The search for Lena took longer than Cheryl expected, she had obviously wandered further than expected during the initial reconnaissance of this place. Cheryl had played dice and suffered one particular fool longer than she could take and so set off on her own to discover moon about this moon isle and hopefully bump into the one that had led her here.
Cheryl did a lot of thinking while she wandered around the winding market paths here, she had come to realise that she hadn’t any real idea what she was hoping to find, what she expected or wanted to see, didn’t know what a satisfactory outcome to this trip looked like. Then she realised, that was fine. Freedom felt different to what she expected, being truly free was overwhelming in many ways for someone sheltered for so long. She took a moment as a spell of dizziness overcame her, resting her hand on a market stall to catch her suddenly faltering legs. Was this still the effects of her chakra exhaustion from days before? No. This was something new, something entirely different. Anxiety? “Shake it off Cheryl, people are watching” she mutters to herself under her breath as she takes a deep breath to compose herself, steadying her legs again as she nods a sincere sorry to the owner of the stall she had bumped to find support.
Cheryl wandered, wishing for familiarity, yearning for comfort and then… crash. The bombshell is knocked back as she collides with an oncomer, she hadn’t even noticed her focus was off but in a split second of flickering pictures through her head she realised that the last leg of this journey had been a blur, she’d lost herself in passing glances and smiles from unknown sources. In her head she battled with her conscience “come on Cheryl, you love attention, you love limelight… what is happening?!” But that love was gone, in a new land even the basic principles of life seemed scary. Then she looked up, the one she had bumped was more familiar than most and Cheryl snapped out of her fog.
A comfortable demeanour returned to her body.
“There you are! Where did you go? I was looking for you.”
Cheryl notices the one travelling with Lena and extends a hand to her.
“Cheryl Blossom.”
She says, smiling politely through a slightly teary eye.
Cheryl did a lot of thinking while she wandered around the winding market paths here, she had come to realise that she hadn’t any real idea what she was hoping to find, what she expected or wanted to see, didn’t know what a satisfactory outcome to this trip looked like. Then she realised, that was fine. Freedom felt different to what she expected, being truly free was overwhelming in many ways for someone sheltered for so long. She took a moment as a spell of dizziness overcame her, resting her hand on a market stall to catch her suddenly faltering legs. Was this still the effects of her chakra exhaustion from days before? No. This was something new, something entirely different. Anxiety? “Shake it off Cheryl, people are watching” she mutters to herself under her breath as she takes a deep breath to compose herself, steadying her legs again as she nods a sincere sorry to the owner of the stall she had bumped to find support.
Cheryl wandered, wishing for familiarity, yearning for comfort and then… crash. The bombshell is knocked back as she collides with an oncomer, she hadn’t even noticed her focus was off but in a split second of flickering pictures through her head she realised that the last leg of this journey had been a blur, she’d lost herself in passing glances and smiles from unknown sources. In her head she battled with her conscience “come on Cheryl, you love attention, you love limelight… what is happening?!” But that love was gone, in a new land even the basic principles of life seemed scary. Then she looked up, the one she had bumped was more familiar than most and Cheryl snapped out of her fog.
A comfortable demeanour returned to her body.
“There you are! Where did you go? I was looking for you.”
Cheryl notices the one travelling with Lena and extends a hand to her.
“Cheryl Blossom.”
She says, smiling politely through a slightly teary eye.