The Legendary Sage of Konoha: Kakashi Chronicles 1


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points

Author's Note: You better read Chapter 1-11 of the original series to really understand the events of this chronicle, but it's not necessary. Enjoy reading;)

~ Narrator: On a road through a dense forest, two shinobies were escorting a woman, tied up, back to their home village.

Gai: Not far now, Kakashi.

Kakashi: Mhm...

Sonia: What are you going to do to me?!

Kakashi: Relax... Just cooperate and you will be fine, we just want to know everything you know.

Sonia: ...

Gai: Well maybe not everything, just the things you know about Akatsuki, Kabuto and the rest.

Narrator: After meeting up with Naruto and the rest, Kakashi and Gai had been asked to bring this woman that Naruto captured during his fight, back to Konoha. It had been around two hours since they parted ways, and they were closing in on Konoha.

Gai: So, you think they will be fine, Kakashi?

Kakashi: hmmm? You mean if the meeting will go nice and easy? No... I don't think so.

Gai: Ehm... What do you mean?

Kakashi: I just have this hunch...

Gai: A hunch? About what?

Kakashi: Taking the recent events into consideration, I believe that Madara and Kabuto won't just step back after they "failed" to capture Naruto. They most likely have another scheme at hands.

Gai: Hmmm... Maybe you're right. Maybe we should head back after we dropped off this woman?

Kakashi: ... I don't know. Let's head back first and then decide what to do after discussing the matter with Konohamaru and Shikaku.

Gai: Right.

Sonia: *Thinking to herself* '... There is no way I'll be able to save my brother now... What should I do? Tell them the truth? Would I dare risk that? What if Kabuto and Madara found out, what would they do to my brother??'

Kakashi: Something bothering you woman?

Sonia: ... No... Nothing...

Gai: !! Kakashi!!!

Kakashi: ?!

Narrator: Suddenly both of them halted as they felt the present of a man standing behind them.

?: Where do you think you're going with Sonia??

Kakashi: You again, huh?

Gai: ...

Narrator: Both of them turned around as a man dressed in an Akatsuki robe stood behind them.

Sonia: ?! You came back for me?!

Akashi: Came back for you? I guess that's a way to put it...

Sonia: What do you mean?

Akashi: Oh sweetheart, I'm not here to rescue you... I'm here to put you to... Sleep...

Sonia: Wha..

Akashi: That's right, we don't need you anymore, and you know too much... Kabuto's orders. Oh and your brother? You can forget about him as he's no more...

Sonia: What are you saying?...

Narrator: Tears were coming from her eyes, shocked to hear what Akashi said.

Akashi: I personally killed him!

Gai: *Thinking* 'This can't be good.'

Sonia: Wha.. No?!

Akashi: Ahahahaha...

Kakashi: Why you scum, you will pay for this.

Narrator: Kakashi and Gai were standing straight, watching Akashi as the wind grew stronger and stronger. Leaves were flying around as Akashi continued...

Akashi: Now hand the girl over nice and easy, and you won't be in any trouble...

Gai: Hahahaha! Believe we have been underestimated, Kakashi.

Kakashi: ...

Akashi: ...

Kakashi: Who are you and why are you working for Kabuto and Madara?

Akashi: You don't remember me? I can see it on your face... You're wondering where you've seen or heard of me before, right? Well, since we finally meet like this, I might as well give you a heads up.

Kakashi: ...

Akashi: Well, it shouldn't be that hard, as I once was an Anbu Black ops from Konoha...

Gai: !!

Kakashi: ... Don't tell me you were Danzo's sec...

Akashi: Exactly... So you do remember?

Kakashi: I've heard of you... After Danzo died, you and two others vanished from our village and never showed up again... We thought you had either died in a fight or gone rogue.

Akashi: Huh... Well it's more to the story... There is something you don't know... Not even Hiruzen, Minato or Tsunade knew about it either...

Kakashi: Huh... Why would you be telling us this?

Akashi: You can think of it as my trump card on fighting you. Once I've told you this, you would probably be a little... Shaken up... You see... I know something that only me, Danzo, Kabuto, and two other Konoha shinobies knows about... Well if they're still alive that is.

Gai: What are you implying here?...

Akashi: You see... I didn't leave Konoha on purpose. My two team mates... My two best friends knocked me out by surprise and before I knew what hit me, I was suddenly Kabuto's experiment. You could say that I changed because of that. Not that I bear them a grudge or anything now... But the thing is, Kabuto told me something... Huh, at first I was sure that he was lying, but he convinced me eventually... What he told me was quite intriguing...

Kakashi: ...

Akashi: You see... He told me about my family... My real family. The one I had before Danzo took me away and manipulated me like every other children he has taken into his "services". The one he said had died during a fight. Kabuto told me that my parents were dead, but... Here comes the good part... That I had a brother... A twin brother, whom were still alive. He told me that Danzo sent two of his shinobies on a mission to steal me away and train me in secret. This happened the day when my mom gave birth to me and my brother. Only Danzo, the two black ops and Kabuto knew about this before Kabuto told me. My father... and mother looked everywhere until they gave up hope. Hiruzen, the 3rd Hokage ordered a full on investigation, but I could not be found. Of course Danzo kept full secrecy about this event, and did not ever speak of it again. It was declared that I had been stolen by some other village or rogue ninjas. They believed that I was dead.

Gai: And what is your point of this story?

Kakashi: ...

Akashi: Isn't it obvious? The reason I haven't made my move yet... Is because I wanted to talk, for the first time, to... My brother... My twin brother.

Sonia: Your brother?! What are you talking about?

Gai: ...

Kakashi: ...

Akashi: Hahahaha...

Kakashi: Why are you laughing?

Akashi: Oh don't act so surprised... I'm not just saying this for fun... Don't you get it? It's YOU I'm talking about!

Kakashi: ?!

Akashi: Yes... I am your lost twin brother!

Sonia: !!

Gai: ??... Kakashi, what nonsense is he talking about?!

Akashi: Oh this is not nonsense... What I'm telling you is the truth. I have a feeling that deep down inside, you knew that you once had a brother, Kakashi?

Kakashi: ...

Narrator: Kakashi closed his eyes for a moment, trying to make sense of what Akashi just said, when suddenly he remembered something that his father told him a long time ago, right before his death (Author's Note: 'Event takes place right before Sakumo goes to the mission where he chose to rescue his friends and abandon the mission; which led to him taking suicide later on because of people blaming him and such...').

*Flashback Starts*

Sakumo: Kakashi, come here for a sec...

Kakashi: What is it dad?

Sakumo: I'm going on a mission of great importance. I might not return...

Kakashi: ...

Sakumo: But I want you to know about something... One thing that might become important one day.

Kakashi: What, dad?

Sakumo: The day when you were born, somebody attacked your mom when she was in the hospital. I was just outside in the hall when I heard the screams...

Narrator: He paused for a sec, lifting his right hand to cover his face, before he removed it, and continued...

Sakumo: I rushed in as I saw two masked shinobies just about to leave the window with a baby; your twin brother...

Kakashi: Brother?!

Sakumo: They broke in through the window and snatched your brother. I chased them all night, but they got away. I never forgave myself for that.

Kakashi: ...

Sakumo: Your mom was so frighten... She didn't lose her eyes of you for a second that night, holding you in her arms as she cried. I was too busy chasing them down, that I forgot to call for backup. By the time I called the 3rd Hokage, it was too late. We never found your brother.

Kakashi: But... What... Why haven't you said this to me before and why now?

Sakumo: You were too young to understand... And I believe you deserved to know now. I still haven't given up hope that he might be alive, but I fear that I might not live long enough to see that moment. Ever since your mom died, I've lost more and more faith that I will live to see that moment... If he's still alive.

Kakashi: Why do you talk like this? You're scaring me dad...

Sakumo: Oh no need to be scared my boy... Even if I don't get a chance to see your brother, you might one day...

*Flashback ends*

Narrator: Kakashi opened his eyes as he had a sad expression on his face.

Kakashi: ...

Gai: Kakashi, don't tell me you believe in this guy?! Believe in what Kabuto told him?!

Kakashi: ...

Akashi: Oh there is nothing not to believe in... I'm sure you know that Kakashi has a birthmark behind his left shoulder?

Gai: !! How do you know that? Only those closes to him know that! Kabuto that scum!

Kakashi: ...

Narrator: Still with a sad expression, like he was completely lost in his own mind, Kakashi didn't say anything.

Akashi: How I know?! Because I have the exact same one!

Gai: ?!

Sonia: ...

Kakashi: So it's true then...

Gai: Impossible... I mean we've heard of this guy before... He was a shinobi of Konoha... How could we not have known?!

Akashi: Because of Danzo...

Gai: ...

Akashi: So... Brother... Are you ready to fight?

Narrator: Akashi activated both his sharingan and byakugan as he looked at Kakashi.

Kakashi: Gai... Take her back to Konoha... I will deal with him myself.

Gai: What are you saying?! We'll take him on together!

Not this time Gai... He's my brother and I'll have to deal with him myself...

Gai: But...

Kakashi: Don't worry, he won't be a match for me, and beside, he's after her so it would be smart to get her out of harm’s way.

Narrator: Kakashi placed his right hand on Gai's shoulder as he gave him a smile beneath his mask.

Gai: Hmmm...

Kakashi: Just go...

Narrator: Kakashi turned around as he lifted up his headband and revealed his sharingan.

Gai: I don't like your plan... But I guess I'll have to take her back then... And Kakashi, be careful.

Kakashi: I will, now go.

Gai: Right, I'll be back once I've dropped her off.

Narrator: Gai placed her on his back as he leaped away.

Akashi: Where do you think you're going?

Narrator: He went for Gai's back as Kakashi met him and blocked his strike.

Kakashi: You're fighting me now!

Narrator: After some clash, Akashi jumped back.

Akashi: Very well. Not so smart to send your buddy away... You would need his back up to take on me.

Kakashi: We might be brothers by blood... But I won't let you keep doing what you're doing!

~ End Chapter 1


As this chapter should be read after reading the 11 first ones of the original, I decided to put in a link to chapter 11:

Kakashi Chronicles 2:

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Jun 10, 2010
Trait Points
another suprise for the readers ;).

I think I mentioned something about his name and kakashi's and if we should take notice how close they where in a previous chapter :D

Can't wait to wait to see how this battle turns out
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Dec 11, 2009
Trait Points
This was a really unexpected chapter. Kakashi and Akashi to be twins. But let me ask this - did Kakashi's mother name Akashi or is this his root codename? Nice, Michael, nice... :p
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
should've know,Kakashi and Akashi,great job by the way
Hehe, it was in the cards for a long time:p;)

another suprise for the readers ;).

I think I mentioned something about his name and kakashi's and if we should take notice how close they where in a previous chapter :D

Can't wait to wait to see how this battle turns out
Hehe, I believe you did:p

Well, I'm not sure myself:p

This was a really unexpected chapter. Kakashi and Akashi to be twins. But let me ask this - did Kakashi's mother name Akashi or is this his root codename? Nice, Michael, nice... :p
Hmm... Good question:rolleyes::p Well I think Danzo had something to do with it, but I'm not sure if I will go to detailed into it:p

Looks like my prediction was right, he was part of Anbu and is part of Kakashi family. Nice Michael
Hehe, well I couldn't reveal it, now could I:p
But I kinda gave it away with the name, perhaps:p

I amires your work.I really does loves your work.:p Great job as allway, the suspence created makes me wonder if you actually rendered it on purpose.:D
Thanks:D Hehe, well it's suppose to be surprising, but I'm not always sure if it will make an impact on people or not:p

I guess the only surprises left are in the original and far away:p;)


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
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OMG I JUZ REALIZED THEIR NAMES WERE TOTAL OBVIOUS PROOF THEY WERE TWINS!!! hw did i nt see that, maybe i was thinking about dota, Akasha Queen of Pain XD Nice chap anyways haha, totally got me off guard, and maybe kakashi will lose and get abducted :O!!
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
OMG I JUZ REALIZED THEIR NAMES WERE TOTAL OBVIOUS PROOF THEY WERE TWINS!!! hw did i nt see that, maybe i was thinking about dota, Akasha Queen of Pain XD Nice chap anyways haha, totally got me off guard, and maybe kakashi will lose and get abducted :O!!
Hehe, well it was kind of wird for me to have an Akatsuki member named Akashi without something being fishy:p

Him losing? Well... Who knows:p

What an surprising chapter! I liked it
Thanks:p I was worried the chronicle wouldn't be as good as I hoped:p
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Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points
still realy good surprise xd
Hehe:p But I'm starting to run out of things to write about:p
I know what will happend in the three last chapters of the original, what will happend in Sasuke Chronicles 3, In Jiraiya 1-3, and also in the secret work I have, but I have no idea where Kakashi Chronicles 2 and 3 will go and what they will be about. Well sort off anyway:p