Kurland (164)


Active member
Oct 1, 2010
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The frigid wastes of Kurland remain mostly uninhabited, save for the few brave souls who attempt to mine for coal in the perilous tunnels and caves, constantly under threat of a save-in.
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Active member
Apr 29, 2009
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Coming From

It seemed that even going half-way across the world, Isako couldn't escape the cold. It was unfortunate that the riddles didn't lead him south, but the path was as it was, and the only thing he could do was walk it. Now on land, Isako continued on foot through Kurland.


Chakra: 1450


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Arriving from:

Arriving from:

After a brief yet memorable experience of sailing across the Aisu Bay from the region of Edo, the ship that Chise had boarded finally arrived at the harbor of the Sister Isles' most central landmass, where the majority of commerce and travel was conducted. She stepped off the ship and looked around, finding little more than a chilled, biting air temperature accompanied by the brooding, hardened expressions of all those that were there. It was a drastic contrast to the bustling life the other harbor exhibited, though warmer, more tolerable weather might afford that sort of energy and life to those that live in it. She brought her bare hands up, cupping them over her mouth as she breathed gently into them, passing a glance around her before eyeing another ship that was calling out for a departure across the Gaikotsu Bay toward "Kurland". She took a glance at her map, following the line that was drawn across it, leading through several regions that seemed to all guide toward one final destination in mind. With a nod of resolution, she shuffled her way toward the next boat she was meant to take in her journey. After the first awkward encounter she had with the previous dock-master, she felt slightly more comfortable with conversing with them, at least enough to get out her desire to board and knew the information she needed to have ready now as well. Once all was arranged, Chise rushed off to the boarding bridge of the ship, climbing across it and onto the main deck of the ship where she waited for it to depart for her next destination.

LLM (187) < (164)

Upon arrival to the region of Kurland after her transition across the Gaikotsu Bay from the Sister Isles, Chise stepped off the ship she had taken to get there. She looked around, taking in the similarly icy climate and bitter faces, most smudged in grime and dirt. It seemed apparent that the region she was now in was known primarily for its mining expeditions for natural minerals; difficult work, but necessary for the functionality of so much across the known world. After having been in the Northern regions for awhile, she had managed to get some more appropriate clothes; a thicker jacket accompanied by a heavier skirt that kept her warmer than she ever would want to be back in the Badlands where Tsumigakure was based. Raising her map into view, Chise eyed it's contents for a moment to make sure she was headed in the right direction, realizing that she was now done with water travel, at least for a little while, until she'd cross the current continent she had just landed on. With a few more regions to cross before reaching her destination, she made a point to restock on what little supplies she could need, such as portable food and water, before setting off to the Eastern-most stretch of this particular region, onward to the next.

LLM (164) < (169)


Mar 5, 2020
Trait Points
Arriving from:

Arriving from:

Having made their venture across the region of Shalewood, Chise and Mirabelle crossed the border into that of Ōkuninushi’s Peak, where they moved through the mountainous ranges, utilizing what warm clothing they had with them to fend off the chilling air that rolled off of the peaks, motivating them to push onward with haste to close the gap between here and their next destination.

Bridging the distance between the region of Ōkuninushi’s Peak and Kurland, Chise and Mirabelle continue their footwork across the continent to find their next crossing milestone to continue their venture home, to the village of Tsumigakure. Upon arriving at the Kurland harbor, they found accommodations once again to travel across Gaikotsu Bay toward the Sister Isles.

Permission given by @Nakiri to navigate their bio Mirabelle Hayabusa across the following travel log:
Starting: Owatatsumi ( 214 )
Traveling across: Shalewood ( 171 ) < Ōkuninushi’s Peak ( 169 ) < Kurland ( 164 ) < Sister Isles ( 187 ) < Edo ( 113 ) < Warenaiwa ( 114 )
Final Destination: Graveyard of Sin ( 115 )

Chise & Mirabelle LLM ( 164 ) < ( 187 )


Active member
Apr 3, 2009
Trait Points
-Coming from Here

Making sure to tread carefully, Enma progress onward across the icy plains. Passing and taking cover in some open mines when the weather would become to treacherous for him in his weakened state. Slowly though, he kept moving on.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]
Storyboard Mission Element(s):
  • Establish control over a hostile area
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He saw land after a few days swaying over the top of the Gaikotsu Bay, adrift from land and people. He was secretly staying behind unlike the Admiral, just to check for traces of the enemies they had defeated together. Enemies that had their roots in an old cave system under the Valley of Frost but he had found nothing and was prepared to head back. The coasts of a ragged icy plain would carve itself into the horizon and he would land there after dissolving his gravitational platform into the pieces it consisted from by removing the gravitational pull that held them together. He would lose the feeling of his feet quite fast due to the immense cold as he touched down.

..Where the hell am i.

He was in a place had had no memory of, it was certainly not the the place he had left from. A kindling feeling of death started to spread throughout his body, it wasn't just the cold that was getting to him. Something else was impacting him, something he had not felt before. It was affecting his chakra directly and made him feel weakened to the point that his muscles also started to restrain. Before collapsing in the snow, Alucard would use his chakra to create a small but uncompromised pit of molten metal around him, in case he would be attacked by something but mainly to regain some heat to his rapidly freezing body. He chose this element rather than the fire release due to the fact the metal had high resistance to cold and would not decrease in temperature whatsoever even due to this blizzard. His sword radiated slightly, feeding into the technique and boosted it accordingly.

(Bisumaton: Kamigami no umi | Bismuth release: Sea of gods)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S(C)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(15) + 10
Damage: 20-80(30) + 20
Description: Sea of gods is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the bismuth release. It can be created from existing sources(earth) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid bismuth. The force of the torrent of the liquid metal will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid bismuth may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to shape the land infront of them and create small or large torrents of the liquid bismuth, create a huge "sea" of the molten metal right under their targets or manipulate pre-existing liquid bismuth to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, the bismuth will stay on the field until destroyed and does not require chakra to stay on the field. However, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Bismuth Above A-rank after using S-rank version.
Alucard sat to himself and hummed, the metal was starting to melt away the ice surrounding it, turning it into water which rapidly turned into mist which concealed his presence entirely to the naked eye. Yet another perk in the chemically planned reaction. He sat there and regained his body heat steadily but his chakra system was not repairing. For the time being, he could not perform high-end techniques whatsoever. His theory about a massively scaled Fuinjutsu barrier being the culprit seemed to be the answer to the decreased functions of his chakra pathways. His Tenseigan would reveal threads of chakra that was suspended in the air. Almost invisible, even to his dojutsu. He gathered up his chakra tried to destroy it with his barrier shatter technique. He pointed his right hand towards the ceiling of chakra above him and unleashed his chakra.

( Kekkai Kireme no Jutsu ) - Barrier Shatter Technique
Rank: B - S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20 - 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will insert their chakra into a active barrier to then interfere with the source and cancel the barrier shattering its shell.
Note: Must make direct contact. Regular Fuuinjutsu users can dispel Barrier Techniques B-Rank and below. Uzumaki bios can dispel up to A-Rank. Advanced Sealing Specialists can dispel up to S rank Barriers.
The barrier only dented slightly, almost seeming to laugh into Alucards face. Indeed, he was not advanced in the means of Fuinjutsu as to break the most potent barriers. This one was above his skill to break and unless he left its perimeters he would have to live with the effects it inflicted upon him. That being said, it left him the conclusion that he could not stay on his spot any longer. He leaped over the molten metal and started to walk more inlands in hope of reaching the end of the barrier. The blizzard kept hitting him harder and harder the more inland he walked and it got to the point he started to receive scratches on his skin and bruises due to the hails impact. He had to take cover and discovered an abandoned mining station a bit further north into which he climbed to shelter himself. The walls were depleted ore veins but the most interesting thing about the underground structure was that he seemed to have entered some sort of gateway with highly modernized walls and technology that took up the entire space at the end of the mine. A massive door, half frozen was left half open and an eerie aura of noise was being produced in the still lit up chambers. Alucard would proceed onwards with most of his senses telling him to go back. He was no coward, had no self-control or grasp over his own mortality anymore even though the barriers density seemed to push him down even further into the almost alarming stress of his chakra system. If it continued like this, it would probably become completely nullified. Not only that, but his entire body was starting to feel heavier. He knew of a barrier that had these effects, but to a much lesser degree. White walls, pulsating with red and blue crystalline lamps cramped into tiny spaces lit up the way infront of him, but the creeping feeling of death was starting to become too much for him to bear. His ego was the only thing that made him keep pushing forwards until he reached a small indent with a door. The pulsating lights would continue on the other side as it was revealed through the small window on the door. Alucard's Tenseigan was able to pinpoint something in there that caught his attention. A massive metallic head, attached to a large frame. It was dormant, but clearly the most advanced sort of tech that he Alucard had ever seen. He laid his arm on the door and blasted it open with brute force using his doton release to increase the weight of his fist for a greater impact.

(Doton: Kajūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Style: Added Weight Rock Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A ( +20 if used to add damage)
Description: The user will perform the Snake handseal and touch a given target (he needs to use his hands in most cases but can release the technique through his whole body if needed) for a small time frame. Upon doing so, he'll use the earth chakra to increase the weight of the target drastically. The technique can increase the targets weight up to 10 times. One interesting side effect of the technique is that when its used on wood based techniques (such as Zetsu's spore clones or normal wood), the infusion of large amounts of earth chakra into it will actually petrify the target in addition to increasing its weight. A similar effect can be achieved in other earthen materials such as mud. The user can also add weight to a given attack (if feasible) to increase both momentum and impact force, effectively adding damage to it.
Note: The weight change lasts 2 turns or until countered.
(Asshō) - Pressure Palm
Rank: C
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: 30 + 20
Description: The user strikes their opponent with a downwards thrust striking them to the floor.
The door flung open and a massive echoing alarm system would be triggered as soon as he stepped into the room with the massive frame. The lights on the walls pulsated towards the frame, enlightening it and eventually reached the head in the middle of the room. The sounds were extremely loud until the lights vanished after they had connected into the cranial point, which would seem to boot the head up followed by absolute silence. A silence that Alucard then would break. The

..Scientists, never ceases to amaze me...

Whatever sort of energy it was that had been inserted into the head was something that was not chakra which would probably make sense since the barriers presence from above ground was just as horrifyingly strong down in the this sanctuary as up there. It started to move and made a series of robotic sounds before it grew something that was akin to that of spider legs and jetted out of the underground through jet propulsion. Alucard looked up into the massive hole in the ceiling of the room. He had set something free that should've been forgotten. He grew a pair of wings on his back using his chakra and flew up to the surface yet again.

( Hone Tsubasa ) - Bone Wings
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user grows large bone wings from their back which can be used to fly or to defend. The user can also flap these wings and release bone spikes once per turn. The wings last for 3 turns.
What he saw when he resurfaced was something out of a horror story. The head had split into hundreds of small-scale robots, harvesting local sources of metals and gemstones. All reacting to Alucard instantly the second he was seen, flapping his wings in the sky. None of them had chakra and seemed to operate on something else as he could not neither sense or see chakra pathways within them with his Tenseigan. The machines would re-assemble themselves into weapons, some with wings and some remained on the ground and morphed into something that looked like cannons. He was their sole target, the only thing around for miles that could potentially put them at risk. The barrier didn't do him any favors either and must've been activated by someone else whom had traveled here and set off an alarm. Alucard had desperate odds against him as the morphing robots would all attack simultaneously, and he was unable to use techniques above a certain rank himself, hindering him from going all-out. The energy bullets that they would fire did not consist of chakra either, but rather a violent flickering bright light. From pure instinct, Alucard would attempt to absorb the energy through his dark mark as several shots were fired towards him and the other bots were on their way. Using the dark marks proved completely useless as the energy was not composed of chakra but rather something almost mechanical. Nanobots? The idea made him shiver as he was blasted further into the sky and smashed into the roof of the barrier, taking medium damage. His arm was damaged quite sincerely with a few broken fingers and a large open wound in the middle of the palm. The impact between his momentum and the barrier also came with a few broken ribs as he bounced towards the ground. He counted on his kekkei genkais to heal him right up as he stumbled on the ground but they had been disarmed. Instead, he would be coughing blood. He looked at it it with his palms opened, containing it. The color was, sort of off and it looked like it was.. moving around?

..Aids..I have aids now..

Clearly Alucard had been infected by nanobots that had been injected into his body when he tried to absorb the energy blasts from the drones. They seemed to suppress his entire arsenal of bloodline limits, as if the barriers negative effect on his chakra pathway system wasn't bad enough already. The fact that his blood line limits, or Chimeras in his case, had been cut off, Alucards bone wings would crumble and he witnessed the hundreds of robots carving their way towards him like a sea of carbon death. He was in a considerably bad shape but he would not give in to the hopeless odds that were stacked against him. He had unleashed this plague himself, he had to finish it, even if it would mean that it very well could cost him his life. He stood up from the ground, the blood would taint the snow and ice underneath his closed palms. He would make a run for it, facing the enemy and drew both of his swords in an attempt to cut most through some of them. They all stacked side-by-side and started to consume him. Each morphous carbon drone able to easily slice through his skin like butter and he started to feel his blood levels reaching extremely low levels but without giving up, he would slice through a duzen of the enemies with his swords which proved to be effective but not effective enough against this many opponents. Alucard was on his way of fainting, when he planted both of his swords into the ground and sent out a shockwave reaching up to mid-range from his viscinity with a pulse of pure lightning release that would completely disarm the bots that were carving through his body like vultures.

(Raiton: Chidori Nagashi) - Lightning Release: One Thousand Birds Current
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short (Mid if channeled through a medium)
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (+10 if used to boost weapon damage)
Description: This jutsu allows the user to generate non-focused electricity from their body. It can be used as an omnidirectional attack or be channeled through weapons, the ground or other conductive mediums. Because the electricity isn't focused, it doesn't kill on contact, instead it has great numbing and paralyzing effects. To channel Nagashi through a medium, the user needs to focus the technique into one of his hands which will then be put in contact with the medium and can only choose to either do a widespread attack throughout his whole body or to channel it into something; he cannot achieve both usages at the same time. Despite not having much destructive or damaging properties, Nagashi can be used to destroy low rank earthen and wooden structures and even negate chakra on the ground to stop high ranked earth and wood techniques. It has also been noted that Lightning Specialists that have mastered Lightning to the highest degree can resist total paralyzation, although they still feel the pain and numbing effects.
Note: Paralyzation lasts 1 turn if sucessful but is ineffective against bios who have a primary Lightning Specialty
His strategy changed drastically as he found himself stripped off not just his attire but almost entirely out of his skin too. He had to disable the barrier fast in order to regain powers he needed so that he could survive. The issue was that he was not out of danger yet when it came to the enemy either. The rest of the smaller bots would assemble into one entity, resembling the massive head that was underground. It let out a massive chilling roar with minor cuts in its robotic voice as it rampaged towards Alucard who crossed his two blades as it fired yet another blast of nanobots towards him. With a humoristic and cold tone, Alucard uttered, with blood in his mouth.

..H-haasht--aag.. Thwug.. Life

The combined force of the two swords seemed to be just enough to withstand the blast, which was of a higher density than that of any technique Alucard could've been able to potentially create at this point. The blast bounced off the two swords, which recoiled into Alucards chest and cut him slightly whilst ricochet towards the barrier which shattered into billions of pieces. Alucard instantly felt like a massive weight had been lifted from his back and he looked up to the sky and then back to the.. cyber bully. He applied a big grin on his face as he charged his body with Yang energy.

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.
While the Yang energy healed his massive wounds, it did not cure him from the influence of the nanobots and he had to continue fighting without his Kekkei Genkais completely. However, the impact of the barriers weight was now gone. He could use techniques to their maximum level. His Tenseigan flickered off and on, seemingly being the last kekkei genkai the nanobots were attempting to shut down. This made Alucards vision unsteady as he and the final opponent clashed in the snow. The two opponents would clash rapidly, Alucard with his two swords and the rapid regrowing in his body from the Yang energy would close the wounds his opponent inflicted upon him as fast as they were torn open, however the opponent was able to regenerate lost limbs as well as once Alucard would cut off a part off of it, it would simply re-attach itself to the main frame. It would seem like close quarter combat did Alucard no good against this opponent, and he tried to replicate the stunning lightning attack that he had used earlier which saved his life, but it would seem this opponent had picked up a few things and had introduced shielded circuits. He eventually broke free from their swift combat and gathered a massive amount of chakra and stringed together a few seals. He exhaled a massive stream of lava-esque hot metal that would vaporize the snow and cover up his opponent along the fallen robots on the ground and even the cavern that they had come from. His madness and anger was put into the technique, elevated by additional chakra using his krypton release and his sword to reach even more power.

(Bisumaton: Kamigami no umi | Bismuth release: Sea of gods)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S (S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 20-80(80) + 20 + 30
Description: Sea of gods is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the bismuth release. It can be created from existing sources(earth) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid bismuth. The force of the torrent of the liquid metal will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid bismuth may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to shape the land infront of them and create small or large torrents of the liquid bismuth, create a huge "sea" of the molten metal right under their targets or manipulate pre-existing liquid bismuth to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, the bismuth will stay on the field until destroyed and does not require chakra to stay on the field. However, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Bismuth Above A-rank after using S-rank version.

(Kuriputon: Basution | Liquid Krypton Release: Bastion)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Bastion is a technique that focuses on the noble prospects of the element Krypton as a chemical neutralizer and a thermainsulator. The Bastion technique works like an infusion which can grant afflicted and appropriate elements and techniques similar properties as long as they can coincide with being sub-zero and stable as a result. The performance of the technique occurs in the same timeframe as the technique that is being infused as it applies the effects rapidly. The thermainsulation properties granted is translated into a massive resistance to heat and radiance as well as cold as the element/technique that is infused has been granted the effect of thermainsulation. This translates, in clashes, into a debuff or shielding or residual properties of elements clashing with techniques that are empowered through bastion. Elements that are hot and clash with techniques infused with Bastion becomes cold rather instantaneously and loses one rank in efficacy which in shorter terms is a debuff. Fire and lightning would be two elements exposed to this as an example, other elements do not experience this debuff so low-energy or elements that can exist without having to put constant energy or fuel into it are not suspectible to this debuff(water/wind/earth) etc. Naturally, elements of solid nature would benefit the most out of Bastion as the colder any matter gets, it will ultimately solidify. Techniques that derive from elements that make up the Liquid Krypton element(Wind/Water) are suspectible to this infusion and can be used with it. Moving on, the technique has two ranks of infusion, categorized into the amount of chakra the user spends on the infusion.

The A-rank version will apply a hefty amount of chakra into the infused technique and the thermalinsulation properties will take effect immediately. A technique will become extremely dense and blank on the surface as the Bastion technique spreads through the entirety of the technique. A damage buff will be given of +20 to a technique boosted with the A-rank version. This rank will transform solids infused into crystalline formations that deflect sunlight like a mirror. Liquids will become slowly flowing with sparkling touches and gasses will become an icy slush-storm.
The S-rank version will apply a significant amount of chakra into the infused technique and the thermalinsulation properties will take effect immediately. A technique becomes much more dense with a crystalline and icy structure on the surface. A damage buff of +30 will be given and elements infused with this rank are also given the same properties as that of the A-rank version.
Note: A-rank version can be used x4 per battle and requires a 2 turn cool-down. User may not use any Liquid Krypton techniques above A rank after use for two turns.
Note: S-rank version can be used x2 per battle and requires a 3 turn cool-down. User may not use any Liquid Krypton techniques above B rank after use for two turns.

The avalanche of metal would casually sip itself into the empty crooks and spaces of the skull robot and make it unable to move while it started to melt its parts away. It did the same with the disabled pieces that were scattered across the battlefield, until the krypton chakra started to take its part in the play and instantly froze the entire technique and formed a massive crystal. The end result marked a spectacular fight and the frozen massive head would become a monument of their fight. Alucard now had to fight against the virus that had poisoned him. He persisted and went north east after having planted the Hellsing flag, claiming the landmark to his clan.

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Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from Bhandao (170)

The scenery didn't change much as Barney traveled along the shore just like his friend Ralph instructed him. Oh his right side, there was the sea. On his left, there was the rocky terrain covered in snow and the mountains in the distance. There wasn't much to observe and explore. Some moments, Barney counted his steps, some he would grab a rock from the ground and throw it into the sea, just to see how far he can throw it now. Perhaps he got stronger in between the rock throws. Perhaps not. With his brain buzzing, he trusted his legs as they lead the way.

Traveling towards Cloud Quarry (163)​


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
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Coming from Cloud Quarry (163)

Cold and ice started taking over his surroundings and Barney absolutely enjoyed it. Although he didn't complain, he felt as if he spent too much time in the warm climate. Being a Yuki, he embraced the cold. Covered with his dark cloak, hiding his appearance, he continued along the familiar path towards Bhandao, where his friend Ralph had a cottage. There he would set up shop and hopefully meet up with Ralph.

Traveling towards Bhandao (170)​