretched the distance between them effortlessly, requiring no additional uplifting measures to reach the man regardless of the gap between them. Shortly after the warming reception, she opted to inquire further into the conditions of his return. "You return with your health in hand which is a sign of victory, yet you do not seem like a victor this day. What troubles you, Inured Soul?"
Kōtetsu was quiet for a moment, and when he moved to answer the faceless one several individuals arrived in the vicinity of the rift, one of whom he recognized from his time in Irkalla. He listened to them as they spoke while gathering his own thoughts regarding his experience in the rift. “I did defeat the Nine-Tailed Demon-Fox,” he began as he once again gazed toward the faceless one. “But save for the fact that I saw it for what it was, an angry, confused animal that wasn't in its right mind, nothing new was gained.”

The Inuzuka thought back to his encounter with the One-Tail years ago in the Threshold alongside the other Champions of Humanity. It had gone on a rampage following its host being knocked unconscious, yet still retained enough self-awareness to fight properly. Even the Five-Tailed Beast he had fought after that in Darkcloud Peak was intelligent enough to identify the more dangerous target between himself and Strix and prioritize which to target for elimination first. But the Nine-Tails he encountered in the rift, the one that had attacked Chungsu all those years ago, was different. It destroyed everything around it as it lashed out in uncontrolled fury with no regard for its own wellbeing, unlike the other tailed beasts he had met before. It was as if it wasn't in its right mind.

He sighed. “It was an empty victory. ”


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Kōtetsu was quiet for a moment, and when he moved to answer the faceless one several individuals arrived in the vicinity of the rift, one of whom he recognized from his time in Irkalla. He listened to them as they spoke while gathering his own thoughts regarding his experience in the rift. “I did defeat the Nine-Tailed Demon-Fox,” he began as he once again gazed toward the faceless one. “But save for the fact that I saw it for what it was, an angry, confused animal that wasn't in its right mind, nothing new was gained.”
The Inuzuka thought back to his encounter with the One-Tail years ago in the Threshold alongside the other Champions of Humanity. It had gone on a rampage following its host being knocked unconscious, yet still retained enough self-awareness to fight properly. Even the Five-Tailed Beast he had fought after that in Darkcloud Peak was intelligent enough to identify the more dangerous target between himself and Strix and prioritize which to target for elimination first. But the Nine-Tails he encountered in the rift, the one that had attacked Chungsu all those years ago, was different. It destroyed everything around it as it lashed out in uncontrolled fury with no regard for its own wellbeing, unlike the other tailed beasts he had met before. It was as if it wasn't in its right mind.
He sighed. “It was an empty victory. ”
Coming from [x]

The two had arrived at the ruins. Upon arrival, they met a very familiar face looking towards some other random entity. A former ally that he had assisted taking down the Basmu itself, Alucard recognized his chakra immediately.

Hooh.. Kotetsu? Here to challenge another beast eh..
Alucard already knew there was a Rift here from before, infact, Lilith had resurrected three fallen shinobi that had failed the challenge within it. He also knew sort of what the challenge was.

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

The two had arrived at the ruins. Upon arrival, they met a very familiar face looking towards some other random entity. A former ally that he had assisted taking down the Basmu itself, Alucard recognized his chakra immediately.

Hooh.. Kotetsu? Here to challenge another beast eh..
Alucard already knew there was a Rift here from before, infact, Lilith had resurrected three fallen shinobi that had failed the challenge within it. He also knew sort of what the challenge was.
Having already caught his scent the moment he entered the Hanguri Gulf, the Inuzuka wasn’t surprised by Alucard’s arrival. Turning his attention from the faceless woman, gaze landed upon his acquaintance’s cat eared companion.

“It’s Kōtetsu,” he said with a slight hint of annoyance as he corrected Alucard on the correct pronunciation of his name. A name he had refrained from freely giving out after settling amongst the Fae of Annwyn. “And the Beast you speak of has already been felled.”


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Having already caught his scent the moment he entered the Hanguri Gulf, the Inuzuka wasn’t surprised by Alucard’s arrival. Turning his attention from the faceless woman, gaze landed upon his acquaintance’s cat eared companion.
“It’s Kōtetsu,” he said with a slight hint of annoyance as he corrected Alucard on the correct pronunciation of his name. A name he had refrained from freely giving out after settling amongst the Fae of Annwyn. “And the Beast you speak of has already been felled.”
It was same ol'd ōōōōōōōōōōtetsu as ever, Alucard thought to himself as he shrugged at being corrected. He hadn't really had time to think of a reply to his other statement before Lilith out of the blue started talking.

It's a pleasure to finally meet you Kōtetsu. Otosan has spoken grea.. he has spoken of you.. Sorry i wasn't there to assist you in your epic encounter but i'm pretty sure i'd be dead if i did so.. Glad i stayed outta that one. By the way.. Who's your friend there?
She had sensed the creation that was hiding beneath their clothing, something that Alucard hadn't even thought of yet but since she asked about it already, he thought he could've just as well just reply to his other statement.

Is the beast felled? No thanks to the three kunoichi's my daughter resurrected a few weeks ago that were lying.. Was it here?
He pointed at some random spots along the grass next to the portal and scoffed.

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
It was same ol'd ōōōōōōōōōōtetsu as ever, Alucard thought to himself as he shrugged at being corrected. He hadn't really had time to think of a reply to his other statement before Lilith out of the blue started talking.

It's a pleasure to finally meet you Kōtetsu. Otosan has spoken grea.. he has spoken of you.. Sorry i wasn't there to assist you in your epic encounter but i'm pretty sure i'd be dead if i did so.. Glad i stayed outta that one. By the way.. Who's your friend there?
She had sensed the creation that was hiding beneath their clothing, something that Alucard hadn't even thought of yet but since she asked about it already, he thought he could've just as well just reply to his other statement.

Is the beast felled? No thanks to the three kunoichi's my daughter resurrected a few weeks ago that were lying.. Was it here?
He pointed at some random spots along the grass next to the portal and scoffed.

Without even introducing herself the cat-eared young woman rudely interjected before Alucard could speak. By the way she addressed him she seemed to be his daughter, something the Inuzuka could confirm due to the similarities in their chakra signature, but he doubted she was his natural offspring. As if on cue, Muninn poked her head out from beneath Kōtetsu’s armor. “Kyuu?” She cocked her head to the side as she stared questionably at the girl who had sensed her.

“Kyuu!” Muninn squealed with excitement as she took to the air and circled around Alucard and his companion before landing on the head of the young woman.

Kōtetsu had no intention of sharing exactly what Muninn was at first, but seeing how she took to Alucard’s companion made him change his mind. “She’s a Fylgjur,” he answered. “Created after our encounter in the Kaizoku Sea.” The Inuzuka's eyes followed Alucard’s finger as he pointed to the tear in space behind him and asked if that was where the Nine-Tails was located, to which he simply nodded in confirmation.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Without even introducing herself the cat-eared young woman rudely interjected before Alucard could speak. By the way she addressed him she seemed to be his daughter, something the Inuzuka could confirm due to the similarities in their chakra signature, but he doubted she was his natural offspring. As if on cue, Muninn poked her head out from beneath Kōtetsu’s armor. “Kyuu?” She cocked her head to the side as she stared questionably at the girl who had sensed her.
“Kyuu!” Muninn squealed with excitement as she took to the air and circled around Alucard and his companion before landing on the head of the young woman.
Kōtetsu had no intention of sharing exactly what Muninn was at first, but seeing how she took to Alucard’s companion made him change his mind. “She’s a Fylgjur,” he answered. “Created after our encounter in the Kaizoku Sea.” The Inuzuka's eyes followed Alucard’s finger as he pointed to the tear in space behind him and asked if that was where the Nine-Tails was located, to which he simply nodded in confirmation.
The owl-looking thing realized it had caught the attention of Lilith, who at the same time realized that she had forgotten to actually introduce herself. However, since this being flocked to her in excitement they shared a sugar sweet moment of playfulness. As it landed on her head, Kotetsu mentioned it was a she and that she was a fylgjur. No doubt a mythological entity of a spiritual nature. Or atleast, the name of it sounded as such. Alucard caught the attention of what he said next, with high interested. He then mumbled to himself - ..Created? Lilith put her arms around the little creature and took her down so that they stared eachother right in the eyes. Her golden eyes met the fylgjur and her eyes widened while her cheeks turned red.

She shouted with great excitement. She then let her out of her arms to see where she would go next, but took the time to introduce herself to both as she bowed slightly to Kotetsu.

Sumimasen, i am Lilith by the way. What's her name?
Alucard had had enough of their companions taking up the scene too much. He was here to challenge the Rift afterall and walked towards Kotetsu while the other two were playing around in the background. He was now at whispers distance from him, no one else would be able to hear his words.

About what happened at the Kaizoku Sea.. Did something else happen after we defeated it?


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Without moving away from his potential ally, Alucard clapped his hands together and started the regeneration process. To challenge this thing.. He had to be prepared.

(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Chakra no Sōzō) Yin-Yang Release: Chakra Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (+300 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique ability available only to Yin-Yang masters, Chakra Creation pertains to the ability to focus on ones physical and spiritual energies and draw more from one's essence. This allows the user of the technique to replenish and regenerate a limited amount of chakra. This is done by clapping one's hands and focusing, meditating for a moment.
Note: Must meditate for 1 full turn before ones chakra starts to regenerate

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
The owl-looking thing realized it had caught the attention of Lilith, who at the same time realized that she had forgotten to actually introduce herself. However, since this being flocked to her in excitement they shared a sugar sweet moment of playfulness. As it landed on her head, Kotetsu mentioned it was a she and that she was a fylgjur. No doubt a mythological entity of a spiritual nature. Or atleast, the name of it sounded as such. Alucard caught the attention of what he said next, with high interested. He then mumbled to himself - ..Created? Lilith put her arms around the little creature and took her down so that they stared eachother right in the eyes. Her golden eyes met the fylgjur and her eyes widened while her cheeks turned red.

She shouted with great excitement. She then let her out of her arms to see where she would go next, but took the time to introduce herself to both as she bowed slightly to Kotetsu.

Sumimasen, i am Lilith by the way. What's her name?
Alucard had had enough of their companions taking up the scene too much. He was here to challenge the Rift afterall and walked towards Kotetsu while the other two were playing around in the background. He was now at whispers distance from him, no one else would be able to hear his words.

About what happened at the Kaizoku Sea.. Did something else happen after we defeated it?
Without moving away from his potential ally, Alucard clapped his hands together and started the regeneration process. To challenge this thing.. He had to be prepared.

(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Chakra no Sōzō) Yin-Yang Release: Chakra Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (+300 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique ability available only to Yin-Yang masters, Chakra Creation pertains to the ability to focus on ones physical and spiritual energies and draw more from one's essence. This allows the user of the technique to replenish and regenerate a limited amount of chakra. This is done by clapping one's hands and focusing, meditating for a moment.
Note: Must meditate for 1 full turn before ones chakra starts to regenerate
Kōtetsu was already growing weary of the constant stream of questions being fired his way, and opted to ignore Lilith’s and instead focus on Alucard as he moved closer to prevent others from hearing their conversation regarding their previous encounter. In truth, a lot did happen following the Bašmu’s defeat. Sif had succumbed to his injuries, the Beast Fang had grown inside of him and been removed by Iskandrous, and though they had thought they’d defeated it, the Bašmu had returned and wreaked havoc on the entirety of Toubusekai. Unless he’d been living in seclusion for the past two years, it was impossible for Alucard to not know about the disaster in the east, and the Inuzuka didn’t feel the need to mention how he’d been personally affected.

“I thought we’d killed it,” Kōtetsu admitted. “But it seems that all we managed to do was make it angry, and as a result an entire continent was decimated. It’s something we need to atone for. Something I need to atone for.”

He spoke quietly as well, ensuring that the others present would be unable to hear him as he watched Alucard meditate.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
The Nara listened carefully to the man's words, curios to know more about the situation in Irkalla. If the man's words were truthful, the situation seemed to be more dire than expected. The Nara had questions, one's that he himself would need to figure out.

Before he could respond to the mans question a set of people arrived, if you can call them all that. It was a mix of beasts and humans, a familiar face and some loud characters. It was quite convenient that the Inuzuka made an appearance, especially given the topic Horus had brought up. It had been some time since they last saw each other, but the last vivid recollection Shirou had was of the time the Inuzuka recovered from an explosive situation...

Nodding to his clone, Shirou would leave Kotetsu and the questioning to him. Shirou himself would respond to Horus' invitation.

Investigating this Fox seems like a wise choice for the moment. Based on Kōtetsu's word, we should be able to navigate rather peacefully. The Nara contemplated how the rift will function. While he trusted what the Inuzuka was saying, there was a lot more to discover regarding the actual mechanics.

Shirou would head towards the rift entrance while his clone stood behind the Inuzuka and the man, awaiting their hushed convo to conclude before approaching them.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Kōtetsu was already growing weary of the constant stream of questions being fired his way, and opted to ignore Lilith’s and instead focus on Alucard as he moved closer to prevent others from hearing their conversation regarding their previous encounter. In truth, a lot did happen following the Bašmu’s defeat. Sif had succumbed to his injuries, the Beast Fang had grown inside of him and been removed by Iskandrous, and though they had thought they’d defeated it, the Bašmu had returned and wreaked havoc on the entirety of Toubusekai. Unless he’d been living in seclusion for the past two years, it was impossible for Alucard to not know about the disaster in the east, and the Inuzuka didn’t feel the need to mention how he’d been personally affected.
“I thought we’d killed it,” Kōtetsu admitted. “But it seems that all we managed to do was make it angry, and as a result an entire continent was decimated. It’s something we need to atone for. Something I need to atone for.”
He spoke quietly as well, ensuring that the others present would be unable to hear him as he watched Alucard meditate.
With his chakra starting to replenish, Alucard kept his hands clapped together to finish the meditation. While he did, he listened to what Kōtetsu said to him. Indeed, the failure of actually ending the giant flying pickle right there in the Kaizoku sea had meant the destruction that the Tobusekai was now victimized of. The theory of simply having made it "angry" was not something that he agreed with. They clearly knocked it out and it fell straight into oblivion, the query was more aimed at if Kōtetsu knew anything of what happened straight after as they had went on separate ways after what they thought was a victory. But it wasn't really his business, all he knew was that the man infront of him had most likely grown stronger ever since. He did agree that it was somewhat their misjudgment that costed countless of lives for the time being. Perhaps they were destined to battle it again, but for now, it was time to get stronger.

You know, through these rifts we could perhaps reward ourselves with the power to take down that flying pickle once and for all. I am quite the man to hold grudges over my own mistakes and i can't look at what's happening over there with a clear conscious. How's about you come with me as a return of the favor i came with you?
As he kept his hands together still, he looked over at Lilith and and the fylgjur.

Those two though.. at this level, they're short of being an obstacle.
He continued gathering chakra for just a few more moment.
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