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  1. Python

    [Mode] Learning to attune to your inner sage

    no no i dont have any training at all (jokes jokes xd) the first two would require to have Shima and pa atatched and infused already so there are set ups to the first two which could be a drawback but pretty simple. As for the last one i can see it be useful in situations but as you said it be...
  2. Python

    [Mode] Learning to attune to your inner sage

    Alright noted cheers for the heads up ^^ -lowers guard not expecting a stick whack- Right looking other both techniques i dont notice a lot expect that the toad has toad anatomy but only one question just to make sure im clear, the damage reduce reduces it just by when justu clash and passives...
  3. Python

    [Mode] Learning to attune to your inner sage

    -im gonna jam that stick up his ass if he bonk me again i think to my self rubbing my head- right i gathered it would be stronger but i haven't actually looked over them, i only tend to spend time on reading things im actually gonna get, but no questions your explanations are good clarity.
  4. Python

    [Mode] Learning to attune to your inner sage

    -puffs with you and is concerned, walks over to the spot like instructed- As long as you gonna do what happened in that infamous spot and that stick doenst go anywhere else we good, Now -sits down and assumes the position starting to mediate- Senjustu is the energy of all around in the...
  5. Python

    [Mode] Learning to attune to your inner sage

    Senjustu is the nature energy that is involved around everything, this could be people ourselves to the trees, plants, this nature energy then can be converted within ones body that is separate from the user. this senjustu charka can be made into sage mode by mixing the nature energy with ones...
  6. Python

    [Mode] Learning to attune to your inner sage

    Vincent waits about for his sensei to turn up.